NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...

Page created by Franklin Chan
NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
          DISPLAY MARCH 1 ­– MAY 1, 2020

  Drake revitalization
  effort Takes shape
  By Lori Calhoun
  Last year, the city of Des Moines        Lori Calhoun (resident and DNA board
  selected a portion of the Drake          member), Seth Crouch (rehabber and
  Neighborhood as one of four pilot        landlord), Alec Davis (Drake business
  areas. It designated each area a         owner), Deric Gourd (resident and
  Special Investment District (SID)        housing non-profit rep), Jason
  where a unique mix of public and         Stuyvesant (resident, DNA board
  private resources can be focused         member, and realtor), and Adam White
  to spur revitalization. The Drake        (resident and Cottage Grove Church         Read the full plan at Watch for
  SID extends from Interstate 235 to       rep). The committee assessed the           incentive program details at
  University Avenue between 24th           neighborhood, reviewed the housing
  and 35th Streets.                        market and housing stock, created          Invest DSM is alsofinalizing details
                                           a brand and vision statement, and          on several incentive programs,
  City leaders and a steering              developed an action plan to achieve        including two outlined in February
  committee of local residents from        key outcomes through investment.           that should be available later this
  each SID worked to develop plans                                                    spring for properties within the SIDs:
  to spur home investment. At the          The committee is now starting to
  same time, the city and Polk County      activate that plan, with initial efforts   • A block-challenge grant would
  committed funds to create a new          focused on:                                provide a dollar-for-dollar match of
  non-profit called Invest DSM that                                                   $1,000 to $2,500 per neighbor for
  will provide programs and incentives     • Revitalizing the Cottage Grove           groups of five to 10 neighbors who
  to homeowners, home-builders,            triangle, a small memorial garden          work together to make home and
  and landlords in the SIDs—as well        located at Kingman Boulevard, 25th         landscaping improvements that
  as commercial investments for            Street, and Cottage Grove. Plans           boost curb appeal on their block.
  business developers and owners.          have been designed, and the city is
                                           providing $15,000 toward the project,      • A home renovation program
  DNA board member and Drake               if used by June 2020.                      would provide forgivable loans
  resident Jennifer Sayers led Drake’s                                                for 25 to 50 percent of the cost
  revitalization steering committee,       • Branding the Dogtown Business            of major renovations at owner-
  which also included: Ryan Arnold         District just east of Drake University     occupied homes. Watch for details at
  (resident and Drake University rep),     as a more identifiable destination. in March and April.

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
Witmer Park
Project on
the Upswing
By Jennifer Sayers
                                           This is the playground concept we’re raising funds for in Witmer Park. Neighbors and kids of all ages
                                           helped choose this design through public input meetings and dot-sticker voting on desired amenities.

A half-million-dollar upgrade begun        a major grant toward the project, the               year. Working with the city and Polk
last summer at Witmer Park is on           initial plans did not include restrooms             County, the Witmer Park Project
track for completion in spring 2021.       or replacement of Witmer’s aging                    has secured all the necessary funds
                                           playground equipment.                               for the restroom. Fundraising for a
Already complete are a new concrete                                                            new playground continues, however,
trail system, two open-air shelters,       Park neighbors and members of the                   and you can help us reach our goal.
a fishing pier, and the rehabilitation     Beaverdale and Drake Neighborhood                   See the site plan, project details,
(including dredging and re-stocking)       Associations organized the Witmer                   and a link to donate to the Witmer
of Witmer Park’s signature pond.           Park Project to raise money for                     Park Project GoFundMe account at
Because of funding constraints tied to     these additional amenities last           

      This is a
 drawing of a                                                                                  HOPE MOVING IN,
 planned new
    and open-
                                                                                               BY THE HUNDREDS
    air shelter                                                                                By Mary Christopher
 northwest of
  the existing                                                                                 Lutheran Church of Hope, new owner
  wading pool                                                                                  of the former First Christian Church
and shelter at                                                                                 at 2500 University Ave., hopes to
  Drake Park.
                                                                                               bring its services and approximately
                                                                                               700 worshippers to the Drake
                                                                                               Neighborhood landmark this spring.

Drake park getting Sprayground                                                                 Chartered in 1994, Hope has six
                                                                                               campuses where more than 12,000
By Jennifer Sayers                         work in the summer and continue into                people worship every weekend. Hope
                                           the fall, with the sprayground opening              Des Moines Campus Pastor Jon
Kids who love splashing in the             to the public in spring of 2021.The                 Anenson said his campus will move
wading pool at Drake Park will have        existing open-air limestone shelter                 to Drake from its current location on
more ways to get wet there after this      will be renovated into a rentable four-             Ingersoll Avenue after completing some
summer. Plans are moving ahead for         season shelter with restrooms.                      work on the historic building.
a park upgrade that includes a new
sprayground and shelter renovation.        An open-air shelter will be added near              Anenson said the church’s goal is
                                           the tennis courts for park users who                to “be a part of the neighborhood—
The sprayground design is nearly           have not rented the building.                       spiritually, physically, and emotionally.”
complete and will soon enter the                                                               That means connecting with
process for City Council approval          Parks and Recreation has hired an                   businesses, organizations, and other
and public bidding. The city’s Parks       architect to work on the shelter design             churches to understand needs, and
and Recreation Department hopes to         and hopes the renovated shelter will                help with the great things already
hire a contractor by early spring, start   also open in the spring of 2021.                    happening in the neighborhood.

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
L-shaped four-story apartment building      the business area bordering Drake
WORK CONTINUES                          with up to 136 units, mostly studios
                                        and two-bedrooms, plus ground-floor
                                                                                    University. She’s tasked with building
                                                                                    a coalition of Drake-area business
ALONG UNIVERSITY                        retail space along University Avenue
                                        and 50 parking spots behind.
                                                                                    leaders to help define and brand the
                                                                                    Dogtown business district.
As the weather warms, the city of
Des Moines and Drake University will    Construction also continues on Drake
recommence street work on University
Avenue from 25th to 31st Streets. The
                                        University’s Harkin Institute. The $8.75
                                        million,16,000-square-foot structure at
                                                                                    DRAKE HOME
project began last summer with sewer
separation work and is expected to be
                                        28th Street and University Avenue is
                                        expected to be complete late this fall.
                                                                                    TOUR RETURNS!
                                                                                    The Drake Neighborhood Association
complete this July.                                                                 is pleased to announce the long-
                                        Kum & Go is gearing up to redevelop
                                                                                    awaited return of its popular Drake
Drake University has begun removing     the southwest corner of 31st and
                                                                                    home tour this fall!
houses it owns on the 2900 block of     University, replacing the existing store
University Avenue to make way for an    and apartment building with a larger,       A committee of neighbors has set the
as-yet undisclosed development. At      modern store and a new footprint            dates—Oct. 10-11—and is working on
least three of the homes were moved     that puts the building nearer the           points of interest and volunteer and
to Sherman Hill in February.            intersection and moves the pumps,           sponsorship opportunities.
                                        parking, and driveways farther from
A new five-story 124-room hotel on      the intersection for better traffic flow.   The 2020 tour will focus on the south-
University Avenue between 26th and                                                  central part of the neighborhood which
27th Streets is now clad in brick and                                               aligns with the Drake SID revitalization
mostly enclosed. The $28 million
Nelson Construction development
                                        CHAMBER ADDS                                zone (between 24th and 35th Streets,
                                                                                    from University Avenue to I-235).
is expected to open as a Hilton
Home2Suites with a restaurant and
                                        DOGTOWN FOCUS                               The aim is to celebrate the
other retail spaces later this year.    The Des Moines West Side Chamber            neighborhood and showcase its
                                        of Commerce has hired Drake                 wonderful opportunities. Interested
Nelson also anticipates breaking        University public relations student         in volunteering or having your home
ground this spring on the southeast     Seherzada Salkanovic as an intern           featured on the tour? Please contact
corner of 26th and University for an    assigned specifically to focus on           Lori Calhoun at

  By Mary Christopher                   are a great crime deterrent and are         address has been registered as
                                        now also becoming helpful for police.       having a camera, and the police
  We asked Des Moines Police                                                        believe the video might aid their
  Sgt. Mark McKinney about a new        What about privacy? I might not             investigation, they will contact you
  program that helps police find        want to share everything that my            to ask your permission to review
  relevant home security footage to     doorbell cam captures.                      video from around the time the
  help fight neighborhood crime.        Authorized officers will only have          crime occurred.
                                        access to your contact info—never to
  What is WatchDSM exactly?             your videos without your permission.        How do neighbors who have
  It is another way that citizens can   For example: Let’s say your                 home security cameras enroll?
  take an active role in keeping our    neighbor’s house gets broken into.          Go to the WatchDSM web page
  neighborhoods safe with their own     The police would run that address           and sign up with your name,
  security cameras. These cameras       in the WatchDSM database. If your           address, and contact information.

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
By Jennifer Sayers

Fong’s Pizza opened a new location near 31st Street
and Forest Avenue last March and has thrown its support
behind the Drake Neighborhood ever since. You might
recall enjoying some of Fong’s tasty thin-crust pizza at
last summer’s Free Flicks event in Witmer Park. But you
might not know that Fong’s has been partnering with local
                                                                 Jeff Bruning at the Drake Fong's location. PHOTO BY JENNIFER SAYERS
businesses—delivering pizza to patrons who order from
Peggy’s, the bar next door; offering free pizza when you         the soon-to-open Crazy Horse Burgers and Beer in the
buy an oil change at the Drake Garage, a gift certificate at     Drake area. Co-owner Jeff Bruning says crab rangoon
Friederich’s Coffee, or a tattoo at Sacred Diamond; and          pizza is a top seller, but students also love the honey-
even launching a “Pizza Ninja” program that surprises            garlic at the Drake Fong’s, where you can get two slices
local businesses with a free delivered pizza.                    and a soda for $7.50 or $2 slices from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                 weekdays. Fong’s also offers salads, appetizers, and a
Fong’s is part of the Full Court Press family of local           kids’ menu; takes online takeout orders; and is working to
restaurants, which includes University Library Cafe and          launch home delivery in the Drake Neighborhood.

                  The U.S. Census

                  happens just once
                  every 10 years. And
                                               grow food, friends at Garden
                  accurate head counts         By Jessica Crawford                       Eddie V. Robinson, Jr., master
                  help determine bus                                                     gardener, and Rose Scott have
                  routes and school            Want to test your green thumb this        been managing the garden
                  district boundaries,         year? All out of garden space in          since 1999.
                  where funds and              your yard? Want to meet and learn
                  resources are spent,         from other gardeners? Consider            They plan to host the first
                  and your representation      joining your neighbors at the Drake       community work day in mid-April,
                  in Congress. So it only      Neighborhood Community Garden!            or as soon as the weather allows.
                  makes sense to be
                                               Located on 27th Street a few              If you have questions or are
                  sure you are counted
                  during the 2020 Census       houses south of University Avenue,        interested in cultivating a plot at the
                  this April. Census           the garden has a rich history in          Drake Neighborhood Community
                  workers will be in every     the neighborhood. It has hosted           Garden, call Eddie (515-664-5779)
                  neighborhood to note         gardeners since the mid-1990s.            or Rose (515-343-0845).
                  how many people              There is no charge to cultivate one
                                               of its roughly thirty 12-foot-square      Returning gardeners get priority in
                  live at each address.
                                               plots. But gardeners are expected to      choosing size and location of plots.
                  Please help your
                                               participate in community work days        Remaining plots are assigned on a
                  neighbors understand
                                               at the garden to help maintain its        first-come, first-served basis.
                  the importance of being
                  counted. And if you          beauty and functionality.
                  need a job, the Census
                  is hiring! Find details at

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
                                                                                                            By Nichole Aksamit Purcell
                                                                                      Drake University
                                                                                      hosted a live
                                                                                      CNN Democratic
                                                                                      debate, a Donald
                                                                                      Trump rally, and
                                                                                      a mock caucus in
                                                                                      the span of two
                                                                                      weeks in January.
                                                                                      The winner?
                                                                                      Griff the Bulldog,

Neighbors decorated a 35-foot evergreen
tree across from Old Main, a 3-foot tree at the
Cottage Grove triangle, and construction fencing
along University, then hosted a “Light It Up!”
holiday lighting event with cookies and carolers
Dec. 16. An Invest DSM grant funded the lights.

                                           At the Dec. 11 Drake Neighborhood Association election,
                                           members voted some new faces onto the board: Jessica
                                           Crawford (pictured far left), who succeeded Erin Sears, and
                                           Alec Davis (pictured left), appointed to fill the remainder of
                                           Amy Clark's term. Members also re-elected and approved
                                           new roles for some familiar faces: Lori Calhoun is now
                                           president, Jason Stuyvesant vice president, Tom Biedenfeld
                                           secretary, and Jennifer Sayers past president. Mark Schneider
                                           was re-elected treasurer, and Eldon "Mac" McAfee and John
                                           Smith were re-elected to two-year terms on the 15-member
                                           board. Seven seats will open for election in December 2020.

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
  Check Facebook (@DrakeNeighborhoodAssociation) for updates and additional happenings.

MARCH                                    APRIL                                   MAY
          DNA Board Meeting, 7 p.m. at           Bucksbaum Lecture: An                    DNA Board meeting, 7 p.m. at
  11      Polk County Central Senior      2      Evening with Cary Fowler,       13       Polk County Central Senior
          Center, 2008 Forest Ave.               (co-founder of the Global                Center, 2008 Forest Ave.
                                                 Seed Vault in Norway), free,
          AfroPuff Lederhosen                    at Drake University.                     SCRUB day. Yard waste,
  17      (A Comically Critical                                                  16       trash, and bulk items
          Investigation of Race),                DNA Board meeting, 7 p.m.                accepted free, 7 a.m. to
          6 Drake University,      8      at Polk County Central Senior            2 p.m. at MWA Transfer
          free with registration at              Center, 2008 Forest Ave.                 Station and MWA Compost
                                                 Spring Spruce-Up,
          SCRUB day. Yard waste,                                                          Neighborhood Volunteer
                                         15      neighborhood trash cleanup,
  21      trash, and bulk items                  5:30 p.m. at Walgreen's         23       Day with Walnut Creek
          accepted free, 7 a.m. to               parking lot. Also: Tiny Trees            Church. Details to come.
          2 p.m. at MWA Transfer                 registration deadline.
          Station, 4198 Delaware
          Ave. and MWA Compost
          Center, 1601 Harriett St.      18
                                                 Mega SCRUB day. Yard
                                                 waste, trash, and bulk items
                                                 accepted free, 7 a.m. to                 Free Flicks at dusk at
                                                 2 p.m. at MWA Transfer          16       Witmer Park. We will
                                                 Station and MWA Compost                  be revealing the movie
  GOT NEWS                                       Center, and 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                 at Hoover High School.
                                                                                          selection soon! But please
                                                                                          save the date for this free
  Please send details (including
                                                 Drake Relays Road Races
                                                                                          movie in the park!

  time, date, and location) to
                                         19      (5k, 10k, and half-marathon
                                                 courses through the                     neighborhood from 7:30          CALLING ALL BUSINESSES!
  by May 15 for consideration                    a.m.) See maps at: www.         Email to
  in our next newsletter. Produced            learn how you can become
  entirely by volunteers, it publishes           road-races-course               a 2020 Drake Neighborhood
  March 1, June 1, Sep. 1, and                                                   Association business partner
  Dec. 1, 2020.                                    Drake Relays, an event        and advertise in the newsletter.
                                         22-25     that draws thousands of
                                                   runners, fans, and alumni.

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
During SCRUB events, disposal
                                                                                   is free with proof of residency in
                                                                                   Des Moines. Visit the Public Works
                                                                                   SCRUB calendar at or our
                                                                                   calendar (p. 6) for upcoming dates.

                                                                                   STICKER IT: Buy and apply extra-
                                                                                   trash, compost, or large-item pickup
                                                                                   stickers (available at the service
                                                                                   counter at local grocery stores) and
                                                                                   place stickered items on the curb
                                                                                   on your usual collection day. A $1
                                                                                   extra-trash sticker covers smaller
                                                                                   items like small TVs and computer
                                                                                   monitors, a $1.25 compost-it sticker
                                                                                   covers Christmas trees, a $5 sticker
                                                                                   covers most furniture items and twin/
  By Nichole Aksamit Purcell                RECYCLE IT: MidAmerican Energy         full-sized mattresses, two $5 stickers
                                            has an appliance recycling program     cover larger mattresses, and you’ll
  DON’T DUMP IT! Dumping                    that picks up and pays $50 for         need seven $5 stickers (and a call to
  furniture, mattresses, tires, branches,   working stoves and fridges and         Public Works) for appliances.
  and other large items near dumpsters,     $25 for working AC units. Call
  on curbs, or along alleyways is not       800-621-2757.                          HAUL IT: Take it to one of the metro
  only prohibited in Des Moines. It’s                                              area’s landfills. Unless it’s during a
  also unneighborly, unsightly, and         DONATE IT: Many charities will         SCRUB event, this is usually your
  unsafe. It attracts pests, invites        accept and even arrange to pick        most expensive option, as there’s
  more dumping, and impedes traffic.        up good used furniture, working        typically a per-vehicle load fee,
  INSTEAD, YOU CAN...                       electronics, building materials, and   plus per-item fees for electronics
                                            appliances. (Note: Mattresses are      and larger items that can be
  SELL IT: Post it for sale or for          typically not accepted.)               disassembled and recycled. Visit
  free on Craigslist, Facebook                                            for more information.
  Marketplace, or Nextdoor. Someone         SCRUB IT: Drop it at a designated
  might happily haul it away—and            drop-off site during city SCRUB        SEE DUMPING? REPORT IT! Use
  even pay you for it. Just don’t leave     (Spring Cleanup to Reduce Urban        the My DSM Mobile app or the My
  items on the curb for pickup without      Blight) events, held the third         DSM function at to report
  a sticker, which can get you a ticket.    Saturday March through November.       illegal dumping.

DRAKE NEIGHBORHOOD-BASED                                        Animal Control & Shelter: 515-242-2720
SERVICE DELIVERY TEAM MEMBERS                                   Graffiti Hotline: 515-248-6331
Des Moines Police Sgt. Mark McKinney:                           Weed Control: 515-286-3005
Des Moines Housing Inspector Eric Barker:                       DNA BOARD OFFICERS
515-283-4980,                                President Lori Calhoun: 515-240-6090,
NBSD Committee Chair Bill Cappuccio:                            Vice President Jason Stuyvesant: 515-778-9669,
                                                                Treasurer Mark Schneider: 515-277-4268,
OTHER HELPFUL NUMBERS                                 
Police (non-emergency): 515-283-4811                            Secretary Tom Biedenfeld: 515-402-7534,
DSM Public Schools Security: 515-242-7621             
Drake University Security: 515-271-2222
City of Des Moines Information Center: 515-283-4500             FOR emergencies, ALWAYS CALL 911 First!

DRAKE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER | FIRST QUARTER 2020                                                              7
NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
   1 BECOME A MEMBER                       2 COME TO A MEETING 4 VOLUNTEER                                               Drake
   You can join or renew as                The Drake Neighborhood                                is a great big neighborhood,
   a member of the Drake                   Association board generally                           full of diverse people, talents,
   Neighborhood Association                meets at 7 p.m. the second                            and needs. Why not match
   three ways: by credit card              Wednesday of each month, at                           your passions and skills with
   at               the Polk County Central Senior                        a neighborhood project?
   membership-signup; with cash            Center, 2008 Forest Ave., unless                      Whether it’s for a single event
   or check at one of our meetings;        otherwise noted. (Check for                           or an ongoing issue (like
   or with your name, address,             updates on our Facebook page,                         marketing, beautification, safety,
   telephone number, email,                on the Nextdoor app, and on the                       development, or neighbor
   and a check mailed to Drake    website.)                       outreach), tell us what you’re
   Neighborhood Association, PO            Our next meeting is March 11.                         interested in or good at, and we’ll
   Box 41128, Des Moines, IA 50311.                                                              find a project for you.
   Membership is $20 a year or $80
   for five years. Benefits include
   access to our quarterly newsletter
                                           3 FIND AND FOLLOW                                     We need LOTS of people to help
                                                                                                 out (even just a little) throughout
   and email blasts, invitations to        US ON FACEBOOK                                        the year to help things go
   events, the ability to vote for and     It’s a great way to stay in the                       smoothly. Just email your name,
   be nominated to board seats, plus       loop about what’s happening in                        address, and a sentence or two
   opportunities to meet neighbors         the neighborhood, find volunteer                      about yourself and the things
   and get involved in making              opportunities, and connect with                       you’d like to help with to info@
   our neighborhood even better.           other neighbors. So please find,            
   Membership dollars help support         like, and follow us on Facebook
   our all-volunteer association.          (@DrakeNeighborhoodAssociation).                      Many hands make light work!

                                                                                         Got Drake History?
                                                                                         Do you have pictures of the Drake
                                                                                         Neighborhood from earlier days? Buildings
                                                                                         that have changed or no longer exist?
                                                                                         Stories of famous people or happenings
                                                                                         in the neighborhood? Please email photos
                                                                                         and details to DNA board member Jessica
                                                                                         Crawford at
                                                                                         We want to celebrate and share our rich,
                                                                                         diverse history with neighbors in future
                                                                                         newsletters and on social media!

                         THESE LOCAL BUSINESSES ARE proud SUPPORTERS
                            O F T H E D R A K E N E I G H B O R H O O D A S S O C I AT I O N !

                                  NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Nichole Aksamit Purcell,

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NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ... NEIGHBOR NEWS - Drake Neighborhood ...
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