Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute

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Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
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Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute is a community-based membership
  organization whose programs provide intellectual stimulation and social interaction
  for members. Membership is open to adults who wish to learn in a non-traditional,
  relaxed environment. There are no admission requirements, no exams, no grades,
  and no age requirements. All are welcome to participate.

                 Welcome to The Second Half:
                  Lifelong Learning Institute

We are a community–a community of learners,
teachers, travelers, and friends. Our strength is in
our membership.

We strive to provide the highest level of intellectually
stimulating courses. To that end we have recruited
an incredible group of facilitators. Their educational
backgrounds are impressive. Their altruistic desire
to share their knowledge and expertise with you is

Join us for an exciting and thought-providing
adventure. You will meet new friends, reconnect with
old friends, and perhaps travel New England and the
world with these friends.

You will have all the fun of learning, growing, and
bonding without the pressure of grades–an ideal way
to feed your brain. The study groups will be thought-                                   ROBERTA MELTON,
provoking, fun and informative–something for everyone.                               EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
                                                                                       421 CURRANT ROAD
We hope that you will take the step to be part of The Second Half this               FALL RIVER, MA 02720
                                                                                            (508) 677-4694
semester. Let this Spring be the season that you do something good            OFFICE@SECONDHALFLLI.ORG
for yourself.

        Spring 2019 Please Save These Dates
OPEN HOUSE:                              REGISTRATION BEGINS      CLASSES BEGIN:       PLEASE NOTE:
1:00 P.M., FEBRUARY 5, 2019              1:00 P.M.,               SOME CLASSES         SOME CLASSES
H BLDG ROOM 209 (SECOND FLOOR)                                    AND YOU MUST GET     APRIL, AND MAY.
                                         FEBRUARY 19TH, 2019      IN BEFORE THOSE      YOUR CATALOG
                                                                  CLASSES BEGIN.       FOR START DATES.
Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Index of Study Groups
 ART/ARTISTS                                                       1730 Portugal: An Artistic and Historical Perspective
                                                                        Thurs noon-2:00, May 2-June 6                         20
1729 Hidden Treasures—Art Galleries of the Southcoast
     Thurs noon-2:00, April 4-May 9                          19    1713 Spanish 1: An Introduction to the Language
                                                                        Tues noon-2:00, March 5-April 23                      10
 FILM                                                              1704 The Story of Paris through Its Historic Cafés
1702 The Best Laid Plans: An Overview of Heist Films                    Mon noon-2:00, Feb 25-April 22                        03
     Mon 9:00-11:30, March 18-May 13                        02     1723 Under the Tuscan Sun
1710 Not for the Faint of Heart—Short Subject Documentaries             Wed noon-2:00, Feb 27-April 3                         16
     Tues 9:30-11:30, April 16-May 21                       07
 GAMES/CRAFTS                                                      1715 The Art of the Short Story: Contemporary American Stories
1706 Beautiful Beading                                                  Tues 2:30-4:30, April 30-June 4                        11
     Tues 9:30-11:30, March 26-April 30                     05     1720 Book Club for the Mind and Soul
1703 Fun and Games at The Second Half Redux                             Wed noon-2:00, Feb 27-May 29                          14
     Mon 11:30-2:00, March 18-May 13                        03     1733 British Children’s Authors
1709 Intermediate Bridge: Essential Tools                               Fri 9:30-11:30, March 1-April 5                       21
     for Your Bidding Toolkit                                      1725 “Macbeth” at Trinity Rep
     Tues 9:30-11:30, Feb 19-April 9                        06          Wed 2:30-4:30, Feb 13-March 20                        16
1718 Intermediate Bridge: From Study to Play                       1735 More Adventures in Award Winning Young Adult Fiction
      Wed 10:00-11:30/noon-3:00 Feb 27-May 1                 13         Fri 10:30-12:30, March 22-May 3                      22
1728 Mah-Jongg for All
     Thurs noon-2:00, April 11-May 16                        18     LIVING/MEDITATION
1726 Modern Bridge for Advanced Beginners                          1707 Enhance, Engage, Empower:
     Thurs 9:30-11:30, March 28-May 23                       17         To Deepen Everyday Living and Learning
                                                                        Tues 9:30-11:30, March 5-Apil 9                       05
 GARDENING/NATURE                                                  1737 The Way of the Breath: Mindfulness
1701 Beginning Birding                                                  Meditation Practice in Our Daily Lives
     Mon 9:30-11:30, April 1-29 (classroom)                             Fri noon-2:00, March 1-April 19                       23
     Mon 8:00-10:00, May 6-27 (field trips)                 02
1705 Oh My Aching Back and Knees!
     Mon 1:00-3:00, March 4-April 8                         04     1722 History of Rock and Roll Part II—1970s and 1980s
                                                                        Wed noon-2:00, March 6-April 10                       15
 GENEALOGY                                                         1731 The Operas of Mozart, Part 1
1734 Researching and Writing Your Family History                        Thurs 2:30-4:30, Feb 14-April 18                      20
     Fri 9:30-11:30, April 12-May 17                         21    1732 The Operas of Mozart, Part 2
                                                                        Thurs 2:30-4:30, April 25-June 27                     20
1716 Ashes to Ashes: from Weimar to the Third Reich                 WINE
     Wed 9:30-11:30, March 6-April 10                        12    1711 All About Wine
1708 Here We Are—Now What?                                              Tues noon-2:00, March 5-April 30                      07
     Tues 9:30-11:30, March 12-April 30                     06
1712 Historical Kaleidoscope 3
     Tues noon-2:00, March 26-May 14                        08     1727 Exploring Poetry as Readers and Writers
                                                                        Thurs 10:30-12:30, March 21-May 2                     18
1714 Left Edgy Politics 2: American Politics for “Woke” Amateurs
     Tues noon-2:00, April 2-May 21                          10    1724 Writing from the Heart
                                                                        Wed 2:00-4:00, March 20-April 24                      16
1717 Victoria and Albert: Society…in Victorian Britain
     Wed 9:30-11:30, March 6-April 10                        12     WORKSHOPS
 LANGUAGE/CULTURE                                                        Introduction to Hypnosis ($10.00)
                                                                         Mon noon-2:00, June 3, 2019                          04
1719 Armchair Travel
     Wed noon-2:00, April 10-May 22                          13          Mastering Your Intuitive Abilities ($35.00)
                                                                         Thurs 12:30-2:30, March 7-28                         17
1721 Conversational Spanish, Intermediate Level
     Wed noon-2:00, April 3-May 29                           15          Very Basic Computer Skills
                                                                         Thur 12:00 – 2:00, April 25                          19

                                                                           THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE         1
Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                          MONDAY CLASSES

                                                                1. RIFIFI. 1955, directed by Jules Dassin. This is the
    1701 Beginning Birding 102                                  first heist film, and with it Dassin set the pattern for
                                                                the others that followed. Running time: 2 hours, 2
MONDAY 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. AND                               minutes.
8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. (8 WEEKS)
CLASS: APRIL 1, 8, 22, 29, 2019, AT 9:30                        2. THE KILLING. 1956, directed by Stanley Kubrick
(NO CLASS ON APRIL 15)                                          (his first film). The Killing faithfully follows the formula
FIELD TRIPS: MAY 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019, AT 8:00                   created in Rififi.  Running time:  1 hour, 25 minutes.

The first class will be a repeat of binoculars, bird            3. THE ITALIAN JOB. 1969, directed by Peter
food, and bird houses. The following classes will go            Polinson. There is a later version of this film that
into more detail on the birds of our locale. It you             doesn’t come close to the creativity of this one. The
have taken the class before and consider yourself an            ending is a real cliffhanger.  Running time:  1 hour,
“intermediate” birder, just skip the first class or just        40 minutes.
join in on the field trips!                                     4. THE STING. 1973, directed by George Roy Hill.
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 16                         A delightful heist film that follows the formula to a
LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                               very different end from the first three films. Running
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER, AND THE FIELD                     time: 2 hours, 9 minutes.

                                                                5. THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123. 1974, directed
Facilitator: Mary Martha Murphy                                 by Richard Quine. Again, there is a remake, but
Mary Martha Murphy started birding during a vacation            Robert Shaw, Walter Matthau, and Martin Balsam
to the Allagash in Northern Maine in 1970. A fellow             make this oldie the winner. Running time: 2 hours,
traveler introduced her to the Little Golden Book of Bird       4 minutes.
Identification, and he pointed out that the “duck” they had
been chasing in their canoe was none other than a Common        6. OCEAN’S 11. 2001, directed by Steven
Loon. She has graduated to more sophisticated field guides!     Soderbergh. Soderbergh directs this remake of
Her birding trips include forays into Rhode Island, Cape Cod,
Cape Ann, and the Bay of Fundy. She has also traveled to
                                                                the original film that starred “the rat pack.”  It’s
southern Texas and the prairies of Montana.                     suspenseful and fun. Running time: 1 hour, 57

                                                                7. THE SCORE. 2001, directed by Frank Oz. Oz, of
                                                                Muppets fame, proves that he is a lot more than a
    1702 The Best Laid Plans:                                   cookie monster. Great suspense and wonderful plot
    An Overview of Heist Films                                  twists. Running time: 2 hours, 4 minutes.

                                                                8. INSIDE MAN. 2006, directed by Spike Lee.
MONDAY 9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. (8 WEEKS)
                                                                Many serious directors tried their hands at heist
                                                                films just for fun. This one is clever and will keep you
                                                                guessing. Running time: 2 hours, 9 minutes.
Heist films are a sub-genre of crime films. Usually             STUDY GROUP SIZE: MAXIMUM 25
the films are in three chapters. Often a person or              LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
element is introduced in the first chapter that will            421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER
prove the undoing of the plan. Sometimes the thieves
get away with it. The fun is in following the twists
and turns in the plot as the characters plan the theft,         Facilitator: Eileen Sorrentino
carry it out, and escape with the goods. Some great             Eileen Sorrentino is a retired lawyer/mediator who enjoys
directors made heist films. Come and enjoy. I’ll have           movies with mysteries and plot twists. She rows whaleboats
a handout about each film at the screening.                     whenever she can and lives in Mattapoisett with her husband

Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                         MONDAY CLASSES

 1703 Fun and Games at The Second                            1704 The Story of Paris Through Its
 Half Redux                                                  Historic Cafés

MONDAY 11:30 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. (8 WEEKS)                     MONDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (8 WEEKS)
MARCH 18 THROUGH MAY 13, 2019                               FEBRUARY 25 THROUGH APRIL 22, 2019 (NO
(NO CLASS APRIL 15)                                         CLASS ON APRIL 15)

Do you want to have some fun and get to know some           Emerging from the cafés of Paris are countless tales,
other members well? Join us for Fun and Games               chronicling the city’s growth, evolution, historical
at The Second Half Redux. You’ll be challenged,             figures, and cuisine. Parisian cafés are the sites of
chagrined, and entertained; and I promise you’ll            conversations and discussions which have led to
laugh a lot. I have six new games and two favorites         movements in art, music, and literature, as well as
from the fall semester.                                     discussions that have contributed to war, peace,
                                                            and revolutions. This study group will begin with
1. 25 Words or Less                                         the founding of Le Café Procope in 1686, a hundred
2. Buzz Word                                                years before America’s independence from Britain.
3. Bezzerwizzer                                             Who frequented Le Procope in the seventeenth
4. Charades                                                 century? What does it look like today? What is served
5. Claim to Fame                                            there? We will visit this historic establishment as
6. Family Feud                                              well as many other renowned Parisian cafés, such as
7. Wits and Wagers                                          la Brasserie Lipp, le Café Flore, Les Deux Magots and
8.Apples to Apples                                          Aux Lyonnais. We’ll meet the famous and infamous
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 12; MAXIMUM 16                    who frequented them as we visit their interiors and
LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                           browse their menus. We’ll become familiar with the
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                vocabulary and grammar associated with our visits,
                                                            learning about the origin of the word “restaurant”
                                                            and how it differs from a French bistro, brasserie,
Facilitators: Eileen Sorrentino
                                                            bar, or zinc. Join us on our journey to the many cafés
and Joseph Cote
                                                            of Paris, La Ville Lumière.
Eileen Sorrentino is a retired lawyer/mediator who enjoys
rowing whaleboats and playing board games with family and   There will be an optional trip to Paris, the world’s
friends. She lives in Mattapoisett with her husband John.   most visited city, in June of 2019 associated with this
                                                            study group where trip participants can visit some of
Joseph Cote is a native of Fall River. He received his
undergraduate and doctoral degrees from the University of   these marvelous cafes.
Georgia. He enjoys playing bridge and the piano.            STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 15; MAXIMUM 25
                                                            LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
                                                            421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER

                                                            Facilitator: Lorraine Carey
                                                            Lorraine Carey cannot remember when she was not in love
                                                            with the French language. She holds an M.A. in French
                                                            language and literature from Boston College. She taught
                                                            French for one year in Limerick, Ireland, and for 34 years
                                                            at Ashland High School, MetroWest, where she was Foreign
                                                            Language Department Chair.

                                                                   THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE          3
Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                           MONDAY CLASSES

    1705 Oh My Aching Back and Knees!                            WORKSHOP: $10.00
                                                                 Introduction to Hypnosis
MONDAY 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. (6 WEEKS)
MARCH 4 THROUGH APRIL 8, 2019                                  MONDAY JUNE 3, 2019
You are not quite ready to hang up your shovel, but            NOON – 2:00 P.M.
you are ready to take it a bit easier.                         The Introduction to Hypnosis Workshop will
Among the topics we will discuss:                              introduce participants to what hypnosis is and
                                                               what it isn’t. Instructors will give the class the
  • planning a garden makeover/smaller                         opportunity to introduce themselves and describe
		 simpler/easier /right for you NOW                           any experiences they have had with hypnosis briefly.
                                                               After presenting a history of hypnosis, we will
  • getting ready for the gardening season                     have a period for questions and answers. Then the
		 physically: good physical techniques, getting               instructors will guide the group into a hypnotic state
		 into your “blooming” shape                                  through a series of progressive relaxation exercises.
  • tools, gadgets, ideas that make garden                     We will demonstrate other hypnotic inductions.
		 work easier                                                 Participants will have an opportunity to discuss their
                                                               hypnotic experience and ask questions.
      • developing your personal gardening calendar
                                                               LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
                                                               421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER
  • tricks and tips to share: garden delight vs
		 garden nightmare

      • some garden visits to get more ideas?                  Facilitators: Lorraine Stewart, M.A., and
                                                               Karyne Martins
LOCATION: AT THE HOMES OF THE FACILITATORS                     Lorraine Stewart, M.A., is a retired counselor. She is a Reiki
                                                               Master Teacher and a Consulting Hypnotist specializing in
                                                               Past-Life Regression and Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis.
Facilitators: Renate Oliver and                                Karyne Martins is the Founder of Karyne and Company
Lisa Mellgard                                                  Day Spa. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and a
                                                               Certified Hypnotist.
Renate Oliver is a Master Gardener, avid reader, and loves
spending time outdoors.                                        Karyne and Lorraine both integrate the mind, body, and
                                                               spirit connection in their healing work with clients.
Lisa Mellgard is a gardener and beekeeper who loves walking.


Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                            TUESDAY CLASSES

                                                                1707 Enhance, Engage, Empower:
                                                                A Study Group to Deepen Everyday
                                                                Living and Learning

                                                              TUESDAY 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. (6 WEEKS)
                                                              MARCH 5 THROUGH APRIL 9, 2019

                                                              Using the principles and tools of professional life
                                                              coaching and the book “The Four Agreements” as a
                                                              wisdom guide, we will lead a weekly exploration of
                                                              the meaning of our daily lives. Class members will
                                                              share their insights and experiences to enhance our
                                                              discussions. We will individually and collectively
                                                              engage with our values and purpose to empower
                                                              our everyday lives. Each class will discuss a section
 1706 Beautiful Beading                                       of “The Four Agreements,” and the facilitators will
                                                              present an appropriate coaching technique to deepen
TUESDAY 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. (6 WEEKS)                           your learning.
                                                              Required Materials: access to “The Four
This class will be a combination of learning what             Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
types of beading are most popular and what specific
                                                              STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 20
pieces would be most personal for you. We will
                                                              LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
explore necklaces, bracelets, rings, decorations, etc.        421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER
Beading is relatively simple and relaxing, but you can
make pieces that have individual meaning to you,
your family and friends. Some pieces may be specific          Facilitators: Tracy Carreiro and
gifts for special occasions or just to complement that        Lauren Lemieux
“special” outfit you like to wear. The class will be a
                                                              Tracy Carreiro feels at home when she can smell the sea air
lot of fun, but also our opportunity to share with one        and hear the seagulls calling. She has a deep interest in both
another. I will provide a list of simple supplies that        human and animal behavior and in helping animals and
you will need at our first class. Hope to see you in the      humans live well.
                                                              After eighteen years working in a family business, Lauren
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 10                       Lemieux decided it was time to acknowledge how truly
LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                             unhappy she was in the profession she was in. After a
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                  tumultuous 2012, she “retired” in January 2013 to find
                                                              her true calling. In 2014 she became a certified life coach
                                                              from the Coaches Training Institute and continued earning
Facilitator: Joan Fye                                         her professional credential with International Coaching
                                                              Federation in 2015. Lauren’s clients are searching for
Joan Fye has a degree in Elementary Education, one in         personal and professional growth fulfillment, and coaching
Psychology, and a Master’s Degree in Human Services with      allows them the time and space to not only realize what is
a focus on Adult Mental Health. She worked with inmates at    possible, but the courage, confidence, and clarity to make
the New Hampshire Department of Corrections/State Prison      going for their dreams a reality. She also works for a local
in Concord, then worked for 32 years with the Department      nonprofit supporting previously homeless individuals’
of Veterans Affairs at the VA Veterans Center, currently in   transition to stability, as well as serving on the boards for the
Fairhaven.                                                    Community Boating Center in New Bedford and the Acushnet
                                                              Federal Credit Union. Lauren grew up in Dartmouth
                                                              and currently resides in Acushnet with her husband and

                                                                      THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE             5
Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                          TUESDAY CLASSES

    1708 Here We Are – Now What?                                1709 Intermediate Bridge: Essential
                                                                Tools for Your Bidding Toolkit
TUESDAY 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. (8 WEEKS)
MARCH 12 THROUGH APRIL 30, 2019                               TUESDAY 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. (8 WEEKS)
This class is a discussion group to provide members           FEBRUARY 19 THROUGH APRIL 9, 2019
with an opportunity to talk about how the U.S.                If you are already familiar with the basics of bridge
arrived at where it is today politically. We will             but would like to improve your skills, please join
examine how certain trends and new technologies               us for Intermediate Bridge. Playing bridge is a
– polarization, populism, economic uncertainty,               wonderful way to stay mentally fit. This study
social media, social changes, and authoritarianism,           group provides a supportive, friendly environment
among other factors – have contributed to the rise            for class members to enjoy each other’s company
of Trumpism and authoritarian leaders across the              while improving their bridge skills along the way.
globe. We will also monitor how the Democrats in              This semester we will focus on four essential tools
the House of Representatives deal with President              to help you improve your bidding. The Stayman
Trump after their midterm victory and interact                Convention and the Jacoby Transfer are two
with the Republican Senate. Will the reality of a             essential tools that will help you find the best
divided Congress lead to more gridlock in D.C. or to          contract after your partner opens in No trump.
cooperation?                                                  The Negative Double can help you find the best
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 25                       contract when your partner opens in a suit and your
LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                             right-hand opponent overcalls. And last but not
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                  least, the Weak Two-Bid is an obstructive bid that
                                                              makes it more difficult for the opponents to enter the
                                                              bidding and at the same time provides your partner
Facilitator: Robert Miller
                                                              with a good description of your hand. Join us for
Bob Miller has a B.A. in Political Science from The Ohio      Intermediate Bridge and make these four tools part
State University and has participated in several political    of your bidding toolkit.
campaigns over the years. He also graduated from The Ohio
State University College of Law and has over thirty years’    STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 12; MAXIMUM 24
experience in the administration of the Employee Retirement   LOCATION: WESTPORT COUNCIL ON AGING,
Income Security Act in the mutual fund and insurance          75 REED ROAD, WESTPORT
company industries.

                                                              Facilitators: Brenda Stone and Jan Bischel
                                                              Brenda Stone is a retired teacher and school psychologist and
                                                              is accredited by the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL)
                                                              to teach bridge. She plays bridge two or three times a week
                                                              and enjoys helping others learn this challenging game.

                                                              Jan Bischel fell in love with bridge as a teenager and after a
                                                              long hiatus for a teaching career and family is rediscovering
                                                              this amazing game. She plays two or three times each week
                                                              and looks forward to seeing you at the table!

Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                             TUESDAY CLASSES

 1710 Not for the Faint of Heart –                                1711 All About Wine
 Short Subject Documentaries
                                                                 TUESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (7 WEEKS)
TUESDAY 9:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. (6 WEEKS)                         MARCH 5 THROUGH APRIL 30
APRIL 16 THROUGH MAY 21, 2019                                    (NO CLASS ON APRIL 9 AND 26)

No longer than forty minutes, short-subject                      Learn about Wine in Antiquity: How did we arrive
documentaries are often overlooked and                           at where we are today? You be the judge. Learn how
underappreciated. Nonfiction and dealing with a                  wines are judged by professionals, and apply the
myriad number of social issues, the short-subject                knowledge in judging several wines. Learn wine and
documentaries that we will view in this six-week                 food pairings, which wine goes with which food and
course cover topics as diverse as elder care, race               why. Enjoy top wines from Spain, a virtual tour of
relations, life and death, second chances, the opioid            Italy with stops for wine and cheese along the way.
epidemic, and the refugee crisis. All of these thought-          California dreaming of increased wine sales: How
provoking documentaries were nominated for an                    good are they compared to the rest of the world?
Academy Award in either 2017 or 2018.                            Have a private tour of one of the top wineries in
                                                                 New England. See how wine is made, and learn
 APRIL 16       Edith + Eddie; Heroin(e)                         about the winemaking process first hand. There
                                                                 will be a $10.00 charge per person per session for
 APRIL 23       Knife Skills; Traffic Stop                       educational materials. The educational materials will
 APRIL 30       Heaven is a Traffic Jam on the 405               be consumed by the participants during each session.
                                                                 STUDY GROUP SIZE: 18
 MAY 7          Extremis: 4.1 Miles                              LOCATION: TO BE DETERMINED
 MAY 14         Joe’s Violin; Watani: My Homeland

 MAY 21         The White Helmets                                Facilitators: Richard and Eleanor Phillips

STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 25                          Richard Phillips is former Assistant Professor of Physics at
LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                                the University of Minnesota and co-author of a textbook on
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                     optics. He was the founder and President of International
                                                                 Plorizer, Inc. After selling his company ten years ago to PPG
                                                                 Industries, he retired and moved to Westport. He has been
                                                                 making wine for 43 years, and his wines have received 30
Facilitator: Elizabeth (Liz) Lafleur                             medals from the American Wine Society.
A recent Second Half member and New Bedford native, Liz          Eleanor graduated from MIT Sloan School of Management
retired from the manufacturing world where she worked in         and retired after a career at Digital Equipment Corp – HP.
administration, compliance, and quality over the years. Liz      They each have passed the American Wine Society Wine
enjoys reading, travel, and learning about different cultures.   Judge Program. They have traveled to wine producing
                                                                 regions throughout the world. They are Life Masters at Bridge
                                                                 and grow orchids in their spare time

                                                                        THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE             7
Live. Learn. Connect - SPRING 2019 CATALOG - The Second Half: Lifelong Learning Institute
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                           TUESDAY CLASSES
                                                               (2) Freedom and Thomas Paine Facilitator:
    1712 Historical Kaleidoscope 3

TUESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (8 WEEKS)                             Facilitator: Raymond Loranger
MARCH 26 THROUGH MAY 14, 2019                                  Raymond Loranger received his Master’s degree in Human
                                                               Development and Holistic Counseling in 1992 and earned a
                                                               Ph.D. in Humanities in 1999 from Salve Regina University
    MARCH 26:                                                  in Newport, R.I. He is a licensed mental-health counselor in
                                                               Massachusetts and has worked as a counselor, director, and
“A Compact with the Whole” –The CSS Shenandoah                 teacher in the prison system, mental-health agencies, and Bristol
and New Bedford’s Whaling Industry during the                  Community College’s re-entry program for criminal offenders.
Civil War.

The CSS Shenandoah’s around-the-world odyssey                  (3) Edward Coles: Bravely Confronting Slavery
is a well noted event of the American Civil War.
However, its close connection to New Bedford’s
whaling industry is often overlooked. We will                  Facilitator: Bob Miller
investigate the destructive effect of the Shenandoah
                                                               Bob Miller has a B.A. in Political Science from The Ohio
on New Bedford’s key industry and discuss the long-            State University and has participated in several political
term ramifications on both the whaling industry and            campaigns over the years. He also graduated from The Ohio
the industrial development of New Bedford.                     State University College of Law and has over thirty years’
                                                               experience in the administration of the Employee Retirement
                                                               Income Security Act in the mutual fund and insurance
Facilitator: Mark Mello                                        company industries.

Mark Mello is an avid historian who has been studying the
American Civil War and early American history nearly his
entire life. He has given presentations to many different       APRIL 9:
groups, including Civil War Round Tables, Historical
Societies, Public Libraries, and Museums. He has also          Ghost Stories and Folktales from Around the World.
taught classes for Massasoit Community College. Mark
has a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Bridgewater State      An entertaining and engaging presentation of
University and is working on a graduate degree in History at   ghost stories, folktales, and ghost lore from
Providence College. He is currently working at Blackstone      around the world.
River Valley National Park and as a Public Historian

                                                               Facilitator: David Mello
    APRIL 2:                                                   David Mello is the supervisor of Children’s Services and has
                                                               been employed at the Fall River Public Library for over thirty
(1) Lewis Hines and his role in exposing child labor           years. He is a professional storyteller and the Storyteller
in 19th and 20th century America.                              In Residence for the Battleship Massachusetts Sleepover

Facilitator: Joseph Cote
Joseph Cote is a native of Fall River. He received his          APRIL 16:
undergraduate and doctoral degrees from the University of
Georgia. He enjoys playing bridge and the piano.               Interlachen: Ice Houses and Mansions.

                                                               The class will explore the history of Interlachen, a
                                                               unique location on the North Watuppa Pond in
                                                               Fall River. Topics will include ice harvesting at the
                                                               Cook-Durfee Ice House and the Borden mansions
                                                               on the island.

Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                               TUESDAY CLASSES
                                                                  Join us at the Layfette Durfee House for an Open
Facilitator: Bill Goncalo                                         Hearth Cooking Demonstration and tour. Get a
                                                                  glimpse of what 18th century living and cooking
Bill Goncalo is an English teacher at Diman Regional High
School and a local historian with interests in the ice industry   were like.
and local residential architecture.

                                                                  Facilitator: David Jennings

 APRIL 23:                                                        David Jennings is a retired Fall River firefighter and Director
                                                                  of the Layfette Durfee House in Fall River. He is a Vietnam
General and Mrs. Tom Thumb, the World’s First                     Veteran and a proud Marine. His dedication to the Layfette
                                                                  Durfee House is legendary.
                                                                  Please Note: This session will take place at the Layfette
We will be sharing a presentation narrating the lives             Durfee House, 94 Cherry Street, Fall River.
of Charles Stratton and Lavinia Warren Bump, the
“real” General and Mrs. Tom Thumb and the first
world renowned celebrities. We will discuss their rise
                                                                   MAY 14:
to fame, international heyday, and lives outside of
the spotlight.                                                    Tea and Gossip with the 1850s Ladies.

                                                                  Ruth and Abby tell stories of what everyday life was
Facilitators: Dorothy Thayer and                                  like in New Bedford during the 1850s, the heyday of
Daniel Thompson                                                   the whaling industry. They know about the public
Dorothy Thayer is a retired history teacher at Middleborough      life of the wealthy and are aware of the plight of the
High School.                                                      poor. They share true and probable stories in an
                                                                  entertaining and engaging way.
Daniel Thompson is a retired middle school teacher
and school counselor of the Diocese of Fall River.
Both of these educators are officers on the board of              Facilitators: Ruth (Lucy Bly) and
directors for the Middleborough Historical Association.
                                                                  Abby (Judith Roderiques)
                                                                  Ruth (Lucy Bly) and Abby (Judith Roderiques) are two ladies
 APRIL 30:
                                                                  from the 1850s who visit the current time through a “worm
                                                                  hole” in the vault of their bank. They are women who lived in
                                                                  New Bedford and were friends and neighbors.
Dighton Rock Park Resort.

The story of a long-gone “Amusement Park”
forerunner on the banks of the Taunton River                      STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 20; MAXIMUM 30
in Dighton.                                                       LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
                                                                  421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER

Facilitator: Myrna Santos
Myrna Santos is a lifelong Dighton resident and the first
                                                                  Coordinator: Lois Spirlet
woman selectman in Dighton. She is retired from a career as
a credit manager. She has always been interested in history
and has been the Dighton town historian since 2014.

 MAY 7:

Hearthside Cooking and Tour at Layfette
Durfee House.

                                                                          THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE          9
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                          TUESDAY CLASSES

     1713 Spanish 1: An Introduction                              1714 Left Edgy Politics 2
     to the Language                                              American Politics for “Woke” Amateurs

 TUESDAY NOON - 2:00 P.M. (8 WEEKS)                              TUESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (8 WEEKS)
 MARCH 5 THROUGH APRIL 23, 2019                                  APRIL 2 THROUGH MAY 21, 2019
 This class will be an introduction to Spanish                   Let’s take a look at some astute commentary that
 with the purpose of giving all participants a solid             can’t be found in mainstream media. We are in tough
 foundation for speaking, writing, and understanding             straits. A burning planet, a few domineering banks,
 the language. Cultural aspects also will be included            six companies control our press and broadcasting,
 in each session. No prior knowledge of Spanish is               an antediluvian health-care system, 1000 U.S.
 needed. Students must purchase “¡Avancemos!”                    military bases around the world, unending wars,
 Level 1 textbook which is available through                     partisan courts, a crazy prison system…and our
 Amazon. The accompanying workbook would be                      politicians are mostly owned by large corporations.
 helpful as well.                                                What could possibly go wrong?
 STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 5; MAXIMUM 8                          Plenty. Bad original compromises, greed, and bad
                                                                 actors contributed. Ancient philosophers warned us.
                                                                 Writers like Tom Paine and Mark Twain spoke to
 Facilitator: Michele Zingara-Crotty                             us. More recently, Sheldon Wolin and Howard Zinn
                                                                 illuminated us and proffered solutions…but things
 Michele is retired from the Dartmouth Middle School where       still go from bad to worse.
 she taught Spanish 1 for over twenty wonderful years. She
 loves sharing “tricks of the trade” with her students so that   Daily we hear a cacophony of half-truths,
 learning is fun, relaxing, and productive.
                                                                 “alternate facts,” and opinions masquerading as
                                                                 facts…not to mention facts and voices that are
                                                                 ignored or suppressed.

                                                                 So let’s take a look and a listen to some of today’s
                                                                 acerbic voices. It’s quite a mix…writers new and
                                                                 old, comedians, but only a few politicians. Remember
                                                                 George Carlin? “It’s a big club, baby…and you ain’t in it!”

                                                                 Let’s each select a voice a week; I’ll combine your
                                                                 links (with bios) to share with the class. The fun is in
                                                                 the gathering. Hopefully, we will find some solutions
                                                                 to propose.
                                                                 STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 12
                                                                 LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
                                                                 421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER

                                                                 Facilitator: Harris Gruber
                                                                 Harris Gruber spent some otherwise idle time in the 80s and
                                                                 90s reading political commentary and watching C-Span, from
                                                                 which it was not too hard to create one’s own “Gong Show” of
                                                                 politicians and commentary…nothing much has changed. The
                                                                 2000 election was the last straw.

Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                TUESDAY CLASSES

 1715 The Art of the Short Story:
 Contemporary American Stories

TUESDAY 2:30 - 4:30 P.M. (6 WEEKS)

This course will examine contemporary American
fiction, using as a text “The Best American Short
Stories (2017),” Meg Wolitzer, Guest Editor (A
Mariner Book). (Please Note: “The Best American
Short Stories” (2016 and 2018) with different guest
editors are also currently for sale. Be sure to get
the right book.) After an exhaustive search, Heidi
Pitlor and the guest editor, Meg Wolitzer, selected
the twenty best short stories published during the
previous year in North America. “Here you’ll find
a person with a boyfriend and a girlfriend, naval
officers trapped on a submarine, and a contestant on
“America’s Funniest Home Videos” – unforgettable
characters waiting for an outcome, burning with
stories to tell.”

Facilitator: James Cronin
James Cronin has an undergraduate degree in English
literature from Harvard College and recent continuing
education courses in literature and creative writing from
Harvard College Extension School, Brown University, and
Frequency Writers.  His first book of poetry, “World of
Shadows,” was published in Fall 2018.

                                                            THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE   11
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                  WEDNESDAY CLASSES

     1716 Ashes to Ashes: From Weimar to                          1717 Victoria and Albert:
     the Third Reich                                              Society, Power, Gender, and Art in
                                                                  Victorian Britain
WEDNESDAY 9:30 A.M.-11:30 A.M. (6 WEEKS)
MARCH 6 THROUGH APRIL 10, 2019                                   WEDNESDAY 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. (6 WEEKS)
This semester will be dedicated to the Weimar                    MARCH 6 THROUGH APRIL 10, 2019
Republic, and we will examine how politics and                   (NO CLASS ON MARCH 26)
cultural life led a democracy into an autocratic                 In 1837 the eighteen-year-old Victoria came to the
regime. We will explore the Nazi rise to power:                  throne as a young woman without resources in
that it was not a forgone conclusion that Nazism                 Britain when the monarchy was less than popular,
would prevail, and alternative outcomes could                    and Britain was undergoing unprecedented unrest
have materialized. We will also examine the role of              and economic change. By the time of her death in
conservative anti-republic elites, economic crises, the          1901, she had lent her name to an age of British
failure of the political left, the German communist              Imperial power, industrialization, urbanization,
party (and Spartacist uprising), and the role of the             liberal democratic institutions, Victorian attitudes
“Freikorps.”                                                     about sexuality, and an ideology of separate spheres
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 8; MAXIMUM 25                          for women and men. She was the first monarch to
LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                                combine a “public” role of head of state with the
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                     “private” one of wife and mother. While she did not
                                                                 support the growth of the movement for women’s
                                                                 rights that emerged during her reign, the fact that
Facilitators: Dr. Ronald Weisberger and
                                                                 she became the most popular monarch in Britain
Manya Bark
                                                                 and Europe provided welcome support to the public
Dr. Ronald Weisberger is the director of the Bristol             debate about the role of women in society. Her
Community College Holocaust Center and Adjunct Professor         marriage to Albert was fundamental to Victoria’s
of History. He has a B.A. and an M.A. in History, M.Phil.Ed.     life and success. We will study his contribution and
and Ed.D in Higher Education. He has taught at BCC for forty
years and has co-taught a course on the Holocaust for the last
                                                                 their complex relationship. We will also look at the
fourteen years. Manya Bark is an independent scholar. She        physical context of their lives, emphasize the social
has a B.A. and an M.A. in German and East European history       history of the period, and use many illustrations,
as well as a minor in Judaic Studies. She was born and lived     especially paintings, prints, and photographs of the
in Germany and studied in Australia as well as the United        period, as well as the words of Victoria and Albert as
                                                                 an aid for our discussions.
                                                                 STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 30
                                                                 LOCATION: SOUTHWORTH LIBRARY,
                                                                 732 DARTMOUTH STREET, DARTMOUTH

                                                                 Facilitator: Gerard Koot
                                                                 Gerard Koot is an Emeritus Professor of History at the
                                                                 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he taught
                                                                 British and European history for 38 years.

Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                   WEDNESDAY CLASSES

 1718 Intermediate Bridge: From Study                          1719 Armchair Travel
 to Play
                                                              WEDNESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (7 WEEKS)
WEDNESDAY 10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.                             APRIL 10 THROUGH MAY 22, 2019
PRESENTATION/NOON - 3:30 P.M. GAME                            Join us during this six-week, two-hour session as we
(10 WEEKS)                                                    travel to foreign lands through the eyes and personal
FEBRUARY 27 THROUGH MAY 1, 2019                               experiences of each presenter. Some of the locations
Back by popular request! This course will take your           visited will be familiar, some exotic; all will be
game up a notch. It will focus on Opening Leads               interesting.
against Suit Contracts, Opening Leads against No
Trump Contracts, how to pick the best lead and the             APRIL 10
best suit. What are the worst leads to make? Playing
Basic Suit Combinations. To finesse or not to finesse;        Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, and the Suez Canal
that is the question. How to Read Your Opponents’             Presented by Jennifer Brindisi
Cards. Drawing Inferences from the Bidding and
                                                              This trip will go back in time, beginning by tracing
Play. After you learn this, people will think that you
                                                              the merging stories and geography of the three
can see through the backs of their cards. Starting to
                                                              religions of the Old Testament, the Jews, Christians,
Learn How to Count.
                                                              and Muslims, from Israel to Palestine and Jordan.
This presentation will run from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.,        Traveling south in Jordan we will see the Dead Sea,
followed by the weekly duplicate bridge game noon             Ammon with its Roman ruins, and the Nabataean
to 3:30 p.m. Fee per game is $10 per person. We’ll            city of Petra built 100 BCE. Then, by way of the
have a brief discussion after the game on points              Red Sea and the Nile, we’ll travel to the Egyptian
illustrated by the play. Hand records will be provided        Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings that date back
to all participants. Master points will be awarded to         to 2589 BCE. Finally, we will sail through the desert
the top finishers in each level of play.                      into the present-day Suez Canal to Haifa on the
                                                              Mediterranean Sea.
(Special discount for lunches available.)
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 24                        APRIL 17
                                                              Winter Wonderlands–
                                                              Trois Vallées, Dolomites, and Banff
Facilitators: Al Humphrey and members of                      Presented by Elizabeth M. Lafleur
the Bridge Club                                               This journey takes us through three breathtakingly
Al Humphrey is retired from a career in computers, plays      beautiful areas with panoramas that extend
bridge two or three times a week, and is an accredited ACBL   for miles: Trois Vallées of the French Alps, the
(American Contract Bridge League) instructor. He has taught   Dolomites of the Italian Alps, and Banff of the
one of the popular bridge courses at The Second Half for      Canadian Rockies.
several years.

                                                                     THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE   13
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                            WEDNESDAY CLASSES

  APRIL 24                                                  MAY 15

 Africa and Portugal–                                      Greece–Antiquities and Archeology
 from the Spectacular to the Sublime                       Presented by Roger Menard
 Presented by George Cunha
                                                           Travel to the Greek Islands of Santorini and Crete,
 In southern Africa our safari starts in Capetown,         as well as Athens, for an informative look at ancient
 driving the Garden Route east to Knysna on the            societies from the Minoans and Mycenaeans to
 Indian Ocean, north to Zulu Nyala Game Preserve,          the ancient Greeks. Along the way we will view the
 continuing to the Sabi Sands Preserve adjacent            scenery and local attractions.
 to Kruger National Park. We proceed to Victoria
 Falls and Zambia, visiting two national reserves in
                                                            MAY 22
 Botswana: Muchenje on the bank of the Chobe River
 and Camp Xakanaxa in the Okavango Delta.                  Madrid
 In Portugal, we will travel from Lisbon south to          Presented by Mariano Merino
 Lagos, Algarve, north to the ancient walled city of       Madrid, the capital of Spain, has a very interesting
 Evora in Alentejo, continuing to the Serra d’Estrella     history, a rich artistic heritage represented best by
 region, the schist village of Piódão, the Archeological   the city’s many world-class museums, and an active
 Park of the Côa Valley, and then to Lamego in the         social and cultural life. Mariano Merino, a native of
 Douro Valley and Porto, returning south through           Spain and frequent traveler to Madrid, will present
 Coimbra and Obidos to Lisbon, visiting Cascais and        to you the fascinating history, art, and culture of
 Sintra.                                                   Madrid.
                                                           STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 10; MAXIMUM 40
  MAY 1                                                    LOCATION: TBD

 A Short Journey Through Provence and Languedoc
 Presented by Russ Carey                                   Coordinator: Elizabeth Lafleur

 The Romans called it Nostra Provincia (Our
 Province), their first transalpine settlement in the
 land of the Celts. With its many prehistoric caves,
                                                            1720 Book Club for the Mind and Soul
 plethora of Roman ruins, and great natural beauty,
 the region offers much to the eager tourist.              WEDNESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M.
                                                           (5 MEETINGS FOR EACH GROUP)

  MAY 8                                                    GROUP A: FEBRUARY 27, MARCH 20,
                                                           APRIL 10, MAY 1, MAY 22, 2019
 Iceland–The Land of Fire and Ice
 Presented by Elizabeth M. Lafleur                         GROUP B: MARCH 6, MARCH 27,
                                                           APRIL 17, MAY 8, MAY 29, 2019
 With glaciers, waterfalls, hot springs, geysers, sea
 stacks, black sand beaches, and volcanoes, Iceland is     Love Books? A book is a discount ticket to
 a visual feast which awes and amazes each traveler.       everywhere. Travel with us and meet diverse
 Join us to explore the capital of Reykjavik, the Ring     people who may help you connect to your own
 Road along the South Coast, Viking lore, the Golden       life experiences. A chair waits for you in our small
 Circle, and Pingvellir National Park, the historic        intimate setting. The class will be divided into two
 heartland of Iceland and the site of its original         groups. Each group will meet every third week. The
 parliament.                                               books we will read for Spring 2019 are:

Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                WEDNESDAY CLASSES
1. “A Prayer for Owen Meany” by John Irving
   (A-2/27; B-3/6)                                        Facilitator: Mariano Merino
2. “Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance,             Mariano Merino is a native of Spain. He did graduate studies
   Murder, and One Man’s Fight for Justice                in Madrid. He has also done graduate work at Boston
   by Bill Browder (A-3/20; B-3/27)                       University and Rhode Island College. He has worked in the
                                                          field of mental health.
3. “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”
   by Maya Angelou (A-4/10; B-4/17)

4. “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee                   1722 History of Rock and Roll Part II
   (A-5/1; B-5/8)                                          –1970s and 1980s
5. “Unsheltered” by Barbara Kingsolver
                                                          WEDNESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (6 WEEKS)
   ( A-5/22; B-5/29)
                                                          MARCH 6 THROUGH APRIL 10, 2019
“A Prayer for Owen Meany”
                                                          American Rock and Roll music emerged in the
should be read before the first class.
                                                          1950s and has evolved ever since, taking a number
STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 5;                              of forms. This course will emphasize the composers
MAXIMUM 12 FOR EACH GROUP                                 and musicians of the period from 1970 through
                                                          the 1980s. Emphasis will also be placed on its
                                                          social context as well as the impact of technology
                                                          and marketing of this distinct American form of
                                                          entertainment. In addition to giving lectures and
Facilitator: Elaine Oliveira                              leading discussions, we will play a cross section of
Elaine Oliveira majored in English and taught English     music of the time. Rock On!
as a second language in local elementary schools and at
Bristol Community College. She also studied in Lisbon     STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 8; MAXIMUM 25
and Azores Universities. She has been leading this book   LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
group since 2001.                                         421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER

                                                          Facilitators: Ron Weisberger
  1721 Conversational Spanish,                            and Gary Brown
  Intermediate Level                                      Ron Weisberger is a professor of history at Bristol
                                                          Community College. Gary Brown is a retired high school
WEDNESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (9 WEEKS)                      English teacher and administrator. He is also an active
                                                          musician, guitar teacher, and promoter.

This is an ongoing, progressive learning study group.
It focuses on developing the participants’ increased
familiarity with the language and the ability to
express oneself both orally and with the written
word. Class discussions and group exercises are
major components. “Spanish is Fun, Book 2,” is used
as a reference text. Spanish music is also used as a
learning tool. For new members, some basic prior
knowledge of Spanish is required.

                                                                 THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE        15
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                    WEDNESDAY CLASSES

     1723 Under the Tuscan Sun                                   Facilitators: Marsha McCabe and
                                                                 Barbara Wackowski-Faria
 WEDNESDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (6 WEEKS                             Marsha McCabe is a writer and editor at Spinner
 FEBRUARY 27 THROUGH APRIL 3, 2019                               Publications, a New Bedford-based publishing company
                                                                 that specializes in local history. She is a former award-
 In “Under the Tuscan Sun,” Frances Mayes                        winning columnist for The Standard Times. Barbara
                                                                 Wackowski-Faria is a published poet, researcher, and editor
 introduced readers to a wondrous new world when
                                                                 of articles appearing in Arts & Antiques Magazine and other
 she bought and restored an abandoned villa called               publications and newspapers.
 Bramasole in the spectacular Tuscan countryside.
 Come visit Tuscany--the hill towns, the vineyards,
 the medieval walled cities--Lucca, San Gimignano,
 Siena, Volterra, the Amalfi coast, and of course
                                                                   1725 Macbeth at Trinity Rep
 Cortona, home to Bramasole. Tuscany is truly
 magical, so come along, and we will capture a bit of
 the delicious Tuscan sun.                                       WEDNESDAY 2:30 – 4:30 P.M. (6 WEEKS)
                                                                 FEBRUARY 13 THROUGH MARCH 20, 2019
 LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,                               “When shall we three meet again, in thunder,
 421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                    lightning, or in rain?” The opening line of “Macbeth”
                                                                 is ominous, but this class will approach the play
                                                                 with an excitement and openness that will defeat
 Facilitator: Nancy Ogden
 Nancy Ogden is a filmmaker who fell in love with Florence.      the witches and the thunder, lightning, and rain!
 She is an Art Historian by education, a filmmaker by            Shakespeare’s magnificent play about ambition
 occupation, and a Florentine in her soul, so bread, wine, and   and manipulation will be read and discussed in
 gelato will be part of the course. Nancy is also developing a   class. We will attend the production at Trinity
 film on the life and work of Fra Angelico and the monastery
                                                                 Rep in Providence (optional) and return to class
 of San Marco.
                                                                 to discuss the way Trinity Rep interpreted the
                                                                 play. Trinity Rep says about this production: “This
                                                                 Shakespearean thriller bursts at breakneck speed
                                                                 with more suspense, murder, and madness than any
     1724 Writing from the Heart                                 blockbuster film.” We will also watch film versions
                                                                 of the play and learn more about its author, William
 WEDNESDAY 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. (6 WEEKS)                       Shakespeare.
                                                                 STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 8; MAXIMUM 25
 This course offers a place to celebrate who you are             LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
 without judgment, evaluation, or editing. We write              421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER
 in class, spontaneously, drawing small stories from
 our lives that illuminate and (sometimes) astonish              Facilitator: Susan Richard
 us. Our writing may not be polished, but it is honest           Susan Richard is a retired English teacher and department
 and true. When we share our work out loud (if we                head who spent 35 years working with high school students.
 wish), members listen, not as critics or editors,               Working with adults is a joy and a pleasure! She is also the
 but as people who truly hear you--your language,                president of the Governing Board of Your Theatre, Inc., and
                                                                 an avid theatre patron. Although she has not been active
 your voice, your story. You cannot be wrong! We                 on stage for some time, she has directed and performed in
 are constantly amazed at the sensitive, profoundly              community theatre.
 moving work that results from this process. This
 class is for everyone.

Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                          THURSDAY CLASSES

 WORKSHOP: $35.00
 Mastering Your Intuitive Abilities

THURSDAY 12:40 P.M.-2:30 P.M.
MARCH 7 – MARCH 28, 2019 (4 WEEKS)

In the Mastering Your Intuitive Abilities workshop
we will read and discuss John Holland’s book
“Psychic Navigator: Harnessing Your Inner
Guidance.” Participants will practice the exercises
from the book in class with one another and share
their thoughts, feelings, and insights with the group.            1726 Modern Bridge for Advanced
Some of the topics will include discovering your                  Beginners
psychic strengths, the aura and how to sense and see
it, the body and mind connection, and breath work.               THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. (8 WEEKS)
Class participation is a vital part of this group. Please        MARCH 28 THROUGH MAY 23, 2019
read the book prior to the beginning of class. This
should be a fun and mind-opening experience.                     This class is for those who have completed Beginner
                                                                 Bridge and understand Count, Suit, and No Trump
421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER                                     bidding and replies. It will cover the areas of long
                                                                 suits-low count, high count, and basic slam options.
                                                                 The graduate should feel comfortable playing Social
Workshop Leader: Lorraine Stewart, M.A.                          Bridge.
Lorraine Stewart is a retired counselor, she is a Reiki Master   STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 16
Teacher and a Consulting Hypnotist specializing in Past-Life     LOCATION: WESTPORT COUNCIL ON AGING,
Regression and Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis.                    75 REED ROAD, WESTPORT

                                                                 Facilitator: Caroline Cooper
                                                                 Caroline Cooper played Bridge in college and upon retiring
                                                                 found that she enjoyed the game but that modern bridge was
                                                                 very different from the game that she learned in college. She
                                                                 plays both social bridge and duplicate bridge weekly and has
                                                                 gained some Black, Red, Silver, and Gold points. She has
                                                                 helped some of her social bridge players to become duplicate
                                                                 players, but she knows that learning bridge is never ending.

                                                                         THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE        17
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                          THURSDAY CLASSES

     1727 Exploring Poetry as Readers and                           1728 Mah-Jongg for All
                                                                   THURSDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (6 WEEKS)
 THURSDAY 10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. (6 WEEKS)                        APRIL 11 THROUGH MAY 16, 2019
 MARCH 21 THROUGH MAY 2, 2019                                      Come learn the language of Mah-Jongg and have
 (NO CLASS APRIL 11)                                               some fun! All you need is a little strategy, a lot of
 This small class, offered in the Mattapoisett Free                luck, and a sense of humor. Your free time will never
 Public Library, is beginning its seventh year. We                 be the same! Recommended is Elaine Sandberg’s “A
 feel it is important to keep the size small so that               Beginner’s Guide to American Mah-Jongg.” (soft
 all students can be heard. We open the class by                   cover: $13.59 through Amazon)
 sharing a poem to introduce ourselves. Then we are                STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 16
 introduced to published poets, poetic forms, and                  LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
 upcoming local events, and we read poetry aloud in                421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER
 class. The atmosphere is relaxed and inclusive. Each
 week we write at home and share our work with
                                                                   Facilitator: Joan Fournier
 the class the following week. We listen intently and              Joan learned to play Mah-Jongg five years ago and has never
 offer feedback. We make connections and develop                   looked back. When traveling to Florida, her tiles are packed
 friendships. Maybe you’ve never written poetry                    right alongside her flip flops.
 before and would like to give it a try. This is a great
 place to find your voice and try out your wings!
 Mattapoisett is a lovely seacoast village. We welcome
 new students and will treat you kindly.

 Facilitator: Betty Jeanne (BJ) Nooth
 BJ Nooth is a long-time member of The Second Half where
 her interest in poetry has been nourished. A classic introvert/
 extrovert mix, she enjoys the Southcoast and its environs,
 literature, the arts, knitting, hospice volunteering, walking,
 and solitude. Poetry has added another dimension of sharing
 and camaraderie.

Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                     THURSDAY CLASSES

                                                           STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 15
 1729 Hidden Treasures – Art Galleries                     LOCATION: CLASS PARTICIPANTS WILL BE INSTRUCTED
 of the Southcoast                                         WHERE TO MEET FOR THE TOUR BEFORE EACH
                                                           GALLERY VISIT.

APRIL 4 THROUGH MAY 9, 2019                                Coordinator: Elizabeth (Liz) Lafleur

Join us in visiting local art galleries during this six-
week, two-hour session where we will enjoy exhibits
by local artists and learn about each gallery: its
history, its mission, its focus, and its artworks. The      WORKSHOP: $10.00
featured galleries are:                                     Very Basic Computer Skills

 APRIL 4:                                                  THURSDAY, APRIL 25
                                                           NOON – 2:00 P.M.
Grimshaw-Gudewicz Art Gallery
Located next to H Building,                                A workshop on how to use a computer-it is a very
Margaret L. Jackson Arts Center at Bristol                 basic clinic which will go over computer skills. It will
Community College, 777 Elsbree Street,                     cover how to “turn on” and off a computer, how to
Fall River, MA                                             connect devices to a computer, and how to use some
                                                           of the basic computer programs, such as email and
                                                           internet. This is intended for those who are having
 APRIL 11:                                                 difficulty with their computer or would like to use a
                                                           computer but are a bit intimidated.
True Grit Art Gallery
Located at 38 Center St., Middleborough, MA                LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
                                                           421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER

 APRIL 18:
                                                           Facilitator: Roger Menard
Narrows Center Art Gallery
                                                           Roger built his first computer in the mid 1980s.  He has had
Located at 16 Anawan Street, Fall River, MA
                                                           computers in his house and at work since that time. Mr.
                                                           Menard has bought and built several different computers
                                                           and has reconfigured computers with different hardware.
 APRIL 25:                                                 He is also proficient with many software applications.   He
                                                           currently is a computer consultant to the U.S. Navy.
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Art Gallery
Located at 715 Purchase Street, New Bedford, MA

MAY 2:

Dedee Shattuck Gallery
Located at 1 Partners’ Lane, Westport, MA

 MAY 9:

Gallery 1019
Located at 1019 Main Road, Tiverton, RI

                                                                   THE SECOND HALF- LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE           19
Study Group Descriptions, Spring 2019                                   THURSDAY CLASSES
                                                             performances, handouts, and discussion about form,
     1730 Portugal: An Artistic and                          composition technique, and instrumentation. The
     Historical Perspective                                  main thrust will be on listening and better enjoyment
                                                             and understanding of music.
 THURSDAY NOON – 2:00 P.M. (6 WEEKS)                         STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 25
 MAY 2 THROUGH JUNE 6, 2019                                  LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
                                                             421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER
 This course will examine the salient features of
 Portuguese history and art. Historically we will
 cover the Lusitanian origin of the Portuguese people        Facilitator: Thomas Sargent
 and the impact of the Romans, Visigoths, Moors,             Thom is Parish Music Director and Organist at St. Anthony
 and Reconquista on the land now called Portugal.            of Padua Church in New Bedford. He retired in 2000 from
 These elements synthesize into the creation of the          the Providence, RI, School Department as Music Director at
                                                             Classical High School. His formal education includes degrees
 Portuguese Kingdom by Alfonso I in 1139. Finally,
                                                             in church music, music education, and choral conducting.
 we will cover the amazing story of Portugal in the
 vanguard of the Age of Discovery led by figures
 such as Prince Henry the Navigator and Vasco de
 Gama. Artistically the monumental contributions of
 Portugal to the world of art will be covered, such as its    1732 The Operas of Mozart, Part 2
 extraordinary invocation tile work and the splendor
 of the artistic achievements of the Manueline style         THURSDAY 2:30 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. (10 WEEKS)
 that emerged concurrent with the Age of Discovery.          APRIL 25 THROUGH JUNE 27, 2019
 Other monumental works include the Cistercian
 Abby of Alcobaca, the Monastery of Batalha, and the         The plan will be to cover Mozart’s “Marriage of
 19th century Disneyesque Palace of Pena.                    Figaro”, “Don Giovanni”, and “The Magic Flute”.

 STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 15; MAXIMUM 30                    Each class will have a 45-minute DVD presentation
 LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE, 421 CURRANT               supplemented with information from Grove’s
 ROAD, FALL RIVER - CLASSROOM B                              Dictionary of Music and Musicians, CD
                                                             performances, YouTube performances, handouts,
 Facilitator: Ben Taggie and Tony Miraglia                   and discussion about form, composition technique,
                                                             and instrumentation. The main thrust will be on
 Ben Taggie is Professor Emeritus of History, and Tony       listening and better enjoyment and understanding of
 Miraglia Professor Emeritus of Art at the University of
 Massachusetts Dartmouth. Ben and Tony have team-taught
 courses for many years, ten years in the UMass Summer       STUDY GROUP SIZE: MINIMUM 6; MAXIMUM 25
 Sicily Program and more recently in The Second Half: Life   LOCATION: THE SECOND HALF OFFICE,
 Long Learning Institute.                                    421 CURRANT ROAD, FALL RIVER

                                                             Facilitator: Thomas Sargent
     1731 The Operas of Mozart, Part 1                       Thom is Parish Music Director and Organist at St. Anthony
                                                             of Padua Church in New Bedford. He retired in 2000 from
                                                             the Providence, RI, School Department as Music Director at
 THURSDAY 2:30 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. (10 WEEKS)                   Classical High School. His formal education includes degrees
 FEBRUARY 14 THROUGH APRIL 18, 2019                          in church music, music education, and choral conducting.

 We plan to cover Mozart’s “Cosi fan Tutte” and the
 Italian apprenticeship. Each class will include a
 45-minute DVD presentation supplemented with
 information from Grove’s “Dictionary of Music
 and Musicians”, CD performances, YouTube

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