Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill

Page created by Lucille Meyer
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Languages & Linguistics
                      catalog 2020
     Over three centuries of scholarly publishing
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Contents                                                                                   Welcome to Brill's Languages and
  1    Online Resources                                                                           Linguistics Catalog 2020
  9    General / Reference Works                                                                  Products shown on cover page for quick reference
10     Languages Of The World – Africa
10     Languages Of The World – Middle
13     Languages Of The World – Europe
14     Languages Of The World – Asia
16     Cognitive Linguistics
18     Historical Linguistics                                                                     See page 2                                                                                      See page 4                         See page 7
19     Semantics & Pragmatics
20     Linguistic Theory
20     Journals

                                                                                                  See page 12                                                                                     See page 13                        See page 14

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Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

Encyclopedia of Slavic
Languages and Linguistics

                                                                                                                                               LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
Marc L. Greenberg, University of Kansas                                             Encyclopedia of
General Editor:
Lenore A. Grenoble, University of Chicago
                                                                             Slavic Languages and
                                                                                 Linguistics Online

Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers the most       About the editors:
comprehensive reference work on Slavic languages ever published,
with some 400 articles. It provides authoritative treatment of all     Marc L. Greenberg, Ph.D. (1990), is Professor of Slavic Languages &

                                                                                                                                               BRILL CATALOG 2020
important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-         Literatures at the University of Kansas and corresponding member
European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of the   of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has published
interaction of Slavic with other languages.                            widely on Slavic linguistics, focusing on western South Slavic
Features and Benefits:
                                                                       Lenore A. Grenoble, Ph.D. (1986), University of California, Berkeley,
• Contributions from leading scholars of Slavic languages              is the John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor at the
  worldwide.                                                           University of Chicago and a member of the American Academy of
• Up-to-date references on legal and sociolinguistic developments      Arts and Sciences. She specializes in Slavic and Arctic Indigenous
  of languages after the fall of multiethnic states.                   languages, focusing on language contact and shift.
• Integrated articles on the interactions between linguistics,
  archaeology, and genetics to illuminate ancient Slavic-speaking      Associate Editors:
  communities.                                                         Stephen Dickey, University of Kansas
• State-of-the art reports on pertinent issues in Slavic semantics,    Masako Ueda Fidler, Brown University
  pragmatics, discourse studies and more.                              René Genis, University of Amsterdam
• Coverage of theoretical approaches that emerged in Slavic            Marek Łaziński, University of Warsaw
                                                                       Anita Peti-Stantić, University of Zagreb
                                                                       Björn Wiemer, University of Mainz
• Detailed, color maps.
                                                                       Nadežda V. Zorixina-Nilsson, Stockholm University
ISSN: 2589-6229

2020 Purchase Options and Prices
Outright Purchase: €1,580.00 / US$1,796.00
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                          Encyclopedia of Chinese                                                 Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek
                          Language and Linguistics                                                Language and Linguistics
                          Online                                                                  Online
                          Editor-in-Chief: Rint SYBESMA, Leiden University                        General Editor: Georgios K. Giannakis, Aristotle
                          Associate Editors: Wolfgang BEHR, University of                         University of Thessaloniki Associate Editors: Vit
                          Zürich, Yueguo GU, Chinese Academy of Social                            Bubenik, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St
                          Sciences, Zev HANDEL, University of Washington,                         John's, Emilio Crespo, Autonomous University of
                          C.-T. James HUANG, Harvard University and James                         Madrid, Chris Golston, California State University,
                          MYERS, National Chung Cheng University                                  Fresno, Alexandra Lianeri, Aristotle University of
     2                                                                                            Thessaloniki, Silvia Luraghi, University of Pavia,
                                                                                                  Stephanos Matthaios Aristotle University of

                          The Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics offers a           The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics
                          systematic and comprehensive overview of the languages of China         (EAGLL) is a unique work that brings together the latest research
                          and the different ways in which they are and have been studied.         from across a range of disciplines which contribute to our
                          It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of         knowledge of Ancient Greek. It is an indispensable research tool
                          the languages spoken in China, today and in the past, from many         for scholars and students of Greek, of linguistics, and of other
                          different angles, as well as the different linguistic traditions in     Indo-European languages, as well as of Biblical literature. The
                          which they have been investigated.                                      EAGLL offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all
                                                                                                  aspects of the history and study of Ancient Greek, comprising
                          “For linguists working on Sinitic languages, the ECLL will be a         detailed descriptions of the language from Proto-Greek to koine.
                          useful supplement to the Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese          It addresses linguistic aspects from several perspectives including
                          Language (Chan 2016), though they no doubt cover some of the same       history, structure, individual singularities, biographical references,
                          ground. While that work focused on Sinitic, the scope of the ECLL       schools of thought, technical meta-language, sociolinguistic
                          is broader, covering the larger language ecology of China (broadly      issues, dialects, didactics, translation practices, generic issues,
                          defined within the ECLL to include Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Tibet).       Greek in relation to other languages, etc., and on all levels of
                          This means that the ECLL is also extremely useful to Southeast          analysis including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax,
                          Asian linguists and goes a long way toward bridging the gap that        lexicon, semantics, stylistics, etc. It also includes all the necessary
                          often exists between linguistic research in the geographic regions of   background information regarding the roots of Greek in Indo-
                          Southeast Asia and China.”                                              European.
                           - Rikker Dockum (Yale University) in: Journal of the Southeast
                            Asian Linguistics Society, 2018.

                          ISSN: 2210-7363                                                         ISSN: 2214-448X

                          2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                        2020 Purchase Options and Prices
                          Outright Purchase: € 2.193 / US$ 2,573                                  Outright Purchase: € 2.452 / US$ 2,839
                          Annual Subscription: € 563 / US$ 660                                    Annual Subscription: € 343 / US$ 343
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                                                                                                                                                 LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
Encyclopedia of Hebrew                                                  Encyclopedia of Arabic
Language and Linguistics                                                Language and Linguistics
Online                                                                  Online
General Editor: Geoffrey Khan, University of                            Original Editors of Encyclopedia of Arabic Language
Cambridge                                                               and Linguistics: General Editor: Kees Versteegh.
Associate Editors: Shmuel Bolozky, Steven Fassberg,                     Associate Editors: Mushira Eid, Alaa Elgibali,
Gary A. Rendsburg, Aaron D. Rubin, Ora R.                               Manfred Woidich, Andrzej Zaborski
Schwarzwald, and Tamar Zewi                                             Continuing Editors of Encyclopedia of Arabic
                                                                        Language and Linguistics (Online): General Editors:
The Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics offers a            Lutz Edzard, Friedrich-Alexander University,                                 3
systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the            Erlangen, and Rudolf de Jong, Nederlands-Vlaams
history and study of the Hebrew language from its earliest attested
                                                                        Instituut Cairo.
form to the present day. The encyclopedia contains overview

                                                                                                                                                 BRILL CATALOG 2020
articles that provide a readable synopsis of current knowledge of
                                                                        Associate Editors: Ramzi Baalbaki, James Dickins,
the major periods and varieties of the Hebrew language as well as       Mushira Eid, Pierre Larcher, and Janet Watson
thematically-organized entries which provide further information
on individual topics. With over 950 entries and approximately 400       The Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics represents a
contributing scholars, the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and          unique collaboration of a few hundred scholars from around the
Linguistics is the authoritative reference work for students and        world and covers all relevant aspects of the study of Arabic and
researchers in the fields of Hebrew linguistics, general linguistics,   deals with all levels of the language (pre-Classical Arabic, Classical
Biblical studies, Hebrew and Jewish literature, and related fields.     Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, Arabic vernaculars, mixed
                                                                        varieties of Arabic). No other reference work offers this scale of
Features and Benefits:                                                  contributions or depth and breadth of coverage. The Encyclopedia
• Search the full text by keyword and                                   of Arabic Language and Linguistics (EALL Online) contains all
  Hebrew character set, in addition to                                  content of the print edition and new content is added on a regular
  advanced search options.                                              basis. New articles are elaborations or updates of themes already
• Access tertiary treatment of a wide-range                             discussed in the EALL, or are new entries that are relevant to the
  of topics such as the Hebrew of various                               field. The EALL Online comprehensively covers all aspects of
  sources, major grammatical features,                                  Arabic languages and linguistics. It is interdisciplinary in scope and
  lexicon, script and paleography,                                      represents different schools and approaches to be as objective and
  theoretical linguistic approaches, etc.                               versatile as possible. The online edition is cross-searchable, cross-
                                                                        referenced and regularly updated.                                                
ISSN: 2212-4241                                                         ISSN: 1570-6699

2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                        2020 Purchase Options and Prices
Outright Purchase: € 3.127 / US$ 3,601                                  Outright Purchase: € 4.848 / US$ 5,502
Annual Subscription: € 450 / US$ 528                                    Annual Update Fee: € 158 / US$ 185
                                                                        Annual Subscription: € 665 / US$ 780
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                          Indo-European Etymological
                          Dictionaries Online

                          Edited by Alexander Lubotsky, Leiden University

                          The Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online (IEDO)             IEDO includes:
                          reconstructs the lexicon for the most important languages and         Etymological Dictionary of the Baltic Inherited Lexicon,
                          language branches of Indo-European. It is a rich and voluminous       Rick Derksen

                          online reference source for historical and general linguists.         Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic, Guus Kroonen
                          Dictionaries can be cross-searched, with an advance search for each   Etymological Dictionary of Greek, Robert Beekes with the assistance
                          individual dictionary enabling the user to perform more complex       of Lucien van Beek
                          research queries. Each entry is accompanied by grammatical info,      Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic, Ranko Matasović
                          meaning(s), etymological commentary, reconstructions, cognates        Etymological Dictionary of the Armenian Inherited Lexicon,
                          and often extensive bibliographical information. Content will be      Hrach K. Martirosyan
                          updated and added on a regular basis. The latest addition is The      Etymological Dictionary of Latin, Michiel de Vaan
                          Etymological Dictionary of the Baltic Inherited Lexicon by Rick       Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic, Allan R. Bomhard
                          Derksen.                                                              Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon,
                                                                                                Alwin Kloekhorst
                          The 2019 update consists of the second volume of Ernst Fraenkel's     Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon,
                          Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (Etymological dictionary        Rick Derksen
                          of Lituhanian), the most comprehensive etymological dictionary        Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb, Johnny Cheung
                          of the Lithuanian language. It offers a detailed discussion of the    Old Frisian Etymological Dictionary, Dirk Boutkan and
                          etymologies of the standard Lithuanian lexicon and of many words      Sjoerd Michiel Siebinga
                          from older Lithuanian literature and from Lithuanian dialects. This   Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon, H. Craig Melchert
                          landmark publication has never been published digitally, let alone    Etymological Dictionary of Tocharian B, Douglas Q. Adams
                          as part of a searchable database.                                     Litauisches etymologisches Wörterbuch ( Lithuanian etymological
                                                                                                dictionary), Ernst Fraenkel

                                                                                                Features and Benefits
                                                                                                •Includes 13 dictionaries
                          ISSN: 1877-0495
                                                                                                • Contains over 42.000 entries
                                                                                                • Covers over 150 languages
                          2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                      • Rich bibliographical references for further research
                          Outright Purchase: € 8.976 / US$ 10,206
                          Annual Update Fee: € 427 / US$ 501
                                                                                                • Export, print and save records
                          Annual Subscription: € 1.080 / US$ 1,266                              • Cross-searchable database, supporting simple and complex
                                                                                                • Unicode compliant, displaying and searching complex characters
                                                                                                  and diacritics
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

Linguistic Bibliography Online
Compiled and edited by Anne Aarssen, René

                                                                                                                                        LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
Genis and Eline van der Veken

Linguistic Bibliography Online contains over 465,000 detailed        Key Features
bibliographical descriptions of linguistic publications on           • Contains over 465,000 bibliographical references
general and language-specific theoretical linguistics. While the     • Links to full-text and library services

                                                                                                                                        BRILL CATALOG 2020
bibliography aims to cover all languages of the world, particular    • DOI links and abstracts increasingly available
attention is given to the inclusion of publications on endangered    • Monthly updates with ± 20,000 new references added per year
and lesser-studied languages. Publications in any language are       • Compiled, analyzed, and annotated by an international team of
collected, analyzed and annotated (using a state-of-the-art            specialists
system of subject and language keywords) by an international         • Includes publications written in 140+ languages (translations
team of linguists and bibliographers from all over the world.          provided wherever relevant)
With a tradition of over seventy years, and over 20,000 references   • Simple, full-text search and advanced search
added annually, the Linguistic Bibliography remains the most         • 800+ subject keywords and 2500+ language keywords
comprehensive bibliography for every scholar and student of          • Save, print and email bibliographical references
linguistics.                                                         • Export citations in various formats to compile and refine your
                                                                       own bibliography
Linguistic Bibliography Online includes all bibliographical
references of the printed yearbooks 1993-present, as well as         Subjects included in Linguistic Bibliography:
additional materials which are exclusive to the online version       • all languages and language families
(e.g. online resources). New bibliographical descriptions on the     • theoretical linguistics
latest linguistic publications are added to the online database on   • biographical data on linguists (e.g. biographies, obituaries)
a monthly basis. Annual volumes of the Linguistic Bibliography
continue to be published in print.                                   Visit the Linguistic Bibliography Online website
ISSN: 1574-129X                                                       "The BL/LB is, since its start, a bibliography covering the
                                                                      entire, continuously extending and diversifying field of the
2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                      language sciences, with reference to all known language
Outright Purchase: € 25,861 / US$ 29,404
Annual Update Fee: €911 / US$ 1,069                                   families and languages, past and present. As such it is a
Annual Subscription: €3.037 / US$ 3,562                               unique and indispensable reference tool for linguists, and
                                                                      a research instrument that belongs in any respectable
                                                                      linguistics library."
                                                                      – Pierre Swiggers, in: Historiographia Linguistica
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                          Le Grand Ricci Online                                                     Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the
                                                                                                    Neo-Latin World Online
                                                                                                    Edited by Philip Ford (†), Jan Bloemendal and
                                                                                                    Charles Fantazzi

                          Le Grand Dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise, or rather, as it has   CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title 2014
                          become widely known since its publication in 2001, Le Grand Ricci
                          is the most comprehensive up-to-date dictionary of Chinese into           With its striking range and penetrating depth, Brill’s Encyclopaedia
                          a modern Western language. Though it covers the whole history of          of the Neo-Latin World traces the enduring history and wide-ranging
                          Chinese language development, most of the dictionary deals with           cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in
     6                    early and imperial period Chinese language usage. Explanations            the Italian Renaissance and persists to the modern era. Featuring
                          and translations are in French. *                                         original contributions by a host of distinguished international
                                                                                                    scholars, this comprehensive reference work explores every aspect
                          Our user-friendly online interface allows the user to efficiently         of the civilized world from literature and law to philosophy and the

                          perform even complex queries through all 13,392 main entries              sciences. An invaluable resource for both the advanced scholar and
                          (single characters) or 280,000 expressions (or chinese words              the graduate student.
                          composed of a set of characters).
                                                                                                    The online edition gives access to a number of newer entries that
                          Entries can be looked up:                                                 are not included in the print edition and also includes corrections.
                          • by chinese character
                          • by romanization (pinyin) (with or without tones)- by radical
                            (Kangxi or simplified) and the number of additional strokes               “ Brill’s Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World is a marvel. A
                          • by total number of strokes (of the simplified or traditional forms)       collaborative reference work featuring contributions from
                                                                                                      seventy-nine different scholars, it manages both to provide an
                          The words (expressions) can be looked up:                                   overview of the complex (and to our minds, frequently alien)
                          • by their chinese characters                                               world of Latin culture and scholarship from the Renaissance
                          • by the romanization (with or without tones) of their component            down to the present day, and to create a repository of
                            characters                                                                historical, contextual, and literary research that will shape the
                          • in both cases one can use one, several or all of the components,          direction of international Neo-Latin studies for the foreseeable
                            either as a precise sequence or anywhere (and in any order) in the        future. […] What has been created by the editors is nothing
                            chinese word                                                              short of the defining work of a field in rude health, and a
                                                                                                      marker that will direct the future of the discipline.”
                          * Le Grand Ricci was developed by the Ricci institutes of Paris and         Steven J. Reid, University of Glasgow. In: Renaissance Quarterly,
                          Taipei through the Ricci Association (                  Vol. 68, No. 2

                          ISSN: 2214-837X
                                                                                                    2020 Purchase Options and Prices
                          2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                          Outright Purchase: € 1.046 / US$ 1,200
                          Outright Purchase: € 8,112 / US$ 9,223
                          Annual Subscription: € 1.622 / US$ 1,844
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                                                                                                                                                LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
The Brill Dictionary of Ancient                                         Bibliography of Slavic
Greek Online                                                            Linguistics Online
Franco Montanari, Genoa.                                                Edited by René Genis and Sijmen Tol.
English Edition edited by Madeleine Goh and Chad                        Introduction by Marc L. Greenberg, University of
Schroeder, under the auspices of the Center for                         Kansas
Hellenic Studies, Harvard University.
Advisory Editors: Gregory Nagy, Harvard, and
Leonard Muellner, Brandeis
Winner of the 2016 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award              Within international linguistics, the study of Slavic languages
                                                                        enjoys considerable interest. The extensive coverage of Slavic              7
The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek is the English translation        languages in the Linguistic Bibliography is evidence of this. The
of Franco Montanari’s Vocabolario della Lingua Greca. With an           Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics Online brings together the
established reputation as the most important modern dictionary          details of substantial number of unique publications, carefully

                                                                                                                                                BRILL CATALOG 2020
for Ancient Greek, it brings together 140,000 headwords taken from      selected, classified, cross-referenced and indexed by professional
the literature, papyri, inscriptions and other sources of the archaic   bibliographers. All contributing bibliographers are specialized
period up to the 6th Century CE, and occasionally beyond.The Brill      Slavists themselves. The selection includes over thirty publication
Dictionary of Ancient Greek is an invaluable companion for the          languages including publications in Finnish, Estonian, Greek,
study of Classics and Ancient Greek, for beginning students and         Albanian, Dutch, English, German, Japanese, Hebrew. The
advanced scholars alike. Translated and edited under the auspices       Introduction by Marc L. Greenberg gives an overview of the state
of The Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC, The Brill         of scholarship in Slavic linguistics and the directions in which the
Dictionary of Ancient Greek is based on the completely revised 3rd      field is headed.
Italian edition published in 2013 by Loescher Editore, Torino.
                                                                        Key features:
Features                                                                • Over 86,000 records;
• The principal parts of some 15,000 verbs are listed directly          • Covering all Slavic languages including minor and even extinct
  following the entry and its etymology. For each of these forms,         ones e.g. Bosnian, Pomeranian, Rusyn, High and Low Sorbian as
  the occurrence in the ancient texts has been certified. When            well as Church Slavonic;
  found only once, the location is cited.                               • Titles are given in their original languages, with translations
• Nearly all entries include citations from the texts with careful        provided whenever relevant;
  mention of the source.                                                • Titles in Cyrillic script are uniformly transcribed in Latin script
• The Dictionary is especially rich in personal names re-checked          according to current scientific standards.
  against the sources for the 3rd Italian edition, and in scientific
  terms, which have been categorized according to discipline.                                                
ISSN: 2405-8688                                                         ISSN: 2468-175X

2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                        2020 Purchase Options and Prices
Outright Purchase: € 5.408 / US$ 6,149                                  Outright Purchase: € 2.627 / US$ 2,987
Annual Subscription: € 1.082 / US$ 1,230                                Annual Update Fee: € 186 / US$ 218
                                                                        Annual Subscription: € 298 / US$ 350
Languages & Linguistics - catalog 2020 - Brill
Online Resources

                          Studies in Semitic Languages                                            Studia Semitica Neerlandica
                          and Linguistics Online                                                  Online
                          This Online Collection contains all volumes ever published in           This online collection contains all volumes every published in
                          Brill's flagship series Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics,   Brill's series Studia Semitica Neerlandica, from the first volume
                          from the first volume published in 1967 until the newest volumes        published in 1955 until the newest volumes which will be update
                          which will be updated each year via an annual installment which         each year via an annual installment which is seperately available
                          is separately available at a highly discounted price. The series        at a highly discounted price. The series presents monographs and
                          presents monographs and edited volumes that make original               edited volumes that make original contributions to the field.
                          contributions to the field.
                                                                                                  The distinct traits shared by the Semitic languages determine the
     8                    The distinct traits shared by the Semitic languages determine the       essential unity of research in these languages. Studia Semitica
                          essential unity of research in these languages. Studies in Semitic      Neerlandica has been a prominent forum for linguistic publications
                          Languages and Linguistics has been a prominent forum for                concerning the Semitic languages ever since its foundation in 1955.
                          linguistic publications concerning the Semitic languages ever since

                          its foundation in 1967. The series includes both books written in       Studia Semitica Neerlandica comprises of studies on the linguistics
                          the philological tradition of research and ones applying modern         and literature of one the Semitic languages or the Semitic
                          linguistic theories. Such sub-disciplines as descriptive linguistics,   languages as a whole. Studies on texts written in one of the Semitic
                          comparative linguistics, socio-linguistics et cetera all fall within    languages or texts that deal with the history and culture of groups
                          the scope of the series. While studies of individual aspects of         speaking a Semitic language also fall within the scope of this series.
                          individual languages are accepted on a selective basis, the series
                          specifically includes monographs, collaborative volumes, and
                          reference works of a wider scope.

                          The goal of the series is to provide a widely read and respected
                          international forum for high quality theoretical, analytical, and
                          applied pragmatic studies of all types. By publishing leading edge
                          work on natural language practice, it seeks to extend our growing
                          knowledge of the forms, functions, and foundations of human

                          ISBN: 9789004353152                                                     ISBN: 9789004353770

                          2020 Purchase Options and Prices                                        2020 Purchase Options and Prices
                          Outright Purchase: € 9.733 / US$ 11,874                                 Outright Purchase: € 5,948 / US$ 7,257
Online Resources                                                                     General / Reference Works

                                                                                                                         September 2019
                                                                                                                         Hardback (xii + 183)
                                                                                                                         ISBN 9789004410039
                                                                                                                         E-ISBN 9789004410046
                                                                                                                         Price € 88 / US$ 106
                                                                                                                         Language and Computers, 84
                                                                                                                         Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

                                                                                                                                                            LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
Language and Linguistics                                                             Language and Chronology
E-Books Online                                                                       Text Dating by Machine Learning

                                                                                     Gregory Toner, Queen’s University Belfast, and Xiwu
Brill’s Language and Linguistics E-Books Online Collection is the                    Han, Queen’s University Belfast
electronic version of the book publication program of Brill in the
field of Language and Linguistics.                                                   In Language and Chronology, Toner and Han apply innovative
                                                                                     Machine Learning techniques to the problem of the dating of
Coverage:                                                                            literary texts. Many ancient and medieval literatures lack reliable
Linguistics, Indigenous languages, Semantics, Reference, Literacy,                   chronologies which could aid scholars in locating texts in their
Grammar, Phonetics                                                                   historical context. The new machine-learning method presented
This e-book collection is part of Brill’s Humanities and Social                      here uses chronological information gleaned from annalistic
Sciences E-Book collection.                                                          records to date a wide range of texts.                                     9

9789004400689            Collection 2020               40      € 3.200     $ 3,638

                                                                                                                                                            BRILL CATALOG 2020
9789004386884            Collection 2019               30      € 3.182     $ 3,882
9789004328068            Collection 2018               30      € 2.576     $ 3,089
9789004303911            Collection 2016 / 2017        50      € 6.323     $ 7,714
9789004287457            Collection 2015               50      € 4.435     $ 5,411
9789004262478            Collection 2014               34      € 3.472     $ 4,236
9789004248724            Collection 2013               32      € 3.677     $ 4,486
9789004223288            Collection 2012               18      € 2.120     $ 2,586
9789004223004            Collection 2011               24      € 2.120     $ 3,827
9789004248694            Collection 2007-2012**        32      € 2.887     $ 3,510

**Special E-Book Collection, 2007-2012 includes academic titles in this field
previously published by Emerald (UK) but now part of Brill’s catalogue

                                                                                                                         September 2019
                                                                                                                         Hardback (lx, 1560 pp.)
                                                                                                                         ISBN 9789004399860
                                                                                                                         Price € 599 / US$ 719
                                                                                                                         Linguistic Bibliography, 2018

                                                                                     Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 2018 /
                                                                                     Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 2018
                                                                                     and Supplement for Previous Years / et complement
                                                                                     des années précédentes
ISSN: 2212-0602                                                                      Edited by Anne Aarssen, René Genis and Eline van der Veken

                                                                                     This is the annual bibliography of theoretical linguistics published
                                                                                     by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under
                                                                                     the auspices of the International Council of Philosophy and
                                                                                     Humanistic Studies of UNESCO.
Languages of the World – Africa                                         Languages of the World – Middle East

                                               August 2019                                                             June 2019
                                               Hardback (xiv, 382 pp.)                                                 Hardback (xii, 304 pp.)
                                               ISBN 9789004396982                                                      ISBN 9789004397910
                                               E-ISBN 9789004396999                                                    E-ISBN 9789004382107
                                               Price € 110 / US$ 132                                                   Price € 154 / US$ 185
                                               Grammars and Sketches of the World’s Languages /                        Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and
                                               Africa, 8                                                               Middle East, 132

                          Tutrugbu (Nyangbo) Language and                                         Kanišite Hittite
                          Culture                                                                 The Earliest Attested Record of Indo-European

                          James Essegbey, University of Florida                                   Alwin Kloekhorst, Leiden University

                          A comprehensive description of Tutrugbu (Nyangbo), a Ghana-             In Kanišite Hittite Alwin Kloekhorst offers a full account of the
                          Togo Mountain (GTM) language. It examines phonological,                 Hittite language spoken in Kaniš (Central Anatolia) during the
                          morphosyntactic and pragmatic structures, comparing them to             kārum-period (ca. 1970-1710 BCE) by analysing the personal names
                          the neighboring Tafi and Avatime, and the dominant regional             of local individuals attested in Old Assyrian documents from there.
                          language, Ewe. It is for African language scholars, documentary
                          linguists, and typologists.


                                               October 2019                                                              October 2019
                                               Hardback (xvi, 359 pp.)                                                   Hardback (xxvi, 452 pp.)
                                               ISBN 9789004409156                                                        ISBN 9789004410664
                                               E-ISBN 9789004410053                                                      E-ISBN 9789004411395
                                               Price € 110 / US$ 132                                                     Price € 220 / US$ 264
                                               Grammars and Sketches of the World’s Languages /                          Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and
                                               Africa, 9                                                                 Middle East, 135

                          A Grammar of Pévé                                                       Atlas of the Arabic Dialects of Galilee
                          Erin Shay, University of Colorado, in collaboration with Lazare         With Some Data for Adjacent Areas
                                                                                                  Peter Behnstedt and Aharon Geva-Kleinberger
                          A Grammar of Pévé describes and examines a wide range of
                          linguistic forms and functions found in Pévé, a Chadic language         Containing over 200 coloured dialect maps, this atlas describes the
                          spoken in parts of the Republic of Chad and the Republic of             Arabic dialects of Galilee and some adjacent areas, a region highly
                          Cameroon.                                                               complex as to sociolinguistic variation
Languages of the World – Middle East

                     February 2020
                     Hardback (xxvi, 452 pp.)                                                     November 2019
                     ISBN 9789004419988                                                           Hardback (xvi, 346 pp.)
                     E-ISBN 9789004419995                                                         ISBN 9789004414174
                     Price € 239 / US$ 287                                                        E-ISBN 9789004414648
                     Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and                         Price € 105 / US$ 126
                     Middle East, 139                                                             Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 100

The Phrygian Language                                                       The Semantics of Silence in Biblical
Bartomeu Obrador-Cursach, Barcelona University
                                                                            Sonja Noll, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

                                                                                                                                                      LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
This book provides an updated view of our knowledge about                   In The Semantics of Silence in Biblical Hebrew, Sonja Noll explores
Phrygian, an Indo-European language attested to have been                   the many words in biblical Hebrew that refer to being silent,
spoken in Anatolia between the 8th century BC and the Roman                 investigating how they are used in biblical texts, Dead Sea Scrolls,
Imperial period. Although a linguistic and epigraphic approach              and Ben Sira. She also examines the tradition of interpretation for
is the core of the book, it covers all major topics of research on          these words in the early versions (Septuagint, Vulgate, Targum,
Phrygian: the historical and archaeological contexts in which               Peshitta), modern translations, and standard dictionaries,
the Phrygian texts were found, a comprehensive grammar with                 revealing that meanings are not always straightforward and that
diachronic and comparative remarks, an overview of the linguistic           additional work is needed in biblical semantics and lexicography.
contacts attested for Phrygian, and more.


                                                                                                                                                      BRILL CATALOG 2020
                      August 2019                                                                 October 2019
                      Hardback (xii, 155 pp.)                                                     Hardback (xii, 304 pp.)
                      ISBN 9789004400412                                                          ISBN 9789004390256
                      E-ISBN 9789004400429                                                        E-ISBN 9789004390263
                      Price € 83 / US$ 100                                                        Price € 94 / US$ 113
                      Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 98                            Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 99

A Dictionary of the Safaitic Inscriptions                                   The Development of the Biblical Hebrew
Ahmad Al-Jallad, University of Ohio State, and Karolina
                                                                            Including a Concise Historical Morphology
                                                                            Benjamin D. Suchard, Leiden University

This is the first comprehensive dictionary of the Safaitic                  The Development of the Biblical Hebrew Vowels investigates the
inscriptions, comprising more than 1400 lemmata and 1500 lexical            sound changes affecting the Proto-Northwest-Semitic vocalic
items. The dictionary includes a lengthy introduction to the                phonemes and their reflexes in Tiberian Biblical Hebrew. Contrary
inscriptions as well an outline of various aspects of the Safaitic          to many previous approaches, Benjamin Suchard shows that these
writing tradition.                                                          developments can all be described as phonetically regular sound
                                                                            laws. This confirms that despite its unique transmission history,
                                                                            Hebrew behaves like other languages in this regard.
Languages of the World – Middle East

                          Ancient Texts and Modern                                               A Discourse Analysis of
                          Readers                                                                Habakkuk
                          Studies in Ancient Hebrew Linguistics and Bible
                          Translation                                                            David J. Fuller, McMaster Divinity College

                          Gideon R. Kotzé, North-West University, Christian
                          S. Locatell, Ariel University, and John A. Messarra,
                          Stellenbosch University

                          The chapters of this volume address a variety of topics that pertain   Habakkuk is unique amongst the prophetic corpus for its
                          to modern readers’ understanding of ancient texts, as well as          interchange between YHWH and the prophet. Many open
                          tools or resources that can facilitate contemporary audiences’         research questions exist regarding the identities of the antagonists
                          interpretation of these ancient writings and their language. In this   throughout and the relationships amongst the different sections of
                          regard, they cover subjects related to the fields of ancient Hebrew    the book.
                          linguistics and Bible translation.
                                                                                                 In A Discourse Analysis of Habakkuk, David J. Fuller develops
                          The chapters apply linguistic insights and theories to elucidate       a model for discourse analysis of Biblical Hebrew within the
                          elements of ancient texts for modern readers, investigate how          framework of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The analytical
                          ancient texts help modern readers to interpret features in other       procedure is carried out on each pericope of the book separately,
                          ancient texts, and suggest ways in which translations can make the     and then the respective results are compared in order to determine
                          language and conceptual worlds of ancient texts more accessible to     how the successive speeches function as responses to each other,
                          modern readers.                                                        and to better understand changes in the perspectives of the various
                                                                                                 speakers throughout.
                          In so doing, they present the results of original research, identify
                          new lines and topics of inquiry, and make novel contributions to       Readership includes all who are interested in Habakkuk, the Book
                          modern readers’ understanding of ancient texts.                        of the Twelve, and the use of linguistics in the interpretation of the
                                                                                                 Hebrew Bible.

                          June 2019                                                              November 2019
                          Hardback (xvi, 377 pp.)                                                Hardback (xviii, 381 pp.)
                          ISBN 9789004401969                                                     ISBN 9789004408883
                          E-ISBN 9789004402911                                                   E-ISBN 9789004408890
                          Price € 127 / US$ 153                                                  Price € 127 / US$ 153
                          Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 71                                        Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 72
Languages of the World – Europe

                      May 2019                                                               May 2019
                      Hardback (xii, 340 pp.)                                                Hardback (vi, 356 pp.)
                      ISBN 9789004394490                                                     ISBN 9789004395381
                      E-ISBN 9789004394506                                                   E-ISBN 9789004395398
                      Price € 116 / US$ 140                                                  Price € 99 / US$ 119
                      Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory, 13                          Grammars and Sketches of the World’s Languages, 7

The Morphology of Asia Minor Greek                                     Basque and Romance
Selected Topics                                                        Aligning Grammars

Edited by Angela Ralli, University of Patras                           Edited by Ane Berro Urrizelki, University of Deusto, Beatriz
                                                                       Fernández, and Jon Ortiz de Urbina, Deusto University

                                                                                                                                                 LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
This volume provides an unprecedented collection of data from          This book is a collection of articles describing and analyzing
Asia Minor Greek, namely from Cappadocian, Pharasiot, Silliot,         several of the most important morphosyntactic features for which
Smyrniot, Aivaliot, Bithynian, Pontic, Propontis Tsakonian and         the formal comparison between Basque and its surrounding
the dialect of Adrianoupolis. The varied perspectives on the           Romance languages is relevant, such as word order, inflection,
morphology of these dialects, most of which show the effects of        case, argument structure and causatives.
contact with other languages, but especially Turkish, constitute a     The book will be of interest especially for academics working on
valuable contribution to the study of Greek and to the study of all    Basque and Romance syntax and morphology, but also for anyone
languages in contact situations.                                       interested in linguistic variation in general and morphosyntactic
                                                                       variation in particular.


                                                                                                                                                 BRILL CATALOG 2020
                      November 2019                                                          March 2020
                      Hardback (vi, 347 pp.)                                                 Hardback [est. 300 pp.]
                      ISBN 9789004414969                                                     ISBN 9789004421592
                      E-ISBN 9789004417137                                                   E-ISBN 9789004422032
                                                                         Cover coming soon
                      Price € 121 / US$ 146                                                  Price € 110 / US$ 132
                      Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, 44                          Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, 45
                      Imprint: Brill | Rodopi                                                Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

Dutch Contributions to the Sixteenth                                   Verbal Aspect in Old Church Slavonic
International Congress of Slavists.                                    A Corpus-Based Approach
Belgrade, August 20-27, 2018.                                          Jaap Kamphuis, Leiden University
Edited by Egbert Fortuin, University of Leiden, Peter
Houtzagers, University of Groningen, and Janneke Kalsbeek,
University of Amsterdam

Every five years, on the occasion of the International Congress of     This book demonstrates that the aspect system of Old Church
Slavists, a volume appears that presents a comprehensive overview      Slavonic can best be described if one divides the verbs into
of current Slavic linguistic research in the Netherlands. The          three main categories: perfective, imperfective and anaspectual.
majority of the contributions in this peer-reviewed volume displays    This differs from the traditional division into perfective and
the data-oriented tradition of Dutch Slavic linguistics, but studies   imperfective verbs only. Kamphuis shows that aspect in Old
of a more theoretical nature are also represented.                     Church Slavonic functions more like verbal aspect in the Western
                                                                       groups of Slavic languages (e.g. Czech) than like that in the Eastern
                                                                       group (e.g. Russian).
Languages of the World – Asia

                                                August 2019                                         January 2020                                       December 2019
                                                Hardback (xviii, 574 pp.)                           Hardback (xxvi, 750 pp.)                           Hardback (xx, 439 pp.)
                                                ISBN 9789004395145                                  ISBN 9789004409477                                 ISBN 9789004363687
                                                E-ISBN 9789004409491                                E-ISBN 9789004409484                               E-ISBN 9789004412668
                                                Price € 171 / US$ 206                               Price € 198 / US$ 238                              Price € 127 / US$ 153
                                                Brill’s Tibetan Studies                             Brill’s Tibetan Studies                            Grammars and Sketches
                                                Library / Languages of the                          Library / Languages of the                         of the World’s Languages
                                                Greater Himalayan Region,                           Greater Himalayan Region,                          / Mainland and Insular
                                                5, 22                                               5, 23                                              South East Asia, 10

                          A Grammar of Darma                                 Grammar of Duhumbi                                  A Grammar of Makasar
                                                                             (Chugpa)                                            A Language of South Sulawesi,
                          Christina Willis Oko                                                                                   Indonesia
                                                                             Timotheus Adrianus Bodt, School of
                                                                             Oriental and African Studies, University            Anthony Jukes

                                                                             of London, UK                                       Edited by Paul James Sidwell, University
                                                                                                                                 of Sydney
                          A Grammar of Darma provides the first              With Grammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa),                   This book is a grammar of the Makasar
                          comprehensive description of this Tibeto-          Timotheus Adrianus (Tim) Bodt provides              language, spoken by about 2 million people
                          Burman language spoken in Uttarakhand,             the first comprehensive description of              in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Makasarese
                          India. The analysis is informed by a               any of the Western Kho-Bwa languages, a             is a head–marking language which marks
                          functional-typological framework and               sub-group of eight linguistic varieties of the      arguments on the predicate with a system
                          draws on a corpus of data gathered through         Kho-Bwa cluster (Tibeto-Burman).                    of pronominal clitics, following an ergative/
                          elicitation, observation and recordings of                                                             absolutive pattern.
                          natural discourse.                                 Duhumbi is spoken by 600 people in the
                                                                             Chug valley in West Kameng district,                Full noun phrases are relatively free in
                          Every effort has been made to describe             Arunachal Pradesh, India. The Duhumbi               order, while pre-predicate focus position
                          day-to-day language, so whenever                   people, known to the outside world as               which is widely used. The phonology is
14                        possible, illustrative examples are                Chugpa or Chug Monpa, belong to the                 notable for the large number of geminate
                          taken from extemporaneous speech                   Monpa Scheduled Tribe. Despite that                 and pre–glottalised consonant sequences,
                          and contextualized. Sections of the                affiliation, Duhumbi is not intelligible            while the morphology is characterised
                          grammar should appeal widely to scholars           to speakers of any of the other Monpa               by highly productive affixation and

                          interested in South Asia’s languages and           languages except Khispi (Lishpa).                   pervasive encliticisation of pronominal and
                          cultures, including discussions of the                                                                 aspectual elements.
                          socio-cultural setting, the sound system,          The volume Grammar of Duhumbi (Chugpa)
                          morphosyntactic, clause and discourse              describes all aspects of the language,              The work draws heavily on literary sources
                          structure. The grammar’s interlinearized           including phonology, morphology, lexicon,           reaching back more than three centuries;
                          texts and glossary provide a trove of useful       syntax and discourse. Moreover, it also             this tradition includes two Indic based
                          information for comparative linguists              contains links to additional resources freely       scripts, a system based on Arabic, and
                          working on Tibeto-Burman languages and             accessible on-line.                                 various Romanised conventions.
                          anyone interested in the world’s less-
                          commonly spoken languages.
Languages of the World – Asia

                                                                                                                        June 2019
                                                     Cover coming soon    February 2020                                 Hardback (xvi, 582 pp.)
                        April 2019                                        Hardback (approx. 370                         ISBN 9789004371910
                        Hardback (xii, 404 pp.)                           pp.)                                          E-ISBN 9789004378254
                        ISBN 9789004385948                                ISBN 9789004414532                            Price € 220 / US$ 264
                        E-ISBN 9789004390768                              E-ISBN 9789004414549                          Brill’s Studies in South
                        Price € 165 / US$ 198                             Price € 198 / US$ 238                         and Southwest Asian
                        Languages of Asia, 19                             Languages of Asia, 20                         Languages, 12

Language Contact in                               Tangut Language                                 Atong Texts
Siberia                                           and Manuscripts: An                             Glossed, Translated and Annotated
Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic                    Introduction                                    Narratives in a Tibeto-Burman
Loanwords in Yeniseian                                                                            Language of Meghalaya, Northeast

                                                                                                                                                   LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
                                                  Shi Jinbo, Chinese Academy of Social
Bayarma Khabtagaeva, Szeged                       Sciences, and Li Hansong
University, Hungary                                                                               Seino van Breugel, independent

This monograph dicsusses phonetic,                In Tangut Language and Manuscripts, Shi         Atong Texts by Seino van Breugel consists
morphological and semantic features               Jinbo offers by far the fullest introduction    of a collection of 37 glossed, annotated
of Altaic elements in Yeniseian, a                to the Tangut script, grammar and               and translated narratives in the Atong
rather heterogeneous language family              manuscripts, which lay the foundation of        language (Tibeto-Burman) of Meghalaya,
traditionally classified as one of the ‘Paleo-    historical narratives of Western Xia.           India, presented in phonemic standard
Siberian’ language groups, that are not                                                           orthography.
related to each other.
                                                                                                  This testimony of cultural and linguistic
                                                                                                  heritage of the Atongs, who are members of
                                                                                                  the Garo Tribe, complements the author’s             15
                                                                                                  Grammar of Atong, also published by Brill.

                                                                                                  Each text is preceded by a systematic

                                                                                                                                                   BRILL CATALOG 2020
                                                                                                  literary analysis. The photos in the
                                                                                                  appendix provide a visual impression of the
                                                                                                  environment in which the stories are told.
    Cover coming soon   January 2020                  Cover coming soon   March 2020
                        Hardback (approx. 388                             Hardback (approx. 375
                        pp.)                                              pp.)                    This book is of great value to Tibeto-
                        ISBN 9789004414693                                ISBN 9789004414228
                                                                                                  Burmanists, general linguists, discourse
                        E-ISBN 9789004414686                              E-ISBN 9789004419377
                        Price € 176 / US$ 212                             Price € 199/ US$ 239    analysts and everyone interested in the
                        Languages of Asia, 21                             Languages of Asia, 22   languages, history and folklore of Northeast-
                                                                                                  India in general, and Meghalaya in
The Language of the Old-                          Middle Western Karaim                           particular.
Okinawan Omoro Sōshi                              A Critical Edition and Linguistic
Reference Grammar, with Textual                   Analysis of the pre-19th-Century
Selections                                        Karaim Interpretations of Hebrew
Leon A. Serafim and Rumiko Shinzato,
Georgia Institute of Technology
                                                  Michał Németh, Jagiellonian University

In this volume, Leon A. Serafim and               This volume offers the first comprehensive
Rumiko Shinzato offer a grammatical               study on the history of Middle Western
and phonological description of the               Karaim dialects. The author provides a
Old Okinawan language for comparison              systematic description of sound changes
with other Ryukyuan languages and Old             dating from the 17th–19th-centuries and
Japanese, phonologically reconstructing,          reconstructs their absolute- and relative
translating, and annotating selected              chronologies.
Cognitive Linguistics

                                                December 2019                                     December 2019                                        December 2019
                                                Hardback (xii, 298 pp.)                           Hardback (est. 200 pp.)                              Hardback (est. 200 pp.)
                                                ISBN 9789004410336                                ISBN 9789004394995                                   ISBN 9789004358966
                                                E-ISBN 9789004410343                              E-ISBN 9789004395169                                 E-ISBN 9789004375291
                                                Price € 99 / US$ 120                              Price € 99 / US$ 114                                 Price € 99 / US$ 114
                                                Distinguished Lectures in                         Distinguished Lectures in                            Distinguished Lectures in
                                                Cognitive Linguistics, 23                         Cognitive Linguistics, 22                            Cognitive Linguistics, 20

                          Ten Lectures on Corpus                            Ten Lectures on the                                  Ten Lectures on Event
                          Linguistics with R                                Representation of Events                             Structure in a Network
                          Applications for Usage-Based and                  in Language, Perception,                             Theory of Language
                          Psycholinguistic Research                         Memory, and Action

                                                                                                                                 Nikolas Gisborne, University of
                          Stefan Th. Gries, UC Santa Barbara, and           Control                                              Edinburgh
                          JLU Giessen
                                                                            Jeffrey M. Zacks, Washington University
                                                                            in Saint Louis

                          In this book, Stefan Th. Gries provides           The representation of events is a central            In Ten Lectures on Event Structure in a
                          an overview on how quantitative corpus            topic for cognitive science. In this series          Network Theory of Language, Nikolas
                          methods can provide insights to cognitive/        of lectures, Jeffrey M. Zacks situates event         Gisborne explores verb meaning. He
                          usage-based linguistics and selected              representations and their role in language           discusses theories of events and how a
                          psycholinguistic questions. Topics include        within a theory of perception and memory.            network model of language-in-the-mind
                          the corpus linguistics in general, its most       Event representations have a distinctive             should be theorized; what the lexicon is;
                          important methodological tools, its               structure and format that result from                how to probe word meaning; evidence
                          statistical nature, and the relation of all       computational and neural mechanisms                  for structure in word meaning; polysemy;
16                        these topics to past and current usage-           operating during perception and language             the lexical semantics of causation; a
                          based theorizing.                                 comprehension. A crucial aspect of the               type hierarchy of events; and event types
                                                                            mechanisms is that event representations             cross-linguistically. He also looks at the
                          Central notions discussed in detail include       are updated to optimize their predictive             relationship between different classes of

                          frequency, dispersion, context, and others        utility. This updating has consequences              events or event types and aktionsarten;
                          in a variety of applications and case             for action control and for long-term                 transitivity alternations and argument
                          studies; four practice sessions offer short       memory. Event cognition changes across               linking. Gisborne argues that the social and
                          introductions of how to compute various           the adult lifespan and can be impaired by            cognitive embedding of language, requires
                          corpus statistics with the open source            conditions including Alzheimer’s disease.            a view of linguistic structure as a network
                          programming language and environment R.           These mechanisms have broad impact                   where even the analysis of verb meaning
                                                                            on everyday activity, and have shaped the            can require an understanding of the role of
                                                                            development of media such as cinema and              speaker and hearer.
                                                                            narrative fiction.
                          About the Series:

                                                                            Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics
                                                                            Editor: Thomas Fuyin LI

                                                                            Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics publishes the keynote lectures series given
                                                                            by prominent international scholars at the China International Forum on Cognitive
                                                                            Linguistics since 2004. Each volume contains the transcripts of 10 lectures under one
                                                                            theme given by an acknowledged expert on a subject, and readers have access to the
                                                                            audio recordings of the lectures through links in the e-book and QR-codes in the printed
                                                                            volume. This series provides a unique course on the broad subject of Cognitive Linguistics.
                                                                            Speakers include George Lakoff, Ronald Langacker, Leonard Talmy, Laura Janda, Dirk
                                                                            Geeraerts, Ewa Dąbrowska and many others.

                                                                            ISSN: 2468-4872                   
Cognitive Linguistics

                     September 2019                                   June 2020                                         June 2020
                     Hardback (xii, 129 pp.)                 Cover    Hardback (xii, 237 pp.)                 Cover     Hardback (xii, 224 pp.)
                     ISBN 9789004364899                     coming    ISBN 9789004362611                     coming     ISBN 9789004363526
                     E-ISBN 9789004364905                     soon                                             soon
                                                                      E-ISBN 9789004362628                              E-ISBN 9789004363533
                     Price € 99 / US$ 119                             Price € 99 / US$ 119                              Price € 99 / US$ 119
                     Distinguished Lectures in                        Distinguished Lectures in                         Distinguished Lectures in
                     Cognitive Linguistics, 9                         Cognitive Linguistics, 14                         Cognitive Linguistics, 11

Ten Lectures on Figurative                       Ten lectures on field                            Ten Lectures on
Meaning-Making: The Role                         semantics and semantic                           Construction Grammar
of Body and Context                              typology                                         and Typology

                                                                                                                                                    LANGUAGES & LINGUISTICS
Zoltán Kövecses, Eötvös Loránd                   Jürgen Bohnemeyer, University at                 William Croft, Stanford University
University                                       Buffalo

The present book contains a transcribed          The first four lectures revolve around field     In Ten Lectures on Construction Grammar
version of the lectures given by Professor       semantics – research methods for studying        and Typology, William Croft presents
Zoltán Kövecses in November 2010 as one          linguistic meaning under fieldwork               a unified theory of linguistic form and
of the three forum speakers for the 8th          conditions. The remaining six lectures deal      meaning that encompasses crosslinguistic
China International Forum on Cognitive           with semantic typology, the crosslinguistic      diversity, verbalization and language
Linguistics. The topics presented in             study of how humans communicate                  change. Croft begins from construction
this book deal with the language and             about the world in terms of the meaning          grammar, a theory of syntax in which all
conceptualization of emotions, cross-            categories of the languages they speak.          syntactic structures are a pairing of form
cultural variation in metaphor, metaphor         Together, the lectures present one of            and meaning. Constructions are posited
and metonymy in discourse, and the issue         the first comprehensive introductions            as basic; syntactic categories are defined
of the relationship between language,            to either topic. A thread pervading the          by constructions. The internal structure
mind, and culture from a cognitive               lectures involves the following questions:       of constructions directly link elements               17
linguistic perspective.                          how much do languages vary in how they           of constructions to the meanings they
                                                 represent reality? To what extent does           express, Constructions across languages
                                                 this variation reflect cultural differences?     can be situated in a space of syntactic

                                                                                                                                                    BRILL CATALOG 2020
                                                 To what extent does it influence the             variation. Grammar emerges from the
                                                 nonverbal thinking of the speakers?              verbalization of experience. Constructions
                                                                                                  occur in a probability distribution across
                                                                                                  the conceptual space of meanings. These
                                                                                                  probability distributions evolve, leading to
                                                                                                  grammatical change in language, modeled
                                                                                                  in an evolutionary framework.
Historical Linguistics

                                               December 2019                                                                     November 2019
                                               Hardback (xiii, 368 pp.)                                                          Hardback (x, 184 pp.)
                                               ISBN 9789004414327                                                                ISBN 9789004414068
                                               E-ISBN 9789004414051                                                              E-ISBN 9789004414075
                                               Price € 116 / US$ 140                                                             Price € 83 / US$ 90
                                               Brill’s Studies in Historical Linguistics, 10                                     Brill’s Studies in Historical Linguistics, 9

                          Grammaticalising the Perfect and                                                 New Directions for Historical Linguistics
                          Explanations of Language Change
                          Have- and Be-Perfects in the History and Structure of                            Edited by Hans C. Boas, University of Texas at Austin, and Marc
                                                                                                           Pierce, University of Texas at Austin
                          English and Bulgarian

                          Bozhil Hristov, University of Sofia

                          In this book, Bozhil Hristov investigates the verbal systems of                  This volume consists of papers based on presentations given at
                          two distantly related Indo-European languages, highlighting                      a roundtable on “New Directions for Historical Linguistics: Impact
                          similarities as well as crucial differences between them and                     and Synthesis, 50 Years Later,” held at the 23rd International
                          seeking a unified approach. The book reassesses some long-held                   Conference on Historical Linguistics in 2017, as well as an
                          notions and functionalist assumptions and shines the spotlight                   introduction by the editors.
                          on certain areas that have received less attention, such as the                  The roundtable discussed the evolution of historical linguistics
                          role of ambiguity in actual usage. The detailed analysis of rich,                since the 1966 symposium on “Directions for Historical Linguistics,”
                          contextualised material from a selection of texts dovetails with                 held in Austin, Texas.
                          large-scale corpus studies, complementing their findings and
                          enhancing our understanding of the phenomena.


                                               December 2019                                                                     October 2019
                                               Hardback (xi, 290 pp.)                                                            Hardback (viii, 235 pp.)
                                               ISBN 9789004414501                                                                ISBN 9789004409347
                                               E-ISBN 9789004416192                                                              E-ISBN 9789004409354
                                               Price € 110 / US$ 132                                                             Price € 99 / US$ 119
                                               Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics,                         Leiden Studies in Indo-European, 21
                                               19                                                                                Imprint: Brill | Rodopi

                          Dispersals and Diversification                                                   The Precursors of Proto-Indo-European
                          Linguistic and Archaeological Perspectives on the                                The Indo-Anatolian and Indo-Uralic Hypotheses
                          Early Stages of Indo-European
                                                                                                           Edited by Alwin Kloekhorst, Leiden University, and Tijmen
                          Edited by Matilde Serangeli, FSU Jena, and Thomas Olander,                       Pronk, Leiden University
                          University of Copenhagen

                          Dispersals and diversification offers a reassessment of some of                  In The Precursors of Proto-Indo-European some of the world’s
                          the pivotal linguistic and archaeological questions concerning                   leading experts in historical linguistics shed new light on two
                          the early phases of the disintegration of Proto-Indo-European,                   hypotheses about the prehistory of the Indo-European language
                          including discussions of the methodological approaches involved.                 family, the so-called Indo-Anatolian and Indo-Uralic hypotheses.
                                                                                                           The Indo-Anatolian hypothesis states that the Anatolian branch of
                                                                                                           the Indo-European family should be viewed as a sister language of
                                                                                                           ‘classical’ Proto-Indo-European, the ancestor of all the other, non-
                                                                                                           Anatolian branches.
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