Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023

Page created by Milton Byrd
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023

Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun!
 Lakeview Community Education - 875 Barstad Road North - Cottonwood, MN 56229
        507-423-5164 Ext 1320
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
Registration Information
     The Lakeview Community Education Department does not provide accident insurance for participants in any of its programs
        or activities. Participants assume all inherent risk of injury resulting from their involvement in programs or activities.

         Mail your registration form to:
                                             507-423-5164                     Payment can be done by
                                                                                  visiting our website.
                                                                                                                         Visit our office at
                                                                                                                   875 Barstad Road North
                    Lakeview Com Ed                      Ext 1320
                    875 Barstad Rd N
 MAIL                Cottonwood, MN
                                           PHONE                      ONLINE                              VISIT            Office Location:
  Please make check payable to Lake-                  Credit card             Enter elementary hallway
                view Community Ed.               payment required.             Community Education               from commons, first door

              Please register for all classes, even if the classes are offered at no cost.
              Registration fee will not be refunded after the deadline unless the event is canceled.

                                            Registration Form
  **If you or your child has allergies or needs a special accommodation, you must let us know one week prior to the class you or your
  child will be attending. If our staff has not been made aware of the special accommodation at least one week prior to the class, we
                                               may not be able to accommodate your request.
 Name: ___________________________________________ Address: _____________________________
 City____________________________ Phone (H) ______________________(W) _____________________
 E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________________

 Additional Information for Youth/ECFE:
 Age: ____________ Grade: ___________ Classroom Teacher: ______________________________

 1. Class Title: ______________________________________________ Cost _____________
 2. Class Title: ______________________________________________ Cost _____________

 Please register for all classes prior to the deadline. Registration fee will not be refunded after the deadline unless the
    event is canceled. CANCELLATIONS: If school is canceled because of weather, all Community Ed. and ECFE
classes are canceled for the entire day. Listen to Marshall radio: KMHL – 1400 AM, or go online to

                                             Rummage Sale Registration
  Participant Name: _________________________________________ Fee: $6.00
  Address of Rummage Sale Site:___________________________________________________________________
  City: __________________________Phone:______________________ Email: ____________________________
  Date(s) holding sale: ***Please mark the days, and write in the times you will be open.***
    Thursday, May 11 Time: __________  Friday, May 12 Time: ___________  Saturday, May 13 Time: __________
  Brief description of Rummage Sale Items (required information)
  ________________________________________________________________________________________ - Community Education
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
Summer Theatre
                                      DIRECTOR: Illana Peter
                                                Grades 3-9
                                           (2022-2023 school year)

    We will be holding auditions for our summer Lakeview Theatre on
    Thursday, May 4th from 3:15 - 4:15 pm in the Lakeview Auditorium.
    EVERYONE who auditions will participate in the production.
    Please register online or email so we
    know how many to expect at auditions. You can let us know up until May 4th if
    you are planning to audition.

                       June 19 - 22 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm
                         June 23 from 2:00 - 6:00 pm

                                         Friday, June 23
                                             6:30 pm
                                          $1.00 Admission                      (507) 423-5164 Ext 1320   3
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
WELCOME TO PRESCHOOL                                                   SPA NIGHT
   For children new to preschool 2023-2024                                      Ages 2-5
             Facilitator: Diana Foy                             Facilitators: Diana Foy & Jessi Weber

          When: Thursday, August 10                                 When:    Monday, May 8
          Where: Preschool Room #105                                Where:   Room #148
          Time: 8:00 -11:30 am                                      Time:    5:30 - 6:30 pm
          Cost: Free                                                Cost:    $10 per child

Those new to Little Lakers Preschool, as well as            Surprise your child with a spa night! Bring
returning students, are encouraged to attend a              them in for an evening of pampering with us
fun morning camp to prepare them for the new                and let them enjoy the whole experience: hair,
school year! Deadline: August 3                             nails and massages! Deadline: May 3

                    SUMMER                                              CRUISING INTO
      BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS!                                            KINDERGARTEN
                       Ages 1-8                              For children going into Kindergarten Fall 2023
                Facilitator: Diana Foy                       Instructors: Angie Prokop and Heather Rinke

        When:     June 5, July 13, August 1                         When:    Thursday, August 10
        Where:    Lakeview Playground*                              Where:   Kindergarten Room
        Time:     5:30 pm                                           Time:    8:00 am - 11:30 am
        Cost:     Free                                              Cost:    Free

Do you have a birthday this month? We would like            Come and explore everything Kindergarten
to celebrate you! Come have an ice cream party              has to offer. We will take a tour of the school,
and receive a little gift! Even if it isn’t your birthday   play on the playground, dabble in art, explore
month you are welcome to come for the ice cream             manipulatives, read stories, and have a
and fun! *If playground is closed due to construction       snack. Deadline: August 3
we will meet at the park near Northstar - watch our
facebook page for an update.

   For families with children ages 0-8 years
           Facilitator: Heather Rinke

        When: June 15 & July 19                                        BINGO NIGHT
        Where: Cottonwood City Park                            Join Mrs. Foy and Ms. Rinke for a
        Time: 9:30 am
        Cost: Free                                              fun evening of Bingo. Younger
                                                            siblings may attend with you, but our
Gather with other parents and their children. No               Bingo is appropriate for children
planned topics or activities, but please register so
we can plan! Cottonwood City Park is located at                        3-8 years of age.
255 Cherry Street.
                                                                When:    Tuesday, May 23
                                                                Where:   Lakeview Commons
                                                                Time:    5:30 pm
                                                                Cost:    $5/child or $10/family - Community Education
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
Moving On Day!
Kindergarten is offered to all children who turn five on or            Now Enrolling for the
before September 1st. Lakeview will be holding a “Moving
on Day” on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 2:00 pm. All the                       2023-2024
preschoolers that attend Lakeview will meet their
kindergarten teacher and visit the room they will be in next
                                                                                School Year
year. This event will happen during regular school hours. If
your child does not attend our preschool program, please             EARLY CHILDHOOD
contact the elementary office to ensure we have your child
on our census, so that your child will receive an invite for
this special day. If you have an eligible child and need             Do you have a child between the ages of
more information please contact Mrs. Caron at the                  3 to 5 years? Early childhood developmental
                                                                      screening helps a school district identify
Lakeview Elementary office at 423-5164, extension 1150 or           children who may benefit from district and
email                               community resources available to help in their
                                                                           development. Early Childhood
                                                                    Developmental Screening includes a vision
                                                                     screening that helps detect potential eye
                                                                       problems, but is not a substitute for a
     Coming Home Days                                              comprehensive eye exam. Your child must
                                                                       be screened in order to attend School

      Saturday, July 8                                              Readiness, Head Start, or Kindergarten in
                                                                        Minnesota Public Schools. Lakeview

                                                                     offers Early Childhood Screening at least
                                                                                  four times a year.
                                                                       Screening packets will be mailed to all
                                                                      eligible families we have on our census.
                                                                     Make sure to give us a call and have your
                                                                      child’s name added to our census or fill
                                                                    out the census form found in our newsletter.
         All proceeds will benefit the                                    If you have questions, please call
        Lakeview Cross Country Team                                            507-423-5164 Ext. 1320.
 Only those registered by June 23, 2023 will receive a                    Our next screening date is:
    t-shirt. There will be NO extra shirts this year.
                                                                                   June 1, 2023

                   2023 YEARBOOK SALES AND SPONSORS
 The Lakeview 2023 yearbooks are now on sale for $45.00 plus tax. The cost is an extra $5.00 if you wish to have your
 name printed on the cover. If anyone would like to sponsor a page for the 2023 Lakeview yearbook, the price is $50.00
             for a sponsor only and $75.00 for a sponsor and yearbook. or
                                                507-423-5164 Ext 1326.

       We encourage you to order your book online at SCHOOL ID#: 709338                                             (507) 423-5164 Ext 1320        5
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
SUMMERrdCAMP!                                          HORSE STICKS
                4 years - 3 Grade                                            All Ages
      (see ages below for more information)             (children under 8 years must have an adult with them)
                                                                    Instructor: John Sterner
    When: Mondays, June 5, 12, 19 & 26
          Tuesdays*, June 6, 13, 20, 27                       When: Tuesday, June 27
       *Tuesday session will be the same content as           Where: Lakeview Art Room
       Monday– only sign up for one day per week.
   Where: Room# 149                                           Time: 6:00 pm
   Time: 8:00 - 11:30 am                                      Cost: FREE
   Ages: 4 years old by June 1, 2023 thru
   finishing 3rd Grade in 2022-23 school year         Grab a friend, parent, or sibling and join Mr.
   Cost: Free - You MUST register to be enrolled      Sterner for an evening of education and fun,
   in camp, there are a limited number of spaces.     honoring the horse. A warrior and his horse
                                                      depended upon each other. He would often
Summer's a great time for kids to explore and         immortalize a horse that had saved his life by
develop their interests while having fun. During      carving an image of the horse, in the form of a
these camp days, we will introduce your child to      stick that he would carry in ceremonial dances.
different activities each session. Children must      They are portraits of specific, well-loved animals.
be potty trained for summer camps.                    Deadline: June 16
Deadline: May 19
                                                                      LET’S COOK
             HORSE CAMP                                              Instructor: Diana Foy
           Grades K-6 (2023-2024)
          Traci Olson & Bailee Larson                   When:      Grades K-2: Wednesday, June 7
                                                                   Grades 3-6: Wednesday, June 14
 When:   One of the following dates:                               (22-23 School Year)
         Monday, June 5 or 12 or 19 or 26               Where: FACS Room #205
 Where: Charlie & Traci Olson’s Farm                    Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm                                   Cost: Free
 Cost: $30
                                                      Have fun exploring new recipes! You will be
This camp is designed to provide a "hands on"         able to prepare a recipe and share the meals
experience for youth wanting to learn more            with your fellow chefs. Deadline: June 2
about horses & horse care. Campers will
learn how to groom, handle, ride, saddle & care                   LEGO ROBOTICS
for horses as well as how to communicate                      Grades 4-8 (2023-2024 School Year)
with horses. Parents/Guardians must sign a               Instructors: Chris Sieling & Kayla Padfield
liability waiver before their child is allowed to
participate in this camp. Children must wear           When: Tuesday - Thursday August 1, 2, & 3
jeans, boots (or closed toe shoes), and must           Where: Room #253
wear a helmet. There will be some helmets              Time: 9:00 am - Noon
available, otherwise you can bring your bike           Cost: Free
helmet to wear if you prefer.
                                                      Come get an early jump on the Lego Robotics
This camp will be one hour in length and each         season! We will design and build our new Spike
child will be paired with a horse (maximum            Prime Lego Robots and learn how to program
three children per session). Please choose            them at the same time. Build your problem
your session preference when registering.             solving, engineering, and teamwork skills. You
Deadline: May 19                                      could then continue on to the Lakeview Lego
                                                      Robotics team in the fall. Deadline: July 3 - Community Education
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
GYMNASTICS CAMP                                        LIL’ MYSTIQUES
               4 years - Grade 5
               (2022-2023 School Year)
                                                               DANCE CAMP
                                                               Kindergarten - 6th grade
           Instructor: Jessica Schunk                                 (2023-2024)
                                                    Hosted by the Lakeview Mystiques Dance Team
    When: July 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
    Where: Community Ed Room #141                        When: Saturday, July 8
    Time: 4 years - Grade 1: 6:00-6:45 pm                Where: Secondary Gym
           Grades 2-3: 6:45- 7:30 pm                     Time: 9:00 - 11:00 am
           Grades 4-5: 7:30- 8:15 pm                     Cost: $45 which includes a T-shirt
    Cost: $35

Gymnastics teaches flexibility, strength,           Come learn fun dance skills and a short routine
coordination and body awareness. This is an         to be performed later that day at Cottonwood
exciting introductory gymnastics camp for           Coming Home Days! Plus walk in the parade
students that have had very limited or no           with the Lakeview Mystiques Dance Team!!
gymnastics training. Students will learn basic      Information on the performance and parade will
skills like somersaults, leaps, and cartwheels.     be provided as it becomes available.
Gymnasts need to wear tight clothes, and a          Deadline: June 22
pony tail if their hair is long. Deadline: July 3
          FOOTBALL CAMP                                   Open to anyone 8 years and older
                                                               Instructor: Paul Parsons
      Grades 1-8 (2023-2024 School Year)
     Coaches: Lakeview Football Program
                                                           When: Saturday, July 22
     When: Monday & Tuesday July 17 & 18                    9:00 - 11:00 am - Beginner Class
     Where: Lakeview Practice Football Field                1:00 pm - 2:30 pm - Advanced Class
     Time: Grades 4-6 from 5:00 - 5:50 pm                  Where: Lakeview School Entrance
            Grades 1-3 from 6:00 - 6:50 pm                 Cost: $20
            Grades 7-8 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm
                                                    During the beginning class you will learn the
     Cost: $25 (includes a t-shirt)
                                                    basics of archery including terminology, safety,
Instruction will consist of offensive and           and scoring while gaining experience with a bow
defensive fundamental football skills. We will      and arrow (beginner class size limited to 20).
work on blocking, tackling, running, catching,      For the advanced class, students must have
and throwing a football. Camp Staff will be         previous experience. We are asking that you
made up of Lakeview coaches and players.            have attended at least three previous Archery
Equipment needed: shorts, t-shirt, cleats (if you   classes before attending the advanced
have them) otherwise gym shoes, water bottle,       session.
and plenty of Pride. Deadline: June 30
                                                    The morning class can be counted as a class
                                                    (Advance class size limited to 10). Participants
         DRIVING SCHOOL                             must supply six practice arrows. Bows, targets,
 Information sheets are available in the High       and other equipment will be furnished for
School Office. Spring class is planned for May      practice during class. Please bring aluminum or
22 - 26, May 30 - June 3 from 8:00 - 11:00 am       carbon arrows, instructors do not want wood or
         If you have any questions,                 fiberglass arrows used during class. If you need
   please call: Guetter Driving School at           to borrow arrows, please indicate that on your
                                                    registration form. Deadline: July 3
            507-829-2151 or email                                (507) 423-5164 Ext 1320    7
Lakeview Lifelong Learning, Lifetime Fun! 2023
       Grades 7-9 (2023-24 School Year)                     Grades 5-6 (2023-24 School Year)
              Coach: Missi Loe                                     Coach: Missi Loe

       When: Mondays & Wednesdays                         When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
              June 5 - 21 & July 10 - 26                  June 6 - 22 & July 11 - 27
       Where: Elementary Gym                              Where: Elementary Gym
       Time: 8:00 - 9:30 am                               Time: 8:00 - 9:30 am
       Cost: $75                                          Cost: $75

Volleyball skills summer program. We will be       We will teach the fundamentals of volleyball and
perfecting the fundamentals of volleyball          gain confidence through drills and games.
through drills and games. Breaking down the
skills and gaining confidence through                       WILDCAT GIRLS
                                                           BASKETBALL CAMP
                   GOLF                                   Grades K-6 (2022-2023 school year)
      Grades 4-7 (2023-2024 school year)               Coaches: Jodi Holleman and Bree Smith
        Instructor: Sarah Wahlstrom
                                                        When: Thursday & Friday, June 1 & 2
        When: Tuesdays, July 11, 18, 25                 Time: 9:00 – 11:30 am
                 6:00 – 7:30 pm                         Where: Lakeview Main Gym
               Tuesday, August 1                        Cost: $55 (includes a t-shirt)
                  3:00-5:00 pm
        Where: Cottonwood Golf Course              The first day will be a shooting camp and the
        Cost: $30                                  second day will be a dribbling camp. Make sure
                                                   to bring your basketball shoes and a water
This is an opportunity for students to learn       bottle. Everyone will receive a camp t-shirt!!
the basic skills of golf, no prior experiences     Deadline: May 26
are required. You will learn the use of
woods, irons, and putters as well as the basic
rules of etiquette on the golf course. For
                                                      BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP
those who have taken this class previously,                Grades K-8 (2023-2024 School Year)
                                                               Coach: Jared Keaveny
you will review the above and learn a few
new skills. You must furnish your own clubs.
If you do not have clubs and would still like to          When: May 24-26
participate, please give us a call. During the            Time:
                                                            Grades 6-8 from 8:00 - 10:00 am
last class, you will have the opportunity to
                                                            Grades 3-5 from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
golf 5 holes on the golf course! Fee includes                       Grades 3-8 in the Main Gym
a bucket of balls each week, instruction, and                Grades K-2 from 1:00 –1:45 pm
5 holes of golf the final week.                                    Grades K-2 in the Elementary Gym
Deadline: July 3                                          Cost: $35 (includes a t-shirt)

      Join the Community                           Lakeview Lakers Basketball Camp offers athletes
   Education Advisory Council                      the opportunity to learn fundamental basketball
                                                   skills from Lakeview High School basketball
     If you are interested in joining our          coaches and players. Registration includes a
        council, please let us know by             camp T-shirt and other prizes. Deadline: May 5
     contacting Karen at 507-423-5164                            Register Online:
                   Ext 1320.                           - Community Education
STRONGER TOGETHER                                           YOUTH TACKLE
                                                               FOOTBALL LEAGUE
Who: Grades 7-12 (2023-2024 School Year)
Cost: Requesting up to a $75 Donation
                                                           Registration Meeting: May 6
       (can be paid online)                                        at 11:30 am
Head Coach: Matt Konrad                                    This is optional, but a good time to ask questions, and have
Contact Info:                   your child try on equipment to ensure we have the correct
Assistant Coaches: Scott Hanson, Missi Loe, Colton
Andrea, Sierra Plotz, & Other Sport Coaches                     Equipment Handout:
        Summer Schedule – M, T, Th                                  Sunday, August 13
       Week 0      Pre-Season Testing    5/29 - 6/1       4th Grade: 5:30 pm - Parent meeting followed
                                                                                       by equipment handout
      Week 1-4           Training        6/5 – 6/29
                                                          5th Grade: 6:15 pm –         equipment handout only
      Week 5       No Contact Week        7/1 - 7/9       6th Grade: 6:30 pm –         equipment handout only

      Week 6-9           Training        7/10 – 8/3       Grades: 4-6 (2023-2024)
                                                          Dates: August 20 – October 7
      Week 10     Post-Season Testing    8/7 – 8/10
                                                          Practice: Mondays and Thursdays from 6-8
                 Daily Schedule                           pm (first practice on Sunday, August 20th due
                                                          to Wood Lake Fair on the 21st))
        6:00 – 7:30 AM          7-12 Boys & Girls         Game Dates: Saturday mornings
        7:30 – 9:00 AM              7-12 Boys             Physicals: Your child must have a current
        8:30 – 10:00 AM
                                                          physical on file.
                                    7-12 Boys
                                                          Cost: $100 per child
        9:30 – 11:00 AM             7-12 Girls            Deadline: July 3 (we will accept registrations
       10:30 – 12:00 PM             7-12 Girls            after this date, but can’t guarantee sizes if you
                                                          register after this date) Registration form
New This Year: A “Stronger Together” Challenge            available online or at meeting.
between all Participants! This summer, we will be
splitting the boys and girls into 4 teams each who        COACHES NEEDED: We are looking for
throughout the 10 weeks will be able to earn points       parents to coach 4th grade - email Dan if
towards an in-summer competition.                         interested. If you have an interest in helping with
                                                          5th and 6th grades, contact Dan as well.
Points can be earned by regular attendance to Speed
                                                          Dan Louwagie at
& Strength, Lakeview Sport Practices, Open Gyms,
or attending camps/clinics for their sport of choice,
and more. Points will also be able to be intercepted                      Spring Youth
from another team by setting new personal bests in
the weight room or by winning end of week
Through attendance and earning points, individuals/
teams will be able to letter and win prizes. Prizes may
include team apparel, team dinners/outings, or even
                                                                 Saturday: May 6
a “1-Practice Pass from Fall Conditioning” (Coaches
Approved)                                                            10:00 –11:30 am
This summer is shaping up to be the most fun and                  Lakeview Football Field
competitive summer yet, so be sure to sign up for a        Our One Day Camp is put on by the Lakeview Football
lot of fun and an opportunity to make yourself faster         Coaches. This camp is FREE, but you do need to
and stronger!                                                register. REGISTER ONLINE, via email or phone.                                          (507) 423-5164 Ext 1320          9
Around our Communities                                               Adult Basic
                                                           The mission of Adult Basic Education in Minnesota is to provide adults
                                                           with educational opportunities to acquire and improve the literacy
              Wood Lake                                    skills necessary to be self-sufficient and to participate effectively as
                               productive workers, family members, and citizens.

                                                           Along with supporting the above mission statement, Southwest ABE
  Wood Lake Fair: August 21-23                             prioritizes the goal of assisting students in gaining skills to obtain
                                                           meaningful employment. Southwest ABE sees the priority of
Wood Lake City-Wide Clean-up: Tuesday, May 16              employment training as the most effective means of assisting our
Items need to be out by 6:00 a.m. See posters              students in all areas of their lives.
around town for list of items that need to be pre-paid
for by Monday, May 15th at city office or items will not   Classes are for those who need to review math, reading, or Eng-
be picked up.                                                 lish skills. Basic typing and computer use are also taught.
                                                                              English as Your Second Language
            Cottonwood                                     This is instruction to those whose native language is not English. ESL
                       classes from the pre-literacy level to the advanced level help students
                                                           develop speaking, listening, reading, writing, and grammar skills, al-
                                                           lowing students to communicate effectively and function successfully
   Coming Home Days: July 7-9                              within their workplaces, communities, and families.
Cottonwood Clean Up Days: Friday, May 5 from                                                 GED
5-7 pm and Saturday, May 6 from 8 -10 am.                                   General Education Development Tests
                                                           This is a program which prepares students to pass the examination
               Cottonwood Food Pantry                      for a national high school equivalency diploma that includes a set of
                                                           four computer based tests (Reading through Language Arts,
                 Open from 6:00 - 7:30 pm
                                                           Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, and Science).
                 April 13 & 27 May 11 & 25
                  June 8 & 22 July 13 & 27                                  For more information please call:
                                                                                 Adult Basic Education
       For more information call: 507-423-5100                                        507-537-7046

Minnesota Twins:
  Come out and cheer on our Minnesota Twins as they take on the Seattle Mariners for a day game on Wednesday, July 26.
  All ages are welcomed - Youth 13 and younger need to be accompanied by a person 16 years old or older. $65.00 – in-
  cludes the charter bus ride and ticket. Food & beverages on your own. The bus will pick you up in the MACCRAY MS/HS
  Parking Lot - Leave at 9:00 a.m. and return approximately 6:00 p.m. Deadline to register is July 1st.
  To register - go to Click "register and pay" and then "adult" as it is listed
  under that section. You will need to set up an account the first time going into the system.

Petting Zoo & Pony Rides:
  Montevideo Community Education plans to host Erickson's Petting Zoo and Pony Rides on Friday, June 16 from
  9-noon at Sanford Elementary School. We'll use the grassy area behind the playground. Everyone is welcome!

2023 Free Park Days:
  Minnesotans are encouraged to explore outdoors with friends & family. The Minnesota Department of Natural
  Resources is waiving vehicle permit fees at all 75 state parks and recreation areas on four dates in 2023. The Free Park
  Days will be Saturday, April 22; Saturday, June 10; Saturday, Sept. 9 and Friday, Nov. 24. With the support of the
  state legislature, the DNR offers Free Park Days to encourage Minnesotans to get outdoors and enjoy the health and
  wellness benefits of spending time in nature. - Community Education
PAINTING WITH KAYLA                                         LEARN TO SEW
             Instructor: Kayla Padfield                                Ages: 16 - Adult
                                                                 Instructor: Bonnie Wasberg
We will supply everything you need to create your
own unique painting. No experience or talent is         Want to sew but don’t know where to start?
required. Grab a friend or two and join the             Come join us and learn how to work with a
fun! The picture will have a summer theme.              sewing machine, patterns, fabric and more. No
Deadline: June 7                                        experience needed! Projects could include a
                                                        pillow cover, tote bag and/or pajama pants,
Tuesday, June 13                                        and all work will be done in class. Sewing
6:00 – 8:00 pm                                          machines will be provided, or you can bring
Lakeview Art Room                                       your own! Instructor will provide a materials
$30                                                     list on June 1st. Deadline: June 1

         SUNRISE BOOT CAMP                              Tuesday & Wednesday, June 6 & 7
              Instructor: Laura Kosen                   5:15 pm
                                                        FACS Room #205
This class is designed to make the most of your         $35
time by integrating a full body workout into one
hour. This class combines all fitness components
including cardio, muscle toning, and core                 Wood Lake & Cottonwood
strengthening! Deadline: Join in at anytime.
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
5:40 - 6:30 am                                                    RUMMAGE
Community Education Room #141

                                                               Thursday - Saturday
            Instructor: Kathie Erickson

Want to work your whole body in one hour? Class
                                                            May 11-13
includes upper and lower body muscle work, abs
and core work. You will burn those calories
moving from one exercise to the next in a circuit
form. This class is for everyone from the beginner
to the advanced exerciser. This class will either
meet in-person or over Zoom depending on
instructor availability. If you choose to only attend
session in person when available, the class is
free, if you choose to attend all sessions
regardless of in-person or Zoom, there will be a         Advertising will be in several local newspa-
fee paid directly to the instructor for the cost of     pers. Please use the registration form printed
online participation. Deadline: Join in at anytime.     in this newsletter to register for the rummage
                                                        sale or register online! Maps will be available
Tuesdays & Thursdays                                        the day before the sale at the local gas
5:30 - 6:30 pm                                             stations in Wood Lake and Cottonwood.
Community Education Room #141                                   Deadline to register:
Free (in-person classes only)
                                                                  Friday, April 28                                  (507) 423-5164 Ext 1320    11
Karen Meiners
   Community Education Director
       507-423-5164 Ext. 1320

              Diana Foy
Early Childhood & ECFE Coordinator,
School Readiness and ECFE Teacher
        507-423-5164 Ext. 1105

             Kaitlyn Voss
School Readiness and ECFE Teacher
        507-423-5164 Ext. 1148

           Cassie Evans
         School Readiness
       507-423-5164 Ext. 1149                                       City Wide
                                                              RUMMAGE SALES:
         Bonnie Wasberg
         Parent Educator
                                                                May 11 – 13
      507-423-5164 Ext. 1205

        Shawnee Dechant
     Early Childhood Support
      507-423-5164 Ext. 1103

     Our Mission
     Community Education provides
lifelong learning opportunities for our
   communities. This is achieved by                      Friday, June 23
      encouraging members of the
community to share their talents and
                                                             6:30 pm
    resources, thereby enriching the                 Lakeview Auditorium
quality of life for all ages and abilities.                   $1.00 Admission

Lakeview School District #2167                                     NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION
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