@webber4confed      /lenwebberMP

Alberta has a strong team of Conservative Members of Parliament in Ottawa and
we are making sure Alberta’s priorities are loudly heard in the House of Commons.

Being in Opposition means we have to work with other parties to advance
important issues — and we have! We have managed to make a difference in a
wide variety of areas for all Albertans, no matter who you voted for in the last

I am pleased to share a small sample of the amazing work and initiatives that your
Alberta Conservative MPs have done on your behalf. We will continue to
advocate for Alberta at every turn and ensure that Alberta is a key part of
Canada’s economic recovery.

We will continue to defend our hard-working Albertans and demand that our
province get its fair share of support during and after the pandemic.

By working together on your behalf, our Conservative team has been able to
magnify our voices and our impact in Parliament. I am thankful that I have the
opportunity to work with such a dedicated and hard-working team.

As always, I appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement and consider it
an honour to be your elected federal representative in the House of Commons.

                                                Make sure your opinion
Len Webber, MP
                                                  counts. Return the
Alberta Caucus Chair                             survey in this booklet

Alberta’s Conservative Team
            Working For You
A message from your Member of Parliament ............................................. 2
Organ Donation & Government Transparency (Len Webber, MP) ........ 4
Equalization & Transfers Fairness (Tom Kmiec, MP) .............................. 4
Standing Up for Tourism (Gerald Soroka, MP) ......................................... 5
Compassionate Care Leave (Matt Jeneroux, MP)...................................... 5
The RIFF Financial Security Act (Kelly McCauley, MP) ............................ 6
Mental Health Awareness (Earl Dreeshen, MP) ....................................... 6
Environmental Restoration (Shannon Stubbs, MP) ................................. 7
Getting Serious on Rural Crime (Blaine Calkins, MP) ............................... 7
Civility In Politics (Mike Lake, MP) .............................................................. 8
Supporting Firearms Owners (Tim Uppal, MP) ......................................... 8
Protecting Western Aviation (Stephanie Kusie, MP) ................................. 9
Helping Those With Cystic Fibrosis (Martin Shields, MP) ........................ 9
Agriculture Is Our Superpower (Rachael Harder, MP) ............................. 10
Standing Up For Canadians Abroad (Ron Liepert, MP) ............................ 10
Supporting Grieving Parents (Blake Richards, MP) ................................... 11
Overcoming the Stigma (John Barlow, MP) ................................................ 11
Family-Based Violence (Jag Sahota, MP) .................................................... 12
Ending Exploitation (Arnold Viersen, MP) ................................................. 12
Opening Foreign Markets (James Cumming, MP) ..................................... 13
Energy & Environment (Greg McLean, MP) .............................................. 13
Protecting Our Energy Supply (Jasraj Singh Hallan, MP) ......................... 14
Supporting Oill & Gas Workers (Ziad Aboultaif, MP) ................................ 14
Responsible Emergency Planning (Glen Motz, MP) .................................. 15
Rural Communities & Businesses (Dane Lloyd, MP) ................................ 15

     Len Webber, MP
     Calgary Confederation

    I have been a long-time advocate of      political process as
    organ & tissue donation and was          it continues
    instrumental in creating the organ       through Parliament.
    donor registry in Alberta. Currently,
    my proposed Bill C-210 offers a very     Government
    simple, very effective method to in-     accountability and
    crease the organ donor base in Cana-     transparency has been a part of my
    da. By adding a line to the tax forms,   work on the Public Accounts
    Canadians could signal their intent to   Committee where we review and
    become an organ & tissue donor and       study the reports of the Auditor
    have this information passed onto        General. We have been focusing on
    their provincial government’s existing   many important reports that have
    donor registries. So far the Bill has    shown a great deal of mismanage-
    passed unanimously throughout the        ment and misspending on the part of
                                             this current Liberal government.

     Tom Kmiec, MP
     Calgary Shepard
    My Bill C-263, the Equalization and      Alberta would have
    Transfers Fairness Act will ensure       received $2.9B.
    fairness and transparency to Cana-
    da’s equalization and transfer system    In 2018, despite
    by removing the per capita cap on        Alberta’s massive
    payments, ensuring the federal gov-      drop in revenues,
    ernment cannot unilaterally change       the Liberal government supported
    the equalization formula, and making     and extended the existing formula.
    a successful referendum on equaliza-     Since 1961, Alberta’s net federal
    tion impossible to ignore.               fiscal transfers have amounted to
    In 2015-2016, Alberta’s revenues         more than $600 billion.
    dropped by $8.8 billion. With the        We deserve a fair deal. It’s time for
    fiscal stabilization cap, Alberta only   equalization fairness. Lean more at
    received $248.3m. Without the cap,
 Gerald Soroka, MP
Tourism has been hard hit as a result    As a member of the
of COVID. With Jasper and Jasper         Transport Commit-
National Park in my riding I see the     tee, we recently
impact daily.                            finished a study on
                                         the impact COVID
I have been working with travel          has had on the
advisors and local tourism businesses aviation sector and called for critical
to advocate for their industry. The      support for the industry.
recovery for these businesses will not
be an easy one but with the new          With international travel restrictions,
rapid Spartan Bio Science PCR test       please consider your next vacation
there is great potential to utilize this within Alberta and check out every-
testing technology to encourage safe thing there is to do in Jasper at
travel and help bring business back      www.Jasper.Travel.
to this sector and our province.

 Matt Jeneroux, MP
 Edmonton Riverbend
Grief is something we will all unfortu-   take job-protected
nately experience in our lives, but the   leave to care for a
federal government could help make        terminally ill loved
the process a little less painful.        one.
My Bill, C-220, proposes to extend        Bill C-220 has
compassionate bereavement leave           unanimously passed Second Reading
allowed to employees under the            in the House of Commons in
Canada Labour Code to 10 days,            February and will return for its Third
double the current five days of           Reading in the coming weeks.
bereavement time.
                                        You can find out more about my Bill
This Bill originally proposed to extend at
Compassionate Care Leave, a
program that some Canadians use to

     Kelly McCauley, MP
     Edmonton West
    In 2016, I introduced the RRIF        duced because of
    Financial Security Act, to eliminate  the additional
    the mandatory minimum withdrawal      income forcing the
    for seniors who hold a Registered     spending of these
    Retirement Income Fund (RRIF).        savings. The PBO
    At age 71, RRIF holders must start    the added tax from RRIF withdrawals
    withdrawing a percentage of their tax is in the hundreds of millions.
    -protected savings each year –
    regardless of whether they need it.   The current system punishes seniors
    Since these withdrawals count as      for long-term savings and despite the
    income, they can trigger clawbacks of bill receiving support from all
    other benefits. A senior saving for   Opposition parties, the Liberals voted
    late-in-life expenses like long-term  against it. I plan on bringing it back at
    care, could have their benefits re-   the earliest possible opportunity.

     Earl Dreeshen, MP
     Red Deer—Mountain View
    We all have a role to play in raising   have a sustainable
    awareness and in helping to address     food system with-
    mental health issues. I have been a     out sustainable
    strong advocate on this for many        farmers. We heard
    years - especially as it pertains to    that stakeholders
    farmers and their families. In early    and all levels of
    2018, I convinced all parties to do a   governments need to act quickly. I
    comprehensive study on the rising       continue to advocate for stronger
    incidence of mental health issues       awareness campaigns and for more
    among farmers, ranchers, and pro-       assistance for Canadians struggling
    ducers. Our final report highlighted    with mental health challenges. You
    areas where more coordinated action     can read our report at
    is required and where more public
    education is needed. Canada cannot      en/42-1/AGRI/report-16/

 Shannon Stubbs, MP
My Bill C-221 proposed a tax incen-        help protect the
tive for cleaning up closed and aban-      environment, and
doned wells to small and medium oil        ultimately protect
and gas producers – who are already        taxpayers.
remediation and restoration leaders.
                                           The Liberals, Bloc,
This government’s anti-energy poli-        and NDPs who voted against Bill
cies are shutting down Canada’s oil        C-221 are clearly all talk about the
and gas, causing unprecedented             environment because this bill would
bankruptcies and job losses in Cana-       have actually helped the private
da’s energy sector, and a 300%             sector to raise private funds for
increase in orphaned and abandoned         orphaned and abandoned well
wells in Canada. This Bill would have      reclamation and remediation, instead
helped struggling small and medium         of leaving it all up to the tax payers.
energy businesses create jobs and

 Blaine Calkins, MP
 Red Deer—Lacombe
In recent years we have been seeing        punished with a
crime rates increase across Canada,        fine.
and that crime is also getting more
                                       That is why I am
severe. This is especially true in rural
areas across this province.            proud to chair the
                                       Conservative Rural
And while provincial governments       Crime Caucus. Canada’s Conserva-
across Canada have responded with tives are the only party dedicated to
concrete measures to tackle this       standing up for law-abiding
serious issue, this Liberal government Canadians and we are developing
has not only refused to take any       legislation to address the issue of
meaningful action but has actually     rural crime and advocate for mean-
made the issue worse by making it      ingful change that will ensure that
easier for offenders to get bail, and  criminals face real consequences.
so that more serious offences can be
     Mike Lake, MP
     Edmonton– Wetaskiwin
    Recent years have been challenging         Before our political
    for democracy, with a rise in polariza-    labels, we’re all
    tion and increasingly vitriolic language   human beings. The
    used by hyper-partisans on all sides.      middle of the road
    Social media has exacerbated the           is simply our com-
    problem. Sides are chosen and an-          mon ground.
    chored in Twitter bios. Talking points
    are delivered in echo chambers,            Make no mistake - passionate
    amplified by cryptic algorithms.           debate is foundational to a healthy
                                               democracy, but it’s most effective
    Decades ago, President Dwight Ei-          when we engage not only seeking to
    senhower seemingly anticipated this,       persuade, but open to being persuad-
    saying "The middle of the road is all      ed. This will require a significant shift
    of the usable surface. The extremes,       in our current thinking, but in the
    right and left, are in the gutters.”       end, we'll all be better for it.

     Tim Uppal, MP
     Edmonton Mill Woods
    I didn’t grow up around hunting or         stand in support of
    sports shooting. In fact, when I was a     law-abiding firearm
    kid, I asked my dad to go camping          owners and their
    and he said that he did not move to        rights.
    Canada to cook and sleep outside.
    But I know how important it is for       I’ve begun the pro-
    people in my riding, across Alberta,     cess of getting my Possession and
    and right across Canada to own fire-     Acquisition Licence (PAL) so that I
    arms and use them in a safe and          am better informed on issues and
    lawful manner. It’s a way of life.       challenges surrounding legal firearms
                                             ownership. Our Conservative team
    The reality is that Bill C-21 bans fire- will continue to stand up for law-
    arms used by law-abiding citizens        abiding firearms owners. For more
    and doesn’t stop the dangerous crim- information, visit
    inals who obtain their guns illegally. I -up-for-legal-firearms-owners/ .
 Stephanie Kusie, MP
 Calgary MIndapore
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a        specific support to
decimation of Canada’s aviation           help these people
industry, and Calgary has been hit        who desperately
hard.                                     need it.
With numerous layoffs, furloughs,         We initiated a
cancelled routes and flight reductions,   Committee study into the Aviation
this flagship airline is struggling to    Sector and we recently brought a
remain viable and the job losses are      motion to the House of Commons
yet another blow to Alberta’s econo-      calling on the government to ensure
my. As Shadow Minister for Transport      these workers and their families see
I have been working with Conserva-        some kind of support in the next
tive caucus Members and stakehold-        federal Budget. It passed – despite
ers to move the government towards        the Liberals voting against it.
realizing the urgent need for sector

 Martin Shields, MP
 Bow River
Over 4,000 Canadians are afflicted        By advocating for
with Cystic Fibrosis and together with    its approval, it has
my Conservative colleagues, we are        now been accepted
raising awareness and creating better     by Health Canada
access to life-saving medicines.          for Priority Review.
                                          This means Canadi-
Through Conservative caucus leader-       ans may soon be able to access
ship, a multi-party initiative arose to   these medicines to get some peace
lobby the Health Minister because         of mind – pending provincial approv-
drugs like Trikafta have been bogged      al. In Canada, we pride ourselves on
down in the regulatory process.           having world class healthcare
Canadians are needlessly suffering        options, and government regulation
because access is delayed. This drug      should not stand in the way of
has the potential of treating about       providing that care for Canadians.
90% of those with CF.
      Rachael Harder, MP
     As a southern Alberta MP, advocating       but the use of cut-
     for our agricultural sector is one of      ting-edge techno-
     my main priorities. I believe agricul-     logy, scientific ad-
     ture is Canada’s unsung superpower!        vancement, and
     Our producers not only feed Canada,        leading the way in
     but we are blessed with abundance          environmental
     that allows us to feed the world! Agri-    protection and stewardship. We are
     culture and agri-food contribute over      world leaders in technology and inno-
     $100 billion to our economy, which         vation. As we emerge from the pan-
     is roughly 7% of the nation’s GDP          demic, we need to put agriculture at
     and 12% of Canadian employment.            the forefront of our recovery efforts.
     It’s remarkable! The agricultural sec-     It’s Canada’s superpower and a glob-
     tor merits national pride and atten-       al powerhouse. It is worthy of our
     tion. It’s not only about food security,   focus, investment, and promotion!

      Ron Liepert, MP
      Calgary Signal Hill
     It is now more than two years since     of Foreign Affairs to
     Canadians Michael Spavor and            elevate this file and
     Michael Kovrig were arbitrarily de-     secure the freedom
     tained by the Chinese government.       of these two inno-
                                             cent Canadians
     Michael Spavor’s family members are citizens.
     my constituents and are increasingly
     concerned for his well being .          The Spavor family is grateful for the
                                             work of Canadian officials, including
     In contrast, Meng Wenzhou is given Ambassador Barton, however while
     due process in almost total freedom the Minister expresses concern for
     in Vancouver, Michael Spavor has        the two Canadians the file appears
     been a total prisoner of the Chinese stalled. Conservatives will continue to
     government in apparent retaliation for push the government to negotiate
     her arrest. I’ve called on the Minister their release.

 Blake Richards, MP
After hearing from parents in his           financial or
riding whose infant tragically passed       emotional hardship.
away, MP Blake Richards was                 He introduced
appalled to learn about the treatment       Motion 110, a non-
they received from the federal gov-         partisan initiative,
ernment. When trying to access gov-         to study how the
ernment support in their time of grief,     government can better support
they were met with a cold and heart-        grieving parents after losing their
less bureaucracy. These parents were        infant. The study continues to make
actually told that their support ended      its way through Parliament, and rec-
because their “child ceased to exist.”      ommendations have been made to
                                            better support grieving parents.
He wanted to ensure that families
suffering the loss of an infant would       Learn more at
never again be faced with undue             motion-110/

 John Barlow, MP
Opioid addiction is a serious problem,      the cycle of misery
but the situation has surpassed a           and tragedy.
crisis level due in large part to the
stress and unemployment brought             Working together,
about by the pandemic. In Alberta           we hope to build a
specifically, opioid overdose deaths        framework to get
and suicides tripled from January to        dealers off the streets and offer those
July last year.                             struggling a tangible pathway to
                                            successful recovery.
This is an issue we must take seri-
ously. I am co-chairing a Conservative      The effects of the pandemic on men-
Opioid Crisis Working Group. Our            tal health are real and long-lasting.
aim is to look at the crisis holistically   Finding a solution to the mental
and with compassion. We are explor-         health and opioid crisis in Canada
ing policies to save lives and break        simply cannot wait any longer.

      Jag Sahota, MP
      Calgary Skyview
     As the Shadow Minister for Women         sure that no
     and Gender Equality I have spent the     person is forced
     last number of months meeting with       to suffer abuse of
     stakeholders and survivors of family     any kind.
     violence. I have heard from these
     individuals about how violence within    Over the last year I
     their homes and relationships has        have been developing and working
     impacted them and the long-lasting       on ways that our Conservative
     effects it can have. These stories are   Caucus can better combat family-
     often heartbreaking and are              based violence and continue to hold
     completely unacceptable in a country     this Liberal government accountable
     that values the rule of law.             to the millions of Canadians that will
                                              experience family violence in their
     Each of us as individuals have a role    lifetimes.
     to play in our relationships to make

      Arnold Viersen, MP
      Peace River—Westlock
     Today, human trafficking is happen-    In 2018, I launched
     ing 10 minutes from where you live     the All-Party Parlia-
     and online exploitation can happen     mentary Group to
     anywhere. That is why I have active-   End Modern Slav-
     ly fought against these since elected  ery and Human
     in 2015.                               Trafficking and we
                                            regularly hold briefings for Parliamen-
     My Motion M-47 instructed the          tarians and actively move policies
     Health Committee to examine the        forward including the introduction of
     public health effects of accessible    the Modern Slavery Act. We facilitated
     online violent and degrading sexually the unanimous support for National
     explicit material on adults and youth. Human Trafficking Awareness Day
     Working across party lines, I was able every February 22. You can find out
     to gain the unanimous support of all more at
     parties for Motion M-47.
 James Cumming, MP
 Edmonton Centre
To support access to foreign markets,   Opening trade
I re-introduced my Private Members      routes is key to
Bill C-229, An Act to Repeal Certain    thousands of jobs
Restrictions on Shipping.               that will lead
                                        Canada’s recovery-
As producers of the most ethical and throughout Canada
environmentally friendly energy in the and First Nations’ communities.
world, Canada needs a reliable way
to export its oil and natural resources Unfortunately, without support from
to foreign markets. The ban on          the other political parties, Bill C-229
shipping our product on the Western was recently defeated but I remain
coast made this more difficult. There committed to standing up for our
was no similar ban on our East coast energy industry and securing jobs for
which continues to see foreign oil      Canadian energy workers.
imports at a staggering rate.

 Greg McLean, MP
 Calgary Centre
Canada’s energy sector is unparal-        ation, allowing the
leled in its responsible approach to      oil and gas sector
resource development, to the eco-         to be treated equi-
nomic advancement of Indigenous           tably with Canada’s
communities, and in innovation that       other industries. Bill
protects the environment. We must         C-262 incentivizes
get that message out to Canadians         carbon capture, utilization, and
with results that cannot be denied.       storage, and is our most tangible
                                          path forward to meeting Canada’s
I have highlighted our province’s en-     environmental commitments.
ergy and environment achievements
in Parliament and across Canada. My       Highlighting our world class environ-
two private members bills focused on      mental leadership and innovation
these themes. Bill C-214 would have       moves our industry and our country
created tax incentives for well remedi-   forward while creating good jobs.
      Jasraj Singh Hallan, MP
      Calgary Forest Lawn
     Our caucus and I have been working          supplies has been
     very hard at raising the awareness          quite shocking for
     across the country on Pipelines and         so many, particular-
     Oil & Gas issues but the potential          ly those that work
     closure of Enbridge’s Line 5 in May         in industries that
     has finally gotten the attention of         depend on those
     people in Ontario and Quebec.               products like refineries.
     Line 5 ships a significant amount of        Just imagine a winter where there
     Alberta light oil and natural gas to        isn’t enough natural gas to heat your
     Michigan, Ohio and Ontario and              home and there isn’t enough
     Quebec.                                     gasoline to get your kids to school or
                                                 you to work. That will be an awfully
     Finding out that their province could       cold reality for many people if that’s
     lose half of their oil and natural gas      allowed to happen.

      Ziad Aboultaif, MP
      Edmonton Manning
     I have presented a motion to give the       marvel in the 21st
     House of Commons an opportunity             century and a hub
     to express its support to our energy        for a cleaner
     sector.                                     energy sector that
     It’s no secret that Albertans has ex-       natural resources.
     perienced the effects of special inter-
     est groups fighting our industries. It is   If we give up, we will not pave the
     more important than ever to bring           way for green energy. Instead, we
     this Motion in front of Parliament so       would empower a dependence
     proponents of oil and gas can speak         towards regimes that do not care
     up and show how essential this              about climate change and human
     industry and its products are to Cana-      rights. We need to stand up for
     dians. We need to demonstrate that          Canada and Canadian workers,
     Alberta’s energy is a technological         especially here in Alberta.
 Glen Motz, MP
 Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner
As a former law enforcement profes-  best practices:
sional, I know proper contingency    minimize societal
planning for emergency situations is impacts; inform the
critical. After a year of record spend-
                                     public; and issue a
ing and debt, Canada’s pandemic      clear plan to ad-
response remains incoherent. Canada  dress it. But we still
is not much further ahead. We have   have no real plan different from a
lost thousands of lives and hundreds year ago. Lockdowns were supposed
of thousands of jobs. And the        to buy time for permanent solutions,
Liberals continue to ignore          not create a perpetual pandemic. We
emergency management principles.     have no domestic vaccines and hotel
                                     quarantines instead of rapid
Previous plans were based on hard    testing. We will continue to hold
lessons learned from past pandemics, the government accountable.
based on emergency management

 Dane Lloyd, MP
 Sturgeon River—Parkland
As Shadow Minister for Rural Eco-         Credit Unions are
nomic Development I am passionate         not being treated
about fighting for our rural communi-     fairly by the federal
ties and businesses. Since taking on      government. While
the role, I have challenged the Liberal   big corporate
Government on their failure to            banks get a break
provide effective broadband access        on charging GST for investment
for rural communities. I have stood       services, Credit Unions do not. It’s
up for the Hunting & Angling sectors      time to end the inequity between big
that have struggled with the devastat-    banks and the Credit Unions that
ing impact of COVID-19 on tourism.        rural Canadians rely on. I look
                                          forward to continuing to advocate
I have also raised the case of Credit     for the fair treatment of our local
Unions, which are used by farmers,        Credit Unions.
small businesses, and rural residents.
Canada’s Conservatives will
                                       work with the provinces to
                                       mplement an innovative,
                                       national, Personal Low Carbon
                                       Savings Account. This will put a
price on carbon for consumers without one penny going to the
government. It will be completely transparent and engage consumers
in the process of building a lower carbon future.

Canadians will pay into their Personal Low Carbon Savings Account
each time they buy hydrocarbon-based fuel. They will be able to apply
the money in their account towards things that help them live a
greener life. That could mean buying a transit pass or a bicycle, or
saving up and putting the money towards a new efficient furnace,
energy efficient windows or even an electric vehicle.

Our plan will ensure that Canadians do
their part to fight climate change, in the
way that works best for them, and at a
carbon price that is affordable: starting
at $20/tonne and increasing to $50/
tonne but no further. Even at this lower
carbon price, we will ensure that this
does not place an unfair burden on
low-income Canadians and farmers.

   Read our plan at
You can also read