MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

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MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

    Special Report
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

 Key takeaways
 • Lithium projects
   among state’s
 • Rebound in iron
   ore price opens
   market to smaller
 • WA at centre
   of another
   boom, as
   sector’s demand
   for potash set to
                                       BUSY: David Klanecky (left), Simon Birmingham, Arthur Culvahouse and Mark McGowan at the sod-turning ceremony
   soar                                for Albemarle’s Kemerton plant.

Billions pour into WA’s top 10
High-level iron ore, lithium and gold projects set pace for more than
50 developments in fresh commodities boom.

                                         Iron ore, including magnetite,
                                      continues to dominate the list of                  SEARCHENGINE
                                                                                                              WA’s Top 10 Mining Projects
                                                                                 ...your key to WA business   (Included if project is classified as ‘likely’ or ‘ongoing’)
                                      the state’s largest projects, with
                                      seven that are either likely or
                                                                           Rank Project Name                   Owner/Developer                                               Category     Cost
                                      ongoing, worth a combined
                                      $12.34 billion.                        1   South Flank                  BHP Group                                                      Iron ore    $4.6bn
                                         However, lithium is becoming
                                      entrenched at the top end of the       2   Iron Bridge                  Fortescue Metals Group, Formosa Plastics Group, Baosteel       Magnetite   $4.4bn
                                      list, as miners in WA gradually
                                                                             3   Koodaideri                   Rio Tinto                                                      Iron ore    $3.5bn
                                      seek to expand their involve-
Adrian Rauso
                                      ment further up the processing         4   Wodgina Refinery             Mineral Resources,  Albermarle Corporation                     Lithium     $2.2bn
                                         The lithium industry in WA          5   Eliwana                      Fortescue Metals Group                                         Iron ore    $1.7bn

        OTAL investment in            has continued its rapid growth,
                                                                             6   Robe River sustaining        Rio Tinto                                                      Iron ore    $1.3bn
        Western Australia’s 10        and there are now 13 projects in
        biggest mining projects       the pipeline, with a total value       7   Kemerton refinery            Albemarle Corporation                                          Lithium     $1.0bn
is worth $21 billion, research by     of $6.45 billion.
Business News has found (see list).      The planned 100,000 tonnes          9   Greenbushes expansions       Talison Lithium                                                Lithium     $836m
   Of 57 major mining projects        per annum lithium hydroxide
                                                                             8   West Angelas C & D           Rio Tinto                                                      Iron ore    $800m
in the BNiQ database, a large         plant at Wodgina, jointly owned
portion are poised to be commis-      by Mineral Resources’ and             10   Kwinana refineries           Tianqi Lithium                                                 Lithium     $700m
sioned, with 24 under way and 16      US-based battery metals giant
classified as likely to proceed.      Albermarle Corporation, tops         FULL LIST ONLINE 
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

       7 IRON ORE PROJECTS WORTH                                             $
                                                                                115m                         COST INCREASE OF SHEFFIELD RESOURCES’

                                                                                                             THUNDERBIRD PROJECT

        6.45bn $

                                                                           OFF-TRACK: Sheffield Resources increased the capital expenditure estimate for its
                                                                           Thunderbird project to $463 million.

the lithium list, with an expected     Kemer ton w ill have an               Combined, Tianqi anticipates    in the second quarter of 2019, as    to changes in the scope of works,
cost of about $2.2 billion.          expected initial capacity of         the two stages will produce        planned.                             added costs associated with
   The Wodgina lithium plant         40,000tpa of lithium hydroxide       72,000tpa of lithium hydroxide.       In November, Pilbara Min-         extreme weather conditions,
encompasses two 50,000tpa            when it is commissioned in 2021,        While there has been a surge    erals’ $231 million stage two        design changes and increases in
lithium hydroxide modules,           reaching full capacity in 2025.      of activity around lithium         Pilgangoora expansion was            the schedule of rates.
with the first scheduled to            Kidman Resources’ proposed         hydroxide projects, lithium        approved, with commissioning            Other cost pressures included
be completed in 2022 and the         $613 million Kwinana lithium         concentrate developments are       of the stage targeted for the        increased charges for certain
second at a later date.              hydroxide refinery received          also attracting substantial        March quarter of 2020. A $225        equipment, along with employ-
   Albermarle has been busy in       a shot in the arm earlier this       investment.                        million stage three expansion        ment changes due to a tighter
WA over the past few months,         month when conglomerate                 Tianqi’s 51 per cent-owned      is also planned.                     labour market and increases in
with construction recently kick-     Wesfarmers launched a $776           subsidiary, Talison, (Albermarle      In March, Pilbara said it was     camp and certain logistical costs.
ing off at its Kemerton lithium      million takeover bid for the Mel-    49 per cent) resolved a cru-       considering selling between 20          Gold Road indicated about
hydroxide plant.                     bourne-based company.                cial legal battle in March with    per cent and 49 per cent of the      three months prior to the cost
   In late March, Premier Mark         The refinery is expected to        Global Advanced Metals, after      $646 million Pilgangoora con-        revision the project would come
McGowan joined new US Ambas-         be commissioned in 2021 and          the Massachusetts-owned com-       centrate project, as it declared     in at the upper end of the capital
sador to Australia, Arthur           produce 45,000tpa of lithium         pany said a proposed expansion     commercial production from           cost estimate of between $506
Culvahouse, federal Trade            hydroxide, using ore from the        to Talison’s Greenbushes opera-    the processing plant.                million and $585 million, after
Minister Simon Birmingham            planned $450 million Mt Hol-         tion could potentially sterilise                                        initially estimating a $532 mil-
and Albemarle representatives        land mine.                           and waste tantalum resources       Big project cost rises               lion expenditure.
to turn the first sod on the           Kidman has a 50 per cent inter-    it received from Greenbushes.         While many projects are being        Gruyere dwarfs the second
construction, which the state        est in the project, with the other      The resolution means Tal-       completed on budget, each of the     largest gold project in the state,
government said was expected         half owned by Sociedad Quimica       ison’s $516 million stage two      state’s single largest projects      Capricorn Metals’ $133 million
to cost at least $1 billion.         y Minera de Chile S.A., one of the   expansion of Greenbushes will      in the pipeline for gold, nickel,    Karlawinda project, which is
   However, Albermarle has           world’s largest producers and        go ahead, with expected com-       mineral sands and potash all         located south-east of the town
not disclosed exact financial        marketers of lithium product.        pletion to bring output to 1.95    experienced significant capital      of Newman, and is projected to
details, and many believe the          The refinery will be almost a      milliion tonnes of lithium con-    cost increases over the past year.   be commissioned in the third
actual cost will be closer to the    stone’s throw away from Tianqi       centrate per annum.                   Gold Road Resources and           quarter of 2019.
Wodgina figure.                      Lithium’s Kwinana lithium               Earlier this month, it also     Gold Field’s 50-50 Gruyere gold         Western Areas’ definitive
   It is set to create 500 con-      hydroxide refinery. Tianqi com-      received Environmental Protec-     project, which is set to be com-     feasibility study on its Odys-
struction jobs and another 100       missioned its $400 million stage     tion Authority recommendation      missioned this quarter, had its      seus nickel project, released in
operational jobs in the South        one development in January,          for its stages three and four      capital cost revised to $621 mil-    October, detailed a capital cost
West. The plant has approval         and stage two is set to be com-      expansions to proceed.             lion in July.                        of $299 million.
to produce up to 100,000tpa of       pleted by the end of the year, at       The $320 million stage one         The company said the upgrade
lithium hydroxide.                   a cost of $300 million.              expansion is due to be completed   in costs included $30 million due                Continued next page
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                 MINING PROJECTS

                                                                                                                                  COST OF IRON BRIDGE
                                                                                                                                  PILOT PLANT

 LOSS: FMG expects its Iron Bridge project will perform better than other magnetite projects such as Karara (pictured). Photo: Attila Csaszar

Billions pour into                                                                                             100,000 tpa
                                                                         it does not join WA’s magnetite
                                                                            FMG’s main competitors, BHP

WA’s top 10                                                              Group and Rio Tinto, have also
                                                                         been making moves that have           EXPECTED OUTPUT OF
                                                                         kept iron ore at the top of WA’s      LITHIUM HYDROXIDE AT WOODGINA
From previous page                                                       projects list, buoyed by momen-
                                    sulphate of potash project (see
                                                                         tum from strong iron ore prices.
                                    page 18), had it is capital cost

   The capex within the DFS                                                 Early construction at Rio’s
                                    increased from around $371

                                                                                                               2021 BHP’s
increased between $99 mil-                                               Robe River and West Angelas C
                                    million to $587 million fol-
lion and $109 million from the                                           & D projects, worth a combined
                                    lowing a pre-feasibility study
pre-feasibility study range,                                             $2.14 billion, started this year,
                                    that detailed scope to increase
mainly due to the installation                                           with first ore from both projects
of a shaft haulage system for
                                    a n nu a l pr o duc t ion f r om
                                    370,000tpa to 426,000tpa.            slated for 2021.                      SOUTH FLANK
$68 million.                           First commercial produc-             After approving its $3.5 billion   SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION
   Odysseus is located 370 kilo-                                         Koodaideri project in November,
                                    tion is still a relatively distant
metres north-west of Kalgoorlie.                                         Rio purchased a fleet of 20 auto-
                                    target, estimated for the fourth
   Also in October, mineral sands                                        mated trucks from Caterpillar
                                    quarter of 2022.
aspirant Sheffield Resources                                             for the East Pilbara mine earlier     is still on track to be completed    last year.
revised the capital expenditure     Nerves of steel                      this month.                           by May 2021.                           It has maintained a focus to
estimate for its Thunderbird                                                BHP has also ramped up the            It is set to produce 80 million   commission its $300 million
                                       It has been well documented
project, located 60 kilometres                                           award of contracts on its $4.5        tonnes per annum.                    Marillana iron ore project, a
                                    that WA’s only major magnetite
west of Derby, to $463 million.                                          billion South Flank project, the         Mineral Resources may have        50-50 joint venture with Hong
                                    operations, CITIC Pacific Min-
   It said the $115 million cap-                                         most expensive mining project         diverted some of its attention to    Kong-based Brockman mining,
                                    ing’s Sino Iron, and Ansteel and
ital cost blowout was due to                                             in the state.                         lithium over the past few years,     in the fourth quarter of 2020.
                                    Gindalbie Metals’ Karara, have
changes in the scope of work                                                The beneficiaries include a        but it has made several moves in       The iron ore market could
                                    both suffered multi-billion
and the infrastructure own-                                              string of WA-based companies,         iron ore, including the acquisi-     become more crowded and less
                                    dollar losses.
ership model, and since this                                             such as Decmil, Clough, Mona-         tion of the Koolyanobbing mine       centralised in the next few
                                       However, this has not deterred
announcement its shares have                                             delphous and NRW Holdings, as         in the Yilgarn and BCI Minerals’     years, as several juniors assess
                                    Fortescue Metals Group in its
nearly halved to 56 cents per                                            part of its commitment to pro-        Kumina deposit in the Pilbara        restarting projects in WA.
                                    hunt for a higher grade of iron
share, as of May 6.                                                      vide at least 75 per cent of the
                                    ore, as it gave the green light to
   The Thunderbird project is                                            work to local businesses.
                                    its 69 per cent-owned $4.4 billion
anticipated to start production                                             South Flank is the only sub-                SEARCH       BHP Group
                                    Iron Bridge project last month,
in 2020 with a 42-year mine life.                                        stantial iron ore project BHP           There are 1,068 results from our index of 98,614 articles,
                                    $700 million of which was put
   A g r i m i n’s La ke Mac k ay                                        has in development in WA, and                     9,788 companies and 35,995 people
                                    towards a pilot plant to ensure
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

Iron ore juniors back in game
The price rebound this year has sparked renewed mining interest
in a range of mothballed projects.
Adrian Rauso                                                                                                                       million tonnes of iron ore a year    $0.71 levels, compared to around      Iron ore price                  and is Brazil’s second largest       $0.95 levels when the Nelson
                                                                                                                                   mine.                                Bay project was last operating
A RESURGENT iron ore price                   100 –
                                                                                                                                     The iron ore price hit $US95/t     in 2014,” the company said in a
has opened the door for several                                                                                                    after the announcement.              statement to the ASX.
junior miners in Western Aus-                                  ...your key to WA business                                            Mr McMahon said one of the           But while there is evidently
tralia to revive idle projects.                                                                                                    benefits in the current market       ample opportunity on the
                                     Price ($US)

   Business News has identified                                                                                                    was the export capacity avail-       supply side, issues could arise
at least seven suspended iron                      80 –
                                                                                                                                   able at certain WA ports, after      around demand for the product.
ore projects, most of them in                                                                                                      major players like Mineral             According to the latest sea-
WA, which small mining com-                                                                                                        Resources diverted some of           sonally adjusted data from the
panies are aiming to reopen.                                                                                                       their attention to other projects    Australian Bureau of Statistics,
   Many of the projects were                                                                                                       and commodities.                     iron ore exports to China fell by
squeezed out of the market and                     60 –
                                                          Jul 18   Sep 18   Nov 18      Jan 19     Mar 19      May 19                “We operate in an area where       $212 million in March, or 14 per
abandoned as the iron ore price                                                                                                    there’s spare capacity on the rail   cent, compared with the previ-
slid to a $US37 a tonne low in       Northern Territory, and Ade-                     optimistic about the future for              as well as at the port of Esper-     ous month.
late 2015, after nudging all-time    laide-based Havilah Resources                    junior iron ore miners.                      ance, which is an iron ore port,”      However, while the overall
highs of more than $US190/t in       received $100 million of invest-                   “The general consensus from                he said.                             demand for iron ore in China
February 2011.                       ment to partially go towards                     what we believe is that it (the                “Mineral Resources is doing        remains volatile, the demand for
   But over the past year, the       its iron ore projects in South                                                                around 6.25 million tonnes, I
price has rebounded, boosted by      Australia.
the fall in supply caused by Bra-       But the majority of the activ-
zilian iron ore giant Vale SA’s      ity has been in WA, as locally
tailings dam disaster at its Cór-    based companies have sought to
rego do Feijão mine in January.      seize the favourable conditions
   Around $US19 billion was          and revive projects.                             iron ore price) will stay around
wiped from Vale’s share price           Jupiter Mines said in March                   these levels for quite a long
the next day, and the iron ore       it was seeking to restart its                    time, which is obviously great,”
price surged from around             Central Yilgarn operations in                    he told Business News.                             We believe … (iron ore prices) will
$US75/t to $US92/t in the week       the eastern Wheatbelt, which                        But analysts have mixed
                                                                                                                                   stay around these levels for quite a long
after the disaster because of        comprises the Mount Ida and                      views on the price outlook.
anticipated short-to-medium-         Mount Mason hematite projects                       Investment bank UBS has                   time, which is obviously great
term supply shortages.               that were placed under care and                  downgraded its BHP share price               - Nathan McMahon
   Closer to home, the closure of    maintenance in 2012 and 2014,                    forecast on the back of predic-
the Port Hedland port combined       respectively.                                    tions Vale will begin to regain its          believe, and that rail is capable
with localised flooding in the          Last month, Macarthur Min-                    lost production over the next year.          of around 13 million tonnes.”        high-grade iron ore of at least 62
area caused by cyclone Veron-        erals selected Aurizon as the                       “We do not see spot iron ore of             Mr McMahon said he believed        per cent, with lower impurities,
ica in late March also created a     rail haulage operator for its $226               approximately $US93 per tonne                the main factor determining the      is high, because it requires less
temporary supply gap.                million Moonshine Magnetite                      as being sustainable and expect              success of the operation would       pollution-causing beneficiation,
   Commonwealth Bank com-            mine in the Yilgarn, which has                   prices to fall back over the next            be the US dollar exchange rate.      which is ideal for the country as
modities analyst Vivek Dhar          been stuck in the pre-feasibility                12 months as Australian supply                 The board of Nedlands-based        it ramps up its efforts on envi-
estimated the two events halted      study stage since 2012.                          normalises and Brazilian supply              Shree Minerals echoed Mr             ronmental control.
up to 6 per cent of the world’s         Also in the Yilgarn region,                   starts to recover,” UBS said.                McMahon’s sentiment. In April           Commonwealth Bank’s Mr
seaborne iron ore supply.            Cazaly Resources appointed                          “We look for an average price             it highlighted the exchange          Dhar said the increased demand
   West Perth-based small cap        engineering consultants Avora                    of $US83 per tonne in 2019.”                 rate as a key reason behind the      for high-grade ore would be a
Mount Gibson Iron has been a         to assess advancing its Parker                      The WA Treasury’s latest iron             planned restart of its Nelson        long-term shift.
beneficiary of the price surge.      Range project, which has been                    ore price assessment anticipates             Bay mine in Tasmania, after it          “While we expect that pre-
Last month it completed the $180     dormant since Cazaly com-                        the price returning to around                ceased mining at the $25 million     mium (for higher grades) to
million resurrection of its Koolan   pleted a definitive feasibility                  $US66/t by 2020-21.                          operation in 2014.                   pull back slightly from current
Island mine, which contains ore      study on it in 2010.                                However, the signs do not look              “The iron ore prices in Aus-       levels, we believe the broad
with a grade of 66 per cent.            Cazaly joint managing direc-                  promising for a Vale comeback,               tralian dollar terms have            preference for higher-grade
   It waved goodbye to the first     tor Nathan McMahon said the                      as its mines face increasing reg-            improved due to the exchange         ores is a structural change in
iron ore shipment in about four      $170 million project had all the                 ulatory scrutiny following the               rate of AUD to USD at around         the market,” he said.
years from the project.              requisite permits, both environ-                 dam disaster.
   Nathan River Resources, a         mental and mining, with an iron                     Earlier this month, a Brazilian
subsidiary of London-based           ore grade of 61.9 per cent.                      court overturned a decision to                       SEARCH        Mount Gibson Iron
British Marine, is restarting           Mr McMahon said he hated                      allow the restart of its Brucutu                There are 405 results from our index of 98,614 articles,
the Roper Bar mine in the            to forecast prices, but was                      mine, which produces about 30                            9,788 companies and 35,995 people

 OPEN: Mt Gibson Iron recently exported its first iron ore shipment from Koolan Island in about four years. Photo: Mt Gibson
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MOST

                                                                                                                   TAILINGS DAM CONTRACTORS

                     SEARCHENGINE                             MINING SERVICES COMPANIES
             ...your key to WA business                       RANKED BY TOTAL STAFF IN WA

     Change                                                                                                    Offices
       from                                                                                Year                a) WA
     previous                                                                             est. in Total staff b) inter-
Rank year     Company name                          Senior executive and title              WA      in WA       state                                        Services offered                                                          Notable clients

                                                    Mr Jarvas Croome                                              a) 9      Authorised Caterpillar dealer, machinery and construction
 1       —        WesTrac                           Chief Executive Officer                1989     1,400         b) 17     equipment, finance, maintenance and resale services                                           Rio Tinto

                                                    Mr Mark Norwell                                                                                                                                                       Anglogold Ashanti, Independence Group,
 2       —        Ausdrill                          Managing Director                      1987      1,148                  Drill, blast, and exploration                                                                 Gold Fields, Western Areas

                                                    Mr Stephen Easterbrook
 3       —        Pilbara Access                    Managing Director                     2007         500        a) 2      Scaffolding and rope access labour, and equipment supplier                                    Rio Tinto, BHP, Roy Hill

                  Hampton Mining                                                                                            Open pit mining, ore haulage, heavy equipment hire, heavy                                     Northern Star, Westgold, Saracen,
                                                    Mr Bart Jones
 4       —                                          General Manager                       2003         400        a) 2      haulage, potable water, drill and blast, crushing and screening,                              Kimberley Metals Group, Sandfire
                  and Civil                                                                                                 road construction and maintenance                                                             Resources, Minjar Gold
                                                                                                                            Comprehensive rope access maintenance services for short or long term shutdowns               Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Fortescue Metals
 5               Tasman Rope Access Mr Brendan Halstead
                                     General Manager                                       2015         350       a) 1
                                                                                                                  b) 2
                                                                                                                            and projects; Efficient means of access to difficult to reach areas of critical fixed plant
                                                                                                                            equipment; Inspection services including NDT testing; Full wear plate/liner installation      Group, AngloGold Ashanti, Newmont,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Western Areas, Dampier Salt, Gold Fields
                                                                                                                            services; Crushing, screening, sampling, overland conveyor maintenance; ...

                                                    Mr Stewart Maddison                                                     Engineering, maintenance, preservation, manufacturing,                                        BHP, Rio Tinto, FMG, Roy Hill, Nickel West,
 6               Orontide Group                    Chief Executive Officer                1979         330       a) 5      fabrication                                                                                   Worsley Alumina, Newmont

                                                    Mr Craig Lindsay-Rae                                          a) 2
 7               Murray Engineering                Managing Director                     2006         290        b) 3      Electrical, mechanical, pumping, rental and automation                                        ABB, Mako Mining

                                                    Mr Jeff Branson                                               a) 3      Drilling and blasting, mineral sample drilling and water well
 8               JSW Australia                     Chief Executive                        2010        280        b) 1      drilling                                                                                      BHP, FMG, Alcoa, AMAL, Batchfire

                                                    Mr Laurie Barlow                                              a) 1      Engineering and mining services in materials handling and
 9       —        FLSmidth                          Head of Mining, Australia                          200        b) 5      mineral processing                                                                            Rio Tinto

                  Immersive                         Mr Peter Salfinger                                            a) 2      Supplier of surface and underground mining equipment
10               Technologies                      Chief Executive Officer                1993         170       b) 1      simulators for operator training to the global mining industry

       GET THE FULL LIST ONLINE                              
All information compiled using surveys, publicly available data and contact with industry sources. Other companies may be eligible for inclusion. If you believe your company is eligible, please email:
WND: Would Not Disclose, NFP: Not For Publication, N/A: Not Applicable or Not Available.
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

                                 CRUSHING & SCREENING CONTRACTORS

                     SEARCHENGINE                             WA’S LARGEST MINING CONTRACTORS
             ...your key to WA business                       RANKED BY NO. OF MINNG CONTRACTING STAFF IN WA

     Change                                                                                          Offices No. of           No. of
       from                                                                                          a) WA     mine          mining
     previous                                                                             Year est. b) inter- sites in     contracting
Rank year     Company name                          Senior executive and title             in WA      state     WA         staff in WA                                        Current projects in WA

                                                                                                                                          Northern Star: Jundee gold mine, Newcrest: Telfer, St Barbara: Gwalia Deeps, Gold Fields:
                                                    Mr Steve Coughlan                                 a) 1
 1       —        Byrnecut                          Executive Chairman                     1987       b) 1        6            NFP        Athena at St Ives gold mine, Sandfire Resources: DeGrussa copper-gold mine, Ramelius: Water
                                                                                                                                          Tank Hill

                                                    Mr Chris Tuckwell                                 a) 1                                Regis Resources: Garden Well, Moolart Well & Rosemont gold mines; Pilbara Minerals:
 2               MACA                              Chief Executive Officer               2002        b) 1        7         1,334         Pilgangoora, Ramelius Resources: Mt Magnet, Blackham Resources: Wiluna, BHP: Area C

 3       —        Macmahon Holdings Mr Michael Finnegan
                                    Chief Executive Officer                                1964       a) 2
                                                                                                      b) 2        4         1,206         Tropicana, Telfer, Mount Morgans

                                                    Mr Paul Muller                                                                        AngloGold Ashanti: Sunrise Dam gold mine; Western Areas: Flying Fox & Spotted Quoll nickel
 4       —        Barminco                          Chief Executive                        1989       a) 2       11         1,200         mines; Gold Fields: Agnew gold mine, New Holland D/D, Wallaby; Darlot; Plutonic D/D

                                                    Mr Mike Sutton                                                                        Open cut mining projects currently include: Karara magnetite mine (Karara Mining), Christmas
                                                                                                      a) 1
 5               Downer                            Chief Operating Officer                1968       b) 2       25            900        Creek iron ore mine (Fortescue Metals Group), Roy Hill iron ore mine (Roy Hill), Sunrise Dam gold
                                                    Mining - West                                                                         mine (AngloGold Ashanti)

                                                    Mr Abdul Jarrah                                                                       Fortescue Metals Group: Solomon Hub iron ore project, BHP Billiton Nickel West: Rocky’s Reward
 6               Thiess                            Executive General Manager, 1962                               2            NFP        Nickel Mine (Leinster)
                                                    Australia & Pacific

                                                    Mr Peter Cook                                                                         Starlight (Fortnum), Paddies Flat/Jack Ryan/South Emu/Comet/Great Fingall/Big Bell (Central
 7               Westgold Resources                Managing Director                      2016       a) 1        8            400        Murchison, HBJ (South Kalgoorlie)

                  RUC Cementation                   Mr Barry Upton
 8               Mining Contractors                Managing Director                      1991       a) 2        2             350       Edna May, Mt Morgans

                  Swick Mining                      Mr Kent Swick
 9               Services
                                                    Managing Director; CEO                2004        a) 1       12             350       Newmont: Tanami, Northern Star Resources: Jundee
                                                    (from Oct 2017)

                                                    Mr Franko Roberts                                 a) 2
10       —        GBF                               General Manager, IR &                  1988       b) 2        2            300        Silver Lake Resources: Daisy Milano underground development and haulage

       GET THE FULL LIST ONLINE                              
All information compiled using surveys, publicly available data and contact with industry sources. Other companies may be eligible for inclusion. If you believe your company is eligible, please email:
WND: Would Not Disclose, NFP: Not For Publication, N/A: Not Applicable or Not Available.
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                            MINING PROJECTS

Potash players primed for sli
As land and
pressures drive
the need for
more productive
farming, WA
finds itself at the
centre of a new
mining race.
Adrian Rauso

INTEREST and specialist
knowledge around sulphate of
potash was scarce in Australia
when Brett Hazleden and Brent
Smoothy co-founded Kalium
Lakes in October 2014.
   “No one really knew much
about potash in Australia, Brent
and I did some sampling, and we
just suddenly fell into it and have
been learning ever since,” Mr
Hazleden, now Kalium’s manag-
ing director, told Business News.
   At first glance, you may not be
able to tell Mr Hazelden has been
venturing into uncharted waters,
with development of Kalium’s
flagship Beyondie project.
   The Balcatta-based outfit has       MILESTONE: Brett Hazleden (left) and Mal Randall believe Kalium Lakes will be the first commercial producer of SOP in Australia. 
rapidly progressed its 82 tonnes
per annum sulphate of potash          Protection Authority recommen-      price down for Australian farm-   between 100,000tpa to 200,000tpa     There is also a potential inter-
(SOP) operation, with plans to        dation for approval and, after      ers to purchase the product,      will be required to meet demand    national opportunity.
eventually ramp up to production      a final investment decision is      Integer Research estimates that   in the country.                      A United Nations report has
of 164,000tpa and significantly       made this half-year, the company
offset existing SOP imports into      expects it will be the country’s
the Australian market.                first commercial producer of
   The project, located approxi-      potash as it ramps up towards
mately 160 kilometres south-east      nameplate production during
of Newman, has a capex of $216        next year.
million, and has received com-           SOP, also known as potassium
mitments for around 91 per cent       sulphate, is a fertiliser product
of its funding.                       and a premium version of muri-
   German bank KFW has locked         ate of potash (MOP).
in $102 million, $74 million is          Compared with MOP, SOP
coming from the Northern Aus-         produces higher yields per hec-
tralia Infrastructure Fund, and       tare, encourages increased water
$20.8 million from UK-based pri-      retention in crops and raises its              There are supply gaps in the
vate equity firm Greenstone.          resistance to the elements and
   It has also signed a 10-year       diseases.                             global market in excess of a million
offtake agreement with German            Currently in Australia, only       tonnes a year and, if you combine all of
salt and potash miner K+S, the        about 75,000tpa of SOP is used
biggest producer outside of           each year, as it is all imported,     the potential Australian producers, you
China.                                primarily from Germany, Canada
                                                                            might be getting close to that - Mark Savich
   In April, it became the first      or Russia.
potash project in Australia              However, after domestic pro-
                                                                           POTENTIAL: Argimin’s Lake Mackay is the largest undeveloped potash-bearing salt lake in
to receive Environmental              duction starts and drives the
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News

ce of growing market
                                                  You can

                                        have the best

                                        gold mine, the

                                        best iron ore

                                        resource on the

                                        planet, but if it’s

                                        in the middle

                                        of nowhere –

                                        it’s not going to

                                        happen          - Mal Randall

                                        this occurring in Asia. It also
                                        estimates Asian populations will
                                        grow by two billion people in the
                                        next 30 years.                         SITE: Alwyn Vorster says a SOP project’s proximity to a port is a crucial factor.
                                           Even in Australia this trend
                                        is evident. According to World           Lake Wells is the most devel-         There are three SOP projects          “There’s obviously the normal
                                        Bank Group, from 1967 to 2016         oped prospect within Salt Lake’s      in the state which exist below         rush as soon as there’s something
                                        the hectares of arable land per       broader Goldfields Salt Lake          Geraldton, however all three are       that looks good, people are quick
                                        person in the country fell from       project, which is comprised of 11     currently early-stage exploration      to jump on the bandwagon,” he
                                        around 3.5 to 1.9.                    lakes stretching across around        plays.                                 said.
           Photos: Gabriel Oliveria.       Investor demand for SOP pro-       615 kilometres.                          Parkway Minerals and Bris-            “But I think in the grand
                                        jects increased in Australia as          Reward Minerals was initially      bane-based ActiveEX kicked off         scheme of things there might
    revealed the world has lost about   this trend became more widely         the trailblazer in the potash         initial studies and drilling on        be a couple of us who will get
    30 per cent of arable land in the   acknowledged.                         industry after it struck a native     their projects in 2011 and 2009,       up and running, some of the
    past 30 years, a large portion of      Several other potash projects      title deal with Indigenous land       respectively, with little advance-     others – it’s like any other mine
                                        have sprouted in WA and started       owners in 2008 for its Lake Disap-    ment made on them over the             around the place, it might be
                                        to gain momentum, while Kalium        pointment SOP project, located        years.                                 too low grade, too far away from
                                        has methodically ticked off pro-      approximately 320 kilometres             Trigg Mining, which is due          infrastructure, and they’ll just
                                        ject milestones.                      east of Newman.                       to list on the ASX next month,         never get through the normal
                                           But there are several prospec-        But, the Nedlands-based junior     will be hoping its $4.5 million        hurdles.”
                                        tive producers hot on Kalium’s        has been hampered by an inabil-       initial public offering will give
                                        heels, including Australian           ity to attract significant capital,   it momentum to get its Laver-          Location, location?
                                        Potash, with its Lake Wells pro-      with net cash of just $3.2 million    ton Links development up and             Kalium chairman Mal Randall
                                        ject, 180 kilometres north of         at the December quarter, and          running.                               believes project location is a key
                                        Laverton, scheduled for first pro-    several delays at its project.           The Keren Paterson-led Trigg        indicator of success.
                                        duction by the end of 2020.              Most recently it had to sus-       initially tried to list in 2018, but     “There’s a lot of questions
                                           The two-stage, $338 million        pend an infill drilling program       a weak capital market forced the       asked along the lines of what’s
                                        project is awaiting a green light     that was 66 per cent completed        company to temporarily shelve          the difference between us
                                        from the EPA.                         at the lake in September, after       those plans.                           and the others, and really it’s
                                           Salt Lake Potash is set to         its amphibious machines became           Outside of WA, Verdant Min-         a tyranny of distance,” he told
                                        release a mineral resource for its    bogged and sometimes suc-             erals is the most notable SOP          Business News.
                                        Lake Way project this quarter,        cumbed to complete mechanical         player, with its Karinga Lakes           “You can have the best gold
                                        which is situated approximately       failure.                              and Lake Amadeus projects in           mine, the best iron ore resource
                                        300 kilometres west of Lake Wells        Reward did make a positive         the Northern Territory, but both       on the planet, but if it’s in the
                                        near Wiluna, and it is seeking to     step in late January, when it was     projects are yet to surpass the        middle of nowhere – it’s not going
                                        rapidly ramp up development for       granted approval to have Lake         feasibility study stage.               to happen.”
                                        a targeted first production in late   Disappointment assessed by the           Mr Hazelden said all this activ-
the world. Photo: Argimin
                                        2021.                                 EPA.                                  ity was to be expected.                            Continued next page
MINING PROJECTS Special Report - Business News
FEATURE                                                                                                                                                    MOST

Potash players primed for slice
of growing market                                                                                                             Broome

From previous page

   Mr Hazleden said Beyondie,
which is situated on a 2,400-                                                   BCI Minerals: Mardie
square kilometre site next to the                                               First production aim: 2023
Great Northern Highway just
south of Newman, can effectively                                                                                                                            Agrimin: Lake Mackay
use all the back haulage trucks                                      Exmouth                                                                                First production aim:
going up to the town and coming                                                                                                                             Q4 2022
back empty.                                                                                        Reward Minerals: Lake Disappointment
   “One of our other benefits is
                                                                                                   First production aim: Q4 2023
we sit close to the Goldfields gas
pipeline and it’s a short route for
us to go in there,” he said.                                                 Kalium Lakes: Beyondie
   BCI Minerals managing direc-                                              First production aim: 2020
tor Alwyn Vorster agrees with
sentiment around the impor-
tance of location, and takes it a                                                                                                              Australian Potash:
step further, suggesting the pro-
                                                                             Salt Lake Potash: Lake Way
                                                                             First production aim: Q4 2021                                     Lake Wells
ject’s distance from port is the
most crucial factor.
                                                                                                                                               First production aim:
   “All the other SOP projects                                                                                                                 H2 2020
currently being developed in
Australia are between around                                            Geraldton
800 kilometres and 1,200 kilo-
metres to the closest port,” Mr
Vorster told Business News.
                                              Parkway Minerals: Dandaragan                                                                     Trigg Mining: Laverton Links
   “So do the basic maths on 800
kilometres (of transport costs) …             First production: N/A (still                                             Kalgoorlie              First production aim: N/A (still
in some cases there aren’t good               in early exploration phase)                                                                      in early exploration phase)
roads either that are being devel-
oped in those areas.                                                               Perth          ActiveEx: Lake Chandler
   “Our Mardie project is right on    tonnes per annum of salt, along                             First production aim: N/A (still in early exploration phase)
the coast, with a planned jetty       with an $87 million capital cost
right next to SOP and salt plants,    for 75,000tpa of sulphate of
that would save between $50 and       potash.
$100 per tonne in logistics costs.”      BCI has a $35 million cash bal-
                                                                                                                           Esperance                                     Map: Google Maps

   Mardie is both a salt and SOP      ance and receives royalties from
project, with SOP as a by-product     the Mineral Resources-operated
of salt production, and is located    Iron Valley iron ore project, as                                                                                   kilometres, Agrimin will save $8
approximately 80 kilometres           the commodity’s market recov-                                                                                      million in lease fees in its first
south-west of Karratha.               ers, which generated royalty                                                    “We’re using public infrastruc-    year alone.
   Mr Vorster worked with Mr          earnings before interest, tax,          Wyndham Port near the North-          ture and we have a dedicated            Mr Savich is hoping to pen-
Hazleden and Mr Randall at Iron       depreciation and amortisation           ern Territory border in sparse        trucking fleet, which minimises      etrate the existing Chinese
Ore Holdings, which BCI was for-      of $5.6 million last financial year.    desert.                               rehandling.”                         market, the biggest market in
merly known as when it was iron          The project is still some way           It is a remote location, even by     The $587 million project is        the world, with a more premium
ore-focused.                          off in order to accommodate             WA mining standards.                  expected to yield 426,000tpa of      product.
   But after the iron ore bubble      both the salt and SOP operations,          But Agrimin managing direc-        SOP and is slated for first pro-        He said there was room for
burst, Mr Vorster said the com-       with first production scheduled         tor Mark Savich said the project,     duction in the final quarter of      all of the WA producers in the
pany set out to diversify in order    for at least 2023, meaning BCI is       which is the largest undeveloped      2022.                                current market, but the potash
to avoid another near-death           not near the front of the pack for      potash-bearing salt lake in the         The large scale of the project     boom would not be limited to
experience.                           first SOP production in Australia.      world and the largest salt lake       meant Agrimin was one of the         Australia, which could create
   “For the next one-and-a-half to       But with an enviable location        in Australia, will generate signif-   biggest winners from the state       oversupply.
two years, BCI considered many,       and financial position, Mr Vor-         icant cost savings in production      government’s changes to the             “There are supply gaps in the
many opportunities, predomi-          ster is confident BCI will not face     and transport as the SOP prod-        rental rates of potash projects,     global market in excess of a mil-
nately in the industrial minerals     the same “serious challenges”           uct makes its way to Wyndham          announced in December.               lion tonnes a year and, if you
space, before we decided in 2018      many of the other producers will        port.                                   Due to the scale and long-life     combine all of the potential Aus-
that the highest-value, long-term     encounter to get their projects up         “This involves loading very        of potash projects, the existing     tralian producers, you might be
opportunity was our own Mardie        and running efficiently.                high tonnages, we’ll be able to       mining lease rental rate of $18.70   getting close to that,” he said.
project on the Pilbara coast,” he        One project which does not           load quad road trains with 140        per hectare was reduced to $2.32        “But there are also compara-
said.                                 have the benefits of a prime            tonnes, there’s a lot of economies    per hectare for the first five       ble peers in Ethiopia and Eritrea
   The pre-feasibility study in       location, is Agrimin’s Lake             of scale in tonnages that big that    years of the lease and $4.64 per     which have very large projects,
June 2018 outlined a $248 million     Mackay, which is located approx-        allow us to get the costs down,”      hectare from year six onwards.       bigger than what we’ve seen in
investment to produce 3.5 million     imately 785 kilometres south of         Mr Savich told Business News.           Spanning around 5,000 square       Australia.”
                                  Special Report
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