Mary Silvernail Jersey Shore Medium

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Mary Silvernail Jersey Shore Medium
4/5/2021                                                                                           Constant Contact

                                                                                                     Mary Silvernail
                                                                                                     Jersey Shore Medium,


                                               ~ ASTROLOGY                                             ~ CALL NOW TO
                                           READINGS, HYPNOSIS,
                                               & REIKI NOW
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                                              AVAILABLE VIA                                           APPOINTMENT ~
                                            TELEPHONE, FACE-
                                            TIME, AND ZOOM ~                                             609-242-3900

                                                                                    ** ANNOUNCEMENT **
                                                                             USUI / HOLY FIRE REIKI ONLINE
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Mary Silvernail Jersey Shore Medium
4/5/2021                                                                                           Constant Contact

                                             "And suddenly you just know it’s time to
                                           start something new and trust the magic of
                                                                              ~ Meister Eckhart ~

                                                     Your April 2021 Horoscope
                                                        by Mary Silvernail – Psychic Astrologer
                                                                     For a Personal Reading call 609-242-3900

                                                                                  For entertainment purposes only

                                          ARIES – March 21/April 20
                                          Happy Birthday, Aries! It is your month to shine. Your batteries are recharged and your
                                          opportunities are limitless this month. You get what you wish for.

                                          TAURUS – April 21/May 21
                                          Re-evaluate your current situation. You have opportunities you have overlooked. Money
                                          starts to flow and no longer is a problem.

                                          GEMINI – May22/June 21
                                          A friend opens a door to you that had been closed. Now is the time to seize the moment
                                          regarding your finances and allow yourself to propel forward.

                                          CANCER – June 22/July 22
                                          Hold onto those purse strings this month. Don’t fret; by July your finances will be ship
                                          shape. Be open to a possible work related romance.

                                          LEO – July 23/August 23
                                          There is a new you becoming more and more visible to others. Take some time for
                                          introspection regarding education and the career opportunities that are in your stars.

                                          VIRGO – August 24/September 22                2/8
Mary Silvernail Jersey Shore Medium
4/5/2021                                                                                           Constant Contact

                                          Ask and you shall receive regarding your career. Issues regarding another’s finances must
                                          be dealt with swiftly, yet gently. Walk softly, but carry a large stick.

                                          LIBRA – September 23/October 23
                                          The Libra Full Moon will bring what you want to relationships in your life. This is a time
                                          for love and romance. Enjoy!

                                          SCORPIO – October 24/November 22
                                          A shift in your work environment brings about the positive changes you seek. Short trips
                                          bring luck. Button your lip in matters of the heart.

                                          SAGITTARIUS – November 23/December 21
                                          A new love may enter your life at this time. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming
                                          and romance is in the Spring air for you, Sag!

                                          CAPRICORN – December 22/January 20
                                          Get your ducks in a row to prepare for a major, yet positive change coming into your
                                          realm. An elder offers you much wisdom – listen closely.

                                          AQUARIUS – January 21/February 18
                                          Love and fun times are the ticket for you this month, dear Aquarius. Short jaunts bring
                                          you love, fun and luck. Don’t allow others to hold you back.

                                          PISCES - February 19/March 20
                                          New opportunities to make money will come your way through your profound
                                          communication skills. Any matters of confusion will be crystal clear by month’s end.

                                                                                                             Click the image to see Mary
                                                                                                                          discuss the
                                                                                                             Resurrection of the Phoenix
                                                                                                                        on her TV show:
                                                                                                          Astrology, Angels, &
                                                                                                                 More                      3/8
Mary Silvernail Jersey Shore Medium
4/5/2021                                                                                           Constant Contact

                                               SPECIAL                                                   ALL ABOUT
                                            ASPECTS FOR                                              BY MARY SILVERNAIL,
                                              APRIL 2021:                                           PSYCHIC ASTROLOGER:

                                           Happy Birthday, Aries!                                     Happy Spring to All!
                                           Aries is the first sign of the zodiac               This is a time of new beginnings. Since I am
                                          with Mars as it’s ruling planet. Red                  also a professional astrologer, I would like
                                              is the color associated with                     to call to your attention that the Sun is now
                                              Aries. Aries is independent,                     transiting through the constellation of Aries
                                           impulsive, pioneering, self-reliant                  which is the beginning of the zodiac. It is a
                                            and direct. They are natural born                  great time for changes in our lives and new
                                          leaders. Many are entrepreneurs or                                    beginnings.
                                          Chief Executive Officers. Diamond
                                               and pyrite are Aries gems.                                  ***********************
                                                ***********************                         In order to help you with these wonderful
                                                                                                new beginnings in your life, call upon the
                                          This Aries New Moon on April 11                            most powerful Angel of them all,
                                            carries with it a lot of feminine                    Archangel Metatron who is in charge of
                                           energy bringing about a sisterly                                    new beginnings.
                                            energy around the world. This                         He is just waiting in the wings to help
                                          New Moon urges us to focus more                        energize you and empower you to move
                                           on the patient, giving and gentle                      forward with lightening speed in your
                                          side of ourselves. This is part of a                    life. All you need to say is, “Metatron,
                                            great Aries stellium of: Chiron,                            please help me,” and he will
                                             Mercury, Ceres, Sun, Moon,                                   instantaneously be there.
                                                ***********************                           4/8
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                                            This is a time to think about the                  Metatron is the tallest and strongest Angel
                                            nourishing parts of your life and                  in heaven and will many times appear as a
                                            leave behind what is not for our                    large fiery pillar of red. He is said to sit at
                                             higher good. The aspects of the                    the throne of God and to be the heavenly
                                                Moon and Mars suggests                           scribe. He is the one who is in charge of
                                            collaboration with all people all                  writing all the events of our lives and of the
                                           over the world joining in. This is a                      earth in the books of the Akashic
                                          time of progress and learning. This                  Records. The Akashic Records is where all
                                                is all due to a heightened                            events and knowledge is kept.
                                              sensitivity, so be alert to your
                                           inner child and do a lot of chakra                              ***********************
                                            balancing when possible such as
                                             through energy medicines like                     Archangel Metatron is an incarnate Angel
                                                           Reiki.                                that once walked the earth as a scribe by
                                                                                                the name of Enoch before he was taken to
                                                ***********************                             heaven by Archangel Michael and
                                                                                                   Archangel Gabriel and shown all the
                                          The Scorpio Full Moon on April 26                    heavenly planes. God then turned him into
                                          forms a powerful t-square giving it                     the scribe of the heavens and gave him
                                           a heavy feel about it. This Moon is                   wings and great heavenly wisdom of the
                                              also in opposition to the Sun,                        many secrets, even that of creation.
                                            Uranus, Venus, Mercury and the
                                            Black Moon Lilith all in Taurus.                               ***********************

                                           Some healing of deep emotional                        Some of Archangel Metatron’s duties are
                                             scars and or physical pain is                      also that of helping with children’s issues,
                                           needed at this time. Support will                    especially ADD or ADHD, energizing you
                                            come from steadfast Saturn in                          to stop procrastination, easing grief,
                                          Aquarius helping us to stay strong                    transforming a painful death to a peaceful
                                                throughout this karmic                         one, helping you find peace during times of
                                             period. This is a time of deep                    crisis, deepening your connection to Spirit,
                                          experiences to balance karma and                         writing and especially sending your
                                             help us rise in the ascension                                   prayers to heaven.
                                                                                                   In my readings, healing and hypnosis
                                           Now for the cherry on top of the                        sessions at Hope Hypnosis & Holistic
                                           cake: Pluto turns retrograde on                          Center, many times I will call upon
                                           April 27 at 4:01 pm EST through                      Archangel Metatron to come and join us in
                                          October 6 intensifying our drive to                    order to help empower and energize my
                                            do something SIGNIFICANT                              client to move forward in their life and
                                           during that period of time! This                     make positive changes. Metatron’s mighty
                                           will free us from futile ties and                               energy fills the room.
                                           move us onto a new and better
                                                   path to success.                                        ***********************                             5/8
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                                                ***********************                             In my own personal life, I call upon
                                                                                                Archangel Metatron and the other Angels
                                             To quote Julia Cameron: "Our                         daily to help me and they never let me
                                            creative dreams and yearnings                            down. Next time you are driving
                                           come from a divine source. As we                        somewhere that you know it may be
                                             move toward our dreams, we                        difficult to find a parking space, just simply
                                              move toward our divinity.”                        ask the Angels to have one ready for you
                                                                                               and you will be surprised at how the space
                                                ***********************                                        will just appear.

                                          Many Bright Spring Blessings,                                    ***********************
                                          ~ Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT ~
                                                                                                   Many Divine Blessings of Love &
                                           © copyright 2021 Mary Silvernail                                    Light.
                                                                                                     Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT
                                               For your personal Psychic /
                                                    Astrology Reading                                 © copyright 2021 Mary Silvernail
                                                   call Mary Silvernail:
                                                        609-242-3900                                         For Information:
                                                                                                   Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT – Psychic
                                                 ~ Gifted from birth ~                            Astrologer & Healer may be reached at:
                                          So accurate your spine will tingle!!!
                                             Know what is in your future!                         Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, LLC
                                                                                                               465 Rt. 9
                                          Like Mary Silvernail Astrologer on                             Waretown, NJ 08758
                                                      Facebook                                              609-242-3900
                                             TV shows on You-tube: Mary
                                            Silvernail (Astrology, Angels &                           Like on Facebook: Mary Silvernail
                                                         More)                                                   Astrologer
                                                        Or visit her at:

                                                                              ~ LOVE ~
                                                                                    by Kirsten Sciallo                           6/8
4/5/2021                                                                                           Constant Contact

                                              Sometimes it’s just the simplest things that make a world of difference. Remember
                                            although this is a heightened time for all of us in regard to sensitivity, it is important to
                                           stay grounded. It’s essential to take care of yourself, physically, emotionally, spiritually,
                                               and mentally. When you take the time to be good to yourself, it can be an outward
                                          reflection to others. Practice acts of mindfulness and simple acts of thoughtfulness. Your
                                             kind words and actions can go a long way right now during this crucial time. Take a
                                          moment and write a note or send a card to a loved one and simply let them know that you
                                           are thinking of them. Buy a co-worker a coffee or simply tell someone in the office that
                                           you appreciate them and their kindness has not gone unnoticed. Let this beautiful month
                                          of April be filled with gratitude. Gratitude for all of the many blessings that we have and
                                              those that are already on their way to us. Please enjoy your Easter and/or any other
                                          Holiday that you celebrate in April. Remember also to celebrate Mother Earth this month
                                               as well! For after all, we need to take good care of our Earth and planet so we can
                                             continue to experience all of the beauty and glory that will be here for us for years to
                                           come. A little special recognition this month for anyone who has or knows a child/adult
                                          that has Autism. Please remember that there is always a way to reach everyone. First and
                                                          foremost we need to lead with love, patience, and kindness.

                                                                                     Love & Light,

                                                                     Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center LLC
                                                                            465 Rt. 9, Waretown
                                                                                  NJ 08758

                                                                    Hope Hypnosis | 465 Route 9, Waretown, NJ 08758

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