Page created by Dale Lang
               Class of 2021
Adult Class of 2021


Table of Contents
4     bout Leadership
     Oswego County
                              19    eadership Advisory
                                   Council and
                                   Candid Photos

5     etter to
     Class of 2021            20    mazing

6     OC
     Biographies              22    OCY

14    021 LOC
     Class Project            25    OCY

16    OC
     Class Facilitators       30    OCY
                                   Committee Members

18    revious
     Award Recipients         31    OC

What is Leadership
Oswego County?
Leadership Oswego County is a community program administered by SUNY Oswego’s Office of
Business and Community Relations. The Leadership Oswego County program explores
community trusteeship, leadership skills, current issues and networking with a diverse group of
community residents. Key community members mentor and share with participants about the
skills and knowledge needed to be effective leaders. Graduates of the program are better
prepared to serve the community in the roles of board member, citizen, employee or volunteer
with organizations that serve Central New York.

Leadership Oswego County prepares a select group of county residents to become the
community stewards of the future. This group embarks on a nine-month course on Oswego
County and its resources, vital issues of today, and visioning for tomorrow.

The MISSION of Leadership Oswego County is to educate committed citizens to become a
well-informed, engaged, and diverse network of community stewards.

The VISION of Leadership Oswego County is to develop a group of leaders who will apply their
collective experiences and skills to broaden our community's vision and improve the quality of
life for all Oswego County residents.

Who benefits from the program?
Local EMPLOYERS find that the program provides an invaluable learning experience for their
employees by developing their leadership potential and organizational and problem-solving
skills, while providing access to a broad network of community professionals and resources.

Our COMMUNITY benefits from Leadership Oswego County by having a committed
and knowledgeable group of graduates who are prepared to become trustees of our
community’s future.

Our PARTICIPANTS gain a greater understanding of the role of “community steward”
through exploring issues and opportunities relevant to Oswego County.

Who should apply?
Applications directly from interested individuals are encouraged, as are nominations of
employees from area businesses and organizations. An ideal candidate is someone who:
      • Is interested in the future of Oswego County and is willing to help shape it.
      • Has a sincere interest in seeking public office or board leadership roles.
      • Is able to commit the time and energy needed to complete the program.
      • Demonstrates leadership qualities in their professional and/or personal life.

Business Rate: $750 Non-profit Rate: $400 Self-pay Rate: $400
*Scholarships are available for self-payment participants who demonstrate need.
Tuition includes a full day in-person conference in September, a hybrid style class schedule with
both virtual and in-person meetings running October-May, lunch and snacks provided for all
in-person classes, an end of the year retreat, and graduation dinner in June.

For more information, call 315-312-3492.
Leadership Oswego County
Class of 2021!
Dear Leadership Oswego County 2021 Class Graduates,

As the program year draws to a close and we prepare to meet in person for the first time at
Reflection Day, I am so impressed at how resilient and adaptable this group has been. The
entire 2021 LOC class was virtual, but that did not get in the way of this class's effort, camaraderie,
and enthusiasm!

The 28th year of Leadership Oswego County marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new
and wholly reimagined Leadership Oswego County. As the famous adage states, “Never let a good
crisis go to waste,” because it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. The
Leadership Oswego County Class of 2021 blazed a new trail for the program. As we gear up for
next year, we plan to combine virtual and in-person classes — allowing for more flexibility for busy
professionals while continuing the program's legacy.

COVID-19 and the impacts of quarantine have been pivotal times in our history. Our communities
have struggled as schools and businesses closed during months of quarantine, and we all made
personal sacrifices to protect each other's health and safety. Life as we knew it has changed, and
as a nation, we will continue to face unprecedented challenges as we combat this crisis.

Leadership in the time of COVID-19 has made us reexamine what we hold most dear —
community and our sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves. As we forge a future
that will be unlike anything we have seen before, it will require the creativity, strength, resilience,
and compassion that I hope you've developed during our time together.

As Leadership Oswego County graduates, your leadership skills are now needed more than ever.
You will be called upon to lead in these uncertain times and will need to make decisions with
imperfect information and where circumstances and directives change quickly and without

As graduates of Leadership Oswego County, I hope you are all eager to answer the call, “What
positive contributions can I make to leave the world a better place?” I hope you will be a steward
of our community and a steward for Leadership Oswego County as you mentor and support the
leaders that will come after you. Lastly, I encourage you to advocate for good citizenry and to be a
voice that promotes an inclusive and healthy community for all.

All my best,
Chena L. Tucker, Director
Office of Business and Community Relations
SUNY Oswego

Leadership Oswego County
Class of 2021 Biographies

                                 Youth Care Manager for Oswego           Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                                 County                                  Bateman enjoys spending time with
                                                                         her family and getting outdoors.
                                 Kayla Bateman is a care manager         They are a soccer family and spend a
                                 through Elmcrest who provides           lot of time at the fields. Bateman is a
                                 support and management for youth        crafter and enjoys learning new
                                 with mental health diagnosis’s          things. She loves to read, and loves
                                 within Oswego County. Bateman           all things, Disney!
                                 previously worked in child protective
                                 services with at-risk youth and
 Kayla                           families with the Oswego County
                                 Department of Social Services.
Bateman                          Bateman holds an associate’s
                                 degree in liberal arts from Cayuga
If you think you are too small
                                 Community College and a bachelor’s
to make a difference, try        degree in human development from
sleeping with a mosquito.        Oswego State. Bateman is
                                 completing Leadership Oswego
-Daili Lama                      County through Oswego State.
                                 Bateman is a board member of
                                 Fulton Youth Soccer.

Pathfinder Bank                          Financial Reporting Specialist at
                                Assistant Vice President, Controller     Pathfinder Bank, she has prepared
                                                                         internal and external financial
                                Rebecca Braheney graduated from          reporting for senior management,
                                SUNY Oswego with a bachelor of           the Board of Directors, the Securities
                                science in accounting and a master       and Exchange Commission (SEC),
                                of business administration. During       and the Federal Deposit Insurance
                                her time at school, she was a            Corporation (FDIC) conducted the
                                member of the accounting and             monthly closing and consolidation
                                finance honor society, Beta Alpha        process for Pathfinder Bancorp Inc.,
Rebecca                         Psi, and the international business
                                honor society, Beta Gamma Sigma.
                                                                         Pathfinder Bank and its subsidiaries,
                                                                         and completed other various duties

Braheney                        She had an internship at the
                                Bonadio Group during her time at
                                SUNY Oswego, where she was
                                                                         related to the accounting and
                                                                         corporate tax function.
 o what you feel in your
D                                                                        She recently accepted a promotion
heart to be right, for you’ll
                                exposed to various audit and quality     at Pathfinder Bank as a controller. In
be criticized any way.          assurance services. She was offered a    this role, Rebecca will oversee the
                                job at the Bonadio Group after her       internal, external, and regulatory
– Eleanor Roosevelt             internship ended and she accepted        financial reporting of Pathfinder
                                the offer.                               Bank, the holding company, and its
                                Between the time she completed           subsidiaries, maintain ultimate
                                her internship and started her career    control over the accuracy and
                                as an auditor, she graduated college     integrity of the general ledger and
                                and passed all Certified Public          subsidiary ledgers, and assure the
                                Accountancy (CPA) exam parts. Her        completeness and accuracy of the
                                career started at the Bonadio Group,     financial information produced by
                                as an auditor specializing in            the accounting department.
                                Community Bank and Credit Unions
                                audits. She obtained her CPA license     Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                                during her time there, after gaining     In her free time, Braheney likes to
                                the necessary work experience. It        spend time with her husband and
                                was during that time she was             two dogs. She also really enjoys cross
                                connected to Pathfinder Bank. An         fit, hiking, and anything outside
                                opportunity came up at Pathfinder        (kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing),
                                Bank as the financial reporting          and playing the piano.
                                specialist. During her time as a

                                Exelon Nuclear                           senior reactor operator and the
                                Operations Training Manager              station's first shift manager.
                                                                         Gretchen is currently the operations
                                Gretchen Carter earned a bachelor        training manager at Nine Mile Point
                                of science degree in mechanical          Nuclear Station.
                                engineering from Clarkson
                                University and served as an officer in   Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                                the United States Army acting in         Swimming, hiking, running, and
                                various leadership roles early in her    kayaking. Crochet, sewing, cooking.
                                career. Carter sought a more
Gretchen                        challenging role as a stay-at-home
                                mom before ultimately returning to
 Carter                         the military world as a civilian
                                training navy sailors to operate
  No one can make you           nuclear power plants. Carter
  feel inferior without         transitioned to commercial nuclear
  your consent.
                                power where she became a licensed
  - Eleanor Roosevelt

Oswego County DSS                        The common thread is helping
                               Adult Protective Service Caseworker      people. What drives Coleman is
                                                                        helping those around him,
                               Jim Coleman has had several              professionally, and in his community.
                               different professional hats: AAA call    His BA in English from Roberts
                               center supervisor, pastor, Rescue        Wesleyan College helped prepare
                               Mission aftercare coordinator/           him for those roles.
                               chaplain, client care specialist, MHTL
                               senior counselor, and caseworker.

  The goal of a great
  leader is to help people
  to think more highly
  of themselves.

  - J. Carla Northcutt

                               Oswego County Humane Society             alternative education program and a
                               Executive Director                       steering committee member for
                                                                        Oswego County Leave A Legacy. She
                               As an Oswego native, Katrina             is also a new member of the
                               DeBaun earned her bachelor’s in          Association for Fundraising
                               zoology at Oswego State University.      Professionals CNY Chapter where
                               After graduation, she took               she hopes to strengthen and acquire
                               employment centered around               new fundraising skills.
                               domestic animals and quickly
                               realized she wanted to help the          Personal Activities and Hobbies:
 Katrina                       community and focus on a career in
                               animal welfare. She has been with
                                                                        DeBaun stays active by rollerblading
                                                                        and kayaking. She enjoys watching
 DeBaun                        OCHS since 2017 and has advanced
                               in her position every year. She
                                                                        Syracuse basketball in the winter
                                                                        months with friends and her
Do what you feel in your       currently oversees daily office          rescued cat.
heart to be right–for you’ll   operations and collaborates with the
be criticized anyway.
                               Board of Directors on event and
- Eleanor Roosevelt            fundraising management.

                               To stay engaged in the community,
                               DeBaun is currently a student
                               mentor of CITI Bridges to Success, an

Exelon-Nine Mile Point                      education program at the YMCA in a
                              Manager of Maintenance Support              co-founded program by Falcetti in
                                                                          2013. Falcetti received an associate of
                              Derrick Falcetti is the manager of          applied science degree in 2018 from
                              maintenance support at Exelon, a            Excelsior College.
                              Fortune 100 company located in
                              Upstate New York. Falcetii has              Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                              worked in the nuclear industry for 19       In his free time, Falcetti enjoys
                              years and is responsible for the safe       serving the local community by
                              execution of major construction             hosting and participating in
  Derrick                     projects spanning across the
                              building trades. In 2019, Falcetti was
                                                                          volunteer activities. Additionally,
                                                                          Falcetti enjoys reading leadership
  Falcetti                    awarded the prestigious Michael J.
                              McGrego award for being the “Best
                                                                          books, watching boxing, and playing
 Leadership is lifting a      of the Best” in first-line leadership. In
 person’s vision to high      addition to being a leader at Exelon,
 sights, the raising of a
 person’s performance to a
                              Falcetti serves as the president of
 higher standard, the         the Executive Board of Directors for
 building of a personality    the Oswego YMCA. In 2018, Falcetii
 beyond its normal            was awarded the 2018 Unsung Her
                              Award for being an outstanding
 -Peter Drucker               volunteer coaching and mentoring
                              the youth in the boxing and

                              Farnham Family Services,                    well as with adults with co-occurring
                              Prevention Services Director                mental health and substance use
                                                                          diagnosis. Herbert serves on
                              Candy Herbert, MS, LMSW, CASAC-             multiple committees in Oswego
                              master counselor, CPP earned a              County including, Oswego County
                              bachelor’s degree in psychology             Prevention Coalition, substance use
                              from Atlantic Union College, a              disorder and recovery workforce,
                              master’s degree in human services           Pulaski Community Taskforce,
                              from Capella University, and a              Oswego County Runaway and
                              master’s degree in social work from         Homeless Advisory Committee,
 Candy                        Syracuse University. She is a licensed
                              master social worker, a credentialed
                                                                          Alcohol and Other Drug Committee
                                                                          at SUNY Oswego, Behavioral Health
 Herbert                      alcohol and substance abuse
                              counselor-master, certified
                                                                          Care Management (BHCM), Safe
                                                                          Harbor, OCO SCORE Workforce
If you think you're leading   prevention professional. Herbert            Supports, and the Oswego County
and no one is following       served as the recovery services             Child Welfare Initiative.
you, then you're only
                              coordinator at Farnham Family
taking a walk.
                              Services from December                      Personal Activities and Hobbies:
-John C. Maxwell              2018 –­­ December 2019.                     Herbert enjoys spending time with
                              She has over 29 years experience            her siblings, nieces, and nephews.
                              working in the mental health and            She enjoys outdoor activities with
                              addiction field, 13 of those years as       her husband like kayaking, hiking,
                              an administrator and director. She          going for walks in the woods, cross
                              worked with youth and their families        country skiing. Herbert also enjoys
                              in the Home and Community Based             her quiet time, reading, crocheting,
                              Services Waiver program, children           and coloring to relax and relieve
                              and youth community residence, as           stress.

SUNY Oswego                             management from SUNY Empire
                                 Senior Program Administrator            State College, and an MS in
                                                                         information design and technology
                                 Megan Kropf is an international         from SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Her
                                 education professional with over        eventual goal is to obtain her Ed.D. in
                                 eleven years of combined experience     Instructional Leadership.
                                 working with incoming international
                                 students and outgoing domestic          Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                                 students. She has worked for SUNY       In her spare time, Kropf enjoys
                                 Oswego for the past five years in the   spending time with her children, N.Y.
    Megan                        International Education Office; prior
                                 she had been with SUNY New Paltz
                                                                         Yankees baseball, hiking,
                                                                         volunteering on her children’s Home
    Kropf                        for six years as data coordinator in
                                 the Center for International
                                                                         and School Board, coffee, travel, and
                                                                         live music.
If your actions inspire others   Programs.
to dream more, learn more,
do more, and become
                                 Kropf holds a BS in business
more, you are a leader.
                                 administration, management, and
-John Quincy Adams               economics with concentration in

                                 Novelis                                 campaign coordinator for the United
                                 Training Coordinator                    Way of Greater Oswego County
                                                                         starting in 2020, and was a grants
                                 Courtney Pachound is an                 panelist in 2019 for CNY Arts.
                                 administrative and training
                                 professional and holds a bachelor of    Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                                 arts from SUNY Albany in music as       Hot yoga, music (clarinet/piano),
                                 well as a Master of Arts from           kayaking, beach
                                 Castleton University in non-profit/
                                 arts administration. Her work history
Courtney                         included Oswego Hospital and
                                 Novelis. She routinely volunteers for
Pachoud                          many community initiatives,
                                 including serving as the Novelis
A man who wants to lead
the orchestra must turn
his back on the crowd.

- Max Lucado

SUNY Oswego                               and an MS in statistics from Penn
                         Senior Staff Assistant                    State. She spent her early career in
                                                                   the fields of epidemiology and
                         Mary Ann Preston grew up in               clinical trials.
                         Pittsburgh but has called Oswego
                         her home for the past 22 years. She is    She values service and strives to use
                         a senior staff assistant in the Office    her talents to support causes that
                         of Institutional Research and             are important to her. She has been a
                         Assessment at SUNY Oswego where           board member of the Weston T.
                         she is inspired by her belief that data   Hyde Oswego County Educational
MaryAnn                  can contribute to a transformative
                         educational culture. She brings to
                                                                   Foundation, and a member of the
                                                                   Leighton Playground Committee.
Preston                  her work strong analytical skills
                         along with wide-ranging
                                                                   She has written several successful
                                                                   grant proposals for projects
Do the best you can      professional experiences.                 benefiting youth in the community
until you know better.                                             and a successful historic landmark
Then when you know
                         Before her current position, she was      application for a church in Syracuse.
better, do better.
                         a school quality research specialist at   She actively supports families and
-Maya Angelou            Oswego County (Citi) BOCES in the         orphaned children through an
                         division of Instructional Support         international humanitarian agency.
                         Services. She worked with K-12            She aspires to be a positive and
                         administrators and teachers to            steady influence on the wellbeing of
                         facilitate comprehensive district         her family, workplace, and
                         education plans and examine the           community.
                         instructional implications of
                         assessment data. Before this, she         Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                         worked in the Office of Institutional     Taking long walks, reading,
                         Research at Ithaca College. She has a     homemaking, friendships, traveling,
                         BS in biology from Bates College          and parenting an amazing daughter.

Pathfinder Bank                          sales assistant position where she
                              Human Resources Specialist-              worked directly for the district sales
                              Payroll & Benefits                       manager who oversaw nine
                                                                       branches. After Beneficial closed,
                              Terri Richardson is an experienced       she went to work at Pathfinder
                              human resources specialist with a        Bank. She has spent five years in the
                              demonstrated history of working in       investment services area as an
                              the banking industry. She graduated      administrative assistant. She is
                              from SUNY Canton with an                 currently in the human resources
                              associate's degree in administrative     department as an HR specialist­
   Terri                      assistant and then transferred to
                              SUNY Oswego where she earned her
                                                                       payroll and benefits.
                                                                       She is active in her community and
Richardson                    bachelor's degree in communications.
                              She started her work career at The
                                                                       sits on two not-for-profit boards. She
                                                                       is the secretary for The Friends of
 The greatest leader is not
                              American Heart Association as an         Oswego County Hospice and the
 necessarily the one who
 does the greatest things.    administrative assistant for two vice    secretary for the Oswego Laker
 He is the one that gets      presidents. After leaving the AHA,       Swim Club.
 the people to do the         she worked for a local eye doctor in
 greatest things.
                              Oswego as the receptionist and           Personal Activities and Hobbies:
 -Ronald Regan                handled the medical billing for the      The Organization is a HUGE activity-
                              office. She then took a job as a sales   there is a place for everything, and
                              assistant at Beneficial Finance          everything has a place. Richardson
                              where she handled clerical duties        loves reality T.V. The Real Housewives
                              such as running payments for             are her favorite!
                              customers and processing all loan
                              documents for the account
                              executives. While at Beneficial, she
                              moved her way up to the district

ConnextCare                             implementing new procedures and
                           VP/Chief Financial Officer              policies; evaluating programs and
                                                                   employee performance; and
                           Tracy Wimmer earned a bachelor of       negotiating business partner
                           science degree in business and          agreements for ConnextCare.
                           accounting from Empire State
                           College, she also holds a master’s      Wimmer is a member of the Health
                           degree in healthcare leadership.        Financial Management Association
                           Wimmer has 25 years experience in       (HFMA) and is a licensed notary
 Tracy                     finance and accounting, with a
                           primary focus on non-profit
                                                                   Personal Activities and Hobbies:
                           organizations. Wimmer is
Wimmer                     responsible for all financial aspects
                           of the organization, including
                                                                   Reading and cooking.

Before you are a leader,
                           auditing, budgeting, contracts
success is all about
growing yourself. When     management, lease agreements,
you become a leader,       and grants management. She is
success is all about       instrumental in improving
growing others.
                           organizational systems and
– Unknown                  processes; organizing and

2021 LOC
Class Project

“Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.”
                                                                             – Henry Ward Beecher

It’s a daunting task to sit down, as a group,           As the group continued to discuss, it was
and figure out a project that will benefit              decided we would do a Go Fund Me campaign
Oswego County. There are so many needs. So              to raise cash. Additionally, there would be
many possibilities. LOC Class of 2021 embraced          donations of items accepted at Pathfinder
the challenge with open hearts and minds.               Bank, Novelis, and SUNY Oswego. We consulted
We threw out a few ideas before Kayla                   with the foster care unit at Oswego County
suggested collecting money and items for                DSS to find out what items were most needed.
children going into foster care. We also took           We were able to raise, with our community
into consideration what we could do to assist           partners, $2,000 and collect multiple carloads
the foster parents.                                     of items.

Knowing that children often go into foster care         This project was driven by the belief that we
with few personal belongings, if any, it was            could make the transition into foster care just
suggested that we provide gift cards that               a little bit less traumatic for kids in Oswego
foster parents could use to obtain needed               County. Also, to let foster parents know that
items quickly. Additionally, we wanted to               they are supported and appreciated. This was
acknowledge that taking in children often               an opportunity to “take hold of heaven,” which
happens at the last minute. With this in mind,          some would argue Oswego County is a slice of.
we wanted to be able to provide an avenue
for foster parents to be able to purchase food                                      – Jim Coleman ’21
immediately. Everyone connected with this
idea and consensus happened very naturally.
Great leadership involves helping people see
possibilities and reach their potential. What
better way to do this than investing in children
with so much need?

2021 Leadership Oswego County
Class Facilitators
Many thanks to the following professionals who volunteered their time and talents to
help make this year’s program a success!

Orientation and
Leadership Overview          Non-Profit Boards Day             Communication Day
Diane Cooper Currier         Kevin Caraccioli                  Dave Bullard
Oswego County                Caraccioli and Associates         Great New York State Fair
                             Diane Copper-Currier              Leila Giacone
Marq Brown                                                     Novelis
                             Oswego County Opportunities
Oswego Health                                                  Dr. Jennifer Knapp
                             Patrick Dewine                    SUNY Oswego
Rodmon King                  United Way Greater Oswego
SUNY Oswego                  County                            Jamie Leszczynski
                                                               Oswego Health
Dave Lloyd                   Kathy Fenlon
                             Shineman Foundation               Heather Sloven

                                                               Wayne Westervelt
                             Human Needs Day
Discovering Your                                               SUNY Oswego

Leadership Style             Leanna Cleveland
                             Oswego County Opportunities
Christy Huynh                                                  Government Day
SUNY Oswego                  Carla Dishaw                      Billy Barlow
                             LIFT                              Mayor, City of Oswego
Chad Whelsky
SUNY Oswego OBCR             Frank Doldo                       Lisa Glidden
                             Volunteer Transportation Center   SUNY Oswego
Dave Lloyd
Novelis                      Monty Flynn
                             Volunteer Transportation Center   Deana Michaels
                                                               Mayor, City of Fulton

                             Rachel Pierce
                             Oswego County Employment and      Terry Wilbur
                             Training                          Majority Leader, Oswego
                                                               County Legislature

                             Brian Pulvino
                             Fulton City School District

Community, Workforce,                    Katie Toomey                       Brian Heffron
                                         Greater Fulton Oswego Chamber of   P-Tech
and Economic                             Commerce
Development                                                                 Bill Lynch
                                         Chena Tucker                       Fulton City School District
John Halleron                            Workforce Development Board
Small Business Development Center        Association
                                                                            Sarah Yaw
                                                                            Cayuga Community College
Kevin Lamontagne
Operation Oswego County                  Education Day
                                         Sean Broderick                     Retreat
Brittney Jerred
                                         Fulton City School District
Community Member                                                            Lianne Benedict
Paul Stewart                             Brian Chetney
                                         Oswego City County Youth Bureau
Founder Oswego Renaissance Association                                      Michael Sgro
                                                                            Leadership Coaching

Award Recipients

Community Leadership Award
Elizabeth Vaught ’94      John Fitzgibbons ’03         Barbara Bateman ’12
Mary Dowd ’95             Charles Krupke ’04           Shawn Doyle ’13
Bruce Phelps ’96          Bernie Henderson ’05         Tom Gillen ’14
Dan Capella ’97           Bonnie Bostian ’06           Tammy Thompson ’15
Verner Drohan ’98         Andrea McCabe ’07            Eric Bresee ’16
Dee C. Heckethorn ’99     Michael Redding ’08          Dan Farfaglia ’17
Kathleen Fenlon ’00       Robert “Mac” McKinstry ’09   Christian Sweeting ’18
Rosemary Nesbitt ’01      Michael Treadwell ’10        Sabine Ingerson ’19
Peg McKinstry ’02         Diane Cooper-Currier ’11

Friends of Leadership Award
Dave Bullard ’14          Peg McKinstry ’16            Cornell Cooperative
                                                       Extension ’18
Jeff Paquette ’15         Brian Caswell ’17

Distinguished Alumni Award
Michael Havens ’99        Tammy Thompson ’06           Richard (Rick) Kolenda ’13
Jane Murphy ’00           Phil Church ’07              Brian Chetney ’14
Deana Masuicca ’01        Cynthia Walsh ’08            Tammy Holden ’15
Mary Dorsey ’02           William Carhart ’09          Atom Avery ’16
Mary Vanouse ’03          Nicholas Canale, Jr. ’10     Garette Weiss ’17
Bernadette Costello ’04   Nancy Bellows ’11            Dave Lloyd ’18
Shannon White ’05         Richard DenBleyker ’12       Kevin Slimmer ’19

2021 Leadership Oswego County
Advisory Council
Rebecca Corvick    Lisa Kimball           Tammy Thompson
Katrina Cummings   Dave Lloyd             Chena Tucker
Sarah Ingerson     Peg McKinstry          Jackie Wallace
Jerry Jaworski     Kristen Slimmer        Garette Weiss

Candid Photos

Amazing Race

Leadership Oswego County Youth
Alumni 1999-2020
Maggie Abbate ’05
                         Lisa Black ’10
                         William Black ’08
                         Ryan Blodgett ’01
                                                         Josh Caples ’07
                                                         Hailey Carroll ’16
                                                         Greg Casbeer ’05
                                                                                   Chrystal Donahue ’06
                                                                                   Austin Donhauser ’13
                                                                                   Nate Donhauser ’07
                         Liz Bolting ’03                 Joey Cerillo ’18          Nathan Downing ’03
Robbie Abrantes ’09
                         Alexis Bowering ’14             Meredith Chesare ’13
Brent Aguilar ’08

                         Chelsea Bramer ’08              Alex Chetney ’20
Danielle Aguilar ’06
                         Nicole Brissenden ’10           Lauren Ciciarelli ’09
David Allen ’01
                         Alyssa Brooks ’12               Kaitlyn Clapp ’12
Rebecca Allen ’03
                                                                                   Allison Easton ’00
                         Ian Brooks ’09                  Laura Coleman ’00
Becky Allis ’05
                                                                                   Samantha Eddy ’15
                         Cordelia Brown ’20              Jennie Connor ’09
Megan Allis ’08
                                                                                   Zoe Eisel ’20
                         Kamie Brown ’01                 Lucas Connor ’02
Emilee Anderson ’13
                                                                                   Taylor Elowsky ’16
                         Beth Brownell ’08               Noah Cordone ’20
Grace Arnold ’18
                                                                                   Cody Emmons ’02
Gretchen Arnold ’13      Jenny Brunet ’99                Victoria Criss ’20
                         Tim Buckley ’03                 Victoria Crisafulli ’19   Jerry Emmons ’00
Aubrey Avery ’20
Azalia Avery ’20         Scott Bullard ’09               Steve Curry ’07

Chelsea Avery ’09
Dani Avery ’17
                         Tia Bullard ’09
                         Martin Bullis ’01
                                                         Josh Cutillo ’13

Avery Avrakotos ’03      Christine Bunce ’04
                                                                                   Jericka Faulkner ’04
                         Amanda Burch ’05
                                                                                   Ryan Ferrao ’06

                         Miwa Burdic ’15
                                                         Kristen D’Angelo ’13      Alycia Feyh ’08
                         Sydney Burgy ’19
                                                         Ben Daley Kumar ’12       Pat Fink ’11
                         DeeDee Burke ’05
                                                         Philip Darby ’06          Darren Fischel ’18
Mike Backus ’00          Nicholas Burrescia ’15
                                                         Jennifer Davenport ’01    Nicole Fingland ’99
Rob Backus ’03           Abigail Burrows ’14
                                                         Benjamin Davis ’08        Hannah Fitzgerald ’12
Jazmyn Baker ’19         Rylee Buskey ’20
                                                         Samantha Dawes ’14        Kevin Fleming ’05
James Bailey ’12
                         Andrew Bush ’08
Sarah Balcom ’19                                         Jessica Dawson ’01        Matt Foederer ’14

                                                         Paul Dawson ’03           Justin Foley ’04

Katelyn Barber ’04
Ryan Barry ’17                                           Vita Dean ’18             Andrea Forbes ’01

Zachary Bartell ’10                                      Andrew Dedich ’17         AnnaMarie Forestiere ’12

Justin Bartlett ’99      Olivia Cacchione ’13            Aaron Dedich ’17          Chrissy Forestiere ’17

Jack Beckwith ’07        Joe Caiello ’08                 Brittany Derousie ’07     Paul Forestiere III ’15
Melissa Beebe ’02        Nolan Callahan ’16              Ian Devendorf ’14         Lenny Fowler ’07
Ryan Berman ’05          Elizabeth Caltabiano ’04        Neil Devendorf ’10        Makayla Fowler ’12
Sarah Bettinger ’01      Ashley Camp ’02                 Lauren DeVinny ’18        Craig Fountain ’11
Mackenzie Birdsell ’18   Kristen Campell ’00             Jerrica Dishaw ’09        Morgan Frederick ’08
Kylie Black ’04          Nicholas Cannata ’11            Jenna Doherty ’09         Alena Fresch ’12

Emily Hudson ’04            James Larkin ’06            Nick Merlino ’16

Jeremy Galvin ’11
                          Joshua Hudson ’14
                          Jen Hurlbutt ’03
                          Emma Hyde ’19
                                                      Lindsey Larkin ’10
                                                      Nathan LaRock ’14
                                                      Sydney Lattenhouer ’12
                                                                                  Nicholas Millard ’08
                                                                                  Rebekah Mills ’14
                                                                                  Lydia Mirabito ’20
Julio Garcia ’05                                      Elizabeth Lawrence ’05      Whitney Mirabito ’06

Joshua Gareau ’18                                     Meghan Lentz ’12            Jahleh Mohammadi ’03
Natalie Garrison ’11                                  Madison LeVea ’16           Dylan Moran ’10
Hannah Geitner ’11                                    Collin Li ’18               Rosaleen Morgan ’13
                          Hailey B. Ihlow ’11
Jacob Geitner ’16                                     Victoria Liberty ’08        Desiree Morrell ’00
                          Megan Ingersoll ’11
Zachary Gilbert ’02                                   Danielle Lichtenstein ’03   Kennedy Myers ’15
Krysta Glazier ’19                                    Louise Lighthall ’99
Hunter Gowans ’13
James Gowans ’11
Elsa Graf ’19
                          Jamie Johnson ’14
                                                      Braeden Livesey ’13
                                                      Ethan Locastro ’20
                                                      Kyle Loftus ’11
                                                                                  Hari Nanthankumar ’16
Emily Greene ’03          Eva Jones ’11               Kristie Long ’06
                                                                                  Kelsy Natoli ’06
Lauren Gregory ’10        Kassandra Jones ’14         Makenzie Loomis ’13
                                                                                  Devon Niccoli ’07
Derek Grindle ’08         Eva Jones ’11               Adam Lucariello ’01
                                                                                  Andrew Nicholson ’06
Julia Guarrera ’16
                                                                                  Jacob Nicholson ’12

                          K                           M
Shane Guernsey ’14
                                                                                  Andy Nolan ’04

Melanie Hagan ’99
                          Michaela Kastler ’19
                          Eamon Kays ’02
                          Harmon Keener ’00
                                                      Elyse Maniccia ’18
                                                      Michael Mankiewicz ’15
                                                      Leonardo Marino ’12
                                                                                  Laura O’Connor ’00
Geoff Hale ’05                                        James Marsh ’09
                          Zach Kinney ’20                                         Jeremiah O’Neil ’04
Ashley Hamm ’10                                       Grace Mason ’20
                          Alex Kopronski ’17
Sarah Handley ’01                                     Liam Mason ’13

                          Jenna Koskowski ’02
Amy Hansen ’01                                        Bill Mather ’03
                          Stanley Kubis ’13
Nicole Hansen ’15                                     McKenzie Mattison ’16
                          Hannah Kue ’18
Ethan Harley ’17                                      Ryan Maxam ’05              John (Nick) Paeno ’01
                          Megan Kuss ’01
Michael Havens ’01                                    Caitlyn McAfree ’16         Ashley Palmer ’09

Amanda Hawley ’05                                     Megan McCann ’08            Taylor Palmer ’08
Nathaniel Hawthorne ’10                               Jessica McCarthy ’01        Amelia Paro ’00
Erie Hayden ’12                                       Brigid McClusky ’13         Shawn Parkhurst ’07
Matthew Heenan ’04        Mitchell Lalik ’11          Ellen McConnell ’10         Ciera Patzke ’06
Kristin Helinger ’05      Courtney Lamb ’13           Maggie McCloskey ’08        Alexis Pawlewicz ’11
Althea Henderson ’14      Ed Lamb ’17                 Colleen McCoy ’02           Erica Pawlewicz ’13
Elisha Hicks ’99          Emmah Lamb ’18              Howard McLymond ’05         Olivia Pawlewicz ’16
Jon Bradley Hilton ’07    Kelly Lambie ’06            Abby McMonagale ’01         Emily Paye ’11
Jayde Homer ’10           Reagan LaPage ’20           Andrew McNitt ’05           Joseph Pekarek ’01
Christine Hotaling ’12    Madison Lang ’16            Priya Mebra ’99             Kara Perkins ’03
Kayleigh Hotaling ’16     Brian Larkin ’99            Keeleigh Mendez ’13         Michael Perrone ’01

Heather Peter ’01           Brittani Sharkey ’07             Meghan Thomas ’00        Nicole Westerbeck ’05
Tricia Peter ’01            Jonathon Shaver ’01              Christina Thompson ’17   Terry Wilbur ’03
Victor Porter ’01           Kenzie Shaw ’12                  Kristen Thompson ’04     Austin Wilde ’14
Tessa Powlin ’17            Elizabeth Shaw ’00               Samantha Thompson ’06    Bethany Wilson ’02
Courtney Price ’04          Libby Sheldon ’19                Zachary Thormann ’04     Hilary Wilton ’07
                            Zachary Shortslef ’18            Adam Thoruk ’11          Joseph Wise ’99

                            Brady Slimmer ’15                Jason Thoryk ’14         Cassandra Wood ’15
                            Presley Slimmer ’17              Kelsey Toth ’01          Rhonda Wood ’18
                            Deidre Smith ’01                 Brian Trinder ’07        Ashley Woodcock ’10
Alina Quintana ’14
                            Paige Smith ’19                  Brian Trionfero ’09      Victor Woolson ’09
                            Nathen Smith ’15                 Kerigan Trudell ’19      Ryan Wood ’05

R                           Neil Smith ’00                   Dan Truong ’07

                            Cosima Sokal-Davidson ’99        Shaun Turner ’13

Celeste Raponi ’16          Ashley Spanfelner ’01            Allison Tuttle ’04

Brittany Reed ’12           Caitlin Spurling ’15             Brent Tyldesley ’99
                            Vanna Starr ’00                  Sarah Tyrrell ’10        Levi Yablonski ’17
Jonah Restuccio ’11
                            Andrew Stead ’03                                          Kasey Yerdon ’13
Kaitlin Reynolds ’19

                            Julie Stead ’02                                           Emily Yousey ’19
Maria Rice ’10
Rebecca Rice ’06            Beau Stenson ’99
Gabriella Ripka ’04
Deidre River ’02
                            Alexis Stephens ’11
                            Camille Stevenson ’17
                            Karina Stewart ’19
                                                             Gregory Unger ’08
Maura Roach ’13
                                                                                      Kaleb Zedacik ’11
Samantha Amie Rodford ’07   Sara Stoner ’07
Ashleigh Rosenbaum ’19      Patrick Stummer ’03
Cole Rothrock ’15           Nathan Summerville ’16           Amanda Vandermark ’02
Josh Rudd ’03               Kevin Sutherland ’00             Brittany VanDuzer ’16
Aaron Rudy ’07              Debbie Sweet ’03                 Sonia Veiga ’06
Alan Rudy ’04               Suzanne Switzer ’01              Andriana Verwey ’05
Victor Runeare ’14                                           Danielle Vienneau ’08
Eliza Runeare ’16
Mackenzie Ryan Myers ’09
                            David Tallents ’14
                                                             Michael Visco ’12
                                                             Nick Visco ’13
                                                             Spencer Vono ’14

                                                             Makhali Voss ’15
                            Sarah Tallents ’15
                            Cassidy Taylor ’13
Emma Sanford ’18
Caitlin Santore ’06
Lilly Schneider ’11
                            Chelsea Taylor ’06
                            Lauren Taylor ’03
                            Troy Taylor ’05
                                                             Christopher Wahl ’02
Malana Scott ’12            Christina Teetsel ’11            Robert Wells ’04
Rachel Scruton ’08          Chris Teifke ’99                 Ashley Welsch ’07
Macrina Seals ’02           Zachary Tepfenhart ’13           Tory Welsch ’12
Freya Sergis ’12            Emily Terry ’09                  Ashley Wescott ’02

Leadership Oswego County Youth
Class of 2021

        Jacob Greene                                   Future Goals:
                                                       To be an auto mechanic.
        Fulton, Class of 2022
                                                       Who is a leader you admire and why?
        Clubs, Organizations, and
                                                       Martin Luther King Jr. because he was able to
        Extracurricular Activities:
                                                       do so many good things for the world.
        Pathfinder Fish and Game.
                                                       What has LOCY done for you?
        Volunteer Experiences:
                                                       Taught me how to be a great leader.

        Grace Hutton                                   Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                       Grace Hopper; I admire Hopper's persistence
        Fulton, Class of 2024
                                                       and perseverance. Both of these traits helped
        Clubs, Organizations, and                      her throughout her career with the
        Extracurricular Activities:
                                                       development of the compiler as well as aiding
        Student Senate, World Language Club,
                                                       in the design of COBOL.
        and Girls Who Code.
                                                       What has LOCY done for you?
        Volunteer Experiences:
        None                                           LOCY has helped me to better my
                                                       communication skills, be more assertive,
        Future Goals:
                                                       as well as increase my self-esteem.
        I plan to graduate high school. I will then
        move on to college after which I want to
        complete medical school. My ultimate goal is
        to help people whether it be through medical
        research or practice.

Iris MacDonnell                                    for many students who don't feel like they
                                                   belong anywhere else. By providing this, Steve
Oswego, Class of 2022
                                                   and TJ have turned many students' lives
Clubs, Organizations, and                          around. Students who were ready to drop out
Extracurricular Activities:                        of school found a passion in the arts that
Robinson-Faust Theatre Tech Crew, National         became a career. Students with terrible home
Honor Society, Just Write, and Students            lives found a place of acceptance and comfort
Against Destructive Decisions                      where they could think for themselves. TJ and
Volunteer Experiences:                             Steve work hard to make the theatre the way
Robinson-Faust Theatre Tech-Crew, Making           it is, and they are wonderful role models for
and Donating Masks, and Planning and               the students who work in it.
Building a Little Free Library (Youth Bureau).     What has LOCY done for you?
Future Goals:                                      LOCY has provided a place where my opinions
I plan to study science in college (I don't know   and experiences are welcomed and respect-
the specific discipline yet) and become a          ed. It has taught me how to maturely discuss
scientific researcher, eventually having my        controversial topics and reciprocate the
own lab. I'm also working to improve my            respect I am given. I am more assertive now
communication/professional skills. Lastly, I'm     and I have learned how to be professional
considering advocating for women and the           while meeting my needs, which has helped
LGBTQ+ community (however, if political            me communicate with my boss, teachers, and
advocacy will clash with my integrity as a         other adults. The facilitators never belittled or
scientist, then I won't).                          ignored me because I was "too young to
                                                   know", which has showed me that I matter.
Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                   That has been the most important lesson I
TJ Bandla & Steve Braun (coworkers at Robin-
                                                   learned from LOCY because it convinced me
son-Faust Theatre, Oswego High School)
                                                   to take charge and lead my own life, which
Steve and TJ have been inspiring students in
                                                   had to happen before I could lead others. I'm
the theatre for years. Tech Crew is made up of
                                                   much more confident now when I communi-
all different kinds of people – rich, poor,
                                                   cate because I know that my needs are
popular, outcast, different genders and
                                                   important and worth addressing. In turn, this
sexualities – and they manage to unite us all
                                                   made me respect other people's needs and
through the performing arts. We enter with
                                                   find a balance between standing for myself
our own quirks and experiences, and TJ and
                                                   and standing with others. Overall, LOCY felt
Steve help us use them to create shows. Tech
                                                   like a first step into adulthood.
Crew isn't just a club, it's a refuge and a home

John McGhee Laracuente                             Future Goals:
                                                   Freelance video game project designer
Oswego, Class of 2021
                                                   Who is a leader you admire and why?
Clubs, Organizations, and
                                                   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; the reason I admire
Extracurricular Activities:
Oswego High School Art contest – Honorary          Dr. King is because his leadership and peace-
Mention Award, Student Council, and Highest        making skills changed the United States and
Honor and Honor Roll 2016 – 2021.                  made it a better place to live.

Volunteer Experiences:                             What has LOCY done for you?
Art Festival, Oswego High School Marching          LOCY has helped me to focus on becoming a
Band, Oswego High School Art Club, New York        better leader and problem solver.
State School Music Association - Violin player,
Bishop Commons, St. Francis Commons at St.
Luke, and Oswego Children’s Museum.

Sean Metcalf                                     Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                 Mahatma Gandhi because he was able to
Oswego, Class of 2023
                                                 unite various groups in India and oppose
Clubs, Organizations, and                        British involvement, all while maintaining a
Extracurricular Activities:                      peaceful approach.
National Honor Society, Youth Court,
                                                 What has LOCY done for you?
Student Council, and Class Office.
                                                 LOCY has made me more confident with
Volunteer Experiences:                           public speaking and gave me skills on how to
Children’s Museum of Oswego and Youth            become better.
Court trials.

Future Goals:
To graduate from college, then afterward
enter a career of public service, leadership
and government.

Miah Metott                                      Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                 Elon Musk. He has paved the way for
Oswego, Class of 2023
                                                 innovative technology with his many
Clubs, Organizations, and                        companies such as Tesla. He is a successful
Extracurricular Activities:                      businessman who uses his money to better
Youth Court, Class of 2023 and Color Guard.      society.
Volunteer Experiences:                           What has LOCY done for you?
Youth Court, removing graffiti, supervising      LOCY has taught me how to balance my skills
children, Drive-Thru-Trick-or-Treat, Vacation    and abilities in order for me to become a
Bible School Leader, and Office Assistant.       better leader.
Future Goals:
To become a veterinarian.

Zachary Metott                                   Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                 A leader that I admire is John Coltrane. John
Oswego, Class of 2022
                                                 Coltrane was one of the most influential
Clubs, Organizations, and                        saxophonists of all time. He helped pave a way
Extracurricular Activities:                      for the free jazz and for the bebop music style.
National Honor Society, Youth Court, and         He was a great leader that stood tall in the
Marching Band.                                   face of anything he did, and he helped spread
Volunteer Experiences:                           the message he wanted to tell people
Vacation Bible School, Oswego Alliance           through music. He was a great person who
Church, and Parents of Special Children          pushed through the challenges in his life.
Events (Breakfast with Santa, Harvest            What has LOCY done for you?
Hoedown, Children's Carnival).                   LOCY has helped shape me into a better
Future Goals:                                    leader than I was before. I have been able to
I plan on getting out of High School, go to a    speak my opinions in a professional manner
good college, then find my way into a job that   along with being able to hold debates with
pays well.                                       other people.

Rachael Miller                                     Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                   Mark Fischbach. Mark has raised over a million
Altmar-Parish-Williamstown, Class of 2021
                                                   dollars in support of multiple global charities
Clubs, Organizations, and                          and has brought people together through his
Extracurricular Activities:                        YouTube channel, and continues to do so
Marching band, Pep band, Jazz band,                throughout the pandemic. Even when Mark
Percussion ensemble, Chorus, Student               has stared death in the face, he has continued
government, Science Olympiad, Guitar club,         to be there for his viewers when they were
and Magic club.                                    going through hardship. Watching Mark's
Volunteer Experiences:                             videos has helped to shape who I am today
APW Annual Senior Citizen                          and I know that if he weren't a part of my life, I
Thanksgiving Dinner.                               would not be the same person.

Future Goals:                                      What has LOCY done for you?
Go to college for music education and then         LOCY has helped me become more
become a band teacher.                             self-confident.

Preston Norfleet                                   Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                   My grandfather Dennis Norfleet. My
Oswego, Class of 2022
                                                   grandfather was the director of the Oswego
Clubs, Organizations, and                          Health Department. I admired his ability to be
Extracurricular Activities:                        kind and caring, supporting patients and
NHS, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Baseball, and         everyone around him. I strive to replicate his
Honors Band.                                       ability to help all no matter who they were.
Volunteer Experiences:                             What has LOCY done for you?
NHS.                                               LOCY has made me even more comfortable
Future Goals:                                      speaking to groups and speaking to others
I hope to attend Duke University to study          that I may not personally know.

Camilla Piano                                      Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                                   My mom. She is a strong woman who has
Fulton, Class of 2023
                                                   been through a lot of stuff. She motivates me
Clubs, Organizations, and                          to be my best self and never give up.
Extracurricular Activities:
                                                   What has LOCY done for you?
                                                   I have become more confident in
Volunteer Experiences:                             expressing my ideas and thoughts on
None                                               the world around me.
Future Goals:
To become either a police officer, architect, or
private investigator.

Nealy Pippin                                   Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                               My mom because she juggles many different
Oswego, Class of 2023
                                               things on a daily basis and is still there for her
Clubs, Organizations, and                      family. She does as much as she can to make
Extracurricular Activities:                    our life fun. She does everything above and
Varsity hockey and soccer, travel club,        beyond and she is a very strong leader and
National Honor Society.                        person.
Volunteer Experiences:                         What has LOCY done for you?
Volunteering at the fish fry in my mother’s    Taught me that you can speak your mind and
hometown.                                      be confident.
Future Goals:
To get a successful job and to become the
best person I can be.

Nikki Regan                                    Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                               Susan B. Anthony because she stood up for
Oswego, Class of 2021
                                               something she believed in and didn’t let it go
Clubs, Organizations, and                      until it was reality.
Extracurricular Activities:
                                               What has LOCY done for you?
Tennis, hockey, and softball.
                                               Showed me that it’s okay to have a strong
Volunteer Experiences:                         opinion about something and how to express
None                                           it while not offending anyone.
Future Goals:
To become a pilot.

Stephanie Sprague                              Who is a leader you admire and why?
                                               AOC/Alexandria Ocasio-Corte because her
Oswego, Class of 2024
                                               communication skills are really good, she is
Clubs, Organizations, and                      smart, determined and is effective.
Extracurricular Activities:
                                               What has LOCY done for you?
Cross County, swimming and diving,
                                               It has made me learn how to debate and how
Environmental Club, track and field.
                                               to present projects.
Volunteer Experiences:

Future Goals:
To go to college to be a forensic scientist.

Leadership Oswego County Youth
Committee Members
Zach Grulich                                    Kevin Slimmer
Coordinator of Recreation & Youth Development   LOC Class of 2000
Oswego City - County Youth Bureau               Elmcrest Children’s Center

Kristen Slimmer                                 Toni Ross
LOCY Program Director                           LOC Class of 2012
Oswego City - County Youth Bureau               Oswego County Opportunities, Inc.

Leadership Oswego County
Alumni 1993-2020
Kathleen Acee ’96
                          John Belt ’13
                          Michael Benjamin ’99
                          Jill Bennett ’97
                                                             David Canfield ’00
                                                             Michelle Canfield ’07
                                                             Coleen Caramella ’11
                                                                                        Samuel Crisafulli ’15
                                                                                        Tonya Crisafulli ’06
                                                                                        Catherine Crocker ’11
Mary Acquaviva ’95
                          Morgan Berry ’10                   Susan L. Carey ’94         Adele Cronk ’09
Jesus Adame ’96
                          Jennifer Bertollini ’15            Bill Carhart ’06           Eric Cronk ’13
Charlotte Adkins ’98                                         Stephanie Carmody ’97
                          Donna Besaw ’05                                               Joseph Crowley ’97
Ishrat Ahmed ’19                                             Patricia Chaldu ’98
                          Julie Reed Billings ’04                                       Kathleen Cullen ’95
Cindy Albro ’08                                              Deborah Chalone ’18
                          Deborah Bills ’96                                             James Cullinan III ’98
Fred Aldrich, IV ’09                                         Theresa Chalone ’05
                          Therese Bivens ’06                                            Kelly Cullinan ’96
Beth Kesler Alfieri ’09                                      Mary Charney ’97
                          Jennifer Blanchard ’98                                        Peter Cullinan ’94
Brian Algeo ’09           Sara Blaney ’12                    Brian Chetney ’02          Brian Cummings ’10
Debra Allen ’04           Diane Blasczienski ’02             Matt Chetney ’05           Marsha Cummins ’07
Ebru Altay Damkaci ’18    Roxanne Bocyck ’03                 Robert T. Chetney ’93      Rebecca Currier ’98
Sandra Althouse ’95       Mallory Bower ’15                  Kasey Chewing-Kulick ’19   Shelby Cusson ’16
Alyssa Amyotte ’09        Debra Braden ’00                   Donna Chilton ’96          Nancy Czerow ’08
David Anderson ’95        Billie Brady ’96                   Philip Church ’93

Tammy Anderson ’13        Katy Brasser ’17                   Theresa Ciappa ’97
Karryn Anthony ’16        Eric Bresee ’06                    Jeanne Cieszeski ’94
Atom Avery ’10            Melissa Barrett Bricker ’09        Connie Clancy ’08
Mary Avrakotos ’93                                           Beth Clark ’13             Michael Daby ’02
                          Linda Brosch ’03
Nicholas Avrakotos ’94                                       Ellen Clark ’15            Mary D’Amico ’02
                          Jim Broschart ’06
                                                             Tricia Clark ’09           Marsha Dashner ’97
                          Catherine Bucher ’06

                                                             Michael Cleary ’96         Karen Davies ’99
                          John Bucher ’99
                                                             Jeffery Coakley ’01        R. Deborah Davis ’08
                          Kathleen Buchiere ’97
                                                             Jackie Coe ’14             Eric Dawson ’18
                          Anthony Buckalew ’18
Martha Babcock ’02                                                                      Joette Deane ’97
                          Kristin Bullard ’19                Susan Brannan Cole ’20
Inga Back ’14                                                Brian Coleman ’19          Nancy DeGilormo ’10
                          Annette Burns ’02
Katie Backus ’10                                             Ebony Coleman ’17          Diane DeLine ’93
                          Lorraine Burrows ’19
Amanda Baker ’07                                             Nancy Concadoro ’12        Holly DeMar ’13
                          John Burth ’07
Wendy Ballou ’09                                             Shane Connolly ’93         Richard DenBleyker ’01
                          Heather Bush ’17
Michelle Bandla ’15                                          Tim Connors ’18            Laura Denny ’00
                          David Buske ’01
David Barber ’09                                             Jean Conway ’01            John DeRousie ’07
                          Doug Buske ’95
Jennifer Barnett ’07                                         Jo Ann Conzone ’99         Robin Dettbern ’17
                          Robert Butkowski ’14
Julie Barry ’18                                              Lori Cook ’03              Roxanne Deyo ’97
Charles Barsi ’09

                                                             Tara Corcoran ’03          Joleen DiBartolo ’19
Daniel Bartlett ’01                                          Marc Cornell ’04           Beverly Dietz ’97
Randi Battaglia ’00                                          Rebecca Corvick ’12        Carol Russell Dillabough ’04
Russell Bauer ’97         Susan Cahill ’06                   Bernadette Costello ’96    Sheila Dion ’20
Faye Beckwith ’06         Rhonda Campolieta ’93              Cindy Cowden ’01           Kathleen DiRenna ’99
Eric Behling ’06          David Canale ’02                   Jason Crawford ’02         Sarah Dodd ’07
Don Belcastro ’07         Nicholas Canale, Jr. ’98           Katrina Crisafulli ’12     Tracy Doherty ’10

Addie Dolbear ’11         Edwin Fish ’95                   Elizabeth Hamner ’99
Bridget Dolbear ’13
Lauren Domicolo ’13
Erin Dorsey ’17
                          Gabrielle Fisher ’20
                          Tara FitzGibbons ’04
                          Christine Fiumara ’06
                                                           Bonita Hampton ’09
                                                           Carolyn Handville ’10
                                                           Alan Harris ’17
                                                                                       Sabine Ingerson ’00
Mary Dorsey ’95           Robert Flynn ’96                 Michael Havens ’93          Kelly Isabella ’15
Daniel Dougherty ’06      Joseph Fontana ’97               Danielle Hayden ’10         Rachael Ives ’18
Michelle Dowd ’99         Paul A. Forestiere II ’00        Debra Heagerty ’13          Steven Ives ’03
Eva Drake ’19             Jeff Forger ’08                  Gregg Heffner ’11           Carrie Izzo ’05
Greg Dufore II ’07        Frances Forrest ’95              Greg Hein ’20

Robin Dugar ’19           Danielle Fox ’16                 Doug Hemphill ’08
Larry Dunsmore ’17        Brenda Seymour Frank ’03         Nancy Henderson ’93
Richard Duvall ’06
                                                           Jennifer Hill ’06

                                                                                       Joyce Jaskula ’93
                                                           Myia Hill ’17

                                                                                       Jerry Jaworski ’14
                                                           Greg Hilton ’19             Abby Jenkins ’12
                          Debra Gallagher ’96              Zach Hilton ’14             Aimee Johnson ’09
Stephanie Earle ’20       Jeannine Galletta ’00            Naomi Himes ’19             Donna Jones ’04
Dave Eastman ’16          Ashley Galloway ’17              Kimberly Hobbs ’00          April Jordal ’17
Elizabeth Eck ’18         Diane Galvin ’00                 Mary Hoben ’10

Josephine A. Eells ’94    Edward Garrow ’10                Jeffrey Hodge ’95
Ashley Elder ’16          Kimberly Garrow ’02              Amy Hoey ’11
James Emery ’98           Gregory Gazda ’10                Shane Hoey ’16
                                                                                       Jenna Kain ’07
Nathan Emmons ’14         Billye Germain ’20               David Holden ’99
                                                                                       Kevin Kain ’99
Kristie Engebretsen ’05   Meave Gillen ’17                 Tammy Holden ’03
                                                                                       Beth Kazel ’01
                          Gail Godici ’00                  Debra Holliday ’08

                                                                                       David Kelly ’94
                          Gail Goebricher ’93              Leah Holmes ’18
                                                                                       Laura Kelly ’16
                          Linda Goodness ’09               Gina Holsopple-Perry ’04
                                                                                       Melissa Kempisty ’17
                          Mimi Goulet ’08                  Donna Hopkins ’98
Elizabeth Fadden ’97                                                                   Rachel Kesler ’03
                          Allison Graham ’02               Jenna Hopkins ’20
Jeremy Fadden ’15                                                                      Greg Ketcham ’06
                          James Graul ’00                  Michelle Hopp ’13
Melissa Familo ’19                                                                     Maggie Killoran ’10
                          Lisa Gray ’11                    Joanne Howe ’00
Daniel Farfaglia ’11                                                                   Lisa Kimball ’15
                          Loretta Greeney ’03              Chrystal Hoyt ’07
Bonnie Farmer ’03                                                                      Adam King ’17
                          Mary Greeney ’07                 Kathleen Hoyt ’01
Jeanne Farrell ’09                                                                     Alicia King ’17
                          Randall Griffin ’98              Randy Hoyt ’01
Katherine Faunce ’03                                                                   Katharine Kintz ’96
                          Jeffrey Grimshaw ’01
                                                           Stephanie Hoxie ’20
Kenneth Fay ’93                                                                        Kelvin Kio ’98
                          Kim Grindle ’15
James Feeney ’03                                           Catherine Hubbard ’94       Joachim Kleinschmidt ’05
                          Pablo Guardado ’07
Peggy Feeney ’98                                           Gene Huffman ’99            David Knopp ’03
                          Sherri Gutchess ’00
Carrie Fellows ’01                                         Malcolm Huggins ’19         Kathleen Knopp ’97
                          Jill Gutelius ’09
Paul Fenn ’20                                              Peter Hunn ’93              Brenda Ko ’10
                          David Guyer ’99
Karen Ferguson ’08                                         Collette Hunt ’00           Cynthia Koegel ’04
                                                           Kelly Hurlbut ’12

Dawn Fernandez ’98                                                                     Jessica Kolenda ’18
John Ferry ’08                                             Anne Hutchins ’09           Richard Kolenda ’02
Helen Feyh ’06                                             Rhonda Hutchins ’05         Nicole Kolmsee ’08
Cindy Finnegan ’11        Barbara Hall ’00                 M. Janelle Hutchinson ’11   Jackie Koster ’14
Edward Fischer ’02        Jennifer Hall ’16                Michael Huynh ’07           Daniel Krupke ’95
Julie Fischer ’05         Penny Halstead ’17               Kimberly Hyde ’10           Andrew Kudarauskas’97

Donna Kuhn ’93             Dawn Masuicca ’18            Christopher Nelson ’06
Nancy Kush Ellis ’98       Deana L. Masuicca ’94        Darsie Nelson ’97
Sandra Kyle ’08            Vicki Mather ’03             Melissa Newman ’16
                           Linda Matteson ’95           Mark Nice ’97

                           Mary Maunder ’10             Brenda K. Niver ’94
                           Fred Maxon ’98               Danielle Nolan ’15
                           Grace Maxon-Clarke ’18       James Nostrant ’97
Kristin LaBarge ’06
                           Jennifer Mays ’17

Paul LaFlamme ’02
                           Janet McBride-Gibson ’97
Ellen Lafond ’08
                           Ellen McCloskey ’96
Daniel Laird ’09
                           Lisa McGhee-Laracuente ’09
Malissa Lakin-Watson ’95                                Robin O’Brian ’03
                           Ali McGrath ’18
Stephanie Lamb ’19                                      Elizabeth Occhino ’17
                           Joe McManus ’13
Frances Lanigan ’94                                     Randy O’Donnell ’03
                           Judith A. McManus ’94
Janet Lanious ’98                                       Joseph Olsen ’17
                           Kim McPherson ’12
Deborah Larkin ’01         Patricia Meehan ’96          Jessica Ortiz ’20
Jodi Larkin ’04            Barb Metcalf ’14             Mindy L. Ostrow ’94
Kelly Larrivey ’95         Nelson Metz ’96

Michael Lavner ’96         Deana Michaels ’08
Cindy Lawrence-Dever ’04   Brian J. Miller ’94
Ellen Lazarek ’13          Carolyn Miller ’99
                                                        Dennis Pacheco ’99
Michele Ledoux ’93         Nancy E. Miller ’94
                                                        John Paeno ’96
Allison Livesey ’08        Pamela Miller ’97
                                                        Lynne Paeno ’95
Evelyn LiVoti ’08          Sean Milligan ’20
                                                        Mike Paestella ’06
David Lloyd ’98            Autumn Mintonye ’15
                                                        Charles Parker ’09
Margaret Lloyd ’97         James Mirabito ’93
                                                        Benjamin Parker ’12
Roger Locy ’06             Whitney Mirabito ’18
                                                        Aaron Pascale ’12
John Loeffert ’96          Trudy S. Moffitt ’94
                                                        Christine Patrick ’02
Jen Longley ’19            Philip Mooney ’93
                                                        Arthur Pearson ’05
Linda Lyons ’12            Karen Moore ’07
                                                        Jon Peck ’07
                           Michael Moran ’05

                                                        Scott Pecoy ’19
                           Brandon Morey ’12
                                                        Kate Percival ’11
                           Alisa Morgan ’15
                                                        Crystal Perry ’13
                           Dianne Morrisette ’01
Stephanie Magrisi ’14                                   Jamie Persse ’08
                           Daniela Mosko ’20
Margaret Mahaney ’98                                    Karen Perwitz ’10
                           Beverly Mulcahey ’02
Connie Maher ’02                                        Shane Phillips ’20
                           Kristen Munger ’15
Kelly Malone-Eveleth ’01                                Samantha Pickreign ’94
                           Jane Murphy ’93
Andrew Mangano ’07                                      Reyne Pierce ’10
                           Timothy Murphy ’99
Marie Mankiewicz ’96                                    Sherry Pierce ’05
                           Catherine Murray ’93
Shannon Mantaro ’00                                     Jill Pippin ’16
                           M. Claire Myer ’96
Thaddeus Mantaro ’00                                    Lauren Pistell ’13
Bonnie Marini ’96                                       Katherine Pitsley ’06
Brian Martina ’09
Jennifer Martin ’16
Gary Mashaw ’04
                           Erin Nalle ’13
                                                        Robert Plenge ’08
                                                        Amy Plotner ’15
                                                        Cathy Pokines ’94
Leigh Mason ’19            Tim Nekritz ’95              Patti Ponzi ’05

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