Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies

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Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
has no end

Infineon’s makers eBook
Tutorial and other essentials for your project
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
Technical articles                                            3
 What Infineon has to offer for makers                        4
 OpenVent Open-source 3D Printable Ventilator                 9
 Inno.Wafer – Infineon’s startup cooperation program          14
 Blockchain Security 2GO starter kit –                        15
 meeting blockchain security challenges
 Get inspired – learn and be part of our social communities   17

Maker Products Index                                          19
 Motor Control                                                20
 Maker Products Index                                         22
 SBC Shield                                                   24
 Microcontroller                                              25
 XENSIV™ Shield2Go                                            28
 XENSIV™ Sensor 2GO kit                                       31
 Security Shield2Go                                           34
 Sensor Radar                                                 35

Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
What Infineon has to offer for makers

    With around 47,000 employees, Infineon is one of the        Infineon offers a maker shield portfolio for Arduino and          Besides shields for the Arduino UNO ecosystem, Infineon
    largest semiconductor manufacturers worldwide; so           some of the portfolio’s highlights include shields for            also offers Arduino-compatible development boards
    it might be a pleasant surprise for some to learn that      applications like controllers for LED lighting and motors as      that utilize their own popular and powerful range of
    Infineon offers a robust portfolio of Maker’s products.     well as drivers for resistive, capacitive, and inductive loads.   microcontrollers (MCU) while bringing powerful,
    Infineon4Makers provides a platform for engineers,                                                                            customizable options for Makers of all experience levels.
    hobbyists, and enthusiasts to help turn their ideas into
    innovative designs. This line of products encompasses
    a broad product portfolio that includes application and
    evaluation boards, Arduino compatible shields,
    and 2GO kits.

    Infineon shields for Arduino
    Infineon started offering shields for the widely popular
    and immensely flexible and easy-to-use Arduino platform
    in 2015. These shields are designed and built with the
    Arduino UNO form-factor in mind to ensure that no further
    configuration or assembly is required. All these shields
    interface seamlessly with most standard Arduino boards
    and components, and many of Infineon’s microcontroller
    boards are also compatible with the Arduino IDE, which
    allows developers to get started quickly and build

                                                                         DC Motor Control Shield with BTN8982TA

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                        4
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
Shield2Go offerings                                            Kit2Go offerings
    With the Shield2Go range of products, Infineon introduced      Infineon offers a range of ready-to-use evaluation boards         Highlights in the Kit2Go range include the tiny, yet powerful,
    a diversified portfolio of expansion boards featuring many     that contain a microcontroller and a sensor or controller         XMC2Go kit, which features the XMC1100 microcontroller
    different sensors, microcontrollers, and security ICs.         for a specific purpose. This approach is especially interesting   (MCU) on a convenient development board, the Current
    This range of products was designed with the needs of          for hobbyists, Makers, and small start-ups as it offers a         Sensor Kit2Go, which is a cost-effective evaluation board
    the developer community in mind, and they can be freely        cost-effective entry-point to the world of Infineon’s extensive   equipped with an XMC1100 MCU and TLI4971 current sensor,
    combined to form large systems and allow developers to         portfolio of Maker tools.                                         and the H-Bridge Kit2Go (which has an XMC1100 MCU and
    test a complex system in a controlled and quick manner.                                                                          can drive up to 6A).

    This new prototyping concept consists of a feature-rich
    hardware and software package that allows developers
    to set up demonstration and prototyping environments
    in practically no time, making Shield2Go the number one
    choice for today’s prototypers.

    All products in the Shield2Go catalog are equipped with at
    least one Infineon IC, and they all come with a ready-to-use
    Arduino (and sometimes Raspberry Pi) library. All devices in
    the Shield2Go portfolio follow a standardized form-factor
    and they share the same pin-layout. Besides that, they can
    be stacked and connected without soldering. Developers
    are free to combine the various Shield2Go boards and
    third-party boards to form a complex prototype that exactly
    contains the components they need.

                                                                            H-Bridge Kit2Go

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                            5
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
Raspberry Pi offerings                                          Software and Coding Libraries
    Besides the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi is another incredibly     As mentioned, all Infineon Maker shields are Arduino Uno,
    popular and successful platform amongst Makers, students,       Raspberry Pi or Infineon2Go layout compatible. Usually, the       GUI
    hobbyists, and electronics enthusiasts. To enable users of      shields come with a library to allow its users to utilize the
    the Raspberry Pi platform to utilize the powerful boards of     Arduino IDE that they are familiar with.                        To further ease the evaluation process of many 2GO kits,
    the Shield2Go portfolio, Infineon introduced the Shield2Go                                                                      Infineon provides simple to use graphical user interfaces.
    adapter for the Raspberry Pi. It helps accelerate the devel-                                                                    These small programs, like the graphical user interface (GUI)
    opment of an IoT system and enables engineers to use a            Arduino IDE and                                   for Angle Sensor 2GO or the GUI for 3D Magnetic Sensor 2GO,
    platform they know with various innovative, capable, and                                                                        allow a user to plug a supported 2GO kit into any Windows
    powerful sensor boards and shields made by Infineon.            These libraries are open source, and they can be installed      computer with the GUI installed and quickly evaluate the
    The Shield2Go adapter enables its users to connect up to        directly in the Arduino IDE (or into the even more convenient   functionality of the device without having to write any code.
    three Shield2Go sensors or security ICs to the Raspberry Pi extension in Microsoft’s VSCode Editor).
    without the need for complicated wiring.                        Learn more about the basics of programming languages and        MakeRadar
                                                                    coding libraries at                                  With the Sense2GoL development board, the testing and
    Along with the possibility to use all the Shield2Go expansion                                                                   evaluation process is even more simplified and straight-
    boards, Infineon also offers HATs specifically made for the                                                                     forward, as it can all be done using any computer with a
    40-pin Raspberry Pi models. One of them is the MERUS              Github                                                        web browser. This approach assists beginners when they’re
    audio amplifier HAT, which is the world’s first 100 %                                                                           just getting started by providing them with an interesting
    self-contained audio amplification HAT for the Raspberry Pi     There are also expansive resources available for makers on      experimenting and learning experience. All there is to do is
    offering HD audio at boombox power levels. It’s equipped        GitHub where Infineon details their supported boards and        to plug a supported development board into a computer
    with an MA12070P class D multilevel amplifier, and it can       various wikis for supported boards.                             and visit the #MakeRadar Plug & play experience website.
    provide up to 40 W peak power from the official Raspberry Pi                                                                    The website welcomes the user with engaging experiments
    power supply and up to 48kHz/24bit music playback.                                                                              and interesting facts and explanations of how the technology
    It’s compatible with the most popular audio streaming             Development environment                                       works, making the Sense2GoL and the #MakeRadar website
    applications for the Raspberry Pi, and it can, furthermore,                                                                     a great resource for experimenting and learning.
    also be used in Raspbian as an Airplay client or as a           In addition, Infineon offers modern software development
    Bluetooth audio receiver.                                       environments based on Eclipse for a more professional           Infineon also offers a wide variety of useful professional
                                                                    work-flow. DAVE™ for XMC™-powered development boards            online tools (such as electrical and sensor simluation and a
                                                                    and ModusToolbox™ for Infineon’s wireless controller            parametric product finder) for carrying out various design
                                                                    portfolio. “Let‘s get started” projects are available for a     and simulation tasks, planning simple and complex projects,
                                                                    variety of use cases to unleash the potential of the            and ordering parts online.
                                                                    embedded connected world in your projects.

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                          6
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
Example use cases and interesting DIY projects
    With all the interesting modules, shields, and kits that Infineon has to offer for Makers and professionals likewise, the possibilities of what can be done with these products are nearly endless.

                                                                                                                                           The final example shows a useful real-world scenario.
                                                                                                                                           It uses a 24 GHz radar sensor to detect the speed of a
        Just because a project is fun, doesn’t mean that it                                                                                moving object. The sensor can completely be covered
        can’t be practical, as the first example shows. With                                                                               by the front panel, which allows it to be useful in
                                                                         The next project will bring back some of the most
        the help of a camera, a Raspberry Pi, an XMC1100                                                                                   many other applications ranging from security
                                                                         iconic classics of gaming history. In this project,
        Boot kit, and the DC Motor Control Shield with                                                                                     monitoring to smart-home products. Besides that,
                                                                         magnetic sensors are used for the joystick and
        BTN8982TA, almost any RC car can be turned into an                                                                                 two seven segment displays show the current speed
                                                                         buttons of a Raspberry-Pi powered mini retro gaming
        autonomous driving vehicle. The donkeycar projects                                                                                 of the monitored object, and the entire device is
                                                                         station. For that purpose, the cabinet is equipped
        allows the Raspberry Pi to write image-, throttle-,                                                                                controlled by an XMC1100 in the form of an XMC2Go
                                                                         with two XENSIV™ Hall Switch Shield2Go TLE4964-3M
        and steering information to its SD card. This data will                                                                            evaluation board. The complete project can be found
                                                                         that read the buttons, and a magnetic 3D Hall
        be used to train a neural network, which will then be                                                                              on this page.
                                                                         Shield2Go board that’s responsible for determining
        placed on the Raspberry Pi to allow the car to drive             the joystick position. The 2GO modules interface the
        autonomously. The XMC1100 Boot kit is responsible                Raspberry Pi via the Shield2Go Adapter for Raspberry
        for controlling the DC motor and the steering servo.             Pi, and the sound is coming from two speakers, which
        The Arduino compatible XMC1100 Boot kit will emu-                are driven by a 40W MERUS audio amplification HAT.
        late the PWM shield that’s used in the official donkey-          Instruction on how to build this project can be found
        car project. The source code and a detailed assembly             here.
        guide can be found on the project page.

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                                7
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
    Infineon has a lot to offer, not only for industrial and
    professional users, but also for makers, start-ups, students,
    hobbyists, electronics enthusiasts and engineers who
    quickly want to start prototyping. Infineon offers a wide
    variety of different Arduino compatible shields, expansion
    modules, prototyping boards and HATs, which can be used
    to quickly and efficiently turn an idea into a real-world
    prototype. Most products are compatible with the Arduino
    UNO ecosystem, as well as many microcontroller evaluation
    kits from Infineon.

    An adapter allows the powerful Shield2Go devices to be
    used with a Raspberry Pi. All these products can not only be
    utilized for prototyping purposes. As the three showcased
    DIY projects demonstrated, the products that Infineon offers
    to makers are very well capable to be used in real-world
    projects and small-scale productions.

                                                                    The Shield Buddy 32-bit microcontroller
                                                                    development board now available
                                                                    Get your projects one the road with Infineon’s AURIX™
                                                                    Shield Buddy TC375 kit.

                                                                       Find out more

Technical articles                                                                                                          8
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
OpenVent Open-source 3D Printable Ventilator
    During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it became
    obvious that a lack of medical equipment can cause a severe
    impact. Even simple equipment and designs can often be
    helpful when no professional equipment is available.

    This project describes an open-source ventilator device.
    The main purpose of this project is to generate ventilator
    design files and documentation for situations, when no
    professional and medical equipment can be obtained.
    Easy-to-assemble and readily available components are
    used with a clear focus on simplicity, availability and
    scalability. This means that local and short-notice
    production is enabled wherever needed around the globe.

    The material and documentation described here are                 How does it work?
    provided as open-source with no warranties explicit or
    implied. No material is intended to provide medical advice.       An Ambu bag is used as pressure reservoir. It already            reduce the infection risk of medical personnel (e.g. filters
    All designs are intended for investigational use only. This       features an O2 inlet (O2 concentration is crucial for            and UV lighting applied to exhaled air) and/or enable the
    article does not represent any official policies or procedures.   patients with acute respiratory syndrome) and several            best use of professional equipment for critical cases
    The project is provided “as is”, without warranty of any          safety features including e.g. overpressure and bypass           (e.g. switch patient on recovery track to lower-requirements
    kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the        valves. Being standard for emergency help, these bags            open-source ventilator). All of this is based on open-source
    warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular           are available in substantial volumes. A motorized and            and commonly accessible parts; especially for the mechanics
    purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors        microcontroller+sensor controlled setup squeezes the bag         the objective is to be scalable in production and hence fully
    or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or          at the right pattern, supporting assist-, pressure-, volume-     3D-printable. The only things not printed are the motor and
    other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or        and flow-control ventilation and exhaled gas measurements        its screws as well as the belt. BLDC motors are proposed.
    otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the         and filters. Additionally provided design files for 3D-printed   Stepper motors such as NEMA 23 are another design-in
    software or the use or other dealings in the software.            adapters and valves also help to fill gaps in ‘accessory’        option. Design findings and results are openly shared as
    Only use this design, documentation or any provided               supply with professional equipment (ensuring, that all           part of the open source, so other teams can easily also build
    information if you accept the above disclaimer.                   available equipment can always be used) and/or help to           upon it.

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                              9
Knowledge has no end - Infineon's makers eBook Tutorial and other essentials for your project - Infineon Technologies
The human lung                                                                                                                        Mechanical ventilators
    The human lung is a complex organ responsible for gas              › Alveoli: These are located at the tip and the walls of the       A mechanical ventilator is a medical device used to assist
    exchange between the body and the environment. The                  respiratory airways. The group of alveoli form an acinus,         or replace spontaneous breathing.
    lung is mainly composed of two types of airways (conductive         which in turn forms the sponge-like consistency of the
    and respiratory airways), alveoli, and blood vessels.               lung. Each alveolus is surrounded by blood vessels.               Mechanical Ventilator Functionalities
                                                                        The common wall between the alveolus and the blood                In the following section we list the main functionalities
    › Conductive airways: The main role of the conductive               capillaries offers the medium for oxygen and carbon               of a mechanical ventilator. We also aim to translate these
      airways is to transport the bulk of air from and into the         dioxide to be exchanged. Why is this important? Diseases          functionalities into design requirements. Our aim in this
      lung. No gas exchange (perfusion) takes place in the              like COVID-19 lead to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory              work is to address the crucial need for supporting the high
      conductive airways. This is why conductive airways                Syndrome) or ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)           demand for mechanical ventilators during times of crisis.
      are also called dead space. This is important because,            via inflammation in the lung. This means that water starts        The following functionalities aim to support the physicians
      mechanically, conductive airways are responsible for the          building up in the alveoli, thus reducing or preventing the       with the right tools to treat patients suffering from SARS &
      resistance to the flow, thus protecting the lung from high        perfusion of the lung. This is a critical stage, where patients   ARDS:
      flow rates during inflation and from collapsing during            will need to be put on assisted/mechanical ventilation.
      deflation.                                                        Physicians will use different methods to keep the alveoli         Tidal Volume: Is the volume of ventilated air at each
                                                                        open, recruit the collapsed ones and bring the inflation          respiratory cycle. An average adult at rest would need
    › Respiratory airways: These airways differ from the                down, all while avoiding further damage to the alveolar wall.     anywhere between 500 to 800 ml of tidal volume each
      conductive airways by containing alveoli on their walls.                                                                            respiratory cycle to properly ventilate the lung.
      Perfusion starts taking place at the respiratory airways.                                                                           From requirements point of view, this means the
      The air at this level is transported via diffusion rather than                                                                      ventilator needs to:
      conduction. Why is this important? During respiration,                                                                              › pump up to 800 ml of air
      the air needs to sit long enough in the lung for oxygen to                                                                          › control the pumped volume
      diffuse from the tips of the conductive airways into the                                                                            › monitor and report if the pumped volume exceeded or
      respiratory airways. The same applies for carbon dioxide                                                                              dropped below the critical tidal volume
      to diffuse from the respiratory airways into the conductive
      airways. This determines the criteria for picking the
      ventilation periods for inhaling and exhaling.

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                                10
Pressure: The pressure produced by the lung ventilators is          Ventilation modes
    responsible for driving the air into the lung and controlling
    the rate of exhalation of the lung. From a requirements point       In interviews with medical personnel, we noticed that

    of view, this means ventilators need to:                            in most cases of intensive care, the pressure control is
    › control the pumping pressure                                      the mode chosen. That is why we will focus on this
    › monitor and report if the pressure exceeds critical levels,       method in the following prototype. A control loop will

      to protect the lung from VALI (Ventilator-Associated Lung         keep the pressure level at a preset value. A certain
      Injury)                                                           volume (l/min) will arise.

    › control the PEEP (Peak End Expiratory Pressure), which
      protects alveoli from collapsing                                  If necessary, the medical personal will adjust the
                                                                        pressure level to increase or lower the volume/min.                   Inspiration     Expiration   Inspiration     Expiration

    Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2): To protect the lung from        Also the ratio of pressure to volume/min is an indi­

    VALI, the physicians could choose to ventilate the lung with        cation of the human lung’s health.
    lower tidal volume but higher oxygen content. For that,
    the ventilator is connected to an oxygen intake. From a

    requirements point of view:
    The ventilator needs to control the mixture of oxygen and                                                                                                              Peak Pressure
                                                                                                                                                       Plateau Pressure
    air, which will be ventilated into the lung and monitor the

    concentration of oxygen in the pumped gas. This value is
    used to adjust the FIO2 and to compare it with the oxygen                                                                                 Inspiration     Expiration   Inspiration     Expiration
    level in the blood. This in turn is an important indicator of
    oxygen transfusion.

    Expired Carbon Dioxide: Carbon dioxide is toxic for humans.
    The concentration of the expired CO2 is an indicator of

    whether the patient’s lung is being well perfused and
    ventilated. Physicians track CO2, for example, to know if the

    patient is still alive. From the requirements point of view, this
    › Monitor and report the CO2 concentration of exhaled air                                                                                 Inspiration     Expiration   Inspiration     Expiration

                                                                                                                                                    Controlled Values             Monitored Values

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                                      11
Mechanics                                                Electronics                                             Closed loop motor control
        All mechanical parts are either standard parts (such     The electronic setup involves:                          In pressure-controlled mode, there can be slow
        as screws) or 3D printed parts. The files can be found   › Microcontroller (XMC4700 relax kit) in charge of      speeds even up to 0 with still need to hold the
        here. The belt is made of tape which is simply folded      sensor readings, motor control and pressure control   pressure in the lung. To maintain a high torque at
        and therefore has no outward-facing sticky surfaces.       loop                                                  lower speeds, we decided to build a sensor-based
        ((pls. check/confirm))                                   › Power stage driving the motor (IFX007 BLDC shield     closed loop motor control setup. The rotor position
                                                                   for Arduino)                                          is detected by a TLE5012B magnetic angle sensor.
                                                                 › Angle sensor (TLE5012B S 2GO breakout board)          This way you can set the half bridges of the IFX007
                                                                   monitoring the motor rotor position                   power stage in the right way to create the needed
                                                                 › Digital pressure sensor monitoring pressure and air   magnetic field to move or hold the rotor. We also use
                                                                   flow (DPS368 S 2GO boards)                            this sensor to detect upper and lower endpoints so we
                                                                                                                         don’t turn the motor too far.

                                                                                                                                                             BLCD motor

                                                                                                                              Magnetic sensor

                                                                                                                                                      3 half-bridge power stage
                                                                                                                                 Main controller

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                12
Pressure and flowmeter
    In our pressure and flowmeter setup, we use two DPS368
    S2GO boards. The DPS368 (digital pressure sensor) is
    waterproof and can monitor pressure levels as accurate as
    6Pa. We placed the two sensors along a tube setup. This way
    we can calculate the flow according to the pressure drop
    (loss) across the tube. We tested 4 mm / 6 mm / 8 mm tubes
    with a length of 80 mm between the sensor outlets. The 8
    mm one shows the best result in terms of sensing accuracy
    and lowest pressure drop. In addition, we can use one of the
    pressure values directly for our pressure control loop.

                                                                    Tubes                                                            Flow and pressure sensing setup

    Control loops
                                                                                                                      Closed loop pressure control

    Here you can see the two control loops running:                                       Closed loop motor control
    › the closed loop motor control using the magnetic angle
      sensor                                                                                                                                                 DPS368 pressure
                                                                                   XMC4700                  IFX007                               Ambu
                                                                                                                                   BLDC                             +          Lung
    › the closed loop pressure control using the digital pressure               microcontroller           power stage                             bag

                                                                                                        magnetic angle

                                                                    Control loop block diagram

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                    13
Inno.Wafer – Infineon’s startup
    cooperation program
    Innovation and partnerships are part of Infineon’s DNA. We
    walk the talk - together with startups, we drive tomorrow’s
    solutions. Our products address global challenges such as
    climate and demographic change, urbanization, and digital

    Become part of our startup cooperation program Inno.Wafer.
    The wafer is the symbol of the semiconductor industry.
    However, the innovations we are looking for go far beyond
    pure semiconductor technology. They are about the
    applications that you can build with our products, the
    software that complements them or the process efficiency
    that we can gain as a global corporation.

    Join the Inno.Wafer program now to have Infineon on your
    side as your customer, supplier or business partner!

    Independently and in addition to a concrete partnership, we
    offer mentorships to interested startups active in hardware
    or embedded systems (see more info on mentorships below).

                                                                  Discover our new high-side switch
                                                                  shield with BTS700x-1EPP for Arduino
                                                                  For demonstrating relay and fuse replacement, the shield                                     can be used to control and protect outputs of a 12 V supply.

                                                                      Get started now

Technical articles                                                                                                               14
Blockchain Security 2GO
    starter kit – meeting blockchain
    security challenges
    Infineon’s Blockchain Security 2GO starter kit provides a
    fast and easy way to build best-in-class security into your
    blockchain system design.
    This generic kit supports an evaluation environment for
    many different kinds of blockchain technologies. It provides
    a lean feature set as well as open-source application
    examples, which enable new ideas to flourish and the
    generation of a secured physical link from the digital to
    the real world.

    The Blockchain Security 2GO starter kit includes:
    › Five ready-to-use NFC cards, supporting basic blockchain
      functionalities such as secure key generation, signing
      methods, pin protection and many more
    › On-card software that supports commands for key
      management, signature creation and PIN authentication
    › Access to Infineon’s blockchain GitHub: Open-source
      example application code, such as a smartphone app
      operating with the card

    Where to buy
    Either from or from
    distributors’ e-Store:
    The list is available on

    Where to get support

Technical articles                                                 15
Key features and benefits                                                       Infineon‘s
                                                                                    SECORA™ Blockchain

    NFC cards                                                                        User
    › Credit card size format (ID1)
    › Infineon security controller chip                                                                                       Signed
    › Contactless communication interface ISO 14443 Type A
    On-card software commands                                                                                                       Transaction
    › Key management
    › Signature creation                                                                                               Nodes               verify

    › PIN authentication                                                                                                 All blockchain
                                                                                                                                                                                 Block generated

                                                                                                                            can verify

    Open-source software                                                                                               Nodes               verify

    › Android example app demonstrating a crypto wallet for
      Ethereum/ERC-20 tokens and a Smart Contract voting             Infineon’s Blockchain
      demo                                                           Security 2GO starter kit
    › Python library abstracting the Blockchain Security 2GO API      features hardware-based
                                                                     protection mechanisms to
                                                                     generate and store private
    Customer benefits                                                keys in a secured way.
    › Starter kit for fast and easy design of blockchain
    › Low effort to integrate security                             Blockchain in a nutshell
      (protection of credentials)
                                                                   Basically, a blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger                 Why is security so important for blockchain applications?

    Main features of the NFC cards                                 that manages a continuously growing list of data points
                                                                   (chain of blocks). Every block is cryptographically linked
                                                                                                                                             The private key of a user plays a critical role. If the private
                                                                                                                                             key is lost, all assets are lost. Moreover, if the private key is
    › Creation and storage of up to 255 private/public key pairs   to the previous block. The ledger records all transactions                stolen and hacked, the attacker has full access to all assets,
      for blockchain applications                                  which are used to send assets (e.g. crypto currency) from                 which allows the creation of seemingly valid transactions.
    › Loading and storing a key that is provided by the user      one account to another. Each transaction is protected by a
      in an encrypted form                                         digital signature. To create such a digital signature, a secret           Private key storage requires the best possible protection!
    › Signature generation for signing blockchain transactions     private key that corresponds to the public key of an account              Hardware-based security tokens are the most effective
    › User authentication with PIN                                 is needed.                                                                defense against attacks and unauthorized access.

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                                        16
Get inspired – learn and be part
    of our social communities
    Infineon concentrates on building a strong relationship
    with its communities and shares dedicated expertise within
    the hardware & software developer network by leveraging
    the power of community platforms. Our target is to build a
    strong relationship with all developers by establishing
    road-tests, design challenges and sharing outstanding
    stories of our makers. Follow us in our communities and
    learn about Infineon’s product portfolio, projects showcases
    great ideas and latest technologies.

    Visit us in our communities:
    Infineon on Social Media

Technical articles                                                 17
µSD card interface
                                                    512Mb QSPI NOR Flash

                                                                                                                                                    Back of kit featuring the MikroBUS®
                 On-board debugger                                                               PDM-PCM mic                                        Interface allowing for off-the-shelf
                 prgrammer (KitProg3)                                                            Thermistor                                         Mikro Click Board expansion

                 PSoC 62 w/ 2MB                                                                                    On-board debugger                                                       Fully certified
                 Flash and                                                                                         programmer                                                              module hosting the
                 1 MB SRAM Murata                                                                                  (KitProg3)                                                              PSoC 63 BLE 5 MCU
                 LBEE5KL1DX Module

                 Digilent PmodT™                                                                 Linear slider,
                 interface                                                                       touch buttons
                                                                                                 using CapSense®
                                              Reset button (SW1)   Power selection jumper (J3)

    PSoC 6 Wi-Fi-BT Prototyping kit                                             PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping kit                                   The ModusToolbox Software
    (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W)                                                       (CY8CPROTO-063-BLE)                                          Environment
    The PSoC 6 Wi-Fi-BT Prototyping kit is a low-cost                           The PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping kit is a low-cost development     The ModusToolbox Software Environment is the ideal
    development platform featuring the PSoC 62 MCU. It also                     platform featuring the PSoC 63 BLE 5.0 MCU in a fully        software platform to create IoT MCU and wireless designs.
    features Infineon Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity showcasing                   certified module. There is also an on-board programmer /     Think about ModusToolbox as a collection of firmware
    our extensive MCU + Wireless integration. On-board is a fully               debugger for easy prototyping and support for the mikroBUS   libraries (BSPs, middleware, examples, and more) and tools
    certified 802.11n Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 5 Murata 1DX module                     interface, allowing expanded functionality through shields   that you can easily arrange to suit the needs of your project.
    hosting the CYW4343W radio. Also on-board are industry-                     quickly and easily.                                          ModusToolbox allows you to bring your ideas to life. Take
    leading CapSense® capacitive-sensing buttons/sliders,                                                                                    advantage of our intuitive configurators that allow you to
    Serial NOR Flash, PDM-PCM mic and a thermistor.                                                                                          easily set up system functions, configure and tune CapSense
    It also has a Digilent Pmod interface for the ability to                                                                                 hardware applications, set up and write to displays, and
    expand functionality quickly and easily.                                                                                                 configure connectivity settings for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and
                                                                                                                                             USB. ModusToolbox also provides world-class integration
                                                                                                                                             of 3rd party ecosystems such as Mbed OS and FreeRTOS
                                                                                                                                             for AWS IoT cloud services. A plethora of easy-to-use code
                                                                                                                                             examples can be found on the Infineon GitHub Repository
                                                                                                                                             showing you how to take advantage of all these features and
                                                                                                                                             development flows.

Technical articles                                                                                                                                                                                              18
Products Index

Maker Products Index
    Motor Control
                           Product name    BLDC Motor Control with TLE9879

                           Ordering Code   BLDCSHIELDTLE9879TOBO1

                           Description     BLDC Shield for Arduino with TLE9879QXA40 is designed to drive BLDC motors in combination with an
                                           Arduino-compatible baseboard. The Shield is flashed with several motor control algorithms (sensorless FOC,
                                           Back EMF, Hall sensor based block commutation), and it is controlled from the baseboard via SPI. Additionally,
                                           it has a 3 x 2 pin strip to easily connect the Hall pins of an electric motor.


                           Product name    BLDC Motor Control with IFX007T

                           Ordering Code   BLDCSHIELDIFX007TTOBO1

                           Description     The (BL)DC motor control shield is a high current motor control board compatible with Arduino and Infineon’s
                                           XMC4700 Boot kit. It is equipped with three smart IFX007T half-bridges. The BLDC motor control shield is
                                           capable to drive one BLDC motor. Alternatively, it can be used to drive one or two bi-directional DC motors or
                                           up to three uni-directional DC motors.


                           Product name    DC Motor Control with BTN8982

                           Ordering Code   DCMOTORCONTRBTN8982TOBO1

                           Description     The DC motor control shield from Infineon Technologies is one of the first high current motor control boards
                                           compatible with Arduino as well as Infineon’s boards (e.g., the XMC1100 bootkit or the 4700 Relaxkit).
                                           The DC motor control shield is capable to drive two uni-directional DC motors (half bridge configuration) or
                                           one bi-directional DC motor (half bridge configuaration). The implemented integrated BTN8982TA NovalithIC™
                                           half bridges can be controlled by a PWM via the IN Pin.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                 20
Maker Products Index
    Motor Control
                           Product name    DC Motor Control Shield with BTN7030-1EPA

                           Ordering Code   DCSHIELDBTN7030TOBO1

                           Description     The motor control shield with BTN7030-1EPA is designed to drive DC motors in combination with an Arduino
                                           compatible baseboard. The shield can be controlled with the general logic IO-Ports of a microcontroller.
                                           Either an Arduino Uno R3 or the XMC1100 Boot kit from Infineon can be used as the master. In addition, you
                                           can control this board is via uIO port using Infineon uIO Stick.


                           Product name    H-Bridge Kit2Go

                           Ordering Code   HBRIDGEKIT2GOTOBO1

                           Description     The H-Bridge Kit2Go is a ready to use evaluation kit. It is fully populated with all electronic components
                                           equipped with the H-Bridge IFX9201 combined with an ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU. Realize your own DC motor
                                           control. It is designed for the control of DC motors or other inductive loads up to 6 A or up to 36 V of Supply


                           Product name    Stepper Motor Control Shield with IFX9201 & XMC1300

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC1300IFX9201TOBO1

                           Description     It is capable of driving the two coils in a stepper motor featuring dual-h-bridge configuration. The
                                           implemented integrated IFX9201 h-bridges can be controlled by a STEP-signal via the STEP Pin. Interfacing to
                                           a microcontroller is made easy by the integrated XMC1300 microcontroller that holds the peripherals to allow
                                           high-speed current control.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                     21
Maker Products Index
    Smart Switches
                           Product name    24 V Protected Switch Shield with BTT6030-2ERA and BTT6020-1ERA

                           Ordering Code   24VSHIELDBTT6030TOBO1

                           Description     The 24 V Protected Switch Shield for Arduino is used to drive resistive, capacitive as well as inductive loads
                                           (e.g. truck bulbs, car bulbs, valves, motors, relays, capacitors, LEDs) & fast prototyping and in-expensive
                                           evaluation of the PROFET™ +24 V devices.


                           Product name    High-Side Switch Shield with BTS7002-1EPP

                           Ordering Code   SHIELDBTS70021EPPTOBO1

                           Description     The High-side switch shield for Arduino is available in 4 different RDS(ON) categories: BTS7002-1EPP /
                                           BTS7004-1EPP /BTS7006-1EPP /BTS7008-1EPP (21A, 15A, 12.5A, 10A nominal current per output)

                                           For demonstrating relay and fuse replacement, the shield can be used to control and protect outputs of a
                                           12 V supply, turn ON/OFF loads (e.g. bulbs, heating resistors, motor drives), measure the load current and
                                           detect no-load condition. The PROFET™ +2 12 V family targets high current automotive applications
                                           (e.g. ECU power feeds, auxiliary power outlets, heaters).

                           Product name    Low-Side Switch Shield with BTF3050TE

                           Ordering Code   SHIELDBTF3050TETOBO1

                           Description     The Low-Side Switch Shield from Infineon consists out of three BTF3050TE low-side switches of the HITFET™+
                                           family providing three independent power channels that can be controlled via the input pins. The shield is
                                           compatible with microcontroller boards using the Arduino form factor for example the corresponding ARM®
                                           powered XMC™ microcontroller kits from Infineon.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                    22
Maker Products Index
    Smart Switches
                           Product name    Protected Switch Shield with BTS50015-1TAD or BTS50010-1TAD

                           Ordering Code   SHIELDBTS500151TADTOBO1

                           Description     The 12 V protected switch shield for Arduino comes with BTS50015-1TAD (RDS(ON) 1.5 mΩ), an ultra-low
                                           ohmic smart high-side power switch from the Power PROFET™ family. Designed for relay and fuse
                                           replacement in power distribution and junction boxes, Power PROFET™ can drive resistive, capacitive and
                                           inductive loads (e.g. heating resistors, filter capacitors, motor, valves and pumps). The Power PROFET™
                                           family targets high current applications (e.g. ECU power feeds, auxiliary power outlets, PTC heaters, rear
                                           windows heaters) and applications with high switching cycles and high energy requirements (e.g. “start-stop”
                                           systems, electric brake vacuum pumps).

                           Product name    PROFET™ +2 12 V H-Bridge Arduino Shield

                           Ordering Code   HBRIDGEBTS70402TOBO1

                           Description     The H-BRIDGE_BTS7040-2 shield for Arduino is a universal development kit for Infineon’s PROFET™ +2 12 V
                                           Smart High-Side Switch BTS7040-2EPA in combination with an Infineon IPG20N04S4-18A Dual N-channel Low
                                           Side Switch in H-Bridge configuration which is designed for (but not limited to) the control of DC motors or
                                           other inductive loads up to 3.5 A in industrial and home appliance applications. An Arduino Uno, XMC4700
                                           Relax kit, XMC1100 Boot kit, or similar board connected to the shield, can control the H-BRIDGE_BTS7040-2
                                           shield via the general IO pins (5 V).

Maker Products Index                                                                                                                               23
Maker Products Index
    SBC Shield
                           Product name    Lite DCDC SBC Shield with TLE9471-3ES

                           Ordering Code   SBCSHIELDTLE9471TOBO1

                           Description     This Lite DCDC SBC Shield for Arduino with TLE9471-3ES is designed drive the main functions of the System
                                           Basis Chip and accelerates the design-in phase. It is populated with the representative product families’
                                           superset component TLE9471-3ES, 9 pcs RGB LEDs and a microchip CAN-SPI controller. The integrated buck
                                           converter drivers supplied the 9 LEDs, moreover you can use the SPI interface, system interrupt and reset, the
                                           integrated charge pump, the CAN transceiver and the fail-output.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                 24
Maker Products Index
                           Product name    XMC1100 Boot kit

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC11BOOT001TOBO1

                           Description     The XMC1100 CPU Card for Arduino has two rows of pin headers which fully compatible with Arduino shield.
                                           Hence, user can buy various Arduino shield boards off-the-shelf to test the capabilities of XMC1100


                           Product name    XMC2Go with XMC1100

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC2GOXMC1100V1TOBO1

                           Description     The XMC2Go kit with XMC1100 is maybe the world’s smallest, fully featured microcontroller evaluation kit
                                           showcasing, XMC1100 (ARM® Cortex™-M0 based), on-board J-Link Lite Debugger (Realized with XMC4200
                                           microcontroller), power over USB (Micro USB),­ESD and reverse current protection, 2 x user LED, pin Header
                                           2 x 8 Pins suitable for Breadbord.


                           Product name    XMC1400 Arduino kit

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC1400ARDUINOTOBO1

                           Description     Explore the most of our XMC1400 microcontroller with the XMC1400 Arduino kit. This kit utilizes Infineon’s
                                           industry leading ARM® Cortex®-M0 microcontroller in combination with Arduino form factor. Focused on
                                           evaluate the capabilities of the XMC1400 Microcontroller multiple applications solutions, it can be used with a
                                           wide range of development tools including Infineon’s free of charge Eclipse based IDE, DAVE™ and much more.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                 25
Maker Products Index
                           Product name    XMC4300 Relax EtherCAT® Kit

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC43RELAXECATV1TOBO1

                           Description     The new XMC4300 microcontroller series further reduces complexity in EtherCAT® implementation and cost in
                                           factory automation, industrial motor control, I/O modules and robotics. The XMC4300 series was specifically
                                           developed for EtherCAT® industrial applications, where cost pressure places a premium on design flexibility,
                                           connectivity and performance without compromise to EtherCAT® communication features.


                           Product name    XMC4700 Relax Lite Kit for 5V Shields

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC47RELAXLITEV1TOBO1

                           Description     XMC4700 microcontroller evaluation kit, hardware compatbile with 5V Arduino™ Shields (lite version w/o
                                           Ethernet components assembled).


                           Product name    XMC4700 Relax Kit for 3.3 V Shields (available in lite form)

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC47RELAXLITEV1TOBO1

                           Description     XMC4700 microcontroller evaluation kit, Ethernet connection, CAN node and microSD Card slot included,
                                           Hardware compatible with compatible with 3.3 V Arduino™ Shields (lite version w/o Ethernet components


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                26
Maker Products Index
                           Product name    XMC4800 Relax EtherCAT® kit

                           Ordering Code   KITXMC48RELAXECATV1TOBO1

                           Description     XMC4800 microcontroller evaluation kit, EtherCAT® node, Ethernet connection, CAN node and microSD Card
                                           slot included, Hardware compatible with compatible with 3.3 V Arduino Shields


                           Product name    AURIX™ ShieldBuddy

                           Ordering Code   KITA2GTC375ARDSBTOBO1

                           Description     The ShieldBuddyTC375 is (currently) the world’s smallest AURIX™ development board. The Hitex
                                           ShieldBuddyTC375 is fitted with the Infineon TC375 32-bit multicore processor on a board following the
                                           Arduino™ standard making it compatible with many of the application shields that are available.


                           Product name    AURIX™ TC375 lite kit

                           Ordering Code   KITA2GTC375LITETOBO1

                           Description     AURIX™ TC375 lite kit is equipped with a 32-Bit Single-Chip AURIX™ TriCore™ based-microcontroller Aurix™
                                           TC375. It can be used with a range of development tools including AURIX™ Development Studio, Infineon’s
                                           free of charge Eclipse based IDE, or the Eclipse based “FreeEntryToolchain” from Hightec/PLS/Infineon.
                                           This kit is comparible with Arduino and AURIX™ Development Studio.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                27
Maker Products Index
    XENSIV™ Shield2Go
                           Product name    Shield2Go with TLE493DW2B6-A0 or TLV493D-A1B6

                           Ordering Code   S2GO3DTLE493DW2B6A0TOBO1 / S2GO3DSENSETLV493DTOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s 3D magnetic sensor TLE493D-W2B6/TLV493D-A1B6 offers accurate three dimensional sensing with
                                           extremely low power consumption. Within its small 6-pin package the sensor provides direct measurement
                                           of the x, y and z magnetic field components, making it ideally suited for the measurement of 3D movement,
                                           Linear travel and 360° angle rotation. TLE493D-W2B6 includes an enhanced dynamic wake up feature.


                           Product name    Shield2Go with TLI493D-W2BW-A0

                           Ordering Code   S2GO3DTLI493DW2BWA0TOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s S2GO_3D_TLI493D-W2BW-A0 boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the
                                           boards are equipped with one TLI493D-W2BW-A0 magnetic sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino
                                           library. Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together
                                           with Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino
                                           and Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT evaluation platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and
                                           development of IoT system on the market! It can be used together with XMC2Go platform.

                           Product name    Shield2Go with TLI4971 Current Sense

                           Ordering Code   S2GOCURSENSETLI4971TOBO1

                           Description     XENSIV™ magnetic current sensor TLI4971-A120T, sensor board for high current capability (≤20 A),
                                           to be used with Arduino or XMC2Go evaluation board.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                   28
Maker Products Index
    XENSIV™ Shield2Go
                           Product name    Shield2Go with TLE4964-3M

                           Ordering Code   S2GOHALLTLE49643MTOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s XENSIV™ TLE4964-3M is an integrated Hall effect switch designed specifically for highly accurate
                                           applications with superior supply voltage capability, operating temperature range and temperature stability
                                           of the magnetic thresholds.


                           Product name    Shield2Go with IM69D130

                           Ordering Code   S2GOMEMSMICIM69DTOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped
                                           with two High-performance digital MEMS Microphone IM69D130 and come with a ready to use Arduino library.
                                           Customers can now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with
                                           Infineon My IoT adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and
                                           Raspberry PI, which are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and
                                           development of IoT system.

                           Product name    Shield2Go with DPS310 Pressure Sensor

                           Ordering Code   S2GOPRESSUREDPS310TOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped
                                           with one DPS310 barometric pressure sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can
                                           now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT
                                           adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which
                                           are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                29
Maker Products Index
    XENSIV™ Shield2Go
                           Product name    Shield2Go with DPS368 Pressure Sensor

                           Ordering Code   S2GOPRESSUREDPS368TOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s Shield2Go boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience – the boards are equipped
                                           with one DPS368 barometric pressure sensor and come with a ready to use Arduino library. Customers can
                                           now develop their own system solutions by combining Shield2Go boards together with Infineon My IoT
                                           adapters. My IoT adapters are gateways to external hardware solutions like Arduino and Raspberry PI, which
                                           are popular IoT hardware platforms. All this enables the fastest evaluation and development of IoT system.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                               30
Maker Products Index
    XENSIV™ Sensor 2GO kit
                                Product name    Magnetic Speed Sensor 2GO kit with TLE4922

                                Ordering Code   TLE4922MS2GOTOBO1

                                Description     TLE4922 MS2GO kit is a new budget-priced evaluation board that are already equipped with a sensor
                                                combined with an ARM® Cortex®-M0 CPU. The sensor 2GO kit provide a complete set of on-board devices,
                                                including an on-board debugger. Build your own application and gadget with the sensor 2GO kit. Our 2GO kit
                                                are ready-to-use plug-and-play boards.


                                Product name    Magnetic Angle Sensor 2GO kit with TLX5012B

                                Ordering Code   TLE5012BE1000MS2GOTOBO1

                                Description     Infineonʼs XENSIV™ TLx5012B Magnetic Angle Sensor 2GO kit is a budget-priced entry level evaluation
                                                kit equipped with a TLE5012B /TLI5012B digital GMR angle sensor interfaced with an XMC1100 Infineon
                                                microcontroller based on ARM Cortex M0 CPU. Build your own application and gadget with the Angle Sensor
                                                2GO kits. The hardware & software bundle allows decoding and acquisition of all communication protocols,
                                                access to RAM registers and soft fusing of different variants


                       6,8 mm   Product name    3D Magnetic Hall Sensor 2GO kit with TLE493D-A2B6 or TLE493D-W2B6 or TLV493D-A1B6

                                Ordering Code   TLE493DW2B6MS2GOTOBO1 / SP001707578 / SP001707574

                                Description     The 3D Magnetic Sensor 2GO kit is a budget-priced evaluation board equipped with a magnetic sensor for
                                                three dimensional measurement combined with an ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU. It has a complete set of on-board
                                                devices, including an on-board debugger. In addition Infineon is offering so called add-on components which
                                                are adapters for the 3D Magnetic Sensor 2GO kits. Theses add ons (e.g. joysticks, rotation knobs, linear slider
                                                etc.) comprise a magnet and can be directly mounted onto the 2Go kits. Together with a dedicated GUI it’s the
                                                perfect tool for fast and easy plug-and-play systems. Build and evaluate your own application and gadget with
                                                the 3D Magnetic Sensor 2GO kit.

Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                       31
Maker Products Index
    XENSIV™ Sensor 2GO kit
                             Product name    Pressure Sensor 2GO kit with KP215 MAP

                             Ordering Code   KP215F1701PS2GOKITTOBO1

                             Description     Infineon’s XENSIV™ Pressure Sensor 2GO kit is a budget-priced evaluation board equipped with a pressure
                                             sensor for pressure sensor measurement combined with an ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU. The Pressure Sensor 2GO
                                             kit has a complete set of on-board devices, including an on-board debugger. Build your own application and
                                             gadget with the Pressure Sensor 2GO kits.


                             Product name    Pressure Sensor 2GO kit with KP229E3518

                             Ordering Code   KP229E3518PS2GOKITTOBO1

                             Description     Infineon’s XENSIV™ Pressure Sensor 2GO kit is a budget-priced evaluation board equipped with a pressure
                                             sensor for pressure sensor measurement combined with an ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU. The Pressure Sensor 2GO
                                             kit has a complete set of on-board devices, including an on-board debugger. Build your own application and
                                             gadget with the Pressure Sensor 2GO kits. KP229E3518 MAP: Analog Turbo MAP Sensor


                             Product name    Angle Sensor Eval kit with TLE5014CPS

                             Ordering Code   TLE5014SPEVALKITTOBO1

                             Description     Infineon’s XENSIV™ GMR angle sensor family has a new member of plug-and-play evaluation kits, the TLE5014
                                             Eval kit series. The TLE5014 is a digital GMR angle sensor offering an excellent angle accuracy of less than 1°.
                                             Customers can choose between 4 different interface variants SPC, PWM, SENT as well as SPI, which is also
                                             reflected in the setup of the Eval kits. Infineon is offering two different TLE5014 Eval kits which are highlighting
                                             the wide variety of interfaces, the TLE5014CPS Eval kit (featuring SPC, PWM and SENT) and the TLE5014SP
                                             Eval kit (featuring SPI)

Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                        32
Maker Products Index
    XENSIV™ Sensor 2GO kit
                             Product name    Add ons for 3D Magnetic Sensor 2GO kits and Shield2Go

                             Ordering Code   JOYSTICKFOR3D2GOKITTOBO1

                             Description     Easy mounting on all 3D Magnetic Sensor 2GO kits and Shield2Go.


                             Product name    Shield2Go Adapter – my IoT adapter

                             Ordering Code   MYIOTADAPTERTOBO1

                             Description     By combining Shield2Go boards with the Infineon My IoT adapter, customized system solutions can be
                                             developed and evaluated. This Shield is compatible for 3.3 V and 5 V shields.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                              33
Maker Products Index
    Security Shield2Go
                           Product name    Shield2Go OPTIGA™ TrustM

                           Ordering Code   S2GOOPTIGAMCLOUDTOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s Shield2Go for IoT clouds comes pre-provisioned with the OPTIGA™ Trust M high-end security
                                           solution offering a unique customer and evaluation experience on an easy-to-handle PCB.

                                           It provides a root of trust in the form of a unique X.509 certificate coupled with hardware support to establish
                                           a TLS (Transport Layer Security) connection between your device and a cloud, this forming a robust basis for
                                           secured communication.

                           Product name    Shield2Go OPTIGA™ TrustE

                           Ordering Code   S2GOSECURITYOPTIGAETOBO1

                           Description     This Shield2Go board is equipped with one OPTIGA™ Trust E security chip and comes with a ready-to-use
                                           Arduino library. By combining Shield2Go boards with Infineon MyIoT adapters, customized system solutions
                                           can be developed.


                           Product name    Shield2Go OPTIGA™ Trust X

                           Ordering Code   S2GOSECURITYOPTIGAXTOBO1

                           Description     Infineon’s Shield2Go Security OPTIGA™ Trust X boards offer a unique customer and evaluation experience –
                                           the boards are equipped with one OPTIGA™ Trust X security chip and come with a ready to use Arduino library.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                                    34
Maker Products Index
    Sensor Radar
                           Product name    Sense2GoL Development kit with 24GHz tranceiver IC BGT24LTR11, XMC1302 microcontroller and XMC4200

                           Ordering Code   DEMOSENSE2GOLMAKETOBO1

                           Description     Sensor radar
                                           Test your #MakeRadar device immediately – live and right here in the browser!

                                           The Plug & play experience allows you to easily get started with radar and your radar device.


                           Product name    PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping kit

                           Ordering Code   CY8CPROTO-063-BLE

                           Description     The PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping kit is a low-cost development platform featuring the PSoC 63 BLE 5.0 MCU in a
                                           fully certified module. There is also an on-board programmer / debugger for easy prototyping and support
                                           for the MikroBUS interface allowing expanded functionality through shields quickly and easily.


                           Product name    PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Prototyping kit

                           Ordering Code   CY8CPROTO-062-4343W

                           Description     The PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Prototyping kit is a low-cost development platform featuring the PSoC 62 MCU. It also
                                           features Infineon Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity showcasing our extensive MCU + Wireless integration. On-board
                                           is a fully certified 802.11n Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 5 Murata 1DX Module hosting the CYW4343W Radio. Also on-board
                                           are industry-leading CapSense® capacitive-sensing buttons/sliders, Serial NOR Flash, PDM-PCM Mic and a
                                           Thermistor. It also has a Digilent PMOD interface for the ability to expand functionality quickly and easily.


Maker Products Index                                                                                                                               35
Infineon Technologies AG   Published by
                           Infineon Technologies AG

                           © 2021 Infineon Technologies AG.
81726 Munich               All rights reserved.

                           Date: 03 / 2021          
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