LDL Cholesterol Lowering in Type Diabetes: What Is the Optimum Approach?

F e a t u r e           a r t i c l e

       LDL Cholesterol Lowering in Type 2 Diabetes:
            What Is the Optimum Approach?
                                                      Richard W. Nesto, MD

         urrent estimates indicate that 21    and with ST-segment elevation MI (8.5       The typical lipid disorder in patients
         million U.S. adults—roughly          vs. 5.4%; P < 0.001).8                      with diabetes, diabetic dyslipidemia, is
         10% of the adult popula-                 The U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study     characterized by elevated triglycerides,
tion—have diabetes.1 Owing in part to         (UKPDS) established the importance          low levels of HDL cholesterol, and
the growing epidemic of obesity in the        of tight glycemic control in patients       increased numbers of small, dense LDL
United States, the prevalence of diabetes     with diabetes.9 Yet in isolation, control   particles.11,12
is expected to more than double to 48         of hyperglycemia is not sufficient to           The implementation of treatment
million people by 2050.2,3 Nearly 30          decrease the high burden of cardiovas-      goals for diabetes is challenging,
years ago, the Framingham Heart Study         cular disease (CVD) in this population.10   however, and has been suboptimal
established that individuals with diabetes    Efforts to reduce cardiovascular morbid-    in most clinical settings.11 Data from
have a two to three times higher risk of      ity and mortality in people with diabetes   the 1999–2000 National Health and
cardiovascular events than nondiabetic        have therefore focused on overall or        Nutrition Examination Survey showed
people.4 More recent studies have deter-      global risk factor management, includ-      that only 37% of adults with diagnosed
mined that diabetes is a coronary heart                                                   diabetes achieved a hemoglobin A1c goal
                                              ing weight loss and increased physical
disease (CHD) risk equivalent based on                                                    of < 7%, only 36% achieved a blood
                                              activity, tight control of blood pressure
findings that risk for coronary events                                                    pressure goal of < 130/80 mmHg, and
                                              and blood glucose, and intensive
in diabetic patients without previous                                                     just 48% achieved a total cholesterol
                                              management of diabetic dyslipidemia.
                                                                                          goal of < 200 mg/dl.13 Moreover, only
CHD is equivalent to that of nondiabetic
                                                                                          a very small minority (< 10%) of
people with a history of CHD.5,6 Heart                      In Brief
                                                                                          people with diabetes achieved all three
disease mortality, however, is two to four
                                                                                          treatment goals.13 Achievement rates of
times higher in patients with diabetes          Managing the high risk for cardio-
                                                                                          LDL cholesterol goals are particularly
compared with those without diabetes.1          vascular morbidity and mortality in
                                                                                          poor among high-risk individuals with
The risk of death is particularly high in       diabetic patients is a challenge for
                                                                                          diabetes.14,15 For example, in one recent
the early period after a CHD event. In          practicing clinicians. Reducing the
                                                                                          survey, 40% of patients with both
the FINMONICA myocardial infarction             burden of cardiovascular disease in
                                                                                          diabetes and CHD had LDL cholesterol
(MI) register study, 28-day mortality           diabetes should begin with assess-
                                                                                          levels greater than the goal of < 100
after hospitalization for a first MI was        ment and treatment of elevated LDL
                                                cholesterol. Statins are the preferred    mg/dl recommended by the third
nearly twofold higher in men with                                                         National Cholesterol Education Program
diabetes and almost threefold higher in         treatment, and intensive statin
                                                therapy may be necessary to meet          Adult Treatment Panel (NCEP ATP III)
women with diabetes compared with                                                         guidelines, and nearly 80% had levels
their nondiabetic counterparts.7 In a           the current goal of < 100 mg/dl
                                                or the optional goal of < 70 mg/dl        above the optional goal of < 70 mg/dl.15
recent analysis of pooled data from                                                           Although the difficulty of achiev-
                                                recommended for high-risk patients
11 trials of 62,036 patients with acute                                                   ing aggressive LDL cholesterol
                                                and to address other components
coronary syndromes conducted by the                                                       goals in diabetic patients—many of
                                                of diabetic dyslipidemia. Along
Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction                                                     whom are receiving multiple drug
                                                with aggressive glucose and blood
Study Group, mortality at 30 days was           pressure control, intensive treatment     therapies and have concomitant medical
significantly higher among diabetic             of LDL cholesterol in patients with       problems—has often been cited as one
than nondiabetic patients presenting            diabetes can substantially affect         factor contributing to poor control rates,
with unstable angina/non–ST-segment             long-term health outcomes.                a review of medical records of nearly
elevation MI (2.1 vs. 1.1%; P < 0.001)                                                    48,000 CHD patients both with and

                                                                                            Volume 26, Number 1, 2008• Clinical Diabetes
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without diabetes has shown that lipid            dense particles characterize the LDL              Beyond the importance of even
management in general needs to be                fraction in diabetic individuals. These       modest elevations in LDL cholesterol
improved in patients with diagnosed dia-         particles contain less cholesterol than       in people with diabetes, it also appears
betes. Despite overall increases in rates        normal-sized LDL particles, but they are      that LDL cholesterol interacts with risk
of lipid testing and treatment, patients         exceptionally atherogenic.10,18,19 Thus,      factors of the metabolic syndrome to
with CHD and diabetes are still 26%              levels of LDL may appear deceptively          magnify the risk of CVD.10,12,20,21 The
less likely to have had a lipid profile and      “normal” in cholesterol measurements.         strong association between increased
17% less likely to receive lipid-lowering            Small, dense LDL particles are            small, dense LDL particles and elevated
medication than are patients with CHD            considered more atherogenic than the          triglycerides, for example, appears to be
but without diabetes.16                          larger, buoyant LDL particles because         linked to the altered insulin sensitivity
    As these data suggest, there are             they are more readily oxidized and            common in the metabolic syndrome and
a number of ongoing opportunities                glycated, which make them more likely         type 2 diabetes.18,20 Insulin resistance in
to improve overall diabetes care. In             to invade the arterial wall.10,19 This        skeletal muscle promotes the conversion
particular, achievement of the intensive         can initiate atherosclerosis or lead to       of energy from ingested carbohydrate
LDL cholesterol goals recommended                increased migration and apoptosis             into increased hepatic triglyceride
by both the NCEP and the American                of vascular smooth muscle cells in            synthesis, which in turn generates large
Diabetes Association (ADA) has the               existing atherosclerotic lesions.10,19 As a   numbers of atherogenic triglyceride-rich
potential to substantially improve               consequence, elevated or “normal” LDL         lipoprotein particles, such as very-low-
long-term cardiovascular outcomes.12,17          cholesterol may be more pathogenic in         density lipoprotein (VLDL).20,22 As a
To this end, this review addresses three         people with diabetes.                         further consequence, through the action
key issues related to lowering the risks
associated with diabetic dyslipidemia:
1) the substantial CHD risk associated
with relatively normal LDL cholesterol;
2) the value of lowering LDL cholesterol
and normalizing atherogenic LDL
particles in reducing cardiovascular risk;
and 3) the role of intensive statin therapy
in achieving aggressive LDL cholesterol

What Is Average LDL Cholesterol in
Diabetes, and Why Is It a Concern?
Patients with diabetes frequently have
lipid profiles that appear more benign
than those of other high-risk people
without diabetes. In general, LDL
cholesterol levels in people with diabetes
are not higher than those in people
without diabetes who are matched for
age, sex, and body weight.12 In fact,
the most common LDL cholesterol
level in diabetes is “borderline high”
(130–159 mg/dl).12 Moreover, high LDL
cholesterol levels (≥ 160 mg/dl) do not
occur at higher-than-average rates in
people with diabetes. Nonetheless, LDL           Figure 1. Plasma lipid exchange. In the presence of increased concentrations of
                                                 VLDL in the circulation, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) will exchange
cholesterol does not play less of a role in
                                                 VLDL triglyceride (TG) for cholesteryl ester (CE) in the core of LDL and HDL
cardiovascular risk in people with type 2        particles. This triglyceride can then be converted to free fatty acids by the actions of
diabetes. In fact, LDL cholesterol levels        plasma lipases, primarily hepatic lipase. The net effect is a decrease in size and an
may underestimate cardiovascular risk            increase in density of both LDL and HDL particles. Copyright 2001. The Endocrine
in diabetes.17 A large number of small,          Society. Reprinted with permission from Ref. 19.

Clinical Diabetes • Volume 26, Number 1, 2008                                                                                            
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of cholesteryl ester transfer protein, a      with a 36% reduction in CHD risk.9           had a significant 27% (P = 0.0007)
significant amount of the triglyceride        Current guidelines for patients with         reduction in risk of first major vascular
content of VLDL is exchanged for cho-         diabetes recommend statins as first-line     events.25 Overall, the Cholesterol Treat-
lesterol in LDL particles, leading to the     lipid-lowering therapy.11,12,24              ment Trialists’ meta-analysis of > 90,000
formation of triglyceride-enriched (and           In patients with type 2 diabetes,        patients in randomized statin trials found
cholesterol-depleted) LDL (Figure 1).19       statin therapy has been shown to signifi-    that in people with a history of diabetes
These LDL particles are now primed            cantly reduce LDL cholesterol, reduce        (including those without a previous
to become smaller and denser through          elevated triglycerides, and modestly         history of vascular disease), statins
the actions of hepatic lipase-mediated        increase HDL cholesterol.25–29 In large,     reduced the 5-year incidence of major
triglyceride hydrolysis.19,20 Thus,           randomized, controlled trials of statins     coronary events by ~ 25% for each
adverse changes in LDL particles occur        in patients with type 2 diabetes, such as    39 mg/dl reduction in LDL cholesterol
as triglyceride levels increase. Once         the Collaborative Atorvastatin Diabetes      (P < 0.0001).30
triglyceride levels exceed 100 mg/dl,         Study (CARDS) (n = 2,838), statin
small, dense LDL particles predominate        therapy was associated with significant      Is Intensive LDL Cholesterol
(Figure 2).23                                 reductions in LDL cholesterol of 40%         Reduction With Statins Effective in
                                              and triglycerides of 19% and increases       Diabetes?
Is the Therapeutic Focus on LDL               in HDL cholesterol of 1% relative to         In treating people with diabetes, clini-
Cholesterol Justified?                        placebo (all, P < 0.001).26                  cians should carefully adhere to current
LDL cholesterol is the primary target             In general, the therapeutic focus on     treatment guidelines, which recommend
of lipid-lowering therapy in guidelines       LDL cholesterol lowering with statins is     reduction of LDL cholesterol to < 100
from both the ADA and the NCEP ATP            justified by clinical outcome results of     mg/dl regardless of baseline lipid lev-
III.11,12 Once LDL cholesterol levels         randomized, controlled trials. Consistent,   els.12,17 Recent studies suggest that LDL
reach borderline-high levels (130–159         significant reductions in the incidence      lowering to < 70 mg/dl may provide even
mg/dl), guidelines indicate that LDL-         of major vascular events were observed       greater cardiovascular benefits, and the
lowering therapy is a vital component         in the diabetic population enrolled in       latest guidelines recommend < 70 mg/dl
of treatment to reduce cardiovascular         CARDS (37%, P = 0.001) and in the            as an optional LDL goal in very–high-
risk, and it is particularly important if     diabetic subgroup (n = 5,963) of the         risk patients, such as those with diabetes
other risk factors are present.11,12,24 As    Heart Protection Study (HPS) (22%,           and existing CVD.11,31 Intensive lowering
shown by the UKPDS investigators, a           P < 0.0001).25,26 In the HPS, diabetic       of LDL cholesterol may be necessary to
39 mg/dl decrease in LDL cholesterol          patients with a pretreatment LDL choles-     achieve the 30–50% reductions in LDL
in subjects with diabetes was associated      terol level of < 116 mg/dl (n = 2,426)       cholesterol that guidelines recommend
                                                                                           to bring most high-risk patients to goal.31
                                                                                           When baseline LDL cholesterol is high
                                                                                           (e.g., ≥ 160 mg/dl), a reduction of > 50%
                                                                                           may be needed.31
                                                                                               Studies have confirmed that aggres-
                                                                                           sive LDL reductions in patients with
                                                                                           diabetes contribute to the achievement
                                                                                           of LDL cholesterol goals. Significant
                                                                                           reductions in other highly atherogenic
                                                                                           lipids and lipoproteins, such as
                                                                                           apolipoprotein B, non-HDL cholesterol,
                                                                                           and triglyceride-rich lipoproteins,
                                                                                           are also possible with intensive statin
                                                                                           therapy.28,29,32–34 Non-HDL cholesterol,
                                                                                           which is composed of LDL cholesterol
                                                                                           and VLDL cholesterol, is also a viable
                                                                                           treatment target in patients with type 2
                                                                                           diabetes and “normal” LDL cholesterol
                                                                                           levels. The NCEP ATP III guidelines
Figure 2. Cumulative distribution of adjusted triglyceride levels showing prevalence
                                                                                           consider non-HDL cholesterol a
of LDL phenotype A (large, buoyant LDL particles) and phenotype B (small, dense
LDL particles). Reprinted with permission from Ref. 23.                                    secondary treatment target (after LDL

10                                                                                            Volume 26, Number 1, 2008 • Clinical Diabetes
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cholesterol) in patients with elevated           intermediate-density lipoprotein by          levels ≤ 60 mg/dl (17–25% of whom had
triglyceride levels (≥ 200 mg/dl), which         53–57%; P ≤ 0.001 vs. placebo).34            diabetes) had significantly fewer major
includes many diabetic people, because                                                        cardiac events than did patients whose
it is a better measure of atherogenic            Is Intensive Statin Therapy Safe?            achieved LDL levels were between 80
cholesterol than LDL cholesterol alone.12        Despite the benefits of intensive statin     and 100 mg/dl (Figure 3).42
The goal level for non-HDL cholesterol           therapy, clinicians may hesitate to fully        In general, experts believe that
is 30 mg/dl higher than that for LDL             implement this treatment strategy in         muscle injury from statin therapy is
cholesterol,12 or < 130 mg/dl in diabetic        patients with diabetes owing to safety       related to the plasma concentration of
patients.                                        concerns. Overall, standard doses of         the statin (which is influenced by the
     In the Diabetes Atorvastatin                statins are well tolerated, and cases of     drug’s pharmacokinetics and potential
Lipid Intervention study, intensive              muscle-related toxicity and elevated         for drug-drug interactions), statin dose,
therapy with 80 mg atorvastatin                  liver enzymes are low, particularly when     and the patient’s risk factors.41 When
was significantly (P < 0.001) more               standard doses are used in appropriately     administered at recommended doses, the
effective in lowering LDL cholesterol            selected patients.35–39 In large, random-    more efficacious statins (atorvastatin,
(–52%) and apolipoprotein B (–40%)               ized clinical trials with a large diabetic   rosuvastatin) have a risk of rhabdomy-
than atorvastatin 10 mg (41 and                  population, rates of these adverse events    olysis similar to that observed with less
31%, respectively).32 In the Use of              were no different than the rates observed    potent agents.30,35,39
Rosuvastatin Versus Atorvastatin in Type         with placebo.26,40 Importantly, neither
2 Diabetes Mellitus study, 10–40 mg              absolute LDL cholesterol level nor           Conclusions
rosuvastatin significantly reduced lipid         percentage decrease in LDL cholesterol       Diabetes carries an exceptionally high
and lipoprotein fractions compared with          appears to be linked to the risk of          burden of disease, including a higher
10–80 mg atorvastatin during 16 weeks,           myopathy or rhabdomyolysis in statin-        mortality from CVD. Primary cardiovas-
including LDL cholesterol (52 vs. 46%),          treated patients.41 Data from the large      cular prevention is particularly important
non-HDL cholesterol (45 vs. 40%), and            Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation       in this population because diabetic
apolipoprotein (apo) B (45 vs. 40%)              and Infection Therapy–Thrombolysis           individuals suffering a first MI are
(all, P < 0.0001).28 Both rosuvastatin           in Myocardial Infarction 22 trial,           much more likely to die than are their
(10–40 mg) and atorvastatin (20–80 mg)           for example, showed no relationship          nondiabetic counterparts. Adherence to
significantly reduced LDL cholesterol            between achieved LDL cholesterol levels      lipid guidelines is crucial to improving
(54 and 48%, respectively), non-HDL              from 100 mg/dl to as low as < 40 mg/dl       clinical outcomes in diabetic patients. A
cholesterol (50 and 44%, respectively),          and the frequency of adverse events.42       number of roadblocks to the successful
and the apoB/apoA1 ratio (41 and 36%,            Moreover, patients with LDL cholesterol      implementation of lipid guidelines have
respectively) (all, P < 0.001 vs. placebo)
in the 18-week Compare Rosuvastatin
with Atorvastatin on ApoB/ApoA1 Ratio
in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
and Dyslipidemia study.29 In studies of
intensive statin therapy, the aggressive
lipid treatment effects were also associ-
ated with significantly larger proportions
(> 90%) of patients achieving LDL
cholesterol goals.28,29,33
     Data from the In the Simvastatin
in Low HDL Cholesterol Diabetes
Treatment Trial of Efficacy substudy
(n = 151) showed that intensive statin
therapy can also improve LDL particle
composition in type 2 diabetes; 40 and
80 mg simvastatin lowered all four LDL           Figure 3. Hazard ratios for the primary end point by subgroup of achieved LDL
subclasses by 19–48% (P ≤ 0.001 vs.              cholesterol (adjusted for age, sex, baseline calculated LDL cholesterol, diabetes,
placebo) and can reduce the presence of          and prior MI) in the Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy–
atherogenic triglyceride-rich lipoproteins       Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 22 trial. Reprinted from Ref. 42 with permis-
(lowering VLDL by 32–40% and                     sion from Elsevier.

Clinical Diabetes • Volume 26, Number 1, 2008                                                                                        11
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from the FDA review and post-approval surveil-           py–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 22 In-       professor of medicine at Harvard Medi-
lance. Expert Opin Drug Saf 3:547–557, 2004              vestigators: Intensive versus moderate lipid lower-   cal School and chairman of the Depart-
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tors: Early intensive vs a delayed conservative sim-     M, O’Brien E, Östergren J, for the ASCOT Inves-
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Clinical Diabetes • Volume 26, Number 1, 2008                                                                                                                  13
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