Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website

Page created by Kenneth Powers
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
August 2021

              Next Club Meeting:
   Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not
Limited numbers, please register on the club website
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
                                                   AUGUST 2 0 2 1
                                                   Official DOCV Web Site:

                                                   Committee reports                      5
                                                   Things of Beauty                      11
                                                   Ducati Tube                           15
                                                   Worth paying for good gear?           16
                                                   Profile – Özkan Baykal                17
                                                   Brekky ride to Kinglake               18
                                                   Ducati radio                          20
                                                   Profile – Oliver Barrett              21
                                                   WorldSBK Assen                        22
                                                   Ducati news                           23
                                                   Tiger Hunt 2022                       29
                                                   Profile – Melanie Reynolds            37
                                                   Profile – George Rappold              38
                                                   Desmoto Vendi                         39
                                                   DOCV Events                           39
                                                   Riding Etiquette                      42

                                                   Cover picture credit: Panigale V2 Bayliss
                                                   1st Championship 20th Anniversary,
                                                   Ducati Media.
                                                   Back page credit: Rob Labuc

                                                   Like to contribute to Desmoto?

messaggi importanti #1                             It’s easy – just email the Editor with
                                                   your article or photos or whatever
Every day things can change right now, so always   you think other DOCV members
                                                   would be interested in. Photos are
keep checking the website and the Facebook page    best sent in .jpg format separate of
for the latest updates if events can go ahead.     the article (ie. don’t embed them in
                                                   the Word doc). Bigger pics are better
                                                   than small ones. All contributions will
messaggi importanti #2                             be very gratefully received.
                                                   The email address for the Desmoto
Help other members get to know you and submit      editor is:
a member profile for Desmoto – click here:
                                                   The deadline for Desmoto is always                the last day of the month, except for
                                                   December because we don’t publish
                                                   a January edition.

                                                   DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                         3
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
Ducati Owners Club of Victoria Inc.
                                           PO Box 16 Box Hill Victoria 3128
                                          Incorporated Association Registration #A80B

                             DOCV Committee Members and Office Bearers
            President: Mel Reynolds                                  Editor: Matthias Siegel
            Vice President: Rachael Alexander                        Spares: Daryl Grant
            Secretary: Peter Kardaras                                Library: Garry Elphinstone
            Treasurer: Evan Rubenstein                               Club Permit Officer: Daryl Grant
            Club Captain: Geoff Salmon                               Merchandise: Aldo Mosenich
            Co-captains: Joe Ruspandini, Neil Larson,
                                                                     Life Members:
            Garry Elphinstone, Glenn Loechel,
                                                                     Garry Elphinstone, Ric Begg, Peter Shearman,
            Gavin Hodge, Kathy Hodge, Mark Slater,
                                                                     Gerard Porter, Gary Parnaby, Lawrence Gibbs,
            Armando Mercuri, John Lyon, Caroline
                                                                     Peter Sack, Stephen Frew, Ralph Green (dec),
            Ewans, Orlando Iluffi, Daryl Grant, Peter
                                                                     John Slater, Russ Murray.

                                      General Meeting and Social Night held at:
                                   The Manningham, 1 Thompsons Road Bulleen.
                                     Third Tuesday of every month (except Jan):
                       7.00pm - social catch up and grab a bite to eat; 8.00pm - meeting starts.

      Disclaimer: Technical articles and comments printed in this magazine are the result of contributions from members. As such,
     the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Ducati Owners Club of Victoria Inc. (DOCV) The material contained
     in this magazine is in the nature of general comment only, and is not advice on any particular matter. The DOCV editorship and
      contributing authors do not accept any responsibility for the consequences of any action taken, or omitted to be taken, by any
    person whether as a member or not, as a consequence of anything contained in, or omitted from, this magazine. Itinerary dates
                                              and times are subject to last minute variation.
                        Magazine assembly by Peter Cusworth, Ph 0409 797 023

4           DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
editoriale   Matthias Siegel

What can I say. Last night I finished my editorial and it      a few members who aren’t aware that there was a time,
started like this:                                             a long time ago, when Ducati built things like radios and
 Welcome to the end of lockdown 5 – I’m pretty sure it         cameras instead of motorcycles. Today these are collectors
 won’t be the last one so let’s make the most of it while we   items and Kiwi managed to get his hands on one of the old
 can! As I’m writing this Victoria has had its first ‘donut’   original Ducati radios. Worth a visit to the showroom I think,
 day (0 new cases) in a while so chances are looking good      and if you have any similar Ducati items in your collection, I
 we can get a few rides in this month before we have to        would welcome a similar article for Desmoto.
 plug in the trickle chargers again.                           Then, as mentioned earlier, Ducati has blessed us with
Less than 24h later we’re back in lockdown. It’s so            a fabulously looking Bayliss anniversary edition of the
deflating. I understand the rationale and I support it, but    Panigale V2. The official name of the bike is ‘Ducati
I just really want my life back. Having some certainty         Panigale V2 Bayliss 1st Championship 20th Anniversary’
planning trips and so on. The forecast looked great for the    (rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it). Obviously this bike means
weekend and I had some nice rides planned.                     a lot to Australians and brings back many memories of
                                                               Troy’s amazing achievements in WorldSBK and MotoGP,
But you know what, there are many people out there doing       and I know there are several club members who know
it tough and compared to them I live in relative luxury.       Troy personally. I’m counting myself lucky to have gotten
Other than not being able to travel for another week or so I   to within a few meters of the great man a few times in
don’t have much to complain in my life. So without further     the paddock on PI, always too shy to ask for a photo or
whinging, here’s the rest as I wrote it last night:            autograph. Maybe one day. Anyway, the bike looks great, so
                                                               I’ve included way more promo shots than I would normally
                                                               do for a news story. Hope to see one of the bikes at a DOCV

  ’m really happy with this edition of Desmoto. Not only       ride in the future.
  do we have a stunning cover shot of the new Bayliss
  Panigale, we’ve also got a really diverse selection of       Finally we’ve got the long-awaited return of the member
content this month. I’ll point out a few highlights.           profiles. I think it’s a great way for members to get to know
                                                               each other, and for new members to introduce themselves.
Captain Geoff has asked me to include a promo for the          For some reason we stopped publishing profiles at some
upcoming Tassie Tiger Hunt 2022, and man, what a promo         point. I’m aiming to have a selection of profiles from both
it is! From the detailed trip notes you can get a good idea    new-ish and senior members in each edition. If you’d like
of what a fantastic and meticulously planned trip it usually   to support the idea and get your profile published in one of
is (I’ve been fortunate enough to attend the last two, and     the next editions, it’s very easy now, simply follow the link
looking forward to this one). No doubt this will be the        below and it will take you to the questionnaire. Feel free to
highlight of 2022.                                             suggest any interesting questions I’ve missed, and I may
Then we’ve received a really nice contribution by Kiwi         add them to the form.
Conway, the new GM at Fraser Motorcycles Melbourne   
(formerly known as Ducati Melbourne). Perhaps there are

                                                                                     DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                   5
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
I’ve also received a suggestion to start publishing stories
of members’ first bikes and their experience with it. I think     Next Issue
it’s a great idea and I would certainly be open to publishing     • Do you own a very
it if anyone has a great story of their first bike and wants to   special Ducati? (Let’s
share it. Even better if that bike was a Ducati.                  be honest, pretty
News from the garage                                              much any Ducati
                                                                  qualifies…) Why not
In terms of bikes I haven’t been up to much myself recently.
                                                                  write a portrait about
Largely because it’s too bloody cold to work anything in my
                                                                  your pride and joy for
garage, and every weekend it was either raining or I had to
                                                                  Desmoto! Let others
go to house inspections, so no time to ride. When I did find
                                                                  know what you like
some time, I spent it mostly on preparing the Hyperstrada
                                                                  and don’t like, what
for sale. Final decision, it has to go. Its place in the garage
                                                                  to look out for when
will soon be taken by the Tiger 900 Rally Pro.
                                                                  buying one.
Recently I’ve been a little obsessed with optimising the
                                                                  • Have you been on
gearing on my bikes, after learning more about it during
                                                                  a beautiful bike trip
the track bike conversion of my Daytona and teaching
                                                                  recently, perhaps
myself how to rivet chains. As a result I’ve converted my
                                                                  overseas (okay,
Streetfighter 848 to a 520 gold chain with matching Renthal
                                                                  not very likely)?
aluminium rear sprocket and quick release sprocket carrier.
                                                                  Why not share your
Sprockets, carrier and chain combined it saved almost
                                                                  experience with other readers!
1kg in weight. I have yet to ride it and see if it makes a
noticeable difference, but it certainly looks better than         • Bought some useful new bike gear? Why not write a
before. Could well turn out to be a colossal waste of money       review for Desmoto!
                                                                  Articles are best sent in as a PDF or Word document.
The other day while checking on the Tiger ETA at Peter            Photos ideally in JPEG format, and please include them
Stevens I also grabbed myself an Alpinestars Tech-Air 5           as separate files. For quality reasons larger photos are
airbag vest, which I also haven’t tried yet. I hope I’ll never    better than smaller ones.
need it, but it’s good for peace of mind. Actually my biggest
worry is that it goes off accidentally, but it has been on the    All contributions will be gratefully received.
market for a while so I hope they’ve sorted any software          Deadline for submissions: end of the month.
glitches by now. And I know I’m far from the only one in the
club who wears one of those.                            
That’s it for this month, enjoy the magazine!


 Acknowledgments                                                  Gear review request
 Desmoto would not be possible without contributions              Bought a nice piece of gear lately? Happy with it?
                                                                  Like to tell members about it? Please do!
 from our members, partners and other various sources,
                                                                  Feel free to send us a quick 5 minute review:
 who have put a lot of their time and effort into making this
 edition informative and a good read.                             • What is it? Website? • Where to get it?
                                                                  • How much did it cost? • Why is it good?
 This edition features much appreciated contributions by
                                                                  • Suggestions for use? • C
                                                                                            an it be improved?
 (in no particular order):
 Ducati, Kiwi Conway, Geoff Salmon, Melanie Reynolds,
 George Rappold, Oliver Barrett, Özkan Bayal, Jay Leno’s
 Garage, the DOCV committee & various YouTubers.
 Thanks to everybody!

6         DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
                                          Mel Reynolds

           ell, we’ve survived yet another lockdown and I          And this year hasn’t really been much better with snap
           don’t know about you, but I was completely and          lockdowns and border closures getting in the way, so
           utterly unmotivated during lockdown 5.0. But we         fingers crossed it will all be sorted out by the time we are
got through it and now we can sit back and watch almost            ready to go.
every other state go through their own lockdowns in                Club wise there is a calendar that is filling with a whole
various forms. Our Sydney friends look like they might be in       range of events for the rest of the year. There is something
theirs for quite some time.                                        there for everyone from long rides to short rides to new
That’s caused a few dramas for Ducati ANZ given their              member rides to social events, but if there is something that
office warehouse is smack bang in the middle of one of             you would like to see the Club do that isn’t there please let
the locked down LGAs. I’m sure Andrew and Kiwi will tell           us know. And we might even take the General Meeting on
you of the dramas they must be experiencing getting bikes          the road again soon so keep an eye out on the Events page
sent from Sydney and Alana is having so much fun trying to         to see what is coming up.
reshuffle deliveries into states not in lockdown! Let alone        That’s about it from me this month. Stay safe everyone and
rescheduling all the events that were planned for the rest of      see you on the road soon.
this year.
Speaking of new bikes, has anyone checked out the new              Mel
Monster? At the time of writing, I haven’t had a chance to
go and have a look at one in the flesh yet but can’t wait to
see it in person. Commentary about the new styling based
on all the press photos has been a bit polarising to say
the least. People seem to have either loved it or hated it,
but I’ve heard that the photos don’t do it justice. So, it’s
definitely on my list to go and check it out as soon as I get a      New Members
weekend free. Better go without my credit card though!
                                                                     Özkan Baykal                Florian Tzotzis
Penelope is now also back in the garage after getting some
                                                                     Tony Cartwright             Eddie X’lingson
new bling and go faster bits. She’s got some fancy new rear
sets and clip-ons now and was given a race air filter during         Greg Mc Pherson             Mark Newton
her service so she is all set for our next track day. I’ve also      Michael Mcnamara            Leigh Smith
finally got myself some tyre warmers, so my collection of
                                                                     Matt Menzies                Justin Untersteiner
track ready bits and pieces is getting there slowly. All we

need to do now is get me as ready as she is!                         Henry Okraglik              James Wallace

The Scrambler is getting herself ready for a couple of               David Orr
weekends away before the bloke that lives at my house
and I head off on a bit of a trip later in the year. We tried to
get away 3 times last year but every time we had it planned
there was a shoulder surgery followed by two lockdowns.

                                                                                         DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                      7
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
                          capitano       Geoff Salmon

   was warned that writing a monthly report is an                 Healesville or Monbulk and should work for quite a few if
   unrelenting task that goes with being Captain. One down        the idea has legs.
   and 21 to go. I will try to minimise any dull and laboured
efforts, and continue the search for an honest display pic.
                                                                  Covid Casualties
My passport needs renewing so perhaps I can ask Kew PO            Just one midweek ride was scheduled this winter (lunch at
for a smiley shot as well.                                        Robin Hood Hotel) and was cancelled owing to uncertainty
                                                                  around Lockdown #5. It will be re-scheduled to late Spring
New Member Rides                                                  rather than August. A midweek ride is already on the
Since last report Evan Rubenstein has put his hand up             calendar for September (Eildon) and is hosted by Armando
for another new member/introductory ride. It is a selfless        the Effervescent.
contribution by Evan and deserves applause. It is his own         Jerusalem Creek was to be a traditional Sunday fang on
initiative and a noble one when I think back to my own first      July 25 and it too had to be cancelled. Early thinking was
ride. That was to the Golden Trout in a group 3x the size of      to book lunch at Aqua Bar & Cafe, north of the dam wall,
anything I’d experienced before. Moreover I knew no one.          rather than the marina at Jerusalem Creek. Once bitten
Russ Murray offered a few settling tips that I appreciated,       twice shy for Aqua Bar who chose to shut and remain
and I now know J. McLachlan and P. Wilson too well!               closed for the entire flu season.
Evan’s ride is on September 12 and I hope it attracts             Ex-Pres Neil’s pie ride to Neerim South on August 8 is a
experienced members too. We want a cross-section of               goer at time of writing but unfortunately is restricted to a
people to give the day colour, a welcoming feel and a             quota of 10.
spread of mentors when it comes to corner marking, group
etiquette and setting ‘The Vibe’.                                 Grand Final Weekend
Ride to Brekky                                                    A breakdown in the Club’s Port Campbell tradition began
                                                                  in 2018. That weekend started from Sorrento and switched
A ride to brekky at Kinglake on July 11 was a moderate            to Apollo Bay for accommodation. The following year
success with 9 ‘turnupees’. Chill and fog were early              went full Monty with Joe’s ‘Not the GOR Ride’ based at
challenges getting there, followed by glare as we emerged         Yackandandah. 2020 was Covid cursed and this year Port
above it in the hills. Garry was minus a white walking cane       Campbell was tied to Brass Monkey instead – also cursed.
but his Polaroid glasses were a shade of black on arrival.        That is the lead-in to choosing Rutherglen as our Grand
All was forgiven over a decent chin wag and the dry roads/        Final destination next month. In my mind the Northeast’s
blue sky that followed. Armando was first to register, first to   weather is less risky than the Otways, it has less traffic,
arrive and went on to lead a faction to Thornton. The rest of     less roadwork, plus scheduling anything within cooee of
us arrived home with plenty of time for other things.             Bright has become difficult at any other time of year.
An early finish or option for more is what I like about the       The Grand Final in 2022 is a blank sheet and I am interested
RTB idea. It is a weather-flexible outing that can slip in on     to hear opinion. I am warm on keeping Port Campbell but
any weekend over winter. Little planning is involved, or          perhaps alternating every second year. Impending and
wasted if low turnout.                                            significant speed restrictions west of Apollo Bay may spoil
Another Ride to Brekky is scheduled for August 29 at              that idea.
Gladysdale Bakehouse (actually on Warburton Hwy at Yarra
Junction). It is a worthwhile ride coming via Gembrook,

8         DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
Registration has opened for this September and we depart        As an aside, and I need a few to fill this bloody page, Tiger
Healesville on the public holiday of Friday 24. Our own GF      Hunt ‘22 will be my ninth Tassie bike trip. The count includes
parade takes a ‘shy’ route through the Strathbogie and          a couple as a Victorian in the late 70’s. The first 6 were all
Warby Ranges. Breaks are planned at Yea, Violet Town (for       on different bikes – Kwaka 900, Darmah, BMW1200 GS
lunch) and Glenrowan – regional members take note as            (hired), Monster 1100, ST2 and ST4s. The ST4s is the best
options to join late or just to rub shoulders.                  of that lot as a solo Tassie tourer and (wash my mouth) the
Our two nights of accommodation involve 4 venues that           Beemer is not far behind. If things go to plan I will rack up a
are all within 0 to 5 minutes walk of both the town centre      few more on a middleweight adventure bike before my time
and each other. Rooms vary in standard and that is partly       is done.
reflected in the pricing schedule. Simplicity prevails beyond
that and we will allocate people to the best rooms on a         Cin Cin,
first come basis. The event cap is rubbery but we can
accommodate 38 with optimum uptake by couples and               Geoff
people taking twin shares. Registrations must close after
Wednesday, Sept 15.
Tiger Hunt
A promo for next February’s Tiger Hunt appears in this
edition. Things are mostly in hand and even the T-shirt
wheels are turning. Home-grown designs are still welcome
if there are any late brainwaves. I am using an illustrator
so sketch ideas are sought, not artwork. Thanks Phil
Currie, Oliver Barrett and Wendy McCormack who have
contributed so far.

Advertise here
If you are interested in
becoming a sponsor of DOCV,
or advertising your business
or product in DESMOTO,
please get in touch at treas@ for more information
                                                                                      DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                    9
Next Club MeetiNg: Tuesday 17 August at the Manningham, or not Limited numbers, please register on the club website
                                  Evan Rubenstein

Financials for July 2021

       uly was a very quiet month for the club, with no        ‘Fun’ Track Days
       revenue generating events. Accordingly the club’s       In recent years, the club has struggled to break even on its
       financials have nothing of real relevance in them       flagship events, the Fun Days. We use both Phillip Island
                                                               and Broadford for these and usually run two events per
                                 July 2021       June 2021     year at each venue under normal circumstances.
Income                                   $                 $   Two phenomena affect these events:
     Desmoto                             0                 0   • Steadily rising costs
     Events                              0          -976.00    • A continually decreasing number of participants.
     Memberships                    712.00         1,395.00    In addition, the club has competition in the form of
                                                               other commercially operated track days at these and
     Merchandise                         0                 0   other venues and we have to set our prices to remain
     Other                               0                 0   competitive.
Total income                        712.00           419.00    There are only a few date options made available to us
                                                               which are offered to us in the January/February timeframe.
                                                               Once we accept, we are then committed to the dates and
Expenses                                 $                 $   the cost.
     Desmoto                        656.00         1,312.00    Using Phillip Island as an example:
     Events                              0           516.00
                                                               The April 2021 Fun Day cost the club $19,020.
     Membership                          0           156.75    The breakdown of these costs was:
     Other                         1,619.85        2,791.90     Circuit Hire...........................$15,510
Total Expenses                     2275.85          4776.65     Advertising...................................66
Operating Profit/(Loss)          (1,563.85)       (4,357.65)    Marshalls.................................1,320
                                                                Paddock PA Hire Fee................105
Cash Assets                              $                 $    Early Gate Fee............................138
     Cheque Account              37,214.65        39,424.00     Garage Hire .............................. 286
     Paypal                        1,900.67        1,124.05     Paramedics.............................1,320
     Debit Card                    1,326.98        1,345.48     Rider Levies................................276
     Cash reserve                16,784.69        16,784.69     Total......................................$19,020

     Term Deposit 2                5,272.25        5,272.25    The average price we charge for a rider who is a club
     Term Deposit 3                5,281.64        5,281.64    member is $262.50. Therefore, we need ~73 club riders to
                                                               break even. We had 36 club riders attend. (roughly 10% of
     Trade Debtors                 2,402.73        2,402.73
                                                               the club’s membership). This is typical of what has been
     Other Assets                  2,013.60        2,013.60    happening of late.
Net Assets                       72,197.21        73,648.44

10            DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Obviously, the club would not be able to run these events      particular event we had 22 non-member riders and in total,
if they were open only to members, so we try to make up        there was a $2730 shortfall for this particular event. Which
the numbers with non-members. This is not at all easy as       means that the club subsidised each of the participants to
non-members are not visiting the club website or getting       the tune of $47 on average.
club emails so it generally does not factor into their track   So this remains a vexing issue for the committee to resolve.
day planning. Our only option is to try and reach potential    If we continue the way things are, the club is looking at an
participants via social media, which is challenging for        annual cost of $10,000 -$12,000 to keep running these days
such a narrowly defined audience. In terms of promoting        and a small number of riders get to have their track day fun
these events into their membership bases, other Victorian      subsidised by the membership at large.
Ducati interest groups on social media are generally
uncooperative and so we have had limited success through       That said, our Fun Days are a signature element of the club
these avenues.                                                 and we need to explore every option that we can in order to
                                                               keep holding them.
Even with non-member riders, there is a substantial
shortfall that the club has to make good on. For this

   Things of Beauty

                                                               2005 Ducati 749 Dark

                                                                                     DESMOTO August 2021                 11
                                     Peter Kardaras

Vale(‘s) MotoGP

        nother Friday night, another glass of single malt,
        and another blank page to fill for the monthly report
        on the DOCV publication. Matthias, our editor,
has politely reminded me that mine is the only article
outstanding but my mind is drawing a blank. My thoughts
race to the first time I laid eyes on this lanky Italian kid
who was racing on a Nastro Azzuro coloured 125cc (back
when bikes could burn oil along with fuel for those of you
watching from home). This kid, who went on to become
the most influential figure of the modern era of two-wheel
racing had just announced his retirement at the end of 2021.
No tears, no sobbing, no stresses, no bitching about the
way the sport has gone, (yes Casey), no blaming the team
he was riding with after he won with it (yes George). He just
decided that it was time to change scenery and in typical
Valentino Rossi fashion, will just do it. In the meantime,
                                                                We need to pray to you mate thank you for the memories.
he managed to win 9 World titles, 199 podiums, race with
3 different teams and create a legacy where a pipeline of
riders are coming through the ranks of all classes.             I get lockdown but I get up again
There are better writers than me to depict all the great        It appears that we are having a lockdown per month and
things about the phenomenal career and personality of           until we all get vaccinated (ok 80%) of us we will have to
Valentino Rossi with a bunch of cliches and stats. I will       live with the unexpected surprise of our premier saying
only mention the profound effect of how me made MotoGP          the words “Following the health advice received we are
popular amongst the common folk. My example was a               announcing as of XX pm tonight a lockdown ….
phone call from Greece with my parents in 2014. I was at
the Island with mates on my yearly pilgrim at the race and      This has a knock-on effect on our club events/rides etc
after speaking to them, they put my 92 year old grandmother     of course. The committee is working hard to keep things
who was bed ridden and suffering from Alzheimer’s. All          going, despite planning being rather challenging. Our newly
she asked me was how is America (this is the Alzheimer’s        minted club captain, Geoff Salmon has been vigorously
talking-I’ve never been there) and asked in fer faint voice,    working to fill the ride calendar and of course the planning
“Rossi won?”. Now you find another rider that anyone            for the Tassie Tiger hunt 2022 has commenced.
could remember like that…..                                     I won’t argue the virtues of getting vaccinated, I believe we
A last fact is that the name of Valentino Rossi will carry      are all responsible adults and know what to do to save our
on into the years to come. Through his affiliation with the     own lives from the pandemic. What I will urge you all is, like
Ducati Brand in the next few years, through the number          the past 5 lockdowns, get in touch with fellow members just
46 global marketing machine, even though the records he         to check in. We all need one another in these crazy times
holds that will take a while to be broken. I am just happy      and if our common love of Ducati’s brings us together to
to have cheered this guy race around at the Island every        ride, eat, drink, be merry it also should make us pick up the
October and on my lounge TV screen ( in my jocks) every         phone and text or call a fellow Ducati enthusiast. We will be
other Sunday night.                                             back on track and get back into the good times again.

12        DESMOTO August 2021
Dramas with the Darmah
- Kicked in the guts
In amongst the boredom of the last two lockdowns,
I was quietly hoping for the phone call that came
from Lance Smith regarding the progress of the
motor repair turn rebuild, turn part restoration
that the Darmah was undergoing. It was a Friday
afternoon, at a time when blue- and white-collar
workers get the common “dryness” in the back
of their throat, and they congregate to various
locations where they cure this “dryness” with
alcoholic solutions. My phone rings, I am at my
home office, accompanied by one of these potions,
I pick it up, it was Lance.
  Hi Lance, great to hear from you, how are you?
  Good Pete, how are you travelling? he responds
  with his measured tone of voice. You know, I’ve                                        The rejuvinated bevel motor is back in.
  been working on your bike, she’s back together. I
  put the motor back in and…
  Did you start it? How is it running? How is the
  gearbox, All good? I rapid fire him questions
  quicker than the reporters at the NSW daily
  health update are asking “casual Gladys” when
  the Sydney lockdown will end.
  I did start it Pete, he continues to talk in the
  same tone. Its running fine. I just noticed a
  couple of more things while we are at it. The
  rear shockers are leaking, the front end needs
  a service and your tyres are the wrong size
  and cracked- dangerous I must say. I was
  wondering if….
  Yeap, just change them, I rudely cut him off.
  I have a set of KONI’s to suit in the garage, I
  will get them down to you, as for the tyres, just
  replace them mate, you pick what you think                      Would you like some suspension work with that motor rebuild.
  should go on, so does this mean I can come around
  No problem Pete, he continues, I just thought id mention        document, with another glass of single malt, and typing the
  it and by the way I would like to ride the bike to make sure    end instalment of the Dramas with the Darmah.
  everything is ok. Your club rego has expired a month ago.       And don’t forget: Before you criticise someone, walk a mile
  I will need that to test ride the bike. Then you can come       in their shoes. That way you are a mile away and have their
  and pick her up.                                                shoes!
  Oh yes.. ok , I’d better sort that out as well. Ahh give me a
  few days and ill get something down to you.
                                                                  Ciao Ragazzi
Needless to say, I was down there the following afternoon
with the shockers and the club registrations signed
(thanks Daryl) and renewed. I didn’t get to see “the patient
Darmah” as Lance wasn’t expecting me and wasn’t home.
“I’ll catch him next week” I thought, and a few days later,
Daniel Andrews announced Lockdown 6.0. I am looking
forward to my next report, where I will be staring at a blank

                                                                                       DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                   13
                               Rachael Alexander

          ell, not much has been happening in my personal       Father’s Day is rapidly approaching, so get some DOCV
          word of motorcycling. I check frequently that         merch for the man (or woman) who has everything! I
          neither of the bikes have been stolen and a I         have had my eye on the pink kids tee for a while now so I
heard Orlando start them both up about a fortnight ago.         can wear it as I represent the club at events such as the
The Multi still has the same flat tyre as all our spare time    Festival of Italian Motorcycles, which is traditionally run in
has been channelled towards breathing life back into our        November but as yet has not been scheduled (which is a
(hopefully) soon to be coastal home.                            good thing as it means it has not been cancelled).
Now this has been quite an adventure but not nearly as          Our July meeting via Zoom resulted in a click frenzy (well
much fun as our DOCV motorcycling adventures which I            in my house anyway) and I have just put in a second order
miss very much. I hope I can see your happy faces through       for the half price mystery box from Jay Leno’s Garage
your helmets shortly if the rolling lockdowns would just stop   Australia. My first purchase, shortly after the July general
rolling.                                                        meeting consisted of leather care / car interior products,
The weather of late has not been very conducive to              which I have been using at home to great success.
motorcycling as we do not have any heated gear. A bit like      It was clear that our guest speaker, Evan from Jay Leno’s
Groundhog Day – between 12-14 degrees as a top with             Garage Australia really knew his stuff and the reviews
showers and icy winds. Although, I must say that toiling        on their website confirmed that everything was tickety
away in a fibro cement house with no heat source or             boo for any cleaning product that the heart of the modern
insulation is reminiscent to the early morning icy dash down    motorcyclist could or would desire. Even better DOCV
the Monash towards a June Brass Monkey ride.                    members receive a 15% discount! Just enter DOCV in the
Luckily there has been some great DOCV club stuff that          discounts section as you checkout. I am sure Matthias has
happened this month. If you were a member in about              rounded up some information from Evan for this magazine.
May/June, you should have received your DOCV goodie             Do yourself a favour and have a peek. Your beloved Ducati
bag. Some DOC members would have also received their            will thank you for keeping its curves shiny, its chrome
goodies, but only about half of them as that is all that the    polished, leather in great condition and generally looking
mothership Ducati supplied us with. If you were too late        like all sorts of fabulous. Thanks to Evan for his time and
for the DOCV and/or the DOC packs do not fear, we will do       extensive knowledge of all things in relation to how to keep
another send out of these when supplies permit.                 your Ducati immaculate.
A big thanks to our legendary Master of Merchandise               Take care of each other
person, Aldo Mosenich who, as always did a stellar                Stay kind
job of getting the packs out to our members. Speaking
                                                                  Stay safe
of merchandise, we do have a very reasonably priced
collection available from our website here. You don’t even        Hope to see you on a ride soon.
have to be a member!                                              Keep on shining you crazy diamonds


14        DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Here is a misappropriation of one of my favourite songs (the
absolute favourite is the one sung by Eva Cassidy, I find it
even more haunting and melancholy inducing as she died
so young): Somewhere over the Rainbow.

 Somewhere over the rainbow
 through a mountain range, way up high
 There’s a road that I heard of once in a lullaby
 Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue                      Can you guess the mystery club identity?
 And the roads of which you dare to dream really do            Find the answer on one of the following pages.
 come true (particularly in Tassie)
 Someday I’ll wish upon a star
 And wake up where the clouds are far
 Behind me
 Where troubles melt like bare skin on a Ducati exhaust
 Away above in the mountain passes
 That’s where you’ll find me
 Somewhere over the rainbow Ducatis weave and fly
 If other Ducati riders ride beyond the rainbow
 Why then, oh, why can’t I?
 If happy little Ducati riders fly
 Beyond the rainbow
 Why, oh, why can’t I?

           D u c a t i
                                                               Can This New Ducati Scrambler Desert Sled Do It All On-
                                                                Road AND Off-Road?

      Ducati World Première 2022 | Special Episode                  2021 Ducati Multistrada V4 - Jay Leno’s Garage

                                                                                  DESMOTO August 2021                15
good        gear

Is it really
worth paying
for the “good
By Melanie Reynolds

   ’d never really spent a great deal on winter gear, which
   is possibly surprising for someone who hates the cold
   as much as I do. Back in the day I had the old school
DriRider jacket which was pretty good, but since that went
by the wayside I never really had a proper winter jacket.
I had great summer jackets because it didn’t matter so
much when its warm and not raining. But after several
particularly drenching rides I decided it was time to spend
the money and get something decent.
So off to MCAS I went and came home with a Dainese Zima
Gore-Tex Jacket $750 lighter. It has a removable liner for
extra warmth and has a waterproof breathable Gore-Tex
membrane so that the water doesn’t soak through. I was
kind of expecting this to make it heavy when it got wet but
I’ve been completely soaked in it a few times now and it’s
not heavy at all, the water just seems to run off it. It’s also
toasty warm until it gets really cold. Then I just layer up
underneath. It does also have several vents so when you
take the liner out it’s perfectly fine for summer riding too.
Its actually become my go to jacket for all riding which just
means my leather jacket now lives in my track kit bag.
Of course, that keeps my top dry but I’ve never been able         who are smaller than the average (insert eye roll here). I
to find pants that either fit or keep me dry. I’ve been the       tried both options that I’d found and landed on Galvestone
Michelin man with ridiculously oversized pants, and I’ve          D2 Gore-Tex Pants as the ones to get. Another $400 or so
also tried over pants which could actually cover me from          later I had a full set of proper winter riding gear. These also
top to toe! Now that’s nothing new, I’ve always struggled         have a liner and vents so should be good for summer as
with pants much more than tops. And before you all say            well. I haven’t taken them out for a summer ride yet though,
it, kids pants don’t quite work either. To get them to fit my     I’ve tended to wear my leathers which are about to be
waist they just aren’t long enough to fit my legs! All of my      retired for a full suit so this summer might be their first test.
gear has ended up being Dainese by virtue of the fact that        I’ve now taken both through a reasonable amount of rain
so far they have been the best fitting brand for me. My           and weather and I’ve been completely dry, not a drop of
leathers are Dainese so I though they would surely have           water got in anywhere. They fit me really well, although the
winter pants that might have half a chance of fitting.            pants could be half a size smaller but they have enough
Back to MCAS we went and there were a couple of pants             adjustability to work, and I’ve been warm and comfortable
I wanted to try after doing a bit of research on sizing.          everywhere I’ve worn them, which is just as important.
Even that was harder than I thought because the quoted            So is it worth it to spend the money on good gear? Yep, it
size guides just don’t seem to match the reality. And then        might have taken me a while to get there but I wouldn’t
websites quote sizes that aren’t actually available in            skimp on buying gear now. Just need to find a decent pair
Australia which makes it somewhat difficult for those of us       of winter gloves now that will keep me warm and dry

16        DESMOTO August 2021
Desmoto member profile

Özkan Baykal

Wholesale Energy Pricing

What suburb do you live in?

When did you first join DOCV?

What made you join the club?
I believe clubs are kind of schools and there are many
things to learn and share, along with fun and friendship.

What bike(s) do you have?                                       What’s the greatest bit of equipment you bought for your
2016 Ducati Scrambler Icon                                      garage/workshop recently?
                                                                I am not active in the garage, I don’t have much
What was your first bike?
2016 Ducati Scrambler Icon
                                                                If you follow motorcycle racing, who is your favourite
What’s your dream bike?                                         I don’t follow racings much, and I only know a few riders.
I think I like classic retro looking bikes... I would say BMW   Valentino Rossi is the rider that can remember his name.
R nineT and Triumph Bonneville Speedmaster are my
favourite bikes.
                                                                Do you follow any bike channels on YouTube, listen to
                                                                podcasts or read bike magazines? Any recommendations?
What type of club events are you most interested in?            I follow some Youtube channels, such as
Weekend rides, Overnight rides, Track days                      - MCrider
                                                                - onherbike
What’s your favourite Ducati colour?                            - mototrek
Smoke – Navy                                                    - FortNine

Your favourite road to ride in Victoria?                        Any final comment for the club, or Desmoto?
I moved to Victoria from Tasmania and haven’t ridden in         Thank you very much.
Victoria much. I went Black Spur Drive a couple of times,
which is very similar to Tassie roads, I reckon.

                                                                                     DESMOTO August 2021                     17
Ride to Brekky at
Flying Tarts Bakery,
Kinglake West
Images by Geoff Salmon

18      DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
   Oliver Barrett............................ ST4s
   Michael Coccia..........Monster 659
   Garry Elphinstone.......... Multi 1200
   Michael Evans............ BMW K1300
   Gavin Hodge..............Multi 1200 pp
   Armando Mercuri.....Multi 1260 pp
   Evan Rubenstein............ Multi 1200
   Geoff Salmon............................ ST4s
   Flavio Zamparo................ Multi 950

DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                                  19
Ducati Radio                                                      Currently I own several 1950’s Ducati cameras & rasalets
                                                                  all with their original packaging, but after a few years of
                                                                  hunting I finally managed to track down a working original
By Kiwi Conway                                                    Ducati radio from 1936-1946 at a small antique store in

      s I’m sure of many of you know I have recently              Florence Italy, after several emails back & forth with terrible
      taken over as General Manager at Frasers Ducati             translation issues I managed to convince them to ship it
      Melbourne, It has been great to meet so many of you         to Australia, It’s a fascinating product & the quality of it is
& thank you to everyone who has introduced themselves at          amazing, it has all the original Ducati internal components
meetings & in store.                                              & even still has the tag attached to say it has been quality
                                                                  checked & signed off by a factory worker!
Firstly, a little history on myself, I have always had a
passion for Ducati since I was a child watching MotoGP            I would love to know if anyone has any Ducati products
on tv I always wanted “the red one”, having worked in the         older than this & to see them.
motorcycle industry for the last 10 years I was absolutely        This radio is on display in my office at Fraser Ducati
thrilled when offered the position at Frasers Ducati              Melbourne so if you are ever in store, please do not
Melbourne, getting to talk Ducati’s all day for work….            hesitate to introduce yourself & ask to see it.
Dream job!!                                                       I hope to see you all soon & happy riding!!
In 2019 I was lucky enough to get to visit the factory in Italy
where I learnt all about how much history Ducati had prior
to selling motorbikes.
Instantly I became fascinated with all the products Ducati        General Manager
made earlier than the 1950’s & it became my goal to find          Fraser Motorcycles Ducati Melbourne
them.                                                             03 8341 2900

20        DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Desmoto member profile

Oliver Barrett

Worn out ex lawyer

What suburb do you live in?
Kew – the Larson side

When did you first join DOCV?

What made you join the club?
Track – oh sorry Fun Days

What bike(s) do you have?                                    What’s the greatest bit of equipment you bought for your
                                                             garage/workshop recently?
a 2016 Multistrada and a ST4s
                                                             If a bike counts as equipment probably that lovely old
                                                             school ST4s that somehow manages to keep up with some
What was your first bike?                                    new stuff when in the mood – not an electronic aid in sight
A Zundapp 2 stroke – only Ric will remember them             and then there is that sound.

What type of club events are you most interested in?         If you follow motorcycle racing, who is your favourite
Weekend rides, Midweek rides, Overnight rides, Social
events like lunch meets and BBQs, Rides with a bit of dirt   For sheer skill and toughness – Toby Price
                                                             Can you recommend any bike channels you follow on
What’s your favourite Ducati colour?                         YouTube, or bike magazines?
Red bikes and Yellow bikes both look good so I have one of   Foxtel Lots of Moto GP and other classes with all the
each                                                         practices too – significant other loves that!

If you have been a DOCV members for some time, which         Any final comment for the club, or Desmoto?
was the most memorable club event you participated in,       Love the new format of Desmoto with videos etc. with any
and why?                                                     luck the Editor will be a bit less grumpy about pub food and
Various Tiger Hunts. Great roads, good company and           Harleys when his new bike arrives this month – we live in
scenery with little blue all enjoyed at a stately 80Kph of   hope!
course so as to avoid the need to lean the bike at all       BTW photo is to remind us all we are fallible – it caught the
                                                             pride stage – just before the....
Your favourite road to ride in Victoria?
Hard? – probably a hot Licola behind Gary

                                                                                   DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                  21
WorldSBK Assen – Race 1
                                  Redding back on the
                                  podium (P2) at the end
                                  of a spectacular race.
                                  After a superb start,
                                  Rinaldi crashes while
                                  in third position.

      WorldSBK Assen – Race 2

                           Scott Redding finishes second in a
                           stubborn Race-2. P2 also for Michael
                           Rinaldi in the morning Superpole Race.


  June 2021 is the best
  month ever for Ducati
  which closes the first
  half of the year with
  strong growth

                                                                                                         Francesco Milicia, VP
                                                                                                         Global Sales Director
                                                                                                         Ducati: “The month
                                                                                                         of June was the best-
                                                                                                         ever for the company,
                                                                                                         confirming the positive
                                                                                                         trend that began with
                                                                                                         the excellent second
                                                                                                         half of 2020 and with
                                                                                                         the significant growth
                                                                                                         in the first quarter
                                                                                                         of this 2021. Despite
                                                                                                         the great complexity
Borgo Panigale (Bologna, Italy), 16 July 2021                     recorded in the supply sector and transport, with delays in
                                                                  deliveries and a scarcity of various raw materials, and the
T  he very positive trend continues for Ducati which, at
   the end of the first six months of 2021, delivered 34,485
motorcycles to enthusiasts, recording an increase of + 43%
                                                                  difficulties generated by the many lockdowns experienced
                                                                  in these first six months of 2021 in various parts of the
                                                                  world, Ducati recorded truly significant growth, exceeding
over 2020 and + 9% over the same period of 2019.
                                                                  pre-Covid values by almost 10%. The order portfolio is
June in particular was the best month ever for the company        also excellent, demonstrating the fact that enthusiasts are
with 8,598 units sold worldwide.                                  appreciating the 2021 range and the family of Ducatisti is
The order portfolio (motorcycles to be delivered) is the          expanding more and more”.
highest ever recorded by the company at the end of the first      The robust growth is led by Australia (+ 82%), Italy (+
half, with + 63% compared to the same period in 2020 and a        55%) which confirms itself as the top market with 6,071
growth of + 284% compared to 2019.                                motorcycles, Japan (+ 53%) and North America (+ 51%).
                                                                  The bikes most delivered to Ducatisti are the Multistrada
                                                                  V4, the first motorcycle in the world equipped with front
                             Francesco Milicia, VP Global Sales   and rear radar, the Ducati Scrambler 800 driven by the
                                Director Ducati Motor Holding.    success of the Nightshift and Icon Dark versions and the
                                                                  Streetfighter V4, the super-naked Ducati par excellence,
                                                                  modern and technological.
                                                                  Excellent numbers also for the new Monster, which arrived
                                                                  on the market in April. Characterized by brilliant and easy-
                                                                  to-manage performance, it is a concentrate of fun thanks
                                                                  to its lightness, a nimble and intuitive chassis and state-of-
                                                                  the-art electronic equipment.
                                                                  Ducati is present in over 90 countries around the world
                                                                  with 769 dealers. The new Diavel 1260 S “Black and Steel”,
                                                                  which draws inspiration from the “Materic” concept
                                                                  presented at Design Week in Milan and the Hypermotard
                                                                  950 SP in the new dynamic livery that recalls the racing
                                                                  world, have just arrived in Ducati dealers.

                                                                                        DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                   23

 UniBo Motorsport Team triumphs at
 Motostudent International Competition 2021

                                                                                with free practice, qualifying and the race,
                                                                                which consisted of 6 laps for a total of about
                                                                                30 km, with the aim of testing the reliability
                                                                                and ability of the vehicles to tackle long
                                                                                distances in fully electric mode.
                                                                 The Minerva GN prototype is an evolution of the first
• The bike from the University of Bologna wins in the
                                                                 electric motorcycle built by the team for the 2018 event.
   Electric category at MotorLand in Aragon
                                                                 With a total weight of around 125 kg, the bike is based on a
• 712.6 points take the students of Team UniBo Motorsport       30-kW electric motor supplied by the Federation along with
   to the podium with a gap of about 30 points to the            tyres and braking system. All the other components of the
   runners-up                                                    bike (battery pack, inverter, chassis, cooling system, engine
• Since 2017, Fondazione Ducati has sponsored the               control system, dashboard, wiring and aerodynamics)
   University of Bologna team, also supporting it in the         were instead developed from scratch by the students with
   development of the electric motorcycle prototype that         the support of the industrial realities of Motor Valley and
   reached the top step of the podium                            assisted by Ducati engineers.
Borgo Panigale (Bologna, Italy), 20 July 2021                    The collaboration between the territorial realities that
                                                                 deal with training, culture and engineering technology is

      he UniBo Motorsport Team, sponsored and supported          fundamental to enhance talent and knowledge. Fondazione
      by Fondazione Ducati, wins the Motostudent                 Ducati, main sponsor of the UniBo Motorsport Team, aims
      International Competition 2021 in the Electric category.   to create excellent training opportunities, enhancing and
Team UniBo Motorsport ranked first having accumulated            celebrating the wealth of knowledge and experience of
a total of 712.6 points in the various phases, with a gap of     Italian mechanical engineering, aerodynamics and design.
about 30 points to the second-placed team.                       The collaboration with the University of Bologna is an
                                                                 important opportunity to share the know-how of Ducati
It was a triumph that started from afar, the results of which    engineers with young students and, at the same time,
reward all the efforts of the students who have been             allows them to study new technologies in a field familiar to
involved for more than three years in the different phases of    the company such as racing competition. The MotoStudent
the Aragon event: from computer design to the construction       project is based on the development of a motorcycle
of components, to laboratory tests and finally on the track.     with an electric powertrain; this allows young students to
The Motostudent International Competition involves the           practice this new technology with the support of Ducati
construction of a prototype on two wheels designed and           experts, who follow their work and the developments that
built by university students. To win it is not enough to be      will derive from it.
the fastest on the track, the teams were in fact evaluated       All these activities are part of the great metropolitan
also based on the design, the innovation and the economic-       and regional network of Motor Valley. Not surprisingly,
financial aspects of the projects.                               the University of Bologna and Ducati were among the
Once the prototype was built, the teams showed up at             first promoters of MUNER, the Motor Valley University of
MotorLand in Aragon from 15 to 18 July for dynamic tests         Emilia-Romagna, which offers seven international and inter-
in which the agility, braking capacity and acceleration of       university degree courses in engineering, all completely
the prototypes were evaluated. The competition ended             taught in English.

24         DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
Ducati presents
the new beach collection
Borgo Panigale (Bologna, Italy), 28 July 2021

      ucati presents the new beach collection for the 2021
      summer season, consisting of a series of garments
      and accessories created by the Bologna-based
manufacturer for all Ducatisti who, even in the hottest
season of the year, do not want to give up wearing and
showing off the colours of their passion.
Among the new garments that enrich the Ducati swimwear
line for the summer there are two practical swimming
costumes in the classic Ducati Corse colours: the Race
swim shorts, made of polyester to guarantee breathability
and drying speed, are aesthetically enhanced by the
presence of the Ducati Corse logo digitally printed on
the side insert and the Ducati patch in pvc; the Race
classic triangle bikini , made of polyamide and elastane, is
extremely comfortable and is equipped with the inevitable
straps for greater adaptability in size both in the upper and
lower part.
Completing the beach kit, some accessories useful for
different times of the day on the beach have also been
included in the collection. The unisex Ducati Corse Race
flip-flops manage to combine comfort and aesthetics in an
asymmetrical graphic design that combines black, white
and red. The Race bathrobe, made of soft 100% terry cloth
cotton, is made sporty by the Ducati Corse lettering on the
right sleeve and red details on the pockets and sleeves.
Ducati also offers two towels of different sizes designed for
different uses: the first is a 90x160 cm beach towel in soft
micro-sponge, soft to the touch and with excellent drying
capacity, ideal for relaxing on the beach, while the second
is a 50x90 cm fitness towel , perfect for sports and leisure
activities, made of 100% absorbent cotton sponge.
The items of the Ducati beachwear line are available in
dealers in the Ducati network or online by visiting the
website, with organized shipments to your
home address and easy payment methods.

                                                                DESMOTO AUGUST 2021   25
A special motorcycle as a tribute to Troy Bayliss:
the Ducati Panigale V2 Bayliss 1st Championship 20th Anniversary

• Produced in a numbered series, the motorcycle is            The bond between Bayliss and Ducati Corse in the
   characterized by the special celebratory livery that        Superbike World Championship is one of the most
   recalls that of the Ducati 996 R of the first World         fascinating stories in the motorsport universe. The results
   Superbike title won by the Australian rider in 2001         of this beautiful adventure are 52 victories, 94 podiums
• Equipped with Öhlins components and embellished             and three world titles (2001, 2006 and 2008) won with three
   with details that enhance its sportiness, the Panigale V2   different bikes: the twin-cylinder 996 R, the 999 R and the
   Bayliss 1st Championship 20th Anniversary is destined to    1098 R. Troy Bayliss is the only motorcycle racer in history
   enter the hearts of Troy fans around the world              capable of winning in MotoGP and World Superbike in the
                                                               same season (2006) and his achievements in the race have
• The video presentation of the bike, filmed at the Ducati    indelibly imprinted the Australian’s name in the hearts of
   Museum, on the track and at the Bayliss home in             all Ducatisti. Now the winning chemistry between Ducati
   Australia, is available on the Ducati YouTube channel       and “Baylisstic” is rekindled with the creation of this
   and on the website
Borgo Panigale, Bologna, 22 July 2021

          has been a magic number for Ducati ever
          since Troy Bayliss sculpted it with his victories
          in motorcycling history. Precisely in 2021,
twenty years after winning the 2001 Superbike World
Championship, Ducati is paying homage to the legendary
career of the Australian rider by dedicating to him a
special motorcycle, produced in a numbered series, which
celebrates the first of the three World SBK titles won by
Bayliss: the Ducati Panigale V2 Bayliss 1st Championship
20th Anniversary.

26        DESMOTO AUGUST 2021

celebratory motorcycle, the name of which was chosen            guarantee maximum smoothness and are designed to
directly by the rider, who also actively contributed to the     achieve the best performance on the circuit, with a set-
creation of the graphic concept.                                up that makes the bike more precise and offers the rider
Made starting from the base of the Panigale V2, the             greater feeling and greater support in all riding phases. The
“Bayliss 1st Championship 20th Anniversary” version is          steering damper, thanks to the adjustments it is equipped
characterized by its special livery , whose graphics are        with, allows you to customize its calibration by adapting it
inspired by that of the 996 R which in the 2001 season          to riding style and the characteristics of the track.
powered Bayliss to the conquest of his first world title,       Compared to the standard version, the Panigale V2 Bayliss
revisiting its colours and cuts. Ducati red is the main         1st Championship 20th Anniversary is also 3 kg lighter,
colour of the bike, and it joins green and white in a tribute   thanks to the adoption of a lithium-ion battery and the
to the Italian spirit of the Bologna-based motorcycle           choice of the single-seater configuration that explicitly
manufacturer, while the iconic #21, Troy Bayliss’ race          recalls the look of the racing bike (passenger seat and
number, and the Shell logo, which visually strengthen the       footrests are available in the equipment supplied).
link with the racing bike, stand out on the sides and front.    The equipment is completed by the sport grips, the silencer
Troy’s autograph is reproduced on the fuel tank, while the      outlet cover in carbon fibre and titanium and the rider seat
billet aluminium triple clamp shows the name of the bike        made by combining two different technical materials with
and the progressive numbering of this unique model.             double red stitching. Troy’s number 21 is embroidered in
To make the motorcycle even more effective in track riding,     white on the saddle and, together with the green and red
Ducati has chosen to equip the Panigale V2 Bayliss 1st          bands, makes up the Italian flag. The motorcycle is also
Championship 20th Anniversary with Öhlins components            equipped with self-cleaning brake and clutch pumps with
. The NX30 front fork and TTX36 rear shock absorber             smoke grey oil tanks.

                                                                                      DESMOTO AUGUST 2021                 27
The Panigale V2 is the super-
mid of Ducati sports bikes
and represents the entry
model to the Panigale family.
It is powered by the 955 cc
Superquadro twin-cylinder
unit (Euro 5 compliant), with
a maximum power of 155 hp
at 10,750 rpm and a maximum
torque of 104 Nm at 9,000 rpm.
The chassis is based on the
monocoque frame, while the
elegant and sporty design is
inspired by that of the Panigale
The electronic package,
dedicated to active safety
and vehicle dynamics control,
includes the “cornering”
function applied to Bosch ABS,
the electronic quick shift that
also works when downshifting and traction, engine brake            SuperPole Race, the Panigale V2 Bayliss 1st Championship
and wheelie controls (Ducati Quick Shift, Ducati Traction          20th Anniversary will complete a lap of honour on the track,
Control, Ducati Wheelie Control, Engine Brake Control).            ridden by Racing - Ducati Team rider Michael
All the controls are integrated into the three Riding Modes        Ruben Rinaldi, who competes in WorldSBK with the same
(Race, Sport and Street) that can be modified using the 4.3”       number as Bayliss.
colour TFT dashboard with graphics and interface designed
                                                                   The twentieth anniversary of Troy Bayliss winning his first
to make menu navigation and settings adjustment intuitive,
                                                                   title with Ducati is being celebrated in Borgo Panigale
as well as immediate identification of the selected Riding
                                                                   with a temporary exhibition in the Museo Ducati entitled
                                                                   “Troy Story: The Legend of a Champion” which exhibits the
The bike was officially presented by Ducati in a special           bikes with which Troy was able to write some memorable
episode of the Ducati World Première (here the link to see         chapters in the history of motorcycle racing. The exhibition
it ) made at the Ducati Museum, on the track and at Troy’s         can be visited until 19 September 2021 (here more
home in Australia. Ducati CEO Claudio Domenicali, Ducati           information on visits to the Museo Ducati).
Corse Team Manager Davide Tardozzi, who was alongside
                                                                   The Panigale V2 Bayliss 1st Championship 20th Anniversary
Bayliss throughout his career in Ducati, Director of the
                                                                   will be available in all dealers in the Ducati network starting
Centro Stile Ducati Andrea Ferraresi and Ducati Head of
                                                                   from the end of September 2021 at a dealer price of €20,990
Product Communications Giulio Fabbri all contributed to
                                                                   (referred to the Italian market).
the presentation of the characteristics of the bike and the
storytelling of the incredible relationship between Ducati         The dynamic video of the bike is available on the YouTube
and Bayliss. Troy himself took part in this video, sharing         channel. The technical data specifications of the bike and
with Ducatisti his most indelible memories and emotions            further images are available on Ducati Media House.
experienced on the bike.                                           # PanigaleV2 #TributeToOurHero #BornToCelebrate
The World Superbike universe will also pay tribute to
Bayliss’s career during Round 5 of the season, scheduled
for the weekend at the Assen track. On Friday 23 July
at 13.00 (CEST), the Australian champion will be the
protagonist of a virtual press conference at the Paddock
Show together with Ducati Corse Sporting Director
Paolo Ciabatti, in which the most important stages of the
victory of Troy’s first title, won on the Dutch circuit, will be
remembered. On Sunday 25 July at 12.05 (CEST), after the

28         DESMOTO AUGUST 2021
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