MONTREAL - Authentik Canada

Page created by Sandra Hernandez
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada

                                      MONTREAL ★★★
                                      Montreal is the second-largest French-speaking city in the world after Paris.
                                      A multicultural centre whose French accent mingles with those of some 80
                                      other ethnic communities, Montreal charms the visitor with its combination
                                                    of Old-World charm and North American energy.
                                      The downtown centre teems with life at the foot of the mountain, while the
                                         city’s history is deeply rooted in the old neighborhoods near the river.
© Tourisme Montreal, Stephan Poulin

                                                                                                          LOTO - QU É B EC IN T E R N ATIO N A L
                                                                                                                    FIR E WO R K S FE S TI VA L
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada
© Tourisme Montreal, Stephan Poulin

                                                                                                                                                                                                       © P. Narayan
  PL ACE JACQU E S - C A RTIE R, O L D M O N T R E A L                                                                  N OT R E - DA M E BA SILIC A, O L D - M O N T R E A L

Discover Montreal                           heritage. Built between 1824                                             Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.                 OLD PORT ★
through its 5                               and 1829, the church is reputed                                          and Sunday from 12:30 p.m. to                  The piers of the Old Port
most beautiful                              for its grand polychrome                                                 4 p.m.                                         offer a wide variety of popular
neighbourhoods.                             interior and the fine                                                    110, rue Notre-Dame Ouest                      activities, including :
                                            craftsmanship of its fittings.                                           514-842-2925
OLD MONTREAL ★★                             Don’t miss the 1891 Casavant                                                         - «Bateau-Mouche» Cruise ★★
The historic neighbourhood                  organ, one of the most                                                                                                  This sightseeing cruise of
of Old Montreal, on the edge                outstanding in the Americas.                                             RUE SAINT-PAUL ★★                              the St. Lawrence River offers
of the St. Lawrence River just              As of March 2017, visitors                                               Rue Saint Paul is the most                     spectacular views of Montreal
south of the downtown core,                 can experience the beauty                                                popular and the most iconic of                 and its surroundings. Several
used to be surrounded by                    of the Basilica’s grandiose                                              Old Montreal streets, and the                  departures throughout the day;
fortifying walls.                           architecture in an extraordinary                                         oldest street in Montreal. It was              dinner cruises also available.
This is the site where the                  new way with “Aura”, a unique                                            the city’s main thoroughfare in                Guaranteed departures from
city was founded in 1642.                   multimedia show combining                                                the 18th and 19th centuries                    Jacques-Cartier Pier from mid-
Old Montreal still conserves                light and orchestral music                                               Lined with architecturally                     June until early September.
its European feel, with                     created by renowned Montreal                                             stunning 19th century buildings,               514-849-9952
cobblestone streets, historic               studio Moment Factory.                                                   much of Saint Paul is still          
buildings, public squares and               The experience takes place                                               paved with cobblestones. Its
monuments.                                  in two parts: path of lights                                             former warehouses have been                    - The Montreal Science Centre ★
The historic Old Port ★ , one of            revealing the Basilica’s wealth                                          transformed into art galleries,                This is the perfect place to
Old Montreal’s most popular                 of exquisite works, followed                                             restaurants and boutiques.                     discover, understand and
attractions, is made up of a                by an immersive multimedia                                                                                              explore the world of science
series of piers linked by a park-           spectacle. Total runtime is                                              PLACE JACQUES-CARTIER ★★                       and technology through fun
lined boardwalk. The area is                approximately 45 minutes.                                                This famous square is named                    and educational exhibitions
vibrant all year round, offering            Showings Tuesday-Thursday at                                             after Jacques-Cartier, who                     of exceptional quality. You
a wide variety of activities,               6 p.m., Friday at 6 p.m. and 8                                           dropped anchor in the nearby                   are sure to enjoy the many
boutiques, art galleries, cafes,            p.m. and Saturday at 7 p.m. and                                          river in 1535.                                 interactive displays.
restaurants and museums.                    9 p.m. We strongly recommend                                             The heart of Old Montreal,                     The museum features four
                                            buying your tickets online to be                                         Place Jacques Cartier is alive                 permanent exhibition halls, a
NOTRE-DAME BASILICA ★                       sure of getting in. Visit www.                                           with street artists, flower stalls             temporary exhibition hall and
A neo-gothic masterpiece,          for                                            and a multitude of restaurants                 even an Imax cinema. Open
Montreal’s Notre-Dame Basilica              more information.                                                        and cafes that now occupy the                  Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4
is one of the crown jewels                  The Basilica is open Monday-                                             early 19th century buildings.                  p.m. and Saturday-Sunday from
of Quebec’s rich religious                  Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,                                                                                        10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

                                                                                                                                  ★ Noteworthy            ★★    Worth the detour     ★★★    Must see
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada
© Tourisme Montreal, Mathieu Dupuis

                                         D OW N TOW N V IE W FRO M M O U N T ROYA L PA R K

                                      The Imax cinema opens daily at         unique cathedral is a scale model    in the country. The museum           September, a large, impromptu
                                      10 a.m.                                of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.   houses collections containing        drum circle known as the «Tam-
                                      2, rue de la Commune Ouest             It even contains a magnificent       more than 35,000 works               Tams» takes place around the
                                      514-496-4724                           reproduction of Bernini’s            from around the world, from          Sir Georges-Étienne Cartier
                                      centredessciencesdemontreal.           Baldacchino.                         Antiquity to today, including        Monument (Avenue du Parc,
                                      com                                    Throughout the cathedral,            a magnificent collection of          between Mont-Royal and Ave.
                                                                             artwork depicts the history of       Inuit and Canadian art as well       des Pins). This lively event
                                      - Saute-Moutons Jet Boating ★★         the Catholic Church in Montreal.     as the largest collection of         has been a real tradition for
                                      If you are looking for an              Open Monday-Friday from 7 a.m.       Japanese incense boxes in the        Montrealers since the 1970s.
                                      exhilarating adventure, step           to 7 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday        world. It also hosts a number        People come to play music,
                                      aboard a Saute-Moutons jet             from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.             of significant temporary             dance, have a picnic or just hang
                                      boat for a spectacular ride            1085, rue de la Cathédrale           exhibitions throughout the year.     out, from around noon until the
                                      through the wildest stretches                                               Open Tuesday-Sunday from 10          sun goes down. Arrive early if
                                      of the Lachine Rapids that will        THE UNDERGROUND CITY                 a.m. to 5 p.m.                       you want to have a place to sit
                                      leave you wet and wanting              Montreal’s «underground city»        1380, rue Sherbrooke Ouest           down.
                                      more! Not for the faint of heart!      is a vast underground pedestrian     514-285-2000
                                      Open every day from May to             complex comprised of 33                               PLATEAU-MONT-
                                      mid-October from 10 a.m. to            kilometres of tunnels linking                                             ROYAL ★★
                                      6 p.m.                                 shopping malls, office buildings,    MOUNT ROYAL                          One of the most popular
                                      514-284-9607                           universities and hotels, situated    PARK ★★                              districts of Montreal, the
                                         underneath the downtown area.        Mount Royal Park is a vast           Plateau Mont-Royal takes
                                                                             It is the largest underground        green space in the heart of the      its name from its location
                                      DOWNTOWN ★★                            complex in the world and             city where Montrealers come          on flat terrain north of the
                                      Downtown Montreal is situated          contains almost 12% of all of the    to enjoy the outdoors. The park      terraces of Rue Sherbrooke
                                      on the southern slope of Mount         businesses in the area.              is home to a lake (Beaver Lake),     and east of Mount Royal.
                                      Royal. The downtown area is            The underground city can be          many forest trails, two lookouts     The main thoroughfare is
                                      home to most of the city’s             enjoyed in all kinds of weather,     and a chalet. The Mountain is        Avenue du Mont-Royal ★★.
                                      skyscrapers, giving it a more          and is easily accessible by public   one of Montreal’s distinguishing     In 1997, Utne Reader rated
                                      “North American” look than the         transit, with a number of Metro      features, setting it apart from      The Plateau one of the 15
                                      other neighbourhoods.                  stations, two commuter train         other major North American           «hippest» neighbourhoods in
                                      The famous Saint Catherine             stations and a regional bus          cities, an ever-present backdrop     North America; it is also the
                                      Street ★★, a busy 15-kilometre         terminal.                            to city life. The Kondiaronk         area of choice for new arrivals
                                      commercial avenue, is widely                                                scenic lookout ★★★ in front          from France. The Plateau
                                      considered to be the heart of          MONTREAL MUSEUM OF FINE              of the chalet offers spectacular     Mont-Royal offers a variety of
                                      downtown Montreal.                     ARTS ★                               views ★★★ of downtown                cafés, bookstores and trendy
                                                                             One of Canada’s most                 Montreal, with the St.               boutiques. It is the perfect
                                      MARY, QUEEN OF THE                     prestigious arts institutions, the   Lawrence River and the hills of      place to «hang out», go out for
                                      WORLD CATHEDRAL ★                      Montreal Museum of Fine Arts         Monteregie in the distance.          dinner, take a walk or stop for a
                                      Built in the late 19th century, this   is also the oldest art museum        Every Sunday from May to             drink at one of its many bars.

                                                                                                                            ★ Noteworthy     ★★      Worth the detour   ★★★     Must see
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada
BOULEVARD SAINT-                                               CARRÉ SAINT-LOUIS                                                                                           The Latin Quarter ★ is found           as «The Village») is Montreal’s
LAURENT ★                                                      Carré Saint-Louis ★ is a                                                                                    near the intersection of St-           gay district, and one of the
Boulevard Saint-Laurent,                                       magnificent little park on                                                                                  Denis and St-Catherine streets         largest in the world. It is
between Rue Sherbrooke                                         Rue Saint-Denis, between                                                                                    (Berri-UQAM Metro Station).            situated close to downtown,
and Avenue Mont-Royal,                                         Sherbrooke and Avenue des                                                                                   This neighbourhood steeped in          just east of the Latin Quarter.
is Montreal’s geographic                                       Pins. Victorian style residences                                                                            culture and learning is home to        Its clubs and bars are some of
meridian, separating East from                                 line the streets facing the                                                                                 Théâtre St-Denis, the National         the most popular in the city,
West. It is commonly known as                                  park, where well-off French-                                                                                Film Board of Canada, the              and partygoers can often dance
«The Main». Saint-Laurent is a                                 Canadian families lived in the                                                                              Grande Bibliothèque public             to the music of some of the
trendy street with numerous                                    1800s. The square was also a                                                                                library, the Cinémathèque              finest DJs in the world.
bars, restaurants and shops. It is                             popular location for a number                                                                               Québécoise, Université du              The village is also an important
also a multicultural hub : a large                             of Quebec poets and artists.                                                                                Québec à Montréal and Cégep            cultural hub with a number of
number of immigrants settled                                   *Sherbrooke Metro Station                                                                                   du Vieux-Montréal. It is a             theatres and several television
in the area from the beginning                                                                                                                                             vibrant student district, filled       and radio stations.
of the 19th century, opening                                    THE LATIN                                                                                                  with cafes/patios, restaurants         A memorable–and colourful–
their businesses and restaurants                                QUARTER AND THE                                                                                            and specialty boutiques.               place to visit!
on «The Main».                                                  GAY VILLAGE ★                                                                                              The Gay Village, (known simply

Les Francofolies de Montréal                                                    Montreal International Jazz
                                                                                                                       ©, le photographe masqué

Date : June 7 to 16, 2018                                                       Festival
This large annual music festival                                                Date : June 28 to July 7, 2018
features over 1,000 artists,                                                    Ranked as the world’s largest
musicians, renowned singers, rising                                             jazz festival by Guinness World
stars and promising talent from 20                                              Records since 2004, it is no
countries in a celebration of the                                               surprise that the Montreal Jazz
diversity and rhythms of French                                                 fest is able to attract the greats
music from around the world,                                                    of the jazz world. The lineup is
attracting over half a million visitors                                         incredible!
                                                                                                                                                                             Bonsecours Market, Old-Montreal
each year.                                                            

Grand Prix du Canada
Date : June 8 to 10, 2018
The best drivers in the world
meet at the demanding Gilles-
Villeneuve Circuit to battle
out an important stage of the
Formula 1 World Championship.

Loto-Québec International
Fireworks Festival
Date : July 7 to August 8, 2018
The International des Feux
Loto-Québec fireworks fest was
first held in 1985 at La Ronde,
Quebec’s largest amusement
park, built for the 1967 Universal
Exposition. The pyromusical arts
                                          © Tourisme Montreal, Stephan Poulin

at their best! Saturday July 7, 14,
21 and 28 and Wednesday July
11 and 18 and August 1 and 8. 10
                                                                                    Old Port of Montréal during fall

                                                                                                                                                                                      ★ Noteworthy         ★★   Worth the detour   ★★★   Must see
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada
© Tourisme Montreal

                         SU N S E T O N D OW N TOW N M O N T R E A L

                      WHERE TO EAT
                      1    ST-VIATEUR BAGEL & CAFÉ               with yellow mustard. Founded       different garnishes such as meat,       and lobster French fries.
                      MONT-ROYAL ($)                             in 1928 by a Jewish immigrant      vegetables, etc. La Banquise is one     Open Wednesday-Sunday from
                      Montreal is widely considered to           from Romania, the Hebrew deli      of the best poutine restaurants         5 p.m. to midnight.
                      have the best bagels in the world.         regularly draws long lineups of    in Quebec, with over 30 types of        536, AVENUE DULUTH EST
                      Each Montreal bagel is hand-               customers eager to grab a quick    poutine to choose from.                 514-281-1114
                      rolled, boiled in honey water, and         and tasty meal. It’s a must-try!   Open 24/7!                              WWW.AUPIEDDECOCHON.CA
                      cooked in a wood fired oven. At            Open Sunday-Thursday from 8        994, RUE RACHEL EST
                      St-Viateur Bagel & Café, you will          a.m. to 12:30 a.m., Friday from    514-525-2415                             5 BOUILLON BILK ($$$$)
                      get to enjoy the world-famous              8 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. and Saturday   WWW.LABANQUISE.COM                      At Bouillon Bilk, whose specialty
                      St-Viateur bagel, hand-made in             from 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m.                                                   is neither soup nor bouillon,
                      the finest traditional by one of           3895, BOUL. ST-LAURENT             4 AU PIED DE COCHON ($$$)               you will be served spectacular
                      Montreal’s oldest bagel bakeries, in       514-842-4813                       For a dining experience unlike          dishes that are both delicious and
                      operation since 1957.                      WWW.SCHWARTZSDELI.COM              any you have had, visit Au Pied         beautiful to look at. The menu is
                      Daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.                                                  de Cochon, the wildly popular           short (6 starters, 5 main courses,
                      1127, MONT-ROYAL EST                        3 LA BANQUISE ($)                 restaurant of celebrated Quebec         6 desserts), but it will transport
                      514-528-6361                               You can’t visit Quebec without     chef Martin Picard. People come         your taste buds to creative and
                      WWW.STVIATEURBAGEL.COM                     trying our famous “poutine”, a     here to eat good, festive, rich         delightful lands.
                                                                 staple across the province since   and unusual food in a casual and        Open for lunch Monday-Friday
                       2 SCHWARTZ ($)                            the 1950s. Poutine is a French-    friendly atmosphere. You will not       from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 and every
                      Another Montreal institution,              Canadian dish generally made       find a fine dining experience or        evening from 5:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.
                      Schwartz’s Deli is world-famous            of French fries and fresh cheese   a stylish décor: this is simply the     1595, BOUL. SAINT-LAURENT
                      for its smoked meat sandwiches.            curds covered in gravy. There      city’s most original restaurant,        514-845-1595
                      Its signature dish is a smoked meat        are also many variations made      serving lavish portions of unique       WWW.BOUILLONBILK.COM
                      sandwich served on rye bread               with other types of sauce and      dishes such as foie gras poutine

                                                                                                                ★ Noteworthy        ★★    Worth the detour    ★★★     Must see
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada
6 TOQUÉ! ($$$$)                     only the best quality ingredients    spots in Montreal to enjoy            423, RUE SAINT-CLAUDE
If you are looking for an            for its breakfast and lunch          fine Quebec dining and tasty          514-861-1112
unforgettable culinary experience,   menus. In addition to sandwiches,    market cuisine in an elegant and      WWW.LECLUBCHASSEETPECHE.COM
you need to go to Toqué! Chef        you will find a mouth-watering       welcoming atmosphere.
Normand Laprise and his team will    selection of soups, salads, fresh-   Open for lunch Tuesday-Friday         10 LES 400 COUPS ($$$)
welcome you to their legendary       baked pastries and specialty         from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and      This Old Montreal restaurant
establishment for a gastronomical    coffees.                             Tuesday-Saturday evenings from        offers a stimulating and
experience that you won’t            Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.     6 p.m. to 10 p.m.                     enriching culinary experience.
soon forget. The menu features       351, RUE ST-PAUL OUEST               426, RUE SAINT-GABRIEL                The restaurant proposes a
products from local artisans,        514-350-1083                         514-878-3561                          refined & accessible cuisine
carefully prepared with flare and    WWW.OLIVEETGOURMANDO.COM             WWW.AUBERGESAINT-GABRIEL.COM          which promotes our local talent
creativity.                                                                                                     and local ingredients. The team
Open for lunch Tuesday-Friday        8 L’AUBERGE SAINT-                   9 CLUB CHASSE ET PÊCHE                is composed of passionate
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. and     GABRIEL ($$$)                        ($$$)                                 individuals who share their
Tuesday-Saturday evenings from       Built by a French soldier in 1688,   With a solid reputation in            love for gastronomy, wine and
5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.                 Auberge Saint-Gabriel was the        Montreal, Club Chasse et              service.
900, PLACE JEAN-PAUL-RIOPELLE /      first inn in North America to        Pêche always lives up to its high     Open Tuesday-Saturday from
514-499-2084                         receive a liquor license, in 1754…   standards. You will enjoy unique      5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
WWW.RESTAURANT-TOQUE.COM             One could say that the building      dishes prepared using the finest      400, RUE NOTRE-DAME EST
                                     is a testimony to the history of a   ingredients, served in a charming     514-985-0400
7 OLIVE + GOURMANDO                  nation! Another interesting fact:    retro-modern decor straight out       WWW.LES400COUPS.CA
($$-$$$)                             two of its three current owners      of a late 19th-century English
Olive + Gourmando is said to         are none other than Garou and        gentlemen’s club.
have the best panini in town. This   Guy Laliberté. The Auberge’s         Open Tuesday-Saturday from 6
bakery and sandwich shop uses        restaurant is one of the trendiest   p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

                                                                                     ★ Noteworthy      ★★     Worth the detour   ★★★   Must see
MONTREAL - Authentik Canada MONTREAL - Authentik Canada
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