Moving water long distances: Grand schemes or pipe dreams? - Department of Water

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Moving water long distances: Grand schemes or pipe dreams? - Department of Water
                    for the

Moving water long distances:
         Grand schemes or
               pipe dreams?
Moving water long distances: Grand schemes or pipe dreams? - Department of Water
Table of Contents
The idea: moving water from                                    I love a sunburnt country,
northern Australia to                                          A land of sweeping plains,
southern Australia                                         3
                                                               Of ragged mountain ranges,
How would water be diverted                                    Of drought and flooding rains.
and moved?                                                 6
                                                               Dorothea Mackellar (“My Country”)
Where would the water come from —
and is there enough?                                       9
                                                               Dorothea Mackellar’s famous poem captures
Is moving water from the north                                 our love of Australia’s landscape. But, it also
to the south possible?                                   13    captures one of our greatest challenges: how
Proposals for moving water                               14    to manage our water. Australia is the driest
                                                               inhabited continent,1 and its rainfall varies
What does all this mean?                                 21    greatly from year to year and place to place.2
Water for the Future                                     22    This means that our water supplies can be
                                                               scarce and unreliable.
Alternatives to diverting water —
what else can we do?                                     23    Water management is sometimes a
Glossary                                                 27    controversial topic in Australia — one that
                                                               generates strong debate and big ideas.
Moving water long distances:
                                                               This publication looks at one of these big
Grand schemes or pipe dreams?                                  ideas: moving water long distances from
Published by the Department of the Environment,                northern to southern Australia. It covers
Water, Heritage and the Arts                                   the possible costs and benefits of various
GPO Box 787                                                    options, as well as other alternatives for
CANBERRA ACT 2601                                              securing water supplies.
ISBN is 978-1-921733-06-2
© Commonwealth of Australia 2010
Information contained in this publication may be
copied or reproduced for study, research,
information or educational purposes, subject to
inclusion of acknowledgement of the sources.
Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction
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The views and opinions expressed in this publication
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
those of the Australian Government or the Minister for
Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts or the
Minister for Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Water.
While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure
that the contents of this publication are factually correct,   1   Living with Drought (
the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the
accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not        2   Bureau of Meteorology average annual,
be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned            seasonal and monthly rainfall and rainfall variability
directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on,         (
the contents of this publication.
Printed in Australia on recycled paper.

Moving water long distances: Grand schemes or pipe dreams? - Department of Water
The idea: moving water from northern Australia to
southern Australia
News reports often show farmers in southern
Australia battling drought, while the towns
and cities of the north are inundated
with ‘flooding rains’. About 70 per cent
of Australia’s runoff occurs in northern
Australia,3 and climate research predicts
that water scarcity in southern Australia will
intensify.4 These facts, along with the
existing water pipelines across the country,
have led people to suggest that water
could be harvested from rivers, streams
or storage dams in northern Australia,
                                                 Yellow Water Lagoon, Kakadu National Park, NT
and transported south, using trucks,             (John Baker & DEWHA)
ocean tankers, canals or pipelines.

   Key facts
   •   Moving water long distances is costly,    •   Much of northern Australia can be
       energy intensive, and can have                described as ‘annually water limited’.
       significant environmental, social and         This means that in general, more
       cultural impacts.                             water is lost every year through
   •   Using water that is locally available         evapotranspiration than falls as rain.6
       is generally more cost effective than     •   Most rainfall in northern Australia
       transporting water long distances.            falls near the coast, not in river
       Current studies show that local               headwaters, and runs off to the sea.
       options, such as water conservation,      •   The landscape across much of
       desalination and recycling, cost              the north is gently undulating and
       around $1–2 per thousand litres;              at a low elevation, presenting few
       a supply from 1500 kilometres (km)            opportunities for surface water
       away would cost around $5–6 per               storage such as dams.
       thousand litres.5

                                                 3   Australian Water Association (2007), Water in Australia
                                                     Facts & Figures, Myths & Ideas (
                                                 4   CSIRO Murray–Darling Basin Sustainable Yields
                                                     Project (
                                                 5   Australian Water Association (2007), Water in Australia
                                                     Facts & Figures, Myths & Ideas (
                                                 6   CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project

Moving water long distances: Grand schemes or pipe dreams? - Department of Water
Has it been done before?                                    The longest of these (from the Murray River)
In particular circumstances and places,                     is the 356 km Morgan to Whyalla pipeline,
pipelines can be a useful way to improve                    built in 1944. It can transport 206 megalitres
the availability and reliability of our water               (ML) of water a day. Pipelines have also
supply. Significant infrastructure projects                 recently been built in response to drought;
that transport water have previously been                   a 105 km pipeline moves water from the
undertaken. However, none have been on                      Stirling Dam on Western Australia’s Harvey
a scale that would move large volumes of                    River to Perth.7
water for such a distance as from northern
to southern Australia.
Past large-scale projects include the early                     How much water?
1900s 530 km Kalgoorlie Goldfields                              Litre (L): the volume of water
Pipeline, and the 1960s Snowy Mountain                          in one-thousandth of a cubic
Hydro-Electric Scheme. Many shorter                             metre. One litre weighs about
pipelines also exist in Australia. For example,                 one kilogram.
pipelines carry water from the Murray River                     Kilolitre (KL): 1000 litres or one
in South Australia to other parts of the state.                 cubic metre of water. One kilolitre
                                                                weighs about one tonne.
                                                                Megalitre (ML): one million litres
                                                                or 1000 cubic metres of water,
                                                                weighing about 1000 tonnes.
                                                                An Olympic swimming pool holds
                                                                at least 2500 cubic metres or
                                                                2.5 ML.
                                                                Gigalitre (GL): 1000 million
                                                                (or one billion) litres of water
                                                                or one million cubic metres.
                                                                One gigalitre of water weighs
                                                                about one million tonnes.
                                                                Sydney Harbour holds more
                                                                than 500 GL.

Kalgoorlie goldfields water supply scheme, Merridinon, WA
(Peter Mitchell & DEWHA)

                                                            7   Government of Western Australia (2003),
                                                                Securing our water future: a state water strategy
                                                                for Western Australia (

Moving water long distances: Grand schemes or pipe dreams? - Department of Water
The Snowy River Scheme                                  and other mountain rivers diverted by
    The Snowy River Scheme is a major                       the scheme, are severely degraded.
    river diversion and a successful large-                 The reduction in flow has impacted
    scale infrastructure project. A system                  greatly on aquatic fauna and flora;
    of reservoirs, aqueducts and tunnels                    temperature regimes have changed,
    captures water from the upper reaches                   triggers for fish breeding have been
    of the Snowy, Murray and Murrumbidgee                   removed, and the lack of flushing water
    rivers, diverting it for use in irrigation and          flows has resulted in a loss of habitat.
    electricity generation. Almost the entire
                                                            Pools have filled in as organic material
    flow of the Snowy River is diverted west.
                                                            and nutrients have accumulated.
    Legislation to begin the scheme was
                                                            Sediment build up in the middle reaches
    passed in 1949, and it was completed
                                                            of the river has destroyed habitat and
    in 1974.
                                                            changed the flow pattern of the water,
    Australians are proud of the Snowy                      and seawater intrusion in the lower
    Scheme. It helped to shape our history,                 reaches now affects local landholders
    with thousands of new migrants                          many kilometres upstream from the
    beginning their life in Australia working               river mouth.10
    on its construction. The Snowy Scheme,
                                                            Scientists estimate that to return
    one of the engineering wonders
                                                            the Snowy River to a healthy state,
    of the world,8 increased the availability
                                                            its flow should be returned to a minimum
    and reliability of water in the west;
                                                            of 28 per cent of its original level. In 2002,
    this allowed the development of
                                                            the New South Wales, Victorian and
    irrigation-based farming.9
                                                            Commonwealth Governments signed
    Despite the significance of the Snowy                   the Snowy Water Inquiry Outcomes
    Scheme, it is important to recognise its                Implementation Deed. This outlines a
    environmental impact. The scheme has                    process to return 21 per cent of average
    reduced the Snowy River headwaters to                   natural flow to the Snowy River over
    around one per cent of their original flow.             10 years, with the option of increasing
    The upper reaches of the Snowy River,                   this to 28 per cent after 2012.11

8   Ghassemi F and White I (2007), Inter-basin Water        10 Pendlebury P, Erskine W, Lake S, Brown P, Pulsford
    Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States,      I, Banks J, Nixon J (1996), Expert Reference Panel
    Canada, China and India. International Hydrology           Environmental Flow Assessment of the Snowy River
    Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.             below Jindabyne Dam. Unpublished report to the Snowy
9   Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority (1993),           Genoa Catchment Management Committee, Cooma.
    Background information Snowy Mountains Scheme.          11 Snowy Water Inquiry Outcomes Implementation Deed.
    Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority, Cooma.           3 June 2002, Section 7.

How would water be diverted and moved?
Pipelines                                         A report to the Western Australian
The most commonly suggested method of             Government about piping water from the
transporting water is through a concrete and      Kimberley to Perth found that it was not an
steel pipe, running either above or below the     economically viable option. The cost of water
ground. Regular pumping stations would be         transported through a pipeline or canal,
required to maintain the pipeline’s flow over a   in that instance, would be between 100
long distance.                                    and 200 times more than normal prices
                                                  for bulk water.12
Pipelines minimise the amount of water
lost to evaporation, because the
water is not exposed to air or sunlight.              What about gas pipelines?
Pipelines can also help to maintain water             Many people see long gas pipelines,
quality. However, the water may still need            and wonder why similar pipelines
to be treated at both the source and at the           aren’t built for water. Although water
end point, with any treatment processes               is much less expensive than gas,
adding to the significant energy and                  it is much heavier, and therefore
greenhouse costs of piping water.                     requires much more energy to move.
A pipeline from the north to the south of             For example, you can buy a nine
Australia would rate among the longest water          kilogram (kg) cylinder of gas for about
transfer projects in the world. Some people           $30 from your local service station
have suggested that pipelines could supply            and easily carry the gas home.
water to towns and agriculture along the way,         But imagine that you decided to buy
for irrigation, native vegetation, or town and        water instead. For $30, assuming
community water supplies. The economic,               you paid the same price as you
environmental and social costs of pipelines           pay for water from the kitchen tap,
and other water transport options all vary,           you’d have to transport about
depending on factors such as the amount               42 000 L of water — enough to
of water to be diverted, and the path the             fill a backyard swimming pool!
pipeline would take.

                                                  12 WA Department of Premier and Cabinet (2006),
                                                     Options for bringing water to Perth from the Kimberley

Trucking and shipping water
Trucks or ocean tankers could be used to
transport water from the north to the south.
These options would have large operational
costs and energy requirements, and would
generate large amounts of greenhouse
gases. Trucks are often used to transport
water to towns in times of drought.
However, this is only viable as a temporary
water supply option and when carting over
short distances.

Some people have suggested that water           Kimberley rangelands and coastline, WA
could be transported long distances across      (Dragi Markovic & DEWHA)
Australia by canals, which are open channels
cut through the land. A small slope can         Canals lose water through leakage and
be enough for gravity-fed movement of           evaporation. A 3700 km long canal from the
water through a short canal. However, as is     Kimberley to Perth could lose 93 GL per year
the case for pipelines, pumping would be        to evaporation, and a further 125 GL per year
required to move water through canals over      to leakage, even if the best lining techniques
longer distances.                               are used. To account for these losses, such
                                                a canal would need to draw at least twice as
A canal needs to follow the contours of the
                                                much water as is needed for consumption.
land. This means it tends to be much longer
than a direct pipeline. For example, a direct   To prevent seepage and minimise friction,
coastal route from the Kimberley to Perth       canals are often lined with concrete.
is 1900 km long, but a canal would have to      Fencing may also be required to help
follow a 3700 km long route. A canal would      minimise water contamination, or to provide
also need to pass over or under roads,          safety barriers. These factors add to the
rivers and other obstructions. See Figure 1     expense of canal construction. Canals leave
for the length of other options.                a lasting and permanent mark on the land,
                                                and they change and disrupt natural
                                                water flows.13

                                                13 WA Department of Premier and Cabinet (2006),
                                                   Options for bringing water to Perth from the Kimberley

Figure 1: Diagram comparing distance of some proposed and existing projects to
transport water

                           0     500   1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

                           0     500   1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Where would the water come from —
and is there enough?
Proposals to transport water from northern         During the wet season, the north can
Australia vary, but they all rely on excess        receive extreme rainfall from thunderstorms,
water being available for extraction. This         monsoon depressions and cyclones. For a
depends on a range of factors, including:          few months each year, more rain falls than is
•   the reliability of rainfall across             lost to evaporation. This rainfall accounts for
    northern Australia                             around 65 per cent of Australia’s total water
                                                   runoff. The north’s annual runoff can occur
•   the current and likely future availability
                                                   over just a few days. Most of this water runs
    of water in northern Australia
                                                   to the sea, but some plays an important role
•   the current and potential future uses of       in the annual recharge of aquifers (geological
    the north’s water resources                    formations that hold groundwater).15
•   the practicality of capturing and storing
    water before being diverted, and               When people hear that a large amount of
                                                   Australia’s rainfall runs off into the ocean,
•   environmental, cultural, economic and          they sometimes think that this water
    political considerations.                      is ‘wasted’. However, it is important to
                                                   remember that this water is vital to the
Rainfall in northern Australia                     health of ocean ecosystems and estuaries.
Rainfall patterns in northern Australia are very   Also, because rainfall in the north is highly
different from those in southern Australia.        variable, both within each year and from
The seasons of the northern Australian             year to year, estimates of annual average
tropics can be loosely divided into two            rainfall for the north can be quite misleading.
distinctly different periods — wet and dry.        A single extremely wet year can dramatically
                                                   increase the long-term average.16
During the dry season, which lasts up to nine
months of the year, there is little or no rain.
In fact, in many parts of northern Australia,
evapotranspiration is higher than rainfall for
most of the year.14 Water scarcity can be
an issue for communities and ecosystems.
People living in the tropics use dams
and bores for their water supply to cope
with these unreliable and seasonal
rainfall patterns.

                                                   14–16 CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields
                                                         Project (

Rivers and catchments in
northern Australia
Northern Australia has the largest area
of unregulated rivers and catchments
(those without dams or water extraction)
in Australia. Most estuaries are in a near
pristine condition, because human land
use has had minimal impact, and pests
and weeds are not widespread.17
                                                         Mangroves, Anjo Peninsula, Kimberley coastline, WA
Floods are vital ecosystem events that                   (Dragi Markovic & DEWHA)
flush nutrients into the near-shore marine
environment and provide on-shore breeding
grounds for marine creatures. When water
flows over riverbanks and across floodplains,
it fills hollows and pools that persist
throughout the dry season. This sustains vital
ecosystems that provide refuges for birds
and animals until the next wet season.18
Large amounts of runoff can also trigger
waterbirds to breed, and fish to spawn
and migrate.19
                                                         Kimberley rangelands and coastline, WA
                                                         (Dragi Markovic & DEWHA)
The health of northern ecosystems has
direct economic implications for the value
of northern fisheries. Just one of these,
the Northern Prawn Fishery, is worth
up to $164 million per annum.20

17 Woinarski J, Mackey B, Nix H and Traill B (2007),
   The Nature of Northern Australia: Natural values,     Flatback Turtle hatchling, Cape York, Qld
   ecological processes and future prospects.            (Kerry Trapnell & DEWHA)
   ANU E Press, Canberra (
18 CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project
19 National Land and Water Resources Audit,
   Australian Catchment, River and Estuary Assessment
   (2002) (
20 Australian Fisheries Management Authority

The Ord River and Lake Argyle
   Lake Argyle, on the Ord River in Western
   Australia, is often cited as a potential
   source of water for southern Australia.
   It has a capacity of 10,700 GL (about
   21 times the size of Sydney Harbour).
   However, the Western Australian
   Government has shown that if the planned
   expansion of the Ord River irrigation
   scheme takes place, then the Ord River
   will be close to fully allocated.21 The current
   environmental flows, including annual
   floods, are essential to maintain the health
   and integrity of the local environment,
                                                     Ord River, near Kununurra, WA
   including the internationally recognised          (Michelle McAulay & DEWHA)
   Ramsar wetlands, located in the lower
   reaches of the Ord.

Storing water in northern Australia                  Managed aquifer recharge requires the
Virtually all rivers in northern Australia are       presence of a suitable aquifer in which
intermittent. This means that they do not flow       to store water. The best aquifers can
in the dry season. Water supplies in northern        store and move large volumes of water,
rivers vary greatly depending on the season          because increasing the storage volume
and from year to year. Very large amounts            reduces the costs of recovering the water.
of storage are required for proposed water           However, managed aquifer recharge
transport schemes, to even out supply,               involves pumping costs to get the water
and to guard against multiple years of               to ground level.
below-average rain.
There are two main options for providing this
storage capacity: storing water in aquifers,
in a process called ‘managed aquifer
recharge’, or constructing dams.

                                                     21 WA Department of Water (2006), Ord River Water
                                                        Management Plan, Water Resource Allocation
                                                        and Planning Series Report No. WRAP 15.
                                                        WA Department of Water, Perth. (

Many aquifers in northern Australia are           The possibility of constructing large dams in
‘fill and spill’ aquifers. They recharge with     northern Australia is limited by geographical
the wet season rains, and then release            and climatic constraints. Ideally, a dam is
water during the dry season. Fill and spill       constructed in a steep valley, where the
aquifers have limited storage capacity,           surrounding hills create a bowl to hold the
because they fill to capacity during the wet      water. This produces a deep reservoir,
season rainfall. This leaves little or no space   which minimises the amount of water lost
to capture and store any additional flows.        to evaporation. The landscape across much
Water from these aquifers allows rivers to        of the north is gently undulating and at a
continue to flow through the dry season           low elevation. This means that steep valleys
each year. These perennial river systems,         are rare, and usually of high ecological and
which support endemic ecosystems                  cultural value.
(unique ecosystems found only in that
area) and provide tourism and fishing             The best place to build a dam is usually
opportunities, also have high spiritual and       in the upper reaches of a catchment.
cultural significance for Indigenous and          However, in northern Australia, unlike the
non-Indigenous people. Water from these           Murray–Darling Basin, most rain falls near
aquifers is not generally available for           the coast and not in river headwaters.
transport elsewhere.                              Rainfall in the upper catchments across
                                                  inland northern Australia is generally
In some locations where water resource            lower and more sporadic than along the
planning processes are underway, such             northern coast, and potential losses through
as the Katherine and Douglas–Daly                 evaporation are high.23
areas of the Daly region in the Northern
Territory, computer modelling of water            There are few opportunities to increase
supplies indicates that current groundwater       surface water storage in northern Australia,
allocations may be approaching the limit of       and any existing opportunities have
recoverable extraction.22                         already been identified by state and
                                                  territory governments.

                                                  22–23 CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields
                                                        Project (

Is moving water from the north to the south possible?

Lakes Argyle and Kununurra (Michelle McAulay & DEWHA)

When considering any proposals to move                  Environmental issues vary depending on
water long distances, decision-makers                   the location of the water source, the water’s
must weigh three key sets of issues:                    destination, and the mode of water transport
social, economic and environmental.                     used. Any long-distance transport of water
                                                        could lead to the transfer of exotic species
Social considerations include the existing              from one place to another. The reduction
value that water has for local communities              in available water at the source may affect
and others, the views of landholders                    river flows and wetlands; this could alter
who might be affected by construction of                the composition and populations of plants
infrastructure, the value of the employment             and animals, and have a large impact on
that such schemes may create locally,                   ecosystems. All methods to transport water
and the longer-term consequences that                   also involve the use of energy, and therefore
diverting water might have on future                    produce greenhouse gases.
regional development.
                                                        A range of studies, discussed below, have
Economic considerations include the extent              investigated proposals to transport water
of existing infrastructure and construction             from higher to lower rainfall areas. All these
costs of any required infrastructure,                   studies have concluded that proposals
the energy costs of transporting the water,             to transport water typically have very
and the comparison of water transport costs             high economic, energy, social and
with those of other water supply options.               environmental costs.

Proposals for moving water
Proposals to transport water long distances                                                      north to the south of Australia (Figure 2).
are not new. Since the late 1800s, people                                                        These include transporting floodwater from
have been suggesting ways to move water                                                          north-eastern coastal rivers across the Great
across Australia.                                                                                Dividing Range and into the Murray–Darling
                                                                                                 Basin, or down the east coast to supplement
In 1938, Dr John Bradfield, respected                                                            urban water supplies. Others have suggested
engineer and designer of the Sydney Harbour                                                      that water from the north-west of Australia
Bridge, presented a plan to the Queensland                                                       — such as from Lake Argyle and the Ord
Government. Bradfield proposed diverting                                                         River in the East Kimberley — could supply
water from northern Queensland coastal                                                           population centres in the south of Western
rivers across the Great Dividing Range into                                                      Australia, or be redirected through Lake Eyre
central Australia.                                                                               to the upper Darling River and then into the
This proposal, known as the Bradfield                                                            Murray–Darling Basin.
Scheme, has inspired many other
suggestions for redirecting water from the

Figure 2: Map illustrating common proposed routes for pipeline/canal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CL A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 A  -1


                                                                                                                                                                                                      CL A-3

              Existing                             DARWIN    ●                                                                                                                                              CL A -4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CL A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -S      UP-B
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CL A -5
                                                                                                                                                                                           CL                    CL
                                                                                                                                                                                              A                     A        -6
                                                                                                                                                                                                            CL A-8

                                          ●DERBY              Northern Territory                                 ● CAIRNS                                                                                                      A   -S U
                                              ● FITZROY
                         BROOME ●

                                               CROSSING                                                                                                                                CL

                                                                                                                     ●TOWNSVILLE                                                                 -11
      PORT HED LAND                                         Kimberley
                                                             Kimberley to
                                                            Perth Scheme
                                                                  Scheme                     HUGHENDEN ●                                                                                   CL

                                                                                                                                                                                              A      -1 2
                               u te

                u te                                                                                                                                                                   3
              Ro                                                                                                                                                             CL A -1
                                           te 1

                             ● MT                                                           LONGREACH ●
                                                                          ●                                         Queensland                                                                       -1 4

 CARNARVON                                                                                                                                                                                    A
                             NEWMAN                              ALICE SPRINGS                                                                                                             CL
      ●                                                                                  BIRDSVILLE                                                                                    Clarence River Scheme
                                                                                           ●                                 ROMA
                                                Western                                                                     ●            BRISBANE
                       MT                                                                             Beattie - Bradfield
          ●                          ● LEONORA
                                                                                                                      MOREE ●
                                                                     South Australia                    New South Wales                 ●COFFS HARBOUR
 PERTH●                                                                                              ● BROKEN HILL          ● DUBBO
                                      ●                                                                                             ●                                              ●SEYMOUR
                                                                                                                                            Victorian North-South Pipeline

                                 ESPERANCE                                                                      Capital Territory
                                                                       ADELAIDE ●                                ALBURY                                                           GO
     Kalgoorlie Goldfields Pipeline                                                                  Victoria
                                                                                                                     ●                                                                           RN
                                                                                                                                                                             ●BROADFORD                     ER         ●                             ●
     DALWALLINU                                                                                                 ●                                                                                                YEA

          ●                    KALGOORLIE                                                              MELBOURNE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 R IV

                           CROSS                                                                                                                                                                                       ●

          MERREDIN               ●                                    W             E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HE R

PERTH            ●
                                                                                                                                                                               YAN YEAN KINGLAKE

 ●●MUNDARING                                                                  S
                                                                                                                     ●HOBART                                                                                               YARRA GLEN
                                                                 0    200     400   600 Kilometers                                                                                 RESERVOIR                      ●               ●HEALESVILLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     YA RRA RIV


Diverting water from the north-                                  The report concluded that introducing water
west of Australia                                                from the Kimberley into Perth’s water supply
In 2006, the Western Australian Government                       would at least double the average household
made a detailed study of proposals to                            water bill. Water prices for Western Australian
bring water from the Kimberley to Perth.24                       metropolitan residences in 2009–10 ranged
The study examined transporting water by                         from 64.3 c/KL to 177.9 c/KL (depending
pipeline, canal and ocean transport.                             on the volume of water used).25 These costs
                                                                 are considerably less than the cost per KL of
The feasibility of these options was                             any of the transport options described in the
compared using the following measures:                           report (see Table 1).
•   how much energy would be required
                                                                 The report also found that water could be
    to transport the water
                                                                 supplied by desalination for less than a
•   how reliable the water supply would be                       quarter of the cost of any of the proposed
•   what quality of water would be                               methods of diversion from the Kimberley
    provided, and                                                (see Table 1).
•   the estimated cost.

Table 1: Costs and energy requirements of water transport options from the Kimberley
to Perth based on 200 GL/year delivery, compared with the cost of water from the
Kwinana desalination plant
                                     Desalination           Pipeline            Canal         Tanker       Water bag
 Energy consumption
 (kilowatt hour per                               4.5              5.8              3.7           10.5                8.6
 kilolitres delivered)
 Greenhouse gas
 produced (million tonnes
                                                  0.9              0.6              0.5             2.0               1.6
 of carbon dioxide per
 year equivalent)
 Capital cost (billion)                      $0.387             $11.9           $14.5             $6.2              $5.3
 Unit cost of water
 (per kilolitre to nearest                    $1.20*            $5.10           $6.50            $5.00             $5.00
 10 cents)
Based on ‘Table of comparative issues and values’ Western Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet (2006).
Options for bringing water to Perth from the Kimberley; p 10.

* Estimate based on supply of 47 GL of water per year from the Kwinana plant, including operating costs.

                                                                 24 WA Department of Premier and Cabinet (2006),
                                                                    Options for bringing water to Perth from the Kimberley
                                                                 25 Water Corporation 2009-2010 Rates and Charges —
                                                                    Metropolitan Residential. (http://www.watercorporation.

Diverting water from the
                                                           north-east of Australia
                                                           The Bradfield Scheme
                                                           (and variations of the scheme)
                                                           for the Murray–Darling Basin
                                                           The original Bradfield Scheme, submitted
                                                           to the Queensland Government in 1938,
                                                           proposed that floodwater from the coastal
                                                           rivers of north Queensland be diverted
                                                           across the Great Dividing Range and into
                                                           inland river systems. The scheme aimed to
                                                           increase the amount of water available to
Crocodile, Yellow Water Lagoon, Kakadu National Park, NT   support agriculture and grazing in central
(Michelle McAulay & DEWHA)                                 Queensland. The original proposal relied on
                                                           gravity to move water from one catchment
Environmental impacts                                      to another. More recent surveying indicates
The study found that there was relatively                  that an extensive array of pipelines, pumps
little information available to estimate the               and diversion tunnels would be required to
environmental impacts of moving water from                 achieve this outcome.
the Kimberley to Perth. However, it noted that
as well as the impacts of obtaining water from             When the Bradfield Scheme was reviewed
the Kimberley, there would be environmental                in 1947 by WHR Nimmo, Chief Engineer of
issues in moving the water to Perth by any                 the Stanley River Works, more information
of the methods suggested. These include                    had become available. Bradfield was found
the production of greenhouse gases in the                  to have overestimated the amount of water
construction, transport and treatment of the               available from the Tully, Herbert and Burdekin
water, and the impact of canals or pipelines               rivers by about 250 per cent. It was also
on the land and local ecosystems.                          found that water could not be diverted by
                                                           gravity from the Burdekin catchment to the
Social impacts                                             Flinders catchment.26
Consultation showed that the local
community did not want Kimberley water
to be seen as a free or wasted resource.
The community argued that there should be
greater support for development within the
region, and a better understanding of the
cultural and environmental significance of
local water resources for local people.
                                                           26 Ghassemi F and White I (2007), Inter-Basin Water
                                                              Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States,
                                                              Canada, China and India. International Hydrology
                                                              Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

The then Northern Australia Land and
                                                           Water Taskforce met with Queensland
                                                           Government officials in September 2007
                                                           to discuss this proposal and the findings
                                                           of a preliminary feasibility assessment.
                                                           The preliminary assessment concluded that
                                                           while such a scheme may be technically
                                                           possible, it would not be economically,
                                                           environmentally or practically feasible.
                                                           Additionally, the outstanding natural values of
                                                           the wet tropical region of north Queensland
                                                           have been recognised in a World Heritage
Norman River near Gulf of Carpenteria (Deptartment of
                                                           listing, which includes parts of the Tully and
Foreign Affairs and Trade — Overseas Information Branch)   Johnstone rivers. Based on this advice,
                                                           the Taskforce agreed to not consider this
In 1982, Cameron McNamara Consultants                      proposal further unless it was supported by
were commissioned by the Queensland                        the Queensland Government.
Government to undertake a study that
reviewed the feasibility of the Bradfield
Scheme. This study found that it would be
possible to irrigate around 72 000 ha of land
west of the Great Dividing Range, at a cost
of more than $3 billion.27
At the 2007 Water Summit, the then
Queensland Premier asked whether water
could be diverted from rivers in north
Queensland to recharge the Murray–Darling
Basin. He proposed that this could be done
by extending the Bradfield Scheme to divert
water into the Warrego River, a tributary of
the Darling.

                                                           27 Ghassemi F and White I (2007), Inter-Basin Water
                                                              Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States,
                                                              Canada, China and India. International Hydrology
                                                              Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge;
                                                              cost estimated in 2002 prices

South-East Queensland water grid                 Northern New South Wales
In 2007, the Queensland Government               Proposals similar to the Bradfield Scheme
commissioned a report on a proposal to           have also been suggested for the coastal
transport water from the north-east of           rivers of New South Wales. A review of 22
Australia by diverting water from the            coastal catchments found that only nine had
Burdekin River to south-east Queensland.28       western boundaries on the Great Dividing
                                                 Range. Even though diverting some of these
To estimate the costs and timeline of the        nine rivers was technically possible, the cost
proposal, the report looked at similar           was too high to justify construction.29
construction projects and estimates from
construction suppliers. The report considered    Later, proposals were raised for inland
the variability of local ground conditions;      water diversion from the Clarence River.
the costs of the pipeline crossing roads,        However, none of these proposals for the
railway lines, rivers and creeks; and the need   Clarence River were supported by cost–
for pumping stations. The final estimate         benefit analyses or environmental and social
included the cost of providing road access       impact assessments.30 The Clarence River
and power to pumping stations, and ongoing       basin is unique in that it lies in a transition
operation and maintenance costs. It did not      zone between temperate and tropical flora.
include the cost of water treatment.
According to the Queensland Government,
sourcing water from the Burdekin River
would, at minimum, quadruple south-east
Queensland’s residential water bills.
Water from the Burdekin would, by 2026,
cost $7700 per ML if pumped on a
continuous basis, and up to $374 000 per
ML if pumped only once in every 50 years.
In comparison, providing water through
desalination was estimated to cost between
$2500 and $3500 per ML. Construction
of the pipeline was anticipated to take
                                                 28      Qld Department of Natural Resources (2007),
6–10 years from design to commissioning.
                                                         Direct Connection Pipeline: Burdekin to South-
                                                         East Queensland (
                                                 29–30 Ghassemi F and White I (2007), Inter-Basin
                                                       Water Transfer: Case Studies from Australia,
                                                       United States, Canada, China and India.
                                                       International Hydrology Series, Cambridge
                                                       University Press, Cambridge

This makes it a region with high biodiversity
values. A 1999 Healthy Rivers Commission
report argued that any proposal to divert
significant quantities of water out of this river
basin would pose significant risk to the health
of riverine ecosystems, and the activities and
values those systems support.31
In 2003, an analysis of 23 options to divert
water inland from the Clarence River was
undertaken by Hunter Water Australia.
The study estimated that the final delivery
cost to irrigators for diverted water
would range from $163 to $2807 per ML               Birdllife on the Diamantina River, SA
(approximately 10 to 200 times greater              (Paul Wainwright & DEWHA)
than the existing irrigation costs).32

Flooding the Lake Eyre Basin                        Because of this, the basin is an area of
Since the late 1800s, there have been calls         high conservation significance. It supports
for various schemes to artificially fill Lake       wetlands such as the internationally
Eyre, in the hope that this would increase          recognised Coongie Lakes, along with
local rainfall.                                     grasslands in the Astrebla Downs National
                                                    Park and deserts in the Simpson Desert
The Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO have            National Park. The combined ecological and
carried out statistical analyses and climate        economic impacts of flooding Lake Eyre are
modelling to assess the likely impact of            likely to be significant.
large permanent inland water surfaces on
Australian rainfall. The study found that ‘there
was no evidence that large-scale permanent
water surfaces in inland Australia would result
in widespread climate amelioration’.33
The Lake Eyre Basin is one of the world’s           31 Ghassemi F and White I (2007), Inter-Basin Water
last unregulated wild river systems.                   Transfer: Case Studies from Australia, United States,
                                                       Canada, China and India. International Hydrology
The vegetation of the basin reflects the               Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
patterns of arid and semi-arid regions,             32 Hunter Water Australia (2003), Financial Appraisal
which rely on variable water flows.                    of Water Options. Newcastle, Australia.
                                                       In: Farmhand Foundation 2004, Talking Water:
                                                       An Australian Guidebook for the 21st Century
                                                    33 Hope PK, Nicholls N, and McGregor JL (2004),
                                                       The rainfall response to permanent inland water
                                                       in Australia. Australian Meteorological Magazine,
                                                       53:4, 251–262.

Other water diversion schemes                    Transporting water from Tasmania
                                                 As well as proposals to divert water from
Sugarloaf North–South Pipeline
                                                 northern Australia, suggestions that water
The Sugarloaf North–South Pipeline
                                                 could be transported from Tasmania to the
was proposed as part of the Victorian
                                                 mainland have been made. In March 2008,
Government’s Our Water, Our Future plan.
                                                 the Council of Australian Governments
It involves a 70 km pipeline connecting
                                                 agreed to extend the CSIRO work on
the Goulburn River, near Yea, to the
                                                 sustainable yields and water availability
Sugarloaf Reservoir north-east of Melbourne,
                                                 in the catchments of the Murray-Darling
to supplement urban water supplies.
                                                 Basin and northern Australia to Tasmania.
Upon completion, up to 75 GL of water
per year will be delivered to Sugarloaf          The Tasmanian Sustainable Yields report,
Reservoir. Construction commenced in             released in January 2010, found that climate
2008, and the first water was delivered to       change is expected to reduce rainfall
Melbourne in February 2010.                      and runoff in Tasmania over the next two
                                                 decades.34 By 2030, the projected impact
On 12 September 2008, the Minister for the
                                                 of climate change on rainfall will be a 3 per
Environment, Heritage and the Arts approved
                                                 cent reduction under a median future climate
the Sugarloaf Pipeline Project subject to a
                                                 (ranging from an increase of 1 per cent to
number of strict conditions for the protection
                                                 a decrease of 7 per cent under wet and
of matters of national environmental
                                                 dry extremes). The reduction in rainfall is
significance under the Environment
                                                 projected to lead to a 5 per cent reduction in
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
                                                 runoff under a median climate (ranging from
Act 1999, specifically listed threatened
                                                 an increase of 1 per cent to a decrease of
species and ecological communities.
                                                 10 per cent under wet and dry extremes).
The Department of the Environment,
Water, Heritage and the Arts is monitoring       This report provides critical information
compliance with these conditions.                needed to underpin statutory water
                                                 management planning in Tasmania and will
                                                 assist in ensuring that any development of
                                                 Tasmania’s water resources is sustainable.

                                                 34 CSIRO Tasmania Sustainable Yields Project

What does all this mean?
When it comes to climate and water,           Although water transport projects may
Australia is a country of extremes.           be technically possible, every study so
The challenge we face is to manage our        far has found that such projects would
scarce water resources, in our shared         have high energy, economic, social and
interests, over the long term.                environmental costs.
As water becomes scarcer, it becomes a        Building and maintaining the infrastructure
more valuable and expensive commodity.        required to move water is expensive, and a
However, if water prices become high          large amount of energy is required to pump
enough to make a long pipeline or canal       water over long distances. Water transport
economically viable, then alternative         projects also remove water from ecosystems
water supplies such as desalination           at the source; combined with moving water
will also become economically viable.         through the landscape, this has a substantial
Using the water we have more efficiently,     impact on the environment. The social costs
and developing new local water supply         are high for those communities who will lose
sources — particularly those that rely less   water, and whose wellbeing depends on
on rainfall — are considered much better      environmental health at the water source.
options than transporting water across
the country.

Mitchell-Lawley Rivers Region (Cathy Zwick)

Water for the Future
Managing our water supplies will remain a
challenging task and a topic of much debate
in Australia. It is important to ‘think big’ about
the possibilities. But, it is also important to
evaluate the economic, environmental and
social costs of each option carefully. With
our diverse range of water supply options,
and careful consideration of how we use
our water, we can ensure a sustainable and
secure water supply for the future.
Water for the Future is an Australian
Government initiative to prepare Australia
for a future with less water.                        Weir on the Murray River, near Shepparton, Vic
                                                     (John Baker & DEWHA)
Water for the Future involves:
•    taking action on climate change
•    using water wisely
•    securing water supplies, and
•    supporting healthy rivers.

The initiative includes investing in updated
irrigation systems, helping households
to install rainwater tanks and greywater
treatment systems, supporting development
of alternative water supplies, and buying
water to return to the environment.

                                                     Irrigation canal, near Mooroopna, Vic (John Baker & DEWHA)

Alternatives to diverting water — what else can we do?
A secure, reliable water supply is vital             Under the Water for the Future Initiative
for Australia’s social, economic and                 the Australian Government is modernising
environmental wellbeing. Dam yields have             Australian irrigation. The primary focus is on
declined over the past decade, and there is a        the Murray-Darling Basin, where irrigation
risk of further declines in rainfall and runoff as   activities are concentrated.
a result of climate change. We must find new
sources of water for urban supplies that are         As part of Water for the Future, the Australian
less dependent on climate.                           Government has committed $5.8 billion to
                                                     increase water use efficiency in rural Australia
To improve the reliability of water supplies,        through the Sustainable Rural Water Use and
governments are implementing planning                Infrastructure program. This program’s key
practices that consider the merits of the            rural water projects will support sustainable
full range of supply and demand options.             irrigation communities, and save water by
These include water recycling, desalination,         upgrading outdated and leaky irrigation
urban rain and stormwater harvesting, and            systems. The water savings generated by
improving water use efficiency.                      this investment will be used to address over-
                                                     allocation, help restore river health, and help
Improving rural water                                irrigators meet the challenge of declining
use efficiency                                       water availability.
The irrigation sector is the biggest user of
water in Australia. It accounts for around           Improving urban water
two-thirds of all water use nationwide.              use efficiency
Approximately 65 per cent of this irrigated          Significant amounts of water can be saved
agriculture takes place within the Murray–           by improving household water use efficiency.
Darling Basin.35 Irrigated agriculture provides      The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards
a wealth of food and fibre, which generates          (WELS) scheme is a national program
billions of dollars in export income and             established by the Australian Government
provides fresh food for Australian households.       in partnership with all state and territory
                                                     governments. The scheme commenced
Despite the economic importance of irrigated         mid-2005 and became mandatory for new
agriculture, the expected future drop in water       products from 1 July 2006.
supplies due to climate change requires
greater water use efficiency for crops. The
amount of irrigation water lost to leakage
and evaporation each year is estimated to be
about the same as that consumed by all of
our major capital cities.
                                                     35 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2007), Water and the
                                                        Murray-Darling Basin — A Statistical Profile, 2000–01
                                                        to 2005–06 (Cat. No. 4610.0.55.007) (

Approximately 10 600 product models
                                                 are registered under the scheme.
                                                 Work is underway to introduce minimum
                                                 water efficiency standards, and to examine
                                                 the scheme’s potential to include additional
                                                 products such as instantaneous gas
                                                 hot water services, combination washer-
                                                 dryers, evaporative air conditioners,
                                                 domestic irrigation flow controllers and
                                                 hot water re-circulators.
                                                 A 2008 study into the cost effectiveness of
                                                 the WELS scheme estimated that by 2021,
WELS label (Michelle McAulay & DEWHA)            Australians could save up to $1 billion
                                                 on their water and energy bills by
The purpose of the WELS scheme is to:            choosing WELS water-efficient products.36
•    conserve water supplies by reducing         This translates into potential Australia-wide
     water consumption                           water savings of approximately 800 GL
                                                 (more water than is in Sydney Harbour).
•    provide purchasers with information
     on water use and water-saving               Improved water efficiency will also reduce
     products, and                               the energy used by products that heat water.
•    promote the adoption of efficient           This will result in fewer greenhouse gas
     and effective water use and water-          emissions. From 2005 to 2021, the WELS
     saving technologies.                        scheme is projected to save more than
                                                 nine million megawatt-hours of energy
The WELS scheme requires products such           and about six million tonnes of greenhouse
as washing machines, dishwashers, taps,          gas emissions.
showers, flow controllers, toilets and urinals
to be registered and labelled according to
their water efficiency. This allows consumers
to make informed decisions about the water
efficiency of the products they purchase,
reduce their water consumption and save
money on water bills. The scheme also
enables industry to showcase their most
water-efficient products.                        36 Chong J, Kazaglis A and Giurco D (2008),
                                                    Cost effectiveness analysis of WELS —
                                                    the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards
                                                    Scheme. Prepared for the Australian Government
                                                    Department of the Environment, Water,
                                                    Heritage and the Arts by the Institute for
                                                    Sustainable Futures, University of Technology,
                                                    Sydney (

Reduce consumption
Piping water does not address all the               adopting water-saving devices and changing
challenges of living in a relatively dry country.   their patterns of water use. Many people,
Reducing our water use has an important             especially those who rent, may not be aware
role in ensuring secure water supplies. Urban       of how much water they are using in their
water users can reduce their consumption by         household.37

    What can I do to reduce my household water use?
    •   Observe water restrictions.                 •   Install aerators on taps.
    •   Check for leaks.                            •   Consider using greywater from the
    •   Buy dishwashers, washing                        laundry on the garden.
        machines and plumbing products              •   Consider investing in a front-loading
        that have a high star rating under              washing machine. It may cost
        the WELS scheme.                                more initially, but will use less water
    •   Take shorter showers and install                and detergent. Wash clothes in
        a water-efficient shower head.                  cold water.
        A normal shower uses 15–25 L of             •   Install a dripper system and a tap
        water every minute, but a water-                timer, and check hoses and taps
        efficient shower uses only around               for leaks.
        seven L. A five-star WELS-rated             •   Use mulch on gardens to prevent
        shower head can save an average                 water loss.
        household more than $100 each
                                                    •   Choose a drought-resistant lawn,
        year on water and energy bills and
                                                        or consider alternatives such as
        cut greenhouse gas emissions by
                                                        artificial turf.
        up to one tonne per year.
                                                    •   Install a rain water tank.
    •   Install a dual flush toilet that can
        save you 50 per cent of water on
        each flush.

                                                    37 Marsden J (2006), Securing Australia’s Water Supplies:
                                                       Opportunities and Impediments. A discussion paper
                                                       prepared for the Department of Prime Minister and
                                                       Cabinet (

Recycled water and greywater                        Another option for water reuse is using
Recycled (or reclaimed) water refers to             greywater — water from the kitchen,
sewage that has been treated by a series            laundry and bathroom (but not the toilet) —
of processes, such as micro-filtration,             on gardens. Greywater reuse can occur at
reverse osmosis, oxidation and ultraviolet          the household level, allowing all Australians
disinfection, to create clean water and even        to contribute to managing limited
drinking water. Many countries with climates        water resources.39
similar to ours and with limited fresh water
supplies use recycled water. In Australia,          Desalination plants
recycled water has been used for decades            Many states are investing in desalination
for watering parks and ovals, and for               plants, because they can provide long-term
industrial use and irrigation.38 In some areas,     water security.40
communities are discussing the possibility
of using recycled water for drinking water,         Desalination plants remove salt and
usually described as ‘planned indirect              impurities from seawater, and treat the
potable reuse’. This means that recycled            water so it meets drinking quality standards.
water is returned to the local water source         The most common method used for
(reservoir, river or aquifer), where it is stored   desalination is reverse osmosis. This involves
and then collected and treated in the same          forcing water through a membrane under
way as existing water supplies.                     high pressure. The advantage of desalination
                                                    is that water is available even in times of low
Recycled water can be less dependent on             rainfall. However, desalination is expensive,
rainfall than many water supplies. It uses          uses large amounts of energy and produces
less energy than desalination and reduces           brine (water with a high concentration of salt)
the amount of nutrients (such as phosphorus         as a byproduct.
and nitrogen), sediments, and contaminants
discharged to the environment. The Australian
Guidelines for Water Recycling provide a
national framework for managing human and
environmental health risks, and guidance
on how recycling can be done safely and
sustainably. While the introduction of recycled
water into drinking water supplies is a decision
for state governments, water managers and
                                                    38 National Water Commission (2007), Recycled Water
communities, recycled water for drinking               fact sheet (
needs to meet the requirements of the               39 National Water Commission (2008), Requirements for
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines,                  the installation of rainwater and greywater systems in
which are designed to protect public health.           Australia, Waterlines report No 10 — November 2008
                                                    40 For example, see Australian Water Association
                                                       desalination fact sheet ( or the
                                                       National Urban Water Desalination Plan fact sheet

Aquifer                                          Headwaters
A land formation that holds groundwater          The source of a river or stream

Ecosystem                                        Hydro-electric
A group of plants and animals interacting        Electricity generated from the movement
with each other and the environment in           of water
which they live
                                                 Managed aquifer recharge
Endemic                                          The purposeful recharge of water to aquifers
Native and unique to a place, not occurring      (underground reservoirs) under controlled
elsewhere                                        conditions for subsequent recovery or
                                                 environmental benefit
The part of the mouth or lower course of a       Monsoon depression
river in which the current meets the sea tides   An area of low pressure circulation (such as a
and is subject to their effects                  cyclone) in certain regions that results in high
                                                 levels of rainfall
Changing from a liquid into a vapour             Over-allocated
                                                 For water, the planned removal of more water
Evapotranspiration                               from a river system than is available
Evaporation of water from the Earth’s
surfaces, including soil and water sources,      Sustainable yield
and also from vegetation transpiration           The level of water extraction from a
                                                 particular system which, if exceeded,
Groundwater                                      would compromise key environmental
Water beneath the ground surface                 assets or ecosystem functions and the
                                                 productive base of the resource
Groundwater recharge
A hydrologic (water circulation) process in      Surface water
which water moves downward from surface          Water above the ground surface
water to groundwater

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Front cover: Kakadu National Park, NT (Ian Oswald-Jacobs & DEWHA)
Back cover: East Alligator River, Kakadu National Park, NT (Michelle McAulay & DEWHA)
             Purnululu National Park, Kimberley, WA (Colin Totterdell & DEWHA)
             Daintree River National Park (Colin Totterdell & DEWHA)
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