Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference

Page created by Dustin Pope
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
Data & Services
CardLinx Conference
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019

            Mastercard is working with clients to augment their
            innovation and supercharge their digital transformation
            all with the intent of driving a better consumer experience.

            We unleash specialised teams consisting of the best
            designers, loyalty product experts and technologists to
            deliver ground-breaking next-generation experiences
            across all digital consumer touchpoints.
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019

    Future payment & card linking will be across a set of products globally

 Voice, AR, VR,              Smart home, wearables,        Owned identity, biometrics,
headsets, gaming             cars, b2b IOT networks            identity of things

        NEW                          INTERNET                       CYBER &
    INTERFACES                       OF THINGS                    INTELLIGENCE

                     ARTIFICIAL                       NEW                          STRATEGIC
                   INTELLIGENCE                    NETWORKS                         GROWTH

             NLP, neural networks,         Blockchain, digital money,         Financial, energy,
               computer vision                  decentralization             comms, computing
                                                                           platforms connectivity
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019

            Innovation has
            quickened the
            pace with which
            embrace change,
                                  19 Days | Pokémon GO
            taking less time to   6 Months | Instagram
                                  9 Months | Twitter
            reach 50 million      3.5 Years | Facebook
            people…               4 Years | Internet
                                  13 Years | Television
                                  38 Years | Radio
                                  75 Years | Telephone
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019


                                   POLARIZATION           GLOBAL ECONOMY COOLS         CHINA

                                     Still divided.          When, where and by   More, more, more!
                                                                how much?

     Macro Shifts
     We need to consider
     some of the key,
     ongoing forces that will
     shape the global
     business arena in the
     next 12 months and
     beyond.                       ENVIRONMENT                 TECHNOLOGY         SOCIAL NORMS

                                A doom-laden forecast         Who watches the     The moral arc zigs
                                with some sunny spells.         watchmen?             and zags.
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019


     nutrition program
     furthers health
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019


     Mall uses facial
     recognition tech
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019


                       In 2019, global consumers will
        C-COMMERCE     wake up to new retail realities set
                       by innovators in the world’s largest
                       retail market. Chinese brands are
                       rolling out a model that harnesses
                       AI, mountains of consumer data,
                       and in-store technology to deliver
                       a more efficient, targeted and
                       seamless offline experience.
                       Radical expectations will come
                       knocking at your door!
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019


     Retailer rolls
     out five smart
     automated stores
Mastercard Data & Services CardLinx Conference
JUNE 2019

            Augmented Reality – The Disruptor
            Following on from the industrial age, the space age & the
            digital age, the augmented age will be based on four
            disruptive themes;

            1: Experience Design
            2: Artificial Intelligence
            3: IOT
            4: HealthTech

            “We’re moving from a heads-down to a heads-up world.”
JUNE 2019

              Augmented Reality Adoption Phases
                    Phase 1: 2020 - Early Adopters
            Initial Smart Glasses emerge, 10m shipments

                   Phase 2: 2022 - Early Majority
            Market reaches critical mass, 100m shipments

                    Phase 3: 2025 - Mainstream
                Smart Glasses displace Smartphones
            Market owned by one company & 4 challengers
                         1 billion shipments
JUNE 2019
JUNE 2019
Artificial Intelligence

Linking Payment Cards
JUNE 2019

            “Houston, we have a problem.”
             Businesses spend $1.3 trillion on 265 billion
             customer service calls each year

             Many customer service requests are very
             simple asks and could be handled by artificial
             intelligence technologies without human input.

             Linking payment transactions, offers and
             rewards are a critical component of AI.
JUNE 2019

            Mastercard Chat bots are digital
            assistants based on artificial
            intelligence that allow you to
            engage with a customer 24/7 in
            a one-on-one personalized
            conversation, automatically.

            Card linking fits naturally into
            this consumer experience.
JUNE 2019

            Deploy Mastercard Chat
            inside your existing
            applications and link loyalty
            and offers as a way to
            engage, interact and support
            your customers
JUNE 2019

JUNE 2019

            One More Thing!
JUNE 2019

            Say hello to
            A life-size intelligent avatar that
            sees, understands and interacts
            with customers in real time.

            This platform totally redefines
            customer and brand experiences
            ranging from service and support to
            sales and product demonstrations.

             Powered by Mastercard AI
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