National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together

National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
National School Sport Week at Home 2020
 Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together


                   Activity Ideas
National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
Athletics (Track and Field)

Consider the five ways
to wellbeing throughout
your chosen activity:                             Choose                                Challenge                                   Capture
                                       Choose your event, these are just            Challenge yourself, your family, your       Capture it, create memories and
                                       a few ideas:                                 friends:                                    celebrate. Why not…
                                       • Quick Start – How fast can you react       • How far could you run with all your       • Create and stage your own ‘old
                                         from different starting positions to         quick start attempts                        school’ sports day using multiple
                                         sprint a set distance?                     • How many people could you challenge         activities
                                       • Speed bounce – this will certainly get       to do speed bounce at the same time?      • Have fun with it – you could wear
                                         your heart racing. How many times can      • Can you support each other to               fancy-dress
      Take part in individual skills     you jump side to side in 60 seconds?         improve your personal best?               • Have a parents’/guardians’ race
      challenges / events. Can you     • Right Way Wrong Way – in 60                                                            • Create a journal or scrapbook
      go faster, higher, stronger?       seconds, can you challenge someone                                                       about your week to capture these
                                         to turn everything the right way, as you                                                 memories.
                                         turn everything the wrong way? You
                                         could play this in teams, or as a relay.                                               Take photos, videos and make
      Encourage each other to
      improve your Personal Bests      • Wacky races – can you create your                                                      memories. We would love to see
      (PBs)                              own Wacky race? Add obstacles, find                                                    them. #NSSWtogether
                                         different ways to move and compete
                                         against the clock? Challenge someone
                                         in your home, or virtually to take
      Show your acts of kindness         part too.
      through support for each         • Running cards – race against the clock
      other                              and an opponent to reveal the Ace to
                                         the King in a suit of cards. How quickly
                                         can you complete the challenge? Can
                                         you improve your time?
                                                                                                                                                 Sky Sports Scholar
      Make a note of the progress
      and improvement you each         • Nutty squirrels – as a team or                                            Samantha Kinghorn, wheelchair racing
      make                               individually, how many items can you
                                         collect before they are all gone?
                                                                                                                    “Sport is amazing!
      Learn new skills and see
                                                                                                                     Give everything your best, try new things and
      self-improvement through
                                                                                                                     never give up.“
      preparation and practice
National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
Aiming Sports

Consider the five
ways to wellbeing
throughout your                                 Choose                                Challenge                                    Capture
chosen activity:
                                     Choose your event, these are just            Challenge yourself, your family, your       Capture it, create memories and
                                     a few ideas:                                 friends:                                    celebrate. Why not…
                                     • Frisbee golf – get creative with setting   • What is the highest score you can         • Take part dressed up like a famous
                                       up a course around your house, either        achieve together in a set time?             sports person from your chosen
                                       indoors or out. Decide how many shots      • How many can you do or how far can          activity
                                       to allow per hole and have fun.              you go without stopping?                  • Add a theme and pretend to be
                                     • Target games – there are lots of ideas     • Can you work together to improve            Robin Hood
      Practise target and rally        here for you to try. So why not try them
      games. How many can you                                                       your score over three attempts?           • Send your video to friends and
                                       all? Decide which is your favourite,                                                     family challenging them to beat
      do? Can you improve your         then attempt to beat your personal
      personal best?                                                                                                            your score
                                                                                                                              • Create a journal or scrapbook
                                     • King of the cones – can you be the                                                       about your week to capture these
                                       king or queen of the cones? Hit your                                                     memories.
      Work together to achieve a       opponent’s cone, collect it and add it
      shared goal or score             to yours. Can you hit them all to win?                                                 Take photos, videos and make
                                     • In the box – how far away from the box                                                 memories. We would love to see
                                       can you get and still land your ball on                                                them. #NSSWtogether
                                       target? Challenge yourself to improve
      Know yourself and how you        your personal best.                                                                                      Sky Sports Scholar
      can make a difference to       • Tap up tennis – how many times can
      help others                      you tap up a tennis ball in 60 seconds?                                  Emily Appleton, tennis
                                       How many times can you rally with
                                       a partner to keep the ball up in 60
      Take notice of the target        seconds?                                                                  “When I was at school I absolutely loved
      and goal you are working                                                                                    competition, and taking part in PE lessons was my
      towards                                                                                                     favourite time of the week so I cannot imagine
                                                                                                                  the thought of not being allowed to do this over
                                                                                                                  the period of lockdown. As a result I am sure you
                                                                                                                  are all itching to get back out there and be active
      Develop your hand-eye
                                                                                                                  which is why National School Sport Week at Home
      coordination and aiming, as
                                                                                                                  is the perfect opportunity to do so! “
      well as patience and control
National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
Team Sports

Consider the five
ways to wellbeing
throughout your                                 Choose                                Challenge                                   Capture
chosen activity:
                                     Choose your event, these are just            Challenge yourself, your family, your       Capture it, create memories and
                                     a few ideas:                                 friends:                                    celebrate. Why not…
                                     • Super session – there are lots of ideas    • How many can you do without               • Create a team celebration to
                                       here for you to try. So why not try them     stopping?                                   complete after the challenge?
                                       all? Decide which is your favourite,       • Can you work together to improve            Film it and share it.
                                       work together and aim to beat your           over three attempts?                      • Take a ‘professional’ team photo to
                                       personal best.                                                                           include everyone who took part in
                                                                                  • Can you adapt the challenge to make
      Take part in team              • Fast feet – how many times can you           it more creative or encourage more          your activity.
      challenges                       dribble a ball around a marker and           family members to be involved?            • Create a team identity and dress
                                       back in 60 seconds? Does this improve                                                    the same to play.
                                       when you are part of a team? Try using
                                                                                                                              • Create a journal or scrapbook
                                       different types of ball!
                                                                                                                                about your week to capture these
                                     • Wastepaper Basketball – how far                                                          memories.
      Work together as part            can you shoot a basket from into a
      of a team                        bin? Challenge someone to beat your                                                    Take photos, videos and make
                                       distance and find new ways to throw                                                    memories. We would love to see
                                       it in!                                                                                 them. #NSSWtogether
                                     • Keepy uppy challenge – an oldie but
      Recreate that sense of
                                       a goodie! How many can you do in
      belonging. What does it feel
                                       a pair, as a team? Try using different
      like to be part of a team?
                                       types of balls or objects.
                                     • Cool catcher – how many throws and
                                       catches can you do with a partner in
                                       60 seconds? Could you make it more
                                                                                                                                                Sky Sports Scholar
      Take notice of what it feels
      like to achieve as a team        challenging? E.g. turn around after
                                                                                                                 Imani Lansiquot, athletics
                                       each throw.
                                     • Sock wars – a bit like tag rugby, can
                                       you protect your socks from capture                                        “In these unprecedented times, it’s even more
      Develop your passing,            by your opponents?
      kicking and coordination                                                                                     integral children are keeping fit not only for
      skills. Don’t forget the                                                                                     physical benefit but also for mental benefit.“
      importance of teamwork
National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
Adventure Sports

Consider the five ways to
wellbeing throughout your
chosen activity:                                 Choose                                 Challenge                                     Capture
                                     Choose your event, these are just              Challenge yourself, your family, your         Capture it, create memories and
      Find new trails to explore
                                     a few ideas:                                   friends:                                      celebrate. Why not…
      and set yourself a personal
      challenge to beat              • Race across the river – using only           • Creativity is key, challenge yourself       • Go outdoors and find a new space
                                       two flat objects can you cross the river       to set up exciting routes and give            to take part in your activity.
                                       without touching the floor? Challenge          them a try.                                 • Take pictures along your journey,
     Get ready for an adventure.       yourself to find new ways to move, can       • Time yourself from start to finish, then      can you find all the colours in the
     Use your chosen event to          you get faster?                                try to improve your time.                     rainbow?
     explore what is around you.     • Orienteering challenge – create an           • Find new creative ways to move, test        • Can you draw a map of the route
     Try something new together        orienteering treasure hunt in your own         your limits to improve.                       you take on your journey?
                                       home or local surroundings. Can you
                                                                                                                                  • Create a journal or scrapbook
                                       make the challenge more difficult by
      Share your experiences with                                                                                                   about your week to capture these
                                       hiding items that spell out a hidden
      others. Involve your family,                                                                                                  memories.
      friends and neighbours in
                                     • Swipe and swap – how good are you                                                          Take photos, videos and make
      your activities
                                       at moving objects with different parts                                                     memories. We would love to see
                                       of your body? This is a great activity                                                     them. #NSSWtogether
                                       for core stability and balance. Can
     Take notice of your
                                       you challenge yourself to beat your
     environment. Use this as an
                                       personal best in three attempts?
     opportunity to learn more                                                                                                                      Sky Sports Scholar
     about your surroundings         • Horizontal climbing – don’t worry you
                                       don’t need to climb the side of your
                                                                                                                     Max Litchfield, swimming
                                       house for this one! Just use socks and
      Challenge yourself to learn      gloves and remember to maintain
      more about your limits           three points of contact!
                                                                                                                      “Sport is an absolutely incredible thing for so
      and find creative ways to      • Go for a bike ride – find a new route,                                          many reasons, but above all for living a happy
      improve                          challenge yourself to cycle further or                                          and healthy lifestyle! As you have signed up to
                                       faster in a time trial. Stay safe and take                                      the National School Sport Week at Home you
                                       notice of your environment.                                                     clearly agree with me and I would just like to
                                                                                                                       say good luck with everything this week, learn,
                                                                                                                       make friends (even if it is socially distanced
                                                                                                                       friends) but most of all, have fun! “
National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
Artistic Sports

Consider the five
ways to wellbeing
throughout your                                  Choose                                Challenge                                   Capture
chosen activity:
                                      Choose your event, these are just            Challenge yourself, your family, your       Capture it, create memories and
                                      a few ideas:                                 friends:                                    celebrate. Why not…
                                      • Partner dance – find a partner and         • Can you support each other to try new     • Put on a performance, film it and
                                        have fun. Either copy this dance or get      activities?                                 share it with family and friends.
                                        creative and choreograph your own.         • Pick your favourite song and              • Have a dance off! Who has the
                                      • Disney Dance Along – looking for             choreograph a new routine.                  best moves? Would you put this on
       Get creative and come up         inspiration, then check out these          • Showcase your performances and hold         TikTok?
       with fun new activities to       Disney themed dances. Find a partner,        up scores like you are on Strictly Come   • Create a poster to showcase your
       try!                             pick your favourite Disney Dance,            Dancing! Don’t forget to share top tips     performance.
                                        practise and perform.                        to help someone improve.                  • Create a journal or scrapbook
                                      • Cosmic Kids Yoga – relax and practise                                                    about your week to capture these
                                        your poses with some Yoga. Can you                                                       memories.
       Create activities to             get your whole family involved? Could
       perform together                 you then create your own Yoga flow?                                                    Take photos, videos and make
                                      • KIDZBOP – choose your favourite                                                        memories. We would love to see
                                        song, gather your backing dancers,                                                     them. #NSSWtogether
       Take part in your activities     watch the video and recreate
       for pure entertainment.          the dance. Could you use this as
       Have fun and put a smile         inspiration to create your own dance?
       on everyone’s face             • Upside down challenge – can you
                                                                                                                                                Sky Sports Scholar
                                        balance something on your body as
                                        you turn upside down? Head stands,
                                                                                                                  Joe Fraser, gymnastics
       Take notice of your own          handstands, balances – get creative.
       and others’ creativity. Be     • Become a super mover! – there are
       proud and have fun trying        lots of ideas here for you to try. Dance                                   “With it being National School Sport Week at
       something new                    with Alex Scott, Max and Harvey or The                                      Home, I think it’s a great opportunity for us
                                        Vamps! Get the whole family involved                                        all to get active and involved! Giving us all
                                        in the dance mat fun. Follow the moves                                      the opportunity to try some new sports and
        Learn to choreograph            and feel the groove!                                                        experiences. Enjoy yourself, get involved and
        and use your imagination.
                                                                                                                    have fun“
        Challenge yourself to be
National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together National School Sport Week at Home 2020 - Activity Ideas - Celebrating the power of sport to bring people together
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