Page created by Mitchell Powell
20 Manorhaven Blvd.
                        Port Washington, NY 11050

March/April 2022   Adar/Nissan/Iyar 5782
News of the Congregation
 Mazel Tov to:
 1 Corbey & Andy Hyman on the engagement of their daughter Mikayla to Lauren Copeland
 1 Candace & Rich McCabe and Craig Stevens on the b’nei mitzvah of their children, Mitchell, Payton, Heide, and Hudson
 1 Michelle & Chai Karnsomtob on the bat mitzvah of Elena

 Condolences to:
 1 Arnie and Leslie Sucher on the passing of William Sucher and Arthur Klein

 Shabbat Services

  Friday, March 4, 8:00 pm – Shabbat Service in person and Zoom
  Friday, March 11, 8:00 pm – Shabbat service
  Friday, March 18, 8:00 pm – Shabbat service
  Saturday, March 19, 10:30 am – Heide & Hudson Stevens b’nei mitzvah
  Friday, March 25, 8:00 pm – Shabbat service
  Saturday, March 26, 10:30 am – Elena Karnsomtob’s bat mitzvah
  Friday, April 1, 8:00 pm – Shabbat Service in person and Zoom
  Friday, April 8, 6:45 pm – Student-led Shabbat service
  Friday, April 8, 8:00 pm – Shabbat service
  Friday, April 15 – First Night of Passover – No Shabbat service
  Saturday, April 16 – Second Night Seder
  Friday, April 22, 8:00 pm – Shabbat service
  Friday, April 29, 8:00 pm – Shabbat service

 Weekly Torah Portions
  March 4  Pekudei			          1 Adar II		  Exodus 38:21 – 40:38
  March 11 Vayikra			          8 Adar II		  Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26
  March 18 Tzav			             15 Adar II		 Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36
  Mar 25   Shmini			           22 Adar II		 Leviticus 9:1 – 11:47
  Apr 1		  Tazria			           29 Adar II		 Leviticus 12:1 - 13:59
  Apr 8		Metzora			7 Nissan			Leviticus 14:1 – 15:33
  Apr 15   Pesach			           14 Nissan		  Exodus 12:21-51
  Apr 22   Shemini Shel Pesach 21 Nissan		  Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17
  Apr 29   Achrei Mot		        28 Nissan		  Leviticus 16:1 – 18:30

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Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf
   Over the next two months, we will            When Mordechai, a Jew, refused to            protagonist
celebrate both Purim and Passover. Both      bow low to Haman, a death sentence              who has
holidays are a warning to us about the       was declared for all Jews. Queen Esther         “come
danger of power that goes unchecked          was the only one who might be able to           to royal
and an inspiration to us about the           knock some sense into the king and get          position for
power of our own voices. Both holidays       him to rescind the edict. However, she          such a time
celebrate the bravery of Jews who speak      was scared. She did not think the king          as this.”
truth to power: on Purim, Esther and         would listen to her. She shared these              Though
Mordecai; on Passover, Moses. Both           concerns with Mordechai, who insisted           not absurd,
holidays involve questions that are about    she must speak to the king. Mordechai           the story of
the essence of who we are as Jews and        then asked Esther, and all of us, this criti-   the Exodus is extraordinary. On Pass-
how that Jewish identity will affect what    cal question: "For if you remain silent at      over, before we even tell the story, we
we do in this world.                         this time, relief and deliverance for the       are reminded that we must put ourselves
   The Book of Esther tells an extraor-      Jews will arise from another place, but         into the story. We must remember that
dinary story. It begins with a king who      you and your father's family will perish.       we were slaves in Egypt. And then, we
is out of control. The king’s rule for       And who knows but that you have come            must reflect on why it is so important
drinking was: “No restrictions!” When        to royal position for such a time as this?"     to remember that fact. We were once
the king’s wife, Vashti, refused to obey     (Esther 4:14)                                   slaves. Again and again, we have known
his order to dance for his friends, he          During Passover, we begin our story          oppression. Amazingly, our experience
issued an edict: “that every man should      with the question: “Mah Nishtanah–              of repeated trauma has not prevented us
wield authority in his own home,” so         Why is this night different from all other      from continuing on the journey toward
that “all wives will treat their husbands    nights?” And we continue by considering         the Promised Land. And yet, though
with respect, high and low alike.” After     the different ways we ask questions. We         some may say that we have finally arrived
exiling Vashti, the king agrees to his       can be wise, wicked or simple. And,             in the land of milk and honey (whether it
advisors’ proposal that “officers in every   sometimes, we simply don’t know how             be the US or Israel), we are still obligated
province of [the king’s] realm assemble      to ask at all. When we tell the story of        to remember and retell the story of our
all the beautiful young virgins at the       the Exodus, we will relive the moment           struggles. We are called to speak our
fortress Shushan, in the harem under the     of Moses being saved from the Pharoah’s         truth, which we can learn from the les-
supervision of . . . the king’s eunuch.”     edict that all Jewish boys be killed, and       sons of our extraordinary holiday stories:
From these girls, the king plans to (and,    watch as Moses is raised by Pharaoh’s           we have found our way out of oppression
ultimately, does) pick a new queen,          daughter and then re-discovers his Jewish       again and again, not so that we can for-
Esther. Of course, the king’s behavior is    identity. While Esther was called by            get it, but so that we can use our position
ridiculous. Drunken leadership is not a      Mordechai to serve the Jewish people,           of strength to help all those in need. This
virtue and respect can not be legislated.    Moses will be called by God to deliver          year, and every year, may we be inspired
And yet, this does not stop the king         his people out from under the yoke of           by the stories and the lessons of our
and his courtiers from trying. As we all     slavery. Like Esther, Moses doubts his          sacred celebrations to do just that.

                                                                                             Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf
know, the king takes things a step fur-      ability. And yet, just like in the story
ther when he issues an edict for people to   of Purim, silence is not an option. Like
kneel or bow low to his advisor, Haman.      the Purim story, the Passover story has a

open arms • open minds • open hearts                                                                               March/April 2022
Co-President Mark Meltzer - The Lifeblood of PJC - Volunteerism
    My heartfelt thank you to all the           stories of donations of time and the impact      only did I
generous volunteers who make our                this kindness and generosity has had on          have the
temple so special.                              others and on PJC - sometimes on following       opportunity
    A friend gave me the book "The Road to      generations.                                     to help shape
Character," by David Brooks. Mr. Brooks             Port Jewish Center has so many volun-        the future of
begins by talking about the difference          teers. One of the joys of being Co-President     our PJC
between resume virtues and eulogy virtues.      of PJC is that I experience the do-gooders       community,
Mr. Brooks says resume virtues can be           daily. I marvel at their commitment to our       but I got to
taught in the classroom. The formula for        synagogue and their willingness to do what-      know so many
developing resume virtues is known. Do          ever needs to be done to keep our congrega-      members of our congregation, and have
well in school, stay out of trouble, hang out   tion vibrant and exciting. They never say no     been fortunate enough to develop deep
with the right people, be born into the right   to a request for help and some proactively       friendships with several. I think the return
family, get a good job, figure out what is      approach a Board of Trustees member with         on investment is about as high as it can be
valued by the company you work for and do       an idea for something new that they are          in a volunteer position. I served for a fairly
it, save and invest your money and plan your    willing to spearhead. Somehow, they man-         long time, so I got to observe how import-
life prudently and carefully. Eulogy virtues    age to prioritize our synagogue in the mid-      ant board membership diversity is to our
cannot be taught in the classroom. It hap-      dle of their busy lives. Further, a number of    ability to make good decisions on behalf of
pens when a person sees and feels the value     these volunteers in a room (or on Zoom) is       our temple. The board needs representation
of the good, then decides to act and commit     the best example of synergy and the incredi-     from new and veteran members, young-
themselves. Eulogy virtues are associated       ble power of shared passion at work.             er and older members, men and women and
with terms like love, kindness, honesty,           This is a very exciting and challenging       people of differing levels of religiosity.”
bravery, faithfulness, commitment and the       time for our congregation. We struggle with          Rich says: ”For me, it's very simple; it
meaningful and life-changing relationships      issues related to COVID, getting new mem-        makes me happy. Volunteering for an orga-
that you have formed in your life. Volun-       bers, security of our building, being fiscally   nization can often be a thankless job. But
teering for an organization where               sound and responsible, and creating new          at PJC, everyone is so appreciative, it makes
you are passionate about the mission is a       programs to meet the needs of our members.       you feel good to volunteer. Volunteering
eulogy virtue.                                  Each one of these is addressed by volunteers     just a small amount of time goes such a
    Let’s talk about eulogy virtues. You are    who have added PJC to their list of priorities   long way at PJC, because it’s so appreciat-
doing something that provides good to           so that current members and future genera-       ed. Anyone who thinks volunteering for
someone or something other than yourself.       tions will have the opportunity to have the      an organization is a thankless job has not
It’s giving of yourself in a way where the      PJC experience.                                  volunteered at PJC!”
benefit and joy is elsewhere, but the feeling      In preparing for this column, I asked             In addition to Cheryl and Rich, I thank
of warmth and satisfaction of “doing good”      Cheryl Littman and Rich Feldman for their        all of the congregants who have made time
is with you. Keep in mind that meaningful       input. Both Cheryl and Rich have served in       in their busy schedules to make PJC a
legacies are built on eulogy virtues - not      a variety of leadership roles for well over a    better place.
resume virtues.                                 decade and continue to volunteer. They both          For those of you who haven’t experi-
    Port Jewish Center flourishes and suc-      have very responsible jobs, families who         enced the joy of volunteering, perhaps you
ceeds because many in our congregation          count on them, and other organizations that      will consider enhancing your list of eulogy
have decided to spend a portion of their        need their time. I asked : “Why do you do it     virtues and volunteering to help PJC in any
time volunteering. I enjoy talking with our     for PJC?”                                        way you are comfortable.

                                                                                                 Mark Meltzer
congregants who have been part of our              Cheryl says: “Serving in lay leadership
synagogue for many years. They tell me          at PJC has been incredibly rewarding. Not

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open arms • open minds • open hearts   March/April 2022
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open arms • open minds • open hearts   March/April 2022
Religious School Director
    “It’s the most wonderful time of the      people in the Port Washington com-               an opportu-
year.” Yes, I know Andy Williams' song        munity, but maybe our own classmates.            nity to be
is generally a song sung around Christ-       On Monday, March 14th, our Religious             together, to
mas time. But for me, March and April,        School students will once again be ful-          celebrate
or Purim and Passover, are the most           filling the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim         from where
wonderful times of the year. We change        (giving to others). For the first time in 2      we have come
the clocks, it stays lighter longer, the      years, we will return to Stop and Shop           and all that
weather is warming up, the flowers begin      with our tzedakah money in hand to               we have, and
to bloom, and we celebrate my favorite        help Sister Kathy and those who rely on          to continue the tradition of retelling the
Jewish holidays of Purim and Passover.        the food pantry at Our Lady of Fatima.           story of Passover each year. Those at the
   For most Jews, Purim is about hearing      If you would like to contribute, please let      ‘kids' end of the table’ are now all grown up
the Megillah and blotting out Haman’s         me know (           and will have high chairs at the end instead
name through the sound of the grog-           You can bring money to the temple or             of sneaking bottles of wine under the table.
gers and, of course, making and eating        transfer it through Venmo. Our students          The ones at the other end will recently have
hamentaschen. For me, the highlight of        appreciate the support year after year.          become grandparents. We will be remem-
Purim is helping others in our communi-           My other favorite holiday is Passover.       bering those not with us and celebrating
ty by restocking the shelves at Our Lady      Yes, I admit, I love matzo. I like it for        new additions. This will be the first Passover
of Fatima’s food pantry. There are four       breakfast with cream cheese and jelly, for       in three years around their table. I know
mitzvot (commandments) associated with        lunch as matzo pizza, for dinner with some       it will be extra special. Passover continues
Purim - reading the Megillah, send-           butter, and of course, chocolate covered         traditions for our family and each year
ing gifts (shalach manot) to friends and      matzo for dessert. It will be a little harder    introduces something new.
family, having a festive meal, and giving     this year since I stopped eating carbs. Pass-       In my mind, March and April are truly
gifts to the poor. This fourth mitzvah of     over also means family for me. It is the time    “the most wonderful time of the year.” I
giving gifts to the poor is a highlight of    our entire family gets together around my        look forward to all that lies ahead in our
our Religious School year. It feels so good   sister-in-law and brother-in-law’s table for     Jewish calendar!

                                                                                               Lauren Chizner
to not just give but to raise the money,      Seder. Nieces and nephews come home from
actually purchase the non-perishable food     college or grad school, new significant others
items, and then deliver them ourselves,       join our table, and this year we will have
knowing we will be helping not just           two new babies as well. Our Seder gives us

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open arms • open minds • open hearts   March/April 2022
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General Fund                                                                             Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

Observing the yahrzeit of Anna Sperber       In honor of Mina Bobek’s 90th Birthday,     In memory of Bill Sucher, brother of
Elyse & Jim Lemonda                          In support of the beautification of PJC’s   Arnie Sucher
                                             garden                                      Arlene & Joe Labenson
Observing the yahrzeit of Leo Altschuler     Sarah Hogenauer
Lynn Graf
                                             In honor of the engagement of Mikayla
In grateful appreciation for all that the    Hyman to Lauren Copeland
Rabbi has done to bring the congregation     Corbey & Andy Hyman
together in these incredibly difficult and
stressful times                              Observing the yahrzeit of Hyman Po-
Leslie & Sandy Lindenbaum                    lonsky, Observing the yahrzeit of Hilda
                                             Polonsky, Observing the yahrzeits of
Observing the yahrzeit of Abraham            Anna & Irving Brodsky
Miller, Observing the yahrzeit of David      Muriel & Bert Brodsky
Susan & Len Rosenberg                        In honor of Michael Cooperman’s special
                                             birthday, Wishing Michael Cooperman a
In support of PJC                            speedy recovery
Janice & Gary Zelter                         Kathy & Steve Bernhard

Observing the yahrzeits of Esther &          In memory of Bill Sucher
Gustav Cooperman                             In memory of Arthur Klein
Roberta & Michael Cooperman                  In memory of Robert (Bob) Saget
                                             Joan Charney

open arms • open minds • open hearts                                                                         March/April 2022
March Yahrtzeits

  To be read March 4
  Mar 1        Sydney Feinberg		           Stepfather of Heidi Oringer
  Mar 3        Estelle Vicente		           Aunt of Joan Charney
  Mar 3        *Rudolph Good		             Father of Sarafae Lucks
  Mar 4        *Leonard C. Smith           Father of Nancy Federlein

  To be read March 11
  Mar 5        Lillian Seidner		           Grandmother of Stefanie Seidner
  Mar 5        Charlotte Thaler		          Mother of Michael Thaler
  Mar 6        Audrey Silverman            Mother of Richard Silverman
  Mar 9        Alison Klein		              Sister of Hillary Beberman
  Mar 9        Bella Hausthor		            Grandmother of Janice Zeltzer
  Mar 9        Barbara Johnson		           Wife of Stuart Johnson
  Mar 9        Florence Craig		            Aunt of Leslie Sucher

  To be read March 18
  Mar 12       *Leah Silverstein		         Mother of Adam Silverstein                                   Zichronam livrachah.
  Mar 13       *Joseph Sucher		            Father of Arnie Sucher                                        May their memories
  Mar 14       Harold Shichtman            Husband of Deborah Shichtman                                     be a blessing
  Mar 14       Robert Graf		               Husband of Lynn Graf                                               for us all.
  Mar 14       Harry Harrison		            Grandfather of Andrew Hyman
  Mar 15       Sylvan Silverman		          Father of Richard Silverman
  Mar 18       Alfred Ilton		              Father of Evelyn Strauss
  Mar 18       *Henry B. Rubin		           Grandfather of Kathy Bernhard

  To be read March 25
  Mar 20       Martin Greenstein           Father of Candace McCabe
  Mar 23       Joseph Zeltzer		            Grandfather of Gary Zeltzer
  Mar 24       Blanche Herman		            Mother of Stuart Herman
  Mar 25       *Ruth Sokol		               Aunt of Judith Keller
  Mar 25       Elliot Charney		            Brother-in-law of Joan Charney

Remember a Loved One
  Our Memorial Board is a way of remembering loved ones and keeping them in our minds when we are in the sanctuary,
particularly during the month in which a yahrzeit falls. A plaque on our memorial board is a beautiful tribute to a blessed memory.
  Please contact Cindy for more information.

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April Yahrtzeits

  To be read April 1
  Mar 26        Edwin Greenblatt            Godfather of Sandy Hyman
  Mar 27        *Lucile Helfat		            Mother of Jonathan Helfat
  Mar 29        Carolyn Meltzer		           Mother of Mark Meltzer
  Mar 31        *Bernard Feldman            Father of Rich Feldman
  Apr 1		       Leo Feldhun		               Father of Mina Bobek
  Apr 1		       Jack Taczanowski            Father of Eva Bersin

  To be read April 8
  Apr 2		       Joseph Silver		             Husband of Shirley Silver, father of Gail Thrope
  Apr 2		       *Harold Mohel		             Uncle of Muriel Brodsky
  Apr 4		       Nettie Alpert		             Aunt of Robert Alpert
  Apr 6		       Walter Schneider		          Stepfather of Andrew Hyman
  Apr 7		       Henry Miraglia		            Father of Michael Miraglia
  Apr 8		       *Ruth Jane Lindenbaum       Mother of Sandy Lindenbaum

  To be read April 22 (no shabbat service on April 15)
  Apr 11        *Saul Katz		               Grandfather of Ralph Katz
  Apr 11        *Pearl Zeltzer		           Mother of Gary Zeltzer
  Apr 13        Ellen Katz		               Wife of Ralph Katz, mother of Stuart, Michael & Dorothy
  Apr 15        Esther Friedman		          Mother of Corey Friedman
  Apr 15        Richie Love		              Brother of Barbara Mayer
  Apr 16        Margaret Pabst		           Mother of Sarah Hogenauer
  Apr 16        *Saul Zarwan		             Father of Roberta Cooperman
  Apr 17        Esther Allen		             Mother-in-law of Jerry Halm
  Apr 17        *Trudy Dreyfuss		          Mother of Joan Charney
  Apr 18        Steven Schulman		          Brother of Elyse Lemonda
  Apr 19        *Faye Engle		              Mother of Robin Helfat
  Apr 19        Donald Low		               Uncle of Corbey Hyman
  Apr 21        Lillian Rosenberg          Mother of Leonard Rosenberg
  Apr 21        Lyman Yarborough           Uncle of Corbey Hyman
  Apr 21        Frances Albertson          Mother of Richard Albertson
  Apr 22        Ann Strauss		              Wife of Stan Strauss

  To be read April 29
  Apr 30        *Sigmund Fuchs		            Father of Avery Fuchs
  Apr 30        Joseph Halm		               Father of Jerry Halm

            *Asterisks indicate that a loved one has been permanently memorialized with a plaque in the temple sanctuary.
                      If you are interested in acquiring a plaque for your loved one, please contact the PJC office.

open arms • open minds • open hearts                                                                                   March/April 2022
Happy Birthday to Us —March and April Birthdays
3/1     Hugh Goldson                         3/23     Heidi Oringer                       4/12     Sandy Hyman
3/1     Johanna Menzel                       3/23     Candace McCabe                      4/14     Corbey Hyman
3/2     Judy Epstein		                       3/24     Arlene Labenson                     4/14     Carolyn Levin
3/5     Leslie Sucher                        3/27     Roberta Cooperman                   4/15     Johann Bogensberger
3/8     Sarah Haase                          3/28     Ralph Katz                          4/16     Susan Rosenberg
3/9     Terri Lerner-Frey                    3/29     David Silberg                       4/19     Sarah Hogenauer
3/10    Michael Gitman		                     3/31     Simon Menzel                        4/20     Stephen Klemes
3/14    Richard Silverman                    4/2      Jeffrey Brodsky		                   4/21     Stuart Herman
3/15    Linda Feldman                        4/6      Barbara Mayer                       4/21     Larry Wallick
3/17    Hudson Stevens                       4/6      Kayla Brodsky                       4/24     Stuart Lucks
3/17    Heidi Stevens                        4/7      Sean Cohen                          4/26     Gabrielle Gitman
3/18    Janice Zeltzer                       4/7      Frann Ziskin                        4/29     Max Bogensberger
3/22    Nancy Solomon                        4/10     Adam Bernstein                      4/30     Judy Sofen

Advertising Opportunity

  Do you have a business or service you would like to advertise in this newsletter? Display your business card in the PJC
newsletter for one year. Fees: $75 for members, $125 for non-members. Contact Cindy in the office at 944-7202.

14 | Port Jewish Center                                                                     
Port Jewish Center Organization
 PJC office hours:
 Monday 12:30-6:30 pm, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
 Port Jewish Center newsletter submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to publication.
 Newsletter Editor: Susan Rosenberg
 Please send all submissions to:
 20 Manorhaven Boulevard Port Washington, New York 11050, 516-944-7202

 Clergy And Staff
 Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf |
 Lauren Chizner, Religious School Director |
 Cindy Ellner, Office Manager |
 Laurie Ellis, Bookkeeper |
 Custodian, Jose Blanco
 PARTY (formerly PJCY) Advisor |

 Co-Presidents: Mark Meltzer & Matthew Kepke:
 1st Vice President: Ilise Tow-Friedman
 Treasurer: Adam Lenter:
 Corresponding Secretary: Allison Roditi
 Immediate Past President: Jay Beberman

 Board Of Trustees
 Helen Albertson
 Sarah Hogenauer
 William Keller
 Robert Klang
 Merrill Moccio
 Deborah Silberg

 Donna Berman, Rabbi Emerita

 Extended Family

 Do you know of a PJC member who is ill? Going through a difficult time? A death in the family? Please let us know so we can
 reach out. Call one of the following:
 Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf 516-944-7202* or
 *select option 8 and follow the instructions to page the rabbi
 Co-Presidents: Mark Meltzer: or Matt Kepke:

open arms • open minds • open hearts                                                                       March/April 2022
Upcoming Events
 Lunch & Learn     		       Hamantasch-a-thon			     Passover First Night/2nd Night Seder
 Tuesdays at 12pm			        Sunday, March 13			      Friday, April 15/Saturday, April 16

 Book Club & Author Talk    Purim					               Yom HaShoah
 Wednesday, March 2 & 30    Wednesday, March 16			   Thursday, April 28 at Community Syn.

 Rosh Chodesh		             Student-led Shabbat			   Spring Fling
 Thursday, March 3 & 31     Friday, April 1				      Saturday, April 30 at 7pm

Port Jewish Center
20 Manorhaven, Blvd.
Port Washington, NY 11050
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