Vietnamese 2019 v1.0 General Senior External Examination Syllabus This syllabus is for implementation in 2019 - QCAA

Page created by Phillip Miller
Vietnamese 2019 v1.0
General Senior External Examination Syllabus

This syllabus is for implementation in 2019.

1     Course overview __________________________________ 1
1.1   Introduction............................................................................................... 1
      1.1.1    Rationale .......................................................................................................... 1
      1.1.2    Learning area structure.................................................................................... 3
      1.1.3    Course structure .............................................................................................. 4
1.2   Teaching and learning .............................................................................. 5
      1.2.1    Syllabus objectives .......................................................................................... 5
      1.2.2    Underpinning factors........................................................................................ 6
      1.2.3    Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives .................... 9
      1.2.4    Pedagogical and conceptual frameworks...................................................... 10
      1.2.5    Subject matter ................................................................................................ 12
1.3   Assessment — general information ........................................................ 16
      1.3.1    Formative assessments — Units 1 and 2...................................................... 16
      1.3.2    Summative assessments — Units 3 and 4.................................................... 16
1.4   Reporting standards ............................................................................... 17

2     Unit 1: Thế giới của tôi — My world _________________ 19
2.1   Unit description ....................................................................................... 19
2.2   Unit objectives ........................................................................................ 19
2.3   Topic 1: Family/carers and friends.......................................................... 20
2.4   Topic 2: Lifestyle and leisure .................................................................. 20
2.5   Topic 3: Education .................................................................................. 20
2.6   Assessment guidance ............................................................................ 20

3     Unit 2: Khám phá thế giới của chúng ta — Exploring
      our world _______________________________________ 21
3.1   Unit description ....................................................................................... 21
3.2   Unit objectives ........................................................................................ 21
3.3   Topic 1: Travel ........................................................................................ 22
3.4   Topic 2: Technology and media ............................................................. 22
3.5   Topic 3: The contribution of Vietnamese culture to the world ................. 22
3.6   Assessment guidance ............................................................................ 23
4     Unit 3: Xã hội của chúng ta — Our society ___________ 24
4.1   Unit description ....................................................................................... 24
4.2   Unit objectives ........................................................................................ 24
4.3   Topic 1: Roles and relationships ............................................................ 25
4.4   Topic 2: Socialising and connecting with my peers ................................ 25
4.5   Topic 3: Groups in society ...................................................................... 25

5     Unit 4: Tương lai của tôi — My future _______________ 26
5.1   Unit description ....................................................................................... 26
5.2   Unit objectives ........................................................................................ 26
5.3   Topic 1: Future pathways, plans and reflections .................................... 27
5.4   Topic 2: Responsibilities and moving on ................................................ 27
5.5   Assessment ............................................................................................ 28
      5.5.1    Summative external assessment 1 (EA1): Examination —
               extended response (25%).............................................................................. 28
      5.5.2    Summative external assessment 2 (EA2): Examination — combination
               response (75%).............................................................................................. 31

6     Glossary _______________________________________ 33

7     References _____________________________________ 52
1 Course overview
1.1        Introduction
           1.1.1 Rationale
           The need to communicate is the foundation for all language development. People use language
           to achieve their personal communicative needs — to express, exchange, interpret and negotiate
           meaning, and to understand the world around them. The central goal for additional language
           acquisition is communication. Candidates do not simply learn a language — they participate in a
           range of interactions in which they exchange meaning and become active participants in
           understanding and constructing written, spoken and visual texts.
           Additional language acquisition provides candidates with opportunities to reflect on their
           understanding of a language and the communities that use it, while also assisting in the effective
           negotiation of experiences and meaning across cultures and languages. Communicating with
           people from Vietnamese-speaking communities provides insight into the purpose and nature of
           language and promotes greater sensitivity to, and understanding of, linguistic structures, including
           the linguistic structures of English. As candidates develop the ability to explore cultural diversity
           and similarities between another language and their own, this engagement with other languages
           and cultures fosters intercultural understanding.
           Language acquisition occurs in social and cultural settings. It involves communicating across a
           range of contexts for a variety of purposes, in a manner appropriate to context. As candidates
           experience and evaluate a range of different text types, they reorganise their thinking to
           accommodate other linguistic and intercultural knowledge and textual conventions. This informs
           their capacity to create texts for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
           Central to the capacity to evaluate and create texts are the skills of critical and creative thinking,
           intellectual flexibility and problem-solving. Acquiring an additional language provides the
           opportunity to develop these interrelated skills, and requires candidates to use language in a
           meaningful way through the exchange of information, ideas and perspectives relevant to their life
           For exchanges to be relevant and useful, additional language acquisition must position
           candidates at the centre of their own learning. When candidates communicate their own
           aspirations, values, opinions, ideas and relationships, the personalisation of each candidate’s
           learning creates a stronger connection with the language. Activities and tasks are developed to fit
           within the candidate’s life experience.
           The ability to communicate in an additional language such as Vietnamese is an important 21st
           century skill. Candidates develop knowledge, understanding and skills that enable successful
           participation in a global society. Communication in an additional language expands candidates’
           horizons and opportunities as national and global citizens.
           Additional language acquisition contributes to and enriches intellectual, educational, linguistic,
           metacognitive, personal, social and cultural development. It requires intellectual discipline and
           systematic approaches to learning, which are characterised by effective planning and
           organisation, incorporating processes of self-management and self-monitoring.

Vietnamese 2019 v1.0                                                             Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                        April 2018
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Assumed knowledge, prior learning or experience
           This syllabus is designed for candidates who wish to study Vietnamese as an additional language
           and who have studied the P–10 Australian Curriculum: Vietnamese or similar. Other candidates
           with less formal language learning experience may also be able to meet the requirements of the
           syllabus successfully.

           Vietnamese is a General externally assessed subject suited to candidates who are interested in
           pathways that lead to tertiary studies, vocational education or work. A course of study in
           Vietnamese can establish a basis for further education and employment in many professions and
           industries. For example, those which value the knowledge of an additional language and the
           intercultural understanding it encompasses, such as business, hospitality, law, science,
           technology, sociology and education.

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General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                   April 2018
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1.1.2 Learning area structure
           All learning areas build on the P–10 Australian Curriculum.

           Figure 1: Learning area structure

        P–10 Australian Curriculum

         Senior Secondary
      Languages Learning Area

                   General                                 General                                   Short course
                                                 Externally assessed (100%)
 • results may contribute to an                • results may contribute to an             • results do not contribute to an
   Australian Tertiary Admission                 ATAR calculation                           ATAR calculation
   Rank (ATAR) calculation                     • results contribute to the QCE            • results contribute to the QCE
 • results contribute to the                   • includes external assessment             • internal assessment only
   Queensland Certificate of
   Education (QCE)
 • includes external assessment

                                Chinese                                                     Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
        Chinese                                               Arabic
                               Extension                                                               Languages

                                French           Chinese (assessment permits full-
                               Extension            form character responses)

        German                                              Indonesian

         Italian                                             Korean

       Japanese                                                Latin

        Spanish                                           Modern Greek





Vietnamese 2019 v1.0                                                                 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                            April 2018
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1.1.3 Course structure
           Vietnamese is a course of study consisting of four units. Subject matter, learning experiences and
           assessment increase in complexity from Units 1 and 2 to Units 3 and 4.
           Units 1 and 2 provide foundational learning, which allows candidates to experience all syllabus
           objectives and begin engaging with the course subject matter. It is expected that candidates
           should complete Units 1 and 2 before beginning Unit 3. It is recommended that Unit 3 be
           completed before Unit 4.
           Units 3 and 4 consolidate candidate learning. Only the results from Units 3 and 4 will contribute to
           ATAR calculations.
           Figure 2 outlines the structure of this course of study.
           Each unit has been developed with a notional time of 55 hours of teaching and learning. Time
           allocation depends on the method of study. Candidates who elect to study without systematic
           tuition must organise their time according to syllabus requirements and individual circumstances.

           Figure 2: Course structure


                       Unit 1                         Unit 2                        Unit 3                   Unit 4
                 Thế giới của tôi              Khám phá thế giới             Xã hội của chúng          Tương lai của tôi
                                                 của chúng ta                         ta
                                                 Exploring our                  Our society                 My future
                     My world
               • Family/carers and             • Travel                      • Roles and             • Future pathways,
                 friends                                                       relationships           plans and reflections
                                               • Technology and
               • Lifestyle and                   media                       • Socialising and       • Responsibilities and
                 leisure                                                       connecting with         moving on
                                               • The contribution of
               • Education                       Vietnamese                    my peers
                                                 culture to the world        • Groups in society

                  Assessment                      Assessment                               Assessment
               Formative internal              Formative internal            Summative external assessment 1:
               assessment/s                    assessment/s                  Examination — Extended response (25%)
                                                                             Summative external assessment 2:
                                                                             Examination — combination response (75%)

             It is expected that candidates should have
             opportunities in Units 1 and 2 to experience and
             respond to the types of assessment they will
             encounter in Units 3 and 4.
             For reporting, educational providers will use in-
             class formative assessments.

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1.2        Teaching and learning
           1.2.1 Syllabus objectives
           The syllabus objectives outline what candidates have the opportunity to learn. Assessment
           provides evidence of how well candidates have achieved the objectives.
           Syllabus objectives inform unit objectives, which are contextualised for the subject matter and
           requirements of the unit. Unit objectives, in turn, inform the assessment objectives, which are
           further contextualised for the requirements of the assessment instruments. The number of each
           objective remains constant at all levels, i.e. Syllabus objective 1 relates to Unit objective 1 and to
           Assessment objective 1 in each assessment instrument.
           Syllabus objectives are described in terms of actions that operate on the subject matter.
           Candidates are required to use a range of cognitive processes in order to demonstrate and meet
           the syllabus objectives. These cognitive processes are described in the explanatory paragraph
           following each objective in terms of four levels: retrieval, comprehension, analytical processes
           (analysis), and knowledge utilisation, with each process building on the previous processes (see
           Marzano & Kendall 2007, 2008). That is, comprehension requires retrieval, and knowledge
           utilisation requires retrieval, comprehension and analytical processes (analysis).
           By the conclusion of the course of study, candidates will:

            Syllabus objective                                                  Unit 1   Unit 2    Unit 3    Unit 4

            1. comprehend Vietnamese to understand information, ideas,
                                                                                  ●         ●         ●         ●
               opinions and experiences

            2. identify tone, purpose, context and audience to infer meaning,
                                                                                  ●         ●         ●         ●
               values and attitudes

            3. analyse and evaluate information and ideas to draw
                                                                                  ●         ●         ●         ●
               conclusions and justify opinions, ideas and perspectives

            4. apply knowledge of Vietnamese language elements,
               structures and textual conventions to convey meaning
                                                                                  ●         ●         ●         ●
               appropriate to context, purpose, audience and cultural

            5. structure, sequence and synthesise information to justify
                                                                                  ●         ●         ●         ●
               opinions, ideas and perspectives

            6. use strategies to maintain communication and exchange
                                                                                  ●         ●         ●         ●
               meaning in Vietnamese

           1.   comprehend Vietnamese to understand information, ideas, opinions and experiences
                When candidates comprehend Vietnamese to understand information, ideas, opinions and
                experiences, they respond to Vietnamese texts in contexts and determine meaning.
           2.   identify tone, purpose, context and audience to infer meaning, values and attitudes
                When candidates identify tone, purpose, context and audience, they use and synthesise
                linguistic and cultural knowledge to identify language elements and structures to examine
                meaning, values, attitudes and beliefs.
           3.   analyse and evaluate information and ideas to draw conclusions and justify opinions,
                ideas and perspectives
                When candidates analyse and evaluate information and ideas to draw conclusions and justify
                opinions, they identify gist, key points and detail to develop a point of view.

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General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                          April 2018
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4.   apply knowledge of Vietnamese language elements, structures and textual
                conventions to convey meaning appropriate to context, purpose, audience and
                cultural conventions
                When candidates apply knowledge of language elements, structures and textual conventions
                to create texts, they retrieve and synthesise their knowledge of Vietnamese to construct,
                communicate, exchange and convey meaning.
           5.   structure, sequence and synthesise information to justify opinions, ideas and
                When candidates structure, sequence and synthesise information to exchange and justify
                opinions, ideas and perspectives in Vietnamese, they organise language elements to explain
                and transmit information and ideas.
           6.   use strategies to maintain communication and exchange meaning in Vietnamese.
                When candidates use strategies to maintain communication in Vietnamese, they retrieve and
                synthesise knowledge and skills of language and culture to generate and sustain the
                exchange of meaning.

           1.2.2 Underpinning factors
           There are three skill sets that underpin senior syllabuses and are essential for defining the
           distinctive nature of subjects:
           • literacy — the set of knowledge and skills about language and texts essential for
             understanding and conveying Vietnamese content
           • numeracy — the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that candidates need to use
             mathematics in a wide range of situations, to recognise and understand the role of
             mathematics in the world, and to develop the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical
             knowledge and skills purposefully
           • 21st century skills — the attributes and skills candidates need to prepare them for higher
             education, work and engagement in a complex and rapidly changing world.
           These skill sets, which overlap and interact, are derived from current education, industry and
           community expectations. They encompass the knowledge, skills, capabilities, behaviours and
           dispositions that will help candidates live and work successfully in the 21st century.
           Together these three skill sets shape the development of senior subject syllabuses. Although
           coverage of each skill set may vary from syllabus to syllabus, candidates should be provided with
           opportunities to learn through and about these skills over the course of study. Each skill set
           contains identifiable knowledge and skills that can be directly assessed.

           Literacy in Vietnamese
           Literacy is the set of knowledge and skills about language and texts that is essential for
           understanding and conveying information in Vietnamese. Ongoing systematic teaching and
           learning focused on the literacy knowledge and skills specific to Vietnamese is essential for
           candidate achievement. This includes knowledge of the nature and structure of letters, spelling
           conventions, written accents and punctuation and their application to communicate effectively.
           Candidates need to learn and use the knowledge and skills of reading, viewing and listening to
           understand and acquire the Vietnamese language. Candidates need to learn and use the
           knowledge and skills of writing, composing and speaking to convey information in Vietnamese.

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General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                       April 2018
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To understand and use literacy skills in Vietnamese, teaching and learning strategies include:
           • comprehending language and texts to make literal and inferred meanings from Vietnamese
           • using Vietnamese in educational settings, real-world and/or lifelike contexts to progress their
             own learning.
           To analyse and evaluate Vietnamese texts, teaching and learning strategies include:
           • using Vietnamese to convey ideas and information in particular ways to suit audience and
           • analysing the ways language is used to convey ideas and information in Vietnamese texts
           • drawing conclusions about the purpose and audience of Vietnamese texts.
           These aspects of literacy knowledge and skills are embedded in the syllabus objectives, unit
           objectives and subject matter for Vietnamese.

           Numeracy in Vietnamese
           Numeracy is about using mathematics to make sense of the world and applying mathematics in a
           context for a social purpose.
           Numeracy encompasses the knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that candidates need
           to use mathematics in a wide range of situations, to recognise and understand the role of
           mathematics in the world and to develop the dispositions and capacities to use mathematical
           knowledge and skills purposefully.
           Although much of the explicit teaching of numeracy skills occurs in Mathematics, being numerate
           involves using mathematical skills across the curriculum. Therefore, numeracy development is an
           essential component of teaching and learning across the curriculum and a responsibility for all
           To understand and use numeracy skills in Vietnamese, teaching and learning strategies include:
           • identifying specific mathematical information in Vietnamese texts
           • providing learning experiences and opportunities that support the application of candidates’
             general mathematical knowledge and problem-solving processes
           • communicating and representing the language of numeracy in teaching, as appropriate.
           These aspects of numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in the syllabus objectives, unit
           objectives and subject matter.

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21st century skills
           The 21st century skills identified in the following table reflect a common agreement, both in
           Australia and internationally, on the skills and attributes candidates need to prepare them for
           higher education, work and engagement in a complex and rapidly changing world.

            21st century skills        Associated skills                21st century skills     Associated skills

                                       •   analytical thinking                                  • innovation
                                       •   problem-solving                                      • initiative and enterprise
                                       •   decision-making                                      • curiosity and imagination
                                       •   reasoning                                            • creativity
            critical thinking          •   reflecting and evaluating    creative thinking       • generating and applying
                                       •   intellectual flexibility                               new ideas
                                                                                                • identifying alternatives
                                                                                                • seeing or making new

                                       • effective oral and written                             • relating to others
                                         communication                                            (interacting with others)
                                       • using language, symbols                                • recognising and using
                                         and texts                      collaboration and         diverse perspectives
                                       • communicating ideas                                    • participating and
                                         effectively with diverse                                 contributing
                                         audiences                                              • community connections

                                       • adaptability/flexibility                               • operations and concepts
                                       • management (self, career,                              • accessing and analysing
                                         time, planning and                                       information
                                         organising)                                            • being productive users of
                                       • character (resilience,                                   technology
                                         mindfulness, open- and         information &
                                                                                                • digital citizenship (being
            personal and                 fair-mindedness, self-         communication
                                                                                                  safe, positive and
            social skills                awareness)                     technologies (ICT)
                                                                                                  responsible online)
                                       • leadership
                                       • citizenship
                                       • cultural awareness
                                       • ethical (and moral)

           Vietnamese helps develop the following 21st century skills:
           • critical thinking
           • communication
           • personal and social skills
           • creative thinking
           • collaboration and teamwork
           • information & communication technologies (ICT) skills.
           These elements of 21st century skills are embedded in the syllabus objectives, unit objectives
           and subject matter for Vietnamese.

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General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                                   April 2018
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1.2.3 Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander
           The QCAA is committed to reconciliation in Australia. As part of its commitment, the QCAA
           affirms that:
           • Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the first Australians, and have the
             oldest living cultures in human history
           • Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples have strong cultural traditions and speak
             diverse languages and dialects, other than Standard Australian English
           • teaching and learning in Queensland educational settings should provide opportunities for
             candidates to deepen their knowledge of Australia by engaging with the perspectives of
             Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples
           • positive outcomes for Aboriginal candidates and Torres Strait Islander candidates are
             supported by successfully embedding Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander
             perspectives across planning, teaching and assessing candidate achievement.
           Guidelines about Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and resources
           for teaching are available at
           Where appropriate, Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives have been
           embedded in the subject matter.
           Languages foster and sustain cultures, identities and communities. Through the study and
           acquisition of an additional language, candidates learn to value other identities and cultures as
           well as their own.
           As the custodians of Australia’s first languages, Australian Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait
           Islander peoples are important members of the Australian community, whose cultures and
           perspectives have been sustained for over 50 000 years. For learners of Vietnamese, study that
           recognises the diversity and specificity of Aboriginal identities and Torres Strait Islander identities
           — through histories, traditional and contemporary cultures, lifestyles and values — provides
           further insight into the complexity and uniqueness of Australian identity in the present day.
           When learning Vietnamese, examiners should consider the context of the local area and
           community. The place of Aboriginal cultures and languages and Torres Strait Islander cultures
           and languages should be acknowledged, and authentic connections to Aboriginal communities
           and Torres Strait Islander communities made. Candidates can explore Aboriginal perspectives
           and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in a number of contexts, such as lifestyle, leisure, travel,
           roles and relationships, and groups in society.

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General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                         April 2018
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1.2.4 Pedagogical and conceptual frameworks
           Language acquisition occurs in communicative contexts: communication encompasses the
           exchange and negotiation of meaning, drawing on awareness of intercultural understanding and
           cultural conventions.
           Candidates acquire language through the purposeful and meaningful use of that language.
           Exchanges of information and ideas are authentic and relevant to the learner; candidates practise
           receptive, interactive and productive exchanges of information in communicative and age-
           appropriate contexts. Through engagement with a range of Vietnamese texts, candidates will
           demonstrate communicative and cognitive facility and a capacity to create and comprehend texts
           in Vietnamese.
           The syllabus objectives for Vietnamese are interrelated and interdependent. They reflect the
           nature of Vietnamese language acquisition in a communicative and cultural context. To effectively
           engage candidates in exchanging ideas, information and opinions, the teaching and learning
           experiences for Vietnamese need to encompass a variety and range of modes, media and
           formats. Candidates and examiners are encouraged to interact in Vietnamese as the language of
           the educational setting. Active language use, in a variety of meaningful everyday situations and
           contexts, fosters an understanding and appreciation of Vietnamese language, culture, and their
           Teaching and learning experiences should support candidate engagement. Exchanges in and
           engagement with Vietnamese are meaningful when teaching and learning experiences allow for:
           • retrieval of knowledge of language elements and textual conventions to understand and
             create texts
           • consideration of context and cultural conventions to construct and engage with a range of
             written, spoken and visual text types
           • development and organisation of information in a cohesive manner to communicate, explain
             and transmit ideas and demonstrate intercultural understanding
           • synthesis of knowledge and skills to generate and sustain the exchange of meaning
           • use of linguistic, textual and cultural knowledge for the analysis and creation of texts
           • interpretation, analysis, comparison and evaluation of information and ideas to draw
             conclusions and justify opinions in responding to texts
           • identification of information, ideas and textual elements to develop points of view
           • recognition and appreciation of variations within languages that reflect cultural and community
           Educational providers and candidates should develop learning experiences that allow candidates
           the opportunity to:
           • analyse texts
           • create texts
           • exchange information and ideas.
           These opportunities should cover unit objectives contextualised to the subject matter and
           requirements of each unit.

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Educational providers and candidates should ensure that there is a balance of:
           • modes
           • subject matter
           • objectives.
           Candidates should engage with:
           • listening, reading and viewing, with responses to
               ­ short items in English and Vietnamese
               ­ extended responses, paragraphs and/or short sentences in English and/or Vietnamese
           • speaking and writing, with responses
               ­ in a wide variety of text types for each mode
               ­ across the different media or forms of technology, where possible
               ­ in Vietnamese to Vietnamese stimulus texts
           • exchanges of information in Vietnamese.
           In this way, each candidate develops their capacity to listen, read, speak, view and write in
           Vietnamese. Because candidates develop the capacity to listen, read, speak, view and write in
           Vietnamese unevenly, it is important that opportunities to demonstrate analysis, evaluation,
           drawing conclusions and the justification of opinions, ideas and perspectives be provided through
           responses in both English and Vietnamese.
           Educational providers or candidates develop a course of study that balances learning and
           assessment so that candidates can easily move between the experiences in an educational
           setting and assessment of those experiences. This will allow educational providers or candidates
           to identify the most appropriate ways to improve language acquisition and monitor individual
           performance in relation to the syllabus objectives.

           Use of dictionaries
           Dictionaries are an important tool in the acquisition of an additional language. Knowing how to
           use a dictionary is a necessary skill for learners of an additional language. The use of a dictionary
           is one of the problem-solving strategies employed by language learners and is useful for
           mediating conceptual meaning. Dictionaries may also be used for confirming literal meaning
           where a word or phrase is not known by a candidate. Dictionaries are important for maintaining
           communication in exchanges of information but their use should not hinder or impede the
           immediacy and spontaneity of an exchange.
           The use of a dictionary is not an assessable skill, and dictionaries will not be used for summative
           external assessment in this syllabus.
           Educational providers or candidates can determine the dictionary to be used for formative

Vietnamese 2019 v1.0                                                            Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
General Senior External Examination Syllabus                                                                       April 2018
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1.2.5 Subject matter
           Subject matter is the body of information, mental procedures and psychomotor procedures (see
           Marzano & Kendall 2007, 2008) that are necessary for candidates’ learning and engagement with
           Vietnamese. It is particular to each unit in the course of study and provides the basis for
           candidate learning experiences.
           Subject matter has a direct relationship to the unit objectives, but is of a finer granularity and is
           more specific. These statements of learning are constructed in a similar way to objectives. Each
           • describes an action (or combination of actions) — what the candidate is expected to do
           • describes the element — expressed as information, mental procedures and/or psychomotor
           • is contextualised for the topic or circumstance particular to the unit.

           Organisation of subject matter
           Subject matter in this syllabus is organised as topics.
           Candidates acquire Vietnamese through engagement with the subject matter, using the
           mandatory language elements to respond to and create texts in relation to the unit topics. The
           subject matter and assessment in this syllabus requires candidates to use Vietnamese
           This is an iterative process. Across the four units, candidates should be given the opportunity to
           understand and create a wide range of text types.
           Resources related to subject matter should support candidate acquisition of Vietnamese and
           understanding of the culture of Vietnamese people and Vietnamese-speaking communities.
           Therefore, resources and stimulus texts should be authentic; however, texts may be adapted for
           use in the educational setting to allow candidate access to ideas and information where
           expressions are beyond the language acquisition level of a cohort.
           An integrated approach to teaching subject matter should be incorporated into the analysis and
           creation of Vietnamese texts. In a communicative language acquisition course, language
           elements should not be taught discretely, but should be integrated into the creation and analysis
           of Vietnamese texts.
           Candidate acquisition of communicative Vietnamese will allow the cumulative engagement with
           subject matter to be demonstrated through analysis and evaluation of ideas and information in
           texts and through the creation of texts that convey and exchange meaning.
           Unit duration is provided as advice for educational settings or candidates, to inform the depth and
           balance of coverage of each topic covered. Examples are provided as guidance for resource
           selection and are not exhaustive.
           While educational providers may use in-class formative assessment addressing specific topics, it
           is expected that candidates will demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the external

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Mandatory language elements
           The syllabus provides the mandatory language elements for Vietnamese. A working knowledge of
           these elements supports candidates in their development of learning the subject matter.
           Candidates will be exposed to the mandatory language elements across Units 1 and 2 of the
           course of study. Learning experiences across the four units will provide the opportunity for
           candidates to acquire communicative language capacity using these language elements.
           Candidates will then be required to demonstrate their capacity to use these language elements.
           In the mandatory language elements below, examples of sentences or phrases are given to
           highlight grammatical usage, rather than to indicate particular vocabulary. Other language
           elements may be added. The ability to create and read text in genkou youshi is mandatory
           subject matter.
           Key: N = noun; V = verb; Adj = adjective

            Language elements                                                    Examples in Vietnamese


            • single/compound                                                    đẹp, duyên dáng, rất đẹp

            • comparative                                                        bằng, hơn, nhất


            • time, place, manner                                                Lúc 2 giờ, ở Việt Nam, tử tế

            Cohesive devices

            • coordinating conjunctions                                          Và, hay

            • connective particles                                               thế, thì, mà

            • response word and polite particles                                 dạ, vâng, ạ


            • initial: distinction between ‘tr’ and ‘ch’, ‘s’ and ‘x’, ‘v’ and   trẻ — chẻ; sa — xa; vì — dì
              ‘d’, etc.

            • final: distinction between ‘n’ and ‘ng’, ‘c’ and ‘t’, etc.         đan — đang; mặc — mặt


            • question, statement, negation                                      lên giọng, xuống giọng


            • common/proper                                                      Sông Cửu Long

            • singular/plural                                                    nhà, nhiều nhà

            • single/compound                                                    áo quần, thợ điện


            • cardinal                                                           một, hai

            • ordinal                                                            thứ nhất, thứ nhì

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Phrase types

            • adverbial, noun-, verb-, adjectival                                Nói một cách tổng quát, …


            • personal, demonstrative, interrogative                             tôi, ông, kia, ai, gì


            • appropriate use of full stop, comma, question mark,                Hôm nay, tôi đi học
              exclamation mark, semicolon, colon, inverted commas,
              hyphen, etc.


            • simple, compound                                                   Tôi đến trễ.
                                                                                 Tôi đến trễ vì tôi bị kẹt xe.

            • types: statement, affirmative, negative, question,                 Hai học sinh giỏi được lãnh phần thưởng.
              exclamatory, imperative                                            Chú bé đang đi chầm chậm.
                                                                                 Đẹp tuyệt vời!


            • forms of address                                                   thưa, kính thưa, thân, mến

            • contrast between written and spoken forms                          Hôm nay / bữa nay
                                                                                 Khi nào / chừng nào

            • style variations related to social relationships

            • distinction between formal and informal styles


            • distinction between six tone markers                               ma, má, mà, mạ, mả, mã


            • tenses

               ­ tense expression (present, past, future)                        đang, đã, rồi, sẽ, sắp, hôm qua, hôm nay,
                                                                                 ngày mai

            • voice (active and passive)                                         Tôi phạt nó. Nó bị phạt.

            • transitive, intransitive                                           Nhìn lên bầu trời, tôi thấy nhiều mây.


            • appropriate use of colloquialisms, slang, metaphors, literal and metaphorical expressions

            • appropriate use of sentence fragments

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Text selection
           Text selection is an educational provider–based decision and should reflect the interests and
           needs of candidates.
           Throughout the course of study, candidates should be provided with opportunities to engage with
           a wide range of texts to encourage their development as language learners and users. Texts
           selected for the course of study may be analytical, descriptive, informative, narrative, persuasive,
           satirical and comedic and transactional texts.
           There should be a range and balance in the texts that candidates read, listen to and view, which
           embody the intercultural nature of language. The course should include texts designed for
           different purposes and audiences, and delivered through different media.

           Text types
           Texts are classified by the purpose/s they are designed to achieve, which influence the
           characteristic features the texts employ, such as language, structure and mode of
           communication. Classifications are sometimes ambiguous or overlapping; they may include
           analytical, comedic, descriptive, informative, narrative, persuasive, procedural, satirical,
           transactional texts, among others.
           Analytical texts develop an argument, make a judgment or advance an interpretation. They do
           this by identifying, examining and drawing conclusions about the elements or components that
           make up other texts, e.g. short essays, research reports.
           Descriptive texts explain the features or characteristics of something, including a range of
           details, often with affective or sensory description. The purpose is to invite perception, empathy or
           visualisation (of people, places, or emotions), e.g. travel blogs, film reviews.
           Informative texts convey factual content to educate or inform. Sub-types of informational texts
           • explanatory texts, which present factual information with details to elucidate. The purpose is to
             invite developed understanding (of an action or event), e.g. annotations on a building plan or
             map, travel brochures
           • procedural texts, which lay out a series of steps to be followed in a set order to complete a
             task, e.g. recipes, directions to a point of interest.
           Narrative texts tell a story through a series of related events or experiences. Narrative texts use
           aesthetic features to provoke audience or reader responses, e.g. fairytales, novels, feature films.
           Persuasive texts put forward a point of view to influence an audience. They may do this explicitly
           with argument and justification, or implicitly through the use of purposefully selected textual
           features, e.g. speeches, advertisements.
           Satirical and comedic texts make fun of or mock people, events or concepts, or tell jokes, for
           the purposes of entertainment or social comment, e.g. satirical cartoons, comedy series.
           Transactional texts occur in situations between two or more people, often involving negotiation
           or discussion, to achieve an outcome, e.g. conversations to purchase a product, a series of
           emails to organise a time and place for a meeting.

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1.3        Assessment — general information
           Assessments are formative in Units 1 and 2, and summative in Units 3 and 4.

            Assessment                                                     Unit 1    Unit 2    Unit 3    Unit 4

            Formative assessments                                             ●         ●

            Summative external assessment 1                                                       ●         ●

            Summative external assessment 2                                                       ●         ●

           1.3.1 Formative assessments — Units 1 and 2
           The sequencing, scope and scale of formative assessments for Units 1 and 2 are matters for
           each educational provider or individual candidate to decide. If this syllabus is delivered in a
           school setting, teachers are encouraged to use the A–E descriptors in the reporting standards
           (Section 1.4) to provide formative feedback to candidates and to report on progress.
           Examiners are encouraged to use the A–E descriptors in the reporting standards (Section 1.4) to
           provide formative feedback to candidates and to report on progress.

           1.3.2 Summative assessments — Units 3 and 4
           Candidates will complete a total of two summative external assessments, both of which will count
           towards their final mark in this subject.
           The summative external assessments provide the evidence of achievement for a candidate’s
           profile. External assessment is:
           • common to all candidates
           • administered under the same conditions at the same time and on the same day
           • developed and marked by the QCAA according to a commonly applied marking scheme.
           The external assessments contribute 100% to the candidate’s result in Vietnamese.

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1.4        Reporting standards
           Reporting standards are summary statements that succinctly describe typical performance at
           each of the five levels (A–E). They reflect the cognitive taxonomy and objectives of the course of
           The primary purpose of reporting standards is for twice-yearly reporting on candidate progress.
           These descriptors can also be used to help examiners provide formative feedback to candidates.

           Reporting standards


            The candidate, in responding to texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates thorough comprehension of
            information, ideas, opinions and experiences in Vietnamese. Tone, purpose, context and audience are
            identified to infer valid and justifiable meaning, values and attitudes. Discerning analysis and evaluation of
            information and ideas are developed to draw valid conclusions with well-substantiated justification of
            opinions, ideas and perspectives.
            The candidate, in creating texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates a discerning application of
            knowledge of language elements, structures and textual conventions to create texts that convey meaning
            appropriate to context, purpose, audience and cultural conventions. Information and language elements
            are structured, sequenced and synthesised to convey well-justified opinions, perspectives and ideas in
            The candidate, in exchanging meaning, demonstrates the use of strategies to maintain communication,
            demonstrating effective and contextually appropriate Vietnamese language.


            The candidate, in responding to texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates an effective comprehension of
            information, ideas, opinions and experiences in Vietnamese. Tone, purpose, context and audience are
            identified to infer meaning, values and attitudes. Appropriate analysis and evaluation of information and
            ideas are developed to draw conclusions with justification of opinions, ideas and perspectives.
            The candidate, in creating texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates an effective application of
            knowledge of language elements, structures and textual conventions to create texts that convey meaning
            appropriate to context, purpose and audience. Information and language elements are structured,
            sequenced and synthesised to convey opinions, perspectives and ideas in Vietnamese.
            The candidate, in exchanging meaning, demonstrates the use of strategies to maintain communication,
            demonstrating contextually appropriate Vietnamese language.


            The candidate, in responding to texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates comprehension of information,
            ideas, opinions and experiences in Vietnamese. Tone, purpose, context and audience are identified to
            infer some meaning, values and attitudes. Analysis and evaluation of relevant information and ideas are
            developed to draw conclusions with some justification of opinions, ideas and perspectives.
            The candidate, in creating texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates application of knowledge of
            language elements, structures and textual conventions to create texts that convey some meaning
            appropriate to context, purpose and audience. Information and language elements are structured,
            sequenced and synthesised to convey opinions, perspectives and ideas in Vietnamese.
            The candidate, in exchanging meaning, demonstrates the use of some strategies to maintain
            communication, demonstrating contextually appropriate Vietnamese language.

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            The candidate, in responding to and creating texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates partial
            comprehension of Vietnamese to understand obvious information and ideas. Some context and audience
            are identified to draw conclusions. Knowledge of Vietnamese language elements, structures and textual
            conventions is applied to create texts that convey fragmented meaning.


            The candidate, in responding to and creating texts in a range of contexts, demonstrates fragmented
            understanding of information in Vietnamese, and fragmented application of knowledge of Vietnamese
            language elements, structures and textual conventions.

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2 Unit 1: Thế giới của tôi — My world
2.1        Unit description
           In Unit 1, candidates compare and contrast lifestyles and education in Australian and
           Vietnamese-speaking communities, homes and peer-group contexts. They communicate their
           understanding and experiences of relationships through the use of information and ideas in texts
           and language, such as formal and informal spoken language, and develop a variety of strategies
           to maintain communication. Candidates generate and compare information about their own and
           others’ personal identities, and the cultural values related to personal and wider community
           lifestyles, leisure and education.
           The subject matter engages candidates with aspects of language and textual conventions — to
           communicate similarities and differences, and to develop opinions about the lives and interests of
           young people — in familiar and unfamiliar educational and home environments.

           Unit requirements
           In Unit 1, Thế giới của tôi — My world, subject matter is organised into three topics that require a
           notional 55 hours of teaching, learning and assessment in total, with a suggested:
           • 15 hours on Unit 1 Topic 1: Family/carers and friends
           • 40 hours on Unit 1 Topic 2: Lifestyle and leisure and Unit 1 Topic 3: Education.
           Suggestions for Vietnamese resources and texts are incorporated in the subject matter.

2.2        Unit objectives
           Unit objectives are drawn from the syllabus objectives and are contextualised for the subject
           matter and requirements of the unit. Each unit objective must be assessed at least once.
           Candidates will:
           1.   comprehend Vietnamese to understand information, ideas, opinions and experiences related
                to family/carers, friendships, lifestyle, leisure and education
           2.   identify tone, purpose, context and audience to infer meaning, values and attitudes related to
                family/carers, friendships, lifestyle, leisure and education
           3.   analyse and evaluate information and ideas to draw conclusions and justify opinions, ideas
                and perspectives related to family/carers, friendships, lifestyle, leisure and education
           4.   apply knowledge of Vietnamese language elements, structures and textual conventions to
                convey meaning appropriate to context, purpose, audience and cultural conventions related
                to family/carers, friendships, lifestyle, leisure and education
           5.   structure, sequence and synthesise information to justify opinions, ideas and perspectives
                related to family/carers, friendships, lifestyle, leisure and education
           6.   use strategies to maintain communication and exchange meaning in Vietnamese to discuss
                family/carers, friendships, lifestyle, leisure and education with peers and Vietnamese-
                speaking community members.

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2.3        Topic 1: Family/carers and friends
            Subject matter

            In creating and evaluating Vietnamese texts, candidates will:
            • consider and create introductions in a variety of age-appropriate settings in their own and Vietnamese-
              speaking communities, e.g. introduce and describe themselves and others in a variety of settings and
              text types
            • comment on the similarities and differences in family/carers, friends and daily life in their own and
              Vietnamese-speaking communities, e.g. compare family/carer structures, discuss relationships with
              family/carers or siblings, create explanatory texts about family/carers, friends and daily life.

2.4        Topic 2: Lifestyle and leisure
            Subject matter

            In creating and evaluating Vietnamese texts, candidates will:
            • consider how interests, traditions, events and celebrations impact on family/carer identity, community
              connections and cultural values in their own and Vietnamese-speaking communities, e.g. research and
              compare significant events, leisure activities or sports in Vietnamese-speaking communities and
            • compare and contrast lifestyle and leisure for themselves and their peers in Vietnamese-speaking
              communities, e.g. negotiate leisure activity arrangements; compare what is considered a healthy
            • appraise the diversity of celebrations in their social sphere and those of their peers in
              Vietnamese-speaking communities, e.g. give reasons for family/carer activity preferences and/or

2.5        Topic 3: Education
            Subject matter

            In creating and evaluating Vietnamese texts, candidates will:
            • compare and explain education experiences, e.g. compare education systems, educational
              expectations and/or traditions
            • analyse perspectives on the benefits and challenges of study, e.g. contrast experiences of peers in a
              variety of educational contexts in Australia and Vietnamese-speaking communities
            • assess a variety of texts comparing education systems in Vietnamese-speaking communities and
              Australia, e.g. discuss values and attitudes towards education, educational expectations and/or
              traditions, and societal and cultural factors.

2.6        Assessment guidance
           If this syllabus is delivered in an educational setting, providers should ensure that the objectives
           cover, or are chosen from, the unit objectives. If one formative assessment instrument is
           developed for a unit, it must assess all the unit objectives; if more than one formative assessment
           instrument is developed, the unit objectives must be covered across those instruments.

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3 Unit 2: Khám phá thế giới của chúng ta —
    Exploring our world
3.1        Unit description
           In Unit 2, candidates move beyond their personal world to how they engage with the world. They
           do this by exploring options for personal travel and tourism in Vietnamese-speaking communities
           and Australia, and by considering the associated cultural conventions. Their study focuses on the
           increasingly central role and impact of technology and media in their own lives and the lives of
           Vietnamese-speaking peers. Candidates consider the ways that Vietnamese culture has
           contributed to the world, and reflect upon their experiences, compare options and express
           preferences, while appreciating diverse cultural values. This provides the opportunity to develop
           knowledge and understanding of a range of language elements and textual structures; to
           communicate similarities and differences; and to develop opinions about travel, technology and
           media, and the contribution of Vietnamese culture in the wider world.

           Unit requirements
           In Unit 2, Khám phá thế giới của chúng ta — Exploring our world, subject matter is organised into
           three topics that require a notional 55 hours of teaching, learning and assessment in total, with a
           minimum of 5 hours on any single topic:
           • Unit 2 Topic 1: Travel
           • Unit 2 Topic 2: Technology and media
           • Unit 2 Topic 3: The contribution of Vietnamese culture to the world.
           Suggestions for Vietnamese resources and texts are incorporated in the subject matter.

3.2        Unit objectives
           Unit objectives are drawn from the syllabus objectives and are contextualised for the subject
           matter and requirements of the unit. Each unit objective must be assessed at least once.
           Candidates will:
           1.   comprehend Vietnamese to understand information, ideas, opinions and experiences related
                to travel, technology, media and Vietnamese culture
           2.   identify tone, purpose, context and audience to infer meaning, values and attitudes related to
                travel, technology, media and Vietnamese culture
           3.   analyse and evaluate information and ideas to draw conclusions and justify opinions, ideas
                and perspectives related to travel, technology, media and Vietnamese culture
           4.   apply knowledge of Vietnamese language elements, structures and textual conventions to
                convey meaning appropriate to context, purpose, audience and cultural conventions related
                to travel, technology, media and Vietnamese culture
           5.   structure, sequence and synthesise information to justify opinions, ideas and perspectives
                related to travel, technology, media and Vietnamese culture
           6.   use strategies to maintain communication and exchange meaning in Vietnamese to discuss
                travel, technology, media and Vietnamese culture with peers and Vietnamese-speaking
                community members.

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3.3        Topic 1: Travel
            Subject matter

            In creating and evaluating Vietnamese texts, candidates will:
            • describe personal travel and tourism in Vietnamese-speaking communities and Australia, e.g. identify
              places candidates have visited, recognise places of interest to Vietnamese speakers and/or highlights
              of Vietnamese-speaking communities and Australian destinations (including places that are significant
              to Indigenous cultures)
            • consider conversations related to travel options and experiences in Vietnamese-speaking communities,
              e.g. contrast cultural conventions associated with travel experiences
            • analyse trends in travel and their impact, e.g. consider economic, environmental and/or security factors;
              compare types of tourism and marketing, e.g. ecotourism, sharing economy, extreme tourism, volunteer
            • evaluate tourist destinations by reflecting on travel experiences and the importance of travel,
              e.g. comment on the reasons for and attitudes towards travelling and/or popular destinations and
            • investigate the significant features of a famous destination or event, e.g. identify geographical, historical
              and/or cultural features of a Vietnamese destination or event; comment on the similarities and
              differences between significant sites in Australia
            • justify decisions about travel options for specific audiences, e.g. discuss guidelines, rules, laws and
              expectations of travellers and the resulting recommendations for different groups.

3.4        Topic 2: Technology and media
            Subject matter

            In creating and evaluating Vietnamese texts, candidates will:
            • consider the central role of technology in their own lives and the lives of Vietnamese-speaking peers,
              e.g. compare and contrast the ways they connect and acquire new information; identify ways
              technology has made travel easier or more accessible
            • assess the impact of, and trends in, technology with regards to young people in the 21st century
              society, e.g. investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using technology to communicate and/or
              access information
            • appraise the effects of technology and media on their own world view and on the world view of
              Vietnamese-speaking peers, e.g. evaluate the positive and negative effects of their own use of
              technology; discuss how the rapid transfer of news and information (substantiated and not) influences
              their world view.

3.5        Topic 3: The contribution of Vietnamese culture to
           the world
            Subject matter

            In creating and evaluating Vietnamese texts, candidates will:
            • identify how Vietnamese traditional culture is maintained in the modern world, e.g. describe festivals,
              events, rites of passage and community celebrations
            • analyse how aspects of Vietnamese culture have made diverse contributions around the world,
              e.g. consider to what extent Vietnamese culture is present in the local community and the reasons why
            • investigate significant/prominent Vietnamese speaker/s and their contribution to linguistic/cultural
              identity, e.g. summarise significant/prominent Vietnamese-speaker/s influence on the arts (music, film,
              literature or digital), sports or broader community.

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