Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy guided by high definition laparoscopic ultrasound

Page created by Nicholas Mullins
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy guided by high definition laparoscopic ultrasound
Rev Mex Urol 2014;74(1):55-59

                                                        ÓRGANO OFICIAL DE DIFUSIÓN DE LA SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE UROLOGÍA


Clinical case

Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy guided by high definition
laparoscopic ultrasound

J. G. Campos-Salcedoa,*, E. I. Bravo-Castrob, M. Castro-Marínc, A. Sedano-Lozanod, J. C.
López-Silvestred, M. A. Zapata-Villalbad, L. A. Mendoza-Álvarezd, C. E. Estrada-Carrascod,
H. Rosas-Hernándezd and J. L. Reyes-Equihuad

    Urology Ward Management, Hospital Central Militar, Mexico City, Mexico
    Urology Speciality Residency, Escuela Militar de Graduados de Sanidad, Mexico City, Mexico
    Department of Urology Management, Hospital Central Militar, Mexico City, Mexico
    Department of Urology, Hospital Central Militar, Mexico City, Mexico

     KEYWORDS                           Abstract Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was described in 1993 and its indications extended
     Laparoscopic partial               due to the benefits of maintaining oncologic results and sparing the renal parenchyma. The aim
     nephrectomy; High-                 of this report was to describe a patient with the diagnosis of a right renal tumor, stage T1a N0
     definition                         M0, that underwent a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy guided by high definition laparoscopic
     laparoscopic                       ultrasound, with clamping of the renal artery.
     ultrasound; Partial                Surgery duration was 240 minutes, there was minimum blood loss, a minimum of postoperative
     nephrectomy; Mexico                pain, adequate urinary output, and short hospital stay. Imaging studies revealed satisfactory
                                        oncologic control.
                                        Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is similar to radical nephrectomy in relation to survival in
                                        patients, such as ours, with localized tumors. Laparoscopic ultrasound is a tool for identifying
                                        and controlling tumor resection.
                                        In conclusion, the use of laparoscopic ultrasound in intraoperative tumor resection enables real-
                                        time resection control for carrying out complete renal tumor excision.

      Palabras clave                    Nefrectomía parcial laparoscópica guiada por ultrasonido laparoscópico de alta
      Nefrectomía parcial               definición
      Ultrasonido                       Resumen La nefrectomía parcial laparoscópica fue descrita en 1993, sus indicaciones se
      laparoscópico de alta             extendieron por sus beneficios al mantener los resultados oncológicos y preservación de
      definición;                       parénquima renal. El objetivo del presente artículo es describir a una paciente con diagnóstico

   * Corresponding author at: Hospital Central Militar. Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho s/n, Lomas de Sotelo, Av. Industria Militar y General Ca-
bral, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11200, México D.F., México. Telephone: (01) 5557 3100, ext. 1246. Email:
(J. G. Campos-Salcedo).
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy guided by high definition laparoscopic ultrasound
56                                                                                                              J. G. Campos-Salcedo et al

                                   de tumor renal derecho T1aN0M0, a la que se le realizó nefrectomía parcial laparoscópica
  Nefrectomía parcial;             guiada por ultrasonido laparoscópico de alta definición. Se somete paciente a dicho
  México.                          procedimiento, con pinzamiento de la arteria renal.
                                   Se realiza cirugía con un tiempo de 240 minutos, presenta sangrado mínimo, dolor postoperatorio
                                   mínimo y adecuado gasto urinario, tiempo corto de estancia hospitalaria; en estudios de imagen
                                   se encuentra con adecuado control oncológico.
                                   La nefrectomía parcial laparoscópica es similar a la nefrectomía radical en sobrevida en tumores
                                   localizados, como se demostró en la paciente, y el ultrasonido laparoscópico es una herramienta
                                   para la identificación del control de la resección tumoral.
                                   En conclusión, el uso de ultrasonido laparoscópico en la resección del control transoperatorio
                                   de tumores, es una herramienta que permite el control de la resección en tiempo real, además
                                   es un control para realizar la escisión tumoral renal completa.

                                   0185-4542 © 2014. Revista Mexicana de Urología. Publicado por Elsevier México. Todos los derechos reservados.

Introduction                                                           complete tumor resection are among the principal surgical
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy was first described in                  The aim of this report was to document how the use of a
1993. It indications and use have been extending due to its            high definition laparoscopic ultrasound transducer was an
benefits of offering adequate oncologic control, while                 important aid in achieving complete tumor excision.
conserving part of the patient’s renal function, as well as
the added value of being a minimally invasive technique. 1-5
                                                                       Case presentation
  In the last few years, the new modalities in radiology
studies and their relative access in the majority of Mexican           A woman in the seventh decade of life had a past history of
hospitals, have not only brought about an increase in renal            diabetes and chronic stage 2 nephropathy of the National
tumor diagnosis, but also at earlier stages. The survival rate         Ki d n e y F o u n d a t i o n ( N K F ) , 4 c e s a r e a n s e c t i o n s ,
at 5 years for a localized renal tumor is approximately 90%,           appendectomy, hysterectomy, tubal ligation, and ventral
justifying treatment for these patients.6                              hernia repair through mesh placement. She was admitted
  Curative treatment of localized renal tumors is surgical             to our hospital for a diarrheic syndrome. Computed
and the treatment of choice continues to be nephrectomy.               tomographic urography was ordered as a complementary
Partial nephrectomy has shown similar oncologic control to             study and revealed a right 14 mm renal mass with 20 HU in
radical surgery. The initial indications for partial                   the plain phase and 80 HU in the venous phase, suggestive
nephrectomy were a single anatomic or functional kidney.               of a tumor. It was staged T1aN0M0 (fig. 1) and laparoscopic
These indications gradually broadened, as the safety of                partial nephrectomy was proposed.
the technique was confirmed and adequate oncologic                       Total surgery duration, blood loss, intra and postoperative
results were achieved. 3,7 Moreover, with the increase in              complications, hospital stay, and oncologic control were
experience, larger and deeper tumors have been treated                 evaluated. The procedure was performed with the following
and renal parenchyma hemostasis, waterproof repair of                  surgical technique: the patient was given general anesthesia
the calyces through suturing after tumor excision, and                 and put in the left lumbotomy position to have access to the

Figure 1 Coronal and axial views of abdominal tomography scan showing a right renal tumor.
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy guided by high definition laparoscopic ultrasound
Laparoscopic nephrectomy guided by high-definition laparoscopic ultrasound                                                   57

                                                                 Figure 3 Introduction of the 4 channel 10 mHz BK Pro-Focus
Figure 2 Tumor image before high-definition laparoscopic ul-     2202 high definition laparoscopic ultrasound flexible transducer
trasound.                                                        for identifying the tumor.

lumbar region. Three trocars were placed: a 12 mm blunt-         Discussion
tip transumbilical trocar, a 10 mm trocar at the subcostal
level, and a 5 mm trocar at the mid-clavicular line. The         Since the first published works by Robson, radical
transperitoneal approach was employed. The ureter and the        nephrectomy has been accepted as the reference treatment
gonadal vein were identified and laterally retracted.            in localized renal carcinoma. 5 Nevertheless, the new
Dissection was performed along the psoas muscle and the          technologies that have been developed, along with the rise
renal hilum was dissected en bloc. Gerota’s fascia was           in minimally invasive surgery, have resulted in their being
dissected, separating it from the kidney. The renal tumor        compared.
was identified at the lower pole and the adjacent perirenal        Partial nephrectomy has shown better conservation of
fat was dissected (fig. 2). The 4-channel 10 mHz BK ProFocus     renal function than radical nephrectomy, as well as having
2202 high definition laparoscopic ultrasound transducer was      good oncologic results and being a safe option for treating
then introduced through the 10 mm trocar (fig. 3) identifying    tumors under 4 cm. In addition, recurrence and the risk of
the tumor edges and depth (fig. 4). Once this was done, the      death from tumor disease are low; they have been related
silk threads that were the reference points for the renal        to pathologic stage and Fuhrman grade, but not to positive
artery and vein were tightened. The tumor was resected           margins that can be found in 1.4% of the patients that
with a laparoscopic cold scissors (fig. 5). Upon finishing the   undergo this treatment. Free-from-disease survival at 2 and
resection, the laparoscopic transducer was introduced again      5 years has been reported at up to 99% and 97%,
to make sure there were no areas of residual tumor, after        respectively.12
which renorrhaphy with Vicryl® 1-0 was done, anchoring the         The approaches are retroperitoneal or transperitoneal, as
sutures with Hem-o-Lok® (Weck Closure System, Research           with our patient. In the end, the choice of the approach will
Triangle Park, NC). The traction of the renal vessels was        depend on the surgeon’s preferences, taking into account
then freed with a warm ischemia time of 30 minutes. A            the size of the mass, location, body mass index or history of
control ultrasound showed no evidence of residual mass (fig.     previous surgery, with no big differences in the complication
6) Hemostasis was achieved at the renorrhaphy site with the      rate between the approaches.3
biologic sealant Floseal® (Baxter, Mountain View, CA) with         One of the reported complications with the laparoscopic
no apparent signs of bleeding. The tumor was put in a            technique is parenchymal bleeding related to tumor size
waterproof bag and removed through the 10 mm port. A             and depth, and added to the time limitation and the
drain was placed, the ports were removed under direct            precision of laparoscopic suture placement, it does not
vision and the wounds were closed with the usual technique.      compare with an open procedure. Nevertheless, these
   The procedure took 180 minutes, with blood loss of 100        effects can be reduced with adequate control of the hilum
cc. There was no need for blood transfusion, the patient         through appropriate instruments for that purpose, 13 and
had a favorable postoperative period with minimal doses of       secondarily through the use of hemostatic agents like
analgesic. Pain was adequately controlled without rescue         Floseal®.
doses. The patient began to walk at 24 hours and the drain         Another disadvantage associated with the procedure is
was removed after 48 hours. Control renal ultrasound at 48       the difficulty of achieving satisfactory surgical margins due
hours showed no signs of perirenal hemorrhage and the            to the limited angulation of the laparoscopic instruments,
patient was released 72 hours after surgery. She was             which tends to lessen the deeper the tumor, plus the poor
checked 4 weeks later and had adequate progression. There        visibility after beginning the parenchymal incision;13 this is
was no evidence of recurrence at the control appointment         where the use of intraoperative ultrasound provides better
at 3 months.                                                     information as to the depth of the tumor and how far the
58                                                                                                 J. G. Campos-Salcedo et al

                                                               Figure 5 Image showing tumor resection after laparoscopic
Figure 4 Intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasound for defining
the edges and depth of the resection.

                                                               patients should be well selected and auxiliary techniques,
                                                               such as laparoscopic ultrasound used in the case presented
                                                               herein, should be employed in order to achieve resection
                                                               margins guaranteeing long-term oncologic control.

                                                               Conflict of interest
                                                               The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

                                                               Financial disclosure
                                                               No financial support was received in relation to this article.


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