Making ocean literacy inclusive and accessible - Inter ...

Making ocean literacy inclusive and accessible - Inter ...
                                                                                                       Published March 11                 Ethics Sci Environ Polit

Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Marine biology in a world of wounds’                                OPEN

      Making ocean literacy inclusive and accessible
        Boris Worm1,*, Carla Elliff2, Juliana Graça Fonseca3, Fiona R. Gell4, 5,
   Catarina Serra-Gonçalves6, Noelle K. Helder7, Kieran Murray8, Hoyt Peckham9,
                         Lucija Prelovec10, Kerry Sink11,12
                            Ocean Frontier Institute, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H4R2, Canada
                       Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP 05508-120, Brazil
              Departamento de Biologia Marinha, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ 24001-970, Brazil
                Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture, St. John’s, Isle of Man IM4 3AS, British Isles
                              University College Isle of Man, Douglas, Isle of Man IM2 6RB, British Isles
                 Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
                     Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E9, Canada
                                      Fauna & Flora International, Phnom Penh 12302, Cambodia
                                                 SmartFish AC, La Paz 23000, México
                                   Ocean School, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H4R2, Canada
            Institute for Coastal and Marine Research, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth 6031, South Africa
                              South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town 7735, South Africa

       ABSTRACT: Engagement in marine science has historically been the privilege of a small number
       of people with access to higher education, specialised equipment and research funding. Such con-
       straints have often limited public engagement and may have slowed the uptake of ocean science
       into environmental policy. Recognition of this disconnect has spurred a growing movement to pro-
       mote ocean literacy, defined as one’s individual understanding of how the ocean affects people
       and how people affect the ocean. Over the last 2 decades, this concept has gained significant trac-
       tion in marine biology and environmental education circles and now plays a prominent role in the
       UN’s Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021−2030). Here, we argue that
       the ocean literacy agenda has largely been shaped and discussed by marine scientists and educa-
       tors but needs to be expanded to a much larger constituency to be more effective, accessible and
       inclusive. We discuss diverse cultural settings from around the world and provide examples of
       indigenous, spiritual, art, ocean user and other groups that are already deeply engaged with the
       ocean and could provide a variety of perspectives to enrich the ocean literacy concept beyond an
       understanding of marine science. We suggest that such inclusiveness could remove the historic
       barriers that have surrounded the field, transform our collective awareness of and relationship
       with the ocean and help support ongoing efforts to restore marine biodiversity.

       KEY WORDS: Ocean literacy · Diversity · Science−policy interface · Environmental education

                   1. INTRODUCTION                                  2006). Conversely, much of what we do in our daily
                                                                    lives affects the ocean in turn, for example through
  Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all ocean               the consumption of fish or fuel taken from the sea or
people. No matter where on Earth we live, the ocean                 the generation of waste products such as sewage,
touches every aspect of our lives, from the air we                  carbon dioxide and plastic, which may ultimately
breathe and the climate we experience to the food                   end up in the ocean. There is simply no way to fully
we eat and the goods we consume (Worm et al.                        understand and appreciate our place on this planet
                                                                    © The authors 2021. Open Access under Creative Commons by
*Corresponding author:                                 Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un-
                                                                    restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited.
                                                                    Publisher: Inter-Research ·
2                                        Ethics Sci Environ Polit 21: 1–9, 2021

without a deep knowledge of the ocean and our rela-           the Decade there needs to be a step change in soci-
tionship with it (Santoro et al. 2017).                       ety’s relationship with the ocean. This can be achieved
   Some aspects of this relationship have shaped the          through ocean literacy approaches, formal and infor-
consciousness of coastal peoples for millennia, often         mal educational and awareness raising tools, and
focused on extractive benefits, for example from fish-        through measures to ensure equitable physical access
ing and collecting (O’Connor et al. 2011), as well as         to the ocean (…)’ (UN 2020, p. 9).
threats, for example from hurricanes and tsunamis               Accordingly, ocean literacy is now seen as an
(Scheffers et al. 2009), but also on the less tangible        important component in our efforts to improve
spiritual values (Bernard 2013, Torrente et al. 2018).        humanity’s relationship with the ocean environment
Yet, the advent of marine science as a discipline is          (see also ocean citizenship sensu Fletcher & Potts
more recent, coinciding roughly with the onset of the         2007) and transition society towards a more sustain-
Industrial Revolution in the 19th century (Adler 2019).       able future (UN 2020). In support of this emerging
For many years, formal marine science remained the            agenda, we offer some thoughts and concrete exam-
preserve of a few privileged individuals, most of             ples on how to make ocean literacy more inclusive,
them of European or North American origin, with a             effective and accessible, especially given the histori-
more rapid expansion occurring since the mid-20th             cal constraints discussed above. Herein, we do not
century (Adler 2019). This recent origin and some-            wish to imply that earlier efforts were designed to
what insular nature of the field have undoubtedly             exclude others but simply to build upon these efforts
slowed the uptake of relevant concepts by the public,         that necessarily started from a relatively small group
which in turn may have contributed to the overuse             of actors with limited representation.
and rapid deterioration of many marine ecosystems.
   Partly as a result of such historical circumstances, a
widespread gap in ocean literacy was identified by a           2. OCEAN LITERACY IN DIFFERENT CULTURES
coalition of US marine scientists and educators in
2002 to 2004 (Schoedinger et al. 2010). The same                As the term ocean literacy was originally coined
group formally coined and defined the term ocean              and first used in North America, it does not neces-
literacy as ‘an understanding of the ocean’s influence        sarily translate easily into other languages and cul-
on you and your influence on the ocean’ (Cava et al.          tures (Table 1). For example, although the word lit-
2005, p. 5).                                                  eracy has a direct translation into Portuguese and
   According to the definition, ‘An ocean-literate per-       Spanish, it does not necessarily hold the same in-
son understands the fundamental concepts about the            terpretation. In Brazilian Portuguese, a person who
functioning of the ocean, can communicate about the           is ocean literate is understood as someone who has
ocean in a meaningful way, and is able to make                special expertise on the subject, such as a scientist
informed and responsible decisions regarding the              or other ocean professional. By using this term
ocean and its resources’(Cava et al. 2005, p. 5).             uncritically, we would go against the core intent of
   Since then, the concept of ocean literacy has been         ocean literacy: to connect society in all its diversity
discussed and amplified in marine science, education          to the ocean. Thus, when the Intergovernmental
and policy circles, particularly in North America             Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO launched
and Europe (Schoedinger et al. 2010, Guest et al.             Portuguese and Spanish translations of their Ocean
2015, Mogias et al. 2019). Most recently, the con-            Literacy for All toolkit, the term was adapted to cul-
cept was included in the UN’s Call for Action for Sus-        tura oceânica and cultura oceánica, respectively
tainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water                (UNESCO 2020a,b). Both translate back into English
and will be an important cornerstone of the UN’s              directly as ocean culture and reflect well the origi-
Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Develop-              nal concept in their regional settings. The term also
ment (2021−2030) (Claudet et al. 2020). Specifically,         implies that the relationship with the ocean should
the current implementation plan for the decade (UN            involve diverse forms of knowledge, values and cus-
2020) denotes one of 7 key outcomes by 2030 as                toms and be part of our daily lives (see Table 1 for
follows:                                                      other regional examples).
   ‘Outcome 7: An inspiring and engaging ocean                  More generally, unique needs are associated with
where society understands and values the ocean in             ocean literacy work in different cultures. For exam-
relation to human wellbeing and sustainable devel-            ple, as highlighted in the bylaws of the Asian Mar-
opment. In order to incite behaviour change and en-           ine Educators Association, ‘Because it is so multi-
sure the effectiveness of solutions developed under           cultural, Asia needs special resources tailored to its
Worm et al.: Ocean literacy for all                                             3

                          Table 1. Ocean literacy concepts in different languages and cultures

 Name                    Language     Direct translation    Used in country      Defined by
                                      into English

 Ocean literacy          English      Ocean literacy        USA                  National Marine Science Association
 Cultura oceânica        Portuguese   Ocean culture         Brazil               UNESCO-IOC
 Connaissance de         French       Ocean knowledge       Canada               Canadian Coalition on Ocean Literacy
 Cultura oceánica        Spanish      Ocean culture         Spain                UNESCO-IOC
 Educazione all’oceano   Italian      Ocean education       Italy                UNESCO-IOC
 海洋リテラシー                 Japanese     Ocean literacy        Japan                Centre for Ocean Literacy and Education
 Świadomość morska       Polish       Sea awareness         Poland               European Marine Science
                                                                                 Educators Association
 সমুদ্র সাক্ষরতা /     Bengali        Sea literacy/Bay      Bangladesh           Bay of Bengal Literacy Network
  বঙ্গোপসাগর-সাক্ষরতার                of Bengal literacy    and India
 znanje o moru           Croatian     Knowledge about       Croatia              European Marine Science Educators
                                      the sea                                    Association and social media
 Γραμματισμό ως          Greek        Ocean environment     Greece               International Ocean Literacy Survey
  προς το Ωκεάνιο                     literacy
 Cultura oceànica        Catalan      Ocean culture         Catalonia            International Ocean Literacy Survey
 Elimu ya bahari         Swahili      Marine education/     Tanzania             European Marine Science Educators
  Ujuzi wa bahari                     marine skills                              Association and social media

particular characteristics’. As an example, the island         regionally adapted fishing methods (Bruton 2016),
nation of Taiwan is highly dependent on the ocean              target species and culinary practices. African ocean
and has included marine education in the national              culture evidently dates back to the origin of early hu-
school curriculum for some time. Ocean literacy                mans, with remains of ancient tools, ornaments and
guidelines in Taiwan were developed specific to a              art from coastal caves providing compelling narra-
Chinese language cultural context (Tsai & Chang                tives of our evolving relationships with the sea (Park-
2019). It was recognised that key components of                ington 2006, Marean 2010). Notwithstanding some
ocean literacy were missing from Taiwanese stu-                national efforts, there has only been limited progress
dents’ understanding and from their textbooks (Tsai            towards conceptualising this rich landscape and co-
& Chang 2019). Furthermore, the level of parental              ordinating ocean literacy efforts across the continent
education was found to be a highly influential factor          (Stevens in press). Several projects are currently un-
in ocean literacy and attitude towards the ocean. The          der development, although the framing and
researchers suggest that parental encouragement of             principles of ocean literacy in an African context have
developing scientific interest in Taiwanese society            been questioned, calling for an enlarged context that
creates this intergenerational effect. As such, it was         accounts for contrasting poverty levels, basic literacy
suggested that encouraging parents to instil enthusi-          (reading and writing) challenges, language barriers
asm for marine science in their children could help            and broader perspectives in terms of ocean heritage,
support ocean literacy in the region (Tsai & Chang             value and knowledge (Stevens in press).
2019). To this day, however, ocean literacy is still              Many coastal regions around the world are also
believed to be limited in China and Taiwan (Umuhire            inhabited by indigenous people, often displaying a
& Fang 2016, Tsai & Chang 2019), highlighting the              great complexity of ocean knowledge and culture
need for further approaches tailored to Chinese lan-           that needs to be recognised and integrated within
guages and corresponding cultures and societies.               existing ocean literacy efforts. For example, a diverse
  Unique challenges and opportunities also exist               group of indigenous minority people colloquially
across the African continent, where there is a great           known as sea nomads is found in parts of Indonesia,
diversity of ocean-related cultural practices. Exam-           Malaysia and the Philippines. The Bajau, Moken and
ples include the recognition of marine species as              Orang Suku Laut people spend most of their lives at
traditional medicine and in rituals (Prins et al. 2003),       sea in floating habitations and primarily rely on sub-
4                                         Ethics Sci Environ Polit 21: 1–9, 2021

sistence fishing (Shepherd & Terry 2004, Clifton &             ( and Surfers Against
Majors 2012). The Bajau have a deep understanding              Sewage ( In some cases,
of the ocean, with complex ancestral and spiritual             this work has even led to changes in legislation to
beliefs related to ocean life and a cyclical concept of        protect nearshore habitat, such as recently in Chile
time that falls in line with tidal movements, weather          (Lara 2020). In a recent literature review on marine
patterns and fish life cycles (Clifton & Majors 2012).         ecosystem services, the most assessed class of serv-
However, they lack a concept of ocean literacy, as             ices was that of ocean recreation and leisure (Gar-
their lives are inseparable from the ocean, and the            cia Rodrigues et al. 2017), indicating the growing
loaded term literacy creates a perceived barrier, as           importance of this sector. However, while some
these indigenous minorities disproportionately lack            leisure organisations indicate concern about envi-
formal education. Despite much potential for mar-              ronmental degradation, not all are willing to change
itime nomads to be ambassadors for marine conser-              their practices for improved ocean conservation
vation, there has been friction between the Bajau              (Holland-Smith et al. 2013). This dilemma illustrates
and conservation organisations due to the former’s             the complexity of the issue of environmental edu-
use of controversial fishing techniques; because of            cation and the question of how greater understand-
this, much of their marine knowledge has been dis-             ing and engagement can affect behaviour change
missed (Clifton & Majors 2012).                                (Kollmuss & Agyeman 2002). Clearly, one important
   It is imperative to recognise that ocean literacy is        measure of successful engagement will be a shift
a relatively novel Anglo-Saxon term for a process              towards more sustainable practices, both individu-
that has been practised in diverse cultures for cen-           ally and collectively.
turies. Concepts of connectedness to both land and               In this regard, commercial fishers are another im-
sea are prevalent in many indigenous traditions, cer-          portant group around the world. Fishers often have a
emonies, laws, stories, artworks and songs and are             deep understanding of marine systems, but this does
shared across generations (Maffi 2001). Traditional            not automatically motivate sustainable practices in
ecological knowledge reflects these connections and            this sector. Programmes which have assisted com-
poses an alternative, often experiential way of know-          mercial fishers to augment their existing knowledge
ing and learning about our environment (Berkes et              with additional scientific understanding of fisheries
al. 1995). Where appropriate, integrat-
ing science education with such other
ways of knowing will provide a more
holistic and inclusive approach to
ocean literacy.


   In addition to diverse regional and
language cultures, the ocean literacy
movement also needs to include audi-
ences from ocean user, faith, art and
other communities that engage in ways
that are not necessarily scientific but
shape people’s understanding of and
appreciation for the ocean (Fig. 1).
   For example, people who engage
in marine recreation, such as open-
water swimming, diving, boating, sur-        Fig. 1. Diverse approaches to ocean literacy, learning and engagement. (A)
fing or recreational fishing, can be         Connecting with marine life through public aquaria (Germany); (B) learning
important stakeholders and change-           about sustainable ocean use through intergenerational harvesting practices
                                             (Heiltsuk First Nation); (C) experiential learning through virtual reality (Can-
makers. Surfers, for instance, raise         ada); (D) celebrating the ocean through faith-based gatherings at the festivi-
ocean awareness through organisa-            ties of Iemanjá (Brazil). Photo credits: Percy Vogel (A), Nick Hawkins/Ocean
tions such as the Surfrider Foundation                                 School (B,C), Carla Elliff (D)
Worm et al.: Ocean literacy for all                                     5

science, ecology and oceanography have proved val-            the ocean is revered and regarded as sacred (Ber-
uable in improving the sustainability of fisheries and        nard 2013, Torrente et al. 2018).
development of fisheries co-management schemes.                 Engaging people via the arts may offer another
For example, residential fisheries science courses on         pathway for advancing environmental awareness
the Isle of Man helped engage fishers in sustainable          and pro-environmental behaviour (Harrison & Harri-
management and helped facilitate a high level of              son 1993, Jackson 2005, Harrower 2019). Such efforts
co-management and fisher-led research in Manx                 may come from professional art associations such as
waters.                                                       the Ocean Artists Society, who use ocean art to
  Newer research on environmental education and               inspire people to preserve our natural world, or fine
behaviour change suggests that a combination of               art academies such as Ocean Space, which is
environmental knowledge and a personal connection             designed to catalyze ocean literacy, research and
to nature are most likely to elicit pro-environmental         advocacy through the arts (
behaviour (Otto & Pensini 2017). Often, this combi-           #item--academy--1819). Mainstream media such as
nation is found in experiential learning that may fos-        television documentaries have also fostered ocean
ter personal connections as well as new knowledge,            and environmental literacy (Mogias et al. 2019).
for example, through visiting the educational offer-          Notably, the BBC’s Blue Planet II triggered wide-
ings in public aquaria (Fig. 1A), participating in tra-       spread public and political interest in marine plastic
ditional ocean use practices (Fig. 1B) or engaging            pollution in the UK after airing in 2017, when previ-
with experiential learning tools that include actual or       ous efforts to promote the issue had garnered little
virtual visits to the ocean (Fig. 1C). A strong personal      response (Males & Van Aelst 2020). Likewise, in
connection can manifest over time in deeply held              Scotland, Hynes et al. (2020) also documented an
personal beliefs that may motivate pro-environmen-            increased level of concern about the health of fish
tal behaviour. This in turn can support growing               stock and plastic pollution in people who had
efforts to conserve and restore marine life at a larger       watched Blue Planet II compared with those who had
scale (Duarte et al. 2020)                                    not. Popular nonfiction writing has also increasingly
  Religious and other spiritual groups often hold             introduced the general reader to ocean science,
strong personal beliefs related to the environment.           building on the legacy of Rachel Carson’s writing
For example, followers of the Afro-Brazilian religions        (Carson 1962), among others. For example, general
Umbanda and Candomblé are closely tied to envi-               marine conservation texts such as Sylvia Earle’s The
ronmental beliefs and symbols, where sacred nature            World is Blue or more specific works on ocean topics
is represented by deities (orixás) (do Rosario 2006).         such as Helen Scales’ Eye of the Shoal, with its focus
Ecological faith is based on the belief that each point       on fish, have introduced marine science and conser-
of nature has the strength of an orixá (Prandi 2001).         vation to much wider audiences.
For instance, Iemanjá (Queen of the Sea) represents
the ocean (Camargo & Calloni 2012) and is the best
known deity of African-origin religion in Brazil (do                   4. CASE STUDIES AND EXAMPLES
Rosario 2006). The Queen of the Sea is represented
in many cultural expressions that promote ocean val-             A key aspect of ocean literacy is that it should
ues. The annual celebration of Iemanjá (Fig. 1D) is a         include diverse perspectives upon human interac-
day of purification in the sea, where thousands of            tions with the ocean and should be tailored to re-
people go to the beaches to celebrate the Queen of            gional cultural contexts. There is no shortage of such
the Sea by offering flowers, perfume and other goods          perspectives, approaches and initiatives, regardless
placed on small wooden boats (do Rosario 2006).               of whether they have been labelled as ocean literacy.
Despite the spiritual connection to the ocean, the use        In the following, we provide some case studies of
of non-biodegradable material as offerings is com-            initiatives that highlight the diversity of approaches
mon, reflecting a lack knowledge that could be                and stakeholders that we now see and that should
addressed by an integrated ocean literacy effort. At          be recognised as part of a globally inclusive ocean
the same time, it is crucial to respect and account for       literacy movement.
local beliefs and practices to propose meaningful                Many efforts are being directed at the formal edu-
educational strategies. Such spiritual beliefs and            cation system. For example, the Blue School pro-
practices are found around the world. For example,            gramme in Portugal ( encou-
some Polynesian and African cultures consider the             rages schools to explore ocean issues through
sea as a place of residence for ancestors, and as such        multidisciplinary marine education programmes.
6                                        Ethics Sci Environ Polit 21: 1–9, 2021

Blue schools aim for social impact through the in-               Traditionally, experiences of live marine animals
volvement of local communities as well as partner-            are provided to the public by aquaria, although typi-
ships with a diversity of cultural and scientific organ-      cally at a cost to the visitor and only with regional ac-
isations connected to the sea. More recently, the             cess. Increasingly, these resources are modernised to
Network of European Blue Schools has brought this             represent our contemporary understanding of marine
model to other regions.                                       life and the diversity of approaches to learn about it.
   In Canada, a freely available audiovisual resource         The Two Oceans Aquarium in South Africa, for exam-
called Ocean School ( is using          ple, now places a strong emphasis on marine science
a combination of visual storytelling, scientific inquiry      literacy (
and indigenous knowledge to foster ocean literacy             education-foundation). Efforts include environmental
and engagement. No new curriculum is created, but             education outreach programmes, early childhood
existing curriculum content is reframed with an               development, free courses via the Marine Sciences
ocean lens, providing educators with new tools to             Academy and hosting volunteers and school classes at
engage students with the ocean while checking core            the aquarium. Similar programmes are available in
learning outcomes. Interactive augmented and vir-             aquaria elsewhere and often include hands-on activi-
tual reality resources are used to allow students who         ties aimed at improving ocean conservation, such as
may not have direct access to the ocean to dive in            the Vancouver Aquarium’s shoreline cleanup pro-
and experience the ocean firsthand.                           gramme ( or Mon-
   More generally, the Internet has greatly improved          terey Bay’s trailblazing consumer awareness pro-
access to ocean literacy resources. As an example,            gramme (
the Massive Open Online Course entitled Exploring                Another way of bringing marine life to communi-
Our Oceans (              ties and providing a focus for ocean literacy events is
exploring-our-ocean) was developed by the Univer-             through using life-size models of marine life. The
sity of Southampton specifically around concepts of           Whale Workshop in the UK takes models of basking
ocean literacy and has received more than 40 000              sharks, leatherback turtles and a range of marine
registrations from 183 countries since its launch in          mammals to schools around the UK (www.whale-
2014 (Fielding et al. 2019). Free registration and   These are used to educate scholars
direct input from diverse marine scientists represent         and communities about local marine life and more
an accessible way of fostering ocean literacy train-          specific issues including plastic pollution and un-
ing — at least in regions that have appropriate Inter-        derwater noise. In 2009, a 9 m basking shark model
net access.                                                   from the Whale Workshop formed the centrepiece for
   Areas without reliable Internet or with basic liter-       the first international basking shark conference,
acy challenges require different approaches. In               which included a weekend of community basking
South Africa, for example, outreach programmes that           shark education activities (
transport marine specimens into rural communities             details/33281/spotlight-on-sharks-first-international-
have been very successful (Stevens in press). In this         basking-shark-conference-begins-).
country, experienced educators emphasised the                    The Green Fins programme (
importance of accessible products to support ocean   empowers members of the diving and snor-
engagement and education and called for reduced               keling industry to help reduce pressures on coral
reliance on the Internet as a major education tool.           reefs by offering practical, low-cost alternatives to
   Wherever possible, giving young people the oppor-          harmful practices — such as anchoring, fish feeding
tunity to get hands-on experience of marine life and          and chemical pollution — as well as providing strate-
marine science is a very valuable way of engaging             gic support and educational resources. UN Environ-
them, their families and the wider community. For             ment and the Reef-World Foundation founded this
example, the Club Mer initiative of Shoals Rodri-             initiative, and there are currently 11 countries and
gues, a non-governmental organisation on the island           nearly 600 individual marine tourism companies par-
of Rodrigues in the Indian Ocean, provides a space            ticipating. As a further strength, data collection and
for children and young people to learn about the sea,         citizen science efforts conducted by divers are en-
swim, snorkel and encounter marine life. As they              couraged and coordinated through the programme,
progress through the programme, young people can              creating additional benefits for ocean resource mon-
become actively involved in marine conservation ini-          itoring and awareness.
tiatives on the island or elsewhere (www.shoals                  The Women’s League for the Ocean in Brazil                                              ( is a net-
Worm et al.: Ocean literacy for all                                       7

work movement that seeks to enhance engagement,               largely shaped the emerging ocean literacy move-
actions and ideas for the protection of the ocean from        ment. This reflects a broader insularity of the field
a female perspective. Comprising over 2000 mem-               of marine science that has been dominated by Euro-
bers with diverse backgrounds, including scientists,          pean and North American interests for most of its
divers, athletes, artists, environmentalists and other        short history. Today, this field has broadened con-
professionals, it seeks to increase awareness of ocean        siderably, and marine science and ocean education
environmental problems and promote different ways             have become much more diverse and inclusive.
to solve them. Similar female-led initiatives include         Over the last decade, the concept of ocean literacy
the global Women4Oceans network (www.women4                   has been translated into other languages and cul- and the eXXpedition network of all-              tures (Table 1) and is increasingly embraced by a
female explorers, who organise sailing voyages to             diverse set of initiatives that include a much broader
explore the impact of plastic and toxic pollution             constituency than originally imagined. Clearly, an
while promoting environmental awareness (https://             expanded understanding of what ocean literacy is,                                            and how it can be achieved, is required. This
  Finally, there are many emerging synergies be-              expansion is well underway, as seen by the recent
tween marine artists and scientists documenting               text adopted in the UN implementation plan (see
changes in our ocean and our evolving relationship            Section 1). Many of the initiatives discussed in this
with it. As a localised example, Lalela uLwandle,             paper contribute to ocean literacy. They do not nec-
which means listen to the sea in isiZulu, is a transdis-      essarily operate under that specific banner but have
ciplinary research-based theatre project. The project         evolved independently and in parallel with the orig-
emulates the sensation of standing quietly on a               inal ocean literacy movement.
beach and listening to stories of the ocean and the              It may be interesting to reflect on how different
people who have an intimate relationship with it.             cultural values shape our regional understanding of
The production explores themes of intergenerational           ocean literacy and how it can be improved upon. For
environmental injustices, ocean heritage, marine sci-         example, scientific understanding is a strong unify-
ence and contemporary threats to ocean health and             ing value in Western culture, i.e. the specific heritage
thereby invites a participatory public conversation           of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs,
on ocean governance in South Africa (https://www.             belief systems and technologies that originated in                             Europe. It is not surprising that this value system is
  The combination of art and ocean science may also           reflected prominently in the educational approaches
provide an opportunity to engage those in the com-            that gave rise to the ocean literacy movement in
munity who might not seek out ocean learning but              North America and Europe. Other regions may put
are interested in the arts. The Fun Palaces concept           greater emphasis on ocean culture, spiritual values
( started in the UK but is          or traditional knowledge as ways of gaining a deeper
now used in France, Norway and further afield. The            understanding of, and appreciation for, the ocean
ethos of Fun Palaces is that everyone can be an artist        (see Section 3). Clearly, none of these approaches is
and a scientist, and by creating free, pop-up commu-          inherently better or worse and ideally can be com-
nity workshops, everyone can have access to learn-            bined in a culturally appropriate way to foster
ing new skills and make positive changes in their             greater ocean literacy around the world.
community together. New skills and experiences on                Reflecting the broader diversity of ocean perspec-
offer include marine poetry writing, dramatic per-            tives to include multi-cultural and spiritual signifi-
formances inspired by the sea, marine-themed art              cance of the ocean can help lead to more inclusive,
and learning how to identify and assess marine spe-           accessible and effective ocean literacy efforts. These
cies and habitats from survey videos from marine              broader perspectives are not only important for
nature reserves.                                              our collective understanding of the relationships be-
                                                              tween humans and the ocean, but they also shape
                                                              our individual and collective decision making. We
                 5. CONCLUSIONS                               recognise that increased knowledge and awareness
                                                              are only 2 of the many factors that influence pro-
  In this paper, we suggest that the concept of               environmental values and behaviour (Jensen 2002,
ocean literacy originated within a relatively small           Kollmuss & Agyeman 2002). Yet, as we enter the UN
circle of marine scientists and educators, whose              Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Develop-
mission to enhance the US science curriculum has              ment, we feel hopeful that a broader understanding
8                                             Ethics Sci Environ Polit 21: 1–9, 2021

and practice of ocean literacy will help to transform              Harrison HM, Harrison N (1993) Shifting positions toward
our relationship with the sea and enable us to restore                the earth: art and environmental awareness. Leonardo
and rebuild marine biodiversity at a much larger                   Harrower JT (2019) Species interactions and climate change
scale (Duarte et al. 2020, UN 2020).                                  in the loss of Joshua trees and the role of eco-arts for
                                                                      understanding multispecies connections. PhD disserta-
Acknowledgements. This work was funded as part of a Can-              tion, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
ada First Research Excellence Fund grant to the Ocean              Holland-Smith D, Love A, Lorimer R (2013) British surfers
Frontier Institute, with additional workshop support from             and their attitudes and values toward the environment.
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Editorial responsibility: Giovanni Bearzi (Guest Editor),           Submitted: September 25, 2020; Accepted: December 15, 2020
Cordenons, Italy                                                    Proofs received from author(s): March 6, 2021
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