Malignant vasovagal syncope: prolonged asystole provoked by head-up tilt

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  Malignant vasovagal syncope: prolonged asystole
             provoked by head-up tilt
                   Case report and review of diagnosis, pathophysiology, and therapy


• Vasovagal syncope is a common clinical disorder that often escapes diagnosis; if the syncope is recur-
rent and severe (malignant vasovagal syncope), it can be a source of morbidity and possibly mortality. The
authors report a 39-year-old patient with recurrent, unexplained syncope who underwent provocative
head-up tilt testing that resulted in asystole for 73 seconds. In addition to vasovagal syncope, head-up tilt
test also aids in the diagnosis and management of disorders of blood pressure and heart rate regulation.
Management of recurrent vasovagal syncope is based upon the underlying pathophysiology and includes
transdermal scopolamine, volume expansion, biofeedback, support stockings, and pacemakers (preferably
AV sequential).

           A S O V A G A L SYNCOPE, a common and                      dangerous because of its singular nature and circum-

V          pervasive disorder, is often a therapeutic and
           diagnostic dilemma. Although by its nature
           vasovagal syncope is always a nuisance and an
inconvenience to the patient, rarely has either its occur-
rence or its consequences been considered disabling or
                                                                      stances (prolonged duration of asystole). We propose the
                                                                      term "malignant vasovagal syncope" to encompass a
                                                                      disabling clinical syndrome that can drastically and
                                                                      dramatically alter lifestyle and well-being and can repre-
                                                                      sent a significant threat to health.
                                                                      CASE REPORT
• See also the editorial by Scheinman (pp   503-504)
                                                                         A 39-year-old man had increasingly frequent spells of
   We describe a case in which recurrent vasovagal syn-               loss of consciousness despite prior medical evaluation
cope eluded diagnosis prior to provocative head-up tilt               and presumptive anticonvulsive therapy. He was ex-
testing. T h e syncope in this case was particularly                  amined at the Neurology Department of The Cleveland
                                                                      Clinic Foundation in August 1985. His syncopal epi-
  From the Departments of Cardiology (J.D.M.), Heart and Hyper-       sodes had first appeared in early childhood and had
tension Research (F.J.J., M.F-T.), and Neurology (H.H.M.), The        varied greatly in frequency over the years, but the clini-
Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Submitted for publication Jan 1988;      cal characteristics had remained constant. Most re-
accepted Mar 1988.                                                    cently, these episodes were occurring one to two times
  Address reprint requests to J.D.M., Department of Cardiology, The
                                                                      per week and had caused injuries. Twice, spells had oc-
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, One Clinic Center, 9500 Euclid
Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195.                                        curred while the man was operating his semitractor

NOVEMBER • DECEMBER 1988                                                                 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 542

trailer and had resulted in serious motor-vehicle acci-     stimulation.
dents. This necessitated a change in employment, which         The first head-up tilt test was performed while the
resulted in a major reduction in income.                    patient was fortuitously undergoing ambulatory EEG
   No family member had a history of syncope; however,      monitoring. The initial portion of the tilt-table test de-
an uncle had epilepsy. Other than a splenectomy per-        monstrated a normal heart rate and blood pressure re-
formed for uncertain reasons at age one year, the medi-     sponse. The control heart rate was 57 beats per minute
cal history was unremarkable. There was no history of       and blood pressure was 115/76 mmHg, which changed
alcohol or drug abuse. Prior evaluations for these epi-     to 74 beats per minute and 110/80 mmHg after several
sodes of recurrent loss of consciousness, resulting in no   minutes of 60° tilt.
clear diagnosis, had included C T scans, multiple Holter       At eight minutes of 60° tilt, the patient noted the
recordings, several electroencephalograms, and labora-      onset of his usual prodromal symptoms, and the systolic
tory chemistry and hematology determinations. In 1978,      blood pressure was recorded at 60 mmHg. With the
an abnormal electroencephalogram led to therapeutic         onset of prodromal symptoms, the sinus rate slowed to
trials of anticonvulsant medications.                       approximately 54 beats per minute. As the patient was
   The patient, his wife, and other observers character-    being returned to the supine position, he lost conscious-
ized a typical spell as a brief prodrome of dizziness,      ness. The ECG demonstrated several nonconducted
nausea, diaphoresis, pallor, and vague abdominal dis-       atrial depolarizations and junctional escape beats fol-
comfort. This was usually followed by sudden complete       lowed by a 73-second interval of atrial and ventricular
loss of consciousness for 30 seconds to two minutes.        asystole (Figure I). The prodromal period lasted ap-
Weakness and fatigue persisted for several minutes after    proximately 20 seconds prior to asystole. Brief myo-
he regained consciousness. These episodes were not ac-      clonic jerks were noted during the first few seconds of
companied by palpitations or other cardiac signs, focal     unconsciousness. After approximately 30 seconds of
neurologic deficits, or incontinence, but myoclonic         asystole, external chest compression was initiated and
movements were described. The spells occurred during        atropine was administered intravenously. The prolonged
sitting or standing and occasionally appeared to be pro-    asystolic episode was terminated by several junctional
voked by stress or pain; one spell had occurred during a    escape beats. This was followed in seconds by sinus
dental procedure. The patient's wife reported inability     rhythm, effective blood pressure, and return of con-
to palpate her husband's radial pulse during one spell.     sciousness.
    During the initial evaluation period, we performed         Subsequent analysis of the simultaneous EEG record-
multiple physical examinations, with special attention      ings documented the onset and resolution of global cere-
to neurologic and cardiovascular function. All exami-       bral hypoxemia with the blood pressure and heart rate
nation findings were normal. Findings included: weight,     changes. Blood volume (R1SA), serum catecholamines,
82 kg; resting blood pressure, 115/76 mmHg; absence of      serum aldosterone, and plasma renin activity measure-
orthostatic hypotension; and resting heart rate, 65 beats   ments were obtained prior to the induction of the synco-
per minute. The heart rhythm was regular, there were no     pal episode. All of these values were subsequently deter-
murmurs, and response to the Valsalva maneuver was          mined to be normal.
normal. All peripheral pulses were normal and there            The patient demonstrated normal continuous ambu-
were no bruits. The heart rate and blood pressure re-       latory ECG telemetry monitoring over the next 24
sponses to carotid sinus massage were normal. The elec-     hours. The following day, a diagnostic three-catheter in-
trocardiogram demonstrated normal sinus rhythm, nor-        tracardiac electrophysiologic test was performed. After
mal PR interval, normal QRS morphology and duration,        local anesthesia and during placement of the femoral
and normal ST-T waves. The chest radiograph, blood          catheters, the patient experienced his typical vasovagal
hematology, and chemistry analysis were all within nor-     attack, with hypotension and mild bradycardia. This re-
mal limits.                                                 sulted in loss of consciousness while supine and simul-
    Additional diagnostic and provocative tests were        taneous development of 19 seconds of cardiac asystole.
ordered and included:                                       Since intravenously administered atropine was used as
    1. Ambulatory EEG monitoring,                           an emergency intervention for this dramatic episode,
    2. Treadmill exercise testing,                          the subsequent electrophysiologic observations were ob-
    3. Repeat ambulatory 48-hour ECG monitoring,            tained with the patient under the influence of atropine.
    4. Provocative head-up tilt testing, and                All subsequent parameters measured were normal and
    5. Intracardiac electrophysiologic recording and        included sinus node recovery times, AV nodal conduc-

543 CLEVELAND CLINIC J O U R N A L OF MEDICINE                                                      VOLUME 55 NUMBER 6

                                                                                                            tion, and H-V intervals. Pro-
                                                                                                            grammed stimulation failed
                                                                                                            to induce any abnormal su-
                                                                                                            praventricular or ventricular
                                                                                                            tachyarrhythmias. T h e re-
                                                                                                            sponse to carotid sinus mas-
                                                                                                            sage, before and after
                                                                                                            atropine, was normal.
                                                                                                               T h e observations ob-
                                                                                                            tained during head-up tilt
                                                                                                            and electrophysiologic test-
                                                                                                            ing supported the clinical di-
                                                                                                            agnosis of severe vasovagal
                                                                                                            syncope and vasodepressor
                                                                                                            syncope with a malignant
                                                                                                            degree of reflex asystole.
                                                                                                            Therefore, a dual-chamber
                                                                                                            bipolar pacing system was
                                                                                                            implanted to control the car-
                                                                                                            diac manifestations (brady-
                                                                                                            cardia and asystole). We rec-
                                                                                                            ognized      that       other
                                                                                                            interventions were likely to
                                                                                                            be necessary for managing
                                                                                                            the peripheral aspects of this
                                                                                                                One     day     following
                                                                                                            pacemaker implantation,
                                                                                                            the patient underwent re-
                                                                                                            peat head-up tilt test with
                                                                                                            the DDD pacing system ini-
                                                                                                            tially programmed to a low
                                                                                                            rate of 50 beats per minute.
                                                                                                            T h e test was then repeated
                                                                                                            with the device repro-
                                                                                                            grammed to a low rate of 70
                                                                                                            beats per minute. A t both
                                                                                                            pacemaker rates, the stress of
                                                                                                            the tilt-table test induced
                                                                                                            severe symptomatic hy-
                                                                                                            potension despite preven-
                                                                                                            tion of asystole and main-
                                                                                                            tenance of AV synchrony
                                                                                                            with the DDD pacing sys-
                                                                                                            tem.     The     transdermal
                                                                                                            formulation of scopolamine
FIGURE 1A. Normal ECG and EEG during head-up tilt prior to syncope. FIGURE IB. ECG demon-                   (Transderm-Scop) was then
strates sinus bradycardia, nonconducted atrial depolarizations, and onset of asystole. EEG shows onset of   administered in combina-
generalized EEG showing (single arrowhead) progressing to absence of EEG background (double arro-
whead). FIGURE IC. Continued asystole and absence of EEG background with CPR artifact in EEG and            tion with hydrofluorocorti-
ECG leads (arrowheads). FIGURE ID. After 73 seconds of asystole, onset of junctional rhythm.                sone (Florinef) and liberal
FIGURE IE. Resumption of normal ECG.                                                                        dietary salt. One day after

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these measures were instituted, the head-up tilt test was     with suspected vasovagal syncope undergoing head-up
repeated; heart rate and blood pressure response were         tilt testing: These dramatic asystolic episodes appear to
normal and there were no syncopal or presyncopal              be more frequent and more prolonged than those ob-
symptoms.                                                     served during routine ambulatory monitoring. They ap-
    During the last two years, the patient has returned to    pear to be a response to provocative head-up tilt testing,
full activity and has been free of syncopal or near synco-    but further investigation is required.
pal symptoms. The anticonvulsant therapy was discon-
tinued at the time of hospital discharge and Florinef was     Head-up tilt
discontinued several months later. The demand low fate           This case supports our previous observations about
of the pacing system was decreased to 50 beats per            the utility of a provocative head-up tilt test in estab-
minute; however, Transderm-Scop (one patch every two          lishing the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope, vasodepres-
days) has been continued throughout this follow-Up pe-        sor syncope, and other abnormalities of blood pressure
riod. There have been no side effects associated with         control that may be responsible for loss of conscious-
the scopolamine patch. A repeat head-up tilt test was         ness.6-12 This test has been employed at the Cleveland
performed in July 1987. The test was performed while          Clinic for more than two decades, initially as a research
the patient was on scopolamine (his only therapy other        tool and subsequently as a clinical modality in the man-
than the pacing system in a demand mode). His head-up         agement of these disorders. Traditionally, the diagnosis
tilt test demonstrated resting heart rates above 60 beats     of syncope has been presumptive. It has been based on
per minute, a normal heart rate and blood pressure re-        the identification of abnormal findings, such as inter-
sponse to tilt, and no evidence of symptoms or hemody-        mittent complete heart block or paroxysmal ventricular
namic changes suggestive of vasovagal syncope. He has         tachycardia, which have a high association with syn-
returned to his previous employment as an operator of a       cope but are not necessarily recorded during a clinical
semitractor trailer.                                          episode. Furthermore, the presumptive diagnosis of va-
                                                              sovagal syncope has been one of exclusion, frequently
DISCUSSION                                                    made only after extensive diagnostic investigation has
                                                              ruled out other presumptive causes. Just as invasive elec-
   Several unique and important aspects in the presen-        trophysiologic testing has proved to be a valuable provo-
tation, diagnosis, and management of vasovagal syncope        cative tool for the diagnosis of syncope in carefully
are illustrated in this case. They include:                   selected patients (usually patients with organic heart
   1. The long duration of the asystolic episode,             disease), head-up tilt testing has proved to be a valuable
   2. The use of head-up tilt as a provocative test,          provocative tool for reproducing syncope in many
   3. The malignant nature of vasovagal and vasodepres-       patients with vasovagal-mediated spells or other dis-
sor syncope, and                                              orders of blood pressure regulation.
   4. Controversies and uncertainties about pathophys-           As previously described,12 the tilt-table test is per-
iology and therapy.                                           formed as follows: after ah overnight fast, the patient is
                                                              placed supine on a tilt-table at 0°. Venous access is es-
Asystole                                                      tablished, and the patient is observed for approximately
   The literature identifies several reports of prolonged     30 minutes. During this control period, blood pressure
reflex ventricular asystole accompanying vasovagal syn-       and heart rate measurements are obtained. The patient
cope.1-5 To our knowledge, the case reported by Braham        is then tilted 15°, 30°, and 45° for two minutes at each
et al involving 58 seconds of reflex cardiac arrest appears   stage. Blood pressure and heart rate determinátions are
to be the longest ECG documented asystole previously          recorded every minute thrdughout the entire test. If the
reported.1 Our patient's 73 seconds of ventricular asys-      patient tolerates each elevation for two minutes, the tilt
tole was preceded by approximately 20 seconds of brady-       is advanced to 60° and maintained for a minimum of 20
cardia and hypotension and is clearly unique in its dura-     minutes or as tolerated. During the control period and
tion as well as in its relationship to provocation by the     after 10 minutes at 60° elevation, venous blood samples
head-up tilt test and simultaneous EEG recordings de-         are obtained through the previously placed heparin lock
monstrating evolving global cerebral hypoxemia.               and tested for plasma renin activity, áldosteroñe, and
However, during the last three months of 1987 alone,          catecholamines. The patient is tnónitored for symptoms
we observed at least five cases of prolonged ventricular      or vital sign changes. The test is terminated at the end of
and atrial reflex asystole (five to 51 seconds) in patients   20 minutes of 60° elevation or sooner if severe hypoten-

545 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE                                                              VOLUME 55 NUMBER 6

sion, syncope, or other limiting reactions develop. If the              Additional rationale for the term malignant vasova-
patient becomes symptomatic, it is important to con-                 gal syncope becomes evident when one considers the ac-
sider immediately whether this closely reproduces the                tual cerebral consequences of recurrent prolonged asys-
clinical problem.                                                    tole and the possible effects of severe hypotension and
   Tilt-table testing is relatively noninvasive and ap-              asystole on cardiac vulnerability. As illustrated in our
pears to be valuable, safe, and inexpensive for identify-            case, recurrent vasovagal syncope with an ill-defined
ing patients with recurrent syncope due to disorders of              prodromal period can be extremely dangerous to the ill
blood pressure regulation. In addition to identifying                person and to bystanders if that person is operating a car,
patients with vasovagal and vasodepressor syncope, the               truck, plane, or other dangerous machinery.
test can aid in the management of orthostatic hypoten-                  Aside from the injuries that may be sustained with
sion,9 autonomic neuropathy,1314 hyperdynamic beta-                  loss of consciousness, there are suggestions that vasova-
adrenergic circulatory state,15 pacemaker syndrome,12 id-            gal syncope may be directly responsible for increased
iopathic hypovolemia,11 vestibular disorders,16 and                  mortality in certain patients.24 It is presumed that nor-
carotid sinus hypersensitivity.17 Head-up tilt testing in            mal sinus rhythm and blood pressure control will return
conjunction with intracardiac electrophysiologic testing             spontaneously in patients with syncopal espisodes like
may enhance the induction of cardiac arrhythmias, such               these; however, extreme autonomic imbalance and dual
as supraventricular tachycardia, and the evaluation of               autonomic stimulation have been associated with sud-
their hemodynamic consequences.18                                    den death in patients with otherwise normal hearts.25
   Additional complementary information can be ob-                   Although irreversible neurologic injury is unlikely, pro-
tained when the tilt-table test is performed in conjunc-             longed asystole, when associated with coexisting cardiac
tion with plasma volume determinations by the RISA                   structural disease, may lower the threshold for ventricu-
method.19 This relatively noninvasive test measures the              lar fibrillation.
patient's blood volume status and is helpful in determin-
ing if significant hypovolemia exists. The patient can               Controversies in therapy and pathophysiology
also subsequently undergo a radionuclide (Tc-99m)                       We hypothesize that vasovagal and vasodepressor
hemodynamic study while supine or sitting. This test                 syncope are not diseases but merely the product of exag-
provides measurements of cardiac output, cardiac index,              gerated reflexes and that they are often modulated, aug-
ejection fraction, total peripheral resistance, and the              mented, or manifested by underlying hemodynamic dis-
ratio of cardiopulmonary blood volume to total blood                 orders such as hypovolemia, venous pooling, vigorous
volume in the supine position and in response to pos-                contraction of a nearly empty ventricle, and psychic
tural change.20 These parameters can identify significant            stress. This report describes a malignant form of the typi-
peripheral venous pooling as well as other conditions                cal common faint, combining vasovagal and vasodepres-
that predispose to orthostatic hypotension, vasovagal                sor responses. Hypovolemia or exaggerated venous
syncope, and other disorders.                                        pooling were not present during sitting; however, the
                                                                     history was positive for modulation of symptoms by psy-
Malignant syncope                                                    chic stress.
   Vasovagal syncope, also known as "the common                         Head-up tilt testing can reproduce these hemody-
faint," is a frequent cause of transient loss of conscious-          namic and neuroreflex changes, thus provoking a va-
ness.21-23 Vasovagal syncope is usually assumed to be a              sovagal-vasodepressor episode in vulnerable patients.
benign disorder with a benign prognosis; however, this               The pathophysiologic mechanisms for hypotension,
case illustrates that it can cause major disability and              bradycardia, and subsequent asystole can be explained
possibly death. To describe this clinical situation, we              by stimulation of afferent C-fibers that reside in the base
have chosen the phrase "malignant vasovagal syncope."                of the left and right ventricle. Activation of these affer-
As in this case, patients with recurrent vasovagal syn-              ent nonmyelinated C-fibers through vigorous contrac-
cope may be prevented from driving, and consequently                 tion of a relatively empty ventricle induces bradycardia
can lose their primary employment and independence,                  and vasodilatation (Bezold-Jarisch reflex).26 There is as-
and incur considerable financial loss. Patients, their               sociated baroreceptor unloading resulting in inhibition
families, and their physicians may also impose other re-             of baroreceptor-mediated vasoconstriction and further
strictions, and major psychological problems arising                 hypotension.27 The head-up tilt test may provoke va-
from uncertainty and fear of further syncopal episodes               sovagal syncope by initiation of this reflex through max-
may develop.                                                         imal venous pooling. Afferent C-fiber traffic, in the ab-

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sence of baroreceptor function, also activates the vomit-     clear. Although its parasympatholytic effects are prob-
ing center. The combination of these effects in some in-      ably significant, administration does not induce a signif-
dividuals results in markedly exaggerated vasodilatation      icant change in baseline heart rate. Scopolamine may
and bradycardia.                                              cause some exaggerated chronotropic response to head-
   From this conceptual framework, a logical approach         up tilt.28 Possibly its major pharmacologic effect relates
to therapy for patients presenting with recurrent vasova-     to its central depressant effect on central nervous system
gal-vasodepressor syncope can be synthesized as follows:      transmission to the autonomic nervous system. This ap-
   1. Alter the frontocortical trigger to autonomic im-       pears to be scopolamine's most likely therapeutic mech-
balance through behavioral adaptation with education,         anism for managing motion sickness. It is of interest that
with medication such as scopolamine or beta blockers,         afferent C-fiber traffic from the ventricle also activates
and with behavioral modification.                             the vomiting center in a way similar to that occurring
   2. Override or block afferent vagal cardioinhibitory       with motion sickness.
responses with medication.                                       Our clinical observation combined with follow-up tilt
   3. Artificially prevent significant bradycardia and op-    test supports the possible beneficial effects of
timize cardiac hemodynamics by maintaining AV syn-            scopolamine for patients with recurrent vasovagal-va-
chrony with dual-chambered pacing devices.                    sodepressor syncope, even in the absence of permanent
   The initial step to therapy is patient education,          pacing. We have recently reported a series of patients
which attempts to alter the influence of psychic stress. If   undergoing head-up tilt before and during scopolamine
the episodes of loss of consciousness are preceded by         treatment.10 Scopolamine was administered as a transcu-
pathognomonic warning signs that last for at least 30         taneous patch to be changed every other day. As Trans-
seconds, the patient can be instructed in methods to          derm-Scop does not have FDA approval for this use,
abort the attacks by assuming the supine position and         patients are informed of the investigational nature of
initiating vigorous repetitive coughing. Education can        their therapy. The beneficial effects of scopolamine as
also improve the patient's ability to recognize the pre-      assessed by head-up tilt data correlated well with the
monitory symptoms and modulate vasovagal attacks              clinical results in these patients.
using breathing exercise, mental conditioning, and               Nonpharmacologic modalities have also been used in
other biofeedback techniques. Unfortunately, in the           the management of this disorder. Our patient received a
malignant form of vasovagal syncope, the prodrome is          permanent dual-chamber pacing system because of the
too short and the subsequent syncopal episode may be          severity of his asystolic episodes. Two subsequent tilt-
too dangerous to depend on these techniques.                  table tests in the absence of scopolamine demonstrated
   Management of hypovolemia and exaggerated                  persistence of vasovagal and vasodepressor syncope
venous pooling can also decrease vulnerability to va-         despite normal dual-chamber pacing at rates of 50 and
sovagal and vasodepressor syncope.10 This patient did         70 beats per minute. The efficacy of artificial pacing and
not have these problems; however, even patients with          the prevention of vasovagal syncope is a matter of con-
normovolemia and absence of exaggerated venous pool-          troversy, as published clinical results are quite varia-
ing may improve with measures to increase blood               ble.29"31 Similar controversy relates to permanent pacing
volume, such as a generous salt diet, support stockings,      for patients with syncope and carotid sinus hypersensi-
or salt-retaining mineralocorticoids (hydrofluorocorti-       tivity.32 Our observations in this patient and others de-
sone). Waist-high support stockings and a high salt in-       monstrate that bradycardia is usually preceded by hy-
take are often advised as initial therapy for patients pre-   potension and presyncope in patients with
senting primarily with vasodepressor syncope.                 vasovagal-vasodepressor syncope. However, severe
   Atropine-like drugs have been useful for patients          bradycardia clearly makes symptoms worse. The efficacy
with vasovagal syncope without preceding exaggerated          of single- or dual-chamber pacing systems would thus be
sympathetic overstimulation or blood volume abnor-            limited to the contribution of bradycardia to the
malities. Clinically, we have used multiple anticholiner-     patient's hypotension.
gic agents including sublingual and orally administered          In patients with malignant vasovagal syncope, as de-
atropine-like drugs such as glycopyrrolate (Robinul) and      monstrated by this case, we recommend permanent
methscopolamine bromide (Pamine). However, we have            pacing as adjunctive therapy. It should be emphasized to
been most impressed with our experience with Trans-           each patient that permanent pacing is designed to pre-
derm-Scop.10                                                  vent bradycardia only and should not be expected to
   The exact mechanism of action of scopolamine is un-        prevent the presyncopal symptoms associated with hy-

547 CLEVELAND CLINIC J O U R N A L OF MEDICINE                                                        VOLUME 55 NUMBER 6

potension in the vasodepressor aspects of this syndrome.                            atrial stretch receptors due to atrial contraction against
Currently, we limit the use of pacemakers to patients in                            closed AV valves, as occurs with ventricular pacing and
whom other forms of therapy have failed or as adjunc-                               the pacemaker syndrome. Third, if symptoms persist fol-
tive therapy in patients who develop frighteningly long                             lowing implantation of a standard VVI pacing system,
periods of cardiac standstill during their vagal episodes.                          the diagnostic possibility of pacemaker syndrome being
   Dual-chamber pacing systems are preferred for several                            responsible for the symptoms exists. This may lead to
reasons. First, maintenance of AV synchrony during the                              difficult and expensive diagnostic studies as well as re-
bradycardia episode enhances ventricular filling by                                 operation for upgrading the single-chamber system to a
maintaining a properly timed atrial kick. Second, main-                             dual-chamber unit. Finally, single-chamber atrial pacing
tenance of normal AV synchrony should decrease the                                  should be avoided because vagally mediated AV block
likelihood of augmented vasodepressor responses from                                may occur during vasovagal syncope.

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