Keeping perspective - Powercor

Page created by Benjamin Miles
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Keeping perspective - Powercor
While we prepare
for the future we’re
keeping perspective
on what’s important


2 Message from the CEO

4 Our track record

7	Delivering on our commitments
     Performance overview
     Never compromising on safety
                                       Number of
                                          in 2017

12   Responsible and safe operations
14   Investing in our people

16 Making it easy for our customers

20 Connecting with our communities

24	Investing in a smarter, more
    efficient network

30 Preparing for the future
Keeping perspective - Powercor
CitiPower and Powercor are the most
    efficient and reliable urban and rural
    electricity distribution networks in the
    country. We employ nearly 2,000 people
    in 15 offices and depots in Melbourne and
    across central and western Victoria.


Keeping perspective - Powercor
Message from
    the CEO.
    It is my pleasure to present our Annual Review for 2017.
    I am pleased to report that CitiPower and Powercor continued to
    perform well throughout the year, maintaining our commitment to
    providing customers with a safe, reliable and importantly,
    affordable electricity supply.

2   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Message from the CEO

In 2017 we delivered 99.99% and                These outcomes clearly demonstrate         our services.
99.97% reliability for CitiPower and           that our networks are as relevant today    The perspectives that our customers
Powercor customers respectively,               to customers as they have ever been.       and stakeholders share with us today
driven by a continued focus on robust          While this may be the case, we are         about how they value and prioritise
asset management and maintenance               focused on planning for the future         energy for themselves and their
programs as well as responsible and            while maintaining our perspective on       communities, as well as their role in
targeted investment in upgrading and           the things that matter most to our         the new energy markets provides the
replacing our assets.                          customers – safety, reliability and        foundations of how we think about
Our networks are the most cost-efficient       affordability.                             planning and managing a more flexible
distributors in the country, with the          With this in mind we are integrating the   network that is the backbone of
Australian Energy Regulator’s 2017             most cost-effective processes, policies    enabling customer choice, preference
Annual Benchmarking Report ranking             and technologies to deliver a more         and the utilization of new technologies.
Powercor and CitiPower first and               intelligent and responsive network that    I would like to take this opportunity
second for operating expenditure               delivers better, and equitable, customer   to thank our employees and partners
productivity, and fourth and first for total   and community outcomes while               for their contribution and support
productivity. The report also showed that      reducing average long-term electricity     throughout the past year, and together
Powercor is the highest utilised network       network charges to customers. This will    we look forward to working with our
in the National Energy Market at 68 per        ensure our services continue to be the     customers, stakeholders and
cent, while CitiPower’s utilisation is         most commercially competitive solution     communities as we continue to shape
amongst the highest utilised urban             in respect to electricity distribution.    Australia’s energy future.
networks at 53 per cent.
                                               We have started planning for 2021 to
We anticipate that utilisation of our          2025, our next regulatory period, with
networks will remain strong given new          preparation focused on incorporating
connections grew by approximately 2            into operations how our customers
per cent and customers increased by            want to generate, store and use energy
23,099 in 2017.                                and how they evaluate the value of

                                                                                                    Tim Rourke
                                                                                                    Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                                             Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                             Tim Rourke and Linesman,
                                                                                                             Codie Wills visit Yaloak
                                                                                                             Wind Farm.

                                                                                           CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review    3
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Our track record.
    Every day we deliver electricity to
    more than one million customers.
    CitiPower and Powercor are two of Victoria’s         Delivering a safe and reliable electricity
    five privately owned electricity distributors.       supply underpins economic development
    We own and manage the ‘poles and wires’              and prosperity and in this context, our
    that deliver electricity to more than 1.13 million   business makes a substantial contribution to
    customers in Victoria. Servicing a population        Victoria’s economic development, powering
    of nearly two million Victorians, we are             existing businesses and growth across
    responsible for the quality and reliability          the communities in which we operate.
    of electricity delivered to our customers
                                                         We employ nearly 2,000 people in 15 offices
    within these networks, that make up 64% of
                                                         and depots in Melbourne and across
    the state.
                                                         central and western Victoria – in many
                                                         areas we are a major employer creating jobs
                                                         for people who want to live and work in
                                                         regional Victoria.

    Werribee, a growth
    corridor in Melbourne’s
    west, is home to many new
    families and developments.

4   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Our track record

    Customer numbers                                       Regulated asset base

ü1,134,072                                             ü$5.9
                              across CitiPower
                              and Powercor with                                             $5,896.6 million
                              23,099 new                                B                   in 2017
                              customers in 2017

	Text notifications                                       Network area

                                                                                            across the
  sent to customers        2.5 million notifications                                        CitiPower and

                           sent in 2017 to inform                                  KM2      Powercor networks
                           our customers of
          M                outages
                                                           Network route
    Electricity distributed                                line length

ü16,689                                                ü71,249
                              across the CitiPower                                          across the
                              and Powercor                                                  CitiPower and
                    GWh       networks                                         KM           Powercor networks

    Distribution revenue                                   Distribution

ü$903                         $903.3 million
                              in 2017                                                       across the
                                                                                            CitiPower and
                                                                                            Powercor networks
	Renewable                   194MW of renewable
  generation capacity         generation capacity          Poles

ü194                                                   ü630,008
                              connected to the                                              in service across
                              CitiPower and                                                 the CitiPower and
           MW                 Powercor networks                                             Powercor networks

    Customer-installed                                 	Network availability
    solar systems

                              across the
                              CitiPower and
                              Powercor networks
                                                       ü99.99% ü99.97%
                                                           for CitiPower network            for Powercor network

                                                                             CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review   5
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Our track record

Delivering three new
depots in regional
During 2017, Powercor opened three new depots in Mildura,
Cobram and Maryborough. As a significant regional employer,
Powercor consistently demonstrates strong commitment to
the communities it serves.
The Maryborough depot employs thirteen people to service
the Maryborough and Castlemaine areas including
substations, while the Cobram depot employs nine people to
service the Cobram East and Numurkah Zone Substations.
And as a result of the opening of Mildura’s new depot on
Benetock Avenue, our team of fifty strong employees are
delivering more line maintenance, supply and asset upgrades,
new connections and renewable energy projects than ever







      Distribution Area

      Local Service Agents

      Depot Locations

6        CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Delivering on our
At CitiPower and Powercor we understand
that our customers want a safe, reliable and
affordable electricity supply. Our commitment
to this purpose is central to everything we do.
Throughout 2017 we continued to deliver on
our commitment with a focus on delivering
better outcomes every day for our customers,
our people and our communities.

The Melbourne Cricket
Ground, home to
Australian Rules Football,
is a world-class
sporting arena.

                                                  CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review   7
Keeping perspective - Powercor
Delivering on our commitments

    Performance overview

    In 2017 we continued to maintain our        Urban and rural distributors whole of network unplanned SAIDI average
    high standards of network reliability,      2006–2017 (after exclusions)
    achieving availability of 99.99% for
    CitiPower customers and 99.97% for              27.0        CitiPower (VIC)
    Powercor customers. Last year we
                                                      32.6        ActewAGL (ACT)                                                           133.0      Powercor (VIC)
    invested more than $460 million in
    upgrading and replacing assets across                       50.6        Jemena (VIC)                                                   141.0      AusNet Services (VIC)

    our networks. This investment, coupled                             65.7      United Energy (VIC)                                         143.0     SA Power Networks
    with our robust asset management and
    maintenance programs ensures we                                       70.4     Energex (QLD)                                              152.0     TasNetworks (TAS)

    maintain our strong reliability                                         75.0        Ausgrid (NSW)                                                  220.0     Essential (NSW)
    performance. Importantly we did this
                                                                                   88.6         Endeavour Energy (NSW)                                     261.0       Ergon Energy (QLD)
    without increasing household
    distribution charges from 2016 levels.
                                                0          25          50          75           100 (minutes)                    0    50      100    150   200   250    300   350 (minutes)

                                                Source: Victoria Power Networks

    Efficient network management
    CitiPower and Powercor continue to          Operating expenditure productivity index (2006–2017)
    be among the most cost-efficient
    distributors in Australia.                                                                                      0.963      Powercor (VIC)

    In its 2017 Annual Benchmarking Report,                                                                        0.923    CitiPower (VIC)
    the Australian Energy Regulator (AER)
                                                                                                            0.848      United Energy (VIC)
    ranked Powercor and CitiPower first
    and second for operating expenditure                                                                0.781       SA Power Networks (SA)

    productivity, and fourth and first for                                                          0.746       TasNetworks (TAS)
    total productivity.
                                                                                                    0.728       AusNet (VIC)
    As part of the 2017 Annual
    Benchmarking Report, the AER also                                                                       Jemena (VIC)

    released 2016 network utilisation data                                                0.618       Energex (QLD)
    which showed that Powercor is the
                                                                                        0.575      Endeavour (NSW)
    highest utilised network in the national
    energy market at 68 per cent, while                                             0.571          Essential (NSW)

    CitiPower’s utilisation is amongst the
                                                                                 0.509      Ergon (QLD)
    highest utilised urban networks at
    53 per cent. With 23,099 new                                          0.455         ActewAGL (ACT)

    connections and consumption growing                                   0.450         Ausgrid (NSW)
    by approximately 2 per cent last year,
    utilisation across both networks is         0                  0.25                  0.50               0.75               1.00

    expected to increase in 2018.               Source: AER Annual benchmarking report, Electricity distribution
                                                network service providers, November 2017

8   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Delivering on our commitments

We are committed to finding new ways
to do what we do better and to improve
the performance of our business
while focusing on attempting to
continously improve the safety of our
people, customers and the communities
in which they live.
Affordable pricing outcomes
Our customers pay amongst the lowest       Distribution charge per household
distribution network costs in Australia.   for the same amount of usage
In 2017, distribution network charges
                                                               ActewAGL (ACT)
for a typical CitiPower residential
customer were $283 per annum or                    $283            CitiPower (VIC)

23 per cent of the total electricity
                                                                    United Energy (VIC)
bill, and for Powercor $357 per
annum or 26 per cent of the total                     $357               Powercor (VIC)

electricity bill.                                                         Ausgrid (NSW)

Compared to 2016, our 2017                                                  Jemena (VIC)
customers paid 9% less in distribution
charges across CitiPower and                                                   SA Power Networks (SA)

Powercor respectively.                                                           AusNet Services (VIC)

In 2017, CitiPower was the second                                                Endeavour (NSW)
most affordable distribution network
                                                                                     Energex (QLD)
in Australia, and Powercor the most
affordable rural network in Australia.                                                           Essential (NSW)

In 2017 metering charges for a                                                                      TasNetworks (TAS)

CitiPower residential customer reduced
                                                                                                           Ergon (QLD)
by 10 per cent to $85 per annum,
while charges for Powercor customers       0            $200           $400               $600            $800 (AUD)
reduced by 7 per cent to $88 per
annum.                                     Source: CitiPower and Powercor analysis 2017

                                                                                                            CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review    9
Delivering on our commitments

      Never compromising
      on safety

     At CitiPower and Powercor, safety is our         Our performance                             Key safety programs
     number one priority.                                                                         and initiatives
                                                      In 2017, the business met all major
     Electricity distribution is inherently           health and safety key performance           In 2017, the business delivered a range
     hazardous due to the nature, size and            indicators (KPIs).                          of safety programs and initiatives. We:
     location of our assets. We are therefore                                                     • Launched Cintellate, our new Health,
                                                      We achieved a score of 89 per cent for
     committed to achieving the highest                                                             Safety & Environment (HSE) reporting
                                                      the Safety Leadership KPI, exceeding
     standards of safety for our customers,                                                         and management system. Cintellate gives
                                                      the stretch target of 85 per cent.
     employees, contractors and the community.                                                      management enhanced oversight of their
                                                      This indicator measured meaningful
     We have in place a comprehensive team            interactions held between leaders             team’s HSE compliance obligations and
     and associated structures for managing and       and the wider workforce, including            enables employees to quickly and easily
     mitigating health and safety-related risks,      contractors.                                  raise incidents and hazards, and conduct
     and we maintain a Health and Safety                                                            audits.
                                                      For the Management System
     Management System that is externally                                                         • Improved our incident and injury
                                                      Performance Index, we also met the
     certified to AS 4801 (Occupational Health                                                      reporting. Cintellate is providing better
                                                      stretch target, achieving a score of
     and Safety Management Systems                                                                  visibility around workplace injuries, enabling
                                                      85 per cent. This index considers
     Standard).                                                                                     us to respond more effectively to particular
                                                      performance against health and safety
     Our health and safety priorities are focused     indicators including timely close-out of      types of incidents. For example, a high
     on four key areas:                               actions, improving the performance            incidence of hand-related injuries in the first
                                                      of significant risk controls and reducing     half of the year led to a Hand Safety
     1. Ensuring we have a fair and just safety
                                                      driving accidents related to inattention.     Awareness Program. The program
                                                                                                    educated our employees about the specific
     2. Continuously improving systems and            Our performance in relation to                protection provided by different glove types
        processes that help us better manage          significant safety incidents has              to reinforce the importance of their use in
        risks and eliminate incidents that have the   continued to improve, with three              injury prevention. The program resulted
        potential to cause serious injury;            significant incidents recorded in 2017,       in a substantial reduction in hand injuries,
     3. Improving the health and wellbeing            compared to 13 in 2013.                       from 18 in the first half of the year (January
        of our people, both physically and                                                          to June) to nine in the second half of the
        mentally; and                                                                               year (July to December).
     4. Responsibly and safely operating
                                                                                                  • Launched our new Health and Safety
        our network.
                                                                                                    Hub, giving our people better access to

                                                                                                    important information about safety, news
                                                                                                    and key initiatives while building on our

      awareness for
                                                                                                    safety culture across the business.
                                                                                                  • Updated our Personal Protective

      men’s health                                                                                  Equipment and Clothing standards and
                                                                                                    requirements and developed and launched
                                                                                                    Fatigue Management Procedures and
      With a dedicated support crew,
                                                                                                    Guidelines, which included a new Fatigue
      67 employees grew their moustaches                                                            Risk Assessment.
      across 13 depots and offices as part                                                        • Began using the 5S methodology in our
      of Movember, a global campaign with
                                                                                                    depots (Sort, Set in order, Shine,
      dedicated programs focused on mental
                                                                                                    Standardise, Sustain) to help improve
      health, prostate and testicular cancer
      as well as general health and wellbeing.                                                      efficiency, productivity and workplace
                                                                                                    culture by encouraging crews to look at
      Nearly $28,000 was raised through
      sponsorship and numerous fundraising
                                                                                                    their working environment, engage in
      activities, which included discussion on                                                      problem solving and consider how the
      men’s health and keynote speaker sessions.                                                    workplace operates more efficiently and

10    CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Delivering on our commitments

Health and wellbeing
Through targeted educational and
intervention programs we aim to
improve the physical and mental health
of our people, to help us reduce injuries
and illness.
In 2017, we delivered a range of health
and wellbeing programs designed to
promote good physical and mental
health among our workforce.
These initiatives ranged from physical
activity programs such as stepathlons,
Corporate Games, pilates and yoga

                                            Prostmate – Employees take
through to a range of information
sessions on nutrition, hydration and

                                            initiative on prostate testing
sleep. We also provided skin checks,
prostate screening, flu vaccinations,
support to help people quit smoking, as
well as workplace and home office
ergonomic assessments.                      As part of our Health and Wellbeing             “When it was time for me to get the result
                                            Program we launched Prostmate, which             I was semi-prepared, but the urologist
We continued to build on our mental         offers male employees a free and                 dropped a bombshell when he delivered
health strategy which has been created      confidential prostate-specific antigen           the news that I had stage 2 prostate cancer,
around three pillars: awareness,            blood test and skin check, both                  and a decision on treatment options had to
prevention and early intervention. We       commonly used to detect possible signs           be made,” said Greg.
                                            of prostate cancer.
delivered this through a range of                                                           “The thought of having prostate cancer was
practical and accessible programs           With men making up 82 per cent of our            scary and daunting for me and my family,
including:                                  workforce, prostate cancer presents              and my workgroup was shocked when I told
                                            a real risk. The program was targeted at         them what lay ahead.
• A well-established peer-to-peer           employees aged 45 years and over, many
                                                                                            “The comforting thing for me and my family
  support program.                          of whom usually wouldn’t visit a doctor.
                                                                                             was the knowledge that because it was
• Our Employee Assistance Program.          More than 675 men chose to participate in        caught early, it was treatable, and surgery
• Mindfulness programs to help our          the CitiPower and Powercor program, the first would provide a good outcome.
  people manage stress, anxiety and         of its type to be run by an Australian company.
                                                                                            “After surgery I had 10 weeks off work and
  improve their overall wellbeing.          One-on-one sessions were scheduled with          was unable to do anything. I was so bored
• Mental health awareness sessions          a doctor to provide employees with results       I downloaded Netflix, I couldn’t even mow
                                            and general information sessions were held the lawn!”
  for our people and leaders.
                                            across the business. Fourteen employees
• Active support and promotion of                                                            Greg, who is now in remission, has a
                                            were referred for immediate medical
                                                                                             message for all fellow male CitiPower and
  public awareness days such as             consultation and three required surgery
                                                                                             Powercor colleagues.
  R U OK Day and Mental Health              to remove the prostate.
  Awareness Week.                                                                           “Don’t think about it, just do it – take the
                                            Greg Wood, Design Delivery Coordinator at
                                                                                             free test on offer and catch it early. If you’re
Participation in our health and wellbeing   the Geelong depot, was already scheduled
                                                                                             already feeling sick, it’s too late. I am one of
                                            for a prostate MRI the day the blood tests
programs are strong, and we will                                                             the lucky ones; what could have been a bad
                                            were being done, however he still undertook
continue to build our health and                                                             story has turned out to be a good one,”
                                            the skin check.
wellbeing programs to meet the needs                                                         he said.
of our people and ensure we create
a healthy and safe work environment.

                                                                                             CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review          11
Delivering on our commitments

     Responsible and
     safe operations

     Responsible and safe                            In response to an increase in the number         Immediate actions to reduce our risk were
     management of our network                       of network switching incidents, which            undertaken in December 2017, including
                                                     involves taking a line off service or putting    the delivery of the Switch On to Operating
     The overall health and condition of our
                                                     it back onto service due to maintenance          Excellence program at all depots. Project
     assets is an important contributor to the
                                                     activity or a fault, an independent review       Switch will continue into 2018.
     safe operation of our network, and we
                                                     was undertaken by KMPG in mid-2017.
     have well-developed preventative                                                                 Bushfire mitigation
                                                     The review assessed our network
     maintenance and replacement policies                                                             Rural Victoria is one of the most bushfire
                                                     operating activities against global High
     to minimise risks.                                                                               prone places in the world and given the
                                                     Reliability Organisations such as Naval
     Through our exploration of new                  flight operations, air traffic control and       hazardous nature of our industry, bushfire
     technologies, we have introduced a              nuclear power generation. It identified          mitigation continues to be a key priority
     non-destructive wood pole inspection            the relevant gaps, risks and opportunities       for our business with many of our
     tool called ‘Woodscan’ to enhance our           that we face in comparison to these              programs set against the backdrop of the
     traditional ‘drill and dig’ method when         organisations.                                   recommendations delivered by the
     determining the strength of our timber                                                           Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.
                                                     We identified 45 initiatives across six
     poles. This technology means we can                                                              In 2017 we continued to improve our
                                                     strategic areas aimed at enhancing
     more accurately identify unsafe poles                                                            approach to bushfire mitigation and risk
                                                     operational and corporate risk
     before they fail, and also avoids replacing                                                      reduction as we undertook extensive
                                                     management. This resulted in the creation
     healthy poles unnecessarily. Three per                                                           works to minimise the risk of bushfires
                                                     of Project Switch, a program focused on
     cent of poles that were tested using                                                             from our assets. This included the first
                                                     our people, systems, communication,
     Woodscan were re-prioritised for urgent                                                          zone substations to be fitted with
                                                     training and standards to achieve
     replacement, and 50 per cent were                                                                Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiting
                                                     sustained reductions in the frequency
     returned to service, avoiding premature                                                          (REFCL) devices that dramatically reduce
                                                     and severity of incidents.
     replacement.                                                                                     the chance of fire from our conductors.

     Leading-edge technology
     reducing bushfire risk
     Powercor is installing leading-edge technology        “It detects and cuts the energy flow within
     across its electricity network as part of a            milliseconds on the affected line, helping to reduce
     Victorian Government funded bushfire safety            the possibility of a fire being started, and then also
     program to reduce the likelihood of                    uses the remaining two powerlines to maintain a
     powerline-related bushfires.                           continuous power flow, to reduce interruption to
                                                            customers’ power supply.”
     The technology, known as Rapid Earth Fault Current
     Limiter (REFCL), will be fitted in 22 substations      Powercor, along with the other Victorian distribution
     within high bushfire risk areas at a cost of more      companies, is the first in the world to use this
     than $250 million over the next five years.            technology for the reduction of bushfire risk.
      After extensive testing to ensure the device could    “It is an exciting and challenging project, where we
      operate efficiently, we installed our first two        need to pioneer the use of REFCL technology to a
      REFCLs at our Gisborne and Woodend substations performance standard that has not been achieved
      in 2017 at a cost of $16 million. Another six will be  anywhere else in the world.
      completed in 2018.
                                                            “This work is putting us in a leading position to
     “A REFCL is a type of electricity network protection protect our communities from powerline-related
      device that responds to certain types of powerline     bushfires and reduce the risk to people in our
      faults, for example a tree falling on a powerline,”    service area,” he added.
      said Andrew Bailey, REFCL Technical Director.

12   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Delivering on our commitments

                                                                     Seeing our vegetation
                                                                     management in
                                                                     a new light
                                                                     In the summer of 2017, Powercor    inspection as it is much more
                                                                     used a state-of-the-art aerial     accurate and gets across our
                                                                     survey to take scans of            huge network area a lot faster,”
                                                                     vegetation across its service      said Wayne Evans, Vegetation
                                                                     area, in readiness for cutting     Manager.
                                                                     during the winter months.
                                                                                                      “In 2017 we used it to survey
                                                                     The Light Detection and Ranging 40,000 kilometres of vegetation,
                                                                     survey, known as LiDAR, involves of which we then went on to clear
                                                                     the use of laser sensors mounted over 65,000 spans of vegetation.
                                                                     on a helicopter or aeroplane to
                                                                                                      “We place critical importance
                                                                     measure the distances between
                                                                                                       on ensuring sufficient vegetation
                                                                     the ground, powerlines and
                                                                                                       clearance is maintained around
                                                                     surrounding vegetation, with
                                                                                                       our powerlines, so we can
                                                                     accuracy down to 10 centimetres.
                                                                                                       reduce the risk to our local
                                                                    “LiDAR technology has been         communities from potential
                                                                     a big improvement on our          fires,” he added.
                                                                     traditional ground-based

We also replaced 250 kilometres of            reducing fire risk through optimising our    practices. It also outlines the key
overhead bare lines with underground          vegetation management initiatives.           initiatives that are driving improved
cables, which reduces fire risk from                                                       sustainability outcomes for our business,
these lines to effectively zero. This was     Environment performance and                  our communities and our customers over
completed at 27 sites across western          delivery against commitments                 the long term.
Victoria at a total cost of more than         CitiPower and Powercor have                  In 2017, the business invested in
$60 million.                                  implemented comprehensive structures         programs to drive sustainability and
We installed 197,000 armour rods and          for managing environmental impacts and       mitigate and improve the management
vibration dampers on our lines in             risks. Compliance with environmental         of environmental risks. We trialled new
hazardous bushfire risk areas, and            legislation and regulation is viewed as      technology to improve the protection
17,000 in low bushfire risk areas at a cost   a minimum requirement, and we are            of water run-off to storm water and
of over $78 million. These devices reduce     committed to limiting where ever             improved our environmental performance
the likelihood of fires starting from lines   possible our environmental impact.           monitoring and data capture through
breaking due to wind vibration. In 2018       Assessment of potential environmental        the supply chain.
we will increase the installation of          risks and impacts is embedded                Key environmental performance
automatic circuit reclosers in hazardous      operationally within our business as part    measures included:
bushfire risk areas, which will help us to    of regular activities, and is overseen
reduce the chance of fires on Total Fire                                                   • Engaging Greenfleet to plant
                                              by the Health, Safety & Environment
Ban days by enabling the control room                                                        approximately 7,000 native trees
                                              (HSE) Group.
to prevent the re-energising of a line when                                                  on behalf of CitiPower and Powercor.
                                              The HSE Governance Committee                 • Recycling more than 300 tonnes
there might be a fault which could lead
                                              provides guidance and direction in             of scrap metal.
to a fire.
                                              relation to environmental issues, while
                                                                                           • Diverting more than 10 per cent
Our approach to tree cutting was              the Environment & Sustainability team
                                                                                             of total waste from landfill.
intensified, with over 65,000 spans           provides specialist advice and ensures
cleared – the most we have ever                                                            • Reducing electricity usage by
                                              employees are aware of environmental
completed in a year. We also significantly                                                   33 per cent since 2013 by installing
                                              issues relevant to their roles.
improved our vegetation inspection                                                           solar panels across our larger depots.
                                              In 2017 we developed our Sustainability
method, moving from a ground-based
                                              Framework which outlines our approach
program to laser sensors on aeroplanes
                                              to sustainability, including principles,
and helicopters. These improvements are
                                              objectives and metrics by which we can
part of our ongoing commitment to
                                              evaluate our initiatives and current

                                                                                            CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review      13
Delivering on our commitments

     Investing in our people

     Apprenticeships                              Diversity and inclusion
     and trainee programs                         In its first full year of operation, the
     In 2017 CitiPower and Powercor               Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
     welcomed 13 new apprentices into             made significant progress, focusing on
     the business, which for the first time,      the key areas of gender, generation
     included five female apprentices. Since      and identity. We:
     2001, CitiPower and Powercor have            • Launched the Women in Power
     trained 348 apprentices and trainees,          Network, designed to connect
     as well as 69 graduates through our            women across the business by
     two-year graduate engineering program.         creating a supportive, inclusive
     To attract women to the field of               environment that advocates for
     electrical engineering, the business also      and empowers all to realise their
     created the Women in Electrical                full potential.
     Engineering scholarship. We awarded          • Conducted an Employee Identity
     three scholarships, with recipients            Survey to better understand people’s
     receiving support in their final two years     experiences and opinions with
     of study, an assigned mentor from              respect to ethnicity and identity in
     within our business, and 12 weeks of           the business.
     vacation work experience before their        • Held generational focus groups and
     final year of study.                           workshops to better appreciate and
                                                    leverage the unique values,
                                                    expectations and skills that each
                                                    generation brings to our business.
                                                  • Ran cultural events, including Diwali
                                                    Festival of Lights, Lunar New Year,
                                                    International Women’s Day, National
                                                    Harmony Day and NAIDOC Week.
                                                  • Implemented a Family and Domestic
                                                    Violence Policy to provide employees
                                                    affected with support and information
                                                    on confidential counselling.

                                                  • Updated our flexible working
                                                    arrangements, ensuring that we
                                                    continue to create a workplace that
                                                    attracts and retains talent and reflects
                                                    the modern workplace.

14   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Delivering on our commitments

                                                                                    Leadership and training

 New faces proof of our
                                                                                    Our people are our most important
                                                                                    asset. As the energy industry continues

 investment for the future
                                                                                    to evolve, the capability and behaviours
                                                                                    of our workforce are critical to our
                                                                                    success. In 2017 we continued to invest
 CitiPower and Powercor is the largest     Since 2001, we have trained 348
                                                                                    in building the skills and capabilities of
 employer of apprentices amongst           apprentices and trainees, as well as     our people. We:
 Victorian distribution businesses.        69 graduates through our three-year      • Ran 69 development programs for
                                           graduate engineering program.
 In 2017 we welcomed five female                                                      over 300 of our managers and
 apprentices for the first time into our    Emily Pateno is a second year             leaders to develop both strategic and
 business, taking on roles as cable         underground cable jointer at Ardeer.      operational skills. This included
 jointers, electrical fitters and
                                           “It’s so easy to get up in the morning     partnering with the Melbourne
                                            when you love your job,” said Emily.      Business School to run a nine-month
 With an ageing workforce, the                                                        strategic leadership program and
                                       “Within a couple of weeks of starting
 business has invested in ensuring our
                                        my apprenticeship I realised with             launching a new program for 20 of
 apprentices are well trained, work
                                        the support that I have behind me,            our emerging leaders.
 safely and are competent to take over
                                        I can achieve anything I set my
 from those nearing retirement. The                                                 • Seconded two employees to
                                        mind to here at Powercor.
 investment is paying off, with past                                                  Wales & West Utilities in the UK,
 apprentices successfully making their “The business puts everything in               a business in the CK Group of
 way into leadership positions.         place to ensure we are the best we
                                                                                      companies, on a 12 month talent
                                        can be – the way they teach us, the
 Reverse mentoring has become
                                        tools and equipment they provide and          exchange.
 common across our workforce, with                                                  • Launched Career Central, an online
                                        the time and effort they put into us.
 the younger, tech-savvy generation
                                       “Apprentices  at Powercor are                  portal to support employees and
 coaching the older generation in the
 transition from old to new methods     incredibly lucky, it’s a very exciting        managers with career conversations,
 of work.                               place to be,” added Emily.                    development planning and skills
                                                                                      assessments. This also included
                                                                                      iLearn Central, a cloud-based
                                                                                      platform with content including
                                                                                      videos, webcasts and book reviews.

8%       of apprentices
         inducted into our
         business in 2017
         were female
                                                                                     CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review   15
Making it easy
     for our customers
     We are focused on providing our customers
     with a high standard of customer service.
     Excellence in customer service underpins
     our vision and in 2017 we continued to focus
     on making it easy for our customers.
     We regularly survey our customers seeking
     their feedback on how we can improve our
     services, and we consult on business and
     policy issues through our Customer
     Consultative Committee meetings.
     Our Powerful Customer Service program
     is focused on listening to our customers
     and taking responsibility for their satisfaction
     by meeting our commitments and ensuring
     our people follow through to resolve
     customer complaints.
     In 2017 CitiPower recorded its highest ever
     customer satisfaction score at 85 per cent,
     while Powercor’s customer satisfaction was
     87 per cent which equals its previous best
     ever performance.
     And for the fifth consecutive year, we were
     the two top performing distribution networks
     in terms of the lowest rate of complaints to
     the Energy and Water Ombudsman among
     Victorian distributors.

16   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Making it easy for our customers

                        CitiPower customer.

CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review     17
Making it easy for our customers

     Customer campaigns and                       customers have registered for myEnergy         To improve our response to connection
     launch of new portals                        and can see how their home or business         related phone enquires, we introduced an
                                                  uses electricity over a day, week, month,      Interactive Voice Response (IVR) service
     In 2017 we built on our digital capability
                                                  season or year. This personalised data         on our Connections Hotline. The new
     with the launch of mySupply, an online
                                                  can help them find the best electricity        IVR capability helps us with answer rates
     tool for customers to help them upgrade
                                                  retail offer using the Victorian Energy        and allows direct access to connections,
     and augment their electricity supply.
                                                  Compare website.                               which has helped to increase satisfaction
     Customers use the online tool and quick
                                                  In 2017 we eliminated all paper based          rates for electricians, retailers and
     calculator to estimate costs and submit
                                                  connections for Registered Electrical          customers.
     applications for works, including
     extending the network into new estates       Contractors (RECs), moving them                In attempting to improve our services to
     and for large solar connections.             to eConnect, our online portal. We also        life support customers we changed the
                                                  offered a Fast Track option to our             way we notify them about planned
     The benefits of mySupply include
                                                  large-scale customers. Fast Track              maintenance, by going above and
     allowing customers to gain ‘ballpark’ cost
                                                  reduces the registration, design,              beyond the minimum regulatory
     estimates, simplifying the application
                                                  scheduling and construction time for           obligations, and sending a notification
     process, driving back office efficiency by
                                                  projects with critical timelines for           to their homes using express post.
     reducing customer turnaround times and
                                                  achieving electricity connection.              The notifications can be tracked to
     providing a more traceable service.
                                                  We also released a public lighting online      ensure delivery, and where possible,
     In 2017 we continued to develop                                                             follow-up phone calls are also made
                                                  fault reporting tool which enables
     myEnergy, an online tool which allows                                                       to ensure customers are aware of the
                                                  anyone, anywhere with a mobile device
     customers to take control of their                                                          interruption, and have a plan in place
                                                  to use an interactive map to report a
     electricity bills. More than 35,000                                                         to ensure they are not adversely affected.
                                                  streetlight that needs fixing. The tool also
                                                  allows users to stay informed about
                                                  when the light they reported is fixed.

18   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Making it easy for our customers

  eConnect online
  applications portal
 eConnect is the online applications portal          Since its inception, CitiPower and Powercor
 for CitiPower and Powercor Registered               have been averaging 3,500 applications each
 Electrical Contractors (RECs). It integrates 16     month from RECs.
 systems from across our business and is
                                                    John Cutler, Managing Director of Keemin
 now the single platform for all our
                                                    Energy Solutions, has been using eConnect
 connections processes.
                                                    in his business.
 According to Brendan Bloore, General
                                                    “I found eConnect difficult to use in the
 Manager Customer Services, the platform
                                                     beginning, but since receiving support from
 is a ground-breaking project for CitiPower
                                                     Powercor to get it up and running it has been
 and Powercor.
                                                     a breath of fresh air.
 “eConnect is a great example of how we are
                                                    “The best thing about eConnect is it takes the
  leading the way in making it easier for our
                                                     retailer out of the process, things happen a lot
  customers to get connected.”
                                                     quicker and there are no issues with loss of
 “Although we’ve had some challenges, we             paperwork.
  believe the fundamental shift from paper-based
                                                  “I would say to any new user of the system
  connection applications to an online capability
                                                   if you have the patience to stick with it, the
  give us the opportunity to improve our
                                                   outcome will be fabulous for you and your
  responsiveness, reduce cycle times and
                                                   customers,” added John.
  improve the overall customer experience.”

000+                                                                          customers
                                                                              registered for
                                                                              myEnergy since
                                                                              its launch

                                                                                                    CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review   19
     with our
     We have strong connections within the communities we serve.
     With the majority of our people living and working in regional
     Victoria, we play an important role as an employer and
     in supporting the social and economic development
     of local communities.
     This includes purchasing local goods and services,
     developing infrastructure and facilities and consulting with
     communities to ensure our services continue to meet
     changing needs and expectations as the energy market
     continues to evolve.
     Our partnerships program is designed to build strong, deeper
     connections with our communities and our employees who live
     and work in these communities. In particular, our partnerships
     are designed to build healthier, more resilient communities,
     encourage diversity and inclusion, and empower more
     sustainable communities.

     The Renewable Newstead
     community meet monthly
     to discuss the town’s
     progress towards
     achieving their goal of
     100% renewable energy.

20   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Connecting with our communities

CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review   21
Connecting with our communities

     Tour de Depot                                Powercor Country Festival                     Western Bulldogs
     2017 saw the Powercor Tour de Depot          In partnership with the Australian Football   Powercor entered into a three-year
     charity cycling series return to             League’s Essendon and Geelong                 partnership with the Western Bulldogs’
     Shepparton and Warrnambool for its           football clubs, we delivered the 2017         Community Foundation and Next
     third year.                                  Powercor Country Program. The                 Generation Academy. The partnership
     More than 700 community members              partnership is designed to promote the        has provided a platform to celebrate our
     participated in the Tour, which included a   contribution that regional Australia makes    commitment to diversity and inclusion.
     10-kilometre ride and 20-kilometre time      to the social and economic fabric of the      The program gives our employees the
     trial. The Shepparton event raised           country, and to bridge understanding          opportunity to volunteer as mentors to
     $65,000 for Shepparton Foodshare and         and appreciation between urban and            young business leaders, become
     Inspired Carers, while in Warrnambool        rural communities. In its second year, the    ‘Adapters’ supporting newly arrived
     the event raised $65,000 for the Leila       Country Game attracted almost 60,000          immigrants and refugees, or help expand
     Rose Foundation.                             people to the MCG.                            mental health programs in Melbourne’s
                                                  To celebrate local heroes, CitiPower and      fast growing western corridor.
     Since its inception in 2015, the Powercor
     Tour de Depot with the support of the        Powercor launched the Game Changers
     local community has raised more than         program inviting communities to
     $470,000 for worthy local charities and      nominate women who were driving
     support organisations. These funds have      change and making a difference in their
     ensured that local charities can continue    local community. The inaugural Powercor
     to provide their much needed services.       Game Changer was awarded to Nicci
                                                  Wall, a mental health advocate located in
                                                  Geelong, who received $5,000 towards
                                                  her development and goals, and a
                                                  further $5,000 to Mind Works Geelong.

                                                                          $              1.91
                    Total investment in
                  community programs
                               for 2017

22   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Connecting with our communities

 A member of the public trying Virtual Reality     Our Women in Engineering Scholarship winners
 goggles at Open State.                            participate in Open House.

 Open State, Melbourne                           Open House                                       Renewable Newstead
 Design Week                                     ​ itiPower and Powercor once again
                                                 C                                                The Central Victorian town of Newstead
 As part of Melbourne Design Week,               sponsored Open House Melbourne,                  began the trial of a new residential tariff,
 CitiPower and Powercor participated in          offering the extremely popular tours             marking a significant step on the
 Open State, where we showcased our              of our CBD substations J and Russell             township’s journey toward achieving
 innovation in the design of the electricity     Place. In 2017 the program was                   their goal of 100% renewable energy
 network. We invited 40 visitors to our          expanded to include a bespoke virtual            by 2021.
 Market St headquarters to experience a          reality experience through our Spatial           In late 2017, the Australian Energy
 3D virtual reality session which focused        Design Team at our site office at                Regulator approved the trial Newstead
 on visualisation of the design process.         Waratah Place.                                   Residential Tariff which will be available
                                                 Our Diversity & Inclusion Working Group          to people within the Newstead area in
 As part of the tour, participants
                                                 extended the experience to 24 young              July 2018. It will remain in place until
 uploaded designs of electricity
                                                 women in Science, Technology,                    31 December 2020 when it will be
 infrastructure onto their smartphones
                                                 Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),              reviewed based on tariff uptake.
 and then inserted their devices into
                                                 studying in the electricity sector.              The partnership is a great example of
 virtual reality goggles where the designs
                                                 The group was given a brief history of           how distribution networks, communities
 were viewed in 3D format. Members
                                                 the site and the electricity distribution        and government can work together to
 from our spatial design team were on
                                                 sector, and participated in a tour               explore solutions that help communities
 hand to answer questions about how
                                                 showcasing how virtual reality and               achieve their energy goals.

 the technology worked and the benefits
                                                 3D modelling design software are being
 for the network, customers and key
                                                 used to expand the grid and plan for the
                                                 future at Waratah Place in Chinatown.

                                                                                                   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review     23
Investing in a
     smarter, more
     efficient network
     With population growth across Victoria increasing, and Melbourne
     set to surpass Sydney as Australia’s largest city during the 2030s,
     it is essential we invest in infrastructure and technology which
     ensures our network continues to be resilient and reliable well into
     the future. In 2017 we supported projects which will ensure Victoria
     has the infrastructure it needs to accommodate its fast-growing
     population, and we continued to take a cost-effective approach to
     upgrading and refurbishing our own assets.

24   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Investing in a smarter, more efficient network

Demand management –
Smart Meter Voltage Management
Specialist teams at CitiPower and          By using this technology, we can help          Fresh voltage data is then provided every
Powercor devised a demand response         ease potential electricity supply shortages    five minutes, ensuring we can maintain
initiative in 2017 which is pushing        and contribute to the reliability of supply,   a reliable source of supply for our
innovation boundaries and in doing so,     while keeping customers within                 customers.
contributing to the National Electricity   acceptable voltage levels. We believe we       And when SMVM is deployed, customers
Market. Smart Meter Voltage                are the first networks globally to be          don’t need to take any action. In fact, they
Management (SMVM) involves using           leveraging investment in smart meter           are unlikely to be aware it has been
smart meters to lower voltages quickly     capability to deliver voltage reduction at     deployed.
and at scale across the network to         this scale.
reduce demand from the transmission                                                       In late 2017 we worked with AEMO
                                           When the Australian Energy Market              to test SMVM and to ensure it was
network at times when high temperatures    Operator (AEMO) predicts and then calls
and subsequent use of                                                                     successful. When an event is called,
                                           a high-demand event, our control room          CitiPower and Powercor expect to
air conditioning causes electricity        can quickly and incrementally drop
demand to rise significantly.                                                             contribute up to 110MW of capacity,
                                           voltages network-wide at 82 zone               which is enough to power the grid
                                           substations across our service area.           and supply about 110,000 homes.

                                                                                                            Matt Gower and Peter
                                                                                                            Erwich, reviewing jobs and
                                                                                                            planned outages across the
                                                                                                            network, in the Market
                                                                                                            Street control room.

                                                                                    CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review     25
Investing in a smarter, more efficient network

     Powering growth across                           Our commitment to ensuring a reliable          while enabling us to support the
     Melbourne                                        power supply for customers is evident          significant works programs in and
                                                      through the West Melbourne Terminal            around these areas.
     In 2017 we were involved in several
                                                      Station program, which will decommission
     projects to support Melbourne’s                                                                 Also in 2017 the new $20 million
                                                      the 22kV network across West Melbourne.
     continued growth.                                                                               Truganina Zone Substation was
                                                      In 2017 we were in the planning and
     As part of the Melbourne Metro Rail                                                             commissioned to service the rapidly
                                                      designing stage of the project, which
     project, five new stations and nine                                                             growing areas west of Melbourne such
                                                      will see CitiPower upgrading supply to
     kilometres of twin track will be built across                                                   as Hoppers Crossing and Tarneit, and
                                                      existing substations and customer sites.
     Melbourne. CitiPower was engaged                                                                future suburbs such as Mount Atkinson.
     to relocate assets in the proposed new           Supporting a growing Victoria
     station precincts and to provide                 Our business is supporting a growing
     electricity supply during the construction       Victoria in the metropolitan and regional
     of the tunnel.                                   areas. We are continuing to invest in
     We also worked with Yarra Trams to help          infrastructure that will allow us to deliver
     provide public lighting and supplies for         for the communities we operate in and
     the new tram platforms, and for diverted         support the state’s growing economy.
     trams during works in the Domain                 We extended our presence in regional
     precinct. Our involvement in the project         Victoria by investing in new depots in
     will continue in 2018.                           Mildura, Cobram and Maryborough. Our
     The $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel project        ongoing and significant improvements in
     will improve access to Melbourne’s               workplace productivity and efficiency
     western suburbs. In 2017 we worked               means we are now well placed to direct
     with the Victorian Government and the            investment in building these important
     West Gate Tunnel Construction                    capital projects that will benefit our
     Consortium to support the project.               employees and local communities,

                                                        We continue to invest in
                                              infrastructure that will allow us to
                                                 deliver for the communities we
                                              operate in and support a growing
                                             metropolitan and regional Victoria.
26   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Investing in a smarter, more efficient network

Investing in our assets                    and reliability issues. We improved           Terminal Station will expand supply
                                           the performance and safety of the site,       to some of Australia’s fastest-growing
In 2017 we commenced construction
                                           and carried out preparatory works             suburbs in western Melbourne,
of the Waratah Place Zone Substation
                                           which will the see the site increase to       supplying Sunshine, Melton and
located in Melbourne’s Chinatown
                                           five transformers in the future.              the new Truganina Zone Substation.
precinct. The project is part of a multi
million dollar program to provide          Across the Powercor network, we               The commissioning of the terminal
backup for the Melbourne CBD in the        worked within a challenging timeframe         station, owned and operated by
event of power failure and will ensure     to successfully deliver the connection        TransGrid, is the culmination of eight
supply is returned within 30 minutes.      services for a new Zone Substation            years’ effort by Powercor, TransGrid,
The Waratah Place Zone Substation is       in Derrimut to supply a new data centre.      the Australian Energy Market Operator,
the final stage in the wider Metro and     We connected the centre to an                 AusNet Services and Jemena.
CBD Security of Supply program.            upgraded 66kV line without outages            We also invested nearly $26 million
                                           during the works.                             in fleet, with managers, drivers and
At a cost of $4 million, we upgraded
the North Richmond Zone Substation,        Also during the year the Deer Park            operators consulted throughout the
which supplies a mix of nearly             Terminal Station was commissioned on          process to select the 242 new vehicles.
14,000 commercial, light industrial        the Keilor to Geelong 220kV
and residential customers. The aged        transmission network ahead of
substation was suffering from overload     schedule and below budget. The

                                                                 New Truganina
                                                                 Substation to support
                                                                 Victoria’s growth corridor
                                                                 In 2017 Powercor built and          by TransGrid. Truganina has been
                                                                 commissioned the new                designed and built to allow for
                                                                 $20 million Truganina Zone          future expansion and growth, with
                                                                 Substation. The substation,         a provision for a third transformer
                                                                 which has two 25/33MVA power        and an ultimate capacity of up to
                                                                 transformers, uses IEC 61850,       twelve 22kV feeders.
                                                                 an innovative communications
                                                                                                     The project was delivered ahead
                                                                 protocol which has never been
                                                                                                     of schedule and under budget.
                                                                 used across CitiPower and
                                                                                                     It will benefit the community by
                                                                 Powercor before.
                                                                                                     servicing rapidly growing industrial
                                                                 It connects to the new Deer Park    and residential development areas
                                                                 Terminal Station, which was         west of Melbourne such as
                                                                 initiated by Powercor and built     Hoppers Crossing and Tarneit,

                                                                                          CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review         27
Investing in a smarter, more efficient network

                                                      As the energy landscape evolves, we
                                                      are playing an increasingly important
                                                      role – helping to capitalise on
                                                      technology advancements and facilitate
                                                      renewable generation.
     Smart Meter Technology                             meter communications system to              switchboards to carry out routine
                                                        help us deploy an additional 7,000          testing, and monitor partial discharge
     In 2017 we used smart meter
                                                        street lights, rather than using the        (unusual electrical activity).
     technology to help us to service our
                                                        traditional cellular network method.      • Trialled Robotic Process Automation
     customers better. We:
                                                      • Used smart meter communication              (RPA) to help drive productivity
     • Delivered low voltage (LV) mapping               paths to detect errors in customer          efficiencies. The RPA tool was
       to reduce customer disruption from               data, which resulted in a reduction         successful in automating a process
       planned outages. The system allows               in billing complaints.                      which previously involved 60 mouse
       us to map which powerlines are
                                                                                                    clicks down to just eight mouse
       servicing which homes, so we can               Investment in technology                      clicks, a time reduction of
       ensure we notify the right customers           We continued to invest in technology          approximately nine minutes. Such
       about planned outages.                         to create a smarter network. We:              automation will help with creating
     • Collaborated with the Environmental                                                          correct customer lists, of which we
                                                      • Deployed our Fault Detect, Isolate
       Protection Authority (EPA) to use our                                                        generate more than 8,000 per year,
                                                        and Restore (FDIR) system to five
       smart meter network to measure air                                                           and standardise our customer
                                                        zone substations. FDIR will enable
       quality. We attached low-cost                                                                notification process for planned
                                                        our systems to automatically detect
       air quality sensors to lighting poles                                                        outages.
                                                        the location of faults and restore
       on Queen’s Bridge in Melbourne to
                                                        customers to service following a          • Undertook research into how we can
       measure concentrations of fine PM2.5
                                                        fault, leaving only the faulted section     inspect pole tops by using drones to
       particles in the air, a pollutant in
                                                        out of service. This will have              capture aerial images which will help
       smoke, fine dust and vehicle exhaust
                                                        significant impact on improving our         identify with increased accuracy any
                                                        customer experience and the overall         pole defects.
     • Used voltage data from smart meters
                                                        reliability of our network.
       to identify electrical faults and
                                                      • Launched Click, a mobile tool which
       improve safety.
                                                        eliminates the previously paper based
     • Used smart meters to help us with
                                                        process and allows us to plan,
       testing how we can optimise service
                                                        schedule and carry out all of our field
       levels and reduce costs. We did this
                                                        activities far more efficiently.
       by automatically and remotely
                                                      • Installed remote monitoring
       detecting when connection rods and
                                                        equipment on six high-voltage
       service cables which are installed
                                                        switchboards at zone substations
       between a pole and a customer’s
                                                        across our network enabling
       property have deteriorated, causing
                                                        us to gain access to these
       a potential safety hazard.
     • Leveraged the cost-effective smart

28   CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review
Investing in a smarter, more efficient network

Renewable energy generation
As the energy generation mix continues
to change and the energy landscape
evolves, we are playing an increasingly
important role in helping to facilitate this
In 2017 we connected 194MW of
renewable generation capacity to the
CitiPower and Powercor networks,
connecting 10,232 solar systems that
our customers had installed. We also
supported renewable energy projects
across the Powercor network, as north
and central Victoria integrated
large-scale solar into the energy
generation mix, and Powercor
continued constructing connections for
                                               Mildura team pulls
several large-scale solar farms in North
Western Victoria.
                                               together to design new
The construction of wind farms
continued across western Victoria,
                                               purpose-built depot
with the successful energisation and
                                               We continued our long-term                “We had outgrown the 66-year-old
connection of assets ahead of schedule
                                               commitment to our customers in the         depot we were working in, and the
for a number of large, renewable               north west. In May 2017 we opened the      team went above and beyond to make
generation sites.                              doors to our new purpose-built depot       sure the new depot would be a
In late 2017 the Kiata Wind Farm, a            in Mildura, a three-year construction      productive, functional and enjoyable
                                               project, designed and built to ensure      place to work,” said Aaron Hughes.
30MW wind farm project located 50
                                               we’re delivering the safest, most
kilometres north west of Horsham, was                                                    “It was a big effort, as we were still
                                               effective and reliable service to
                                                                                          delivering our core work, while also
completed. The $2.8 million Powercor           our customers.
                                                                                          staying back after hours to get the
connection facilitated the project which
                                               The Mildura Depot Committee, which         depot project done.
has nine turbines and is supplying             was behind the creation of the facility,
                                                                                        “We are really pleased with our new
enough electricity through the national        consisted of Field Leader Aaron Hughes,
                                                                                         environment, it’s a great place to come
electricity grid to power over 20,000          Construction Project Leader Nigel Hay,
                                                                                         to every morning. A huge improvement
Victorian homes.                               Supply Chain Field Officer Bruce
                                                                                         from our previous facility,” said Aaron.
                                               Rochester and GIS/Drafting Technical
Construction of the Yaloak South Wind          Officer Tony Grant.                       To acknowledge their great team effort,
Farm, situated west of Melbourne in                                                      the Mildura Depot Committee was
Ballan, was also completed in late 2017.                                                 recognised as part of the company’s
At its peak, Powercor had 35 people                                                      2017 Living our Values Awards.
working on site during the winter
months to ensure project delivery. The
wind farm will provide total installed
capacity of 28.7MW to the electricity

                                                                                            CitiPower and Powercor 2017 Annual Review   29
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