Magazine - Virtual Vehicle

Page created by Wade Mills
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
magazine  Nr. 19, IV-2014

INEXAS: p.32

Future efficiency trends: p.20                               BMW close-up: p.17

    Main topic:
    Noise, Vibration and Friction
    Sustainable solutions, inspired by ecology and economy

    Virtual acoustic design of engines ■ NVH Optimisation
    Friction reduction ■ New NVH tools and requirements
    With contributions of:

                                                                 Graz University of Technology
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle

8                                                                                                                                    10                                                  14     0.1

                                                                                                                                                                                        z [m]



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Silent Interior                                                                                                                      Reducing Friction                                     Electric Vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                       y [m]               x [m]

Today, automotive engineers are facing new                                                                                           Reducing mechanical losses yields a signi-            Automotive industry is asking for new metho-
challenges, among others the conflict between                                                                                        ficant contribution to reducing the fuel con-         dologies to characterize the acoustic emissi-
good NVH performance and lightweight tar-                                                                                            sumption. Therefore, VIRTUAL VEHICLE in-              ons of electric motors. VIRTUAL VEHICLE
gets.                                                                                                                                vestigates all important sources of friction in       develops an experimental methodology based
                                                                                                                                     the drivetrain on the FRIDA friction test bench.      on cylindrical Nearfield Acoustical Holography.

24                                                                                                                                   26                                                    28

Uncertain Component Systems                                                                                                          Real-Time Simulation                                  The Test Benches

The NVH optimisation of structural assem-                                                                                            VIRTUAL VEHICLE has developed new me-                 VIRTUAL VEHICLE operates comprehen-
blies requires detailed knowledge of all system                                                                                      thods for reducing low-frequency drive train          sive test facilities designed to investigate the
components, especially when strong dynamic                                                                                           vibrations taking a parallel hybrid design as an      acoustic properties of vehicle components
interaction occurs. Frequently, however, the                                                                                         example.                                              such as the engine and drivetrain.
details of some components are missing de-
pending on the product requirements.

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EU Projects                                                                                                                          INEXAS                                                Reliable Chain Drive Dynamics

Three ongoing Marie Curie Action projects at                                                                                         At VIRTUAL VEHICLE a 1D simulation tool has           Considering the interaction of chain drive and
VIRTUAL VEHICLE focus on training of PhD                                                                                             been developed that simulates the acoustic            engine structure is essential for simulation mo-
students in relevant NVH topics of automotive                                                                                        transmission behavior of the intake and ex-           dels in acoustic optimization.
vehicle development.                                                                                                                 haust gas system and thus shows the acoustic
                                                                                                                                     properties at the early design stage.

                      2                                                                                   magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
Spotlight on
                                                                                  NVH & Friction
                                               Research and development in the fields of noise, vibration, harshness and
                                               friction are of crucial importance for automotive industry. In the last decade
                                               NVH has become part of a multidisciplinary design optimisation process,
                                               also boosting the collaboration between the different research areas of the
                                               VIRTUAL VEHICLE.
NVH Requirements
                                               In response to the progressively more strin-       TU Graz and KTH, researchers at VIRTUAL
Dr. MIHIAR AYOUBI                              gent environmental regulations in automotive       VEHICLE develop efficient and reliable simu-
is Vice President Noise, Vibrations and        industry, OEMs and their suppliers and part-       lation and validation methods and support the
Harshness of BMW Group and talks about         ners have significantly increased their efforts    applicability of NVH virtual prototyping.
NVH requirements in vehicle development.       towards eco-friendly vehicle developement
                                               during the last years. Nevertheless, these in-     Just in time for our 8th ISNVH Congress, this
                                               novations – regardless if under development        edition presents several research highlights:
                                               or already implemented in series-production        With new prediction methods for the acoustics

20                                             vehicles – shall not deteriorate the vehicle
                                               NVH quality. In order to maintain the compet-
                                               titive edge, the noise emission and passenger
                                                                                                  of fiber reinforced plastics and efficient trim
                                                                                                  characterization, relevant contributions to re-
                                                                                                  liable NVH material modeling are provided.
                                               comfort levels must meet or even exceed the        A sophisticated model for the chain drive dy-
                                               customer expectations also for the next gene-      namics allows enhanced system understan-
                                               ration of eco-friendly vehicles.                   ding. Extensive experimental facilities - from
                                                                                                  acoustic engine test rig to friction dynamo-
                                               Traditional challenges                             meter - are enablers for solving R&D challen-
                                               meet new challenges                                ges at VIRTUAL VEHICLE.
                                               Creative solutions for the conflicting demands     In this magazine we also feature EU projects
ANDREAS Sommermann, jürgen
                                               of lightweight design and excellent NVH has        in the Marie Curie Actions, where VIRTUAL
ritter (both MAN Truck & Bus) and Dr.
                                               become of central importance, involving no-        VEHICLE has been successful in providing
Christoph Priestner (AVL List GmbH)
                                               vel research in areas such as aeroacoustics,       training to PhD students that goes far beyond
talk about the development of commercial
                                               composite materials and full vehicle modelling.    university education. We asked top-class part-
vehicles and diesel engines.
                                               In addition, interactive effects of hybrid and     ners from industry on innovative NVH solutions
                                               electric drives, sophisticated turbo-charging      and on future trends in engine development.
                                               concepts, downsizing strategies and friction
                                               reduction must be accounted for.                   We hope you enjoy the various contributions

23                                             In April this year, the EU parliament voted in
                                               favour of a Commission proposal to decre-
                                                                                                  in this edition.

                                               ase vehicle noise in road traffic until 2026. A
                                               decrease of noise limit values for passenger
                                               cars, vans, buses and coaches by 4 dB(A) and
                                               for trucks by 3 dB(A) are supposed to reduce
                                               vehicle noise nuisance by some 25%. This will
                                               require intensive R&D efforts in fields such as
A Successful Partnership                       tire acoustics, acoustic insulation materials as
                                               well as intake and exhaust acoustics.
Prof. Mats Åbom
Department of Vehicle and Aeronautical Engi-   Step by step to a solution
neering, Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory at                                                          Dr. Jost Bernasch          Dr. Anton Fuchs
KTH Stockholm                                  In close cooperation with leading partners in
                                               science and industry, e.g. BMW, AVL, MAN or

                                                                                                  magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014               3
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle

Challenges in the field of
NVH & Friction
Increasing fuel costs and stringent regulations on CO2 and other emissions are driving new development trends for
internal combustion engines, hybrid and electric drives and new energy storage technologies. Future vehicle concepts
must meet the conflicting demands of lightweight design, efficient and low-emission propulsion technologies, driving
comfort, suitable vehicle acoustics and low development and production costs.

D    ue to factors such as the enormous econo-
     mic growth of the BRICS countries (Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa), the glo-
                                                    haust emissions have consequently moved to
                                                    the top of the agenda. This poses enormous
                                                    and frequently conflicting challenges to the
                                                                                                             NVH materials & technology
                                                                                                             Vehicle noise reduction
                                                                                                             Friction loss & vibration reduction
bal demand for energy, and primarily for fossil     OEMs who must assure low emissions and fuel         •    Flow acoustics
fuels, is increasing dramatically. As a result,     efficiency without jeopardizing safety, comfort,    •    NVH Testing & measurement
energy is becoming more and more expensive,         fun-to-drive and durability at an affordable and
which also increases the costs of mobility for      competitive price. In order to assist automoti-     NVH materials & technology
both business and private transportation. On        ve industry as good as possible in this difficult
top of this, environmental sustainability has       task Area NVH & Friction at VIRTUAL VEHI-           New materials with enhanced characteristics
become a priority and fuel efficiency and ex-       CLE focuses on the following topics:                are enabling a further improvement of the NVH
                                                                                                        properties of modern vehicle concepts.

                                                                      Research topics of Area NVH &     Area NVH & Friction has for instance con-
                                                                       Friction at VIRTUAL VEHICLE
                                                                                                        ducted detailed experimental and numerical
                                                   ■ NVH DRIVETRAIN &                                   investigations with regard to the acoustic be-
                                                     FULL VEHICLE: Reliable &                           havior of cellular metal foams. The microsco-
                                                     accurate dynamic, high-freq.                       pic material behavior is modeled with the
                                                                                                        multiscale method, in order to calculate the
                                                     and full vehicle models
                                                                                                        complete component efficiently.

       ■ FRICTION LOSS &                                                                                Currently, research and development is focu-
                                                                                                        sing strongly on multi-material applications for
                                                                                                        lightweight bodies combining aluminum, ma-
                                                                                                        gnesium, high-strength steels, CFRP and or-
          cylinder-kit, timing-                                                                         ganic sheets. Such materials will help to meet
          drive, valve-train                                                                            future requirements for lower weight, more sa-
                                                                                                        fety, increased strength and increased comfort
                                                   ■ INTAKE/EXHAUST:                                    in terms of acoustics and vibration.
                                                     System Acoustics:
                                                     Accurate, user-friendly,                           From an acoustic point of view, lightweight also
                                                     general & fast models                              means easily excitable and therefore noisy and
                                                                                                        loud. However, the customer is not prepared to
                                                                                                        sacrifice today’s driving comfort. In order to de-
       ■ TRIM: Optimisation
                                                                                                        sign an improved lightweight vehicle body with
         of trim to reduce
                                                                                                        suitable vibration and acoustics properties, the
         interior noise                                                                                 structural dynamics, vibrating behavior, sound
                                                                                                        transmission behavior and radiating behavior
                                                                                                        have to be examined in detail in order to meet
                                                         ■ LIGHTWEIGHT:                                 the client expectations with regard to comfort.
                                                           Multi-scale modeling                         New simulation procedures are necessary for
                                                           approach, weight                             the virtual design of lightweight bodies in terms
                                                           reduction                                    of engineering strength, crashworthiness and
                                                                                                        vibration behavior.

      4                                  magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
The modeling of multi-layered composite ma-          reduce friction in the powertrain, simulation         Test benches for the support
terials in the acoustic frequency range still po-    methods are required that can enable system-          of vehicle development
ses a real challenge. Numerical results shall        optimization measures in the early develop-
not only guarantee sufficient accuracy but           ment phase. To this end, efficient and reliable       VIRTUAL VEHICLE operates numerous
modelling efforts and calculation times must         calculation methods are being developed at            acoustic test benches, which are described
be compatible with the industrial processes in       VIRTUAL VEHICLE, in order to meet industry            in more detail on page 28. The engine test
automotive industry. Research work also fo-          demands.                                              bench is located in a full anechoic chamber
cuses on the non-destructive crack detection,                                                              for measuring vibrations, noise emission and
crack localization and damage detection of           The various validated methods for the calcu-          exhaust emissions from combustion engines in
fiber reinforced plastics via acoustic measure-      lation of friction in the piston assembly, in the     operation. The powertrain test bench is loca-
ment engineering.                                    crankshaft bearings, in the valve train, in the ti-   ted in a semi-anechoic chamber, in which the
                                                     ming drive and the transmission are the result        vibrations and noise emission of entire drive-
Downsizing – a major challenge                       of a large number of industry-related research        lines can be measured. In the modal analysis
for flow acoustics                                   projects and strategic projects that have been        test bench, the natural frequencies and eigen-
                                                     carried out in the last years. The engine fricti-     modes of complex structures (e.g. the vehicle
Downsizing means reducing mass and engine            on test bench FRIDA (see page 10) developed           body) can be measured to be used for model
displacement while maintaining performance           at VIRTUAL VEHICLE has been the last step             updating. At the friction test bench, the engi-
levels. This can be realized, for example, by        in this process and positions VIRTUAL VEHI-           ne friction can be determined, as well as the
a reduction of the number of cylinders and by        CLE in the front line of the research done in         contributions of individual components (piston,
forced induction. Reducing the number of cy-         this field of tribology. Through measurement-         bearing, etc.) to the overall friction. The Sound
linders and optimizing combustion processes          calculation comparison, the test bench offers         Brick is a reverberation chamber that is similar
in combination with forced induction change          the possibility to validate newly developed           to a vehicle, in which material properties (e.g.
the NVH behavior dramatically. New methods           calculation methods, to study material combi-         sound insulation properties and absorption co-
and technologies are necessary in order to           nations and coatings and to understand full-          efficients) can be measured.
improve downsizing concepts, in particular           system interactions. The comprehensive un-
with regard to vibration comfort and acoustic        derstanding of tribological mechanisms forms          This edition of the VVM presents selected re-
behavior.                                            the basis for further research activities geared      search activities of Area NVH & Friction and
                                                     towards the reduction of friction in combustion       shows how new methods of simulation and
One important aspect related to downsizing is        engines.                                              experimental investigation are being pursued
the acoustics of intake and exhaust systems.                                                               based on existing experience from automotive
One of the core competences of Area NVH &            NVH simulation and                                    and rail technologies. ■
Friction is the precise prediction of the orifice    measurement of the powertrain
noise of turbo-charged engines, based on im-
proved simulation methods for the individual         There is still a great potential to improve con-
components (e.g. turbocharger, muffler, after-       ventional propulsion concepts in order to fulfill
treatment of exhaust gases). To this end, all        the high demands regarding fuel consumption
of the relevant disciplines are available in the     and emissions. Virtual development methods
form of networked experts.                           can contribute significantly to this improvement      about the authors
                                                     by enabling the modeling of future product re-
Friction reduction in engines                        quirements in a faster, yet cheaper manner. To
and transmissions                                    achieve this, however, the powertrain must be                            Dr. Anton Fuchs is
                                                     taken into consideration more strongly in the                            Head of Area NVH & Friction
Increasingly stringent exhaust regulations are       early stages of development without losing                               at VIRTUAL VEHICLE.
forcing OEMs to continuously increase the effi-      sight of the full-vehicle requirements. Cur-
ciency of their vehicles. In modern combustion       rently, rapidly advancing developments in the
engines, approximately 70% of the fuel energy        field of electrification of the powertrain pose
is lost through heat (60%) and friction (10%).       new challenges due to increased complexity,
Only about 30% of the provided fuel energy is        a greater amount of variants, and the demand                             EugEne Nijman is
available as usable power at the crankshaft.         for more interdisciplinarity and improved con-                           Scientific Head of Area
Since the usable power is further reduced by         sistency in the development process. To this                             NVH & Friction at VIRTUAL
the transmission, wheel bearing, tires, etc. in      end, VIRTUAL VEHICLE supports OEMs and                                   VEHICLE.
the end, only 20-25% of the provided fuel ener-      suppliers with application and industry orien-
gy is used for propulsion. In order to effectively   ted research in the field of NVH and friction.

                                                                                                           magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014                 5
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
Lightweight Acoustics

Reinforced Plastic Components
in Vibroacoustic Simulation
Plastic components are more and more used in modern vehicles. Besides conventional plastics, fiber reinforced
plastics show a high potential for lightweight construction and currently strongly expand into structural parts.
VIRTUAL VEHICLE investigated requirements for the acoustic simulation of structural parts in the powertrain made
of fiber reinforced plastics.

C     arbon fiber reinforced plastics weigh
      around 60% less than steel and about
30% less than aluminum. This high potential
                                                    Challenges for acoustic simulation
                                                    of fiber reinforced plastics
                                                                                                           Commercial FE-software tools already include
                                                                                                           elements for an orthotropic material definition,
                                                                                                           but still combined with damping approaches
for lightweight design and hence for CO2 re-        Fiber reinforced plastics show a strongly aniso-       not being able to introduce a damping direc-
duction is the reason why automotive industry       tropic behavior compared to metals. It is mainly       tivity.
puts so much effort in a cost-effective produc-     caused by the material properties, -compositi-
tion suitable for high quantities.                  on and the manufacturing process. In Fig. 1 a          Finite Element and
                                                    cross section through a material probe is given,       Multi Body Simulation
The acoustics of fiber reinforced plastics repla-   manufactured by injection-molding. It shows a
cing metal powertrain parts is of high interest,    typical composition in three layers consisting         VIRTUAL VEHICLE investigates the require-
due to the fact that lightweight structures show    of two boundary layers with a fiber direction          ments for the Finite Element (FE) and Multi-
disadvantages in the acoustic mass damping          parallel to the border as well as in flow direction    Body (MB) simulation of fiber reinforced pla-
effect. In addition, the most effective way (con-   of the melt and an intermediate layer with or-         stics based on plate probes (short glass fiber
cerning costs and weight) to reduce unwanted        thogonal fiber direction. Averaging the material       reinforced polypropylene with 40% glassfiber
noise shares is directly at or near the source.     properties over the whole thickness results in         content). Therefore, in the simulation different
In case of the powertrain this means for ex-        a higher E-modulus in the main fiber direction,        homogenizations and damping approaches
ample to directly reduce the noise emission of      this corresponds with the longitudinal mold flow       available in FE and MB simulation code were
the engine by optimizing covers and general         direction. In addition, also the material damping      compared to measurements. For the homoge-
structures primarily before increasing the air      shows a directional property. The highest dam-         nization, the whole plate thickness and a layer-
borne sound transmission by adding additional       ping occurs in a direction rotated about 45° to        wise approach were compared. The FE-model
damping material to the firewall.                   the main stiffness direction.                          consists of shell elements, with an orthotropic
                                                                                                           material definition based on engineering con-
                                                                                                           stants. In the FE-simulation, the main vibroa-
                                                                                                           coustic properties including eigenfrequencies,
                                                                                                           eigenmodes and transfer functions were ana-
                                                                                                           lyzed and compared to measurements. For the
                                                                                                           time domain simulation in a MBS software tool
                                                                                                           the FE-model of the specimen was reduced in
                                                                                                           complexity. The mode shapes were taken as a
                                                                                                           basis to take the anisotropic material behavior
                                                                                                           into account.

                                                                                                           In the MB simulation, the damping behavior is
                                                                                                           introduced via Rayleigh approach.

                                                                                                           Acoustic validation measurements

                                                                                                           The validation measurements were carried out
                                                                                                           with the specimen clamped on one end and ex-
                                                              Fig. 1: Reflected-light microscopy and       cited with a volume velocity source or impulse
                                                              indicated fiber orientation across a cross   hammer on the other end. The clamped speci-
                                                              section of the probe                         men was chosen to compare the measurement

      6                                   magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
Fig. 3: Comparison of
                                                                                                                                                measured and simulated
                                                                                                                                                transfer function

results with the time domain simulation results     like a plate. In this frequency range some           that the orthotropic material behavior has a
in the MB simulation environment. Generally,        deviations between measurement and simu-             significant impact on the structural dynamics
the MB simulation time domain solution (series      lation can be observed. Different modeling           and therefore has to be considered in the si-
of single sinusoidal force excitations) yields      approaches based on a three layer approach           mulation process.
very similar results as the FE-simulation in fre-   for the plate thickness or different damping
quency domain.                                      approaches (structural and modal damping)            Expertise established in this field includes ho-
                                                    do not show a real improvement of the simu-          mogenization procedures, model complexity
The comparison of the FE eigenfrequen-              lation results in this frequency range. These        reduction methods and approaches how to
cies shows good correspondence with the             deviations can be traced back to changes in          model the correct damping of fiber reinforced
measurements, deviations are less than 3%           the fiber orientation over the length and width
for all modes. The modal assurance criterion        of the test specimen, currently not included in
(MAC) calculates the correlation of different ei-   the model.                                           ABOUT THE AUTHORS
genvectors from simulation and measurement
results. The MAC values for the modes up to         Summary
                                                                                                                                Dr. Josef Girstmair is
700 Hz are in a good consistency. Above 700
                                                                                                                                leader of the powertrain dy-
Hz, the MAC values are lower but the visible        Researchers at VIRTUAL VEHICLE investi-
                                                                                                                                namics and acoustics group
comparison still shows a good congruence,           gated the vibroacoustic behavior of fiber rein-
                                                                                                                                at VIRTUAL VEHICLE.
see Fig. 2.                                         forced plastics experimentally and developed
                                                    an efficient method to simulate their behavior.
The comparison of transfer functions confirms       This method has been successfully applied
the good consistency up to around 1000 Hz           for simplified components. It can be seen as
(see Fig. 3). In this frequency range the speci-    a relevant contribution to predict lightweight                              Elmar Böhler is Senior
men mainly behaves like a beam, indicated by        acoustics in an early vehicle design phase.                                 Researcher in the vehicle
a falling mean transfer function characteristic.                                                                                noise reduction group at
Above 1000 Hz, the specimen behaves more            Based on the investigations it could be shown                               VIRTUAL VEHICLE.

                                                                                                                               Thomas Schaffner is
                                                                                                                               Senior Researcher in the
                                                                                                                               powertrain dynamics and
                                                                                                                               acoustics group at VIRTUAL

                                                                                                      Fig. 2: MAC and comparison of the sixth
                                                                                                      torsional eigenvector of the probe.

                                                                                                         magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014                         7
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
Silent Interior

A Novel Approach for
Trim Characterisation
Automotive industry is more and more driven by the need to offer fuel-efficient and eco-friendly mobility. Today,
lightweight design, downsizing of internal combustion engines along with hybridisation of powertrain are the main
strategies pursued by the most OEMs in order to increase the vehicle performance and to reduce its fuel consumption
and exhaust gas emissions. At the same time, the lightweight design is expected to worsen the air borne insulation
performance of future vehicles. Automotive engineers are therefore facing new challenges, namely the conflict
between good NVH performance and lightweight targets.

A    common strategy to reduce vehicle inte-
     rior noise consists in the application of
sound insulation and absorption materials (see

Fig. 1). Lightweight structures, however, show                                             

strong interaction with these sound insulation
and absorption treatments. In order to optimise                                               

the acoustic design of the future road vehicles,
an efficient method for accurate description

of the structure-trim-cavity interaction in the                                                                                  

frequency range up to 2000 Hz is of high im-
portance.                                                      Fig. 2: The concept of Patch Transfer Function (PTF) method

The challenge                                                  In order to overcome these limitations, an al-                                      tion Approach (PTF) [1] as an alternative me-
                                                               ternative trim characterisation procedure is                                        thod to predict the vehicle interior noise. The
When tackling vibro-acoustic problems in-                      requested by the vehicle industry.                                                  PTF is a sub-structuring method, which consists
volving porous materials, a full finite element                                                                                                    in partitioning of the problem into sub-systems
modelling scheme based on complex material                     The novel approach                                                                  and coupling them at their common interfaces
micro-models is typically adopted.                                                                                                                 via impedance relations (see Figure 2).
                                                               Over the recent years, a consortium of BMW
Unfortunately, as far as industrial problems                   AG, IAC Group GmbH, Microflown Technolo-                                            First, the full trimmed body (i.e. vehicle struc-
are considered, this state-of-the-art approach                 gies, ESI GmbH and Université de Sherbroo-                                          ture plus trim) is divided into individual sub-
leads to very demanding calculations, which                    ke, Canada, under the lead of VIRTUAL VE-                                           systems: vehicle structure, trim and the pas-
today limits its practical application for the low             HICLE has developed a novel, experimental                                           senger compartment air cavity. The interfaces
frequency range up to 300 Hz. Moreover, the-                   trim characterisation method to describe the                                        between each sub-system are discretised into
se models typically require a whole set of ma-                 interaction between vehicle structure, trim and                                     a low number of elementary surfaces, called
terial parameters describing the vibro-acoustic                cavity (i.e. passenger compartment).                                                patches, which have typically the size of 20
behaviour of a poro-elastic trim. In practice,                                                                                                     by 20 cm. For each patch, the complex spa-
these parameters are acquired by highly speci-                 In this research project, VIRTUAL VEHICLE                                           tial distribution of sound pressure and parti-
fic experimental techniques and are therefore                  proposed the so called Patch Transfer Func-                                         cle velocity is averaged resulting in only one
very expensive or even not available.                                                                                                              quantity - the patch impedance. To predict the
                                                                                                                                                   behaviour of the full system, the superpositi-
                                                                                                                                                   on principle is employed. As a result, the PTF
                                                                                                                                                   approach allows for independent sub-system

                                                                                                                                                   Where simulation fails,
                                                                                                                                                   test takes over

                                                                                                                                                   One of the main advantages of the approach
                                                                                                                                                   proposed is its high flexibility with respect to
Fig. 1: Common strategies for interior noise reduction (structure- and airborne sound)

        8                                          magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
Fig. 3: Validation test case                                                 Fig. 4: Comparison of the full-system measurement (red) and the PTF reconstruction (blue)

the acquisition of the impedances at the cou-       at VIRTUAL VEHICLE. It allows for the vibro-             References
                                                                                                             [1] Ouisse M. et al., “Patch transfer functions as a tool to
pling interfaces. These impedances can be           acoustic properties of layered trim media to                 couple linear acoustic problems”. Journal of Vibration
obtained in experimental, numerical and - if        be measured directly without the need of ha-                 and Acoustics, DOI:10.1115/1.2013302.
applicable - even analytical manner.                ving complex material parameters available.              [2] Rejlek J. et al., “A combined Computational-Experimental
                                                                                                                 Approach for Modelling of Coupled Vibro-Acoustic
                                                    The material data acquired by the test rig is                Problems”, DOI:10.4271/2013-01-1997.
This seamless combination of the experimen-         compatible with the PTF description and can
tal approach (e.g. for structure or trim) and the   be further used in the coupling process in a
numerical approach (e.g. for the cavity) de-        straightforward way.
monstrates the full versatility of this coupling                                                             ABOUT THE AUTHORS
procedure. It allows sub-systems exhibiting         The proposed PTF approach has been vali-
low modal density to be modelled by conven-         dated by an appropriate test case. A clamped
tional finite element method (FEM), whereas         steel plate has been damped by a layer of                                       Dr. Jan Rejlek is Team
sub-systems, which are already too complex          porous material and coupled with a rigid rec-                                   Leader of Vehicle Noise
for an FE description to be characterised in ex-    tangular cavity. The test case is represented                                   Reduction group at VIRTUAL
perimental manner. As a result, the strengths       in Fig. 3.                                                                      VEHICLE.
of both approaches can be fully exploited in
one combined procedure.                             The individual sub-systems have been cha-
                                                    racterised separately in experimental, nume-
A fully flexible workflow                           rical and analytical manner. The PTF method                                     Giorgio Veronesi is
                                                    has been applied to predict the behaviour of                                    Marie Curie Researcher
Both numerical and experimental sub-system          the full-system. Results obtained inside the                                    involved in the EU Project
characterisation techniques of the enhanced         acoustic cavity by means of the PTF method                                      “GRESIMO“ at VIRTUAL
PTF have been developed and implemented at          are compared with the results of a direct                                       VEHICLE.
VIRTUAL VEHICLE [2]. For a numerical deter-         measurement conducted on the assembled
mination of interface impedances, a commer-         system (see Fig. 4). The PTF method, which
cial FE package has been employed.                  merely utilises information of the separate
                                                    sub-systems such as structure, trim and cavi-                                   Eugene Nijman is
The experimental characterisation relies on         ty, shows high reliability and good predictabili-                               Scientific Head of Area
the application of an array of pressure and         ty of the full-system behaviour.                                                NVH & Friction at VIRTUAL
velocity sensors for non-contact surface                                                                                            VEHICLE.
measurements. Since both the sound pressure         Conclusions and outlook
and the particle velocity are measured simul-
taneously, the interface patch impedances can       The long-term goal is to adopt the enhanced
be determined in a very efficient way.              PTF technique as a new, future approach for
                                                    evaluation and target setting of automotive                                     Dr. Arnaud
Experimental trim characterisation                  sound packages. In this respect one can fully                                   Bocquillet is project
and validation                                      exploit the main advantages of this technique,                                  engineer at BMW AG.
                                                    being an independent characterisation of the
In the proposed PTF methodology, the trim           individual sub-systems and the full flexibility
material is characterised experimentally. To        with respect to choice of the characterisation
determine the trim patch impedances, a de-          scheme. ■
dicated test rig has been designed and built

                                                                                                             magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014                        9
Magazine - Virtual Vehicle
Testing and Simulation

Reducing friction
to make drivetrains more efficient
Reducing mechanical losses (friction) yields a significant contribution to reducing the fuel consumption. Therefore,
VIRTUAL VEHICLE investigates all important sources of friction in the engine and the transmission both on the
FRIDA friction test bench and by means of accurate simulation, in order to develop ideas for their reduction.

A    long with lightweight construction and the
     shift of the thermodynamic load point in
the engine (downsizing), friction reduction is a
                                                            very powerful tool which enables the most im-
                                                            portant sources of friction in the engine and
                                                            transmission to be accurately identified. As a
                                                                                                               bilities for measuring the mechanical efficiency
                                                                                                               of engines and even complete drivetrains (e.g.
                                                                                                               for motorcycles under high loads).
very effective way of reducing fuel consump-                result, targeted optimizations can be prepared
tion. On the race track, a friction-optimized               with this information.                             Accurate and reproducible measurements also
drive train achieves a greater distance bet-                                                                   enable the exact determination of the advan-
ween pit stops for refueling and thus saves                 Friction measurements                              tages achieved by reducing friction when new
valuable time.                                                                                                 coatings or low friction oils are used, which
                                                            At VIRTUAL VEHICLE, there are several test         can consequently provide the technical basis
VIRTUAL VEHICLE investigates the drive                      benches available to measure the friction in       for manufacturing decisions. The results can
train, which is a combination of engine and                 the engine under realistic loadings. In parti-     likewise be used to carry out benchmarks with
transmission, as a complete system. The com-                cular, the friction test bench FRIDA (friction     existing solutions.
bination of simulation and measurement is a                 dynamometer, Fig. 1) offers very flexible possi-

 Fig. 1: FRIDA friction test bench (friction dynamometer)

      10                                          magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
Fig. 2: FMEP measured by means of FRIDA
                                                                                                    for the drive train of a super sport motor cycle

Classification of losses                              cation data is available at VIRTUAL VEHICLE,                A simulation method has been developed at
by simulation                                         which enables a meaningful evaluation of the                VIRTUAL VEHICLE that enables an assess-
                                                      lubrication.                                                ment of the losses on the individual compo-
While measurements are very useful, they                                                                          nents to be carried out in conjunction with
cannot determine the causes or the main sour-         Since the transmission is an important part of              current efficiency measurements on transmis-
ces of friction in the engine or transmission.        the drive train, it is also the object of friction in-      sions.
                                                      vestigations. In general, manual transmissions
For this purpose, very powerful and accurate          are considered to be very efficient. However,               In order to identify the important sources of
simulation models have been developed at              since this efficiency is only achieved at high              friction in a transmission, a simulated friction
VIRTUAL VEHICLE, which enable a thorough              loads, at low loads there is always a significant           loss distribution was carried out. Fig. 5 shows
investigation of the sources of friction in all re-   potential for friction reduction.                           the results that were achieved for a manual
levant parts of the drivetrain.

Therefore, it is possible - for example after
a frictional power measurement on the test
bench - to accurately determine the losses
in the individual groups, such as the pistons,
journal bearings and valve train of a car en-
gine. In this way, the total losses, as well as
the valve train and gas exchange losses, are           Fig. 3: Calibration of strain
measured, and the losses in the journal bea-           gauges for the measurement
                                                       of valve train losses
rings are accurately determined by simulation.
The simulation method necessary for this was
comprehensively validated and scientifically
published in [1 and 2], among other places.

Using this combination of measurement and
simulation, the distribution of the losses can
be determined for a particular car engine for
almost any operating point (speed and load).
Fig. 4 shows a relevant example for a 4-cylin-
der car engine.

With these simulation models, it is also possi-
ble to investigate the lubrication conditions in
these groups and the feasibility or the friction
advantage that could be obtained by the use
of low friction oils, for example. The necessa-
ry expertise in the field of modern low friction
lubricants was obtained during the work on se-
veral projects. The relevant rheological lubri-

                                                                                                                  magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014               11
Fig. 4: Typical distribution of the losses for a car engine, carried out at VIRTUAL     Fig. 5: Determination of the losses in the individual com-
VEHICLE. A more detailed numerical assignment of the amounts shown for the              ponents of a manual transmission by simulation compared
individual piston rings, etc. is also possible.                                         with the measurement of the total losses on the test bench

transmission. As an example, the transmis-                       ponent increase significantly as a result. Since                have less friction than journal bearings. Con-
sions investigated showed quite high conical                     piston pin failure leads to serious engine da-                  sequently, efforts have been made to replace
roller bearing losses, which could be reduced                    mage, a very detailed and extensive simulation                  the crank assembly bearings, which make up
by the use of alternative bearings.                              method was worked out at VIRTUAL VEHICLE                        a significant part of the total losses, with roller
                                                                 to investigate this critical component.                         bearings.
Detailed tribological investigations
                                                                 A model was developed considering the ther-                     However, it is important to consider not only
Even if friction occurs generally in all parts of                mo-elastic deformations of piston and pin, as                   the higher manufacturing costs resulting from
the drive train, with some components, energy                    well as the free-floating bearing, which was                    the use of roller bearings in this application,
losses are less important than reliability in ser-               able to describe the slow rotary movement                       but also their unfavorable NVH (noise, vi-
vice, for example.                                               of the pin as well as its change of direction at                bration and harshness) properties. With the
                                                                 certain operating points. The results were in                   competence available at VIRTUAL VEHICLE
One example of such a component is the pi-                       good agreement with the measured data. Fig.                     regarding journal and roller bearings, it is also
ston pin; its free-floating bearing causes hardly                6 shows an example of the pressure distributi-                  possible to make a comprehensive compari-
any frictional losses. Due to the increasing loa-                on calculated with this model. This information                 son of both solutions for the assessment of the
dings caused by increasing power densities,                      can now be used for targeted optimizations of                   friction and NVH properties.
it has to operate under increasingly extreme                     existing solutions.
conditions (rising temperatures, lack of lubri-                                                                                  Conclusion
cation, etc.).                                                   In certain cases, available lower friction al-
                                                                 ternatives have other design disadvantages.                     Friction is a phenomenon that occurs every-
The problems with this apparently simple com-                    It has long been known that roller bearings                     where. It is necessary to find a special solution
                                                                                                                                 for each specific problem, which typically me-
                                                                                                                                 ans typically that a suitable compromise with
                                                                                                                                 other requirements must be found.

                                                                                                                                 At VIRTUAL VEHICLE, friction is considered
                                                                                                                                 as a property of the complete system. There-
                                                                                                                                 fore, models are available for all important as-
                                                                                                                                 semblies, which also enable detailed investiga-
                                                                                                                                 tions of other properties (NVH behavior, etc.).
                                                                                                                                 In particular, in terms of friction reduction, it is
                                                                                                                                 no longer possible to make significant savings
                                                                                                                                 by redesigning only a single individual compo-
                                                                                                                                 nent. Significant savings can only be obtained
                                                                                                                                 in conjunction with other measures, such as
                                                                                                                                 optimized thermo-management, reduction of
                                                                                                                                 the pumping power, ancillary units or the chan-
                                                                                                                                 ge to a low friction lubricant or use of coatings.

                                                                                      Fig. 6: Calculated pressure distribution   At VIRTUAL VEHICLE, the ability to consi-
                                                                                      on a free-floating piston pin              der the complete system as a combination of

        12                                          magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
measurements and detailed simulation enables
realistic investigations of the potential for friction
reduction, and the identified friction advantages
can then be achieved in practice. ■

[1] H. Allmaier, C. Priestner, C. Six, H.H. Priebsch, C. Forstner, F.
    Novotny-Farkas, Tribology International 44 (2011), S. 1151ff
[2] H. Allmaier, C. Priestner, D.E. Sander and F.M. Reich (2013).
    Friction in Automotive Engines, Tribology in Engineering, Dr.
    Hasim Pihtili (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1126-9, InTech, DOI:
    10.5772/51568. Free download available at:
                                                                        Test rig to determine
                                                                        engine friction losses
                                                                        ■ Reliable measurements for gasoline
                                                                            and Diesel engines
ABOUT THE AUTHORS                                                       ■ For series engines and prototypes
                              Dr. Hannes Allmaier
                                                                        ■ Concurrent determination of losses
                              is Lead Researcher for                        in sub-systems
                              Friction and Tribology at
                              VIRTUAL VEHICLE.                          ■ Partial- and full load engine tests
                                                                        ■ High flexibility for various applications
                              Franz M. Reich                            The Friction Dynamometer FRIDA has been developed at VIRTUAL VEHICLE.
                              Group Leader                              This test bench can measure not only the magnitude of the total friction losses
                              Tribology and Efficiency                  in the engine, but can also determine the specific contributions of the individual
                              Area NVH & Friction                       components (i.e. the piston assembly, crank drive friction bearings and valve
                                                                        train). In contrast to conventional strip-down methods, these measurements
                                                                        are carried out concurrently for all subsystems under the same realistic opera-
                                                                        ting conditions.

                                                                        The newly established test bench is well-suited for a variety of applications -
Co-authors                                                              from friction loss determination in driving cycles to the assessment of coatings,
                                                                        low-viscosity engine oils or other constructive measures.
T. Schaffner
D. Sander
                                                                        Contact and Information:
C. Knauder
                                                                                                         DI Mag. Franz Reich          Dr. Hannes Allmaier
                                                                                                         Tel.:   +43-316-873-4001      Tel.:   +43-316-873-4006
                                                                                  X - Cross
                                                                                      & Friction
                                                                                                               magazine                E-Mail:
                                                                                                                          Nr. 19, IV-2014               13
Electric Vehicle Acoustics

An Experimental Method for the
NVH Characterization of
Electric Motors
Automotive industry is asking for new methodologies to characterize the acoustic emissions of electric motors,
since their integration in EVs and Plug-in-Hybrid vehicles is growing. At VIRTUAL VEHICLE we are developing an
experimental methodology based on cylindrical Nearfield Acoustical Holography. This allows the evaluation of sound
intensity, as well as pressure level and particle velocity. It is suitable for any type of electric motor without knowing
either the internal geometry or the material properties.

Need for new NVH methodologies                                 State-of-the-art for electric motor                 full knowledge of the material properties is
suitable for electric vehicles                                 NVH simulation                                      needed. In practice, this turns out to be ex-
                                                                                                                   tremely difficult for coils and lamination pack
Automotive industry is increasingly driven by                  There are three main approaches to predict or       structures that are typical for some motor ty-
the need to offer fuel-efficient and eco-friendly              characterize the vibro-acoustic behavior of an      pes.
mobility. This is mainly achievable by light-                  electric motor, i.e. analytical, numerical and
weight design, downsizing internal combustion                  experimental.                                       Measurements are then the most reliable way
engines, and powertrain electrification and                                                                        to characterize the motor as an airborne sound
hybridization. Moreover, customers are asking                  Analytical approaches are usually fast and          source. At Area NVH & Friction we are deve-
for comfortable and innovative vehicles.                       simple to apply, but their high accuracy is limi-   loping an experimental method to characterize
                                                               ted to very simple geometries.                      the airborne noise emission of electric motors,
In order to accomplish customer expectations,                                                                      which are typically almost cylinder-shaped.
new NVH approaches are required. They have                     Numerical methods (finite and boundary ele-         This characterization method is based on
to deal with new materials, components and                     ments) can include fine geometry details, but       acoustical holography in cylindrical coordi-
powering strategies. In this framework, the                    have as drawback a less flexible workflow           nates, i.e. implying the measurement of the
prediction and characterization of the noise of                and long computational time, especially if          sound field in discrete positions on a cylindri-
electric motors plays a crucial role.                          high frequencies are included. Moreover, the        cal surface around the electric motor [1].

                                                                                                                   Proposed methodology

                                                                                                                   Cylindrical Nearfield Acoustical Holography
                                                                                                                   (NAH) allows an accurate localization and
                         0.2                                                                                       characterization of a source through the back-
                                                                                                                   propagation of a hologram, being thus extre-
                                                                                                                   mely well suited for cylindrical sources like
                                                                                                                   electric motors.

                                                                                                                   Cylindrical NAH consists in the following four
                 z [m]


                                                                                                                   1. measurement of the pressure on a grid
                                                                                                                      of points on the hologram surface (i.e.
                         −0.2                                                                                         microphone positions)
                                                                                                                   2. computation of its spectrum through a
                               0.1                                                                                    spatial transform
                                        0                                              0.1                         3. propagation of the spectrum and re-
                                                                           0                                          construction of the velocity distribution on
                                            −0.1                 −0.1                                                 the source surface
                                y [m]                                       x [m]                                  4. back-transformation to the real space

 Fig. 1: Electric motor surface (green points) and microphone positions (blue stars)

       14                                          magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014




   VL [dB]





             85                                                                                               Fig. 2: Comparison of source velocity level (VL)
                                                                                                              along the circumference: Real velocity (dashed
                                                                                                              green), NAH not regularized (dashed blue) and
                   0            pi/2               pi               3pi/2                 2pi                 NAH regularized (solid blue)
                                                θ [rad]

  We created a numerical test case to investi-         NAH is based on an inverse problem, which             Practical aspects of cylindrical
  gate practical aspects of cylindrical holography     is sensitive to small input variations (e.g.          holography
  such as hologram size and possible sources of        measurement noise). The robustness of the
  error. Such simulations allow for designing an       method is enhanced by filtering the noise com-        Several scenarios have been examined in
  effective experimental setup.                        ponents (i.e. regularization).                        order to investigate practical aspects of cy-
                                                                                                             lindrical holography such as microphone po-
  Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the test case;          Fig. 2 shows this regularization effect at a sin-     sitioning error, background noise, hologram
  the green points represent an acoustic sour-         gle frequency step along the circumference of         distance, spatial sampling, measurement
  ce (motor) while the blue stars are the micro-       the motor and emphasizes the importance of            aperture. Fig. 3 and 4 show the spatially ave-
  phone positions.                                     this step for NAH.                                    raged square error (ε) for different hologram

                                  ViFDAQ Stand-Alone Data Acquisition System

The multi-functional, wireless                                         SIZE
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                                                                             E                                                    OUS
●● Flexibly upgradeable: 23 input/output
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                                                           MUL                                               AUTO
   with other devices
                                                       On-board sensors                                    Intelligent energy management
                                                       Wireless communication                              Integrated power supply
                                                       Intuitive GUI                                       Host-independent

                                                                                          Request your test kit now !
Contact and
                                                     DI Michael Lieschnegg                  VIRTUAL VEHICLE - Kompetenzzentrum                Tel.:   +43-316-873-9001
                                                     Tel.:   +43-316-873-9030               Das virtuelle Fahrzeug Forschungs-GmbH            Fax:    +43-316-873-9002
                                                     E-Mail:     Inffeldgasse 21a, 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA              E-Mail:
                                                                                                            magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014                         15
6                                                                                                 4
                                                                                                                                                                                                     2 mm
                                                                                                           3                                                                                         4 mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                     6 mm
                                                                                                                                                  3 dB error band                                    8 mm
         2                                             3 dB error band
ε [dB]

                                                                                                 ε [dB]
                                                                            lho = l
                                                                            lho = 1.5*l                   −2
                                                                            lho = 2*l
         −6                                                                 lho = 3*l                     −3
                                                                            lho = 4*l
         −8                                                                                               −4
          0              500      1000       1500      2000      2500      3000         3500                   0         500        1000          1500      2000               2500           3000           3500
                                                freq [Hz]                                                                                            freq [Hz]

             Fig. 3: Spatially averaged square error                                                           Fig. 4: Spatially averaged square error (ε) with microphone positioning error. The
             (ε) for five different hologram lengths                                                           legend refers to the standard deviation of the positioning error (σ xyz).

          lengths and microphone positioning errors,                    pical magnitude of this noise does not compro-                  References
                                                                                                                                        [1] M. Kirchner, E. Nijman, “Nearfield Acoustical Holography for the
          respectively. It can be observed in Fig. 3 that               mise the results.                                                   characterization of cylindrical sources: practical aspects”, in pro-
          for a microphone array of 1.5 times the motor                                                                                     ceedings of 8th International Styrian Noise, Vibration & Harshness
                                                                                                                                            Congress (ISNVH 2014), Graz, Austria
          length, the maximum error is within the 3 dB                  Cylindrical holography allows for accurate
          range. Furthermore, the same error band in-                   acoustic characterization also in the presence
          cludes the effects of a microphone positioning                of sources located on the end caps of the elec-
          error of up to 8 mm (Fig. 4).                                 tric motor, such as a cooling fan and bearings.

          Conclusions and future work                                   The frequency range is limited by the number
                                                                                                                                        ABOUT THE AUTHORS
                                                                        of microphones used. Future work will further
                                                                                                                                                                     Matteo Kirchner
          Cylindrical NAH is an efficient method for the                investigate the topic in order to understand
                                                                                                                                                                     is Marie Curie Researcher
          characterization of the acoustical emissions                  how many microphones can be excluded
                                                                                                                                                                     involved in the EU Project
          of electric traction motors for next generation               without compromising the results.
                                                                                                                                                                     „eLiQUiD“ at VIRTUAL
          green vehicle applications.
                                                                        Free-field measurements on a real electric mo-
          Numerical simulations at VIRTUAL VEHICLE                      tor will be performed in an anechoic chamber
          have already shown that cylindrical NAH - toge-               in order to verify and validate the proposed
          ther with an appropriate regularization scheme                methodology. ■
          - gives accurate results for the reconstruction                                                                                                            EugEne Nijman
          of the surface velocity of an acoustic source                                                                                                              is Scientific Head of Area
          like an electric motor.                                                                                                                                    NVH & Friction at VIRTUAL
          Measurement noise can be limited by
          choosing anechoic test environments. The ty-

                                                               24th International Symposium
                                                                 on Dynamics of Vehicles
                                                                    on Roads and Tracks
                                                                                          August 17-21, 2015
                                                                                            Graz / Austria
                                                                                                                                                                            Research Center


                    16                                        magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
Dr. Mihiar Ayoubi, BMW GROUP Germany

NVH Requirements
in Vehicle Development
New materials such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics and aluminum, electrification and
hybridization concepts create a huge challenge for powertrain-, tire- and wind NVH. Understanding
all the relevant NVH causal loops is the key to create innovative solutions. Dr. Mihiar Ayoubi, Vice
President Noise, Vibrations and Harshness of BMW Group shared his thoughts with us.

VVM: What are the main current trends in au-                 VVM: Where do you see the most important            and high-frequency areas can be significantly
tomotive R&D concerning NVH?                                 technical challenges of NVH-related vehicle         extended. This primarily affects phenomena
                                                             development?                                        for tire and wind NVH.
AYOUBI: The first essential trend is the in-
creased expectations of the customers with                   AYOUBI: The largest challenge for the NVH           The goal has to be to analyze, design and va-
regard to NVH comforts. In this respect, not                 development in the vehicle is the expansion         lidate as much of the NVH world in the vehicle
only the noise level is crucial, but also the NVH            of the physical understanding of the relevant       as possible via virtual prototyping because vir-
coherence between wind-/ tire-/ powertrain-                  NVH causal loops. For me, a causal loop is          tual prototyping has become an essential de-
NVH in the vehicle is becoming increasingly                  only fully developed when it is also depicted       velopmental tool in the development process.
important.                                                   in the virtual world. Only then it becomes pos-
                                                             sible to develop the NVH property through           VVM: In which phases of the BMW vehicle de-
The second defining trend is of course light-                objective goals in a directed manner, from the      velopment process is NVH integration current-
weight construction and emission reduction                   design to the integration and validation.           ly of particular importance?
with direct interaction with NVH. The employ-
ment of new materials such as carbon fiber                   Some NVH phenomena were understood very             AYOUBI: Generally speaking, in the past NVH
reinforced plastics and aluminum, the trend                  well and also depicted operatively in the virtual   development focused more on the integration
towards downsizing and down-speeding, the                    world. This is the case with powertrain NVH.        phase. In this phase, the analysis, problem-
electrification and hybridization entail many                However, I have also observed that the depic-       solving, and optimization were always handled
challenges for NVH engineers.                                tion of other NVH phenomena in the medium           using HW-prototypes.                               8

With the i8, BMW has introduced a technology carrier with many innovations
that all were a huge challenge for powertrain-, tire- and wind NVH.
Source: BMW

                                                                                                                 magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014               17
Since then, we have made a significant leap       In the second derivate development phase,            AYOUBI: Simulation, driving test, and test
towards a more balanced NVH development           the NVH character should be applied based on         bench trials are development tools that focus
throughout the product development process.       a well-designed platform for each vehicle deri-      on different applications. The product develop-
To this end, basic NVH elements are designed      vate, in order to guarantee a segment-specific       ment process passes through different pha-
iteratively at a very early stage via simulati-   positioning.                                         ses, in which specific questions are prioritized.
on and simulators (global and dynamic stiff-                                                           To this end, the phase-adequate deployment
nesses, aerodynamic shapes, integration of           Virtual prototyping has                           of one or more tools is necessary. In the early
transmission and chassis,…).                         become an essential                               phase, in which there is no hardware, simula-
                                                     developmental tool in                             tion plays a central role. In the later phase, in
VVM: And how do you think this will change in        the development process.                          which the refinement takes place, the experi-
the future?                                                                                            mental trial is the faster way.
                                                  VVM: How do you see the development of EU
AYOUBI: The trend towards an early NVH            legislation concerning noise emission, and           VVM: What is the BMW strategy for handling
integration via virtual prototyping and NVH       what are the consequences for BMW?                   the trade-off between lightweight design and
simulators will be expanded. The product de-                                                           acoustic comfort?
velopment process is essentially based on two     AYOUBI: The advanced draft proposals for
phases: an architecture phase and a derivate      exterior noise call for new boundary values          AYOUBI: Many small steps will be required to
development phase.                                and new test cycles.                                 resolve the conflict in objectives between light-
                                                                                                       weight approaches and NVH and to produce
The goal of the architecture phase is to design   With the previous test specifications, the           an optimum solution.
the NVH genes for a broad platform in a target-   powertrain was the dominant source of exte-
oriented fashion. I am talking about the NVH      rior noise. With the new test cycle, the tire will   To this end, one essential step is a sound NVH
backbone of a platform. Clearly, errors in this   now become the dominant emitting source.             backbone in the form of static and dynamic
respect have significant consequences on la-      Consequently, the automotive and tire indus-         stiffness. It is also becoming increasingly im-
ter derivatives. The second challenge of this     try has to develop new technologies in order to      portant to prevent noise emission at its source,
phase lies in the lack of hardware prototypes.    meet the challenging tire goals such as rolling      before the energy goes downstream into the
This is where NVH simulation in the sense of      friction, driving dynamic, breaking distance, or     body. In the body, new lightweight materials
NVH virtual prototyping plays a key role. This    NVH.                                                 with good dampening characteristics are ne-
is the reason why I see the expansion of the                                                           cessary.
understanding of the physical NVH causal          VVM: Will it be possible to replace experi-
loop as the primary challenge for NVH deve-       mental NVH investigations in the vehicle de-         VVM: Where do you see potential for improve-
lopment. Only this can enable a reliable NVH      velopment process completely with simulation         ment in conventional drivetrain NVH?
virtual prototyping.                              within the next ten years?

                                                                                                       The emotionalizing effect of sound only transpires
                                                                                                       through the context and interplay of all senses -
                                                                                                       haptic, optic and acoustic- in the vehicle.
                                                                                                       Source: BMW

      18                                 magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014
AYOUBI: High supercharging, downsizing,            the vehicle. The emotionalizing effect of sound     by the hand does not exhibit the desired proac-
downspeeding are dominant trends in the            only transpires through the context and inter-      tive behavior.
powertrain development with NVH conflict. In       play of all senses - haptic, optic and acoustic-
this context, it is imperative to ensure further   in the vehicle.                                     VVM: What is your experience in cooperating
NVH isolation close to the source and within                                                           with VIRTUAL VEHICLE?
the internal engine.                               VVM: What are the demands for NVH engi-
                                                   neers at BMW? What attributes and values            AYOUBI: VIRTUAL VEHICLE has an impres-
VVM: Which R&D achievements in your area           should they represent?                              sive network of competent and highly motiva-
of responsibility are you most proud of?                                                               ted experts who pursue an interdisciplinary
                                                   AYOUBI: We place value on an exceptional            approach. I like that. ■
AYOUBI: I think right away about the i8. With      education, a marked proactive behavior, the
the i8, we have introduced a technology carrier    ability to take a systemic perspective, and a
with many innovations, including the carbon-       tangible passion for the product and the topic.
                                                                                                         Dr. Mihiar Ayoubi has been interviewed
fiber body, a highly supercharged 3-cylinder
                                                                                                         by Dr. Anton Fuchs.
across the back axle, a directly connected            High supercharging, down-
chassis and a life-drive module, to name but a        sizing, down-speeding are
few. All these topics were a huge challenge for       dominant trends in the
powertrain-, tire- and wind NVH.                      powertrain development
                                                      with NVH conflict.
We are quite proud of the result. Driving the i8
brings an intense emotional driving pleasure.      VVM: What are your expectations in a re-
                                                   search partner?
VVM: What is characteristic and relevant for a
high-quality brand sound at BMW?                   AYOUBI: A cooperation partner should have
                                                   a sound theoretical competence and at the
AYOUBI: Sound design at BMW is authentic.          same time a strong emphasis on practical ap-
Sound design is not a question of the power-       plications and an economical implementation.
train alone. The perception of the engine          A project should not take too long to deliver re-
torque disappears after seconds of accelera-       sults. In executing projects, our partner should
ting. It is much more important that we fulfil     have a similar work culture to that of BMW.
customer expectations regarding exterior and       Passion, perfection and the never-ending love
interior design and the feeling of space within    for the product. A partner that needs to be led

                                                                                                          Dr. MIHIAR AYOUBI
                                                                                                          is Vice President Noise, Vibrations and
                                                                                                          Harshness of BMW Group.

                                                                                                         Graduate degree and doctorate in Control
                                                                                                         Systems Engineering from the Technical
                                                                                                         University of Darmstadt. Joined BMW in
                                                                                                         1997. Held various positions in the series
                                                                                                         development of mechatronic systems, such
                                                                                                         as electronic steering systems, breaking
                                                                                                         control systems, all-wheel-drive systems,
                                                                                                         manual transmission, powertrain and vehicle
                                                                                                         assistance systems. Since 2011, VP of
                                                                                                         acoustics and vibrations in the full vehicle.

                                                                                                         Dr. Ayoubi is one of the distinguished
                                                                                                         Keynote Speakers at the ISNVH 2014
                                                                                                         Congress in Graz: „Challenges of virtual
                                                                                                         prototyping for premium NVH comfort -
                                                                                                         an overview of current BMW engineering

                                                                                                         More information:

                                                                                                       magazine Nr. 19, IV-2014                19
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