Key features of the Ready-made Lifetime ISA - The ...

Page created by Deborah Bates
May 2020

key features of the
Lifetime ISA

account key features

The Financial Conduct Authority is a
                                                      Its Aims
financial services regulator. It requires             The Share Centre‘s Ready-made Lifetime ISA aims to:
us, The Share Centre, to give you
this important information to help                    •	Give you, as an 18-39 year old, the opportunity to
you decide whether our Lifetime                          invest a sum of money towards your first house
ISA account is right for you. You should                 purchase and/or saving for retirement.
read this document carefully so that you              •	Enable you to invest in one of, or a combination
understand what you are buying and                       of, the ES Share Centre Multi Manager; Income,
then keep it safe for future reference.                  Growth and Income, and Growth funds.
                                                      •	Enable you to hold your investment(s) (subject to
Please also read our Terms of Business, Tariff,          requirements) in a tax efficient Lifetime ISA.
and the Key Investor Information Document
for your chosen fund(s). As these will detail the
specific aims, risks and charges associated with      Your Commitment
that investment.                                      •	Our Lifetime ISA does not have a minimum
The information supplied in this document is as          initial investment amount, although you need
accurate and current as we can make it. If you have      to be aware that the fixed costs of investing
any queries or need any additional information,          can have a negative effect on relatively small
please call us on 01296 41 41 41.                        investment amounts.

If you are in any doubt about your investment         •	There is no minimum length of investment, but
decisions, please speak to an independent                please remember that most investments linked
financial adviser, since The Share Centre provides       to the stock market are designed for the medium
an Execution-only dealing service without any            to long term and are not suitable for money
investment advice.                                       which you might need at short notice.

‘FTSE®’ is a registered trademark of the London       •	You agree to pay into your Lifetime ISA before you
Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited,      reach age 40.
and is used by the FTSE under licence.                • No more than the current permitted annual
                                                        allowance of £4,000 may be paid into a
                                                        Lifetime ISA. You need to consider your level
                                                        of subscription and choice of investment in
                                                        relation to your savings objective, your expected
                                                        timescales for saving and your circumstances as
                                                        a whole, including other provisions for retirement.

• You recognise that your circumstances could               been reduced by the government to 20% as
  change and the need to regularly review your              a response to the coronavirus pandemic.
  subscription level and choice of investment.              The reduced charge is only applicable on
                                                            withdrawals made between 6 March 2020 to
• You agree not to take out another Lifetime ISA in         5 April 2021, when it will return to 25%.
  any tax year you subscribe to The Share Centre
  Ready-made Lifetime ISA.                               • If you do withdraw from your Lifetime ISA you
                                                           may incur a withdrawal charge which could lead
• Prior to application you agree to take action            to you receiving back less than you paid in.
  to ensure that your details held by HMRC are
  accurate and up to date.                               • If you save in a Lifetime ISA rather than a pension
                                                           scheme you may lose the benefit of your
                                                           employer’s contributions.
The Risks
                                                         • Saving in a Lifetime ISA may affect your current
Before making any decisions, you need to be aware          and future entitlement to means tested benefits.
of the risks involved in any type of investment:
                                                         • Inflation will reduce the real value of your
•	The value of your investments and any income             investment(s) and could reduce your purchasing
   they may provide can fall as well as rise, and           power in the future.
   you may get back less than you originally
   invested. What you get back will depend on the        •	The charges on the fund(s) you choose may be
   performance of the investments you choose.               increased by the fund manager(s).
   Nothing is guaranteed and past performance is         • We may increase our account charges.
   not a reliable indicator of future performance.
                                                         •	Governments could change the way our
• Once you reach age 50, you cannot make any                tax-efficient accounts and other investments
  further contributions.                                    are taxed.
• If you become a non-UK resident for tax                •	Investing in funds is considered to be more
  purposes, you cannot make any further                     appropriate for medium to long-term
  contributions.                                            investments i.e. three to five years or more.
• A withdrawal charge of 25% may be applied if
  funds are withdrawn from a Lifetime ISA before
  you are 60, unless you are using the proceeds to
  buy your first home or are terminally ill. You may
  also incur this charge if you transfer your Lifetime
  ISA to another type of account. This charge has

questions and answers

What is an ISA?                                           ISA can only invest in any one of the three funds
ISA is short for ‘Individual Savings Account’. An ISA     of funds: ES Share Centre Multi Manager Income
enables you to invest without having to pay UK            Fund, ES Share Centre Multi Manager Growth and
income tax or Capital Gains Tax on any profits you        Income Fund, and ES Share Centre Multi Manager
make. Even if you’re a higher rate tax-payer, there’s     Growth Fund.
nothing more to pay. ISAs don’t have to be reported       Please note that we don’t offer a Cash ISA or an
on tax returns either.                                    Innovative Finance ISA.

What types of ISA are there?                              How much can I invest in an ISA?
If you decide to invest in an ISA, you need to consider   The government sets a limit on how much you can
what type of ISA is appropriate for your needs. There     invest in an ISA each tax year. This year (2020/21) you
are four types of ISA:                                    can invest up to £20,000 in an ISA. Your allowance
• Stocks & Shares ISAs enable you to invest in the        can be split between a Stocks & Shares ISA, a Cash
  stock market through investments including many         ISA or an Innovative Finance ISA as you wish, and if
  Unit Trusts, OEICs, investment trusts, shares,          you are eligible you can invest up to £4,000 of your
  corporate bonds, gilts and Money Market funds.          allowance into a Lifetime ISA. Bear in mind that your
                                                          annual ISA allowance expires at the end of the tax
• Cash ISAs enable you to save money via                  year (5 April) so there’s no catching up next year if
  building society and bank deposits, and Money           you don’t invest the full amount. It’s a case of use it
  Market funds.                                           or lose it!
• Innovative Finance ISAs enable you to earn              Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure
  income by investing in Peer to Peer loans.              that you have not exceeded your total ISA allowance
                                                          each year.
• Lifetime ISAs are specifically designed to help
  young people over 18-39 year old save for their
  first home and / or their retirement (on or after       What is a Lifetime ISA?
  their 60th birthday).                                   A Lifetime ISA has many of the same features as an
                                                          ISA, it enables you to invest without having to pay
What types of ISA do The Share Centre offer?              UK income tax or Capital Gains tax on any profits
We offer a Ready-made Lifetime ISA which can              you make. Even if you are a higher rate tax payer
invest in any one of, or a combination of, the three      there’s nothing more to pay. Lifetime ISAs don’t have
funds of funds managed by us: ES Share Centre             to be reported on tax returns either. The Lifetime
Multi Manager Income Fund, ES Share Centre Multi          ISA also has some additional features. You may be
Manager Growth and Income Fund and ES Share               eligible to receive a government bonus of 25% on
Centre Multi Manager Growth Fund.                         the money you pay in, however some withdrawals
                                                          may be subject to a withdrawal charge of 25%. This
We also offer two types of Stocks & Shares ISA:           charge has been reduced by the government to
Self-select and Ready made. Our Ready-made                20% as a response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The reduced charge is only applicable on                  depend on how much money you have paid into
withdrawals made between 6 March 2020 to 5                your Lifetime ISA during the previous month.
April 2021, when it will return to 25%.
                                                          For example: if you have paid in £100 in April you
                                                          will receive a bonus of £25. If you haven’t made a
Am I eligible for a Lifetime ISA?                         payment in that month you won’t receive a bonus
To open a Lifetime ISA, you must be aged 18-39            payment the following month.
years old and resident in the UK for tax purposes.
You can also be a Crown employee serving                  Can I make withdrawals from my account?
overseas, or their spouse/civil partner. In any one
tax year, you must only contribute to one Lifetime ISA.   You can sell investments and either reinvest the
                                                          proceeds or withdraw them. A 25% withdrawal
                                                          charge will apply on unauthorised withdrawals
How much can I invest in a Lifetime ISA?                  (which are explained in more detail below) from
The government has also set a limit on how                a Lifetime ISA. This charge has been reduced by
much you can invest in a Lifetime ISA. The annual         the government to 20% as a response to the
allowance for a Lifetime ISA is currently £4,000,         coronavirus pandemic. The reduced charge is
which forms part of your overall ISA allowance            only applicable on withdrawals made between
for the tax year. If you choose to invest £4,000 in       6 March 2020 to 5 April 2021, when it will return
a Lifetime ISA you will have £16,000 allowance            to 25%.
remaining to split between a Stocks and Shares ISA,
a Cash ISA and an Innovative Finance ISA.                 What is an ‘Authorised withdrawal’?
You must pay into your Lifetime ISA before your           In certain circumstances you can withdraw money
40th birthday and you can then continue to make           from your Lifetime ISA, including any government
payments until the day before your 50th birthday.         bonus, without incurring a withdrawal charge.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure      Retirement: You can withdraw funds from your
that you have not exceeded your total ISA allowance       Lifetime ISA for any reason at any time following your
each year.                                                60th birthday.
                                                          First Time Home Purchase: You can use
How does the Lifetime ISA government bonus                the money in your Lifetime ISA (including the
work?                                                     government bonus) to buy your first home up to a
The government will pay in a 25% bonus on any             value of £450,000. Please remember you can only
savings you pay into your Lifetime ISA which means        do this 12 months from the date of the first payment
you can receive up to an extra £1,000 per year in         into your account. For example if you open a
addition to what you pay in yourself.                     Lifetime ISA and made a payment into the account
                                                          on 6 April 2020 you will be able to make an
This bonus will be paid to your account monthly and
                                                          authorised withdrawal for a house purchase from
the amount of bonus you receive each month will
                                                          6 April 2021 However, if you open a Lifetime ISA on

6 April 2020 but didn’t make your first payment into       For example if you pay in £4,000 to a Lifetime
the account until 6 October 2020 you would not be          ISA account you will receive a government bonus
able to make an authorised withdrawal for a house          of £1,000. If you then decide to withdraw all the
purchase until 6 October 2021. (This is the case for       money from the account a 25% withdrawal charge
each Lifetime ISA you hold.) You will need to provide      of £1,250 would be deducted so the amount you
us with details of your conveyancer and your               receive would be £3,750.
instruction to pay the funds directly to them.
                                                           The penalty charge will be deducted prior to funds
We will then make the payment within 30                    being withdrawn from the account and this amount
days from the day of receipt of the required               will then be returned directly to HMRC.
documentation from them. For more information
please contact our Customer Services Team on               This charge has been reduced by the government
01296 41 41 41.                                            to 20% as a response to the coronavirus
                                                           pandemic. The reduced charge is only applicable
Terminal Illness: If you are diagnosed with a              on withdrawals made between 6 March 2020 to
serious illness and are advised that you have 12           5 April 2021, when it will return to 25%.
months or less to live you are entitled to make an
‘authorised withdrawal’ from your Lifetime ISA             What are the fees relating to my account with
for any reason. We will require written evidence           The Share Centre?
from a registered medical practitioner. For more
                                                           With a Ready-made Lifetime ISA there is no dealing
information please contact our Customer Services
                                                           commission, administration fees or initial charges.
Team on 01296 41 41 41.
                                                           There are ongoing fund charges which are
Death: In the event of your death your Estate will still
                                                           automatically taken from the fund, these charges are
be entitled to receive the government bonus. Your
                                                           dependent on the fund, and are detailed in the Key
personal representatives will be required to provide
                                                           Investor Information Document.
some documentary evidence. For more information
please contact our Estates Team on 01296 41 41 51.         Details of all fees are set out in the applicable
                                                           account tariff and are available at
What is an ‘Unauthorised’ withdrawal?
If you need access to your funds for any other reason      Can I change my mind?
than the ones detailed as authorised this will be          Applications for a Lifetime ISA are subject to a 30
considered to be an Unauthorised withdrawal which          day cancellation period from the day we receive it.
will be subject to a withdrawal charge of 25% (which       Cancellation rights apply to the account but not to
is the deduction of the government bonus and               your request to purchase investments. Once a valid
any growth or interest on this, plus a 5% charge).         instruction for an investment has been dealt, you
The charge will be calculated based on the actual          may not cancel it.
amount of money withdrawn from the account.

Can I take an income from my investments?              in the funds will be dependent on your saving aims
The Lifetime ISA is intended as a way of saving for    and your attitude to risk which is why there is a
your first home and/or retirement, not to provide      choice of three funds. Further information on the
an income.                                             funds can be found on

You may withdraw money from the account at any         As situations and investment goals can change
time however some withdrawals may be subject to        overtime you should regularly review your Ready-
a 25% withdrawal charge. This charge has been          made Lifetime ISA account.
reduced by the government to 20% as a response
to the coronavirus pandemic. The reduced charge        When will my money be invested?
is only applicable on withdrawals made between         With most fund investments, dealing usually
6 March 2020 to 5 April 2021, when it will return      takes place once a day at a time determined
to 25%.                                                by each individual fund manager, and is based
                                                       on the price at the valuation point of each fund.
How will tax affect my investments?                    The Share Centre has a 10:00am cut-off for orders
For investments held within our tax-efficient Ready-   in the ES Share Centre Multi Manager funds to be
made Lifetime ISA, any income will be free of UK       processed on that day. Any orders received after
income tax. Any capital growth will not be subject     10:00am will generally be processed the next
to UK Capital Gains Tax.                               working day.

How do I invest in a Fund?                             What documentation will I receive?
Firstly, ensure that you have read the Key Investor    When you make an investment, we will normally
Information Document specific to your chosen           send you a contract note confirming details of
fund(s). You should keep a copy of this document,      your investment.
which is available from our website.
                                                       How can I keep track of my investments?
You should also keep a copy of this Key Features
Document, as it contains specific information          We will send you statements showing the value
relating to the operation of the account. When you     of your investments and all transactions since the
have made your investment decision, you can            previous statement. You may view your investments
purchase your fund by using money in your account.     online at
Money can be paid into your account in a variety of    We will also keep you informed about any corporate
ways including debit card, cheque or Direct Debit.     actions (such as takeovers and mergers) which may
                                                       affect your investments.
How can I use the different funds?
                                                       We will send you an annual statement showing
The Lifetime ISA is intended as a way of saving for    the value of your investments and the impact all
your first home and/or retirement, how you invest      applicable charges have had on your underlying

investments. You may view your investments and          be sold prior to the transfer. Transferring an existing
historic charges statements online at                   ISA will count towards your Lifetime ISA allowance                                          of £4,000 but does not count against your current
                                                        year’s overall ISA allowance, unless the ISA has
How will my investments be registered?                  received current year subscriptions. Therefore if
                                                        you do transfer £4,000 from an existing ISA into a
For the Ready-made Lifetime ISA your fund
                                                        Lifetime ISA your Lifetime ISA allowance would be
investments will be registered in a Nominee
                                                        fully subscribed, however you would still be able to
Company owned by Cofunds Limited. For further
                                                        pay in £20,000 to a Cash ISA, Stocks and Shares ISA
details, please see The Share Centre Terms of
                                                        or an Innovative Finance ISA, unless the ISA being
Business applicable to your Account.
                                                        transferred had received current year subscriptions.

Can I transfer my investments to another                We are unable to accept a Lifetime ISA to Lifetime
account provider?                                       ISA transfer.
You can transfer your account, subject to our terms     If you wish to transfer your Lifetime ISA at
of business and acceptance by your new account          The Share Centre to another Lifetime ISA account
provider. The manner in which any transfer is           elsewhere you can do so, but it must be transferred
completed may vary and your holding might need          in its entirety — we will not process a partial transfer.
to be sold so that the proceeds can be transferred      Please note that if you transfer a Lifetime ISA to any
to your new provider. In this scenario, dealing         other type of account (including Cash ISAs, Stocks
commission may be payable. Details of transfer          and Shares ISAs or Innovative Finance ISAs) this will
and dealing charges are set out in our applicable       be considered to be an unauthorised withdrawal
account tariff. For Lifetime ISA accounts, you will     and the amount that you are transferring may be
need to provide a completed transfer authority to       subject to a 25% withdrawal charge (which is the
the new account provider, who will contact us to        deduction of the government bonus and any growth
arrange the transfer.                                   or interest on this, plus a 5% charge). This charge
Please be aware that the value and income from          has been reduced by the government to 20%
investments can fall as well as rise and you will       as a response to the coronavirus pandemic.
not be able to deal in your investments during the      The reduced charge is only applicable on
transfer. Therefore, you may potentially lose income/   withdrawals made between 6 March 2020 to 5
growth whilst the transaction is being completed.       April 2021, when it will return to 25%.

Can I transfer investments between ISAs?                What happens if my deceased spouse held an
                                                        ISA with you?
You can transfer any money held in an existing Cash
ISA or Innovative Finance ISA, and any investments      If your spouse or civil partner died on or after
held in an existing Stocks & Shares ISA to a Lifetime   3 December 2014, you may be entitled to an
ISA with The Share Centre. Any investments that are     Additional Permitted Subscription (APS) equal to the
not supported within our Lifetime ISA will need to      value of your deceased spouse’s ISAs, this includes

the funds held within your Lifetime ISA together         investment firm and all retail customers receive
with any accrued government bonus. This APS is in        the maximum regulatory protection under FCA
addition to your personal annual ISA allowance but       rules All investments held on behalf of our
is only available for a limited time period related to   customers are registered either in the name of
your spouse’s estate. Even if you did not inherit your   Share Nominees Limited, which is a bare trustee
spouse’s ISA assets, you will be entitled to the APS,    nominee company or, in the case of certain unit
provided you were in a committed marriage at the         trusts and open-ended investment companies, in
time of their death. If you did inherit your spouse’s    a Nominee Company owned by Cofunds Limited.
ISA assets, these may be used as part of the
subscription once beneficial ownership has passed        What would happen if The Share Centre went
to you.                                                  into administration?
Please note that you can open a new Stocks and           Because customer investments are held in a
Shares ISA with The Share Centre and use this            totally separate company to The Share Centre,
additional allowance even if your spouse’s ISA was       in the unlikely event that The Share Centre was
held elsewhere, however you will only be able to         placed in administration, your money and
make cash subscriptions.                                 investments would be safely ring-fenced and held
                                                         in trust for you.
Please note you cannot use this additional allowance
within a Lifetime ISA with The Share Centre.
                                                         Compensation arrangements?

What if I have a complaint?                              The Share Centre contributes to and is covered
                                                         by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We want you to be entirely happy with the service        (FSCS), details of which are available from
you receive from us. If you have a complaint,  
please contact us by any means, including letter,
telephone or email. If you are not happy with
the way your complaint is handled, you may
have the right to refer the matter to the Financial      Who is the account provider?
Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14           The Share Centre Limited is authorised and
9SR. Making a complaint will not affect your right to    regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under
take legal action.                                       reference number 146768. The Share Centre is
                                                         registered in England, company number 2461949;
How safe are my investments?                             registered office: Oxford House, Oxford Road,
The Share Centre Limited is authorised and               Aylesbury, Bucks HP21 8SZ.
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
(FCA) and is a member of the London Stock                What if I need further information?
Exchange. As such, The Share Centre must fulfil          Please visit for further help & support.
all the relevant regulatory requirements of an

What might a Lifetime ISA be worth at age 60?                       The table below provides information if you are
The following illustrates the value of a Lifetime ISA,              using the Lifetime ISA to save for retirement and
at age 60, depending on the age at which you start                  may not be relevant if your saving aim is for a first
saving and assuming that you have subscribed                        home purchase.
the full amount at the beginning of each tax year
up to age 50 and have received the Lifetime ISA
government bonus.

  What might a Lifetime ISA be worth at age 60?

    Age saving         Total amount           Total amount            Estimated              Estimated             Charges and
   in a lifetime         paid in by            paid in, plus       outcome at age           outcome at               estimated
    ISA started         lifetime ISA           lifetime ISA          60 from 0%           age 60 from 5%          inflation would
                      saver/investor           government               return                 return               reduce a 5%
                                                   bonus                                                              return to
         £                   £                      £                      £                      £                      %
         18               132,000                165,000                98,395                 374,808                 2.94%
         25               104,000                130,000                 82,531                263,029                 2.94%
         30               84,000                 105,000                 69,776                195,989                 2.94%
         35               64,000                 80,000                 55,692                 137,994                 2.94%
         40               44,000                 55,000                  40,143                 87,825                 2.94%

  Lifetime ISA charges taken into account in the table may vary over time. They do not include any fee or charge that is payable
  by or on behalf of you to a provider in respect of the Lifetime ISA. And they do not include any charge relating to the qualifying
  investments held in the Lifetime ISA.

An example OEIC fund                                              Impact of charges on your fund investment
Normally, shares in an OEIC fund have a single                    The table below illustrates the total effect of charges
price, which means there is no bid/offer spread;                  and expenses on a typical fund investment.
merely a single price at which you buy and sell.
The initial charge is deducted from the amount you                The charges used in calculating these figures are
invest, and the remaining subscription invested at                illustrative. The actual charges applicable to the
the single price.                                                 fund you choose are detailed in the Key Investor
                                                                  Information Document.
Annual charges and expenses are deducted from
income. Figures are based on accumulation shares.
Please note that when comparing the example
below, the maximum that can be invested into a
Lifetime ISA is £4,000 per year.
Initial Charge                                            0%
Annual Management Charge                              0.75%
Additional charges and expenses                        0.8%
Ongoing Charges Figure                                1.55%

Investments within a Ready-made Lifetime ISA

     At end             Investment to              Effect of deductions           What you might get
     of year               date (£)                     to date (£)                back at 5.00% (£)
                  Lump sum        Monthly        Lump sum        Monthly        Lump sum         Monthly
        1           4,000           1,200            63              10            4,140          1,223
       3            4,000           3,600           196             89            4,435           3,798
       5            4,000           6,000           338             250           4,750           6,556
       10           4,000          12,000           739            1,054          5,642           14,342

The last line on the table shows that over 10 years the effect of the total charges and expenses could amount
to £739.00 (lump sum investment) or £1,054.00 (monthly saver). Putting in another way, if the growth rate were
to be 5.00% per year, which is in no way guaranteed, the total charges would have the effect of reducing the
growth rate to 3.50% per year on the lump sum investment or 1.80% on the monthly saver.

Please note:
l   T he Share Centre’s dealing charges and
     account costs are not included.
l   T he effect of charges is based on a lump
     sum investment of £4,000, with an assumed
     growth rate of 5% per year. This growth rate
     is laid down by our regulator, the Financial
     Conduct Authority, to demonstrate the effect
     of charges and expenses on an investment
     and is not guaranteed. The figures do not take
     into account any additional discount you may
     receive on your investment.
l   The inflation rate is assumed at the Bank of
    England long-term target rate of 2%.

PO Box 2000 Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP21 8ZB
phone 01296 41 41 41 deal 01296 41 42 43
email web
The Share Centre Limited is a member of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under
reference number 146768. Registered in England number 2461949. Registered office Oxford House Oxford Road Aylesbury Bucks HP21 8SZ.

                                                                                                                              LISA KF 0520
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