Page created by Tina Gill

Saahil Malik
Karthik Ramakrishnan
Mobile Operators Need A Digital Transformation


           With the spread of digital technology, consumers have grown enamored with digital content
           and gadgets, turning companies that cater such products into some of the most successful
           ever. In contrast, telecom providers helped trigger the explosion in digital services but often
           go unnoticed, which puts them at risk of losing control over their customer relationships
           and, as a result, customer-driven profits.

           One reason telcos are often overlooked is because there is a traditional focus on technology
           assets and capex management — at the expense of high-impact product design that will
           grab consumers’ attention. But digital connectivity has made users’ needs paramount.
           We think they are better served by a digital business model that enables the creation of
           attractive digital products and experiences. As an example, that means faster IT releases,
           employees leveraging agile working principles, and greater use of analytics to deliver
           personalized experiences. It is especially important to use such a model now, after the
           COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digitization of all activities, both work and leisure.

           Exhibit 1: Comparing traditional telcos against digital telco leaders

           Selected areas of comparison               Traditional                                     Digital

           Share of advertising spend
           on digital

           Share of requests solved using
           an unassisted chatbot

           Digital customer service vs.
           total customer service

           Share of internal FTE work under
           agile working principles
                                                      0%                                               100%

           Time-to-market of IT rollouts can
           be monitored across systems
                                                      No                                                 Yes

              Average operators        Leading digital operators

           Source: Oliver Wyman Digital Telco Index

           The change will likely not come naturally to incumbent telcos, but some startups within
           the telecom sector have been successful by applying a digital business model to the sector.
           Circles.Life, for example, was launched in December 2016 and it says it now has five percent
           of Singapore’s market. It currently expanding its base in Australia, Taiwan, and Indonesia.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                                  2
Mobile Operators Need A Digital Transformation

           A quick way for an incumbent telecom company to act like a startup is to set one up in-house —
           a lab of sorts that operates separately from the legacy organization. This unit moves quickly,
           developing new products and then rapidly testing the market’s appetite for them. Following
           this, it can pollinate the legacy business to effect a digital transformation for the whole
           organization. There are three conditions for an internal startup such as this to be a success:
           Having a short-term target, using agile working principles, and operating with autonomy.

           HAVING A TARGET

           Examples of a short-term target include creating a new customer experience, refreshing
           the core brand, digitizing back-office operations, or carring out a proof of concept for a
           new IT system. If the target is to attract a market’s young, digitally savvy customers to a
           digitized platform, the first step is to conduct a market scan of the target demographic.
           Doing so will likely determine that a relevant mobile data service would need to include a
           seamless, real-time, unassisted digital experience. The service would let customers feel in
           control of the product through flexible features such as the ability to buy and cancel services
           from their mobile phones. A minimum viable product can then be defined and serve as a
           target for the development process.

           Circles.Life understood that digitally savvy consumers were less interested in price and
           more interested in having convenience, transparency, and control. By freeing consumers
           from these pain points, the company was able to differentiate its proposition. It set a target
           of building an end-to-end digitized platform optimized for flexibility and customization.
           Circles.Life manages the entire value chain — logistics, billing, and a rapid digital
           onboarding process.


           To build products quickly, the unit should use agile working principles of the digital world.
           In the past, software development followed a standard procedure: objective, followed by
           design, and then implementation. Agile software development, in contrast, is flexible. Teams
           work in a series of sprints: Over a period of several weeks, a new product or functionality
           is developed and deployed, and feedback is received. This process is repeated to deliver
           a succession of incremental improvements. These improvements lead to the creation of
           a minimum viable product at a much faster pace than traditional procedures, and can be
           used later for continued development and upgrades.

           Circles.Life applied this principle by consolidating feedback from customers and internal
           stakeholders iteratively at the end of each sprint to come up with new features and
           improvements to the platform.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                               3
Mobile Operators Need A Digital Transformation


           To maximize its potential, the in-house startup needs to operate with a new mindset. To
           nurture this, it should be given autonomy and allowed to operate at arm’s length from
           the legacy organization. That implies making it into a separate business unit — and even
           a different legal entity — with the freedom to make important decisions on branding and
           pricing. At the same time, it will be able to leverage some of the parent’s procurement
           systems and processes in order to reduce costs.

           Without such autonomy, the competing priorities of the main telco business might stop the
           digital unit getting the resources and management focus it requires. Autonomy also makes
           it easier to develop a culture and mindset centered on the customer and to hire people
           with the right capabilities and experience, typically from other digital players. As an actual
           startup, Circles.Life was inherently autonomous, with an independent IT stack, a separate
           team and digital process, unencumbered by constraints from any incumbent telecom
           company. It took the opportunity to expand its services, offering insurance and ticketing
           services on its online platform.

           Exhibit 2: How Circles.Life supports incumbent telcos to launch and operate
           a digital proposition

           Traditional telco               Circles.Life operates separated from MNO
           Legacy systems                  Independent technology stack
                                           • Microservices based front-end (website & mobile app) & backend systems
                                             (eKYC, charging, policy control, billing & payment, CRM, martech tools,
                                             data lake, analytics engine & personalization services)
           Large/Siloed teams              Autonomous team
                                           • Agile & nimble “expedition teams“ organized around specific focuses, like
                                             growth or customer experience
           Legacy processes                Digital centric processes
                                           • Processes are designed to automate almost all critical steps in customer
                                             lifecyle journey, leaving only exceptions to be handed manually

           Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

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Mobile Operators Need A Digital Transformation


           For a large telecom provider, the launch of a successful digital unit is not the finish line.
           One way the startup unit can contribute to the overall success of the operator, is by
           competing for customers, and perhaps retaining those which might otherwise migrate
           to other providers. An effective startup unit might differentiate itself through a B-brand
           to target a segment the main brand might not focus on — this approach has the dual
           advantages of diversifying the product portfolio while also defending the main brand
           against other digital attackers. But the ultimate goal is to digitize the parent company.
           In order to offer the same level of service as a digital native, the parent company will
           also require a mechanism to transfer knowledge.

           Exhibit 3: Transference of learnings from digital startup to parent company

                                                     Transfer digital learnings

                        Digital telco                                                  Parent company

                                                 Operational support/governance

           Source: Oliver Wyman analysis

           Learnings could include technical implementation using agile processes; how to launch
           and scale a community; and the use of digital channels to optimize advertising impact.
           Such knowledge might cascade effectively from the digital startup to the parent company
           via topical learning programs. More-formal structures could include a digital center of
           excellence in the startup to foster digital talent, who would then transfer to the legacy
           organization. In all these channels, the parent company needs to measure progress
           continuously: Both the startup’s progress towards its objectives and the flow of learnings
           to the legacy organization.

© Oliver Wyman                                                                                             5
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Saahil Malik                                            Karthik Ramakrishnan
Partner                                                 Principal                  

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