Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

Page created by Maria Tran
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides
International 2018
    Issue No: 646

   x t C a  m  p  C hief
Ne       l it be you?

                                ng   Day                  n
W    l d               Thi nk i
                                            a l A c t i o
 o r
        Ceremony                       Glo Impact
                                      Sustainable Development Goals
           A-wear-ness Day
                                         Development Education
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

                      CENSUS 2018
                       It’s that time of year again –
                              Annual Census
                   Every January, all Units (including new Units that opened
    before September 2017) must complete the Census through Online Guide
    Manager (OGM) and pay membership fees for each member (Leaders and
    In early January, the Unit Contact Person in every Unit will receive a letter and a Step by Step Guide
    by email to assist them in completing the Irish Girl Guides’ 2018 Census.

    Please complete all the requirements online on OGM by 31   January 2018 and submit your payment
    with your Unit invoice to the Accounts Administrator in National Office by 14 February 2018.

    Membership Fees 2018
    The membership fee for 2018 remains unchanged at €40 for each member (Adult Leader -
    Leadership Team O18/Unit Contact Person, Leadership Team U18, Senior Branch member, Guide,
    Brownie or Ladybird). This fee includes annual insurance for each member.

    Getting Census Ready!
               The most important thing you need to do is to ensure that every Leader working in your
               Unit is listed in the Leader Section on OGM. If a Leader has left, please ensure that you
               remove their record.

                                   Check that every girl in your Unit is listed in the Youth Section.

               You have until 31 January to ensure that your Unit records are up to date before you run
               the Census. Don’t run the Census too early in case you have a girl who does not return
               to your Unit after the Christmas break!

                         Do remember that it is up to each Unit to add in the girls’ records but that
                         Leaders and Unit Helpers are added to OGM by National Office on receipt of
                         the appropriate paperwork.

    If you have any trouble collecting membership fees, please discuss this with your District
    Commissioner immediately as there are some funds available to assist members in difficult

    If you are having any difficulties while logging in, please use the ‘Contact Us’ facility on the OGM
    website or contact the Membership Administrator at

                                        Thank you.
2                                                                         Trefoil News | International 2018
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides
                                                          Census 2018..................................................................... 2
                                                          Contents and Editor’s Note...................................... 3
                                                          News from Executive and NPT................................ 4
                                                          Note from International Commissioner and
                                                          Concern Introduction................................................... 5
                                                          Trefoil Guild....................................................................... 6
International 2018 Issue No: 646                          World Thinking Day Fund......................................... 7
                                                          World Thinking Day Ceremony............................... 8-9
                                                          World Centre Focus and Guiding Light.............. 10
                                                          IGG Diary and Noticeboard....................................... 11
                                                          IGG in the Media............................................................. 12-13
                                                          Journey Programme, ‘How to’ Videos, and
                                                          Leader Warrants............................................................. 14
                                                          Next Camp Chief............................................................ 15
                                                          National Guide Awards............................................... 16-17
                                                          Out and About................................................................ 18-19
                                                          The Global Sustainable Development Goals.... 20
                                                          Ladybird Resources...................................................... 21-23
                                                          Brownie Resources........................................................ 24-27
                                                          Guide Resources............................................................. 28-31
                                                          Senior Branch Resources........................................... 32-35
                                                          International..................................................................... 36-39
                                                          Global Action and Development Education..... 40-43

                                                                                  Editor’s Note...
                                                           Hello everyone,

                                                           ‘Impact’ is this year’s WAGGGS World Thinking Day (WTD)
                                                           theme. In this Concern-sponsored, international edition of
                                                           Trefoil News, the focus is on global action and the positive
                                                           ‘impact’ that IGG members can have on our planet, on the
                                                           environment, on their communities, and on their fellow
                                                           human beings. See pages 40-43 to read about what IGG
                                                           already does that has an impact and how Guiding methods
                                                           are similar to Development Education.

Above:    Faye Ryan of Carrigdhoun Ladybirds selling       Each Branch section features activities from the
cookies at their local Supervalu in Carrigaline (top)      World Thinking Day pack. See the noticeboard on
and Guide Branch committee, organisers of the 2017         page 11 for details of where to download the pack.
National Guide Awards at Croke Park (bottom).              The OGM logo will display on pages with non-
                                                           WAGGGS pack activities.

                                                           Get up to speed on the WTD fund and the WTD ceremony
Published By                                               on pages 7, 8 and 9. Check out those who were granted
Irish Girl Guides, Trefoil House, 27 Pembroke Park,
                                                           National Guide Awards; read about A-wear-ness Day (page
Dublin 4.
                                                           13); and will you be the next international Camp Chief? Lots
Printed By                                                 to read...
Richardson and Watts, 36 Thornville Park, Raheny,
Dublin 5.                                                                                    Claire de Jong
The Editorial Team of Trefoil News reserves the right
to edit material submitted.

                                                        On The Cover: Global action at IGGNITE
Submit your articles, photos or queries to                         On The Back Cover: Recipients of the 2017 National Guide Awards
                                                        Insert: Unit accounts information on OGM
  Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                                                  3
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

                                             Executive News
    The Executive Committee of the Irish Girl Guides
    meets to discuss policy issues and to ensure the       A Training for Treasurers of national committees
    successful running of the organisation for our         and Regions will be held at the Branch Weekend in
    members. Below are some of the decisions made at       Athlone on Sunday 9 February 2018. This event is
    the October 2017 meeting.                              open to anyone interested in attending.

    Congratulations were expressed to Judy Cameron         National Office staffing: As the CEO will be retiring
    who was elected as Chair of National Memorial          in March 2018, the opportunity has been made to
    Cottage Committee.                                     restructure the staffing of National Office to create a
                                                           new position of Managing Director.
    A Review of Journey Programme is scheduled for
    2018. Catherine O’Connor has been asked to lead this   IGGNITE evaluation, report and recommendations:
    review.                                                Time was spent at the meeting going through the
                                                           IGGNITE 2017 evaluation report. It was agreed that it
    The IT Strategy team will be led by Amanda             had been a very successful and enjoyable event for
    O’Sullivan. Names of people interested should be       both girls and Leaders. The contribution and support
    submitted.                                             provided by several partners was acknowledged with
                                                           gratitude. Leaders attending the event had been
    The Code of Conduct for Executive members
                                                           surveyed and over 80% rated their overall experience
    document is reviewed annually. Two minor
                                                           as good/very good while over 80% also said that the
    amendments were made.
                                                           organisation of the event was very good/excellent.
    National Office relocation was discussed in depth      The camp team was congratulated on the fact that
    and a decision made re: the office relocation          the event had come in under budget. They were
    to Tallaght. The committee charged with this           thanked for taking on the organisation of such a
    responsibility will continue to work on the plans as   major event and a thank you video with messages
    per their Terms of Reference.                          from participants expressing their thanks and
                                                           appreciation was shown to them.
    Operational Plan for 2018 was discussed and will
    be finalised at the December Executive Committee       A Discussion on Growth and membership took place.
    meeting.                                               It is a concern that, historically, the number of Guides
                                                           in the organisation decreases after an international
    Receipts for fees and donations: It was agreed that,   camp and ways to combat this were considered. Time
    in future, Regions will give receipts for attendance   was also spent considering how IGG can successfully
    at Regional Conferences as they are part of the        recruit adults and an adult recruitment campaign will
    Unit’s accounts. Thinking Day donations will also be   be done in January 2018.
    receipted from 2018 onwards.

      News from National Programme and Training (NPT)
       ATOC                                                in public places, such as libraries, for further
       It was agreed that IGG will adapt the WAGGGS        impact.
       Leadership Development Programme (WLDP)
       to suit.                                            Branch Weekend
                                                           There will be a training on ceremonies at Branch
       Senior Branch                                       Weekend.
       It will be IGG’s turn to chair Ventact in 2018.
                                                           Mental Health
       Guide Branch                                        NYCI will run a Mind Out 2.0 training for 16
       The National Guide Awards in Croke Park were        Leaders on 26-27 May. There will be a sign-up
       again very successful. It was agreed, however,      sheet at Branch Weekend.
       that the official IGG uniform for Leaders and
       girls needs to be adhered to, particularly at       Health and Safety
       national events and formal occasions.               The topic of risk assessments will be included
                                                           more in licence testing.
       Brownie Branch
       The Brownie quiz has started in Units. Area         Engineers Ireland
       Commissioners (ACs) have the Area questions.        An engineering badge syllabus, in partnership
       ACs to confirm dates of area finals.                with Engineers Ireland, will be launched at
                                                           Branch Weekend.
       Ladybird Branch
       The Thinking Day ‘impact’ activity will be a        Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
       colouring competition. It will be suggested         Several possible funding partnerships are being
       that Units hang their entries together as murals    explored to help incorporate more of the SDGs
                                                           into our 2018 programme and beyond.
4                                                                             Trefoil News | International 2018
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides
From the International
A very Happy New Year to you and all                                    Jillian van Turnhout, had the privilege of
your families. I look forward to sharing                                representing you all at the WAGGGS World
with you some of the international                                      Conference in New Delhi. As part of the
aspects of Guiding through this                                         CIGA contingent we attended workshops
international edition of Trefoil News.                                  and discussions throughout the week. On
What an exciting year we have in store                                  the last day, the elections for the new World
for all our members during this year.                                   Board were held and, regrettably, Jillian
                                                                        narrowly missed out on a position. I would
Was it really only five months ago                                      like to thank Jillian, on behalf of everyone,
that we were sharing stories and                                        for putting herself forward for election. She
songs with our sisters from all                                         ran an excellent campaign and I know IGG
over the world at IGGNITE 2017 in                                       will continue to benefit from her experience.
Rockwell College? I hope all the girls
and Leaders who took part have been inspired to                One of my favourite parts of a World Conference is
grow those international friendships. If you would             welcoming our new members to our ever-growing
like to introduce your girls to some other aspects of          World Association. In 2017 we welcomed Aruba,
international Guiding, please book for our Go Global           Azerbaijan, Palestine and Syria as full members, with
event – see page 37 for details.                               Niger and Albania becoming associate members,
                                                               bringing our total membership to 150 countries.
Go Global is one of the many events that your                  We hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit
International Committee organise on your behalf. In            more about some of those members through our
response to your feedback at Regional Conferences,             #WorldwideWednesday posts. Keep your eyes on
we are adding a new section for Leaders to explain             the IGG Facebook page every Wednesday for more
the various events we advertise and to help you                updates.
understand what we look for when we run a selection
event. We look forward to meeting many of you at               Yours in Guiding
this new event. Numbers are limited so, don’t delay,
apply today!

In September, I, along with our Chief Commissioner,            Lorna Finnegan
Helen Concannon, and former Chief Commissioner,                International Commissioner

                                           Concern have partnered with IGG on a number of different projects
                                           over the years and we were delighted to have their support during
                                           IGGNITE 2017. Concern financially supported a number of our activities
                                           at camp and is also paying for the publication of this edition of Trefoil
                                           News. Concern believe in the value of development education and, in
                                           this edition, you will see how similar IGG methods are to development
                                           education. In fact, the Guiding method is development education in

Concern’s vision is of a world where:
•  No-one lives in poverty, fear or oppression
•  All have access to a decent standard of living and the opportunities and choices essential to a long,
   healthy and creative life
•  Everyone is treated with dignity and respect

Concern’s mission is to help people living in extreme poverty to achieve major improvements in their lives
which last and spread without ongoing support from Concern. To achieve this mission, they engage in long
term development work, build resilience, respond to emergency situations, and seek to address the root causes
of poverty through their development, education and advocacy work.

IGG aims to enable our girls and young women to become responsible citizens of the world. We make our
girls aware of the world around them, increase their knowledge and skills so that they can advocate for their
communities and their world, helping to develop attitudes that care for the world and want to make it a better

               For more information and activities associated with the work of Concern
                            and development education see pages 40-43.

Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                       5
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

           Trefoil Guild
           visit to Lorne
    A party of nine members of Trefoil Guild, led by Hazel
    Convery, paid a visit to Lorne, the Girlguiding Ulster
    house and grounds, from 25-28 September 2017. We
    were most warmly welcomed, shown all around the
    main house, and then went to our lovely rooms in
    the Coach House - bright, en-suite and with the most
    comfortable beds you can imagine. Our breakfasts
    were part supplied by us and by Lorne, and the             and other activities. We visited the Ulster Transport
    beautiful evening meals were more than adequate.           Museum, in the grounds of the Folk Museum, where old
    They were so cheerfully and well presented.                trains were on display including a Guinness train, the
                                                               Howth tram, and the first steam train, The Maedhbh,
    On the Tuesday we had a dry day and went to Mount          that ran on the first railway line in what is now the
    Stewart House and Gardens in Newtownards, on the           Republic of Ireland, between Dublin and Bray.
    east shores of Strangford Lough. The house had been
    bought by the Stewart family, later the Vane Tempest       Evenings were spent doing handcrafts, colouring
    Stewarts taking the title of the Marquis of Londonderry    picture bookmarkers to go to Bali, knitting, making
    in 1816. The extensive gardens, circa 950 acres, owned     little sewing boxes, and lots of chat and laughter.
    by the National Trust since 1957, and the house since      Audrey Jackson, from Belfast County Trefoil Guild, and
    1977, are well worth a visit. A huge refurbishment took    Ivy Lee, a past President of Ulster Trefoil Guild, kindly
    place in 2015 and the family still live there.             visited us on the very wet Thursday night. It was great
                                                               to see them and thanks to them for the nice cake!
    There was an excellent guided tour of the house and
    a nice cafe and gift shop, all more than worth a visit.    We all, some from Carlow, one from Cork and the rest
    There are fabulous gardens full of flowers and trees,      from Dublin, became a well-gelled group with lots of
    and lots of walks in the sea air for the more energetic.   laughter, helpfulness and interesting chat! Five-star
    We were all struggling to stay awake at 9pm!               recommendation all round. Thank you Lorne for a
                                                               great time, Margaret Dunne for the arranging, and to
    Wednesday was a much wetter day. One group of              Hazel who managed everything with a light touch and
    five visited Belfast, some of whom visited the Titanic     great consideration for all (and who did most of my
    exhibition while the others explored the city. The         knitting!).
    second group crossed the road from Lorne to the
    Ulster Folk Museum with fascinating old houses, village    Valerie Fletcher
    shops and an apothecary etc. rebuilt in the grounds.       Cork Trefoil Guild
    There was printing, basketmaking, breadmaking

6                                                                                   Trefoil News | International 2018
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

                  What is the World Thinking Day Fund?
    It all started in 1932 when Olave Baden-Powell wrote a letter to all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts asking
    them to spare a penny to support Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to grow. The idea is simple. One
    coin might not seem like a lot, but 10 million coins can grow our movement and the potential of Girl
    Guiding and Girl Scouting around the world. Thus, the World Thinking Day Fund was born as an
    essential part of annual World Thinking Day celebrations.

          gros nas, cen                           World Thinking Day Fund in numbers
        or      che        time
                    n,          s,
     Bad filler th heller
         en-P        at L                All World Thinking Day money is sent to the World Bureau in
      are     ow           ad
           no lo ell ment y              London so the figures below are all in £ sterling.
                 nger       ion
    Can                  used s
     to t u matc
                     h th
                                         Over  £2,000,000                       104     countries (WAGGGS
    cou heir co           em             raised since 2005;                     member organisations) have
        ntry       r r ect
   Fra        - Hung
                                         of this IGG contributed                contributed to the World
    and , India, A ary,                                                         Thinking Day Fund since 2005;
    Cze he for stria
                    u                    £95,706.
                                                                                IGG ranks   3rd    in this list
                       ?                                                        in terms of donations per
                                         £117,000 was donated                   member.
                                         to the World Thinking Day
                                          Fund in 2016.
  What is our money used for?
    Our money is used where the          provide special support to national   countries including Ethiopia.
    need is greatest. Some is used for   associations so that Girl Guiding     WAGGGS’ vision for 2020 is to
    printing curriculums for Leaders,    and Girl Scouting reaches even        grow to 12 million Girl Guides and
    some to sponsor members to           more girls around the world and       Girl Scouts in 154 countries. Thanks
    attend training events such as the   remains relevant and fun.             to generous supporters, more girls
    Juliette Lowe and Helen Storrow                                            and young women can be a part of
    Seminars, and some makes up          The World Thinking Day Fund has       our movement.
    the grants given to Guides and       allowed WAGGGS to reach more
    Girl Scouts to undertake projects    girls and young women around          This is work that you and the girls
    in their communities. This money     the world. The generous donations     in your Unit are funding through
    helps us to develop exciting, new    received over the last two years      your Thinking Day contributions. I
    programmes which allow girls         helped to fund important work         hope you can share with your girls
    around the world to learn about      including WAGGGS Rapid                just how great their IMPACT can be
    issues relevant to them. Our         Response project which took Girl      on the lives of other young women
    donations enable WAGGGS to           Guiding and Girl Scouting to new      across our world.
IN 2017

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    Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                 7
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

                Welcome to the World Thinking Day Ceremony
                                                                       think of each other and express their thanks and
              The History of World Thinking Day                        appreciation for our international movement. This
                                                                       was called Thinking Day. The delegates chose 22
         In 1926, Girl Guide and Girl Scout delegates from             February as the date for Thinking Day because it was
         around the globe met in the USA for the 4th WAGGGS           the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell, founder of
         World Conference. Among other decisions, they                the Boy Scout movement, and Olave Baden-Powell,
         agreed that there should be a special annual day             the World Chief Guide.
          when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world

                                                                           young people, our national
              Explain the WAGGGS Impact Theme                              associations can bring about
                                                                           positive change in wider society.
         ‘Impact’ for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is all about
         bringing positive change. This change is happening           The World Thinking Day 2018 mosaic
         in two ways:                                                 has four parts:
                                                                      1) The Flame
         ●●    Personal impact: by using the unique Girl Guide        2) Two Stars
               and Girl Scout method, we can bring change to          3) The Compass
               the individual’s development                           4) The Trefoil Leaves
         ●●    Wider impact: by positively impacting on many

              READING: The flame is the spark that inspires us to bring change.
          Inspiring others starts with             The flame of optimism:
                                                                                          The flame of care: “you
          yourself. You may think,                 “you have so much energy”; “you
                                                                                          are so committed to your
          ‘how can little old me inspire           always see the opportunities”;
                                                                                          family”; “you listen to me”; “you
          people?’ Inspiration comes               “you give me hope that we can
                                                                                          supported me”; “you really care
          from a spark deep inside you.            accomplish anything”; “you
                                                                                          for your team”.
                                                   believe you can change the
          Inspiring people starts with
          one person: YOU! If you                                                         Don’t pick a random idea to
          have the spark of inspiration,
                                                   The flame of courage: “you             inspire others. Instead, start
                                                   stand up for what you believe”;        with the spark inside you, and
          you can inspire others and               “you don’t give up even if it’s not
          together you can bring about                                                    let people see it. If it matters to
                                                   popular”; “you are not afraid to       them, it will turn into a flame!
          change. That’s the key!                  take a risk”.

               GAME: You can make an
               impact on someone’s day.
    What you need: A marker and a sheet of paper for
    every person.

    Girls sit in a circle. Every girl gets a sheet of paper and
    writes her name at the top. When the Leader says “go”
    they pass the sheet to their left. Give them about 10-20
    seconds to write something positive about that person,
    anonymously, and then call out “swap”. They again pass
    the sheet to the left. You can do this so the sheets go
    the entire way around the circle, or for your desired
    amount of time (perhaps reaching 8 or 9 people), then
    ask the girls to give the sheets back to the original

    Ask them how they feel and talk about how a very small
    action can make a big impact on someone’s day.
    Song: This Little Guiding Light of Mine
     (on page 40 of Irish Girl Guides Campfire Songbook)

8                                                                                        Trefoil News | International 2018
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides

       WAGGGS GLOBAL IMPACT ACTIVITY: Two Stars are shining bright.
     They represent how WAGGGS equips us with 1) the skills and 2) the knowledge
                          we need to bring about change.
 Preparation: On a big piece of paper, or flipchart           Step 2: Show the tree to your group and explain that
 paper, draw a tree, its trunk and branches but no leaves.    it is a wish tree. Each girl should take a leaf or sticking
 If you can, cut out 8cm x 4cm leaf-shaped pieces of          note and write down which global programme they are
 paper, or just use sticking notes. Be sure to have enough    most interested in learning more about. They then put
 for all your participants.                                   their leaves/sticking notes on the tree.

 Step 1: Explain to the girls about all the WAGGGS global     You can see which is most popular and, during the
 programmes and read a little bit on each one, which can      following weeks, the group can learn more about that
 be found on the WAGGGS website.                              programme.

                                                               Growing up the grown-ups said, someday I'd wake to
                  Song: Magic                                  find,
                                                               That magic's just a childhood dream I'd have to leave
When I was young, I thought the stars were made for
wishing on,
                                                               Like clothes that would no longer fit and toys that I'd
And every hole found in a tree must hide a leprechaun,
Old houses all had secret rooms if one could find the key,
                                                               I'd not believe in magic anymore.
I do believe in magic, I believe.
Magic is the sun that makes a rainbow out of rain,             When I grew up I learned again that much to my surprise,
And magic keeps the dream alive to try and try again,          That magic did not fade away, it took a new disguise,
Magic is the love that stays when good friends have to         A child, a friend, a song, a smile, the courage to stand
leave,                                                         tall,
I do believe in magic, I believe.                              I do believe in magic after all.

                              The Trefoil Leaves are giving shape to                                World Song
                                        mark our impact.
                      The World Thinking Day Fund      Refer back to page 7 for
                      has impacted the lives of        further facts which you may
                      thousands of girls worldwide     choose to share at this point.
                      since it was set up in
                       2005.                    (Collect money boxes)

           World Thinking Day Money Box                        You will need:           • Red card
                                                                • An empty Bisto        • White paper
           Taking inspiration from our                          gravy tub or similar    • Scissors
           World Centre in London, for           size tub. Since they are cardboard,    • Craft knife
                                                 be careful not to get them too wet     • A pencil, black biro pen, white
           World Thinking Day 2018 we
                                                 when cleaning the inside. Use a          pen/pencil and a marker pen
           are trying to recreate a famous                                              • PVA glue and glue stick
                                                 slightly damp sponge/cloth or wet
           red letter box!

                        1. Mark out, on the red card, the width and height of the tub. Then cut out using scissors.
                        2. Draw the letter box opening onto the card and cut out the opening. Then wrap the card around
                            the tub again and mark out the opening on the tub.
                        3. Using a craft knife, cut out the letter box opening. Ladybird/Brownie tip: If you do not have a
                            craft knife, or would prefer not to cut an opening, still draw the small rectangle. Instead of
                            cutting the rectangle out, colour it in black with a marker pen. Just remove the lid when you
                            want to put money in or out.
                        4. Draw post box details onto the red card.
                        5. Glue the finished card onto the tub using PVA glue, matching up the letter box openings.
                        6. Place the lid on top and start saving!

                        Source: Picture and idea thanks to

   Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                         9
Next Camp Chief Will it be you? - Ceremony - Irish Girl Guides
                                                                          ,  h ig h o n a mountain
                                                                  High up
                                                                      f o u n d e d Our Chalet
          Focus on                                 Girl Guide and Girl Scout friendship
                                                   while learning about WAGGGS,
                                                                                             Our Chalet Events include:
                                                                                             Ski packages during the winter
          a World
                                                   you can immerse yourself in Swiss
                                                   life, and you can take part in            months - Our Chalet will organise a
                                                   current WAGGGS campaigns and              ski package for whatever the level of

           Centre                                  programmes.                               ability of your group.

                                                                                             Roverweek (18 years and over)

                                                                                             - Enables you to experience
                                                                                             many different outdoor activities,
                                                                                             including downhill skiing, cross-

          Chalet                                                                             country skiing, snowshoeing, winter
                                                                                             hiking, sledging and snow tubing.
                                                                                             You will also participate in fun
     Our Chalet is situated in the Swiss
                                                                                             evening programmes such as the
     Alps. It is the oldest of the five
                                                                                             international festival, a Swiss cultural
     World Centres. It welcomes groups,
                                                                                             evening, night sledging and a special
     individuals and families. You can visit
                                                                                             outdoor closing campfire.
     as part of a programme, or visit and
     take part in your own programme.                                                        Helen Storrow Seminar - This
                                                                                             seminar gives young people from
     Our Chalet has a team of volunteers
                                                                                             around the world the chance to
     that assist in the running of the
                                                                                             connect on issues they care about
     centre. To be an Our Chalet
                                                                                             and to take the lead as agents of
     volunteer for a season you must
                                                                                             change in their communities. IGG
     be over 18 and an active member
                                                                                             sends a participant to this event
     of IGG. You can apply to volunteer
                                                                                             each year.
     through the Our Chalet web page.
                                                                                             Swiss Challenge - This is a summer
     Our Chalet events are a perfect
                                                                                             event for participants aged 12 years
     way to discover the Swiss Alps, to
                                                                                             and over with their Leaders. It gives
     meet people from all over the world
                                                                                             participants a chance to take part in
     and to step outside your comfort
                                                                                             hiking, adventure days, to visit local
     zone! At an event in Our Chalet
                                                                                             towns and more! This is a suitable
     you can experience international
                                                                                             event for a group.

                              Finding                  your           Guiding               light
      Have you ever felt your heart was            The week came and it was brilliant!     started our hike up the mountain.
      in your throat? Have you ever                It was difficult but I loved every      Eventually we were hiking by the
      felt anxious? Have these feelings            minute of it. I met the most            light of the moon. It was difficult
      ever made you feel paralysed,                wonderful people and had a great        but we persevered. In the early
      incapable of making decisions?               experience. It really challenged        hours of the morning we stood
      A few years ago, this was my life.           me in lots of ways and, after that,     at the mountain peak waiting in
      I felt inner turmoil and had very            my confidence started to recover.       the cold. Soon we saw the most
      low confidence. I had just finished          I was a different person. I cannot      amazing light as the sun broke
      Transition Year and I was not in a           overstate the effect that that week     through and illuminated the sky. For
      good place. At times like this you           had on me as a person. From then        me this journey was a symbol of
      look for somewhere to help you. I            I have been able to embrace every       what Guiding did for me; a journey
      had been a Guide for a number of             challenge that has come my way. It's    from the dark into light, helping
      years. I was still involved but finding      funny, but the more things you do       me to feel comfortable once again
      it hard to maintain my enthusiasm.           that scare you, the more confidence     in who I am and for that I'm very
                                                   you find in yourself. If you know you   grateful :)
      I had heard about the Chief                  can achieve things which seemed
      Commissioner’s Award. It sounded             daunting and impossible, you find
      great but I had no intention of              a renewed self-belief. Guiding gave
      doing it. And, if I did, I felt like there   me the opportunity to continue to
      was no chance of me completing               develop myself as a person.
      it. But, somehow, a few months
      down the line I found myself with            In the beautiful Swiss Alps I
      a partner and a challenge ahead.             undertook many more challenges
      All this time I was very unsure if           that strengthened my self-
      I actually wanted to do it. As the           confidence. One challenge was
      week approached I was nervous and            the overnight hike. We were to
      anxious. I was afraid I was going to         leave Our Chalet at 7.30pm and
      make a fool of myself and let my             hike to the top of the mountain to
      partner down.                                see the sunrise. As the sun set, we

10                                                                                         Trefoil News | International 2018

                        DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
         JANUARY                   27             Executive meeting
                                   31             IGG Census day
                                   31             Deadline for Roverway Support Buddy applications
         FEBRUARY                  9-11           Branch weekend
                                   13             Pancake Tuesday
                                   14             Census payments due
                                   14             Valentine’s Day
                                   22             World Thinking Day
                                   24             NPT meeting
         MARCH                     2              Deadline for Ladybird mural competition entries
         APRIL                     21             Go Global
                                   30             Deadline for Camp Chief applications

          GMAIL USERS                                          World Thinkin
                                                                             g Day
  If you have not been receiving all the
IGG weekly email updates and you are a
Gmail user... perhaps keep an eye on your                            Available at
Promotions folder, they may be in there!                        Distribution C
                                                                  Only €1 each
                                                          AY PACK
                        A  G G  G S W  O R LD THINKING D
               THE W                                  the
                     avai la b le  to download from
                WAGGGS web
                             n  /res ou rces/w td-2018-activity-
 https://www.wag                                                 nds                    of
IT          Strategy                                                         the World Ce
                                                                                            x Lodge, Sangam
Irish Girl Guides is developing an IT strategy to                           Our Chalet, Pa                         r
                                                                                             d Kusafiri are ou
ensure we are harnessing technology in the best                             Our Cabaña an              G G G S Wor ld
                                                                                               l WA
possible ways for IGG. This includes communication,                         five very specia                        new
                                                                                      w he re  friends old and
resources and IT-savvy tools which could help                               Centres,                             ars.
                                                                                              the last 90+ ye
save volunteers’ time. Keep an eye out for more                              have met over                       e of
                                                                                             membership fe
information in the weekly newsletters. If you have any                       By paying the
                                                                                                 uld help the
ideas or suggestions of ways we can enhance your                             €15-€20, you co
                                                                                                hase specific
experience as a Leader through the use of IT, please                         Centres to purc
                                                                                                 st staff and
get in touch with                                     equipment, assi
                                                                                                   ide their unique
                                                                              continue to prov
                                                                                                 d community
                                                         back                 international an
                                      o w
                       uld lik     e t
                                                 nor                          programmes.
             IGG wo                  e O’Con                    ngam
                     C  a t h e r in              fl ag in Sa                                   membership fo
                           flying th
                                        e IG   G                 ears.         Download the                             der-
                      e n                           la st five y                           ea
     who ha
               s b  e                     r t  h e
                               India fo am, Catherine                          from www.irishg                        t
                 entre in                                                                          nal/ or contac
        o r ld C
                            time in
                                                         lly at m
                                                                  any          page/internatio                         a
      W                e r                          ic a                                   As
         Dur   in g  h
                            IGG ent
                                        hu s ia s t
                                                          have he
                                                                   r back      support@irishgi                     le  va nt
                      e d                            to                                           receive the re
       repre   s e n t                   ha p  p y                levels!       member you’ll
                     w  e  are very                d   n ational                                 d you can orde
                n d
     events a ing at both loc
                                           a l a n                              newsletters an
                                                                                                    h or metal
                  t                                                             the special clot
                                                                                Friends badge.

Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                              11
     Making the Headlines...

                          Kildare Girl Guide takes off on a mission to Mars – Kildare Times, 21 November
                   November is Irish Girl Guides National Cookie Month – Longford Leader, 17 November
                                   Girl Guides take off on a mission to Mars – The Corkman, 16 November
                          Edenderry Girl Guide takes off on mission to Mars – Offaly Topic, 16 November
                                                    Erin is on mission to Mars – The Kerryman, 15 November
               East Coast Bakehouse get behind the Girl Guides – Mid-Louth Independent, 14 November
                            Irish Girl Guides to sell 30,000 packets of cookies – Mallow Star, 9 November
                          Girl Guides to sell 30,000 packets of cookies – The Irish Catholic, 9 November
                Tipperary girls receive Trailblazer National Guide Award – South Tipp Today, 2 November
                                   Trail Blazer awards for 21 Cork Girl Guides – Evening Echo, 2 November
                          Guides learn how to spot fake news – The Times (Ireland edition), 30 October
                        Carrigaline girls receive highest Girl Guide award – The Carrigdhoun, 28 October
                                Blazing a trail in the Girl Guides world – Gazette (all editions), 26 October
                              Edenderry girls receive highest Girl Guide Award – Offaly Topic, 26 October
                    Kerry girls in Croker collect highest Girl Guide accolade – The Kerryman, 25 October
                                  Girl Guides honoured with award – Mid-Louth Independent, 24 October
                   Swords teenagers receive highest Girl Guide Award – Fingal Independent, 24 October
                                      Local girls among Ireland’s leading lights – The Corkman, 19 October
 IN 2017

     ...and on Facebook

12                                                                     Trefoil News | International 2018

                      WAGGGS WORLD THINKING DAY ACTIVITIES! |      

                                    @wagggs_world             @IrishGirlGuides



            A-wear-ness Day 2018
Will your girls be wearing their IGG uniform to school
on Thursday 22 February for A-wear-ness Day? We
hope so!

A-wear-ness Day, which ties in with World Thinking
Day each year, is a great opportunity for girls to wear
their IGG uniform with pride. It also provides the ideal
opportunity for them to talk to friends and classmates
about Guiding and all the benefits of being involved in
IGG – the friendships, the outings and trips away, the
skills learned and the mighty craic!

Look out for the letter to school principals and poster
that will be attached to the weekly email newsletter in
the coming weeks, and be sure to approach your local
school(s) in good time to see if your girls can wear        college and tell your peers and colleagues about being
their IGG uniform on 22 February. Schools are usually       an IGG Leader?
very accommodating!
                                                            Remember too to take some photos and send them to
And remember - A-wear-ness Day isn’t just for girls! It’s   your local papers as well as to us at communications@
for Leaders too! Why not wear your uniform to work/ or share on Facebook or Twitter.

 Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                   13

                                                Journey Programme Review
                                                Can you believe it’s already over two years since the introduction of the new
                                                Journey Programme?! In Spring 2018, we will be reviewing how it is progressing
                                                and whether any tweaks are required. We will be sending out a survey for
                                                members to complete and meeting with Leaders around the country.

                                                We will require a sample of Units from different Branches to get involved so, if
                                                your Unit is willing to have a person from the review team visit and talk to the
                                                girls and the Leaders, please get in touch with

         ‘How To’ Videos
         Ever wanted to see how to tie a friendship knot? Or roll your necker? Or
         raise a flag? At IGGNITE last year we recorded a number of these useful
         short video clips to help people learn. We even recorded how to make a
         s’more! There will be one new video released each week from the New
         Year until World Thinking Day. Keep an eye out on YouTube and our
         social media.

                Warrants issued between
            3 October and 27 November 2017
                               Congratulations                    to all new           IGG Leaders!!
          Check out Leading the Way - available in the Leaders’ area of the IGG website, under ‘Publications’. Assistant
           Leaders will find guidance on becoming a fully warranted Leader, and Leaders will find guidance on further
                training options for up-skilling, for keeping up-to-date, and for networking with other Leaders.

        Assistant Leader Warrants                                                         Leader Warrants
     Name                 Unit                          Region           Name                 Unit                      Region
     Jillian O'Brien      Lily Brownies                 Eastern          Kate Waldron         Ballyroan Brownies        Eastern

     Susan Mooney         Lily Brownies                 Eastern          Mary Sparkes         Bray Ladybirds            Eastern

     Eve Moody            Lucan Guides                  Eastern          Hilery Condron       Centenary Guides          Eastern

     Michelle Kennedy     Lily Guides                   Eastern          Jill Quilty          Delgany Brownies          Eastern

     Eleanor Jones        Newbridge Ladybirds           Eastern          Kerry Carlile        Delgany Guides            Eastern

     Patricia Colton      Ballyroan Guides              Eastern          Susan Mooney         Lily Brownies             Eastern

     Hazel Crawford       Rathmichael Brownies          Eastern          Michelle Kennedy     Lily Guides               Eastern

     Jennifer Bowe        Rathmichael Brownies          Eastern          Siobhain O'Shea      Sandford Ladybirds        Eastern

     Kara Powell          Sallins Railway Guides        Eastern          Rita Caulfield       Tír Na nÓg Brownies       Eastern

     Linda Garrigan       St. Finian's Brownies         Eastern          Aimee Bannister      Whitechurch Ladybirds     Eastern

     Kerry Carlile        Delgany Guides                Eastern          Emma Webster         Whitechurch Ladybirds     Eastern

     Sinead Judge         Ballyroan Ladybirds           Eastern          Helena Cusack        Blackthorn Guides         Mid West

     Rachel Howe          Centenary Guides              Eastern          Susan Keane          Belleek Ladybirds         North West

     Lauren Morrissey     Maynooth Ladybirds            Eastern          Aishling McCarthy    Bandon Senior Branch      South West

     Barbara Doyle        Bray Ladybirds                Eastern          Maria Hurley         Primrose Brownies         South West

     Aisling O'Sullivan   Marian Guides                 South West       Catherine Roycroft   Schull Guides             South West

     Eileen Kearney       Midleton Brownies Wed         South West       Geraldine Dobson     Ardagh Guides             WCM

     Caitríona McGrath    Midleton Brownies Wed         South West       Martina Carrigy      Ardagh Ladybirds          WCM

     Elizabeth Walsh      Midleton Brownies Mon         South West       Orla Morris          North Longford Brownies   WCM

     Therese White        Lecarrow Ladybirds            WCM              Bernagh Hynes        Renmore Brownies          WCM

     Bethan Jeffries      St. Ciaran's Guides           WCM              Soracha Moran        Renmore Brownies          WCM

     Ann Marie Watson     Athenry Guides                WCM

14                                                                                            Trefoil News | International 2018

      Camp Chief Wanted
     Irish Girl Guides is organising our next International Girl Guide
         Camp in the summer of 2021 and we need a Camp Chief!
                                                          The Camp Chief will have overall responsibility
                                                          for the preparation of the camp leading up to
                                                          the event and for ensuring the efficient running
                                                          of a safe, successful and enjoyable camp for
                                                          Guides and Leaders within a specific budget.
                                                          It is an excellent opportunity to work with new
                                                          people and to put your event management
                                                          skills to use. IGG will support the Camp Chief
                                                          and her team to ensure the camp’s success and
                                                          to give every Guide the chance to attend an
                                                          international camp in Ireland.
                                                          Following CAMP 101 and IGGNITE 2017,
                                                          comprehensive Guidelines for Organising
                                                          International Camps have been drawn up and
                                                          developed. These help form the support that
                                                          will be available to any volunteer or team of
                                                          volunteers willing to take on this amazing
Responsibilities include:                                 opportunity.
▶▶ Visiting possible venues for the camp around
    the country and investigating potential
▶▶ Making a presentation of venue, activities
    and projected costings to the relevant IGG
▶▶ Appointing Assistant Camp Chiefs and
    recruiting team leaders for all aspects of
    the camp e.g. site, finance, administration,
    activities, catering, transport, and international.
▶▶ Setting up, coordinating and chairing the
    organising committee.
▶▶ Working closely with National Office, Unit
    Leaders and camp volunteers.
▶▶ Having overall responsibility for the successful
    running and evaluation of the event.

For further information contact:
Margaret Patterson, Chair of Adult Training and
Outdoors Committee at
or Helen Concannon, Chief Commissioner at

Send your application to:
Please enclose a brief letter of motivation and a
one page CV of your relevant experience.

Deadline for receipt of
        Monday 30 April 2018
 Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                           15
NATIONAL GUIDE AWARDS                                  SOUTH WEST REGION
                                                             GUIDE                 UNIT             LEADER
     NATIONAL GUIDE AWARDS                                   Siún O'Reilly         Arbutus          Úna Clarke
                                                             Niamh Murphy          Fossa            Ann O'Connell
         14 OCTOBER 2017                                     Laura Kenny           Torc St Mary's   Mary Corkery
                                                             Ailish O'Hanlon       Boherbue         Mary H O'Connor
                                                             Aisling Burns         Ardilaun         Ann-Marie O'Leary
                                                             Laoise O'Callaghan
                                                             Hannah Coombs         Kenmare          Heather Coombs
                                                             Emer McClintock
                                                             Abaigeal O'Leary
                                                             Olivia Walsh          Carrigdhoun      Aisling Claffey
                                                             Emma Watson
                                                             Ella Collins
                                                             Ciara O'Sullivan      Schull           Liz Flatman
                                                             Emma Roycroft
                                                             Frances Corkery
                                                             Ela Demir             St. Barbara’s    Eithne Downey
                                                             Greta Fleming
                                                             Leah O'Keefe
                                                             Olivia Coleman
                                                             Jessie Gorry
                                                             Laura Fogarty
                                                             Ciara O'Grady         Galtee           Liz Downes
                                                             Robyn Sheehan
                                                             Hazel Walsh
                                                             Sarah Walsh

     GUIDE                UNIT           LEADER
     Martha McMahon       St. Rynagh’s   Carina Egan
     Xiao Yin Redmond     St. Nicholas   Caroline Flanagan
     Aibhe Berry Howard
     Aoife Clarke         Cairde         Anne Sture
     Shauna Freeney
     Alyssa Laffey                                                            SOUTH EAST REGION
     Nora-May Pearman
     Howard               Ardagh         Joanna Pearman       GUIDE                 UNIT            LEADER
     Keara Shattel                                            Caoimhe Crean         Seashell        Marie Chambers
     Sarah Shea                                               Shauna Burke
     Alana Corcoran                                           Caitlin Greene
     Danielle Croghan                                         Ciara Griffin         St. Bridget’s   Mena Timoney
     Leah Daly            Rosmote        Teresa Corcoran      Ellie Kennedy
     Sarah Hand                                               Róisín Lawless
     Katie Hennessy                                           Kaitlyn O'Regan
16                                                                                Trefoil News | International 2018
               NORTH WEST REGION
                                                                              EASTERN REGION
GUIDE                   UNIT           LEADER
Amiee Doherty           Raphoe         Doris Magee           GUIDE                UNIT                LEADER
Emma McCobb                                                  Ellen Reid           Rathfarnham         Heather Bowen
                                                             Caoimhe Egan         Tivoli              Gill Buckley
                                                             Elise Whelan Hayes   Bray                Mary Byrne
                                                             Aoife Warren         Edenderry           Ann Doyle
                                                             Jasmine Reilly
                                                             Aishling Ennis
                                                             Ciara Ennis          River Valley        Breda Cunningham
                                                             Jane O'Flaherty
                                                             Franziska Betts
                                                             Aoife McLoughlin     Dun Olaf            Fióna Walsh
                                                             Sophie Moutray
                                                             Aoife O'Toole
                                                             Ava Irwin
                                                             Emma Murray          Lucan               Amanda O'Sullivan
                                                             Ella Murtagh
                                                             Aoife Smullen
                                                             Aoife Archbold
               NORTH EAST REGION                             Grace Clabby
                                                             Gráinne Condron
GUIDE                   UNIT              LEADER
                                                             Ciara Cronin         Ballyroan           Anne McPartland
Hellen Orabiyi Wilson   Millmount         Sinéad Crilly
                                                             Emma Fallon
Chelsea Milmoe          Loughcrew         Adrienne Denning
                                                             Feena Lane
Saskia Eiffe
                                                             Fiona Mc Donnell
Laura Black             Boyne Valley      Ruth Heeney
                                                             Aisling Muldowney
Charlotte O'Neill
Maria Danylenko         Cealla            Tracy O'Sullivan
Doireann McGill
Aoife Marry
Rachel Muckion          Knockbridge       Irene Byrne
Alanna Tinnelly
Kate Englishby
Emma Malone             Glyde             Mary McDonnell
Sophie Rooney
Mia Mackie
Jade Mooney             Ballybay          Olwyn Williamson
Charlotte McQuillan                                                            MID WEST REGION
Rachel Duke
                                                              GUIDE                   UNIT              LEADER
Aoife Leonard           Culmullen         Mary Clarke
                                                              Niamh Mc Mahon          St. Bridget’s     Catherine Cotter
Lucy Morris
                                                              Rachael Freeney         Grove             Hanne Naughton
Katelyn Sutherland
                                                              Niamh Ahonen Smith
Anna-Kate Collins
                                                              Sophie Cornally Ryan    Thurles           Mary Fyler
Laura Galvin            Cú Chulainn       Jessica Woods
                                                              Jessica Dunne
Linnea Hughes
Sophie Kiernan
Ella Brady
Rebecca McMullan
Sorcha Clare Kane       Mullagh           Pauline Turner
Siún Smith
Kate Turner
Shauna Quinn

  Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                        17

                      PALLIATIVE CARE FOR CHILDREN

     The Tireragh Guides from County Sligo recently held a social dance in
     Skreen Dromard Community Centre in aid of The Victoria Thompson
      Scholarship. The scholarship was established in memory of Victoria
      who lived for exactly nine months and required palliative care as a
       result of a rare disease. The scholarship helps nurses to specialise
                                                                                           REBECCA FROM
       in palliative care for children. The Guides and their Leaders raised
                                                                                        LUCAN GUIDES WITH A
                         €3,720.00. Well done to the Unit!
                                                                                      LOVELY ‘ME’ POSTER AS PART
                                                                                       OF HER PATHFINDER ‘NOW
     From left to right: Brian Thompson (Victoria’s father), Geraldine Kiely,
                                                                                          YOU ARE A GUIDE’.
      Aoife Whelan, Roisin Donnelly, Éabha Harte, Sadbh Williams, Sharon
                          Thompson (Victoria’s mother).

                                                                             OLAVE AWARD FOR GUIDING AT
                                                                           OUR LADY’S CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL IN

                                                                          Members of Crumlin Guide Unit with their
                                                                          Olave Award certificate. The international
                                                                           WAGGGS award is awarded to Guiding
                                                                             groups who have created positive
                                                                          change in their community. Well done to
                                                                                   the team at Crumlin!

                                                         HOW MANY
                                                       BROWNIES AND
                                                       GUIDES CAN YOU
                                                         FIT IN A FIRE

                                                        Abbey Brownies
                                                      visited Athlone Fire
                                                       Station in October.
                                                       The girls had great
                                                      fun and we could fit
                                                       16 Brownies and a
                                                      Guide in the back of
                                                        the Fire Engine!

18                                                                                  Trefoil News | International 2018

                                          NORTH EAST REGIONAL
                                          CONFERENCE AWARDS


                   Lucan Guides and 48th Lucan Cub Scouts (all girls) took part in a joint activity day during which
                   Guides completed part of their Pathfinder ‘Now you are a Guide’ badge. Everyone had great fun!


   Members of
   North East
  Region Trefoil
 Guild pictured
   together in
   The group
 includes three
former Regional
and the current

                                                                        LEGO ROBOTICS IN CORK

                                                             Nadine Relihan and Danielle Riordan from McEgan
                                                                  Senior Branch give lego robotics a lash.

  Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                    19

     What are the                        ensure ‘all girls are valued and take    and Inclusion committee have
                                         action to change the world’.             been planning how to implement
     Sustainable                                                                  them over the next few years.
     Development Goals?                  Despite progress towards gender
                                         equality, girls and women continue       What’s next?
     (SDGs)                              to be disproportionately affected        Of course much of our programme
     You’ve probably heard the term
                                         by poverty, injustice, violence,         already helps to achieve many of
     mentioned over the last while. In
                                         disease, discrimination and a lack       the goals but, over the next while,
     2015, world leaders agreed upon
                                         of access to resources. WAGGGS           we would like to explicitly work on
     a second set of global goals for
                                         welcomes the potential that the          some of them. For the MDGs the
     sustainable development. These
                                         goals represent for transformative       GAT Pack was produced and lots
     follow on from the Millennium
                                         change in the lives of girls and         of the activities and information
     Development Goals (MDGs). By
                                         young women.                             there is still relevant.
     committing to the Sustainable
     Development Goals (SDGs), the
                                         What has IGG been doing since            We have decided to focus on
     U.N. and member governments
                                         2015?                                    one goal for now, Goal 3: Good
     agreed to take action to create a
                                         A lot has already happened               Health and Wellbeing. Already
     more equal, safe and prosperous
                                         regarding the SDGs. We’ve                you can see how many badges
     world by 2030.
                                         incorporated them into our World         that covers! Many of the Leaders
                                         Thinking Day activities and,             attending Branch Weekend will
     There are 17 goals that make up
                                         anyone who completed the camp            enjoy training on this goal. In the
     the SDGs. The 17 goals can be
                                         challenge badges with Guides or          next edition of Trefoil News there
     summed up by the 5 Ps - People,
                                         Senior Branch, had to engage with        will be activities on your Branch
     Planet, Prosperity, Peace and
                                         the goals via a message/photo/           pages. We hope that members can
                                         blog etc. At IGGNITE 2017 there          complete the activities over one
                                         were different activities linked to      or two Unit meetings and there
     What is WAGGGS’ involvement
                                         the goals. The National Programme        will be a button badge for the girls
     with the SDGs?
                                         and Training committee and the           who take part.
     Helping to make SDGs a reality
                                         Membership, Equality, Diversity
     is in line with WAGGGS’ vision to

     For more information:

20                                                                               Trefoil News | International 2018
 Dear Leaders,                                                               DON’T FORGET TO SHARE,
A Happy New Year to you all. We look forward to another                       WITH IGG AND WAGGGS,
Guiding year full of fun! Here’s to continuing the journey
of Ladybirds whilst having fun. In 2018, we would like to
                                                                            YOUR STORIES, PHOTOS AND
celebrate World Thinking Day with a competition to tie in                      EXPERIENCE OF THE
with the WAGGGS ‘impact’ theme. See competition details                    WAGGGS WORLD THINKING DAY
at the foot of page 23.
Complete the WAGGGS activities, under the Compass,
                                                                                                        Contact details at
Flame, Two Stars, and Trefoil Leaves headings, to
experience the impact your Ladybird Unit can have in the                                                 top of page 13
community and on the environment, while at the same
time earning the World Thinking Day badge for 2018.
                                                                 1. Explain to the Ladybirds that one way to stop wasting
Ladybird Branch                                                  water is by turning off the tap while they brush their
                                                                 teeth. Discuss with the Ladybirds about how to brush

                                                                 their teeth ensuring they only use the tap for water at
                                                                 the start to brush their teeth and at the end to rinse their

 ‘Compass’ and ‘Impact your                                      2. Explain to the Ladybirds that hoovering floors at home
 environment footprint’ activity.                                uses electricity. If some of the floors are wooden or tiled
                                                                 floors sometimes we can sweep these floors and save
 This activity allows Ladybirds                                  electricity. Ask the Ladybirds to help at home to sweep
 to consider how they can have                                   some of the wooden or tiled floors. This is one way to
 an impact on their environment                                  stop wasting electricity.
 which in turn can be beneficial to
 the planet.                                                     3. Ask the Ladybirds who watch TV to think of games or
                                                                 activities, such as colouring, that they could do instead
 Part 1: Run a quiz
                                                                 of watching TV. If they turned the TV off and played a
                                                                 game or coloured a picture, this would be a way to save
 The girls should stand in front of the Leader in a straight     electricity.
                                                                 4. Explain to the Ladybirds that electricity (energy) is
 The Leader calls out the following questions and, if a          wasted if we turn on the lights and leave the curtains
 Ladybird answers yes, she should run to the wall on the         pulled when it’s bright outside.
 right-hand side of the Leader. If a Ladybird answers no,        We can stop wasting energy by
 she should run to the left-hand side of the Leader.             pulling the curtains back and
                                                                 turning off the lights when it’s
 Sample questions for the Leader to call out:                    bright outside. Remind Ladybirds
 1.     Do you leave the tap running when you brush             to pull across their curtains when
         your teeth?                                             they wake up in the morning to
 2.      Do you help at home to hoover the floor?               let in the daylight.
 3.       Do you watch TV?
 4.       Do you pull across the curtains on the window in      5. Some of the Ladybirds may walk to school and others
           the morning time?                                     may go on a bus. Is it safe to walk or is the school too
 5.        Do you walk to school? Do you go to school on a      far away to walk to? For the Ladybirds who go to school
            bus?                                                 by car, ask them to talk to their parent/guardian to see
 6.         Do you use a re-fillable or re-usable bottle for    if they could walk to school for even one day a week, or
             your drink at Ladybirds or at school?               maybe they could consider getting a school bus. This
 7.          Do you use a lunch box for your lunch at school?              reduces the amount of fuel being used and it is
                                                                             less harmful to the environment.
 Part 2: Start a stop and start                                              6 and 7. If Ladybirds get bottles of water from
 campaign with your Unit                                                     the shop, ask them to start using a recyclable
                                                                              bottle instead. If Ladybirds use lunch bags
 The following explanations or discussions can                                for their lunch, ask them to start using a
 be introduced after each question has been                                    lunch box instead. This reduces the volume
 asked and Ladybirds choose their answer. They                                 of plastic bottles and lunch bags being
 can be presented with a ‘stop’ and ‘start’ theme.                             wasted.
 Ask the Ladybirds to decide what they are going
 to stop or start doing.                                         Badge Link: Environmental Awareness Badge no. 2 and
                                                                 Choice Challenge no. 6

  Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                             21
                                                                                        Part 2: Art

                                                                                      ▶▶ 1 A4 shee
                                                                                          of yello  w
          To create                                                                        card
         In the fo
                      a flame,
                               a                                                      ▶▶   1 A3 sheet of
                   llowing W source of energ                                                red card
         created               orld Thin           y and po
                  by                     kin                    wer                                     ts
        feed anim the sun which is g Day activity, th is required.                     ▶▶ A few shee
        each La
                     als and p            needed
                                                   to grow
                                                                   is energ
                                                                            y is             of yellow and
                 dybird to eople. The sun is                   plants w                      orange paper
                             become               a  s o u rc             hich
                                      strong a                e of ene
       Activity                                  nd powe
                                                                        rgy for         ▶▶ Glue sticks
                 to comp
                           lete ‘Flam                                                   ▶▶ Scissors
                                      e’ challe
       Part 1:                                  nge and                                 ▶▶ Pencils
                   Go for a
                                                                       in me’:
                                   ramb      le                                         Instructions:                      the sun from
       Bring th
                e Ladyb                                                                   ●   M ak e a la rge circle for            and
      helps to           ird s for a ra                                                                         of yellow card
                grow. Alt               mble to                                               the A4 sheet                       e  sheet of
      for a ram            ernative              identify                                                        middle of th
                ble, ask            ly, if the
                                                           items th
                                                                     at the su                place it in the
     identify             the Lady
               these ite            birds the           doesn’t
                                                                  a ll ow goin
                                                                                n             red card.                     e yellow and
     meeting             m  s on the            w eek befo                                                 ngles from th
              .                      ir way to
                                                school o
                                                             re the ac          g
                                                                        tivity to        ●● Make tria             of paper (allo
                                                                                                                                      w for 2
                                                          r to their                           orange sheets                 bi rd ).
                                                                       Ladybird                                  per Lady
                                                                                               to 3 triangles                           ms that
                                                                                                          La dy  bi rds to draw ite
                                                                                          ●● Ask the               of the energy
                                                                                                                                       th e sun
                                                  Badge L
                                                            ink: Grow                          grow because                  dy  bi  rd s to
                                                                        No. 10                                    sk the La
                                                                                                gives them. A              e ‘s un  ’.
                                                                                                                     nd th
                                                                                                glue these arou                          and
                                                                                                       ss  th e po  w er of the sun
                                                                                            ●● Discu                             ow    do  es
                                                                                                                  provides. H
                                                                                                the energy it               rd s st  ro ng ? Can
                                                                                                 the sun make
                                                                                                                      e decisions?
                                                                                                   Ladybirds mak

                            Valentine’s Day Crafts
     Heart-shaped Paper Bag                                                  •
                                                                                    Sticky tape
                                                                                    Hole punch
                                                                             •      Tissue paper
                                • Two pieces of paper cut into               Decorate the round
                                round shapes or two paper                    shaped paper
                                plates folded in half                        or paper plates
                                • Two pipe cleaners (they can be             as desired. Join
                                plain since they can't be seen on            the two pieces
                                the finished craft)                          together with
                                • Two plastic drinking straws                glue stick to form
                                cut into lengths of approx. 2cm              a V shape, leaving a pouch in the
                                (they don’t need to be exact or              middle. Decorate the pipe cleaners with beads and the
                                matching)                                    cut-up drinking straws. Punch four holes at the top of
                                • Coloured beads, 10/15 per                  the pouch. Put the pipe cleaners into the holes to make
                                Ladybird                                     handles. Ladybirds will need help with this.
                              • Glue stick

                      Heart Shape Weaving
                     • Paper plate
                     • Hole punch
                     • Different coloured wool
                     • Plastic darning needles

           Punch out a heart shape on a paper plate for each Ladybird.
           Thread the needles with wool and sew away.

22                                                                                                 Trefoil News | International 2018

       Two Stars:                                              Activity for ‘Two stars’ challenge and ‘Character brings

                                                               ‘Kusafiri’ game
 ‘Two stars’ represents communication and interaction
                                                               ‘Kusafiri’, WAGGGS’ fifth world centre,
 in communities.
                                                               means ‘journey’ in Swahili (a language
                                                               spoken in some African countries).
 The following activity focuses on cultural diversity and
                                                               Encourage the Ladybirds to participate in
 communicating with people who speak a different
                                                               this activity by listening to the following Swahili words
 language to the one we are familiar with.
                                                               and carrying out the appropriate actions.

  Swahili words              Meaning                     Action
  Tuungane                   Let us unite                Ladybird holds the waist of the Ladybird in front of them and
  Toon-Gan-Eh                                            together the Ladybirds make a train and run around the room
  Tucheze                    Let us dance                Each Ladybird does a dance e.g. an Irish dance
  Tufurahi                   Let us be happy             Each Ladybird walks around the room and smiles at each
  Tu-Fu-Ra-Hi                                            Ladybird she passes
  Tusherrehekehe             Let us celebrate            Each Ladybird shouts ‘hooray, hooray’ and waves her hands in
  Tu-Sher-Re-He-Ke-He                                    the air

 Note: It’s ok for the Leader not to get the                   To play:
 pronunciation of these words correct as that’s part of
 the fun of learning a new language and communicating          1.   When the Leader calls out ‘Tusherrehekehe’, each
 with others.                                                       Ladybird shouts ‘hooray, hooray’ and waves her
                                                                    hands in the air.
 Explain to the Ladybirds that when the Leader calls           2.   When the Leader calls out ‘Tufurahi’, each
 out a Swahili word they must do the relevant action as             Ladybird moves around the room and smiles at
 detailed in the table.                                             each Ladybird she passes.
                                                               3.   Continue calling out these two Swahili words until
 Practice two of the words first by repeating them a                the girls become familiar with the relevant actions
 few times, one after another, until the girls become               with each word.
 familiar with the sound of the word.                          4.   Then gradually add in each of the other two words
                                                                    while explaining to the girls what action should be
                                                                    done for that word.

Trefoil Leaves:                                                                                  For an alternative to
                                                                                                the above activity, try
‘Trefoil Leaves’ and ‘Positive Impact’ activity. Just like leaves on a tree, Ladybirds          a ‘Commitment brings
in each Ladybird Unit can have a positive impact on their community.                                Impact’ activity:

                                                                                                Ask the Ladybirds and
For this activity, each Ladybird colours in a picture of the World Trefoil – see
screenshot below and download full sheet from OGM.                                           parents to bring in any old
                                                                                              clothes that the girls may
                                 Complete a Unit mural by joining up all the                    have outgrown, to help
                                 Ladybirds’ pictures. Consider leaving your mark               towards fund
                                 by displaying your Unit mural in your local school,          raising for the
                                 community hall or library.                                  World Thinking
                                                                                                 Day fund.
                                 Mural competition:                                          Bring the bags
                                                                                                of clothes
                                 Take a photograph of your Unit mural and send                to one of
                                 it to Monica Mc Donnell, Ladybird Chair at                   your local
                        along with your
                                 Unit name and contact details. The closing date is
                                 2 March 2018.
                                                                                             for money
                                 Prizes for the most colourful Unit mural submitted:           and put
                                        1st Prize: €250 One for all voucher
                                                                                                the money
                                       2nd Prize: €150 voucher for the IGG                     towards the
                                                  Distribution Centre                        World Thinking
                                       3rd Prize: €100 voucher for the IGG                        Day fund
                                                  Distribution Centre
 Trefoil News | International 2018                                                                                         23
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