Page created by Gary Campbell
                  A.S. 2020-2021

S.r.l. Impresa Sociale Scuola dell’infanzia, primaria, secondaria di I° e II° paritarie
             Via Roversella, 2 44121 Ferrara tel./fax 0532 209 416
                                    MIDDLE SCHOOL

Middle school is part of the first cycle of education, divided into two consecutive and
compulsory schooling cycles: primary school (lasting five years), and middle school
(lasting three years).

Through the subjects studied, middle school stimulates the growth of autonomous study
and social interaction skills, deepens student knowledge and understanding of the world
around them, and examines cultural traditions and the social, cultural and scientific
evolution of contemporary reality.

During these three years, students progressively develops skills corresponding to their
attitudes and vocations. They are also provided with adequate tools for continuing
education and training activities. The introduction of a second language of the European
Union helps to orientate students for the subsequent choice of education and training.

                                 TEACHING METHODS

Student independence is encouraged through the various teaching strategies used. A
student centred approach, making use of cooperative learning and flipped classroom
strategies, is the focus of our teaching method in order to encourage student
participation and involvement. Frontal-style lessons may also be used depending on the
subject matter and lesson content in order to prepare students for higher-level learning.

                                STUDENT EVALUATION

Student evaluations take place throughout the school year on a formative and summative
basis. Students are encouraged to demonstrate their learning in various ways including,
but not limited to, written essays and tests, oral presentations and tests, projects and
group work, homework completion and overall class participation. Using a variety of
evaluation methods ensures that each student has the opportunity to benefit from their
strengths while working to improve their overall learning skills.

            Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                2

By the end of middle school, students should:

• create personal and imaginative works based on original concepts and
  design, applying knowledge and rules of visual language, choosing functionally
  different techniques and materials, and integrating multiple media and
  expressive codes
• master the main elements of visual language, interpret meanings of static and
  moving images, audio-visual films and multimedia products
• be familiar with significant works produced in ancient, medieval, modern and
  contemporary times, knowing how to place them in their respective historical
  and cultural contexts
• recognize the cultural value of artisanal images, works and objects produced
  in other countries
• recognize the main elements of the cultural, artistic and environmental
  heritage of Italy and understand the importance of protecting and conserving
• analyse and describes cultural heritage, static images, and multimedia images
  using the appropriate language


                          COMMUNICATION & SELF-EXPRESSION
• conceive and design artwork searching for original, inspired creative solutions from the study of
  art and visual communication.
• conscientiously use tools, figurative techniques (graphics, paintings, and plastics) and the rules
  of visual representation when producing a creative piece of work that reflects personal
  preferences and expressive style.
• rework commonly used materials, photographic images, writings, and iconic and visual
  elements to produce new images.
• choose the most appropriate techniques and language to make visual products following a
  specific operational or communicative purpose, including integrating multiple codes and
  referring to other disciplines.

• use different observational techniques to describe, with appropriate verbal language, the
  formal and aesthetic elements of an artwork
• read and interpret an image or a work of art using progressive degrees of in-depth analysis of
  the text to understand its meaning and grasp the author's creative and stylistic choices
• recognize the codes and compositional rules present in works of art and in images of
  multimedia communication to identify its function (symbolic, expressive, communicative) in the
  different areas (art, advertising, information, entertainment)

• Read and critically comment on a work of art by relating it to the essential elements of the
historical and cultural context to which it belongs.
             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                      3
• know the fundamental lines of artistic production from the main historical periods of the past
and of modern and contemporary art from various cultural contexts
• recognize the types of environmental, historical-artistic and museum heritage of the territory
• hypothesize intervention strategies for the protection, conservation, and enhancement of
cultural heritage

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                      4

By the end of middle school, students should:

• know the main processes of transformation of resources or production of
  goods and recognizes the different forms of energy involved.
• hypothesize the possible consequences of a technological decision or choice,
  recognizing the opportunities and risks in every innovation
• be familiar with commonly used objects, tools and machines and classifies
  them according to their function, form, structure, and material
• use appropriate resources when designing and realizing simple products
  including digital ones
• derive information on the goods or services available on the market to evaluate
  different types of criteria


                               SEE, OBSERVE & EXPERIMENT
• perform measurement/graphic/photographic surveys about the school or home environment
• carry out tests and simple investigations on the physical, chemical, mechanical, and
  technological properties of various materials

                                 PREDICT, IMAGINE & PLAN
• make estimates of physical quantities referring to materials and objects found in the school
• assess the consequences of choices and decisions relating to problematic situations
• invent modifications for everyday objects and products in relation to new needs
• plan the different phases for the realization of an object using everyday objects and materials

                          INTERVENE, TRANSFORM & PRODUCE
• use simple procedures to perform experimental tests in the various sectors of technology (for
example: food preparation and cooking)
• build objects with readily available materials starting from a concrete need

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                       5

By the end of middle school, students should:

• understand short oral and written messages about familiar topics
• orally communicate in situations that require simple exchanges of information
  about familiar habits and topics
• read simple texts using the techniques studied in class
• ask for explanations and perform tasks according to the indications given by
  the teacher in the foreign language
• establish relationships between simple linguistic-communicative and cultural
  elements relating to the languages of study
• compare the results achieved from learning other languages and reflect on
  useful strategies for language learning


• understand everyday instructions, expressions and phrases and identify the general topic of
  short oral messages about known topics
• understand the general sense of short oral texts about familiar topics, identifying key words

• describe familiar people, places and objects using words and phrases learned by reading and
• report simple personal information, integrating the meaning of what is said with mimicry and
• interact in an understandable way with a familiar partner or an adult using expressions and
  phrases suited to the situation

• understand concrete, simple texts about familiar topics

• write simple, short texts about familiar topics

                            REFLECTING ON THE LANGUAGE
• observe words in their context of use and detect any changes in meaning
• observe the structure of sentences and relate this to the communication goal of the sentence
• recognize mistakes and ways of learning languages

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                     6

By the end of middle school, students should:

• comprehend the essential points from a range of language texts about familiar
and academic topics orally and in writing
• describe situations, recount personal events and experiences, and present
  topics of study orally and in writing
• interact with one or more speakers in academic and familiar contexts using
  appropriate language
• read a range of texts using different strategies for comprehension
• read informative texts and listen to explanations related to the study content of
  other disciplines
• write reports, essays, stories, and letters or messages for a range of
  audiences (teachers, peers, family members, etc.)
• identify cultural similarities and differences between the English speaking
  countries and the home country
• use learned linguistic repertoire to manage new or unexpected situations
• master English terminology in topics from different disciplinary fields and
  actively collaborate with peers in the realization of activities and projects
• develop self-assessment skills and apply these to one’s own learning style


• understand the essential points of spoken English from a variety of contexts (recounts, lectures,
  instructions, dialogues, etc.)
• listen to texts produced by others, and transmitted by various media, recognizing their source,
  and identifying the issuer's purpose, topic, main information, and point of view
• use their knowledge of the types of text to adopt functional strategies to understand while
• listen to texts by applying techniques to support understanding both when listening and after

• intervene in a class or group conversation or discussion with relevance and consistency,
  respecting speaking times and providing a positive personal contribution
• narrate experiences, events, and plots by selecting meaningful information, organizing it in a
  logical-chronological order, and exposing it clearly and comprehensively, using an appropriate
  register for the topic and situation
• describe objects, places, people, and characters by selecting significant information based on
  the purpose, using appropriate vocabulary for the topic and the situation
• describe procedures clearly and cohesively, using appropriate specific terminology
• orally report on a topic of study explaining the purpose and presenting it in a clear and
  consistent way, using an appropriate register and specific lexicon
• argue their thesis on an assigned topic with data relevant and valid reasons
             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                      7
• read texts aloud with expression, respecting pauses and using correct intonation correct
• read texts of various kinds applying study techniques (underlining, side notes, notes)
• obtain explicit and implicit information from texts to find out about a specific topic
• understand descriptive texts, identifying the essential elements of the description and the point
  of view of the observer
• read and understand simple argumentative texts, identifying the central thesis and the
  supporting arguments and assessing their relevance and validity
• read narrative texts belonging to different literary genres, identifying their elements essential
  constituents, the main topic, and the communicative intentions of the author
• formulate, independently or in collaboration with classmates, interpretative hypotheses based
  on the texts read

• know and apply the procedures for brainstorming, outlining, planning, drafting, and revising a
  text and use guide-tools for the organization of ideas
• write different types of texts (narrative, descriptive, expositive, regulatory, argumentative)
  following the standards of correct writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.)
• write texts of different forms based on models analyzed in the classroom, adapting them to
  the situation, topic, purpose, recipient, and selecting the most appropriate register
• use in the form of an explicit citation and/or paraphrase, parts of texts produced
  from others and drawn from different sources
• write summaries, also in the form of schemes, of texts listened to or read in view of specific
• write various types of digital texts, also for use as an oral exposure support
• create different forms of creative writing, in prose and in verse

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                      8

By the end of middle school, students should:

• orientate him/herself in space and on maps of different scales referencing
compass points and geographical coordinates
• orient him/herself on a large-scale map using fixed reference points
• appropriately use geographical maps, current and vintage photographs,
  remote sensing images, digital processing, graphics, statistical data,
  and geographic information systems to effectively communicate spatial
• recognizes European and world landscapes and significant physical and
  historical elements, comparing them to ones in Italy
• observe, read and analyze territorial systems, in space and time and
  assess the effects of human actions on the territorial systems on the
  various geographic scales


• orient him/herself on maps and large-scale maps based on the cardinal points (also
  with the use of the compass) and fixed reference points.
• orient him/herself in distant territorial realities, using multimedia viewing programs
  from above (google earth)

                                LANGUAGE OF GEOGRAPHY
• read and interpret various types of geographical maps (from topographical to
  planisphere), use reduction scales, geographic coordinates, and symbols appropriately
• use traditional (maps, charts, statistical data, images, etc.) and innovative (remote
  sensing and computerized cartography) tools to understand and communicate
  territorial facts and phenomena

• interpret and compare some characteristics of Italian, European and world landscapes,
  and in relation to their evolution over time
• understand issues and problems of landscape protection as a natural and cultural
  heritage and plan valorization actions

                          REGIONS AND TERRITORIAL SYSTEMS
• consolidate the concept of geographical regions (physical, climatic, historical,
  economic) by applying it to Italy, Europe and other continents
• analyze the interrelationships between facts and demographic (social and economic)
  phenomena on a national, European and global scale
• use interpretative models of territorial structures of the main European countries and
  other continents, in relation to their historical-political-economic evolution

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives              9

By the end of middle school, students should:

• independently find historical facts and produce historical information
  from digital and non-digital sources in written and oral form, making
  connections and expressing one’s own personal reflections
• understand historical texts and elaborate on the information
   using a personal study method
• be familiar with the fundamental aspects, processes, and events of
   Italian history from the forms of medieval settlements and power to the
  formation of the unified state and the birth of the Republic
• know fundamental aspects and processes of medieval, modern and
  contemporary European and world history, from the Neolithic civilization
  to the industrial revolution, to globalization
• identify aspects of Italian cultural heritage and humanity and know how
  to contextualize them in relation to the historical phenomena studied


                                       USING SOURCES
• use different types of sources (documentary, iconographic, narrative, material, oral,
  digital, etc.) to produce knowledge on defined topics.

                                  ORGANIZING INFORMATION
• select and organize information with maps, schemes, tables, graphs, and digital assets
• make graphs and space-time maps to organize knowledge studied
• place local history in relation to Italian, European, and world history
• formulate and verify hypotheses based on information studied

                               CONCEPTUAL INSTRUMENTS
• elaborate on concepts learned in class, expressing one’s own opinion
• understand aspects and structures of Italian, European and world historical processes
• know the cultural heritage connected with the topics addressed

                           ORAL AND WIRTTEN PRODUCTION
• produce texts, using knowledge selected from different information sources different,
  both manual and non-paper and digital.
• explain knowledge and concepts learned using subject-specific language

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives              10

By the end of middle school, students should:

• recognize the main technological systems in the surrounding environment and
  the multiple relationships they establish with living beings and other natural
• know the properties and characteristics of various media and use them
  effectively and responsibly in various situations (study, socialization,
  communication, etc.)
• use procedural communication and technical instructions to perform complex
  operational tasks in methodical and rational way, individually and in a group
• design and create graphic or infographic representations relating to the
  structure and function of tangible or intangible systems, using elements from
  technical drawing or other multimedia and programming languages

                                  SEE, OBSERVE & EXPERIMENT
• read and interpret simple technical drawings to obtain qualitative and quantitative information
• use the tools and rules of technical drawing in the representation of objects or processes
• approach new IT applications by exploring their functions and potential

                                    PREDICT, IMAGINE & PLAN
• plan an educational trip or visit to an exhibition using the internet to find and select useful information

                            INTERVENE, TRANSFORM & PRODUCE
• disassemble and reassemble simple objects, electronic equipment, or others common devices
• design their own home or other place, also using specific software
• program computer environments and develop simple instructions to control the behaviour of a robot

              Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                                  11

Al termine della scuola secondaria di primo grado, l’alunno è in grado di:

• interagire in modo efficace in diverse situazioni comunicative, attraverso
  modalità dialogiche sempre rispettose delle idee degli altri
• usare la comunicazione orale per collaborare con gli altri, ad esempio nella
  realizzazione di giochi o prodotti, nell’elaborazione di progetti e nella
  formulazione di giudizi su problemi riguardanti vari ambiti culturali e sociali
• ascoltare e comprendere testi di vario tipo "diretti" e "trasmessi" dai media,
  riconoscendone la fonte, il tema, le informazioni e la loro gerarchia,
  l’intenzione dell’emittente
• esporre oralmente all’insegnante e ai compagni argomenti di studio e di
  ricerca, anche avvalendosi di supporti specifici (schemi, mappe, presentazioni
  al computer, ecc.)
• usare manuali delle discipline o testi divulgativi (continui, non continui e misti)
  nelle attività di studio personali e collaborative, per ricercare, raccogliere e
  rielaborare dati, informazioni e concetti
• leggere testi letterari di vario tipo (narrativi, poetici, teatrali) e cominciare a
  costruirne un’interpretazione, collaborando con compagni e insegnanti
• scrivere correttamente testi di tipo diverso (narrativo, descrittivo, espositivo,
  regolativo, argomentativo) adeguati rispetto al tipo di situazione comunicativa
• produrre testi multimediali, utilizzando in modo efficace il linguaggio
  verbale,iconico e sonoro
• comprendere e usare in modo appropriato le parole del vocabolario di base
• riconoscere e usare termini specialistici in base agli argomenti trattati
• adattare opportunamente il proprio registro linguistico in base alla situazione
  comunicativa e agli interlocutori, operando scelte lessicali adeguate
• riconoscere il rapporto tra varietà linguistiche/lingue diverse (plurilinguismo) e
  il loro uso nello spazio geografico, sociale e comunicativo
• padroneggiare e applicare in situazioni diverse le conoscenze fondamentali
  relative al lessico, alla morfologia, all’organizzazione logico-sintattica della
  frase semplice e complessa, ai connettivi testuali
• utilizzare le conoscenze metalinguistiche per comprendere con maggior
  precisione i significati dei testi e per correggere i propri scritti


                                      ASCOLTO E PARLATO
•ascoltare testi prodotti da altri, anche trasmessi dai media, riconoscendone la fonte e
  individuando scopo, argomento, informazioni principali e punto di vista dell’emittente
• intervenire in una conversazione o in una discussione, di classe o di gruppo, con pertinenza e
  coerenza, rispettando tempi e turni di parola e fornendo un positivo contributo personale
• utilizzare le proprie conoscenze sui tipi di testo per adottare strategie funzionali a comprendere
  durante l’ascolto
• ascoltare testi applicando tecniche di supporto alla comprensione sia durante l’ascolto che
  dopo l’ascolto
• riconoscere, all’ascolto, gli elementi ritmici e sonori fondamentali del testo poetico
             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                    12
• narrare esperienze, eventi, trame selezionando le informazioni significative, ordinandole in base
  a un criterio logico-cronologico, esponendole in modo chiaro ed esauriente e utilizzando un
  registro adeguato all’argomento e alla situazione
• descrivere oggetti, luoghi, persone e personaggi selezionando le informazioni significative in
  base allo scopo e usando un lessico adeguato all’argomento e alla situazione
• descrivere procedure in maniera chiara e coesa, utilizzando la terminologia specifica adeguata
• riferire oralmente un argomento di studio esplicitando lo scopo e presentandolo in modo
  chiaro e coerente, usando un registro adeguato e il lessico specifico appropriato
• argomentare la propria tesi su un tema affrontato nello studio e nel dialogo in classe con dati
  pertinenti e motivazioni valide

• leggere testi ad alta voce in modo espressivo, rispettando le pause e usando l’intonazione
• leggere in modalità silenziosa testi di varia natura, applicando tecniche di supporto alla
  comprensione (sottolineature, note a margine, appunti)
• utilizzare testi funzionali di vario tipo per affrontare le situazioni comunicativa della vita
• ricavare informazioni esplicite e implicite da testi espositivi, per documentarsi su un argomento
• ricavare informazioni sfruttando le varie parti di un manuale di studio: indice, capitoli, titoli,
  sommari, testi, riquadri, immagini, didascalie, apparati grafici
• confrontare, su uno stesso argomento, informazioni ricavabili da più fonti, selezionando quelle
  ritenute più significative e affidabili. Riformulare in modo sintetico le informazioni selezionate e
  riorganizzarle in modo personale mediante riassunti schematici, mappe o tabelle
• comprendere testi descrittivi, individuando gli elementi essenziali della descrizione e il punto di
  vista dell’osservatore
• leggere e comprendere semplici testi argomentativi, individuandone la tesi centrale e gli
  argomenti a sostegno e valutandone la pertinenza e la validità
• leggere testi narrativi appartenenti a generi letterari diversi, individuandone gli elementi
  costitutivi essenziali, l’argomento principale e le intenzioni comunicative dell’autore
• formulare, in autonomia o in collaborazione con i compagni, ipotesi interpretative fondate sul

• conoscere e applicare le procedure di ideazione, pianificazione, stesura e revisione del testo a
  partire dall’analisi del compito di scrittura; servirsi di strumenti-guida per l’organizzazione delle
• utilizzare strategie adeguate per la revisione del testo in vista della stesura definitiva; rispettare
  le convenzioni grafiche
• scrivere testi di tipo diverso (narrativo, descrittivo, espositivo, regolativo, argomentativo)
  corretti dal punto di vista morfosintattico, lessicale, ortografico, oltre che coerenti,coesi e
  adeguati allo scopo e al destinatario
• scrivere testi di forma diversa sulla base di modelli analizzati in classe, adeguandoli a situazione,
  argomento, scopo, destinatario, e selezionando il registro più adeguato
• utilizzare nei propri testi, sotto forma di citazione esplicita e/o di parafrasi, parti di testi prodotti
  da altri e tratti da fonti diverse
• scrivere sintesi, anche sotto forma di schemi, di testi ascoltati o letti in vista di scopi specifici.

              Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                          13
• scrivere testi digitali di vario tipo, anche come supporto all’esposizione orale
• realizzare forme diverse di scrittura creativa, in prosa e in versi

• ampliare il proprio patrimonio lessicale attraverso la lettura e le esperienze scolastiche ed
• comprendere e usare parole in senso sia letterale che figurato
• comprendere e usare in modo appropriato i termini specialistici di base afferenti alle diverse
  discipline e anche ad ambiti di interesse personale
• realizzare scelte lessicali adeguate in base alla situazione comunicativa, agli interlocutori e al
  tipo di testo
• utilizzare la propria conoscenza delle relazioni di significato fra le parole e dei meccanismi di
  formazione delle parole per comprendere parole non note all’interno di un testo
• utilizzare dizionari di vario tipo

• riconoscere ed esemplificare casi di variabilità della lingua
• stabilire relazioni tra situazioni di comunicazione, interlocutori e registri linguistici
•riconoscere le caratteristiche e le strutture dei principali tipi testuali (narrativi, descrittivi,
  regolativi, espositivi, argomentativi)
• riconoscere le principali relazioni fra significati delle parole; conoscere l’organizzazione del
  lessico in campi semantici e famiglie lessicali
• conoscere i principali meccanismi di formazione delle parole
• riconoscere l’organizzazione logico-sintattica della frase semplice
• riconoscere la struttura e la gerarchia logico-sintattica della frase complessa almeno a un primo
  grado di subordinazione
• riconoscere in un testo le parti del discorso, o categorie lessicali, e i loro tratti grammaticali
• riconoscere i connettivi sintattici e testuali, i segni interpuntivi e la loro funzione specifica
• riflettere sui propri errori tipici, segnalati dall’insegnante, allo scopo di imparare ad
  autocorreggersi nella produzione scritta

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                          14

By the end of middle school, students should:

• confidently complete calculations with rational numbers, master
  different representations of numbers, estimate the size of a number and
  the results of operations
• recognize and name shapes on a plane and in space, identify their
  representations, understand the relationships between the elements
• analyse and interpret data representations to derive variability
  measures and make decisions
• recognize and solve problems in different contexts by evaluating
  information and its consistency
• explain the procedure followed, orally and in written form, while
  maintaining control over both the resolution process and the results
• compare different processes and produce formalizations which allow
  for moving from a specific problem to a general class of problems
• produce arguments based on theoretical knowledge
• support beliefs, using appropriate examples and counterexamples
  including proofs; change opinions by recognizing logical consequences
  of a sound argument
• use and interpret mathematical language (Cartesian plane, formulas,
  equations, etc.)
• carry our probability assessments in situations of uncertainty (daily life,
  games, etc.)
• understand how the mathematical tools learned are useful in many
  real-world situations


• perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, number ordering and
  comparisons between known numbers (natural numbers, integers, fractions and
  decimal numbers) mentally or using written algorithms/calculators/spreadsheets,
  evaluating which tool may be more appropriate
• give approximate estimates for the result of an operation and check the plausibility of a
• represent the known numbers on a number line
• use graduated scales in contexts significant for science and technology
• use the concept of relationship between numbers or measures and express it both in decimal
and fraction form
• use equivalent fractions and decimal numbers to denote the same rational number in
  different ways, being aware of the advantages/disadvantages of each representation
• understand the meaning of percentages and be able to calculate them using different
  strategies and interpret a percentage of a given quantity as a multiplication by a
  decimal number
• find multiples and divisors of a natural number and common to multiple numbers.

            Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives               15
• understand the meaning and usefulness of the smaller common multiple and the
  largest common divisor
• decompose natural numbers into prime factors and know the usefulness of this
  decomposition for different purposes
• use the usual notation for powers with positive integer exponent, aware of the
  meaning, and the properties of the powers to simplify calculations and notations
• know the square root as the inverse operator of the square elevation
• give estimates of the square root only using multiplication
• know that you cannot find a fraction or a decimal number that squared gives 2, or
  other integers.
• use the associative and distributive property to group and simplify operations
• describe with a numerical expression the sequence of operations that provides the
  solution to a problem
• calculate expressions with known numbers, understanding the meaning of the
  parentheses and the order of operations
• express measurements using the powers of 10

                                       SPACE AND SHAPE
• reproduce geometric figures and drawings with appropriate tools (ruler, square,
  compass, protractor, geometry software).
• represent points, segments, and figures on the Cartesian plane.
• know definitions and properties (angles, axes of symmetry, diagonals, etc.) of the main
  plane figures (triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons, circle).
• describe complex figures and geometric constructions to explain them to others
• reproduce geometric figures and drawings based on a description and codification
  made by others
• recognize similar plane figures in various contexts and scale an assigned figure
• know the Pythagorean Theorem and its applications in math and in concrete situations
• determine the area of simple shapes by breaking them down into elementary figures,
  ex. triangles, or by using the most common formulae
• estimate by default and excess the area of a shape, including those with curves
• know the number π and some ways to approximate it
• calculate the area of a circle and length of the circumference from the radius, and vice versa
• know and use the main geometric transformations and their invariants
• representing three-dimensional objects and figures in various ways through drawings
  on the plane
• display three-dimensional objects starting from two-dimensional representations
• calculate the area and volume of the most common solid figures and give estimates of
  the area and volume of everyday objects
• Solve problems using the geometric properties of the figures

• interpret, construct, and transform formulae that contain letters to express relationships and
properties in general
• express the proportionality relationship with an equality of fractions and vice versa
• use the Cartesian plane to represent empirical relationships and functions obtained from tables
• know the functions y = a; y = a / x; y = ax2; y = 2n and their graphs, connecting them to
  the concept of proportionality

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                      16
• explore and solve problems using first degree equations

                                  DATA AND FORECASTING
• represent datasets, including using a spreadsheet
• compare data to make decisions, using the distribution of frequencies and relative
• choose and use appropriate average values (mode, mean, arithmetic average) for the
  type and characteristics of the data available.
• know how to evaluate the variability of a data set, ex. determining the field of variation
• in simple random situations, identify the elementary events, assign them a probability, •
calculate the probability of an event, breaking it down into simple disjointed events
• recognize pairs of complementary, incompatible, and independent events

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                  17

By the end of middle school, students should:

• actively participate in the realization of musical experiences through the
  execution and interpretation of instrumental and vocal passages belonging to
  different genres and cultures
• use different notation systems for reading, analyzing, and producing music
• conceive and implement musical and multimedia messages, comparing them
  with models belonging to the musical heritage
• create music through improvisation, by participating in collective elaboration
  processes, and by using computer systems
• understands and evaluate events, materials, and musical works, recognizing
  their meanings in relation to their own musical experience as well as different
  historical and cultural contexts
• integrate musical experiences with other knowledge and other artistic
  practices, using appropriate codes and coding systems


• perform vocal and instrumental passages of different genres and styles, individually and in
• improvise, rework, and compose vocal and instrumental musical pieces, using both open
  structures and simple rhythmic-melodic patterns
• recognize and stylistically classify the most important building blocks of musical language
• know, describe, and critically interpret musical works of art and design
• create sound events that integrate other artistic forms, such as dance, theatre, visual and
  multimedia arts
• decode and use traditional notation and other writing systems
• guide the construction of one's musical identity by enhancing one's experiences
• access music resources on the network and use specific software for sound and music

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                   18

By the end of middle school, students should:

• explore and experience common phenomena, hypothesizing and verifying their
  causes, research solutions to problems, using the knowledge acquired
• develop simple schemes and models for recording facts and phenomena
  using appropriate measures and simple formalizations when necessary
• recognize structures and functions at macroscopic and microscopic levels in
  one's body and be aware of its potential and its limits.
• have a vision of the complexity of living systems and their evolution in time,
• recognize the basic needs of animals and plants, and ways to satisfy them in
  specific environmental contexts
• be aware of the role of the human community on Earth, of the finite character
  of resources, as well as the inequality of access to them, and adopt ways of
  ecologically responsible life
• connect the development of science to the development of human history
• show understanding of the main problems related to the use of science in the
  field of scientific and technological development


                                   PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY
• apply basic physical concepts such as: pressure, volume, speed, weight, specific gravity,
  strength, temperature, heat, electric charge, etc., to various situations, collecting data on
  relevant variables of different phenomena, finding quantitative relationships and expressing
  them with formal representations
• experiment with inclined planes, floating, communicating vessels, water heating, melting ice,
  building a battery-switch-light bulb circuit.
• construct and correctly use the concept of energy as a quantity which is preserved and identify
  its dependence on other variables
• recognize the inevitable heat production in real energy chains to achieve experiences such as:
  water mill, dynamo, rotating propeller on the radiator, heating the water with the blender.
• master concepts of chemical transformation and experiment with safe chemical reactions using
  household chemicals and interpret them based on simple models of the structure of matter
• observe and describe the chemical reaction process and the products obtained, ex. solutions in
  water, burning of a candle, baking soda + vinegar

                           ASTRONOMY AND EARTH SCIENCE
• observe and interpret the most evident celestial phenomena in the day and night sky, making
models and using planetary or computer simulations
• reconstruct the movements of the Earth by day and by night according to the changing seasons
• build 3D models in connection with the historical evolution of astronomy
• explain the mechanisms of solar and lunar eclipses by means of simulations/models
• experiment with building a sundial, and recording the trajectory of the sun and its height at
  noon during the year

            Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                  19
• recognize the main types of rocks and the geological processes from which they originated
using field research and concrete experiences
• know and explain the structure of the Earth and its internal movements (plate tectonics),
identify the seismic, volcanic, and hydrogeological risks of the region in which they live and plan
prevention measures
• collect and test different rocks to identify their composition and characteristics

• recognize the similarities and differences in the functions of different living species
• understanding the meaning of the great classifications, recognizing clues in fossils to
reconstruct the transformations of the physical environment, and the succession and evolution of
species over time
• observe variability in individuals of the same species, ex. crops and livestock
• explain the macroscopic functions of living things with a cellular model (ex. connecting
respiration with cellular respiration, nutrition with cell metabolism, growth and development
with cell duplication, growth of plants with photosynthesis, etc.)
• dissect a plant, observe cells under a microscope, make a model of a cell, cultivate molds and
• know the biological basis for the transmission of hereditary traits by acquiring elementary
notions of genetics
• acquire correct information on sexuality and development during puberty
• develop care for and control of one's own health through proper nutrition, exercise, and
  hygiene, understanding the harm produced by unhealthy habits: smoking, drugs, junk food, lack
  of exercise, etc.
• develop awareness of ecologically sustainable personal behaviors and choices
•demonstrate respect for biodiversity in environmental systems through personal experiences
ex. construction of nests for wild birds, adoption of a pond or a forest, etc.

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                     20

By the end of middle school, students should:

• understand short oral and written messages about familiar topics
• orally communicate in situations that require a simple and direct exchange of
  information on familiar and usual topics
• describe aspects of one’s own experiences and environment orally and in
• ask for explanations and perform tasks according to the indications given by
  the teacher in the foreign language
• establish relationships between simple linguistic-communicative and cultural
  elements relating to the languages of study
• compare the results achieved from learning other languages and reflect on
  useful strategies for language learning


• understand everyday instructions, expressions and phrases and identify the general topic of
  short oral messages about known topics
• understand short multimedia texts, identifying keywords and the overall meaning

• describe familiar people, places and objects using words and phrases learned by reading and
• report simple personal information, integrating the meaning of what is said with mimicry and
• interact in an understandable way with a familiar partner or an adult using expressions and
  phrases suited to the situation

• understand simple texts with familiar and concrete content and find specific information in
  commonly used resources

• write short and simple texts to tell about experiences, send greetings, thank or invite someone
  to something with errors that do not compromise the comprehensibility of the message

                            REFLECTING ON THE LANGUAGE
• observe words in their context of use and detect any changes in meaning
• observe the structure of sentences and relate this to the communication goal of the sentence
• compare words and structures related to different verbal codes
• recognize mistakes and ways of learning languages

             Smiling International School Middle School Curriculum Objectives                    21
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