Comorbid Insomnia: Current Directions and future Challenges

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                            Comorbid Insomnia: Current Directions
                                   and Future Challenges

                                                               Thomas Roth, PhD

                                                                                   arious studies suggest that the vast majority of insomnia
                                                                                   patients seen in psychiatric practices, and about 50%
                                                                                   of those seen in primary care practices, have comorbid
     Insomnia is a leading cause of absentee-
                                                                                   conditions.1,2 Thus, the issue of insomnia with associ-
     ism, presenteeism (lost productivity when
     employees are at work), accidents, and                          ated comorbidities, whether the result of, as a contributing factor to,
     errors in the workplace. Overall direct and                     or as a separate entity from the insomnia appears to be a significant
     indirect costs exceed $30 billion annually. A                   patient as well as public health issue,3 although to what extent
     significant portion of these costs are attrib-                  remains unclear given the lack of consistent diagnosis for insomnia in
     utable to patients with comorbid insomnia,
                                                                     primary care practices.4 There is also little research on the economic
     making these conditions a significant clini-
     cal public health issue. These comorbid
                                                                     and quality-of-life repercussions of comorbid insomnia versus primary
     conditions include mood and anxiety disor-                      insomnia, defined as insomnia with no identifiable cause.
     ders; chronic pain; respiratory, urinary, and                       The phrase “comorbid insomnia” emerged from the 2005 National
     neurologic conditions; diabetes; and car-                       Institutes of Health’s (NIH) State-of-the-Science Conference on
     diovascular diseases. Traditional treatment                     Manifestations and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults,
     for insomnia with comorbid conditions has
                                                                     to describe the presence of insomnia in the context of a medical
     focused on treating the comorbid condition
     with the expectation that the insomnia will                     psychiatric disorder.3 Previously, the condition was known as “sec-
     resolve. Recent studies, however, suggest                       ondary insomnia.” The International Classification of Sleep Disorders-2
     this approach is not the most appropriate.                      defines it in 2 ways: “Other Insomnia Due to a Mental Disorder,”
     Instead, treating both conditions simultane-                    for all psychiatric-related comorbidities; “Other Insomnia Due to
     ously may improve the outcomes for each.
                                                                     a Known Physiological Condition,” for all medical comorbidities.
                     (Am J Manag Care. 2009;15:S6-S13)
                                                                     The former requires insomnia as well as a mental disorder classified
                                                                     under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
                                                                               © Managed Care &
                                                                     Edition (DSM-IV) criteria, with the insomnia related in time to the
                                                                        Healthcare Communications, LLC
                                                                     mental disorder. Although the severity of each varies together, that
                                                                     of the insomnia exists beyond what might be typically expected as a
                                                                     symptom of the psychiatric condition. The latter requires the pres-
                                                                     ence of insomnia as well as a medical condition known to affect
                                                                     sleep.5 Under DSM-IV, however, the insomnia may be “related” to an
                                                                     Axis I or Axis II disorder, but the temporal continuity is not required
                                                                     between the 2 disorders.6 The problem with both definitions is that
                                                                     each assumes that the insomnia is “secondary” to the primary medical
                                                                     or psychiatric condition. However, as articulated in the 2005 NIH
                                                                     conference, the causal relationships appear to be more complex in
                                                                     most disorders.3 This article explores that assumption and highlights
                                                                     its implications for treatment.

                                                                     Impact of Insomnia
                                                                         Insomnia has a significant impact on individuals’ health and qual-
     For author information and disclosures see end of text.         ity of life, particularly those with comorbid conditions affecting the
                                                                     central nervous system (CNS).7,8 The impact appears related to the

S6                                                              n      n                                     february 2009
Comorbid Insomnia: Current Directions and Future Challenges

effect on daytime functioning as well as the status          bid insomnia compared with primary insomnia have
of their comorbid condition. For instance, various           yet to be investigated, it is likely that they account for
studies found that patients with chronic insomnia            the majority of the annual $30 billion to $35 billion
have significantly higher risks for falls and acci-          in costs for chronic insomnia simply because comor-
dents.1,9 One study reported that 8% of workers              bid insomnia is so much more prevalent.17,20
with severe insomnia were involved in industrial
accidents compared with 1% of good sleepers (P =             Comorbid Insomnias: Untangling the
.0150).10 Other studies have shown sleep-onset               Complexities
insomnia to be a statistically significant risk factor           As noted earlier, the prevalence of comorbidi-
in being involved in a traffic accident11; in fact,          ties and insomnia is significant. Kuppermann et al
those suffering from insomnia are more than twice            examined the records of 369 employees together
as likely to have an automobile accident.12                  with a telephone screen to evaluate various aspects
    In addition, adults with severe insomnia miss            of their physical and mental health and sleep
twice as many workdays as those without insomnia,            quality, and found those reporting a current sleep
even when matched for work type and schedule.10              problem were 4 times more likely to have a possible
In fact, insomnia may be the greatest predictor of           mental health problem as those reporting no sleep
absenteeism in the workplace.13 Employees with               difficulties. They were also significantly more likely
severe insomnia have been shown to make signifi-             to report gastrointestinal problems, frequent head-
cantly more errors at work (15% vs 6%; P

         insomnia, is it incidental to the insomnia, or is                       rect diagnosis of comorbid versus primary insomnia
         it comorbid? The complexity increases when the                          is particularly important when determining the
         influence of sleep-related disorders on sleep quality                   appropriate treatment plan.
         and insomnia are considered, including sleep apnea
         and periodic limb movements. Similarly, circadian                       Medical Comorbid Conditions With Insomnia
         rhythm disorders, such as shift work disorder (Drake                        Becoming aware of the more common comor-
         Sleep) or phase delay, are associated with disturbed                    bidities, which encompass a wide variety of medical,
         sleep. These result in insomnia symptoms and rep-                       psychiatric, and sleep disorders, may assist clinicians
         resent special cases of comorbid insomnia. Thus,                        in managing the condition.
         insomnia may be comorbid with medical, psychiat-                            Taylor et al found the following prevalence of
         ric, circadian, or sleep disorders.                                     conditions in those with chronic insomnia com-
             An accurate history from the patient and pos-                       pared with those without insomnia: chronic pain
         sibly even the bedpartner is paramount in correctly                     (50.4% vs 18.2%), high blood pressure (43.1%
         diagnosing comorbid insomnia. Clinicians should                         vs 18.7%), gastrointestinal problems (33.6% vs
         consider comorbid insomnia when the onset of the                        9.2%), breathing problems (24.8% vs 5.7%), heart
         sleep disturbances coincides with or shortly follows                    disease (21.9% vs 9.5%), urinary problems (19.7%
         that of the comorbid condition; when the course                         vs 9.5%), and neurologic disease (7.3% vs 1.2%)
         of the insomnia remits and recurs in conjunction                        (Table 1).20
         with fluctuations in the comorbid disorder; or can                          In addition, they found that people with the
         be directly linked to some feature of the comorbid                      following medical problems reported significantly
         disorder, such as pain from chronic arthritis disrupt-                  more chronic insomnia than those without insom-
         ing sleep. Complicating the diagnosis, however, is                      nia: breathing problems (59.6% vs 21.4%), gastro-
         the fact that insomnia often precedes a comorbid                        intestinal problems (55.4% vs 20.0%), chronic pain
         disorder, in some instances serving as an early warn-                   (48.6% vs 17.2%), high blood pressure (44.0% vs
         ing sign of an occurrence or recurrence.23,24 Finally,                  19.3%), and urinary problems (41.5% vs 23.3%)
         it is important to consider that the treatment of the                   (Table 2).20
         comorbid condition may lead to the insomnia. Thus,                          Leigh et al found insomnia in 31% to 81%
         respiratory stimulants, selective serotonin reuptake                    of those with osteoarthritis,26 while other stud-
         inhibitors (SSRIs), beta-blockers, and many other                       ies found high levels in those with other chronic
         drugs are associated with reports of disturbed sleep.                   pain conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and
             Yet, as noted later in this article and in the                      fibromyalgia.27 Those with myocardial infarction
         article by Neubauer25 in this supplement, the cor-                      have a 1.9 OR of mild insomnia, those with conges-

         n Table 1. People With Chronic Insomnia Reporting Medical Conditions20

                                                                                                      Odds Ratioa
                                                  Chronic Insomnia,                                (95% Confidence
            Medical Condition                             %                 No Insomnia, %             Interval)              P

            Chronic pain                                   50.4                     18.2             3.19 (1.92-5.29)
Comorbid Insomnia: Current Directions and Future Challenges

n Table 2. People With Medical Conditions Reporting Chronic Insomnia20

                                                                                         Odds Ratioa
                                      Chronic Insomnia,         No Insomnia,          (95% Confidence
   Medical Condition                          %                      %                    Interval)             P

   Chronic pain                               48.6                      17.2           2.27 (1.33-3.89)

                   The timing of insomnia vis à vis psychiatric dis-           This is particularly interesting given that patients
               orders may depend on the disorder itself. Most stud-        with chronic insomnia do show physiologic signs of
               ies find that insomnia tends to precede or appear at        hyperarousal, including increased levels of cate-
               the same time as a mood disorder episode (whether           cholamines, increased basal metabolic rate45 and
               initial episode or relapse). In one study, insomnia         elevated core body temperature, altered heart rate,
               preceded the onset of depression in 69% of cases            increased level of CNS as well as systemic meta-
               evaluated.37 In contrast, insomnia tends to appear          bolic rate, and elevated fast frequency electroen-
               at the same time or to follow an anxiety disorder           cephalograph activity.46 Many of these variables are
               episode (whether initial episode or relapse).38             also implicated in the development and progression
                                                                           of cardiovascular disease.47
               Insomnia and Major Depression
                  Several studies of comorbid insomnia show that           Treating Comorbid Insomnia
               depression appears as the condition most likely                 The treatment paradigm for comorbid insomnia
               to exist in conjunction with chronic insomnia               has traditionally focused on treating the medical or
               (Figure).35,39-42 Patients with physician-diagnosed         psychiatric disorder with the expectation that the
               major depression have a 2.6 OR of mild insomnia             insomnia will also resolve.48
               and an 8.2 OR of severe insomnia.28 Meanwhile,                  This paradigm has affected treatment modalities
               Pigeon et al, in evaluating elderly patients with           for insomnia, with cognitive behavioral therapy
               major depressive disorder (MDD) and/or dysthymia,           (CBT) and hypnotics as monotherapy typically used
               found that those with persistent insomnia were 1.8          only in those with primary insomnia, and psychiat-
               to 3.5 times more likely to remain depressed com-           ric interventions reserved for those with comorbid
               pared with those without insomnia (P = .05).43              insomnia.49 It has also affected research on the
                  In addition to the above-reported link between           appropriate treatment for comorbid insomnia.48
               insomnia and depression persistence and recur-                  Yet while treatment may resolve most symptoms
               rence, concurrent insomnia and depression may               of the comorbid disorder, it often does not improve
               contribute to the higher rates of cardiovascular            the insomnia. Nierenberg et al reported that 45% of
               disease associated with MDD and depressive symp-            patients treated for 8 weeks with fluoxetine to MDD
               toms.22 The Sequenced Treatment Alternatives                remission still exhibited disturbed sleep. Given that
               to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study of 4041                91% of patients with posttreatment insomnia also
               outpatients with MDD found cardiac disease asso-            had pretreatment insomnia, the authors concluded
               ciated with symptoms of sympathetic arousal and             that the symptom was a residual one not related
               early-morning insomnia.44                                   to medication side effects.50 Katz and McHorney
                                                                           showed that the majority of patients with comorbid
                                                                           conditions still had insomnia 2 years later.28 This
n Figure. Insomnia as a Risk Factor for Major Depressive                   compares to 6% in those with primary insomnia at
Disorder (MDD)35,39-42                                                     1 year.2 They also showed that 23% developed new-
                                                                           onset insomnia at the 2-year follow-up.28
                                                                               Conversely, treating the insomnia as a separate
                                                                           entity may prove more effective.51-55 A report of
                                                                           several patients receiving CBT for posttraumatic
                                                                           stress disorder (PTSD) showed the therapy success-
                                                                           fully resolved the patients’ PTSD, but patients still
                                                                           complained of insomnia. After CBT for insomnia,
                                                                           however, their insomnia resolved.56
                                                                               Other research finds that treating the insomnia
                                                                           and other medical or psychiatric condition concur-
                                                                           rently improves insomnia in conditions as diverse
                                                                           as alcohol discontinuation,57 rheumatoid arthritis,55
                                                                           menopausal-associated insomnia,53 and generalized

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Comorbid Insomnia: Current Directions and Future Challenges

anxiety disorder.58 Eaton et al hypothesized that      Conclusion
47% of the incidence of depression at the 1-year           The prevalence of chronic insomnia coexist-
follow-up could have been prevented by addressing      ing with 1 or more psychiatric or medical condi-
existing insomnia at baseline.59                       tions is significant, with particularly high rates
    In addition, treating both the insomnia and the    seen in patients with depression, chronic pain,
comorbid condition simultaneously may improve          respiratory conditions, and diabetes. Although the
the comorbid condition more than treating it           specific economic and quality-of-life repercussions
alone. Krystal et al randomized 545 patients with      of comorbid insomnia have not been differenti-
insomnia and comorbid MDD to either fluoxetine         ated from those with primary insomnia, they are
with nightly eszopiclone (3 mg) or placebo for 8       likely quite significant. It is clear that insomnia and
weeks followed by 2 weeks of continued fluox-          comorbid conditions have a bidirectional effect,
etine plus single-blind placebo (n = 387).60 The       with the status of each impacting the other, poten-
cotherapy group showed greater improvement in          tially affecting the treatment course and outcome.
the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale           Treating insomnia and the comorbid condition
(HAMD-17) scores at week 8 (P = .0004) than the        simultaneously as separate conditions may result in
monotherapy group, an improvement that was             greater improvements in each than treating either
maintained at week 10 (P

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VOL. 15, No. 1                                n   The American Journal of Managed Care             n                          S13
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