Assessing encapsulation of curcumin in cocoliposome: In vitro study

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Open Chemistry 2021; 19: 358–366

Research Article

Dwi Hudiyanti*, Muhammad Fuad Al Khafiz, Khairul Anam, Parsaoran Siahaan, Linda Suyati

Assessing encapsulation of curcumin in
cocoliposome: In vitro study
received August 25, 2020; accepted February 11, 2021
                                                                        1 Introduction
Abstract: Curcumin has been known and used in the                       Curcumin has been known and used in the medical and
medical and industrial world. One way to improve its                    industrial world. Curcumin or diferuloat methane is a
stability, bioavailability and its medical applications is              natural polyphenol phytochemical compound obtained
using encapsulation method. In this research, we studied                from Curcuma longa (turmeric) extract [1]. Curcumin
cocoliposome (coconut liposome) as the encapsulation                    has been widely used as a drug due to its bioactivity as
material. The encapsulation efficiency (EE), loading capa-                an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and
city (LC), release rate (RR), as well as the free radical               anti-tumor agent with low toxicity [2,3]. Curcumin is
scavenging activity, measured by inhibition ratio (IR),                 also used as chemopreventive agents in various types of
of curcumin in encapsulation product were studied on                    cancer, such as leukemia and lymphoma, gastrointest-
varying cholesterol compositions and in simulated gastric
                                                                        inal cancer, genitaurinary cancer, nerve cancer and sar-
fluid (SGF, pH 1.2) and simulated intestinal fluid (SIF,
                                                                        coma, breast cancer and lung cancer [4]. Despite these
pH 7.4) conditions. We found that curcumin encapsula-
                                                                        broad applications, the therapeutic functions are hin-
tion in cocoliposome (CCL) formulation was influenced
                                                                        dered by low bioavailability [5]. The low bioavailability
by cholesterol composition and pH conditions. The EE,
                                                                        of curcumin is instigated by low level of solubility in
LC and free radical scavenging activity diminished under
                                                                        aqueous media, low stability at basic pH, and easy elimina-
both the SIF and SGF conditions when the cholesterol
                                                                        tion from the body [6]. Proper and careful design of a
concentration enhanced. However, the RR increased as
                                                                        delivery system can significantly increase bioavailability.
the cholesterol intensified. The condition to acquire the
                                                                             Various delivery methods of active ingredients have
most favorable encapsulation parameter values was at
                                                                        been developed, and one of them is liposomes. Liposomes
10% cholesterol composition. Furthermore, the IR results
                                                                        are chosen as a delivery system due to their sustainable,
at 10% cholesterol concentration of CCL was 67.70 and
                                                                        biodegradable, nontoxic and nonimmunogenic nature [7].
82.13% in SGF and SIF milieu, respectively. The CCL for-
                                                                        Liposomes are widely used as a delivery system to stabilize
mulation thrived better under SIF conditions for free
                                                                        drugs and overcome problems in bioavaibility [8]. Lipo-
radical scavenging activities.
                                                                        somes are microscopic bilayer vesicles made from phos-
Keywords: coconut, Curcuma longa, drug delivery, lipo-                  pholipids dispersed in aqueous media. Exploration on
some, phospholipid                                                      liposomes from various natural resources has been con-
                                                                        ducted to acquire the desired results [9–14]. At present, an
                                                                        ongoing exploration of natural liposomes is the cocolipo-
                                                                        some, which is made from CocoPLs [15–17].
                                                                           Research on cocoliposome includes its ability to
* Corresponding author: Dwi Hudiyanti, Chemistry Department,
                                                                        encapsulate a variety of active materials involving vitamin
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof.
Soedarto, SH 50 275, Semarang, Indonesia,                               C, beta-carotene, cinnamic acid and galangal extract [18,19].
e-mail:                                  Although further research is needed, cocoliposome has
Muhammad Fuad Al Khafiz: Postgraduate Chemistry Program,                 indeed shown prospects as delivery systems for both polar
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics,            and nonpolar substances. To know better about the nature
Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH 50 275, Semarang,
                                                                        of cocoliposome as delivering tool for various active matters,
Khairul Anam, Parsaoran Siahaan, Linda Suyati: Chemistry
                                                                        in this study, we explored the cocoliposome for encapsu-
Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro              lating curcumin. Encapsulation of curcumin in cocolipo-
University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH 50 275, Semarang, Indonesia          some (CCL) formulation was carried out with the desire of

   Open Access. © 2021 Dwi Hudiyanti et al., published by De Gruyter.       This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
Encapsulation of curcumin in cocoliposome      359

increasing its bioavailability, biocompatibility and stability.   2.2 Simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) solution
We scrutinized the CCL parameters in simulated intestinal             preparation
Fluid (SIF) and simulated gastric fluid (SGF) environments
separately.                                                       Two homogeneous solutions of 7.5 g of Na2HPO4·2H2O
     Furthermore, cholesterol is an important component           (0.05 M) and 3.9 g of NaH2PO4·2H2O (0.05 M) in 500 mL
in liposomal formulations. Cholesterol affects liposome            of demineralized water were prepared, respectively.
stability, drug encapsulation efficiency and control lipo-          About 9.5 mL of NaH2PO4·2H2O (0.05 M) and 40.5 mL of
some release. It plays an important role in controlling           Na2HPO4·2H2O (0.05 M) solutions were mixed. The solu-
physical and chemical properties of liposome, such as             tion was diluted to 100 mL and adjusted to pH 7.4.
membrane flexibility and rigidity [20,21]. In relation to
the effectiveness of liposomes as a delivery system for
curcumin, the composition of the liposomal membrane
is very important. It is known that the presence of cho-          2.3 Preparation of simulated gastric fluid
lesterol in the liposome membrane is very essential                   (SGF) solution
[20,22,23]. It is related to the physical properties of the
membrane, its permeability and the ability of the lipo-           Two grams of NaCl was dissolved in 800 mL of deminer-
some as a carrier system of curcumin. To comprehend               alized water. A solution of 4.5 mL of 37% HCl was added
how cholesterol influences the curcumin encapsulation              to the NaCl solution drop by drop, followed by deminer-
in cocoliposome, we added cholesterol in various compo-           alized water to reach 1 L in volume. The pH was adjusted
sitions to the formulations. We also explored the scaven-         to 1.2.
ging activity of CCL preparations. To our knowledge, this
is the first report presenting the in vitro study of cocolipo-
some encapsulation ability for curcumin. The present dis-
covery provides evidence on the encapsulation capability          2.4 Preparation of curcumin standard curve
of cocoliposome especially for polyphenolic compounds
such as curcumin.                                                 Two milligrams of curcumin was dissolved in 100 mL
     The relationship between the liposome composition,           ethanol to obtain 50 ppm curcumin stock solution. An
the environment where the liposome will be used, and              array of curcumin solution with concentrations 1.5, 2,
the encapsulation parameters can be delicate and unfore-          2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5 and 6 ppm was made from the
seen. It can also influence the intended effect of the              stock solution. The λmax (426 nm) of the curcumin was
encapsulated material. The aim of this research was to            determined using a UV–Vis spectrophotometer, and the
further characterize the encapsulation of curcumin in             standard curve was established from the array of cur-
cocoliposome in both SIF and SGF environments by exer-            cumin solutions.
cising important parameters in encapsulation process
and curcumin antioxidant property.

                                                                  2.5 Preparation of curcumin loaded coconut
2 Methods                                                             liposomes (CCL)

                                                                  CCL was prepared in five formulations composed of
2.1 Preparation of coconut phospholipid                           CocoPLs, cholesterol (Chol) and curcumin (Cur). The for-
    (CocoPLs)                                                     mulation is presented in Table 1. Each formula was dis-
                                                                  solved in 100 mL of chloroform/methanol (9:1, v/v). A
Coconut phospholipid (CocoPLs) was isolated in-house              10 mL solution of LC0 was placed in a reaction tube
using Hudiyanti’s procedure (1,2). Concisely, CocoPLs             and nitrogen gas was streamed into the tube until all
extraction procedure is divided into extraction by soaking        solvent evaporated leaving a thin film at the bottom of
dry coconut powder in chloroform/methanol (2/1) mix-              the tube. Then, 10 mL SIF solution was poured into the
ture followed by solvent partition of the liquid extract          tube. The tube was then exposed to freeze-thawing cycles
in hexane and ethanol 87% solvent. Finally, the ethanol           at 4°C cooling and 45°C heating until the thin film was
layer was evaporated to obtain CocoPLs. CocoPLs obtained          dispersed. The procedure of freeze-thawing cycles was
was used to prepared liposomes.                                   adapted from the study by Hudiyanti et al. [15,18,19].
360         Dwi Hudiyanti et al.

Table 1: Formulation of curcumin-loaded coconut liposomes (CCL)                              Cen
                                                                                      EE =       × 100%                     (1)
dispersions                                                                                  Cin
CCL formulation               Composition (w/w/w) in mg                             LC =            × 100%                  (2)
                      CocoPLs            Chol          Cur

LC0                   125                 0            1
LC10                  125                12.5          1
LC20                  125                25            1
                                                                  2.8 Release rate of curcumin
LC30                  125                37.5          1
LC40                  125                50            1          Average release rate (RR ) of curcumin from the formula-
                                                                  tion was done by monitoring curcumin released from
                                                                  liposome into the liquid medium, i.e., SIF and SGF solu-
The dispersion was then sonicated at 27°C for 30 min.             tions until all curcumin was released. The analysis was
This process was repeated for every formula in Table 1            performed using a UV–Vis spectrophotometer to deter-
with SIF and SGF solutions. There were 10 diverse disper-         mine the concentration of released curcumin. Release
sions under 2 simulated conditions, alkaline for SIF (pH          rate was calculated as the encapsulated curcumin (Cen )
7.4) and acidic for SGF (pH 1.2) solution, respectively.          divided by the duration of total release (Ttot ), equation 3.
                                                                                               Cen ppm
                                                                                        RR =                                (3)
                                                                                               Ttot day
2.6 Functional group analysis by FTIR
                                                                  2.9 DPPH free radical scavenging assay
CocoPLs, cholesterol, curcumin and CCL were analyzed
to determine changes and interactions that might occur
                                                                  1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scaven-
during encapsulation through changes in the functional
                                                                  ging assay was conducted following the method by Blois
groups using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectropho-
                                                                  [24]. Briefly, 1 mL of each CCL dispersion was mixed with
tometer (FTIR, Perkin Elmer Model Frontier FT-IR,
                                                                  3 mL of DPPH solution (40 µg/mL). The mixtures were
USA), range of 5,500–435 cm−1, resolution 4.0 cm−1,
                                                                  incubated at room temperature without exposure to light
number of scans 3.
                                                                  for 30 min. Later, the mixture’s absorbance was analyzed
                                                                  using UV–Vis spectrophotometry at λmax (516 nm). The
                                                                  radical scavenging activity was calculated as DPPH
2.7 Encapsulation efficiency (EE) and                               scavenging activity (IR ) in the following equation:
loading capacity (LC)                                                                    A − A1 
                                                                                   IR =  0       × 100%                  (4)
                                                                                         A0 
The ability of cocoliposome to load curcumin was denoted
by encapsulation efficiency (EE) and loading capacity               where IR is the DPPH scavenging activity; A0 is the absor-
(LC) of cocoliposome. Each CCL dispersion previously              bance of DPPH solution without sample addition; A1 is
prepared was dissolved in absolute ethanol with ratio             the absorption of DPPH solution with sample after 30 min
1:5 (v/v). Afterward, the solution was centrifuged at             incubation.
3,461× g for 40 min followed by measuring curcumin con-
centration in the supernatant by UV–Vis spectrophoto-
meter at 426 nm. This technique was carried out for every         2.10 Statistical analysis
dispersion formulated in Tables 1. The encapsulation effi-
ciency (EE) of cocoliposome for curcumin was calculated           Data were collected in duplicate. Statistical analysis was
using equation 1 in which the encapsulated curcumin               executed with ANOVA. Data were expressed as means ±
(Cen ) was divided by the initial amount of curcumin              standard deviation (SD). Results with P value
Encapsulation of curcumin in cocoliposome               361

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Functional group analysis by FTIR

Functional group analysis using Fourier Transform Infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy was performed to verify the encapsula-
tion of curcumin in the cocoliposome. FTIR can disclose the
chemical alterations by generating an infrared absorption
spectrum. Figures 1–4 present the FTIR spectra of curcumin,
cholesterol, CocoPLs and the CCL. The characteristic peaks
for phospholipids were found at ∼1,228 and ∼1,085 cm−1 for         Figure 2: Fourier transform infrared spectra of cholesterol (Chol).

PO2− stretching; ∼1,047 cm−1 indicating C–O–P stretching;
∼819 cm−1 denoting P–O stretching; ∼1,738 cm−1 denoting            strong peak at 1,628 cm−1 signified primarily fused C]O
C]O stretching in esters; ∼2,925 and ∼2,854 cm−1 indicating        and C]C groups, and 1,599 cm−1 was attributed to the
CH2 stretching of acyl chains; ∼2,971 and ∼2,855 cm−1 denot-       symmetric aromatic stretching vibration. The sharp peak
ing CH3 stretching of acyl chains; ∼1,457 and ∼1,366 cm−1          at 1,508 cm−1 was attributed to C]C vibrations. The sharp
signifying CH3 bending and ∼1,598 cm−1 denoting ]C–H               peak at 1,455 cm−1 was from the phenolic C–O, while the
stretch [17,22,25]. The major bands for cholesterol mole-          enolic C–O peak was appeared at 1,278 cm−1. The peak at
cule were found at several positions as follows: the peaks         1,025 cm−1 was attributed to the asymmetric stretching of
between 2,800 and 3,000 cm−1 signifying stretching vibra-          C–O–C. The peak at 721 cm−1 was the C–H vibration of
tions of CH2 and CH3 groups. The wide and intense band at          aromatic ring [26,27]. The FT-IR spectra of the curcumin,
∼3,400 cm−1 was assigned to OH stretching. The distinctive         cholesterol and CocoPLs was found to have merged in CCL.
strong band at 2,933 cm−1 was assigned to CH2 stretching           All the sharp peaks of curcumin, cholesterol and CocoPLs
vibration. The double bond (C]C) in the second ring was            were observed. However, no observable new characteristic
shown at 1,667 cm−1. The band at 1,465 cm−1 was assigned           peaks were found in the FTIR spectra of CCL. Therefore,
to asymmetric stretching vibrations of CH2 as well as CH3          it could be predicted that no chemical reaction occurs in
groups. The peak at 1,377 cm−1 was assigned to the CH2 and         the process of curcumin encapsulation in the cocolipo-
CH3 bending vibration. The peak at 1,054 cm−1 was assigned         some. The interactions that occur were thought to be non-
to ring deformation of cholesterol. The peak at 839 cm−1 was       covalent interactions.
assigned to the C–C–C stretching. The peaks between
900 and 675 cm−1 were assigned to the C–H out-of-plane
bending, which were the distinctive of the aromatic repla-         3.2 Encapsulation efficiency
cement configuration [23]. The spectrum of curcumin dis-
played a sharp absorption peak at 3,510 cm−1, signifying           The EE of CCL in both SIF and SGF solutions were pre-
the existence of the phenolic –OH stretching vibration. The        sented in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 1: Fourier transform infrared spectra of coconut phospho-
lipids (CocoPLs).                                                  Figure 3: Fourier transform infrared spectra of curcumin (Cur).
362          Dwi Hudiyanti et al.

                                                                 Figure 6: Encapsulation efficiency of Cur in cocoliposome in SGF
                                                                 solution as a function of cholesterol.
Figure 4: Fourier transform infrared spectra of CCL.

     In SIF environments, Figure 5, the addition of cho-         3.3 Loading capacity
lesterol in the cocoliposome composition decreased the
efficiency of encapsulation. These data indicated that the         The LC calculates the amount of curcumin successfully
composition of cholesterol in the cocoliposome mem-              encapsulated in cocoliposome per unit weight (gram) of
brane exerted great influence on the encapsulation effi-            CocoPLs in the liposome. It provides an overview of how
ciency. Data showed that the efficiency of encapsulation           the preparations can be used practically. The LC of CCL
remains high, 90.47%, when the composition of choles-            in both SIF and SGF solutions is presented in Figures 7
terol is 10%. The same results were obtained in the              and 8. Figure 7 presents the LC of curcumin in SIF envir-
SGF milieu, Figure 6, the efficiency of encapsulation              onment. The LC of curcumin in the cocoliposome pre-
decreased with increasing cholesterol concentration in           parations without addition of cholesterol was 7.47 mg/g.
the cocoliposome membrane. The data revealed that in             The data disclosed a decrease in LC value when cho-
the SGF environment, cholesterol also had a significant           lesterol concentration is increased. When the cholesterol
effect on the efficiency of the curcumin encapsulation              concentration is 10%, the LC was still close to the initial
system. The best cholesterol composition to get high EE          value of 7.24 mg/g. Figure 8 described the LC in SGF solu-
value in SGF solution was 10% with the EE value around           tion. Similar changes occurred when cholesterol concen-
90.63%. These data specified that cholesterol modified             tration was increased and the LC was decreased. The LC
the efficiency of cocoliposome encapsulation against cur-          of curcumin in the cocoliposome preparations without
cumin. The effect of cholesterol was quite small at low           the addition of cholesterol was 8.17 mg/g. The LC was still
concentrations, 10%. Statistical analysis of the data dis-       close to the initial value of 7.79 mg/g when the choles-
closed that EE was significantly affected by cholesterol           terol concentration is 10%. The information from both
concentration. However, the encapsulation efficiency in            the SIF and SGF conditions indicated that cholesterol
SIF condition was not significantly different from SGF.            altered the LC value of curcumin in the cocoliposome

Figure 5: Encapsulation efficiency of Cur in cocoliposome in SIF   Figure 7: Loading capacity of Cur in cocoliposome in SIF solution as
solution as a function of cholesterol.                           a function of cholesterol.
Encapsulation of curcumin in cocoliposome               363

Figure 8: Loading capacity of Cur in cocoliposome in SGF solution as
a function of cholesterol.                                             Figure 10: Release rate of Cur from cocoliposome in SGF solution as
                                                                       a function of cholesterol.

preparations. However, the data suggested that the
cholesterol concentration of 10% still gave a fairly high              membrane. The most promising composition in SGF con-
LC. The value of LC was affected significantly by choles-                dition to attain a low release rate was at 10% of cholesterol
terol concentration and environmental conditions (SIF                  with the release rate of 0.75 mg/L day. The data revealed
and SGF).                                                              that either in SIF or SGF solution, 10% cholesterol concen-
                                                                       tration would give the lowest RR. The RR was influenced
                                                                       significantly by cholesterol concentration and environ-
3.4 Release rate (RR)                                                  mental condition. This discovery was in accordance to
                                                                       the EE and LC data.
RR of active agent carriers such as liposomes or other
forms of carrier is an important feature related to the
therapeutic activity of active agents [28]. Therefore, we
studied the release rate of curcumin from our prepared                 3.5 DPPH scavenging activity assay
CCL. The RR of CCL in both SIF and SGF solutions were
presented in Figures 9 and 10. Data presented that in SIF              The antioxidant activity of encapsulated curcumin was
condition, Figure 9, generally the addition of cholesterol             analyzed by DPPH scavenging activity assay. Antioxidant
increased the rate of release of curcumin. The RR of CCL               activity will be high if the DPPH scavenging activity is
without cholesterol (non-cholesterol CCL) in the liposome              high. DPPH scavenging activity of CCL in both SIF and
membrane was 0.78 mg/L day. The lowest RR, 0.70 mg/L                   SGF solutions were presented in Figures 11 and 12. Prior
day, was obtained when the cholesterol concentration                   to the analysis, we measured DPPH scavenging activity
was 10%. For higher concentration of cholesterol, the RR               of CocoPLs. We found that the DPPH scavenging activity
increased above the RR of non-cholesterol CCL. The RR in               was low and insignificant compared with curcumin. There-
SGF condition, Figure 10, typically ascended with an                   fore, we deliberated that the DPPH scavenging activity of
increase in cholesterol concentration in the cocoliposome              CCL preparations came from curcumin. DPPH scavenging

Figure 9: Release rate of Cur from cocoliposome in SIF solution as a   Figure 11: DPPH scavenging activity of CCL in SIF solution as a
function of cholesterol.                                               function of cholesterol.
364          Dwi Hudiyanti et al.

                                                                  liposome membrane. This is manifested in the high EE and
                                                                  LC values for liposome formulations without cholesterol.
                                                                       Meanwhile, cholesterol has an amphiphilic structure
                                                                  with one hydrogen bond donor and acceptor group.
                                                                  As a result, the presence of cholesterol in liposome for-
                                                                  mulations will interfere with non-covalent interactions
                                                                  between curcumin and phospholipids. There is competi-
                                                                  tion for the formation of hydrogen bonds with phospho-
                                                                  lipids between curcumin and cholesterol. The relatively
                                                                  small size of polar portion of the cholesterol and its posi-
                                                                  tion at the tip of the molecule boost the chance of cho-
Figure 12: DPPH scavenging activity of CCL in SGF solution as a   lesterol to form hydrogen bond with phospholipids. The
function of cholesterol.                                          cholesterol affinity on hydrogen bonding formation with
                                                                  phospholipids is higher than curcumin. It is evident from
                                                                  the decrease in EE and LC of curcumin when there is
activity of the preparations in SIF milieu, Figure 11, revealed
                                                                  cholesterol in the formulations. The greater the choles-
that increasing cholesterol concentration would reduce
                                                                  terol concentration, the greater the decrease is. The same
the DPPH scavenging activity. In SGF setting, an increase
                                                                  rationalizes also justified how cholesterol causes RR to
in cholesterol composition also decreased the DPPH
                                                                  increase when there is cholesterol in the liposomal for-
scavenging activity, Figure 12. Both graphs exposed
                                                                  mulations. In the case of RR, it is also necessary to pay
that the trend of DPPH scavenging activity was still
                                                                  attention to the packing of molecules in the liposome
decreasing when the cholesterol concentration reached
                                                                  membrane. Similar RRs for formulations with 0 and
40%. Besides the DPPH scavenging activity in SIF milieu
                                                                  20% cholesterol concentrations are thought to be asso-
were higher than that in SGF. At cholesterol concentration
                                                                  ciated with the molecular packing of phospholipid,
of 10%, the scavenging activity in SIF and SGF was 80.99
                                                                  cholesterol and curcumin molecules in the liposome
and 67.70%, respectively. The scavenging activity in SGF
                                                                  membrane. The packing of molecules which then steri-
was significantly affected by the cholesterol concentration.
                                                                  cally affects the diffusion and movement of curcumin in
Moreover, the scavenging activity was induced signifi-
                                                                  the membrane will ultimately affects the release of cur-
cantly by environmental conditions (SIF and SGF).
                                                                  cumin from the membrane as well. Cholesterol at a con-
                                                                  centration of 20% is believed to provide a molecular
                                                                  packing and steric effect similar to that of liposome mem-
3.6 Curcumin encapsulation in                                     branes without cholesterol. The data indicated that the
    cocoliposome                                                  liposome formulation to obtain the most optimum EE, LC
                                                                  and RR was the formulation with a cholesterol concen-
3.6.1 Cholesterol effect                                           tration of 10%.
                                                                       DPPH scavenging activity of curcumin in liposome
As predicted in the FTIR analysis results, it is estimated        preparations is related to the amount of encapsulated
that the interactions that occur in the curcumin encapsu-         curcumin in CCL. It is then represented by the EE and
lation in the cocoliposome are non-covalent interactions.         LC values. Data show that DPPH scavenging activity of
The molecular structure of curcumin shows that the cur-           CCL decreases with increasing cholesterol concentra-
cumin molecule, has two hydrogen bond donor and six               tion. Thus, the reduction of DPPH scavenging activity of
hydrogen bond acceptor, with a topological polar surface          the CCL preparations is in accordance with the EE and
area of 93.1 Å2 [29]. Therefore, the possible interaction is a    LC data.
hydrogen bond between the curcumin and phospholipid
molecules. Curcumin has a large polar surface area, but
the polar area is geometrically spread across the length of
the molecule so that the position of the curcumin tends to        3.6.2 Effect pH (SIF and SGF) conditions
be laterally located inside the liposome membrane close
to the polar area of the membrane. The large polar surface        Encapsulation of curcumin in cocoliposome was thought
area and the number of sites for hydrogen bond formation          to involve non-covalent interactions, such as hydrogen
explain the ease of curcumin to be encapsulated in the            bond interactions. The hydrogen bond interactions
Encapsulation of curcumin in cocoliposome             365

depend on pH values. Changes of pH affected protonation         Conflict of interest: Authors declare no conflict of
of phosphate group in phospholipids. Meanwhile in acidic       interest.
and neutral conditions, curcumin molecules appeared
in protonated form where curcumin played as a potent           Data availability statement: All data generated or ana-
hydrogen donor [30]. However, in basic situations where        lyzed during this study are included in this published
the enolate form of the heptadienone chains prevailed,         article.
curcumin operated instead as an electron donor. These
properties were thought to cause discrepancies in the
value of the encapsulation parameters and scavenging
activity under acidic (SGF, pH = 1.2) and neutral (SIF,
pH = 7.4). The scavenging activity at 10% cholesterol com-
position was 82.13 and 67.70% in SIF and SGF condition,
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