Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy

Page created by Irene Jenkins
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Knowledge Organiser
      2020 - 2021

              Year 9
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Knowledge Organisers
At Longfield Academy, we believe that a firm grounding in knowledge should be at the core of students
learning. With this in mind, we have created this ‘knowledge organiser’ booklet to give you an overview of
what your son or daughter will be studying over the next two modules. A knowledge organiser is a set of key
facts or information that pupils need to know and be able to recall in order to master a unit or topic. This will
help them to develop and deepen their learning across all of their lessons.

Each subject has created one or more knowledge organisers based upon the topics that are being studied in
the first two modules. Students should learn this information in their own time so that they can recall it easily.
This can be done following these simple steps:

      Read – Spend 5 to 10 minutes reading through a knowledge organiser.
      Cover – Either cover over key topics or simply turn your knowledge organiser over to ensure that
       the information is well hidden.
      Quiz – Ask a friend or relative to test your knowledge on what you have learnt.
      Repeat - Repeat the steps until you have committed the material to memory and mastered the
      If you are still struggling with a topic, then you might want to carry out further research and make
       your own knowledge organiser.

Teachers will set this as homework which should be recorded in the student planners. Students will then be
tested in lessons via low stakes quizzing to ensure that they have revised their knowledge organisers. It is
important that students track their scores from their low stakes quizzes in the “Quiz Scores” section of this
booklet. Typically, these will be scored out of 5, however, departments may vary depending on the topic they
are delivering. Initially the scores will be recorded in the student’s books or online work book. However, it is
vitally important that they are transferred to this document.

You can support your child by:

      Encouraging them to study their knowledge organiser booklet and learn the material set.
      Testing them on their ability to recall the information learnt from the knowledge organisers.

A digital copy of the knowledge organiser booklet can be found on our school website under the ‘curriculum’
tab. The knowledge organiser is part of their stationary equipment and it is expected that the knowledge
organiser should be with the students at all times.
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Quiz Scores
                           Design - Art
  1    2      3    4         5           6    7    8    9    10

 11   12      13   14       15       16       17   18   19   20

                        Design - Technology
  1    2      3    4         5           6    7    8    9    10

 11   12      13   14       15       16       17   18   19   20

  1    2      3    4         5           6    7    8    9    10

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  1    2      3    4         5           6    7    8    9    10

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Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Quiz Scores
                   Food Preparation and Nutrition
  1    2      3       4        5       6         7    8    9    10

 11   12      13     14       15      16         17   18   19   20

  1    2      3       4        5       6         7    8    9    10

 11   12      13     14       15      16         17   18   19   20

  1    2      3       4        5       6         7    8    9    10

 11   12      13     14       15      16         17   18   19   20

                          ICT – Digital Design
  1    2      3       4        5       6         7    8    9    10

 11   12      13     14       15      16         17   18   19   20
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Quiz Scores
  1    2      3    4       5           6    7    8    9    10

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  1    2      3    4       5           6    7    8    9    10

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  1    2      3    4       5           6    7    8    9    10

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                        Religious Studies
  1    2      3    4       5           6    7    8    9    10

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Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Quiz Scores
  1    2      3    4    5      6    7    8    9    10

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  1    2      3    4    5      6    7    8    9    10

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Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
On the following pages are knowledge organisers for subjects in the following order:

Middle Years Programme Language
Design - Art
Design - Technology
Food Preparation and Nutrition
ICT - Digital Design
Religious Studies
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Art - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 1
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Art - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 2
Knowledge Organiser 2020 2021 - Year 9 - Longfield Academy
Art - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 3
Art - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 4
Art - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 5
Art - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 6
Design Technology - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 1
Design Technology - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 2
Drama - Modules 1 and 2
Drama - Module 2 – Dennis Kelly – Part A
Drama - Module 2 – Dennis Kelly – Part B
Drama - Module 2 – Dennis Kelly – Part C
English – Module 1 – Part 1
English – Module 1 – Part 2
Food - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 1
Food - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 2
Food - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 3
French – Module 1

     Knowledge organiser - Please, learn your vocabulary regularly. Your teacher will test you at the start of every lesson.

            Week 1 Describing a person                                             Week 2 Planet Facebook
Tu es comment?       What do you look like?                  Qu’est-ce que tu fais sur            What do you do on Facebook?
J’ai les cheveux …       I have … hair.                      Je poste des messages à mes          I post messages to my friends.
blonds                   blond                               Je modifie mes préférences.          I update my likes.
noirs.                   black                               Je regarde les photos de mes         I look at my friends’ photos
bruns .                  brown                               Je commente des photos.              I comment on photos.
J’ai les yeux …          I have … eyes.                      J’invite mes copains à sortir.       I invite my friends out.
bleus.                   blue                                La fréquence                         Frequency
marron                   brown                               quelquefois                          sometimes
Je suis beau/belle.      I am good-looking/beautiful.        souvent                              often
Je suis …                I am …                              tous les jours                       every day
drôle                    funny                               tous les soirs                       every evening
gentil(le).              kind.                               tous les weekends                    every weekend
gentil(le).              kind.                               une fois/deux fois par semaine       once/twice a week
intelligent(e).          intelligent.
sportif/sportive         sporty.
timide                   shy.
                 Week 3 Places and times                                              Week 4 - Past tense
Je vais …                I go …                              J’ai dansé avec ….                   I danced with ….
au centre commercial     to the shopping centre              Qu’est-ce que tu as fait samedi?     What did you do on Saturday?
au centre de loisirs     to the leisure centre               J’ai joué au bowling avec …          I went bowling with …
au cinéma/à la piscine. to the cinema/ to the swimming       J’ai mangé un hamburger avec …       I ate a hamburger with …
au fastfood.             to the fast-food restaurant.        J’ai regardé un DVD avec ….           I watched a DVD with …
à la patinoire.          to the ice rink.                    Je suis allé(e) au cinéma avec...     I went to the cinema with …
ce matin                 this morning                        Je suis allé(e) en ville avec …       I went into town with …
cet après-midi           this afternoon                      Je suis allé(e) à une fête avec …     I went to a party with …
ce soir                  his evening                         C’était …                             It was ….

demain (matin)            tomorrow (morning)                 genial.                               great.
Tu veux aller …au         Do you want to go …to the          romantique.                           romantic.
cinéma /à la piscine?     cinema/swimming pool?
Oui, je veux bien/        Yes, I’d like to                   ennuyeux.                             boring.
D’accord/ Génial!         OK/Great!                          nul.                                  rubbish.
Pourquoi pas?             Why not?                           un désastre                           a disaster.
Non, merci                No thanks.
Désolé(e), je ne peux     Sorry, I can’t.
                  Week 5 Fou de musique                                         Week 6 High Frequency words
Au festival de musique At the music festival                 oui                                 yes
On a écouté toutes        We listened to all sorts of        non                                 no
de musiques.              music.                             j’ai                                  I have
On a chanté.              We sang.                           je suis                               I am
On a dansé toute la       We danced all night.               et                                    and
On a mangé de la          We ate pizza.                      mais                                  but
On a regardé le           We watched the concert on          aussi                                 also
concert sur
des écrans géants.        giant screens.                     très                                  very
On a bien rigolé.         We had a good laugh                assez                                 quite
                                                             un peu - merci                        a bit - thank you
                                                             avec                                  with
                                                             qu’est-ce que …?                      What?
                                                             pourquoi?                             Why?
                                                             parce que                             because
                                                             ce/cet                                this
French – Module 2

     Knowledge organiser - Please, learn your vocabulary regularly. Your teacher will test you at the start of every lesson.

                       Week 1                                                                Week 2
Mes droits                 My rights                             Mes priorités                        My priorities
J’ai le droit …            I have the right/I am                 Mes priorités sont …                 My priorities are …
                           allowed …
Je n’ai pas le droit …     I don’t have the right/I am           le foot.                             football.
                           not allowed …
d’aller au MacDo avec mes to go to McDonald’s with               la musique.                          music.
copains.                   my friends.
                                                                 la santé.                            health.
d’aller sur des forums.         to go on forums.                 l’argent.                            money.
d’aller sur Facebook.           to go on Facebook.               mon chien.                           my dog.
de jouer à des jeux vidéo le    to play video games in the       ma famille.                          my family.
soir.                           evening.
de regarder la télé dans        to watch TV in                   mes amis.                            my friends.
ma chambre.                     my bedroom                       mes études.                          my studies/schoolwork
de sortir avec mes copains      to go out with my friends        Je n’aime pas du tout …              I really dislike …
le weekend.                     at the weekend.                  le racisme.                          racism.
de sortir seul(e).              to go out by myself.             la cruauté envers les animaux.       cruelty to animals.
de surfer sur Internet une      to surf the internet for one     la pauvreté dans le monde.           poverty in the world.
heure par jour.                 hour a day.                      la violence.                         violence.
                                                                 l’état de la planète.                the state of the planet.
           Week 3 Shopping and time words                                                 Week 4
J’achète ...               I buy …                               Le bonheur                           Happiness
J’ai acheté …              I bought …                            Pour moi, le bonheur, c’est….        For me, happiness is …
Je vais acheter …          I’m going to buy …                    d’aller à la pêche.                  going fishing.
des jeux vidéo et des DVD. video games and DVDs.                 d’être avec mon chien.               being with my dog.
des vêtements ou des       clothes or shoes.                     d’être en famille.                   being with my family.
des produits du commerce   fair-trade products.                  de danser.                           dancing.
des produits d’occasion.   second-hand products.                 de faire les magasins.               going shopping.
des produits écolos.       ‘green’ products.                     de jouer au foot.                    playing football.
des produits que j’aime.   products that I like.                 de manger de la pizza.               eating pizza.
en général                 generally, usually                    de partir en vacances.               going on holiday.
hier                       yesterday                             de retrouver mes copains.            meeting up with my
le weekend dernier         last weekend
la semaine dernière        last week
demain                     tomorrow
le weekend prochain        next weekend
la semaine prochaine       next week
               Week 5 Essential words
Les mots essentiels        High-frequency words
à mon avis                 in my opinion
avec                       with
c’est                      it is
d’abord                    first of all
j’ai                       I have/I’ve got
mon/ma/mes                 my
parce que                  because
pour moi                   for me
pour toi                   for you
puis                       then
quelquefois                sometimes
souvent                    often
Geography - Module 1 – Part 1
Geography - Module 1 – Part 2
Geography - Module 2
History - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 1
History - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 2
History - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 3
History - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 4
History - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 5
ICT – Digital Design – Modules 1 and 2

                       Import                                                   Export                                                   Editing                                         Tools
This is the term used when data is pulled into an       This is a tool that allows you to export you image       Editing allows the user to change or adjust the
application from another source. In Adobe               into a different image type.                             image that they are working on.
Fireworks you would import pictures onto your                                                                                                                                       The select section of tools let
canvas.                                                                                                                                                                             you move and resize your
                 Adobe Photoshop                                          Adobe Fireworks                                              Properties                                   image on your canvas.
This is an image editing software which allows          Adobe Fireworks is a piece of software that              The properties in Fireworks or Photoshop are the
users to edit, crop, resize and correct colour on       provides users with effective means of creating          options associated with what you are working
digital photos.                                         graphics.                                                with.
                       Canvas                                                   Erase                                                    Modify                                    The bitmap sections of tools are
The canvas is the window in which the picture is        This is the process of removing or rubbing out           This is the process of making partial or minor                    really useful for when you want
created or edited.                                      sections of something.                                   changes to something like the structure.                          to edit your image. The magic
                        Select                                                 Deselect                                                  Filters                                   wand tool is great for removing
The select tool allows the user to take and             The deselect tool allows the user to remove the          A filter is a tool which allows you to enhance an                 the white around photos for
choose different objects on the canvas and              objects from a collection of objects that are            object by adding a 3D effect or a shadow.                         example. The eraser tool is also
provides them with the option to move them              currently on the canvas.                                                                                                   useful for removing parts of an
around.                                                                                                                                                                            image.
                                     Bitmap                                                                                 Vector
A Bitmap image is made up of a large number of dots or pixels which look             A vector graphic is not made up of pixels like a bitmap, but is made up of a                   The vector section of tools let
like a picture as long as you are sitting a reasonable distance away from the        set of instructions to the computer of how to draw the image from scratch.                     you draw vector shapes and
screen. As soon as you zoom in close or enlarge the image, you will see the          For example, the vector image might contain the command: "Draw a line                          add text to your page. This is
individual pixels. When a bitmap image is stretched, the pixels are stretched from position A to position B on the computer screen". When this 'vector                              really useful when creating
and it becomes blurry.                                                               image' is loaded into a program that understands how to deal with it, a line
                                                                                     gets drawn from A to B.

                                                                                                 Properties Window

                                                                                                                        The properties window changes depending on what you click on. By default, it will look like
                                                                                                                        the image on the left. This is where you can change the size and colour of your canvas. You
                                                                                                                        can also change the resolution of your canvas by clicking on canvas size.

                                                                                                                        If you were to click on some text or an image in Adobe Fireworks the properties window
                                                                                                                        would change to reflect the object that you have clicked on.
Maths – Module 1 – Coordinates and Linear Graphs
Maths – Module 1 – Standard Form
Maths – Module 1 – Proportion
Maths – Module 2 – Estimation
Maths – Module 2 – Sequences
Maths – Module 2 – Algebra Manipulation – Part 1
Maths – Module 2 – Algebra Manipulation – Part 2
Music - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 1
Music - Modules 1 and 2 – Part 2
PE – Modules 1 and 2 - Paper 1: Health and components of fitness
Health and fitness:                                                                                                      The relationship between health and fitness:
Fitness definition: ‘The ability to meet the demands of the environment’                                                                                 Exercise improves fitness, an increase in fitness will improve performance
Explanation: Are you fit enough to do your everyday tasks in your everyday life. e.g. the fitness needed to                                              Exercise improves all aspects of health (physical, social, emotional)
be a window cleaner to that of an office worker
                                                                                                                                                         If you are not healthy enough to take part in regular exercise your fitness will
Health: ‘A state of complete emotional, physical and social wellbeing ant not merely the absence of disease                                               deteriorate causing your performance to drop. Health benefits will not be gained
or infirmity’
Explanation: Not only are you free from disease and infirmity you are socially active, physically fit and
have no emotional problems such as stress

   Cardiovascular              Muscular                                     Reaction
                              Endurance              Flexibility                                    Power                    Speed                   Agility                 Balance               Coordination                Strength
       fitness                                                               Time

                                                                                              ‘Is the ability to do                                                                                                         ‘The ability to
                                                                                                                                                 ‘Is the ability to       ‘Is the ability to
                             ‘The ability of a                                                      strength          ‘The amount of time                                                        ‘Is the ability to use       overcome a
  ‘The ability of the                                                                                                                          change position of        retain the body’s
                            muscle group to        ‘The range of        ‘The time taken to       performances         it takes to perform a                                                       two or more body           resistance. it
  heart and lungs to                                                                                                                            the body quickly       centre of mass above
                           undergo repeated         movement               respond to a             quickly’           particular action or                                                          parts together       requires a force to
 supply oxygen to the                                                                                                                          while maintaining        the base of support’
                              contractions,      possible at a joint’        stimulus’                                  cover a particular                                                           smoothly and           be applied to a
  working muscles’                                                                                                                                 control of the
                            avoiding fatigue’                                                     Power =                   distance’                                                                  efficiently’       muscle or muscle
                                                                                                                                                    movement’            static or dynamic
                                                                                              Strength x Speed                                                                                                                  group’

     Explanation             Explanation            Explanation           Explanation            Explanation             Explanation              Explanation              Explanation              Explanation              Explanation

    They need good            They need a         Performers need       Performers need                                                                                  Performers need
                                                                                               Performers need          Performers need         Performers need                                     Performs need          Performers need
     cardiovascular       prolonged additional    good flexibility to     to react to a                                                                                balance so they don’t
                                                                                               power to improve         speed to get from       agility to change                                coordination when            Strength to
  fitness to be able to    oxygen delivery to     be able to get into      stimulus. A                                                                                    fall over. E.g. in
                                                                                              performance. Speed         one position to        direction quickly.                                they are using two        support weight
     maintain a high      the working muscles     position without        stimulus can                                                                                   gymnastics when
                                                                                                and strength are      another. This may be     This can be used to                                 body parts at the        (static) lifting a
       standard of          to repeat muscle     getting injured and     include: a ball,                                                                              performing a balance
                                                                                                needed in sports       leg speed to run or     evade opponents or                                same time. It can be     weight (maximal)
      performance          contractions over a       to perform         whistle, starters                                                                              (static) or travelling
                                                                                               where you throw          arm speed when          move around the                                 used when aiming, or       punch (dynamic)
     throughout the        long period of time         complex              gun, or an                                                                                   across the beam
                                                                                             jump kick and sprint      throwing or hitting    court or pitch quickly                            striking/hitting a ball   throw (explosive)
       race/match.           without tiring          movements              opponent                                                                                         (dynamic)

        Sports                  Sports                 Sports                Sports                 Sports                  Sports                   Sports                   Sports                    Sports                  Sports
    Games players            Cyclist (legs)
    Long distance          Boxing (punching)         Gymnasts               Sprinters             Shot put                 Sprinting            Rugby side-step            Gymnastics                   Tennis              Weight lifting
   runners/rowers              Swimmer              Goal keepers        Badminton players     Football (kicking)          Badminton                 Tennis                   Skiing                    Archery                Rugby
                              (arms/legs)             Divers              Rugby players          High jump              Javelin thrower           Badminton               Hammer throw                 Football             Gymnastics

     Fitness Test            Fitness Test           Fitness Test          Fitness Test           Fitness Test            Fitness Test             Fitness Test             Fitness Test             Fitness Test             Fitness Test

  Multi stage fitness                                                                                                                                                                                                     Grip dynamometer
                            Sit-up bleep test       Sit and reach        Ruler drop test        Vertical jump             30m sprint           Illinois agility run     Stork balance test            Wall toss
          test                                                                                                                                                                                                              1 rep max test
PE – Modules 1 and 2 - Principles and Types of Training
Principles of training: SPORT                                       Applying overload to the F.I.T.T principle:                       Training intensities:
Specificity: Training must match the requirements of the            Frequency: How often you train (should be gradually increased)    Aerobic target zone:
activity so that the right muscles and body systems are             Week 1 = train once per week - Week 2 = train twice per week      60% - 80% of max heart rate
                                                                    Intensity: How hard you train (should be gradually increased)     Anaerobic training zone:
Progression Overload: Gradually increasing the amount of
                                                                                                                                      80% - 90% of max heart rate
working training so that fitness gains occur, but without the       Week 1 = 1 set of 5 repetitions of a 5 kg weight - Week 2 = 2
risk of injury                                                      sets of 5 repetitions of a 5 kg weight                            Max Heart rate:
Reversibility: Just as fitness improves with training it can                                                                          220 - age
decline if you stop training                                        Time: How long you train (should be gradually increased) Week 1
                                                                    = 20-minute session - Week 2 = 25-minute session                  Strength/Power
Tedium: This is the boredom that can occur when you train
                                                                                                                                      high weight/low reps above 70% of 1 rep max (3 sets of 4/8 reps)
the same way every time. A variety of training methods are          Type: Relates to specificity. training should closely match the
needed to keep motivated to carry on without giving up                                                                                Muscular endurance
                                                                    activity. E.g. A marathon runner should use continuous training
                                                                                                                                      low weight/high res below 70% of 1 rep max (3 sets of 12-15 reps)

                                                                                                        Types of training:
         Cardiovascular Fitness                      Most components of fitness.                                     Power                                    Strength                            Flexibility
           Continuous Training                                  Circuit Training                            Plyometric Training                        Weight Training                        Static Stretching
                                                                                                                                                                                         Stretch as far as you can.
   Is sub-maximal aerobic exercise                 Contains stations organised in a                     Maximal intensity involving           Form of interval training which
                                                                                                                                                                                     The stretch is held (isometric) for
                                                 circuit, they can be skill or fitness               jumping/bounding. It involves an           involves reps and sets. The
    that has no breaks or rest. It                                                                                                                                                    up to 30 seconds. It Can be done
                                                     based, aerobic or anaerobic                      eccentric contraction (muscle           weight provides the resistance.
  lasts for a minimum of 20 minutes                                                                                                                                                    on your own, with apparatus or
                                                Intensity is measure by circuits, time            lengthens) immediately followed by a        Can be done using free or fixed
  and can improve cardiovascular &                                                                                                                                                        with a partner. Improves
                                                  or repetitions. Can be adapted to                    concentric (muscle shortens)           weights. It improves strength,
        muscular endurance                                                                                                                                                                        flexibility
                                                     improve all types of fitness                  Improves power (speed & strength)          power and muscular endurance

                Advantages                                        Advantages                                       Advantages                             Advantages                             Advantages
                                                     Variety of stations generates
     No equipment or facilities                                                                                                               Can target specific areas of the
                                                                interest                                   Develops power quickly
   Has many health benefits (CHD)                                                                                                                          body                              Develops flexibility
                                                         Can be skill or fitness                               No equipment
      Can be done on your own
                                                         Can easily be adapted
              Disadvantages                                     Disadvantages                                     Disadvantages                         Disadvantages                           Disadvantages

                                                                                                                                                Can cause injury with poor               Not as effective as other
                                                        Equipment can be costly                                                              technique a spotter needed with         stretchng metrhods and can take
          No change of pace                                                                       Can cause injury due to high intensity
                                                    Can be time consuming to set up                                                                   free weights                   alog time to go through all muscle
       Can cause impact injuries
                                                                                                                                                    Can be expensive                               groups
                   Sports                                           Sports                                           Sports                                    Sports                               Sports

            Marathon running                                                                                       Basketball
                                                                                                                                              Weight lifting, tennis (muscular       Most sports and activities benefit
                 Cycling                           Can be adapted to suit all sports                               Long jump
                                                                                                                                                        endurance)                        from static stretching
               Swimming                                                                                             Hurdles
Religious Education - Module 1 - Buddhism Beliefs
                                                                             Key Words
The three          Ignorance, greed and hatred which will lead to suffering         Four Noble Truths   Four truths the Buddha taught about suffering and
poisons            and needs to be overcome                                                             how to overcome it
Asceticism         A lifestyle of strict self-denial – rejected by Siddhartha for   Four Sights         Four things Siddhartha saw that inspired him to
                   the Middle Way                                                                       leave his life of luxury
The Five           An ethical codes used by Buddhists to live a morally             Jakata              A book of popular tales about the life of the Buddha
precepts           correct lifestyle
Dependent          The idea that everything is dependent on everything else         Meditation          The practice of focusing or calming the mind and
Arising                                                                                                 reflecting on teachings
Dharma             The Buddha’s teachings – how to reach the state of             Nirvana / Nibbana     A state of complete enlightenment which lies outside
                   enlightenment                                                                        the cycle of samsara
Dukkha             Suffering or dissatisfaction – something Buddhists seek to     Samsara               The cycle of life, death and re-birth
Eightfold Path     Eight aspects of life Buddhists live by to try and reach       Three Marks of        Three Buddhist beliefs about the truth of existence
                   enlightenment                                                  Existence
Enlightenment      A state of spiritual wisdom which arises from                  Three Watches         Three realisations Siddhartha made in order to
                   understanding the nature of reality                                                  become enlightened

                                                                          Key Ideas
                         Buddha was born Siddhartha Gautama around 500BC in southern                   The Four Sights Siddhartha saw on his trip
                         Nepal.                                                                        outside the palace were:
Buddha’s Life + Four
                         He grew up in a life of luxury as the son of a Queen. His birth was                1. An old man – everyone ages
                         special and he was said to walk straight after birth and lotus flowers             2. An ill man – everyone becomes ill
                         to grow in his footsteps.                                                          3. A dead man – all things die
                          He was inspired to leave this life in the Palace by the Four Sights.              4. A holy man – the only answer to
                         After this he lived an ascetic life of self-denial and pain but wasn’t                  these problems
                         able to become enlightened so left it for the Middle Way between
                         pain and luxury.
                         After the failure of Siddhartha’s ascetic life to provide him with enlightenment Siddhartha chose to follow the Middle
 Enlightenment + 3       Way. He meditated under a tree and was tempted by Mara who tried to distract him, but he stayed focused on
                         meditation and reaching enlightenment.
                         Eventually he became enlightened during the Three Watches of the Night where he understood: knowledge of all his
                         previous lives, the cycle of life, death and re-birth (samsara) and that all beings suffer due to desire. After this
Watches                  Siddhartha became enlightened and began to be known as Buddha.

                         Buddhists believe that nothing is permanent, everything is changing, we don’t have a fixed soul and suffering is a
                         part of life (Dependent arising) that all people must face. The Tibetan Wheel of life is an image that illustrates the
                         birth death and rebirth of beings (samsara)
 The Tibetan Wheel
                         The outer wheel - Nidanas                                      The six realms of           The inner hub -The three
                         This illustrates how human beings are subject to birth,        samsara                     poisons
                         death and rebirth.                                             This indicates the realms   These are ignorance, greed
                                                                                        in which a person is        and hatred, all of which will
  of Life
                                                                                        reborn to. The ideal is to  lead to suffering.
                                                                                        be able to move to
                         The Four Noble Truths are what Buddha taught about suffering
                         1. There is suffering >> 2. Suffering has a cause >> 3. Suffering can come to an end >> 4. There is a way to end
Four Noble Truths +      suffering
Eightfold Path           One of the main causes of suffering is tanha or craving. Other causes are known as the Three Poisons of greed,
                         hatred and ignorance. Ultimately Buddha teaches that we can and must overcome these causes of suffering in order
                         to become enlightened and reach nirvana – a state of freedom, happiness and peace
                         The Eightfold Path consists of eight aspects that Buddhists practise and live by in order to do this.
                         e.g. Right speech (speaking truthfully and kindly), right mindfulness (developing awareness of the world around you)
                         and right understanding (developing an understanding of Buddha’s teachings)

                         A Buddhist ethical code                                             No1. To abstain from taking life
  The five Precepts      Buddhists use these precepts to try to live an ethical              No2. To abstain from taking what is not given freely
                         and morally correct lifestyle. Buddhists practise the               No3. To abstain from the misuse of the senses or sexual
                         precepts voluntarily to improve their behaviour and                 misconduct
                         purify their minds of greed, ignorance and hatred.                  No4. to abstain from wrong speech
                                                                                             No5. To abstain from intoxicants that cloud the mind.

      Meditation         A spiritual exercise that calms the mind and body and leads to the                “Even the gods envy those awakened and
                         development of insight into the nature of existence. It is an important           mindful ones who are intent on
                         practice in most Buddhist traditions.                                             meditation.”
                                                                                                           “Do not encumber your mind with useless
                                                                                                           thoughts… remain in the simplicity of the
                                                                                                           present moment”
Religious Education - Module 2 - Christianity Beliefs

    God        The creator and ruler of the universe and         Atonement      Making amends for wrongdoing. The idea of
               source of all moral authority.                                   being at one with God.

   Jesus       God in human form                                Resurrection    The physical return of Jesus on the third day
                                                                                after he died.

  Creation     The explanation of how God created the          Fundamentalism   Christians who take the Bible literally, i.e.
    story      universe in seven days.                                          word for word true.

 Crucifixion   Capital punishments used by the Romans            Incarnation    God in human form.
               which nails a person to a cross to kill them.

Omnipotent     The idea that God is all powerful.                  Gospel       The names of the books about the life of
                                                                                Jesus in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and

Omnipresent    The idea that God is everywhere.                     Bible       Christianity’s holy book.

Omniscient     The idea that God knows everything.                Messiah       The anointed one who is seen as the saviour
                                                                                by Christians.
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9A – Part 1
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9A – Part 2
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9A – Part 3
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9A – Part 4
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9A – Part 5
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9A – Part 6
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 1
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 2
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 3
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 4
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 5
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 6
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 7
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 8
Science - Modules 1 and 2 – 9B – Part 9
Spanish – Module 1

      Knowledge organiser - Please, learn your vocabulary regularly. Your teacher will test you at the start of every lesson.

                 1. Likes, dislikes and opinions                                                 2. Interests
¿Qué cosas te gustan?            What things do you like?             el deporte                    sport
¿Qué cosas te encantan /         What things do you love?             el dibujo                     drawing
te chiflan?                      What things do you love?             el fútbol                     football
¿Qué cosas no te gustan?         What things do you not like?         el racismo                    racism
Me gusta(n) (mucho)…             I like... (a lot)                    la música                     music
Me encanta(n) / Me               I love...                            la tele                       TV
No me gusta(n) (nada)…           I don't like ... (at all)            la violencia                    violence
Me chifla (n)                    I love...                            los animales                    animals
Me interesa (n)                  ... interests me                     los deberes                     homework
Prefiero...                      I prefer                             los insectos                    insects
Mi actor favorito es...          My favourite actor is...             los videojuegos                 video games
Mi actriz favorita es...         My favourite actress is..            las artes marciales             martial arts
Mi actividad favorita es...      My favourite activity is..           Soy miembro de un club          I am a member of a (judo) club.
                                                                      (de judo).
Mi película favorita es...       My favoruite film is...              Soy miembro de un equipo. I am a member of a team.
                                                                      Soy miembro de un grupo.        I am a member of a group / band.
                     3. Free time activities                                               4. Expressions of frequency
Bailo Zumba.                    I dance Zumba.                        una vez a la semana             once a week
Cocino para mi familia.         I cook for my family.                 dos veces a la semana           twice a week
Escribo canciones.              I write songs.                        a veces                         sometimes
Leo cómics / libros.            I read comics/books.                  a menudo                        often
Monto en bici.                  I ride a bike.                        siempre                         always
Saco fotos.                     I take photos.                        (casi) todos los días           (almost) every day
Toco el teclado.                I play the keyboard.                  todos los fines de semana       at weekends
Veo un partido de fútbol.       I watch a football match.             los lunes / martes /            on Mondays/Tuesdays/
                                                                      miércoles / jueves              Wednesdays/ Thursdays
                                                                      los fines de semana             every weekend
                                                                      después del insti               after school
                          5. TV Programs                              mañana                          tomorrow
¿Qué tipo de película es?        What type of film is it?             la semana que viene             next week
Es…                              It is…                               el fi n de semana que viene     next weekend
una comedia                      a comedy                             el mes que viene                next month
una película de acción           an action film                       el nueve de febrero             on the ninth of February
una película de animación        an animated film                                6. High frequency words and other structures.
una película de aventuras        an adventure film                    casi                            almost
una película de ciencia          a science-fiction film               primero                         firstly
una película de fantasía         a fantasy film                       luego                         later
una película de superhéroes      a superhero film                     después                       after that
una película de terror           a horror film                        más tarde                     after that
                       7. The future tense.                           o                             or
Voy a hacer karting.             I am going to do go-karting.         y                             and
Voy a ir a la bolera.            I am going to go bowling.            pero                          but
Voy a ir a un parque de          I am going to go to a theme park.    también                       also
Voy a jugar al paintball.        I am going to play paintball.        por supuesto                  of course
Voy a pasar la noche en casa I am going to have a sleepover at
con mis amigos/as.               home with my friends.
Voy a sacar muchas fotos.        I am going to take lots of photos.
Vamos a montar en una            We are going to ride a roller
montaña rusa.                    coaster.
Vamos a ver películas de         We are going to watch horror
terror.                          films.
¡Va a ser genial!                It’s going to be great!
Spanish – Module 2

      Knowledge organiser - Please, learn your vocabulary regularly. Your teacher will test you at the start of every lesson.
                            1. Nationalities                                                          2. Rights
¿Cuál es su nacionalidad?           What is his/her nationality?         Tengo derecho…                           I have the right…
Es…                                 He/She is…                           al amor y a la familia                   to love and to family
argentino/a                         Argentinian                          al juego                                 to play
boliviano/a                         Bolivian                             a la educación                           to an education
colombiano/a                        Colombian                            a la libertad de expresión               to freedom of expression
mexicano/a                          Mexican                              a la protección                          to protection
norteamericano/a                    North American                       a un medio ambiente sano                 to a healthy environment
peruano/a                           Peruvian                             No puedo…                                I cannot…
inglés/inglesa                      English                              dar mi opinión                           give my opinion
español(a)                          Spanish                              ir al insti(tuto)                        go to school
pakistaní                           Pakistani                            jugar con mis amigos                     play with my friends
                       3. Interview questions                            respirar                                 breathe
¿De dónde es?                       Where is he/she from?                salir a la calle                         go out in the street
¿Dónde vive?                        Where does he/she live?              vivir con mi familia                     live with my family
¿Con quién vive?                    Who does he/she live with?           porque…                                  because…
¿Qué hace por la mañana?            What does he/she do in the           soy chico/a                              I am a boy/girl
¿Qué hace durante el día?           What does he/she do during the       mi padre es muy estricto                 my father is very strict
                         4. About his/her life                           tengo que ganar dinero            I have to earn money
Es de…                              He/She is from…                      tengo que trabajar                I have to work
Vive en…                            He/She lives in…                     el aire está contaminado          the air is polluted
Vive con sus padres.                He/She lives with his/her            en mi país a veces hay violencia  in my country sometimes
                                    parents.                                                               there is violence
Organiza sus cosas.                 He/She organises his/her things.     ¡No es justo!                     It isn’t fair!
Va al insti.                        He/She goes to school.               Es inaceptable.                   It is unacceptable.
Ayuda a su madre.                   He/She helps his/her mother.                                 5. Transport
Estudia.                            He/She studies.                      ¿Cómo vas al insti?               How do you get to school?
Hace los deberes.                   He/She does homework.                Voy a caballo.                    I go on a horse.
Prepara la cena.                    He/She prepares dinner.              Voy a pie.                        I go on foot. / I walk.
                         6. The environment                              Voy en autobús                    I go by bus.
Para ser un instituto verde…        In order to be a green school…       Voy en barco.                     I go by boat.
apagamos la luz                     we switch off the light              Voy en bici.                      I go by bike.
conservamos electricidad            we save electricity                  Voy en coche.                     I go by car.
no malgastamos agua                 we don’t waste water                 Voy en metro.                     I go by underground.
plantamos árboles y flores          we plant trees and flowers           Voy en tren.                      I go by train.
reciclamos botellas de plástico     we recycle plastic bottles           ¿Por qué?                         Why?
reciclamos papel y vidrio           we recycle paper and glass           Porque es…                        Because it is…
reducimos el consumo eléctrico we reduce our consumption of              más rápido que ir a pie           quicker than walking
tenemos un jardín                   we have a garden                     más verde que ir en autobús              greener than going by bus
vamos en bici                       we go by bike                        más barato que ir en taxi                cheaper than going by taxi
Para hacer un mundo mejor…          In order to create a better world…   más práctico que ir en coche             more practical than going
                                                                                                                  by car
vamos a escribir cartas para       we are going to write letters for     más seguro que nadar                     safer than swimming
Amnistía Internacional             Amnesty International
vamos a organizar un evento        we are going to organise an event     la única opción                   the only option
vamos a recaudar fondos            we are going to raise funds                   6. High frequency words and other structures.
vamos a vender pasteles            We are going to sale cakes            mi/mis                            my
                                                                         su/sus                            his/her
                                                                         más… (que)                        more… (than)
                                                                         para                              in order to / for
                                                                         para mí                           for me
                                                                         por ejemplo                       for example
                                                                         por eso                           so / therefore
                                                                         muy                               very
                                                                         hay                               there is / there are
                                                                         ahora                             now
                                                                         ya                                already
                                                                         en el futuro                      in the future
                                                                         el año pasado                     last year
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