Mouth care for proned COVID-19 patients - FEATURE - Nature

Mouth care for proned COVID-19 patients - FEATURE - Nature

Mouth care for proned
COVID-19 patients

                         Zoe Holt1 is a dental nurse working                                                      Introduction
                                                                                                                  The Coronavirus pandemic 2019 (COVID-
                         in an acute setting as a mouth                                                           19) caused by severe acute respiratory
                         care lead. During the pandemic                                                           syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
                                                                                                                  reached the UK in late January 2020. The
                         Zoe helped develop guidance for                                                          number of hospital admissions reached
                                                                                                                  a high and our NHS was thrust into a
                         pressure sores in COVID-19 patients                                                      pandemic like nothing we had ever seen.
                         placed in the prone position.                                                            East Kent Hospital University Foundation
                                                                                                                  Trust (EKHUFT), one of the largest hospital
                                                                                                                  trusts in England made up of three acute
                                                                                                                  sites, started to notice an increase in
                                                                                                                  numbers of incidents reported by staff for
                                                                                                                  commissure (angle of mouth)/facial pressure
                                                                                                                  sores as more of our Intensive care unit
                                                                                                                  (ITU) patients needed to be nursed prone.
                                                                                                                      Proning or prone is the placement of
  Author information
                                                                                                                  patients so that they are lying on their
   Zoe first qualified as a dental nurse                                                                          stomach, with their face to the side; this is
  in 2005 while working in general                                                                                used in the treatment of patients in ITU
  practice. She then worked in a                                                                                  with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  Maxillofacial Department before                                                                                 (ARDS). One of the most common
  applying to become the Mouth                                                                                    complications of nursing patients in the prone
  Care Matters nurse for her hospital                                                                             position is the occurrence of pressure ulcers1
  trust (https://mouthcarematters.                                                                                as patients are repositioned far less frequently                                                                                                   (generally only after 16 hours) and significant
                                                                                                                  facial oedema may develop.

28 BDJ Team                                                                                                              
                                           © 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association
Mouth care for proned COVID-19 patients - FEATURE - Nature

                                                                                                                 • Cleanse face carefully with Senset foam, being careful not to
                                                                                                                   get it in the patient’s mouth

                                                                                                                 • Ensure mouth care is carried out following the Mouth Care Guideline
                                                                                                                   for COVID-19 patients, located on the Trust intranet page

                                                                                                                  • Apply Medi derma-s spray or Cavilon Lollipop to the cheek and
                                                                                                                    commissure (angle of mouth); this helps to prevent moisture
                                                                                                                    damage from any fluids that may collect
                                                                                                                 • Allow to dry
                                                                                                                 • Protect lips with a balm/moisture gel (Oralieve gel)
                                                                                                                 • Place absorbent sheet under the head to collect any fluid

                                                                                                                 • Place appropriately sized Kerrapro Strip cut to size to cover the angle
                                                                                                                   of the mouth
                                                                                                                 • If dressing peels away, check to ensure moisture is not collecting
                                                                                                                   under the dressing which could cause moisture damage. If so remove,
                                            ©Juanmonino/iStock/Getty Images Plus

                                                                                                                   repeat clean and prepare stages, then apply new dressing
                                                                                                                  • Check dressings every 2 to 4 hours

                                                                                        Fig. 1 Mouth care guide for proned COVID-19 patients in the ITU

    After seeing the damage to these vulnerable                                       is an important part of patient care. The most                        Reduced access to the back of the mouth/
patients’ faces while going through this                                              common complication of nursing patients                               dentition as patient is lying on stomach
rigorous treatment, multi-disciplinary team                                           in the prone position is the occurrence of                            with face to the side and tubes in place
meetings were held and it was highlighted                                             pressure ulcers. This can result in a decline                         Difficulty in keeping skin dry due to
that we had to try to reduce the number of                                            in mental health and social functions when                            leaking secretions from the mouth as face
incidents and damage being reported. I sought                                         weaned off the ventilator.                                            to the side and patient has no functional
help from our tissue viability lead nurse to help                                         On closer inspection of the incidents, we                         swallow as sedated
produce guidance for the ITU teams looking                                            were faced with the following challenges when                         Pressure to face due to position
after these proned patients whilst maintaining                                        patients were nursed in the prone position:                           Length of proning can be up to 18 hours
and providing the best care possible in line                                              Limited mouth opening due to patient                              therefore reducing capability of some basic
with our trust’s values.                                                                  being on ventilator and being somewhere                           care being carried out
    A number of virtual meetings were held                                                between awake and asleep, but most                                Patients over the age of 70 are at risk of
over Zoom (which we were still getting used                                               patients with COVID-19 are more heavily                           skin damage through dehydration/other
to). It became apparent that we needed to                                                 sedated to help protect the lungs and                             factors
improve our practices in our ITUs and that                                                they were unable to open their mouths                             Medical conditions that affect blood
the guidance we developed would be shared                                                 themselves                                                        supply eg kidney failure, Parkinson’s
trust-wide to allow for consistency in patients                                           Limited space due to endotracheal tube                            disease and diabetes that have the ability
being treated proned.                                                                     in place. The tracheal tube is a hollow                           to add additional complications with
                                                                                          plastic tube that is placed in the trachea                        healing and puts a strain on the heart’s
Background                                                                                (windpipe/airway) through the mouth to                            pumping ability
Currently in our trust there is no guidance                                               the lungs                                                         Reduced oral nutrition once weaned
in place for facial sores/damage to the                                                   Xerostomia (dry mouth) can be caused                              off ventilator due to sores at the angle
commissure (angle of mouth). We know                                                      due to patients receiving oxygen and                              of mouth, making opening the mouth
that when the teams are deciding to prone                                                 having the endotracheal tube in the oral                          painful, so there is a need for an alternative
a patient, appropriate care of the face and                                               cavity, and no stimuli to the oral cavity to                      route for nutrition to be discussed so that
mouth should be undertaken to prevent                                                     help with saliva secretion. Some types of                         patients do not become malnourished and
pressure sores and wounds developing, as this                                             medication can also cause dryness                                 also to help with recovery and healing                                                                                                                                                                    BDJ Team 29
                                                                              © 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association
Mouth care for proned COVID-19 patients - FEATURE - Nature

   The use of endotracheal tape (ET tape)               day ideally with a disposable toothbrush.                  to help give guidance for any mouth related
   to secure tube instead of anchorfast                 Try and brush all surfaces of the teeth                    issues the patients had sustained, and to be
   device, this is so that this can be tied             Avoid using electric toothbrushes as they                  able to advise on any additional resources
   tightly to ensure no movement of the                 generate more aerosol spray                                patients may need to be able to carry out good
   tube when being put in the prone                     Use a small headed toothbrush with a long                  mouth care.
   position, but this also cuts into the angle          handle for better access                                       With looking at the practice in the ITU
   of the mouth                                         Use a smear of toothpaste or a non-                        department and considering the tissue
   Possible infection or bacterial colonisation         foaming toothpaste on a dry toothbrush to                  viability and mouth care knowledge we put
   in broken skin from leaking secretions and           prevent the build-up of secretions                         together the following guide (Fig. 1).
   bacteria from the mouth                              Carry out gentle oral suctioning or use a                      We became aware that when patients
   Trauma to the oral mucosa after having a             single-use suction toothbrush                              were needing to be placed in the prone
   tube placed: sometimes trauma can occur              Try to stand to the side of the patient or                 position to support respiration it was
   from equipment used and sometimes the                behind them so your face is not directly in                essential that we try to minimise damage.
   force used to place the tube.                        front of their face                                        This was especially important for patients
                                                                                                                   who had contributing factors that may
                                                                                                                   impinge on their healing, not just of the
‘This work highlights the need to look                                                                             mouth and face. For example, the damage
                                                                                                                   sustained may also cause delayed recovery
                                                                                                                   once weaned off the ventilator, ie eating
    for alternative ways to secure the tube                                                                        and drinking, as the angle of mouth may be
                                                                                                                   sore and scabbed and this may cause pain/

in place in patients’ mouths, what we lack                                                                         discomfort and limited opening. Our Speech
                                                                                                                   and Language Therapists (SLT) also noted
                                                                                                                   that it had an impact on communication due
in identifying these angle of mouth sores,                                                                         to pain and discomfort.
                                                                                                                       This work has highlighted the importance
                                                                                                                   of the multidisciplinary team working
    and how this impacts on our patients’                                                                          together at this pivotal time to deliver the
                                                                                                                   best care we can for our patients. It further
                                                                                                                   highlights the need to look for alternative
    Considering the above challenges, we                Carry out dry mouth care regularly by                      ways to secure the tube in place in patients’
felt that multi-disciplinary team discussions           moistening the mouth with water or using                   mouth, what we lack in identifying the
with specialist input, to ensure that the               a dry mouth gel on a toothbrush as needed                  potential hazards of developing these angle
patient’s proning plan was discussed ahead of           Gently brush the tongue in a forward                       of mouth sores, and how this impacts on our
procedure with all the specialists involved in          sweeping action                                            patients who have already been through so
that patient’s care, would enable us to try to          Make sure the lips are regularly lubricated                much. We will continue to look into this to
reduce some of the above challenges, but also           with a lip balm or water-based gel.                        find methods of further reducing/preventing
acknowledging that sometimes patients were                                                                         these wounds.
proned as an emergency.                                 The key difference for carrying out
                                                    mouth care for NON-ventilated patients is                      References
Oral care plan                                      that patients are more likely to cough so it                   1. Bloomfield R, Noble D W, Sudlow A.
An oral care plan was to be put in place and        is important to go gently and take breaks to                      Prone position for acute respiratory failure
carried out before a patient was proned.            allow the patient to rest and swallow. It was                     in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
We followed the mouth care guidance from            noted that COVID-19 affected patients’ ability                    2015; CD008095. doi: 10.1002/14651858.
Public Health England for patients who are          to swallow.                                                       CD008095.pub2.
COVID-19 positive and COVID-19 positive                 Patients who are enterally fed (intake of                  2. Public Health England. Guidance.
and on a ventilator.2 This enabled us to make       food via the gastrointestinal [GI] tract; enteral                 Mouth care for hospitalised patients
sure the oral cavity looked moist and clean         feeding may mean nutrition taken through                          with confirmed or suspected COVID-
before being placed in a prone position for         the mouth or through a tube that goes                             19. 6 August 2020. Available at: https://
a long period of time as once proned, access        directly to the stomach or small intestine) are         
to the oral cavity becomes difficult due to         particularly at risk of aspiration pneumonia,                     covid-19-mouth-care-for-patients-
position and space.                                 so regular mouth care on these patients is                        with-a-confirmed-or-suspected-case/
    Before we carried out any mouth care it         essential.                                                        mouth-care-for-hospitalised-patients-
was important to ensure that the endotracheal           We asked that the mouth care assessment                       with-confirmed-or-suspected-covid-
tube cuff was inflated to prevent aspiration        and skin assessment be carried out and                            19#:~:text=When%20providing%20
(when material enters your airway or lungs),        recorded regularly. The mouth care lead                           mouth%20care%20for,not%20an%20
and it was important to note how far the            would follow up any patients who had                              aerosol%20generating%20procedure
endotracheal tube was in the mouth.                 received an angle of mouth sore whilst                            (accessed 30 March 2021).
    The following recommendations were              being in the prone position, until they were
made for mouth care for proned patients:            discharged from hospital. This enabled us
    Carry out tooth brushing at least once a        to check that the sore had healed, but also                   

30 BDJ Team                                                                                                               
                                            © 2021 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to British Dental Association
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