Neuromuscular & Autonomic Complications of COVID-19

Page created by Patricia Black
Neuromuscular & Autonomic Complications of COVID-19

   Neuromuscular &
   Autonomic Complications
   of COVID-19
   Potential causal relationships can be assessed by criteria of strength, consistency,
   temporality, biologic gradient, plausibility, coherence, and analogy.
   By Helmar C. Lehmann, MD

                    COVID-19, first reported in December 2019
                    and declared a “Public Health Emergency
                    of International Concern” in March 2020,
                    has caused a recorded 3,857,563 deaths. The
                    still-ongoing pandemic of COVID‑19 caused
                    by SARS‑CoV‑2 infection has also spawned
   an unprecedentedly large body of literature describing
   new onset or aggravation of extrapulmonary conditions,
   particularly neurologic disease, in temporal association
   with COVID‑19. An analysis of publication trends in the
   last 15 months reveals an ever-growing number of papers
   describing, analyzing, and summarizing multiple aspects of
   COVID‑19 and neuromuscular conditions (Figure).
      At a glance, this number may suggest a causal relation-
   ship between COVID‑19 and neuromuscular disease, but
   biases could overestimate the significance and erroneously
   indicate causality. Bibliometric analysis demonstrates that
   this “tsunami” of COVID‑19 publications contains a high
   number of poor-quality studies and a low number of stud-
   ies of higher evidence (eg, clinical trials, large-cohort data
   registries, or meta-analysis).1,2 Most published articles related
   to COVID‑19 and neuromuscular disorders are case series
   or reports. Only 25% of more than 2,000 papers published            Figure. The number of new articles and preprints indexed in the US
   on COVID‑19 in the first quarter of 2020 contained origi-           National Library of Medicine ( related to COVID‑19
   nal data.3 Although case reports are important to raise             overall (green line) increased rapidly in the first 3 quarters of 2020,
   awareness of rare and novel associations, they are, in most         plateaued in the 4th quarter and then began to decline in the first
   instances, insufficient to establish causality. To assess evi-      quarter of 2021. In contrast, papers related to neurologic disease
   dence of neuromuscular and autonomic complications of               and COVID‑19 (blue line) or neuromuscular disease and COVID‑19
   COVID‑19, objective criteria are required. Criteria for assess-     (red line) continue to expand rapidly.
   ing causality proposed by Bradford Hill in 1965 consist of
   9 characteristics: strength, consistency, specificity, temporal-    experimental evidence and specificity are lacking for all con-
   ity, biologic gradient, plausibility, coherence, experiment, and    ditions. For coherence, it has been argued that data from
   analogy.4,5 Not all can be applied in this setting; for example,    severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East

Neuromuscular & Autonomic Complications of COVID-19

respiratory syndrome (MERS) epidemics could be consulted,                                                                  in which molecular mimicry is essential. This mechanism,
because these coronaviruses share a 50% to 80% homology                                                                    however, requires viral epitopes (ie, peptide or protein) with
with SARS‑CoV‑2.5 The extent to which neuromuscular con-                                                                   similarity to molecules expressed in the peripheral nervous
ditions discussed in this review meet these criteria is sum-                                                               system, allowing antibodies to the virus to cross-react with
marized in the Table.                                                                                                      endogenous proteins. Data suggesting such cross-reaction
                                                                                                                           could occur, are mixed. A genomic and proteomic analysis
Guillain-Barré and Miller Fisher Syndromes                                                                                 showed no significant similarity between SARS‑CoV‑2 and
   Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and Miller-Fisher syn-                                                                    human proteins.7 Other analyses demonstrated shared oli-
drome (MFS) were among the earliest neurologic complica-                                                                   gopeptides between SARS‑CoV‑2 and 2 human heat-shock
tions reported in people with SARS‑CoV‑2 infection and                                                                     proteins11 and up to 34 proteins that have an oligopeptide
COVID‑19. Evidence for the criteria strength and consistency                                                               sequence shared by the SARS‑CoV‑2 spike glycoprotein.12
is weak, however. Although the incidence of GBS was report-                                                                Whether heat-shock proteins or any of the other proteins
ed to be 2.6 higher in the first wave of the pandemic in Italy,6                                                           with homology to SARS‑CoV‑2 are relevant targets of aber-
studies from the United Kingdom7 and Singapore8 reported                                                                   rant immune responses in GBS is unknown, however. The
a lower incidence of GBS during the pandemic. The occur-                                                                   analogy criterion might be strong for GBS because numer-
rence of GBS within 2 to 4 weeks after SARS‑CoV‑2 infection                                                                ous viruses are commonly accepted as triggers for GBS
does meet the criteria of temporality.9 The time interval                                                                  including human herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus, varicella
between SARS‑CoV‑2 infection and onset of GBS varies and                                                                   zoster and influenza.13,14 Whether existing evidence is coher-
is sometimes impossible to determine because GBS has been                                                                  ent is debatable. Using the suggestion that coherent data
observed after asymptomatic SARS‑CoV‑2 infection. In more                                                                  could be derived from experience with SARS and MERS, no
than 80% of those affected, GBS symptoms co-occurred with                                                                  case of GBS after either has been reported and only 1 case
COVID‑19 symptoms, including the need for artificial ventila-                                                              was reported after MERS. On a cautionary note, the overall
tion, which may mask a clear delineation of the conditions.10                                                              number of infected individuals for SARS and MERS is low,
Regarding the criteria of a biologic gradient, data are lacking                                                            thus these epidemics may not serve as good models to study
in that it is not known whether increased exposure, more                                                                   rare complications. Experimental evidence for a relationship
severe disease course, or higher virus load predispose people                                                              between SARS‑CoV‑2 and GBS or MFS is lacking. In contrast,
infected with SARS‑CoV‑2 to GBS.                                                                                           this has been shown for other postinfectious molecular
   GBS after SARS‑CoV‑2 infection is biologically plausible,                                                               mimicry in GBS (eg, gangliosides targeted by autoantibodies
based on the conception of GBS as a postinfectious disorder                                                                that are generated by infection with Campylobacter jejuni).15

   TABLE. EVALUATING POTENTIAL CAUSAL                                                                                      Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating
  RELATIONSHIP OF SARS-COV-2 INFECTION                                                                                     Polyradiculoneuropathy
     AND NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERs                                                                                              Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuro-
                                                                                                                           pathy (CIDP) is a chronic progressive or relapsing inflam-
                                                                                           Biologic gradient

                                                                                                                           matory autoimmune neuropathy. It typically presents as
                                                                                                                           subacute evolving symmetric neurologic deficits, distrib-



                                                                                                                           uted distally and proximally. CIDP variants include distal

                                                                                                                           acquired demyelinating symmetric (DADS), multifocal
                                                                                                                           acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy
                                                                                                                           (MADSAM, or Lewis‑Sumner syndrome), and pure motor or
Rhabdomyolysis            x      x    x     x      x x                                                         x           sensory variants (see Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating
ICU-acquired weakness x          x    x     x                                                                              Polyradiculoneuropathy in this issue).16 Although post-
Neuralgic amyotrophy      x      x    x                                                                                    COVID‑19 CIDP is plausible, the frequency of reports is
Guillain Barré syndrome x        x    x
                                                                                                                           low such that strength, consistency, and biologic gradient
                                                                                                                           is lacking. The general plausibility of COVID‑19 causing
Autonomic dysfunction x          x    x                                                                                    CIDP derives from the pathogenic concept of CIDP as an
Myositis                  x      x                                                                                         autoimmune condition triggered by bacterial or viral infec-
CIDP                      x      x                                                                                         tions. In contrast to GBS, however, the spectrum of infec-
Myasthenia gravis         x
                                                                                                                           tions preceding CIDP is much less known. In a cohort study
                                                                                                                           of 92 people with CIDP, approximately one-third could
Abbreviations: CIDP, chronic inflammatory demyelinating                                                                    identify an infection within 6 weeks before CIDP onset, and
polyradiculo-neuropathy; ICU, intensive care unit.                                                                         of those individuals, 60% remembered a nonspecific upper

                                                                                                                                                JULY/AUGUST 2021 PRACTICAL NEUROLOGY 33

   respiratory tract infection.19 Thus, neither evidence from        Whether dexamethasone improves this risk is unclear
   analogy, nor coherence can be invoked. In summary it is           because data from trials has not reported changes in CK lev-
   very unlikely that CIDP is triggered or exacerbated by infec-     els during treatment.
   tion with SARS‑CoV‑2 or COVID‑19.                                    Viruses are known to trigger myositis, making myositis
                                                                     after COVID‑19 plausible.30 Although direct infection of
   Myasthenia Gravis                                                 muscles by viruses is rare, because muscle fibers express the
     Several case reports from Italy, Germany, and the US            angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor through
   describe onset of ocular or generalized myasthenia gravis         which SARS‑COV‑2 enters cells, COVID‑19 may be an excep-
   (MG) 5 to 10 days after COVID‑19, which may lay within            tion. This hypothesis, however, needs confirmation and
   the range of a temporally plausible timeframe. The con-           therefore Hill’s criterion of analogy does not apply. Only a
   cept of postinfectious MG, however, is not well developed.        few cases of myositis have been reported after COVID‑19,
   Considering there is a background incidence for MG of 2 to        and these diagnoses were predominantly based only on non-
   3 per 100,000 per year,20 a much higher number of post-           specific MRI changes.31 A small case series reported 5 people
   COVID‑19 cases of MG than have been reported would be             who had dermatomyositis with COVID‑19 and responded
   expected to fulfill the causality criteria of strength, consis-   to corticosteroids or intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).32
   tency, and biologic gradient.                                     Fatigue and muscle weakness, but not myalgia, are common-
                                                                     ly present in patients 6 months after COVID‑19.26,33 From
   Neuralgic Amyotrophy                                              the 9 Bradford Hill criteria, only plausibility and temporality
      Neuralgic amyotrophy (ie, Parsonage Turner syndrome)           are supported, whereas strength, consistency, specificity,
   is an idiopathic inflammatory neuropathy of the upper             biologic gradient, coherence, and analogy are not.
   limbs that usually affects the upper part of the brachial            Rhabdomyolysis is a clinical and biochemical syndrome
   plexus.21 Therefore, a brachial plexus neuritis preceded          caused by acute skeletal muscle necrosis. With rhabdomyoly-
   by SARS‑CoV‑2 infection appears principally plausible.            sis, clinically significant myoglobinuria may occur and leads
   Infections with DNA and RNA viruses, including hepatitis E,       to renal failure in 15% to 33% of cases.34 Rhabdomyolysis has
   parvovirus B19, HIV, herpes viruses, and West Nile virus can      many causes, including substance abuse, trauma, extreme
   precede neuralgic amyotrophy supporting an analogous              overexertion, epileptic seizures, and less frequently, viral
   autoimmune pathophysiologic mechanism. A few reported             infections. Rhabdomyolysis has been described in MERS and
   cases of neuralgic amyotrophy occurred approximately              SARS, fulfilling criteria for analogy, and coherence may apply.
   2 weeks after people had COVID‑19, suggesting temporal-           Virally mediated rhabdomyolysis is thought to be caused
   ity.22 Like MG, however, the incidence of neuralgic amyot-        by direct viral invasion of muscle, and as noted, muscle cells
   rophy is estimated as 1 to 3 per 100,000 per year,23 making       do express the ACE2 receptor through which SARS‑CoV‑2
   the reported cases within the error margin of any statistical     infects the host, making SARS‑COV‑2-induced rhabdomy-
   evidence. Hence, the causality criteria strength, consistency,    olysis plausible. Strength and consistency are supported
   and biologic gradient are absent.                                 by numerous case reports of rhabdomyolysis during or after
                                                                     COVID‑19 infection as well as 2 retrospective studies that
   Myalgia, Myositis, and Rhabdomyolysis                             reported an incidence ranging from 2.2% to 17% in persons
      Myalgias are considered among the most common and              hospitalized with COVID‑19.35,36 This incidence increases to
   early neurologic symptoms of COVID‑19, affecting up to            up to 50% of those in the intensive care unit (ICU),37 sup-
   50% of all patients.24 In approximately half of these individu-   porting a biologic gradient. Male sex, obesity, hypertension,
   als, myalgias improve within a few days, similar to symptoms      diabetes mellitus, and chronic kidney disease are risk factors
   of fever and cough. The proportion of individuals who had         for rhabdomyolysis.
   COVID‑19 (hospitalized or not) who complain about myal-
   gia decreases by 6 months after illness to 2% to 4%.25,26         ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW)
      Approximately one-third of people with COVID-19 have              The term ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is used to
   an elevated serum CK level,24 and these individuals had           describe polyneuropathy and/or myopathy that occurs in
   a higher likelihood of death from COVID‑19 (odds ratio            persons who are critically ill during admission to the ICU.
   [OR], 2.1 when CK>185 U/l),27 but this association was not        ICUAW after COVID‑19 is biologically plausible, considering
   found in a comparable study.28 Additionally, much higher          the high rates of intensive care, sepsis, and prolonged venti-
   likelihood of COVID‑19-related mortality is seen with other       lation with COVID‑19, which are all risk factors for ICUAW.
   prognostically relevant laboratory parameters (eg, OR, 45.43      People who have recovered from COVID‑19 frequently
   with elevated lactate dehydrogenase).27 Elevated CK also is       complain about muscle weakness, as long as 6 months after
   not specific for COVID‑19 and occurs in severe influenza.29       the disease,26 which may point to a relevant proportion of


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                                                                                                                                                                                           JULY/AUGUST 2021 PRACTICAL NEUROLOGY 35
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