Mapping global prevalence of depression among postpartum women

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Mapping global prevalence of depression among postpartum women
Translational Psychiatry                                                                                                                   

                  SYSTEMATIC REVIEW                               OPEN

                  Mapping global prevalence of depression among postpartum
                  Ziyi Wang1,11, Jiaye Liu2,11, Huan Shuai3,11, Zhongxiang Cai4,11, Xia Fu5, Yang Liu6, Xiong Xiao7, Wenhao Zhang8, Elise Krabbendam9,
                                                   ✉             ✉                           ✉
                  Shuo Liu1, Zhongchun Liu 10 , Zhihui Li2 and Bing Xiang Yang 1

                  © The Author(s) 2021

                      Postpartum depression (PPD) is the most common psychological condition following childbirth, and may have a detrimental effect
                      on the social and cognitive health of spouses, infants, and children. The aim of this study was to complete a comprehensive
                      overview of the current literature on the global epidemiology of PPD. A total of 565 studies from 80 different countries or regions
                      were included in the final analysis. Postpartum depression was found in 17.22% (95% CI 16.00–18.51) of the world’s population.
                      Meta-regression analysis showed that study size, country or region development, and country or region income were the causes of
                      heterogeneity. Multivariable meta-regression analysis found that study size and country or area development were the most
                      important predictors. Varied prevalence rates were noted in geographic regions with the highest rate found in Southern Africa
                      (39.96%). Of interested was a significantly lower rate of PPD in developed countries or high-income countries or areas. Furthermore,

                      the findings showed that there was a substantial difference in rates of PPD when marital status, educational level, social support,
                      spouse care, violence, gestational age, breast feeding, child mortality, pregnancy plan, financial difficulties, partnership, life stress,
                      smoking, alcohol intake, and living conditions were considered in the pooled estimates. Our results indicated that one out of every
                      five women experiences PPD which is linked to income and geographic development. It is triggered by a variety of causes that
                      necessitate the attention and committed intervention of primary care providers, clinicians, health authorities, and the general

                      Translational Psychiatry (2021)11:543 ;

                  INTRODUCTION                                                                             income countries, the prevalence is 18.6% (95% CI 18.0–19.2).
                  Postpartum depression (PPD), the onset of depressive episodes                            Moreover, another review involving 143 studies from 40
                  after childbirth, develops at a critical moment in a woman’s life                        countries found a broader variety of PPD prevalence rates,
                  and can continue for long periods [1, 2]. The likelihood of                              ranging from 0.5% to around 60% [9]. Cultural variations,
                  depressive episodes can be twice as high as during other                                 diverse reporting practices, different viewpoints on mental
                  periods of a woman’s life [3], and they often go undetected and                          health issues and stigma, socioeconomic class, poverty, poor
                  untreated [4], wreaking havoc on partners as well as the                                 social services, deficient nutrition, elevated stress, and biologi-
                  emotional and cognitive growth of infants and adolescents                                cal factors can all be related to this broader continuum.
                  [5, 6]. Desperation, sadness, nausea, changes in sleep and                                  Despite the increasing number of longitudinal studies on
                  eating habits, decreased libido, crying spells, anxiety, irritability,                   postpartum depression around the world, there is a paucity of
                  feelings of isolation, mental liability, thoughts of hurting oneself                     rigorous systemic data that explores not only the general burden
                  and/or the infant, and even thoughts of suicide are common                               of PPD, but also risk factors associated with it. The current
                  signs of this form of depression [7]. Postpartum depression can                          understanding of the epidemiology of PPD is based mostly on a
                  start at any time within the first year after delivery and continue                       few geographic surveys and very little national evidence. There-
                  for several years.                                                                       fore, the present study aims to close this void by presenting an
                     In Western countries, the prevalence of PPD varies from 10 to                         updated global estimate of postpartum depression epidemiology,
                  15% during the first year after birth [8]. According to a                                 synthesizing critical risk factors, and providing evidence-based
                  systematic review of 47 studies from 18 low and lower-middle                             data for maternal mental health treatment prioritization.

                   School of Nursing, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China. 2Department of Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
                   Department of Orthopedics, Chengkou People’s Hospital, Chongqing, China. 4Department of Nursing, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China. 5Department
                  of outpatients, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. 6Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical
                  University, Chongqing, China. 7Chengdu Women’s and Children’s Central Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China.
                   Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children, Ministry of Education, West China Second University
                  Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. 9Department of Medical Library, Erasmus MC-University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 10Department of Psychiatry,
                  Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei, China. 11These authors contributed equally: Ziyi Wang, Jiaye Liu, Huan Shuai, Zhongxiang Cai. ✉email:;

                  Received: 18 July 2021 Revised: 16 September 2021 Accepted: 27 September 2021
Mapping global prevalence of depression among postpartum women
Z. Wang et al.
    METHODS                                                                  smallest sample size or shortest duration of follow-up was
    Search strategy and selection criteria                                   excluded.
    A systematic review and meta-analysis were done in accordance               The Joanna Briggs Institute-Checklist for Prevalence Studies was
    with PRISMA guidelines. Articles from inception to July 2021 were        used to assess the methodological consistency of the qualifying
    reviewed using the following databases: Medline, Embase, Web of          studies (Supplementary Table 1). Based on quality score, studies
    Science, Cochrane, PsycInfo and Google Scholar. Searches were            were not omitted in order to improve clarity and to ensure that
    tailored database functionality, but generally used the following        available data in this field was reported. After checking for
    terms: “postnatal depression”, “postpartum depression”, “depres-         consistency, the “Meta” and “Metafor” modules in the
    sion” and “depressive symptoms”. For relevant citations, reference       R-4.0.0 statistical software package were used for meta-analysis.
    lists of retrieved papers, as well as review articles found during the   A 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was estimated using the
    initial search, were screened. In order to uncover additional            Wilson score method, and pooled prevalence was calculated with
    reports, forward citation checks were performed. Full details of the     the DerSimonian-Laird random effects model with Logit transfor-
    search strategy are provided in the Supplementary method.                mation. Heterogeneity across included studies was assessed using
       Pre-defined decision rules were used to screen studies. Two            Cochran Q and I2 statistics. Estimates with a p value lower than
    reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts, with 10%          0.05 for the Q-statistic and I² of 50% or greater were considered to
    of studies randomly reviewed by another investigator. Two                have moderate heterogeneity. A random-effects approach was
    investigators reviewed the complete texts of theoretically qualify-      used to pool the prevalence of postpartum depression as global
    ing papers, with any inconsistencies settled through agreement or        evidence was assumed to be heterogeneous. A series of leave-one
    by another reviewer; consensus was found in all cases and                out diagnostic tests was performed by sensitivity analysis and
    agreement was reached.                                                   findings were further checked using a build-in feature in Metafor.
       Datasets from studies that met the following criteria were            Using a Mixed-Effects Model, meta-regression was then con-
    deemed eligible: (1) studies identified postpartum depressive             ducted after eliminating the outliers. Covariates considered were
    disorder or depressive episode; (2) participants were women who          geographic regions, development of countries or region, income
    completed assessments at least one week after giving birth in            of countries or regions, diagnostic techniques, publication time,
    order to avoid baby blues being confused with PPD; (3) prevalence        study size and study quality score. Consequently, multivariable
    or incidence of depression was determined using standardized             meta-regression (multi-model inference) was performed using a
    validated instruments, self-reported questionnaires, or clinically       “dmetar” package to examine which possible predictor combina-
    structured interviews; (4) participants were not recruited if they       tions provide the best fit, and which predictors are the most
    were receiving psychiatric assessment or care, or if they were           important ones overall. To assess the potential confounding effect
    identified as having possible depression because screening seeks          of heterogeneity, subgroup analyses were performed. The P value
    to identify women with otherwise unrecognized major depression;          was used to compare the difference between the groups. A P
    (5) sufficient information was available for authors to calculate the     value
Z. Wang et al.

Fig. 1   Study selection. (Description of the searching methodology).

heterogeneity. The source of heterogeneity across the studies,          Table 1). Postpartum depression prevalence varied substantially
identified by meta-regression analyses, was study size (R2 = 0.03,       among countries and regions, from 6.48% (Denmark, 95% CI 5.70-
p < 0.01), development of countries or regions (R2 = 0.02, p < 0.01)    7.36) to 60.93% (Afghanistan, 95% CI 54.25-67.22, Fig. 2). Among
and income of countries or regions (R2 = 0, p < 0.01, Supplemen-        countries or regions containing at least five relevant studies, South
tary Table 4). By performing multivariable meta-regression, it was      Africa had the highest (38.79%, 95% CI 25.71–53.72) and Spain had
found that the study size and country or region development with        the lowest (9.09%, 95% CI 6.97–11.08) postpartum depression
the highest predictor importance of 99.99% (Fig. 4, Supplementary       prevalence among women (Table 1). Considering the income of
Table 5).                                                               countries or regions, those with high incomes had a significantly
   To confirm results of the meta-regression, subgroup analysis          lower prevalence of 15.54% (95% CI 14.90–16.20, p < 0.01).
was performed after removing the outliers. Among geographic             Besides, developed countries (14.85%, 95% CI 14.22–15.51) shared
regions that had at least five studies, Southern Africa had the          a significantly lower postpartum depression prevalence than that
highest prevalence rate (39.96%, 95% CI 27.81–53.48), followed by       of developing countries (19.99%, 95% CI 18.76–21.27, p < 0.01,
Southern Asia (22.32%, 95% CI 18.48–26.70), South America               Table 1). With regard to diagnostic scales, use of the Postpartum
(21.71%, 95% CI 19.78–23.76), Western Asia (19.83%, 95% CI              Depression Screening Scale (PDSS) resulted in the highest
17.33–22.58), Northern Africa (18.75%, 95% CI 11.40–29.26),             postpartum depression prevalence rate (37.23%, 95% CI
Eastern Asia (17.39%, 95% CI 16.09–18.77), Northern America             21.47–56.27) and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM
(17.01%, 95% 15.68–18.44), Eastern Europe (16.62%, 95% CI               Disorders (SCID) with the lowest prevalence rate (10.11%, 95%
10.95–24.43), Southern Europe (16.34%, 95% CI 12.90-20.48),             CI 3.75–24.48). More than 80% of the studies used the Edinburgh
Northern Europe (13.78%, 95% CI 12.47–15.21), Western Africa            Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) as their diagnostic tool with a
(13.62%, 95% CI 8.27–21.62), South-Eastern Asia (13.53%, 95% CI         prevalence rate of 16.86% (95% CI 16.04–17.72, Table 1).
11.00–16.52), and Oceania (11.11%, 95% CI 9.27–13.25, p < 0.01,         Interestingly, a pattern of increased prevalence rates was found

Translational Psychiatry (2021)11:543
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    Table 1.    Subgroup analysis for PPD prevalence among women.
    Subgroup                           Studies         Prevalence            PPD       Participants           P value        I2
Z. Wang et al.
Table 1 continued
Subgroup                                Studies   Prevalence                   PPD       Participants   P value   I2
   Portugal                             4         18.28 (12.57–25.81)          115       663                      77.90%
   Italy                                14        16.79 (11.63–23.64)          1283      10800                    97.70%
   Netherlands                          7         10.69 (5.76–18.98)           1222      13069                    99.10%
   Ireland                              3         11.14 (10.13–12.25)          1275      11694                    19.10%
   Iraq                                 1         28.40 (25.69–31.28)          284       1000                     —
   Greece                               4         12.26 (8.02–18.30)           155       1259                     83.40%
   Hungary                              1         16.54 (12.54–21.50)          44        266                      —
   Lebanon                              1         12.75 (8.28–19.13)           19        149                      —
   Korea                                4         22.50 (12.01–38.17)          246       1263                     96.10%
   Finland                              3         14.62 (9.83–21.20)           320       2513                     92.20%
   Denmark                              2          6.48 (5.70–7.36)            219       3381                     0.00%
   Czech Republic                       2         15.82 (7.08–31.66)           59        408                      90.30%
   Belgium                              1         23.94 (15.44–35.19)          17        71                       —
   Philippines                          1         16.36 (11.47–22.81)          27        165                      —
   Mexico                               1         20.00 (15.13–25.96)          42        210                      —
   Hong Kong                            4         16.96 (13.77–20.70)          321       1860                     71.90%
   Greenland                            1          8.62 (5.26–13.81)           15        174                      —
   Germany                              3          9.76 (5.26–17.40)           161       1760                     92.90%
   Bahrain                              1         37.13 (31.21–43.46)          88        237                      —
   Serbia                               3         23.66 (10.41–45.27)          134       573                      95.60%
   Peru                                 1         29.97 (28.00–32.02)          597       1992                     —
   Armenia                              2         14.08 (11.48–17.14)          82        583                      0.00%
   Mongolia                             1          9.10 (7.50–11.00)           95        1044                     —
   Russia                               2         13.54 (1.71–58.45)           205       820                      97.80%
   Switzerland                          1         21.93 (17.39–27.27)          59        269                      —
   Croatia                              1         45.03 (37.74–52.54)          77        171                      —
   Slovenia                             1         31.82 (19.84–46.81)          14        44                       —
   Afghanistan                          1         60.93 (54.25–67.22)          131       215                      —
   Chile                                3         28.27 (14.87–47.08)          177       629                      95.10%
   Timor-Leste                          1         25.29 (19.33–32.36)          43        170                      —
   Jamaica                              1         34.25 (24.31–45.79)          25        73                       —
Z. Wang et al.
    Table 1 continued
    Subgroup                           Studies         Prevalence                  PPD              Participants          P value         I2
Z. Wang et al.

Fig. 2 Global prevalence of postpartum depression. (Unbalanced prevalence of postpartum depression was observed between different
continents, countries and regions).

type (nuclear or extended, 20.66% vs. 21.15%, p = 0.82) and            study evaluated PPD studies from 40 countries and reported the
gender preference (YES/NO, 17.78% vs. 13.82%, p = 0.40, Table 2).      prevalence of PPD to be 10–15% and found this prevalence to
                                                                       vary between 0% and 60% in developed and developing
                                                                       countries, respectively [9]. One detailed study found that PPD
DISCUSSION                                                             prevalence in developing countries was greater in developing
The global prevalence of PPD was found to be approximately             countries (31.1%) than that of developed countries (21.5%) in rural
17.22% (95% CI 16.00-18.51) in the largest meta-analysis of PPD to-    areas [18]. It is worth noting that even among nations in similar
date. Study findings revealed significant differences between            economic strata, there are differences in national estimates of the
geographic regions, with Southern Africa having the highest            prevalence of postpartum depression. For example, the preva-
prevalence rate (39.96%, 95% CI 27.81–53.48). Furthermore,             lence of PPD in the United Kingdom is 21.5%, while that in New
country development and income inequalities had a major effect         Zealand, another high-income country, is 10.58%; PPD prevalence
on PPD epidemiology. Furthermore, it was discovered that the           in Ghana and Egypt were 3% and 22.99% respectively, while in
prevalence of various variables such as marital status, educational    fact they belong to low-income countries and their per capita GDP
level, violence, partnership, life stress, smoking, alcohol use, and   is similar.
living conditions differed significantly. However, no significant           Almost all geographic regions were represented in this review,
difference in PPD was noted in relation to infant gender and           with the highest coverage in Eastern Asia (n = 96) and the lowest
gender preference.                                                     coverage in Central America and Caribbean areas (n = 1). As a
   There have been recent systematic reviews of PPD worldwide          result, the current study’s pooled estimates of Central America and
[10–13] or in specific regions, including Asia [14, 15] and Africa      the Caribbean are underrepresented. Furthermore, the current
[16], but to the researchers’ knowledge this is the most               analysis showed substantial variations between graphic areas on
comprehensive review with the largest number of studies on             the same continent. Southern Asia, for instance, led with the
PPD globally. Results showed that the estimates are significantly       highest prevalence (22.32%, 95% CI 18.48–26.70), followed by
higher than the widely cited prevalence rate of 13% (95% CI:           Western Asia (19.83%, 95% CI 17.33–22.58), Eastern Asia (17.39%,
12.3–13.4%), derived from a meta-analysis of studies from              95% CI 16.09–18.77), and South-Eastern Asia (13.53%, 95% CI
developed countries [10] and lower than the 19% prevalence             11.00–16.52). This was mirrored in the vast spectrum of PPD
rate for PPD derived from studies of relatively low- and middle-       prevalence in Asian countries, which ranged from 9.29 % (Korea)
income countries [12]. Interestingly, the current study findings are    to 60.93% (Afghanistan). These findings matched those of a
more similar to pooled estimates of PPD when using the EPDS            previous study, which found that Asians made up 3.5% to 63.3% of
[13]. Furthermore, current findings revealed that the prevalence of     the population [19]. To be noted, current study results indicated
PPD was closely linked to country development and national or          the prevalence in Southern Asia and Western Asia were
regional income. This is in line with previous research, which has     significantly higher than that of Northern America, Europe, and
shown that developing countries with low or lower-middle               Oceania. This is largely in accordance with the results from
income have a higher prevalence of PPD. Importantly, the PPD           previous studies [20]. Differences in cultural traditions may play a
prevalence rate varied based on the scale used when comparisons        role in this disparity. In those areas, girls tended to marry at an
were made between countries with different socioeconomic               early age. But when it comes to age as a risk factor, the literature is
structures. Previous studies had observed inconsistent PPD             conflicting. Some studies discovered that mothers with younger
prevalence with 1.9% to 82.1% in developed countries, and              children are more likely to develop PPD [21, 22], while other
5.2% to 74% in developing countries [17]. Moreover, another            studies discovered that older age is related to PPD [23, 24]. No

Translational Psychiatry (2021)11:543
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    Fig. 3 Forest plot of prevalence of postpartum depression stratified by countries or regions. (Postpartum depression prevalence varied
    substantially between different countries and regions, with the lowest prevalence observed in Denmark and highest one in Afghanistan).

    differences were found in a case-control study conducted by           difference. In addition, relationships with mothers-in-law were
    Balaha and colleagues [25]. To be noted, in the current study, the    closely correlated with PPD in those women [23]. In these research
    pooled estimates suggest a marginally higher PPD prevalence in        participants, mothers-in-law tend to be essential to the survival of
    adolescent mothers than adult mothers without significant              the marriage, as sons remain closely attached to their families of

                                                                                              Translational Psychiatry (2021)11:543
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Fig. 4 Multi-variable meta-regression for postpartum depression prevalence. (Multi-variable meta-regression was performed in order to
find out factors with the highest predictor importance).

birth, frequently living with and even working within the family        with one’s mother-in-law is crucial in a woman’s life, and having a
company their entire lives. Mothers-in-law often exercise a             negative one can lead to depression. Moreover, other risk factors,
considerable amount of leverage over their daughters-in-law             such as postpartum rituals including the period of 40 days resting,
and grandchildren’s lives. As a result, having a healthy relationship   restricted activities, and diets [26], multiple children [27] and

Translational Psychiatry (2021)11:543
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     Table 2.    Pooled estimates of risk factors for PPD.
                                                             Studies       PPD      Participants   Prevalence (95% CI)         P value     I2
     Age (in years)                                                                                                              0.52
       20                                                   54            30781    1133022        20.35 (14.01–28.62)                     99.90%
     Alcohol use                                                                                                                 0.02
       Yes                                                   18            1387     10311          20.97 (15.73–27.39)                     92.20%
       No                                                    17            11000    80111          14.49 (12.52–16.72)                     91.60%
     Breast feeding
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Table 2 continued
                                               Studies      PPD        Participants      Prevalence (95% CI)      P value      I2
Marital status
Z. Wang et al.
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    and behavioral despair in rats and negative affect in a subgroup of women at                              Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
    high risk for postpartum depression. Physiol Behav. 2013;119:137–44.                                      Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
                                                                                           adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
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We thank Pengfei Li and Ling Wang from Erasmus University Rotterdam provided               indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the
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to ZL (ZYJC18025); The National Natural Science Foundation of China to BY
(72174152).                                                                                © The Author(s) 2021

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