Making Strategy Execution Work - Industrial Excellence Award

Page created by Randall Schwartz
Making Strategy Execution Work - Industrial Excellence Award
                          Execution Work
    How do companies translate their strategy into                             Christoph Loch
                                                                Cambridge Judge Business School,
    operational actions that support it? Strategists use a                University of Cambridge
    different language than operational workers, and often
                                                                         Stylianos Kavadias
    the statements of the CEO have little connection with       Cambridge Judge Business School,
                                                                          University of Cambridge
    what the employees do. Christoph Loch, Stylianos
    Kavadias, and B. C. Yang suggest a tool that can help                            B. C. Yang
                                                                 Sinyi Realtors and Fu Jen Catholic
    companies to align their employees’ actions with                               University Taipei
    strategies, clearly explain that alignment, and encourage
    innovation from the bottom up and collaboration
    between departments, all in a way that can be completely
    customized to the company’s strategy.

MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                       25
Making Strategy Execution Work - Industrial Excellence Award
1. The Difficulty of Cascading                       established business partnership                         emphasized functional excellence, so
Strategy                                             with a large retail chain under the                      that the heads and directors could
Translating strategy into action                     partner’s brand and a newer unit                         feel certain about their unit’s perfor-
is hard. Many organizations have                     designed to help CCC grow a credit                       mance, but none explicitly described
found themselves in circumstances                    business under its own brand. Each                       or supported the business objectives.
in which the CEO has developed a                     unit and the respective support func-                    Unsurprisingly, given this approach
sophisticated strategy but, because                  tions had been asked by the CEO to                       to strategy execution, the company
no one has taken the time to convert                 develop their individual strategies in                   was unable to make decisive progress
big strategy statements into specific                the context of the overall strategy.                     toward its business goals. Many com-
targets and plans, the employees end                      Both units had ambitious growth                     panies find themselves similarly dead-
up doing things that do not support                  plans, though with slightly different                    locked when their various functions
that strategy. Likewise, some compa-                 emphases. The new business would                         are not aligned.
nies realize too late that they have a               be based on branding a broad assort-                          There are four fundamental
strategy and operational plans, but                  ment of credit services and providing                    reasons why companies frequently
that the two are not aligned. Let us                 excellent customer service. The estab-                   fail to effectively execute intelligent
take the example of CCC, a mid-sized                 lished supplier would enhance the val-                   strategies:
European consumer credit compa-                      ue of its partner through technology,                    1. Weak top-down alignment: Goals
ny. Exhibit 1 shows its structure at                 compliance, and collaboration. The                            are poorly, if at all, articulated or
the time of our involvement, which                   strategic plans of the support func-                          they are inconsistent and fail to
consisted of two business units: an                  tions, in the spirit of best practices,                       contribute to the whole. A typical

 Exhibit 1: The business and functional strategies of CCC



        Support Functions
                                                                                                                            Retail Partner
                                                        Own Brand

                                                 Strategy:                                                               Strategy:
                                                 Build brand identity and                                                Drive retail partner’s growth by
                                                 awareness with a combined                                               increased penetration through
                                                 card/loan/insurance offering and                                        technology, compliance, and
                                                 superior customer experience                                            customer experience

        Sales:              Best in class sales capability through service culture and reduced churn

        Funding             Local and diversified funding strategy

        Data                Best in class analytics capability

        IT                  Become a leader in security, system stability, and technology

        HR                  Become an employer of choice, strengthen and retain key skills

        Compliance          Build compliance infrastructure on par with leading banks

        Risk                Best in class risk team to secure business models and growth

26                                                                                                       Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
Making Strategy Execution Work - Industrial Excellence Award
indication of this problem is the        4.   The limited strength of quanti-           The first step in our cascading ef-
   use of generic targets drawn from             tative planning: The uncertainty     fort is to realize that, unless we set a
   industry benchmarking, which                  and complexity of organizations      tangible target, we will never achieve
   generally do not support the orga-            often renders purely quantita-       change because, without clear evi-
   nization’s specific priorities. The           tive targets insufficient – the      dence that we are making progress,
   overarching message must be                   numbers are too coarse, difficult    we will tend to allow the mission to be
   translated into useful and mutual-            to obtain, and inflexible to com-    overshadowed by other urgent things.
   ly consistent functional, regional,           promise. They require comple-        So, it is essential to set a target. Let us
   and project objectives.                       mentary qualitative agreements       suppose that our target is to get below
2. Weak bottom-up innovation                     that colleagues can discuss at       80 kg (for some of us, this may be a
   or modification: Strategy is of-              regular strategic reviews.           very ambitious target).
   ten treated as an optimization                                                          The second step is to identify
   effort, with its planning being          2. Tools and Processes                    and articulate the actions we’ll need
   rigidly divided from execution.                                                    to take to achieve this target. At the
   The reality is more fluid: imple-        The cascading                             highest organizational level, these
   menting strategy requires cre-
   ative insights, tracking mercuri-
                                            tree represents a                         actions will be more general and
                                                                                      comprehensive than at the opera-
   al market demands, technology            multidirectional (top-down,               tional levels: eat less (calories in)
   opportunities, and competi-              bottom-up, and horizontal)                and exercise more (calories out).
   tion. The necessary adaptabili-
   ty cannot be achieved solely by
                                            communication process.                    Makes sense. But these goals are
                                                                                      too far removed from the stresses
   analysts at the top. It requires                                                   of our day-to-day life, in which we
   all the information available to         Many companies try to ensure better       need to monitor whether or not we
   an organization, including from          strategy execution by using score-        have acted in pursuit of the mission
   frontline personnel, suppliers,          card tools, such as the balanced          every day. It is therefore necessary
   and partners. Companies must             scorecard (BSC) and the Hoshin            to translate these actions further
   have a way of incorporating              Kanri planning processes. In strat-       downward.
   new observations and ideas               egy cascading, however, the great-             The third step is to treat
   into their strategy and its artic-       est challenge is that everything,         high(er)-level actions as “missions”
   ulation.                                 from decisions about coordination         for the next step down, and start over
3. Limited collaboration: Too of-           and priorities to management and          again. So we set a specific target for
   ten each unit in an organization         multi-level discussions, is specific to   each action – eat fewer than 2,000
   adopts its own targets and then          the particular organization. None-        kcal and burn more than 2,500 kcal
   pursues them in isolation, as            theless, in successful companies,         per day (again, this is brutally am-
   though overall strategic priorities      managers make sure these discus-          bitious!) – and develop actions (no
   could be achieved by simply put-         sions reflect a systematic dialogue:      chocolate and more veggies, and jog-
   ting the separate work of disparate      from the top down, from the bottom        ging) that are closer to making the
   units in a heap. But organizations       up, and horizontally between col-         plan operational, but still do not de-
   are messy and complex, particu-          leagues, teams, and business units.       termine specific actions that can be
   larly in the tasks where units inter-    We have observed several such dia-        credibly monitored every day. To get
   act to deliver outcomes. A classic       logues which suggest a way, rooted        there, we move to a third iteration
   example from the 1980s describes         in total quality management, to de-       which dictates actions such as “put
   a parts logistics manager who            vise an effective process of cascad-      veggies on my plate at every meal”
   cuts inventories to save costs,          ing strategy discussions.1 Exhibit 1      (appealing to our impulse to politely
   thus hurting the service manager         describes the principles by which         empty our plate), and “put the run-
   who wants to increase customer           high-level goals may be translated        ning gear in the way so I stumble
   satisfaction by having parts avail-      into operational goals that can be        over it” which leaves us no excuse
   able to customers at short notice.       tracked through a simplified (educa-      to back out. By selecting actions that
   Unit managers must negotiate             tional) example. Let us suppose that      we can monitor every day, we make
   their targets and their interrela-       we have set a strategic goal, perhaps     our everyday activities support our
   tionships with one another. They         shedding those extra kilos. How do        strategy.
   must collaborate in responding to        we ensure that this lofty mission is           The green arrows represent
   uncertainty and share their ideas        successfully put into operation? Let’s    three important features that an ef-
   for better approaches.                   trace the steps on the graphic below.     fective cascading process should

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Making Strategy Execution Work - Industrial Excellence Award
Exhibit 2: A cascade process: the weight-loss cascading tree

                             Top down                                           Mission:
                             cascading                                         Lose weight !

                                                                                < 80 kg

                                            Eat less                                                         Exercise

                                          π 2,000 kcal                                                      >= 2,500 kcal
                                                                                up ideas
      Action             Less chocolate                  More veggies                                         Jogging


      Target                π 1/week                      Each meal                   3 times/week                           10 km per run

      Action                Hide                         Put veggies                  Put shoes and                         Fix route before
                            chocolate                    on plate                     gear in the way                       (no excuses)

exhibit. Given that top management                ideas (and pursue the best ones).                     that will add up to more than their
is responsible for achieving the stra-            Top-down and bottom-up communi-                       sum (rather than less when they get in
tegic mission, it certainly needs a               cation is crucial.                                    each other’s way). The cascading tree
top-down element. But who knows                        Finally, none of the actions are                 really represents a multidirectional
what the best actions are? In the                 independent. No one operates in an                    (top-down, bottom-up, and horizon-
graphic, perhaps swimming or aer-                 isolated silo, so it is naïve to put too              tal) communication process :
obics is better suited to our capa-               much faith in the notion that if ev-                  1. Top management articulates
bilities than jogging, and the people             eryone just does what they are sup-                        (high-level) goals.
with operational roles know it. Bot-              posed to, we will all be fine. The tough              2. The next level articulates first-lev-
tom-up input is therefore crucial in              no-chocolate-plus-veggies diet, for                        el actions (“this is how we can do
choosing the activities best suited to            example, may make it harder to main-                       this”) and negotiates interdepen-
ensuring that we execute the strate-              tain the motivation to jog. Perhaps                        dencies between departments: “I
gy successfully. Novel ideas from the             one square of low-calorie dark choc-                       need you to support me by doing
operational levels may even suggest               olate after each run could act as an                       ‘x’ so that I can achieve my bit” or
ways to improve the strategy. Every-              incentive to keep jogging. The goals                       “don’t do ‘y’ because it will hinder
one should therefore have a clear ex-             of different departments interact and                      me.” Keeping track of these high
planation of the strategy and be giv-             mutual communication and negotiation                       level (and often important) inter-
en the means to articulate their own              are required in order to design goals                      dependencies regulates the give

28                                                                                                     Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
and take between departments,            specific priorities and known inter-             gets, including training and so-
   keeping everyone honest and              dependencies. Sometimes the over-                cialization, as well as high-level
   making it harder for anyone to get       all goals may shift levels, or even              cultural encouragement of less
   a free ride.                             dimensions. Moreover a hierarchical              rigidly structured achievements
3. Departments check their actions          goal tree is morphing into a vertical            that support the company’s prin-
   by submitting reports to the             and horizontal series of discussions             ciples.
   next level down. Are there bet-          in which everybody works together           3.   Ideas which travel upward from
   ter ideas? Are there additional          to develop organizational perfor-                the lower levels are fundamental
   interactions?                            mance, everyone is fully informed                to this multi-dimensional strategy.
4. Next, the contributing parties           and understands the operational                  Even simple strategies involving,
   should negotiate how to meet             imperatives, and new ideas emerge                for example, cost performance
   their goals: Can we achieve the          and are put to good use. If everyone             need bottom-up input to take full
   goals (or perhaps with a differ-         in the organization trusts that those            advantage of the organization’s
   ent mix even exceed them)? Top           who offer more will build credit                 wealth of knowledge. This knowl-
   management can choose to take            rather than being exploited or repri-            edge may spring from sales and
   a hard line, or it can be open to        manded, the end goal often becomes               marketing in regard to customers,
   change, perhaps in response to           more ambitious than what was origi-              from operations and supply chain
   the organization’s ambition and          nally proposed.                                  management in regard to delivery
   innovation.                                   This cascading process is con-              performance, from accounting in
5. The people in those groups that          sistent with four principles which we            regard to economies, and so forth.
   are directly affected by a high-         have identified through our research.            This principle is even more im-
   er-level goal (for example, the          These principles are vital to allowing           portant to multidimensional strat-
   “less chocolate” and “more veg-          a company to effectively cascade a               egies, in which only frontline and
   gie” groups in Exhibit 2) should, at     multi-dimensional strategy.                      middle management understand
   this level, discuss the goals togeth-    1. Strategy cascading requires for-              the subtle interplay of myriad
   er. This conversation will allow              mal quantitative targets, just as           employees’ individual behavior.
   them to understand what every-                proposed in the BSC. Without                Successfully cascading a multi-di-
   one does, to discuss conflicts, and           them, it is difficult to act. Howev-        mensional strategy goes hand-in-
   to discover how, through give and             er, the targets must not be gener-          hand with adapting that strategy
   take, they can be more produc-                ic, using benchmarks based on               to innovations, most of which rise
   tive together while also holding              other organizations. They must              from below.3 Incorporating these
   one another accountable. They                 instead be custom-built from the            ideas also respects fair process –
   are also likely to uncover and ne-            strategy and priorities of their            giving everyone a voice – which
   gotiate a number of small interde-            own organization. The straight-             motivates people emotionally to
   pendencies. Although it might be              forward principle of measuring              contribute rather than resist.
   possible to ignore some of these,             what you want to achieve, not          4.   All three of these principles are un-
   talking them over renders the re-             what others do, is still often ig-          derpinned by two organizational
   sulting plan of action more robust,           nored, whether for convenience              capabilities: effective communica-
   and makes the participants better             or from a lack of confidence in             tion and top management behavior.
   colleagues, since they have al-               our own goals.                              A strategy is not just a conceptual
   ready grappled with conflicts and        2. Strategy cascading also requires              position statement; it is a battle
   found recipes for working through             qualitative process targets (com-           plan that, if all employees under-
   them.2                                        mitments to do things). Most                stand and internalize it, produces
6. Make this level’s actions the mis-            strategies are multi-dimensional            alignment. It is therefore vital to ex-
   sions for the next level down,                and cannot be fully captured by             plain the strategy to employees, not
   and then start again from step 2.             one set of targets, particularly            once, but continuously over time.
   The cascading tree is construct-              when some of the targets are                It is also essential to open informa-
   ed recursively downward, with                 hard to quantify in simple KPIs             tion channels through which they
   feedback rising back up. After 3              (key performance indicators).               can express ideas and offer feed-
   or 4 iterations, though, further              One example is Sinyi’s ethical              back. And while strategy cascading
   levels become unwieldy and                    principles, which we will discuss           is a process (a defined sequence of
   consistency harder to maintain.               at greater length below. A cas-             actions), it cannot be programmed.
Through this process, a portfolio of             cading tree may contain both                The whole structure depends on
operational activities emerges, with             quantitative and qualitative tar-           the behavior of the people at the

MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                                                      29
top. If they do no more than pay lip                application of an algorithm (indeed,                 with a feasible resource commitment).
     service without actually listening to               there is no algorithm). Second, the                  They then identified two dimensions
     ideas and feedback, the strength of                 question is not whether the assign-                  of action as being the most promising:
     any cascading process will wither.                  ment of [theoretical] tasks is com-                  increasing patrols by street officers,
     On the other hand, if senior manag-                 plete, but whether every unit has                    and educating residents about how
     ers participate sincerely, the trans-               stepped up. In some cases, a partic-                 they could help minimize the occur-
     parency which cascading creates                     ular unit may simply not have any-                   rence of robberies. These actions
     will help to control their bias in fa-              thing to contribute to a particular                  were then assigned specific targets
     vor of their own ideas.4                            goal, but anyone who does not par-                   (one patrol per day, one home visit per
This process does not usually pro-                       ticipate sufficiently should bear the                month). The home visit target could
ceed as a set of theoretical ques-                       consequences.                                        be put into action by one branch of the
tions such as: What are we trying to                          Let us consider a simple example                police (community counselors), while
achieve?, What do we need to do?, or                     of cascading strategy from this per-                 the patrol target would be addressed
Who will be assigned the tasks? In-                      spective. This example is based on a                 by frontline officers. After the neces-
stead it is rooted in what is actually                   project that we undertook with the po-               sary training and preparation, both
there. The discussion moves from                         lice department of a city. The depart-               groups began to act.
strategic imperatives to contribu-                       ment had set the goal of significantly                    In translating the patrol target
tions from the existing organiza-                        reducing violent crime, especially                   into everyday actions, officers from
tional units, often passing through                      robberies of residential houses in all               different departments discovered
several iterations if the initial pro-                   vulnerable precincts. The police want-               that they could share patrols; al-
posals don’t achieve their aims. This                    ed to know how to start working to-                  though traffic cops and municipal
process has two pragmatic implica-                       ward this goal without simply writing                street cops were already patrolling,
tions: first, the resulting cascade is                   checks to add more officers. Exhibit                 they were working separately, unco-
not the only answer; driven by their                     3 summarizes the cascading process                   ordinated. By sharing the tasks of
different processes, capabilities, and                   that we developed together.                          both groups and developing priority
cultures, different organizations may                         In a workshop with three hierar-                schedules that took both traffic and
come up with very different ways                         chical levels, the police officers first             vulnerable periods into account, the
to achieve similar things. Strategy                      described their target – not eliminat-               effective number of patrols could
articulation and execution are cre-                      ing crime entirely, but reducing it by               be increased without increasing
ative exercises, not the mindless                        20 percent (which seemed possible                    budgets or manpower. However,

  Exhibit 3: Cascading process in a municipal police department

                                                                           Mission: Reduce serious
                                                                             crime (e.g., domestic

                                                                               20 % reduction

  Target                           Increase patrols at                                                              Communicate with people
  action                                hot spots                                                                   when they leave their homes

  Target                       One additional patrol per                                                           One visit per month for houses in
  action                          residential sector                                                                           hot spots

                Merge different                      Set rush hour times                             Distribute leaflets                   Conduct orientation
                types of patrols                          for patrols                                    in houses                             sessions

30                                                                                                           Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
to achieve this cooperation, both                       effectively with each other and with                          3. Comparison with Other
sides had to invest in the training                     their superiors.                                              Cascading Tools
and in each other’s patrol targets                          What mattered during this                                 There are certainly other cascading
(How many traffic violations went                       process was not the derivation of                             tools already in wide use. Four of the
undetected? How many houses were                        an optimal set of KPIs, but the in-                           best known are: the balanced score
unobserved?). These compromises                         crease in communication and guid-                             card (BSC) proposed by Kaplan and
required negotiations between the                       ance which taught the two branch-                             Norton in 1983,5 the Hoshin Kanri
two units, which had never collabo-                     es to collaborate. Only through this                          Planning process that Toyota and a
rated in this way before. The result-                   communication and learning were                               few other Japanese companies be-
ing operating procedures took time                      they able to change their behavior                            gan to develop in 1950,6 the Objec-
and effort, demanding that the unit                     so that the strategy could be car-                            tives and Key Results (OKR) appli-
heads and their senior teams build                      ried out. KPIs alone would have                               cation invented by Andy Grove at
a constructive relationship. It took                    led to more isolated behavior, fol-                           Intel in the 1980s,7 and the strategy
over a year to achieve, but the end                     lowing the letter but not the spirit                          briefing process proposed by Bun-
result was effective because they                       of their goals and failing to under-                          gay (2011).8 The strengths and weak-
had come to have a shared vision                        stand the effects of their behavior                           nesses of these methods are laid out
and the confidence to communicate                       on colleagues.                                                in Table 1.

 Table 1: Overview of some widely used cascading methods

                Balanced Score Card (BSC)          Hoshin Kanri                  Objectives and Key            Strategy Briefing Process       Cascading Trees
                (Kaplan and Norton 1983)           (Toyota 1950)                 Results (OKR) (Grove          (Bungay 2011)

 Logic          1. Develop strategy; 2. Map;       Establish an organizational   Articulate ambitious          Senior managers answer          Give high-level mission/
                and 3. cascade using BSC           vision and mission, with      goals (tangible,              the question, “What do you      action targets and break them
                performance dimensions:            strategic (market-oriented)   objective, high-value         want me to do?” Articulate      into lower-level contributing
                financial, customer-facing,        objectives, and cascade       creating) and required        strategic intent, how the       actions and targets. Repeat
                process, and learning/change;      them with the Hoshin          measurable results            pieces fit together, and        going down 2–3 levels and
                then 4. Implement operational      Planning (“X”) matrix, then   to work toward (not           their priorities, and connect   negotiate the appropriate
                execution; and 5–6. monitor        execute with Kaizen and       actions).                     them to high-level tasks.       interdependent actions at
                and learn as the strategy          TQM tools.                                                                                  each level.
                unfolds and is adapted to the

 Strengths      Cohesive institutional approach    • Proven at operational       Strategic initiatives         Questioning and                 • Transparency and clarity.
                – this is the most widely used       level since the 1950s.      oriented around results,      communicating the               • Identify and negotiate areas
                strategy mapping tool.             • Emphasis on bottom-up       and transparency in the       strategy.                         of interdependency.
                                                     and cross-functional        organization by sharing                                       • Empower creative actions at
                                                     management.                 OKRs between units.                                             each level.
                                                   • Integration of unit-level                                                                 • Bottom-up input of
                                                     goals with daily tactical                                                                   both constraints and
                                                     management.                                                                                 opportunities.

 Limitations    • The BSC dimensions risk          • There is a risk that the    • No actions included;        Similar to the first step       Can become complicated if
                  being used generically             strategic market-oriented     therefore the tool stays    of the cascading tree,          not based in a disciplined
                  as pre-defined quality             objectives and the            at strategic level, not     but does not address the        process of collaborative
                  dimensions that hinder a truly     operational (Kaizen)          linking strategy to daily   middle and front-line levels.   construction at each level and
                  differentiated personalized        actions will be only          operations.                 This tool is largely useful     strict prioritization.
                  strategy.                          weakly connected – the      • Negotiations of inter-      at the senior management
                • The execution premium              Hoshin Planning matrix        dependencies and            level.
                  process has a strong               quickly becomes too           thus collaborative
                  top-down emphasis; the             complex for causal            problem-solving are
                  feed-back cycle emphasizes         transparency and              not included, leaving
                  the success of the strategy        flexibility.                  the focus on solitary
                  and underplays input from        • Can become heavily            efforts.
                  lower levels and negotiations      bureaucratic.
                  between units, potentially
                  hindering organizational
                  creativity and enthusiasm.

MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                                                                                                 31
sional constituencies and goals, for         a secure working environment
A cascading tree offers                   their private shareholders, financial        in which to grow while generat-
an intelligent compromise                 markets, regulators, customers, and          ing reasonable profits to sus-
– an explicit guide to                    society. The traditional simplicity of       tain the group’s survival and
                                          maximizing shareholder value has             development.
constructive top-down,                    come under attack, in the wake of
bottom-up, and cross-unit                 the 2008 financial crisis, as being       This mission statement sets sever-
negotiation processes                     insufficient. Moreover, in an age in      al goals, balancing the benefits to
                                          which society increasingly expects        Sinyi’s stakeholders: customers, em-
that build common                         companies to consider the environ-        ployees, shareholders, society, and
understanding and                         ment, employee benefits, and socie-       the environment. Sinyi is a for-profit
alliance – emphasizing a                  tal contributions, firms must devise      organization, but it does not pursue
                                          multifaceted strategies that embrace      profits to the exclusion of every-
collaborative process.                    the deep conflicts between multiple       thing else. Having begun with the
                                          goals. How can these complex de-          principled decision to forgo price-
All tools have limitations. The BSC       mands be translated into operation-       spread arbitrage it went on, without
has often been used as a generic          al targets?                               direct compensation, to introduce
indicator (rather than articulating            Let us look at one company that      additional customer benefits over
unique qualities) and has a top-          has made ethical business its core        the years, such as offering custom-
down flavor that does not bring out       principle, the Taiwanese real estate      ers full coverage for any disagree-
the best in employees. Hoshin Kan-        broker Sinyi Co. Sinyi was founded in     able surprises in their new property.
ri is perhaps the closest method to       1981 in Taipei by Chun-Chi Chou and       Sinyi also leads the way in reporting
what we propose, but it is most ef-       has, since the turn of the century, be-   its environmental footprint and con-
fective within operations (already        come the largest and most respect-        tributes generously to civic projects
two levels down in our cascading          ed real estate brokerage in Taiwan. It    in its communities.
tree). When an organization starts        has a 15 percent market share, reve-
the process with a high-level strat-      nues of US$190m, profits of US$27m,       Top-Down Cascading
egy, the Hoshin matrix becomes ex-        and, as of 2016, 3,000 employees.         Strategy cascading in a company
tremely complex and process-heavy.        Initially, Mr Chou found real estate      such as Sinyi has a business com-
OKR focuses on individual goals for       to be a scattered industry in which       ponent but is also rooted in collabo-
change, yet, while acknowledging          the practice referred to as “earning      ration and common beliefs, without
the benefits of transparency, it does     the price spread” was common – if         which the multiple stakeholder core
not address interdependency or            the final purchase price was higher       of its ethical principles would not op-
collaborative problem-solving. The        than the seller’s original minimum        erate in a balanced way. As a result,
strategy briefing process focuses on      price, the agency would appropriate       (even our simplified representation
articulating strategic trade-offs and     the difference along with the (legal)     of) Sinyi’s cascade strategy requires
priorities at the top level, and on the   commission. One of the first princi-      at least two cascading trees. The first
goals and actions of senior execu-        ples that Mr Chou introduced was          concerns revenue, garnered through
tives, without connecting to the front    that his firm would not use this un-      a differentiated strategy of providing
line. Our cascading tree offers an in-    ethical method. Instead, Sinyi would      customer service and earning cus-
telligent compromise – an explicit        offer the customer total transpar-        tomer trust. This position cascades
guide to constructive top-down, bot-      ency. The company expanded this           into operational targets and process-
tom-up, and cross-unit negotiation        first practice over time into a range     es in a standard quantified way, as
processes that build common under-        of service innovations, all aimed at      shown for two levels in Exhibit 4.
standing and alliance – emphasizing       serving the customer in an ethically           While the exhibit shows the
a collaborative process. Managers         clean and transparent way. This phi-      tree for the sales target (revenues
have to work for it, but it enables       losophy was eventually formalized         and market share), the numerical
true strategic customization, with-       in the company’s mission:                 values are omitted for reasons of
out becoming a heavy-handed bu-                                                     confidentiality. The higher level re-
reaucratic process.                         Our purpose is to foster secure,        flects strategic priorities: employ-
                                            speedy, and reasonable realty           ees must buy into and live the prem-
4. Case Example: Sinyi Realtors             transactions through the syner-         ise that customer trust and ethical
There is ever increasing pressure           gy of expertise and teamwork,           behavior translate into business.
on companies to serve multidimen-           providing Sinyi’s employees with        Sinyi doesn’t just sell houses; it sells

32                                                                                 Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
Exhibit 4: Cascading of sales targets at Sinyi

                                                                       Sales volumes and

                                                               Sales target and market share target

                            Cultivate employees                           Service quality                          Efficient process

   Target            All employees buy into the value          Client satisfaction, service quality         Number of transactions, deals, and
   action                  proposition of trust                 measured by quality department                sales per month and person

                   • Intensive initial training               • Salespeople solve problems for           • Standard operating procedures
                   • Ongoing training by senior                 clients                                    (SOP) (e.g., time spent on
                     colleagues                               • Transparency (e.g., disclosure of          community work, prospective
                   • Regular departmental meetings              price ranges)                              clients, and client work)
                     with Chief Ethics Officer                • Guarantee features (e.g., on house       • Fast turnaround (sales completion)
                   • Incentive scheme for collaboration         components)                              • Collaboration and sharing
                     and openness, discouragement             • Extra services (e.g., cleaning,            information with colleagues
                     of chasing commissions at the              provision of slippers)
                     expense of service

service. Providing high quality ser-                range or other bidders, is built into             activities throughout the company.
vice is therefore a high-level action               the process. This column also de-                 The second cascading tree, in Exhib-
and its processes, such as consisten-               scribes additional services such as               it 5, delineates these connections.
cy and speed, must support sales.                   guarantees and case-by-case add-                        The firm’s target is to continue to
Each high-level action has a target:                ons reflecting the needs or desires               clearly differentiate itself as the most
all employees must fulfill the trust                of individual customers. The right                ethical player in the industry. This
value; quality of service is formally               column supports this work by laying               target is not aligned with the sales
tested by various measures of cus-                  out standard operating procedures                 target but intersects with it. Combin-
tomer satisfaction administered not                 (SOPs) which structure the sales-                 ing both in one tree would result in
by anyone in sales, but by a separate               person’s work as well as the accom-               confusion rather than transparency,
quality department; and customer                    panying legal functions, and which                so the company instead created two
interactions and conversions per                    ensure that the team collaborates                 trees (pretty much the upper limit
branch and per month are subject                    and shares information. (The legal                of complexity that a cascading tree
to an assortment of efficiency mea-                 department has a separate set of                  will support). The ethics target is
sures.                                              process goals which have allowed it               supported by four high-level goals:
    The second level actions sup-                   to reduce turnaround time by a third              investments that explicitly acknowl-
port the first level targets, embody-               over the last five years.)                        edge the needs of all stakeholders;
ing the overall strategy. The left                      These formal business goals do                ethical employee behavior (in accor-
column shows that Sinyi prioritizes                 not fully capture the ethical princi-             dance with company norms); a chief
employee training, both formally                    ple of sharing benefits with stake-               ethics officer, installed in 2010, who
and through cultural immersion.                     holders. The sales goals are founded              embodies employee centeredness
The center column supports client                   on the assumption that being ethical              and ethics; and the establishment of
satisfaction, emphasizing the helpful               builds trust and good business, but               specific incentives. Each goal has a
and problem-solving nature of the in-               stakeholder ethics also comprise a                target, from “make all projects follow
dividual realtor ’s work. Transparen-               goal in their own right. So they also             our principles” to “incentivize ethi-
cy, including openness about price                  need to be connected to operational               cal behavior throughout.”

MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                                                                        33
Exhibit 5: Cascading of ethics across the company

                                                                Achieve ethical balance
                                                                across five stakeholder

                                                     Be seen to be the most ethical realtor in the country

 Target         Investments reflect               Employees behave                          Chief Ethics                          Incentives
 action         stakeholder needs                     ethically                               Officer

 Target         All projects account             All employees behave                                                       Incentive compatibility
                                                                                     Buy-in by all employees
 action         for all stakeholders                   ethically                                                              of ethical behavior

            • Highest investment            • Selection of recruits              • Consistent communication            • Of the 5 percent (regulated)
              committee (authorizes           based on attitude tests              that “by doing the right thing,       transaction fee, salespeople
              all investments) is called      (collaboration, considering          you can be profitable”                get a commission that is only a
              “Total Ethics Meeting”          others)                            • Chief Ethics Officer speaks as        fraction of the industry average
              (TEM)                         • Six months training on               a standing item at TEM, staff         (numbers confidential)
            • Any investment business         values and priorities (e.g.,         meetings, store managers’           • Penalties for pursuing profits
              case must describe how          people centric, do the right         meetings                              over customer service and
              the project will affect all     thing for the customer)            • Sinyi leads on environmental          quality, encouragement of
              stakeholder groups            • SOP (e.g., twice-weekly              practices, such as carbon             collaboration
                                              updates for the customer)            footprint reporting                 • Encouragement of pro
                                                                                                                         bono community work to
                                                                                                                         build personal pride and
                                                                                                                         organisational reputation

     As in Exhibit 4, we see a strong           had both worked on, the chief ethics                         public shaming and fines (though the
emphasis on HR practices, not only              officer reminded them of the Sinyi                           shaming is considered more severe).
on training but also on the selection           principle that taking advantage of                           Meanwhile, teamwork and voluntary
of new employees according to their             others is a sin. He advised the more                         engagement in community activi-
interest in others and their ability to         senior salesperson to concede the                            ties are encouraged and informally
be considerate and collaborative.               larger share of the commission to                            rewarded.
     The chief ethics officer (third ac-        the more junior because senior staff
tion) acts both as the conscience of            have a responsibility to help and ed-
the organization, informally encour-            ucate junior staff.                                          We succeed not in
aging employees to abide by its eth-                 Sinyi has a similar policy for in-                      isolation, but through
ical principles, and as a catalyst for          centive structures, making commis-
innovation. These roles necessitate a           sions smaller relative to salaries. A                        collaboration amid
close relationship between the CEO              Sinyi commission is about 12 percent                         interdependency.
and the chief ethics officer. For ex-           of the company’s fee (compared to
ample, the chief ethics officer gives a         20-30 percent elsewhere), of which
short presentation at every meeting             one-third goes to the team. This                             Horizontal Communication
of the TEM, reminding attendees that            practice encourages teamwork and                             Sinyi’s practices ensure that all its em-
the ethical principles of the business          ethical, customer-oriented service to                        ployees understand and represent the
are a priority. The chief ethics officer        a greater degree than those of com-                          company’s values. In our interviews
also resolves dilemmas and conflicts            petitors. Violations of the company’s                        at Sinyi, we found that workers at all
within the organization. When two               customer service policies, for person-                       levels demonstrated a clear under-
salespeople disagreed about sharing             al profit or any other reason, result                        standing of what makes Sinyi unique.
the commission for a large sale they            in immediate punishments including                           As their chief ethics officer puts it,

34                                                                                                        Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
“people must believe that this posi-        Bottom-Up Innovation                    performance, introducing roughly
tioning can breed success.” Sinyi’s         The goals we have discussed come        one major new service per year, in-
employees also expressed confi-             largely from a vision of the business   cluding a takeback guarantee cov-
dence that, when necessary, their           which comes down from the top.          ering problems that are discovered
ideas will be heard by top manage-          For twenty years Sinyi’s competitors    after purchase, and an investigative
ment. The cascading processes at            have striven to usurp its position by   service to determine whether any-
Sinyi are not cold and mechanical;          adopting similar language and prom-     one has ever died in the house (an
they embody the values of the own-          ising customers the same integrity.     important issue in Chinese culture).
er, the CEO, and the senior team. As        Although none have yet matched
a result, some of the cascaded goals        Sinyi’s consistency in customer ser-
affect the entire organization, reveal-     vice, the company has to evolve         Front-line salespeople
ing its broader interdependence. The        constantly to stay ahead. Sinyi has     who can change their
initial six-month training, for exam-       therefore consistently innovated
ple, certainly covers effective selling     new services over the last twenty       processes feel a sense
(“It taught me how to speak to peo-         years.                                  of ownership – they know
ple,” said one salesperson), but it             Such guided innovation is ideal     they have a voice and
also encompasses collaboration, em-         for nurturing projects that address
pathy, and taking care of each other        weaknesses (e.g., process improve-      influence which causes
as ends unto themselves, not just as        ments in response to customer feed-     them to identify with the
business goals. By encouraging sales-       back) and for taking advantage of       organization and willingly
people to engage in their commu-            strategic opportunities (such as a
nities, the company finds business          new management information sys-         go the extra mile.
opportunities and also adds value to        tem that improves workers’ knowl-
those communities without directly          edge of their customers, sales re-      Salespeople can also initiate for-
measuring the value of community            cords, and process integration). The    mal changes to the company’s
contacts converted in to customers.         TEM agrees upon these projects be-      process. For example, the current
These actions, laid out across sever-       fore handing them over to the strat-    stock of houses for sale used to
al cascading trees, acknowledge that        egy office and the customer service     be visited weekly, every Friday.
we do not succeed in isolation, but         department.                             But the sales staff found that this
through interdependency.                        However, employees at all levels    schedule was sometimes too slow
     And Sinyi has a range of goals         are encouraged to initiate activities   to allow them to effectively com-
which would never work without              and influence goals, driving innova-    pete for desirable properties, so
interdependency or without each             tion and change from the bottom as      salespeople are now allowed to
member of the organization shar-            well as from the boardroom. Sales-      visit a new house any time, once it
ing a common understanding of the           people have a budget with which         has come up for sale. They discuss
company’s mission and values. Var-          to test new customer service ideas.     ideas like this in the daily morning
ious HR practices guide the selec-          One salesperson, learning that her      meeting, a practice very much in
tion and training of employees so           client did not like to reuse slippers   the spirit of continuous improve-
that they learn, in their first year        others had already used, bought         ment in total quality management.
with the company, the importance            some disposable slippers before a       Because of their direct input, the
of this balance and how to achieve          house visit. Her experiment was so      salespeople feel that, although it
it. In the words of Sinyi’s chief eth-      successful that it was formalized as    is formally owned by the customer
ics officer, “We tell our people that       a standard option.                      service department, they also own
quality, transparency, and honesty              Front-line employees are encour-    the SOP, and that it reflects their
toward the customer will lead to            aged to send messages with ideas        knowledge and shared best practic-
profitability. The salespeople must         for change to both the CEO and the      es. Of course, not all proposals are
believe this; otherwise our compa-          chief ethics officer. These officers    accepted: one salesperson exper-
ny does not work. If we execute the         read and responded to each mes-         imented with thoroughly cleaning
business successfully in this way,          sage, and a few result in commen-       a house for the buyer in hopes of
we are generating a profit machine,         dations or follow-up projects. Store    triggering a decision, but the com-
with the employees at the center,           and regional managers are asked to      pany rejected making cleaning part
with which we can then also in-             bring innovation ideas to the TEM       of the SOP because it would have
crease the benefits to the environ-         for discussion. And Sinyi continues     been economically burdensome.
ment and society.”                          to steadily improve its operating       Nonetheless, front-line salespeople

MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                                           35
who can change their processes                        strategies which respond to the fun-                  top-down arrow, then, corresponds
feel a sense of ownership – they                      damental uncertainty of the world                     to our high-level cascaded goals. We
know they have a voice and influ-                     around us. The time has passed                        have found that top management
ence which causes them to identify                    when strategy was a static set of de-                 teams have the capacity to pursue
with the organization and willingly                   tailed goals, planned and optimized.                  and supervise perhaps fifteen to twen-
go the extra mile.                                    Yet managers still know too little                    ty strategic change projects on top of
                                                      about how to set up and support                       their usual responsibilities.9 Most of
                                                      adjustments of strategy in response                   these changes are compatible and can
In flexible and innovative                            to changes in the environment. One                    be pursued within the existing struc-
companies, strategic goals                            clearly demonstrated path to suc-                     tures and processes. For these, cas-
                                                      cessful adaptation is the process we                  cading asks each unit, “What can you
change and evolve with                                have described in this article.                       do to make this happen?” Few strate-
the information that arises                                Exhibit 6 illustrates that adaptive              gic projects cannot be accomplished
though the bottom-up                                  strategy execution is a cauldron of                   within the existing structures. These
                                                      ideas and decisions which circulate                   few may require an additional unit
initiatives.                                          in all directions. At the top, there are              with different experts, equipment, or
                                                      broad goals responding, with the                      perhaps entrepreneurial approaches.
                                                      help of formal analysis and decision                  And for these, the cascading needs
5. Strategy Execution as a                            tools, to the societal, technological,                to start from scratch, just as it would
Process                                               and market environment. These goals                   for any major project which assigns
Finally, the proposed cascading                       need to be translated into high-level                 people to new tasks not already being
system can help organizations to                      operational targets (in this case “im-                performed by incumbents.
adapt. Management scholars agree                      provement and productivity” and                            In all the strategic changes
that there is a need for adaptable                    “new products and innovation”). The                   which are compatible with existing

 Exhibit 6: Strategy cascading as a creative process

                          Business Strategy Goals
                     (e.g., growth, market share, profit)       CEO

                                                                                Strategy              Formal Strategy Planning
                                                                                                      (e.g., portfolio or SWOT analysis market
                                                                                Staff                 intelligence, technology monitoring)

 • Improvement
   productivity                                             Bottom-up
 • New
   products and             BU 1                            information and
                                                                                                BU 2                                Horizontal
   innovation                                                                                                                       • Formal and informal
                                                                                                                                    • Visits and
                                                                                                                                    • Shared processes
                                                                                                                                    • Collaborative
         Sales              Tech                 Ops                           Sales             Tech               Ops                projects
                                                                                                                                    • Culture and
                                                                                                                                       openness and
                                          Functional bottom-up information/ideation schemes
        (supported with review boards at various levels, which help to convert ideas into official strategy)
        • Customer feedback
        • External contacts (such as trade fairs, suppliers, universities, benchmarking with other companies)
        • Suggestions
        • Improvement projects (such as Kaizen, 6σ), innovation slack (such as quality circles, experimentation budgets),
           suggestion system

36                                                                                                        Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
structures, information also flows          are not necessarily to be found in
up from the bottom, carrying not            process handbooks, but are both          In flexible and innovative
only many small improvements but            formal or informal actions that are      companies, strategic goals
also higher-impact ideas. These are         widely accepted and recurring.           change and evolve with
collected through various mecha-            Formal actions might include sanc-
nisms and drive the generation of           tioned and resourced six-sigma           the information that arises
innovative initiatives in the middle.       (continuous improvement) proj-           though the bottom-up
For example, the company where              ects, benchmarked across several         initiatives.
we first saw the cascading tree in          units, while informal actions could
action changed its operations strat-        be talking to external contacts or
egy from “cost leadership” to “time         discussing best ideas and the in-        KPIs, to strengthen employee align-
leadership” when front-line person-         teractions between them with col-        ment with its overarching goals.
nel suggested that, by speeding up          leagues.                                 But as a company expands and the
processes, customer service could                This system of top-down, bot-       numbers in its hierarchy increase,
be transformed into a competitive           tom-up, and horizontal cascading         people at the lower levels become
weapon and, because speeding                orients employees toward shared          irresistibly tempted to focus on their
up would require operations to              goals and emerging changes in the        local KPIs and the grander purpose
be eliminated, costs would also             environment, as well as promoting        begins to recede. Another organiza-
decrease. There are some well-              horizontal transparency and align-       tion we worked with grew from ap-
known examples of similar strate-           ment. We call this situation a caul-     proximately 10,000 people to nearly
gy changes. In the 1980s Intel was          dron because, to an outsider it may      20,000 (six times larger than Sinyi).
transformed from a memory chip              look like a chaotic stew of seeming-     This organization opted to reduce
manufacturer into the market lead-          ly unconnected activities. But the       specifically local KPIs (however well
er in processor chips after a bot-          outsider does not see the combina-       designed) and to emphasize high-
tom-up revolution in which middle           tion of processes and cultural rules     er-level KPIs. The change helped
management eventually persuad-              that aligns the system with shared       people to recognize the bigger pic-
ed their seniors. Likewise, in the          goals. The cauldron does require         ture and understand that they were
1990s, the ideas of middle manage-          patience and persistence, but as         all in the same boat, encouraging
ment, which the upper levels took a         one Sinyi senior manager put it:         dynamic negotiations about actions
decade to accept, reorganized IBM           “Gaining everyone’s trust is very        that might not improve an individ-
into a service business, converting         difficult and a never-ending jour-       ual’s success but would help wider
hardware production units into in-          ney, and it is constantly subject to     groups to achieve larger goals. To
ternal suppliers. Bottom-up ideas           undermining and misuse, by cus-          keep such a large organization on
don’t just drive improvements on            tomers and sometimes employees.          track, strategy alignment must be
existing goals, they also introduce         Our results indicate that the public     loosened, or the levels of detail in
new performance elements (new               honors our efforts, and our rep-         the cascading tree limited.
services, new customers, new ways           utation is unparalleled. This rep-            In flexible and innovative com-
of defining value) that surpass ex-         resents no laurels on which we can       panies, strategic goals change and
isting strategic goals and help the         rest, but an encouragement to keep       evolve with the information that
company to innovate.                        moving forward.” And strategies          arises though the bottom-up initia-
     All of the arrows (which rep-          rarely create a monopoly on which        tives. There is no precise recipe for
resent information and communi-             an organization can rest secure-         how strategy cascading and execu-
cation flows) should be support-            ly. Instead, strategy offers a foun-     tion should look. Their organiza-
ed by institutional mechanisms              dation from which to keep trying.        tional content depends on econom-
and processes, as well as cultural          Even Sinyi’s service portfolio has       ics, markets, and culture along with
norms that encourage employees              changed dramatically over the last       myriad smaller factors. Nonethe-
to contribute. Alignment, compati-          twenty years, yet the underlying         less, despite the case-to-case de-
bility, and mutual creativity should        values (of sharing with customers,       tails, certain core elements exist in
be expected to be negotiated be-            employees, and society) remain.          any cascading system that strategi-
tween units, divisions, and teams,               No tool is universal, no matter     cally aligns and executes adapta-
again supported by a combination            how you stretch it. As an organiza-      tion. Excellent cascading allows an
of mechanisms including process-            tion grows, even the cascading tree      organization to change its strate-
es and cultural routines and hab-           reaches its limit. Sinyi uses horizon-   gies without having to manage a
its. These institutional processes          tal collaboration targets, rather than   crisis.

MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                                              37
Christoph Loch is a Profes-                   Stylianos Kavadias is                          Yang Bai-Chuan (B.C.) is
                  sor of Technology and Op-                      the Margret Thatcher                          an Associate Professor of
                  erations Management and                        Professor of Technology                       Business Administration
                  Dean of the University of                      and Operations Manage-                        and a member of the
                  Cambridge’s Judge Busi-                        ment and Director of the                      board of trustees at Fu
                  ness School. For thirty                        Entrepreneurship Centre                       Jen Catholic University in
                  years, he has worked with                      at the University of Cam-                     Taipei. He serves as Chief
                  organizations of various                       bridge’s Judge Business                       Ethics Officer and adjunct
types on executing innovation, managing         School. He is an expert in product devel-    Chief HR Officer at Sinyi Realty Group. He is
complex and uncertain projects, and emo-        opment and innovation, and on the entre-     dedicated to advancing the application of
tionally motivating professional employees.     preneurial journey of new ventures.          ethics theory in business practice.

   Appendix: A Brief Overview of Academic Work on Strategy Cascading
   For a long time, both academics and practitioner                   then required to achieve alignment.18 This view is con-
   professionals have wrestled with the problem of                    sistent with our cascading tree proposal.
   strategic alignment of organizational actions. They                     Finally, analytical hierarchical planning (AHP)
   have approached it in four ways, none of which ad-                 strove to formalize the link between strategic goals
   dressed it systematically. Resource allocation the-                and the complex execution decisions required at dif-
   orists approached strategy execution on the notion                 ferent levels of the hierarchy.19 While offering inter-
   that action occurs wherever the money goes. Strat-                 esting insights into the methodology of deconstruct-
   egy execution can certainly be quite formal, some-                 ing complex decisions into smaller and simpler
   times involving metrics, but it can also be driven by              choices, AHP has been criticized for its restrictive
   culture.10 Execution has likewise been approached as               formalism and for trying to automate a process that
   a decision between several possible resource alloca-               relies upon subjective evaluations and perspec-
   tions, using capital budgeting methods, or through                 tives. 20
   the more qualitative lens of strategic program port-                    Table 1 examined four important cascading tools
   folios.11 But in order to allocate resources effectively,          that are currently in wide use. Other scholars have
   companies must combine considerations of strategic                 emphasized the importance of alignment, the need for
   action portfolios, financial circumstances, and com-               employees to understand, and identify with, the over-
   pany culture.12                                                    arching goals, so that their actions will strengthen the
        Agency theorists observed that the firm’s objec-              company’s strategic position.21 Managerial recommen-
   tive might not be that of the employee (agent), and                dations tend to echo the concerns raised in the theoret-
   suggested that compensation and incentives might                   ical literature that aligned measures must be subject to
   be important to aligning strategies.13 A famous paper              modification from the bottom-up in response to chang-
   foreshadowed the dangers of untargeted incentives,                 es and new ideas.22 Our cascading tree proposal fulfills
   demonstrating the fallacy of “rewarding A while hop-               these needs. There is also a long-standing discussion
   ing for B.”14                                                      of the measures that influence behavior. For example,
        Other scholars approached strategic alignment as              FAST (frequently discussed, ambitious, specific, and
   a problem of communication and coordination. They                  transparent) measures have supplanted the previously
   argued that, while rewards and metrics cannot be                   popular SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, re-
   viewed independently from strategy and structure,15                alistic, and time-bound) model.23 While this discussion
   the firm must decide what to communicate to its em-                is certainly important, it does not directly address the
   ployees as strategy, and then use what has been com-               problem of alignment. Indeed, as we have described,
   municated to drive reward systems.16 The clarity with              some companies have chosen to reduce the specificity
   which a strategy is explained to organizational units is           and direct consequences of performance measures in
   thus a key enabler.17 Moreover, both vertical alignment            order to achieve collaboration throughout the compa-
   and horizontal communication and collaboration are                 ny and support the (fuzzier) whole.

38                                                                                          Volume 01 | Issue 01 | Winter 2021 | MBR
1. We observed this for the first time many                most advanced discussion of their strategy      11. Harris, M., Kriebel, C. H., Raviv, A. 1982. Asym-       processes: top-down, bottom-up, and the
   years ago when it was used by a successful              cascading process is in Kaplan, R. S., Nor-         metric Information, Incentives and Intrafirm            value of strategic buckets. Management
   leader, Dr. Jessen, at Festo.                           ton, D. P. 2008. Execution Premium: Linking         Resource Allocation. Management Science                 Science 61(2), 391–412.
2. Cross-functional collaboration is illustrated           Strategy to Operations for Competitive Ad-          28(6), 604–620. See also Cooper, R. G., Edg-        18. See Sting et al. 2016, from Endnote ii.
   in a case study of changing manufacturing               vantage. Boston: HBS Press.                         ett, S. J., Kleinschmidt, E. 2001. Portfolio Man-   19. Saaty, T. L. 1980. The Analytic Hierarchy Pro-
   lines to maintain the productivity of aging       6.    Tennant, C., Roberts, P. 2001. Hoshin Kanri:        agement for New Products. Perseus.                      cess, New York: McGraw Hill; Wind, Y. Saaty,
   employees, in Loch, C. H., Sting, F. J., Bauer,         a tool for strategic policy deployment.         12. Loch, C. H., Kavadias, S. 2011. Implementing            T. L. 1980. Marketing Applications of the
   N. N., Mauermann, H. H. 2010. How BMW is                Knowledge and Process Management 8(4),              Strategy Through Projects. Chapter 8. In:               Analytic Hierarchy Process. Management
   defusing the demographic time bomb. Har-                262–269. See also Waldo, W. 2019. The seven         Morris, P., Pinto, J., Söderlund, J. (eds.), The        Science 26, 641–658.
   vard Business Review, 88(3), 99–102. The                steps of Hoshin Kanri Planning. Lean Meth-          Oxford Handbook on the Management of                20. Dyer, J. S. 1990. Remarks on the Analytic
   wider need for horizontal collaboration is              ods Group,             Projects. Oxford: Oxford University Press,              Hierarchy Process. Management Science
   documented in Sting, F. J., Loch, C. H. 2016.           resources/articles/seven-steps-hoshin-              224–251.                                                36(3), 249–258.
   Implementing Operations Strategy: How                   planning/                                       13. Very influential early work in this stream          21. Examples are shown in: Kim, W. C., Maubor-
   Vertical and Horizontal Coordination Inter-       7.    Grove, A. S. 1985. High Output Management.          were Grossman, S., Hart, O. 1983. An Analy-             gne, R. 2015. Closing the Gap Between Blue
   act. Production and Operations Management               London: Vintage. Later discussions can be           sis of the Principal-Agent Problem. Econo-              Ocean Strategy and Execution, 05.
   25(7), 1177–1193.                                       found in Zhou, H., He, Y. 2018. Comparative         metrica 51(1), 7–45; and Holmström, B. 1979.            February 2015, adapted from: Blue Ocean
3. This has been shown in Kim, Y. H., Sting, F.            study of OKR and KPI. International Confer-         Moral Hazard and Observability. Bell Journal            Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create
   J., Loch, C. H. 2014. Top-down, bottom-up, or           ence on E-Commerce and Contemporary                 of Economics 10(1), 74–91.                              Uncontested Market Space and Make the
   both? Toward an integrative perspective on              Economic Development, ISBN 978-1-60595-         14. Kerr, S. 1975. On the Folly of Rewarding A,             Competition Irrelevant, HBS Press 2015;
   operations strategy formation. Journal of               552-0; and Google’s OKR Playbook at                 While Hoping for B. The Academy of Manage-              Loch, C. H., Tapper, S. 2002. Implementing
   Operations Management, 32(7–8), 462–474.                    ment Journal 18(4), 769–783.                            a Strategy-Driven Performance Measure-
4. Sting, F. J., Fuchs C., Schlickel M., Alexy O.          googles-okr-playbook.                           15. Galbraith, J. R. 1974. Organization Design:             ment System for an Applied Research Group.
   2019. How to Overcome the Bias We Have            8.    Bungay, S. 2011. How to make the most of            An Information Processing View. Interfaces              Journal of Product Innovation Management
   Toward Our Own Ideas. Harvard Business                  your company’s strategy. Harvard Business           4(3), 28–36.                                            19, 185–198; and Rucci, A. J., Kirn, S. P., Quinn.
   Review, Online.                                         Review 89, January–February, 132–140.           16. Rotemberg, J., Saloner, G. 1994. Benefits of            R. T. 1998. The Employee-Customer-Profit
5. Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P. 1992. The Bal-       9.    See Sting et al. 2016, from Endnote ii.             Narrow Business Strategies. American Eco-               Chain at Sears. Harvard Business Review
   anced Scorecard: Measures that Drive              10.   Bower, J. L. 1970. Managing the Resource            nomic Review 84(5), 1330–49.                            76(1) (Jan–Feb), 83–97.
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MBR | Winter 2021 | Volume 01 | Issue 01                                                                                                                                                                         39
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