Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021

Page created by Kyle Hicks
Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Nextdoor Insight Series #5:
The changing consumption
patterns of U.S. neighbors
April 2021
Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Introduction                               Methodology
                                                       For the 5th Nextdoor insight series, we    All figures in this report are
                                                       place the spotlight on U.S. neighbors –    drawn from GWI’s online
          03   Key insights                            consumers aged 16-64 who have used         research among internet users
                                                       the Nextdoor app/platform in the last      aged 16-64. They only interview
                                                       month. This report focuses on:             respondents aged 16-64 and
                                                                                                  figures are representative of
             Changing lifestyle
                                                       Finances – How has this group handled      the online populations of each
             and financial outlook
                                                       their finances amid the pandemic?          market, not its total population.
                                                       What changes have they made to their
                                                       daily spending?                            Each year, GWI interviews over

In this
          09   Changing spending patterns                                                         100,000 U.S. internet users aged
                                                       Media & lifestyle – What are their daily   16-64 via an online questionnaire
                                                       habits, and how have these changed         for their Core dataset. Among

report    16	
             Vertical spotlights:                      throughout 2020? What types of media       this cohort, there were 4,518
                                                       do they spend most of their time on        neighbors in the U.S. in 2019, and
           Auto, CPG, dining, finance, home                                                                                            Missed Nextdoor’s
                                                       each day?                                  7,462 in 2020.
               improvements, retail, telecom, travel                                                                                   past Insights series?
                                                       Purchasing behaviors – What was the        Indexes are referred to              Find them below:
                                                       impact of COVID-19 on their purchasing     throughout this report. Indexes
          31   Appendix                                behaviors and attitudes? How do they       are used to compare any given        Insights series #1:
                                                       prefer to shop now, and what are they      group against the average (1.00),    In an era of social distancing
                                                       planning for future purchases coming       which unless otherwise stated        neighborliness is on the rise
                                                       out of the pandemic?                       refers to the market average.        Insights series #2:
          32   Methodology                                                                        For example, an index of “1.20”      Strength in neighbors
                                                       Brand preferences – How have               means that a given group is
                                                                                                                                       Insights series #3:
                                                       neighbors’ expectations of brands          20% above the market average,
                                                                                                                                       It starts with a wave
                                                       changed throughout COVID-19? What          and an index of “0.80” means
                                                       can brands do to better                    that an audience is 20% below        Insights series #4:
                                                       appeal to them?                            the market average.                  2020 brought us home

Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
                                                     They tried new                         Online shopping is
           Neighbors                                 hobbies at home and                    at an all time high,                         They’ve become more
           have become                               spent more time on                     but will it last?                            conscious shoppers
           ‘accidental savers’                       media – but most of                    Neighbors’ online shopping boomed
                                                                                            through the pandemic, and the share of
                                                                                                                                         The pandemic has shifted what
                                                                                                                                         neighbors want from brands. They’re
           Neighbors put unnecessary spending
           on hold in 2020. They acted financially
                                                     it was short-lived                     purchases they made online has grown
                                                                                            across categories. That said, neighbors
                                                                                                                                         making more conscious efforts to support
                                                                                                                                         local and independent businesses, and
           cautious and built up cash reserves       More time at home meant neighbors’     seem to be craving the in-store experience   are demanding brands to behave in a
           they’ll be looking to spend as their      adopted new hobbies and spent longer   once again and are losing enthusiasm for     more socially and environmentally
           confidence grows.                         consuming media.                       online shopping.                             responsible manner.

Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Changing lifestyle
 and financial outlook

Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Savings and                      1   Positive outlook for finances                                                                                                           2
                                                      investments                          % of neighbors who think their personal finances will get better in the next 6 months
                                                      % who have savings/investments
                                                                                             Average       Urban       S
                                                                                                                       Suburban         R
                                                                                                                                        Rural                         Average         16 34 years
                                                                                                                                                                                      16-34                35
                                                                                                                                                                                                           35+ years

                                                                                           52               33                37                41                   52                33                   37                    41
                                                                                           56               32                38                47                   69                40                   44                    53
                                                                                           52               35                36                39                   47                31                   34                    37
                                                                                           46               24                43                33


Changing financial outlook
                                                                                            Q1              Q2                Q3                 Q4               Q1                    Q2                   Q3                   Q4
Along with the rest of the world, neighbors’                                               2020            2020              2020               2020             2020                  2020                 2020                 2020

financial confidence suffered as a result of the                    88%
COVID-19 pandemic.                                                  2020

When the world first went into lockdown,                                                     Average       Female        Male
neighbors’ financial outlook for the next 6 months
                                                                                           52               33                  37              41
was bleak. Neighbors reacted by cutting back                                               51               30                  33              39
on unnecessary spending and delaying any large
                                                                                                                                                                     Neighbors have become
                                                                                           55               39                  46              45
purchases. This cautiousness has paid off and
their financial outlook has now improved, though
they’re still yet to be as financially confident as   4 in 10 neighbors                                                                                              ‘accidental savers’ – but
they were. Rural and female neighbors are the
                                                      reduced spending on                                                                                            they’re not as financially
least positive about their financial outlook.
                                                      non-essentials due to                                                                                          confident as they were
Cut backs in daily spending have meant some
neighbors have become ‘accidental savers’,
                                                      the pandemic                          Q1
                                                                                                                                                                     before the pandemic
building up reserves of cash they’ll be ready to
spend once the pandemic subsides.                                                                  GWI 2019-2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)        4,518 (2019), 7,462 (2020) neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

      Changing lifestyle and financial outlook                                                                                                                                                                                     05
Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Changing interests & hobbies                                                      3

                                                                                                                               % of neighbors who are...

Changing leisure time                                                                                                          100
                                                                                                                                                                                Exercising at least twice a week

                                                                                                                                                                                Interested in cooking
Neighbors, like the rest of the                  There’s evidence that many of           to get back to eating out at
world, had to adjust and adapt                   these behavioral changes are            restaurants, and they were around                                                      Interested in live events
their daily lives during lockdown.               actually short-lived. Across most       20% more likely than the average
                                                                                                                                                                                Interested in gardening
Without the option to go out                     behaviors and interests, we saw         U.S. consumer to be keen to get
to restaurants or events, they                   a peak during the first couple          back to visiting cinemas.                                                              Eating fast food weekly

explored new hobbies at home. A                  quarters of the pandemic, but                                                                                                  Eating out at restaurants weekly
March 2021 Nextdoor poll found                   this has dropped off slightly.          Interest in live events declined
                                                                                                                                                                                Visitng the cinema monthly
that 42% of neighbors took up                    While part of the decline could         heavily throughout the year, but
a new hobby because of the                       potentially be attributed to the        rose slightly through the summer –
pandemic, with rates rising to                   changing of seasons, it may also        perhaps in part due to neighbors’
around 50% in New York.                          be in part due to the country           higher comfort with outdoor rather
                                                 slowly re-opening to varying            than indoor events. In February
Exercising became more of                        degrees and people adapting to          2021, 71% of neighbors were
a priority, and many took up                     a new ‘normal’.                         uncomfortable with the idea of
new hobbies like cooking and                                                             large indoor events, compared         40

gardening. In the absence of                     What’s interesting is there are         to 65% who were uncomfortable
dining out, fast food consumption                signs that getting out has, at least    with large outdoor events. This
took off too, as local restaurants               temporarily, lost its attraction.       change suggests that in the
began diversifying and offering                  Neighbors are less likely to describe   coming summer months neighbors
take-out options. People also                    themselves as social/outgoing           may show higher interest in these     20
turned to the Nextdoor platform                  now than they were, suggesting          events again – especially as more
to connect with others during this               the pandemic has led to a ‘FOGO’        neighbors qualify for and receive
time, and some of the fastest                    (fear of going out). That said, once    the vaccine with continued rollout.
                                                                                                                                                                                   GWI Q4 2019 – Q4 2020
growing groups were centered                     restrictions ease, neighbors seem       Looking ahead, in March 2021,
around helping neighbors to find                 relatively keen to get back to a        28% said they were most looking                                                           4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020)
                                                                                                                                                                                   neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64
platonic or romantic relationships.              new normal. In March 2021, 44%          forward to attending music               Q4                Q1      Q2     Q3     Q4
                                                 of neighbors said they are excited      concerts once restrictions ease.        2019              2020    2020   2020   2020

      Changing lifestyle and financial outlook                                                                                                                                                                   06
Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Hobby uptake through the pandemic                                                                     4   Desired activities post-lockdown                                                                                                        5

% of neighbors who said the pandemic led them to take up a new hobby                                      % of neighbors who are most looking forward to doing the following when restrictions end

    42                           49                46           45         44             43

                                                                                                              44                 36                   28                   21            20                19                15
                                                                                                              IDX 1.04           IDX 1.21             IDX 0.98             IDX 1.03      IDX 0.87          IDX 1.00           IDX 0.94

                                                                                                                   Eating at a        Visiting the       Attending           Going to   Going to the        Visiting         Getting a
                                                                                                                   restaurant           cinema             music            pubs/bars      gym             museums        haircut/beauty
                                                                                                                                                         concerts                                                           treatment

                                                                                                                   GWI March 2021 Zeitgeist          318 neighbors in the U.S.

                                                                                                                   Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

 Average                    New York            California    Georgia   Washington   North Carolina

                                                                                                          In March 2021, 53%                                                Since the start of the
   Nextdoor March 2021 member poll among 44,005 respondents
                                                                                                          of neighbors said                                                 pandemic, the proportion
                                                                                                          they wanted to have                                               of neighbors who describe
In a March 2021 Nextdoor member poll, 42% of neighbors                                                    the vaccine as soon                                               themselves as ‘social/outgoing’
said that the pandemic had led them to take up a new hobby                                                as it’s available                                                 has fallen from 46% to 42%
     Changing lifestyle and financial outlook                                                                                                                                                                                                     07
Nextdoor Insight Series #5: The changing consumption patterns of U.S. neighbors April 2021
Changing media behaviors                                                                                               6

                                                                                                          Neighbors average time spent on the following (h:mm)

                                                                                                          2:57    3:09          2:25        2:49   1:51    2:00        1:22         1:30   1:12         1:32        0:41    0:55

Changing media time
                                                                                                           2019   2020           2019       2020    2019   2020         2019       2020     2019   2020              2019   2020

With stay-at-home orders issued,                 with other social platforms, especially
neighbors found themselves with more             with newer and ‘younger’ services           16% of
time on their hands. As a result, media
consumption boomed and neighbors
                                                 like Snapchat and TikTok; about 75%
                                                 of neighbors don’t use each of these
                                                                                             neighbors    Broadcast TV              Online on
                                                                                                                                    a mobile
                                                                                                                                                   Social media            Music
                                                                                                                                                                                            Online TV
spent more time glued to their screens.          platforms. Even for bigger names like       haven’t
Nearly 50% of U.S. neighbors were                Instagram and Pinterest, over 50%
spending over two hours a day on                 haven’t visited at all in the last month.   visited
their smartphones at the height of the
outbreak last summer, up from just over          Watching online TV is another
                                                                                             Facebook     Social media overlap
40% at the end of 2019.                          behavior that’s taken off during the
                                                 pandemic among neighbors – and it
                                                                                             in the       As a % of neighbors who visited
                                                                                                          Nextdoor at least once per month                                                                     47

Gaming and music streaming also                  looks like the growth is here to stay.      past month                                             74      74    74          73
                                                                                                                                                                                      58   54      52

became increasingly popular among                While enthusiasm for most media has                        Did not visit       Also visited
neighbors, and it’s no surprise that             waned over time, the growth in online
social media time grew too. The                  TV among neighbors has sustained                                                                                                                                            84
average neighbor now spends 2 hours              itself. Their love of TV extends across                                                                                                                             64
a day on social media, up from 1 hour            a variety of genres, but they stand                                                                                                  42   46      47
50 minutes in 2019. It’s likely that a           out the most from the average for                                                                  26      26    26          27
large share of this time is spent on the         streaming/watching lifestyle content                                 GWI Q1 2021
Nextdoor platform itself. Neighbors              (e.g. around gardening and cooking),
                                                                                                                      2,628 neighbors in
have relatively limited engagement               talk shows and reality TV.                                           the U.S. aged 16-64

      Changing lifestyle and financial outlook                                                                                                                                                                                   08

Nextdoor ecommerce                      COVID-19 purchasing behavior changes                                                                                          7
                                                                        brand mentions                          Since the pandemic began, % who agree with the following statements when thinking about purchases
                                                                        Growth in brand mentions on Nextdoor
Changing shopping attitudes                                             in last year (Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020)
                                                                                                                Large purchases:          Neighbors        Average social networker
                                                                                                                Small purchases:          Neighbors        Average social networker
It’s no surprise that neighbors’   there’s been a boom in online
shopping behaviors were            shopping that has expanded
forced to change abruptly and
drastically when the world shut
                                   into a variety of industries.                                    +187%               61
down. When all non-essential       Neighbors still kept local
stores were shut, consumers        businesses in mind during
went into a frenzy; and while
the frenzy has died down,
                                   these difficult times and
                                   continued to support them as
neighbors are still shopping       much as they could – with over
more frequently – both in          a fifth of neighbors saying
general and online – than they
were before the pandemic.
                                   they rely more on local/
                                   independent businesses now
                                   than they did pre-pandemic.
They’ve adapted to new
conditions by buying more          More generally, when we ask
                                                                           Nextdoor Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020
products online and doing          them whether they would
so more frequently. This isn’t     rather shop at big vs local
a short-lived trend, it’s one      retailers, the latter wins for
that’s continuing even now.        this group. This is something
Neighbors have been buying         that’s particularly important to
more online for both larger        neighbors, and especially those
(61%) and smaller purchases        in rural areas (68% say they
(41%) than the average             prefer local retailers) – and this
                                                                                                                          I buy more                       I use loyalty                       I rely more on                   I shop more
social networker. Online           is particularly clear when we                                                         items online                      points more                          independent                      frequently
shopping was already popular       compare them to other groups                                                                                                                                  businesses
pre-pandemic, but without          like Facebook users.
the option to shop in-store                                                                                                  GWI Zeitgeist February 2021    156 neighbors and 1,934 social media users in the U.S. aged 16-64

      Changing spending patterns                                                                                                                                                                                                              10
Big vs local retailer preferences                                                                              8    Support for local businesses                                                                                                            9

% who would rather shop from the following types of brands / businesses                                             % who say they’re supporting local businesses more now than before the pandemic

   Big retailers           Local retailers

Average neighbor                                                                Average social media user
                                                                                                                        23                20                19                  17               17                 13                12
                                                                                                                        IDX 2.12          IDX 1.85          IDX 1.72            IDX 1.57         IDX 1.52           IDX 1.15          IDX 1.06
Q2 2020                                                   46 54                 Q2 2020                     50 50

Q3 2020                                                   45 55                 Q3 2020                     50 50

Q4 2020                                                   44 56                 Q4 2020                     48 52

                                                                                                                               Rural            35+            Suburban           Average         Neighbors          Urban            Facebook
Rural neighbors                                                                 Urban neighbors                              neighbors       neighbors         neighbors          neighbor       with children      neighbors           users

Q2 2020                                                   41 59                 Q2 2020                     51 49
                                                                                                                             GWI March 2021 Zeitgeist       318 neighbors in the U.S.

                                                                                                                             Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

Q3 2020                                                   42 58                 Q3 2020                     47 53

Q4 2020                                                   32 68                 Q4 2020                     47 53
                                                                                                                        A fifth of neighbors rely more on
                                                                                                                        independent/local businesses
          GWI 2020           7,462 neighbors and 73,814 social media users in the U.S. aged 16-64                       than they did pre-pandemic
      Changing spending patterns                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11
Brand choice influencers
3 in 4 neighbors think brands                                                                                                                                                                                           10

                                                                                                  % who...
should be doing more to
address environmental issues                                                                        Neighbors        Average social networker

                                                                                                      48% | 43%                     47% | 38%                              42% | 38%                    37% | 31%

Brand choice influencers
When much of the world locked down, the           decisions. As many as 3 in 4 neighbors think
environment appeared to get a new lease           brands should be doing more to address
of life and showed signs of a rapid recovery.     environmental issues, and they generally hold
But what also came was a waste problem;           brands to higher standards than other social       Want brands to            Say reviews from other                     Want brands to               Want brands to
                                                                                                  be socially responsible      customers encourage                        be eco-friendly           support local suppliers
takeaway food, PPE usage and growing online       media users.                                                                      them to buy
shopping led to a mountain of waste piles.
                                                  Their call on brands to be better extends                   GWI Q4 2020    3,371 neighbors and 16,375 social media users in the U.S. aged 16-64
Neighbors are a very environmentally-             beyond environmental impact into social
conscious group. They’re 30% more likely than     responsibility, with nearly half of neighbors
the average U.S. consumer to say they always      saying they want brands to be socially
recycle, and they’re planning to take action to   responsible – which compares to 43% for
reduce their impact. In the next six months, 3    the average social networker. In addition,
in 10 say they plan to buy more sustainable       another cause that has become widely
products, while 36% want to cut back on the       supported by neighbors amid the pandemic
plastic and packaging they use.                   is support for small, local and independent
                                                  businesses, and they’re 20% more likely than
                                                                                                  Brands need to reduce packaging
Now more than ever neighbors are actively
considering a brand’s environmental and
                                                  the average social networker to want brands
                                                  to support local suppliers.
                                                                                                  and source recyclable packaging
social impact when making purchasing                                                              to win over neighbors
      Changing spending patterns                                                                                                                                                                                         12
Environmental brand actions                                                                                                             11

% of neighbors who want to see brands do more of the following when it comes to environmental issues

Create products with recycled packaging
                                                                                                                               74 1.48

Create products with less packaging
                                                                                                                               68 1.36

Use less chemicals in products/use more natural ingredients
                                                                                                                               55 1.26

Offer more affordable eco-friendly products
                                                                                                                               53 1.11

Be more transparent about their sustainability practices/policies
                                                                                                                               45 1.27

Partner with local environmental groups
                                                                                                                               38 1.37

Donate to environmental groups/causes
                                                                                                                               33 1.10

         GWI January 2021 Zeitgeist     132 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

         Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

      Changing spending patterns                                                                                                             13
2019 vs 2020 purchasing                                                                                              12

                                                                                            % change in the number who have bought these items in the last 3-6 months

                                                                                                                                                    Average                        Neighbors          Facebook
                                                                                                                                                    neighbor                      with children         users

                                                                                            Home & furniture items                                      +11                              +15             +9

                                                                                            Electronics                                                 +11                              +11            +10

                                                                                            Medicines & healthcare items                                +8                               +9              +6
Purchasing behaviors                                                                        Automotive & transport                                      +6                               +10             +6

Neighbors have been financially cautious    they’ve been buying more than other             Leisure & entertainment                                     +5                               +7              +2
through the pandemic, with many cutting     social platform users – especially those
back on non-essential spending.             who have children.                              Financial products                                          +3                               +10             +4

                                                                                            Personal care items                                         +2                               +3              +2
Looking at how purchases have changed       The other good news is that with their
since 2019 at a category level shows that   additional pent up savings, neighbors are       Alcohol                                                     +2                               +6              +4
it’s actually only a couple of areas that   eager to get back spending. In fact, when
have declined – specifically travel and     you compare the end of 2019 with the end        Household products                                           +1                              +2              +3
personal items.                             of 2020, this group is now more likely to
                                                                                            Groceries                                                    +1                               +1             +1
                                            say they’re planning to buy all categories
That said, there are a number of            than they were in 2019 – showing how            Personal effects                                             0                                0              -1
categories that have actually seen          confidence and purchase intention has
growth – and more growth than average.      managed to rebound so strongly. The             Personal items                                              -3                                +1             +1
Over the last six months, they’ve been      only exception to this is travel and leisure,
investing more into their homes – with      but neighbors are still 23% more likely         Travel & leisure                                            -17                              -13            -14
home and furniture purchases seeing         than the average social networker to be
an 11% increase compared to 2019.           planning to spend on travel and leisure in
And across other key categories like        the next six months.                                      GWI 2019–2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)

electronics, automotive and healthcare,                                                               4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors and 75,625 (2020) Facebook users in the U.S. aged 16-64

      Changing spending patterns                                                                                                                                                                                 14
Planned major purchases                                                                                                13

% who plan to make major purchases in the following categories in the next 3-6 months

65                                     54          43                               51   33                       48

 2019                                2020            2019                        2020     2019                  2020

        Travel and leisure                                      Electronics                Home and furniture items

41                                     42          30                              34    23                       26

 2019                                2020            2019                        2020     2019                  2020

          Personal items                                    Financial products            Automotive and transport

           GWI 2019–2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)

           4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

Neighbors are more eager to get spending
now than they were at the end of 2019
        Changing spending patterns                                                                                          15

Hybrid & electric            14   Driving frequency                                                                                                                   15
                                                                          car ownership                     % of neighbors who drive a car more than once a week
                                                                          % of neighbors who own
                                                                          the following types of car                     70                         60                            75                       74                          74

Despite 7 in 10 neighbors driving more than once a week, car                             7%
purchasing declined across all audiences in 2020 compared to 2019.                      2019
Cars were one of the major purchases neighbors chose to delay as a                                                   Average                      Urban                          Rural                 Suburban                Neighbors with
result of COVID-19.                                                                                                  neighbor                                                                                                     children

Towards the end of the year, neighbors started making delayed
purchases again – showing that the market decline is purely
temporary and is picking back up. Looking to the next six months,                       2020                Car purchase intention
the outlook for automotive looks positive too. Around 1 in 5 say                                            % of neighbors who plan to purchase a car in the next 6 months
they’re planning to buy a car in this time period, with younger and
urban neighbors particularly ahead.

Neighbors are starting to consider hybrid and electric vehicles –
speaking to their eco-friendly attitudes and behaviors. The number                                                 17%                                23%                                  23%                                  20%
who currently have a hybrid vehicle has ticked up since 2019 and                     Electric                      IDX 0.99                           IDX 1.32                             IDX 1.32                             IDX 1.15
mentions of Tesla on Nextdoor have grown by 90% YoY – meaning
mentions of Tesla have now outstripped other car brands.
In terms of brand preferences, they’re more likely than the average                                           Average neighbor                           Urban                           16-34 years                   Neighbors with children
U.S. consumer to have a Toyota or Honda, but there are key
differences based upon where neighbors are living. In particular,                        3%
those in rural locations are twice as likely as those in urban areas to                 2020                            GWI 2020        7,462 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

have a Ford, and are similarly ahead for having a Chevrolet.                                                           Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
Favorite car brands                                                                                        16   Nextdoor car                     Car purchases                                                             17

% of neighbors who currently own the following car brands                                                       brand mentions                   % of neighbors who have purchased a car in the last 3-6 months
                                                                                                                Growth in brand mentions
                                                                                                                on Nextdoor in last year
                            Toyota              Honda                          Ford   Chevrolet   Nissan                                         24                23                  21                   21          23
                                                                                                                (Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020)

                              17                   14                          14        13         9           Honda, Toyota
                                                                                                                and Chevy are the
                                                                                                                most mentioned
                                                                                                                car brands
                              16                   11                          10        11         8           on Nextdoor.

                                                                                                                The car brands
                                                                                                                with the highest                  Q4               Q1                  Q2                   Q3           Q4
Rural                                                                                                                                            2019             2020                2020                 2020         2020
                              16                   14                          20        18         7           increase of
                                                                                                                mentions over the
                                                                                                                past year include                COVID-19 impacted car sales in
                                                                                                                Tesla (+90%),                    2020, but only slightly: 22% of
                              15                   12                          14        12         8
                                                                                                                Chevy (+16%) and                 neighbors have bought a car in
                                                                                                                BMW (+10%)                       2020, down from 24% in 2019
                           GWI 2020   7,462 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64                                       Nextdoor Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020           GWI 2019–2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)

                                                                                                                                                         4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

     Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                     18
Online grocery shopping
69% of those who began using                                                                                                                                         18
                                                                                                                                                                                              Online makes
                                                                              % who have purchased groceries online in the last month
curbside pickup for grocery                                                                                                                                                                   up a bigger
shopping are planning to continue                                                    Average
                                                                                     neighbor        40%                                Neighbors
                                                                                                                                        with children       43%                               share of CPG
once the outbreak is over                                                            +31% change since 2019                             +35% change since 2019                                sales now
   Nextdoor March 2021 member poll

                                                                              Frequent purchases                                                                                                                  19

                                                                              % who have purchased the following in the last month

Consumer packaged goods (CPG)                                                   Neighbors            Facebook users

The pandemic paved the way for         in purchases among neighbors, and        99        98                 92          91                90          89                 82         77              67      61
the online grocery industry. Among     they’re bigger buyers across the
neighbors, online grocery shopping     board than Facebook users. This is
jumped by 31% in 2020, and that        clearly one spending area that has
peaks even higher for those who        seen a boost through the pandemic.
have children. There are clear signs
this is set to continue: a March       Online makes up a much bigger
2021 Nextdoor Member poll found        share of CPG sales now than it did
that 69% of those who began            in 2019. Across all CPG product
using curbside pickup for grocery      categories, nearly 4 in 5 neighbors
shopping are planning to continue      are now making more online than
once the outbreak is over. That        offline purchases. In addition to         Groceries                   Household                    Personal care                   Healthcare                  Alcohol*
figure peaked to 77% in Texas.         groceries, household products,                                         products                        items                         items
                                       healthcare items and alcohol have
Beyond grocery, CPG categories like    also shown major increases in online             GWI 2019–2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)
household products, personal care      purchasing, compared to 2019.
                                                                                       4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors, 56,278 (2019) & 75,625 (2020) Facebook users in the U.S. aged 16-64;
and healthcare have seen a growth                                                      *alcohol data based on those aged 21+

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                         19
Personal care brands                                                                                                                       20

% of neighbors who use these brands each week

        19%                           15%                          15%                           14%                            14%
    IDX 1.28                         IDX 1.24                      IDX 1.21                     IDX 1.43                        IDX 1.39

Minor purchases: offline to online ratio
% of neighbors' purchases made offline

   2019              2020

    Personal care                   Groceries                  Household                 Healthcare                  Alcohol*
        items                                                   products                   items

   64                     60   69               60        74               65       83                76        91               85

            GWI 2020            7,462 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64; *alcohol data based on those aged 21+

            Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

        Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                     20
Nextdoor                                Fast food vs eating out weekly                                                                                                 21
                                                                 QSR mentions                            % who do the following at least once a week
                                                                 Growth in brand mentions on Nextdoor
                                                                 in last year (Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020)
                                                                                                           Eat fast food          Eat out at a restaurant             % change since 2019

                                                                                                                        42 | +8%                                         47 | +16%                                         45 | +7%
                                                                                                  +75%                  35 | –21%                                        37 | –17%                                         32 | –14%

The inability to eat out has been one of the many major
                                                                         Chipotle                 +29%
changes to neighbors’ daily lives amid COVID-19.

One major result has been food delivery apps becoming even
                                                                    Nextdoor Q1 2021 vs Q1 2020                        Neighbors                                Neighbors with children                                Facebook users
more popular than they were pre-pandemic. Neighbors are
32% more likely to have used the Uber Eats app in the last
month, to take advantage of the restaurant takeout options in                                                    GWI 2019-2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)
their area. More generally, 56% of neighbors are now turning                                                     4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors and 56,278 (2019) & 75,625 (2020) Facebook users in the U.S. aged 16-64
to these food delivery apps each month, up 31% since 2019.
Younger neighbors in particular have been ordering food
delivery more than others, although interestingly, the biggest
jump in usage has been seen among neighbors aged 35+.
                                                                                                         Neighbors favor fast food                                                       1 in 5 neighbors ordered
Brand mentions by neighbors on Nextdoor also show clear
signs of a comeback for QSR brands. Brands like Whataburger
                                                                                                         over indoor dining and this                                                     from Uber Eats in the last
(+75%) and KFC (+37%) have all seen YoY jumps.                                                           trend is likely to continue                                                     month vs 16% on average
      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                                21
Food delivery service usage                                                                                                               22

% who have used an app/website to order hot/take-away food for delivery in the last month

  2019               Average neighbor                 16-34 neighbors                   35+ neighbors                    Facebook users

                   43                  56        61                     68         37                    52         38                47

         GWI 2019-2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)
         4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors and 56,278 (2019) & 75,625 (2020) Facebook users in the U.S. aged 16-64

Food delivery brands                                                                                                                      23

% who use these food/
delivery services

                                                             20%                  10%
                                                             IDX 1.09            IDX 1.23

         GWI U.S.A. Q4 2020          4,518 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

         Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

     Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                       22
Planned financial purchases                                24   Types of savings & investments                                                      25

                                              % who plan to purchase home contents                            % who have the following kinds of savings/investments
                                              insurance, home-owners insurance
                                              or a mortgage in the next 6 months
                                                                                                                Neighbors           Average U.S. consumer                % change since 2019

                                                 % change since 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                        82 +3%                    As of Q4 2020,
                                              Average neighbor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8% of neighbors
Amid the pandemic, neighbors took a
financially-conservative approach; they
                                                                                         +21%                 Stocks/shares
                                                                                                                                                                                        43 +14%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  have crypto
cut back on non-essential purchases and                                                                                                                                                 28                        currency,
their spending dipped naturally. As a
result, many became ‘accidental savers’.                                                                      Mutual/managed investment funds                                                                     representing a
Not only that, neighbors also took a
                                              Urban neighbors
                                                                                                                                                                                        39 +4%
                                                                                                                                                                                        22                        61% year-on-year
long-term approach and invested more
in stocks/shares in 2020 than in 2019 –                                                                       Bonds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  increase and
and they’re notably more likely to have                                                                                                                                                  17 +13%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  putting neighbors
investments than average. All in all, the
proportion who say they have no savings/
                                                      GWI 2019–2020 (avg. of waves conducted
                                                      between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)
                                                                                                              Real estate/property
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  30% ahead of
investments has dropped by over 20%
since 2019.
                                                      4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors aged 16-64
                                                                                                                                                                                         15 +16%                  the US average

Interestingly, a bigger share are now
planning financial purchases than were        A greater share of                                              I don't have any savings/investments
                                                                                                                                                                                          9 –21%
in 2019. 1 in 5 neighbors are planning
financial purchases in the next six months,
                                              neighbors are planning                                                                                                                     18

which is a 21% increase compared to 2019.
For comparison, the growth seen among
                                              financial purchases                                                     GWI 2019–2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)

Facebook users is just 9%.                    than in 2019                                                            4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020) neighbors and 99,982 (2019) & 100,863 (2020) internet users in the U.S. aged 16-64

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                              23
Top search queries    Interest in DIY/home improvement                                                26
                                                                       on Nextdoor           % who are interested in DIY/home improvements

Neighbors invested their
time and money into their                                                                                                                                                         Neighbors are
homes in 2020                                                             Plumber                                                                                                 bigger home
                                                                                                      52%                         53%                        62%
                                                                                                      IDX 1.28                    IDX 1.31                   IDX 1.53             improvement
                                                                          Handyman                                                                                                enthusiasts
Home improvements                                                                                                                                                                 than average
                                                                                               Average neighbor            Neighbors with children     Rural neighbors
2020 saw neighbors invest more time and money into their homes.
Interest in home improvements took off mid-2020, before declining
again as neighbors gave up on their lockdown hobbies. That said,
they’re still more likely to be interested than average – 52% of
neighbors say so, with interest rising to 62% among rural neighbors.
                                                                          Electrician        Furniture and home items                                                        27

                                                                                             % who have purchased or plan to purchase home/furniture items
While neighbors delayed a number of larger purchases in 2020,
many still continued to purchase home and furniture items. 62%            Cat                              Avg. neighbor       Avg. U.S. consumer    % change since 2019
say they’ve purchased home or furniture items in the last six
months, up from 55% in 2019. Online buying of furniture has seen                                62           57                26             19         49             45
some strong growth among neighbors: 1 in 4 have bought furniture
or home items online in the last six months, compared to 19%
among average U.S. consumers.                                          The top search                                                                                              GWI Q4 2020

While DIY interest may have dipped back down, the home                 queries on Nextdoor                                                                                         3,371 neighbors in the
                                                                                                                                                                                   U.S. & 24,475 internet
improvement market looks strong, with neighbors more likely to be
in the market for home purchases than average. In Q1 2021, the top
                                                                       in Q1 2021 were         +13%         +14%              +35%           +46%
                                                                                                                                                                                   users aged 16-64

                                                                       mostly focused
                                                                                                                                                                                   Index figures are versus
search queries on Nextdoor were still mainly focused on the home,                                                                                                                  average U.S. consumer and
                                                                                                                                                                                   show likelihood of doing/
with searches for plumbers, handymen and electricians among the                              Purchased in the last           Purchased online in      Planning to purchase
top 5 searches made.                                                   on the home                6 months                    the last 6 months         in next 6 months
                                                                                                                                                                                   being something e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                                   1.21 = 21% ahead of average

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                   24
In-store vs online shopping preferences                                                     28

                                                                                      % of neighbors who would rather do the following

There’s evidence that neighbors may                                                      Shop online       Shop in-store
be ‘fatigued’ by online shopping;
preference for in-store shopping picked                                               Average neighbor                                               16-34 year old neighbors

up slightly between Q3 and Q4 2020                                                    Q2 2020                                            60 40       Q2 2020                    66 34

                                                                                      Q3 2020                                            63 37       Q3 2020                    63 37

                                                                                      Q4 2020                                            61 39       Q4 2020                    63 37
When it comes to preference for in-        purchasing clothing, bags, shoes and
store vs online shopping, neighbors        accessories declining throughout
show a clear preference for the latter     2020. But, they’re still buying these
– especially younger neighbors. That       items at a higher rate than Facebook       35+ year old neighbors
said, we’re also seeing a sense of         users. Online also now accounts for an
‘fatigue’ set in around online shopping,
with interest dropping off between
                                           increased share of shopping than it
                                           did in 2019, especially for clothing.
                                                                                      Q2 2020                                            58 42          In March 2021, 2 in 5
Q3 and Q4 2020. This is likely to go
hand-in-hand with pent-up demand           In terms of fashion brands, neighbors
                                                                                                                                                        neighbors said they
for aspects of the in-store shopping       have still been keen to buy their          Q3 2020                                            63 37          were still shopping
experience, which we’re beginning to
see evidence of.
                                           favorite luxury brands in the last year.
                                           Across names like Calvin Klein, Michael
                                                                                                                                                        online more than they
Expectedly, neighbors made retail
                                           Kors and Coach, neighbors are ahead
                                           of the average U.S. consumer for
                                                                                      Q4 2020                                            60 40          were pre-pandemic
purchases less of a priority throughout    buying in the last year.
the pandemic – with rates of                                                                    GWI 2020    7,462 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                          25
Retail purchasing behaviors                                                                                                            29   Minor purchases: offline to online ratio                                                                                              31

% who purchased the following in the last six months                                                                                        % of neighbors' purchases made offline

   Neighbors                   % change since 2019      Facebook users
                                                                                                                                            73                 71          66                   67           54                    47            70                      68
  53            50                 23           19        37        35            17         18                  16         12

 –11%                              –7%                   –9%                    +4%                             +1%

   Clothing                              Bags                  Shoes              Fragrances                      Furniture

Favorite luxury fashion brands                                                                                                         30

% who have bought from these brands in the last year
                                                                                                                                             2019           2020             2019            2020             2019               2020              2019               2020
   Neighbors                  Average U.S. consumer

  12            10                  11          8         10           7         10           8                  8           7
                                                                                                                                            Household furniture                      Bags                             Clothing                            Fragrance

                                                                                                                                                    GWI 2019-2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)       4,518 (2019), 7,462 (2020) neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

                                                                                                                                            Neighbors made retail purchases less
  Calvin Klein                     Michael Kors              Coach              Ralph Lauren                  Tommy Hilfiger
                                                                                                                                            of a priority across 2020, but they
            GWI 2019-2020 (avg. of waves conducted between Q2 2019–Q4 2020)   4,518 (2019), 7,462 (2020) neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64   still shopped more than average
        Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        26
Engagement with 5G                                        32   Mobile network preferences                                                                              33

                                                    % who say the following best describes                         % who use the following mobile network
                                                    them when thinking about 5G connectivity

                                                                                                                     AT&T        Verizon Wireless           T-Mobile

                                                                                                                   27 27 15               28 22 17             26 28 15                21 38 7     31 18 16    25 30 16
Neighbors are tech-savvy and always ready to        I want 5G at some
                                                                                                   IDX 1.11   42
get their hands on the newest tech products. As     point in the future
of late 2020, 55% of younger neighbors were keen
to purchase or upgrade their mobile phone in the
next year.

With the latest and greatest mobile technology
has come the introduction of 5G. Many neighbors
are eager to have access to 5G – they’re 25%        I want 5G as soon as possible                  IDX 1.25   18
more likely than average to say they want access
as soon as possible, while over 40% are keen to
have 5G at some point in the future.
                                                    I already have access to 5G                IDX 0.83       11
AT&T and Verizon tie for the top mobile network                                                                      Average              16-34 years            35+ years               Rural      Urban      Suburban
brands among neighbors, but there are clear                                                                          neighbor              neighbors             neighbors             neighbors   neighbors   neighbors
divides by location. While those in urban areas     I don't know what 5G is                    IDX 1.00       12
are loyal to AT&T, rural neighbors are fan
                                                                                                                            GWI Q4 2020       3,371 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64
favorites of Verizon – with 38% using the network
compared to only 18% of those in urban areas.
                                                            GWI Zeitgeist August 2020
While these regional preferences may be in
part due to differences in network coverage,
neighbors are brand loyal and need incentives to
                                                            144 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64

                                                            Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer
                                                                                                                   Almost half of neighbors are in the market for a new phone
sway purchasing decisions.
                                                            and show likelihood of doing/being something
                                                            e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average                       in the next year, and 5G enablement could sway choices
      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                  27
Travel frequency                                              Vacations abroad
Neighbors are bigger                                                                                             34

                                                                                                                      % of neighbors who are planning to purchase a vacation abroad in the next 6 months

                                                        % who do the following at least twice a year
travelers than average
                                                                                                                      17                  15                   12                       11                       13

Travel                                                  Have a domestic vacation                    IDX 1.20     54
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GWI 2019–2020

                                                                                                                       Q4                  Q1                  Q2                       Q3                       Q4           4,518 (2019) & 7,462 (2020)
                                                                                                                      2019                2020                2020                     2020                     2020          neighbors in the U.S.
Neighbors are big travelers, especially when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              aged 16-64
compared to other social platform users like
Facebook users. Travel plans were hampered by
the pandemic but there are signs that vacations
abroad could rebound quite quickly.                                                                                   Summer vacation plans                                                                                   Nextdoor member poll

                                                                                                                      % who say the following about their summer plans                                                        52,876 responses

The numbers planning to purchase a vacation
abroad in the next six months is gradually ticking      Have a short-haul
                                                                                                    IDX 1.09     20
                                                        vacation abroad
back up and currently over 1 in 4 neighbors say
they’re very likely to book a vacation in 2021.
These numbers will also surely increase as more
consumers across the world are vaccinated and
                                                                                                                             30%                           34%                                 25%                                  11%
                                                        Have a long-haul
countries re-open for travel.                                                                        IDX 1.11    19    I'm planning to stay       I'm traveling within driving             I'm flying to a                     I'm flying to an
                                                        vacation abroad
                                                                                                                        home this summer             distance of my home               destination in the U.S.            international destination

A 2021 Nextdoor member poll found that
staycations were the plan for many neighbors this
year. 1 in 4 were planning to fly to a destination
in the U.S., while 1 in 3 were planning to vacation
                                                                GWI Q4 2020                                           States with neighbors                  Highest             77% Colorado                  Lowest           64% New Mexico

within driving distance. Interestingly, those in
                                                                3,371 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64                most and least likely                      %*              76% Georgia                      %*            65% Michigan
                                                                                                                                                                                 75% North Carolina                             67% Washington
Colorado were the most likely to say they will travel           Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer
                                                                and show likelihood of doing/being something
                                                                                                                      to travel this Summer
this summer.                                                    e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average                                                                                 * Among states with at least 500 responses

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                                                                                                                             28
Vacation influencers                                                            36                 Looking forward                       37

% of neighbors who say the following would                                                         to vacations
have an impact on where they travel for vacation                                                   % of neighbors who are most
                                                                                                   looking forward to the following
                                                                                                   once lockdown restrictions ease
Value for money
                                                                         35 1.10
                                                                                                    Taking a domestic vacation

Weather/time of year
                                                                         30 1.14

Relaxing experience
                                                                         27 1.02                                43%
                                                                                                                IDX 1.23

Cultural experience
                                                                         22 1.23

Being able to visit friends/family
                                                                          19 1.10
                                                                                                                IDX 1.09

Once in a lifetime experience
                                                                          18 1.06

                                                                                                     Taking a foreign vacation
Special offers/deals
                                                                          18 1.18

                                                                                                             GWI March 2021 Zeitgeist

          GWI Q4 2020         3,371 neighbors in the U.S. aged 16-64.                                        318 neighbors in the U.S.

          Index figures are versus average U.S. consumer and show likelihood of doing/being something e.g. 1.21 = 21% ahead of average

      Vertical spotlights                                                                                                                     29
Small spends, big impact

Have you experienced a random act                                                                         Nextdoor 2021 member poll

of kindness in your neighborhood?
75% of neighbors say they have been a recipient of a random act of kindness –
many of these involved quick purchases to make someone's day.

My husband was out              I had a flat tire. A neighbor    Just today in ALDI, I let    Thank you very much to
yesterday morning to get        helped with changing the         someone go ahead of me       the people who bought our
mail at the post office. On     tire, and bought the new         in line. After I loaded my   drinks at McDonald’s in
his way, he stopped in at       tire and put it on for me.       groceries into the belt,     Grimes yesterday!
Sandy's for a coffee. When      Thank you, there are angels      the cashier told me that
he went to pay, Sandy said      among us.                        the same young woman
the woman in front of him                                        bought me two Aldi’s bags.
bought his coffee. He came                                       I needed that lift.
home with a big smile.
                                                                                                                                                                                             you purchase online? Which of these
1  Thinking about all the savings and        8  Typically, which of the following would   14  Which type(s) of car/van does your       22    In the past month, which of the                                                    35  Which of theses items are you/your
                                                                                                                                                                                             items did you research online before
    investments you said you have,                you rather do?                                household own?                                   following things have you done on the                                                  household thinking about purchasing
                                                                                                                                                                                             purchasing? Which of these items are
    approximately how much do you think                                                                                                          internet via any device?                                                               in the next 3-6 months?
                                                                                                                                                                                             you/your household thinking about
    they are worth?                           9  Which of these are you still doing more   15  On average, how often would you
                                                                                                                                                                                             purchasing in the next 3-6 months?
                                                  of compared to before the pandemic?           say you do the following things?          23    Which of these food/takeout delivery                                               36  Which of these have most impact on
2  In the next 6 months, how do you think                                                      | Which of these items are you/                  services do you use?                                                                   where you travel for a vacation?
    the following will change?                10  When shopping online, which of these                                                                                                  30  When did you last make a purchase
                                                                                                your household thinking about
                                                  features would most increase your             purchasing in the next 3-6 months?        24  Which of these items are you/your             from these luxury fashion brands?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    37  Which of these are you most looking
3  Which of these things are you                 likelihood of buying a product?                                                                household thinking about purchasing
    interested in? | On average, how often        Which of these things do you want                                                                                                                                                     forward to doing when lockdown
                                                                                            16  Has your household ever owned cars/            in the next 3-6 months?                 31  Which of these products have you or
    would you say you do the following            brands to do?                                                                                                                                                                         restrictions ease?
                                                                                                motorcycles from any of these brands?                                                        your household purchased in the last
    things? | How often do you typically do                                                                                               25  What kind of savings/investments do
                                                                                                                                                                                             3-6 months? Which of these items did
    the following?                            11  What do you want to see brands/
                                                                                            17  Which of these items are you/                   you have?                                   you purchase online? Which of these
                                                  corporations do more of when it comes
                                                                                                your household thinking about                                                                items did you research online before
4  Did the pandemic lead you to take up          to addressing environmental issues?                                                     26    Which of these things are you
                                                                                                purchasing in the next 3-6 months?                                                           purchasing? Which of these items are
    a new hobby?                                                                                                                                 interested in?
                                                                                                                                                                                             you/your household thinking about
                                              12  Which of these products have you or
                                                                                            18  In the last month, which of these have   27  Which of these products have you or           purchasing in the next 3-6 months?
5  Which of these are you most looking           your household purchased in the last
                                                                                                you or your household purchased?                 your household purchased in the last
    forward to doing when lockdown                3-6 months? Which of these items did
                                                                                                Which of these items did you purchase            3-6 months? Which of these items are
    restrictions ease?                            you purchase online? Which of these                                                                                                    32  Thinking about 5G mobile phone
                                                                                                online? Which of these items did you             you/your household thinking about
                                                  items did you research online                                                                                                              connectivity, which of these
6  On an average day, how long do you
                                                                                                research online before purchasing?               purchasing in the next 3-6 months?
                                                  before purchasing?                                                                                                                         statements best describes you?
    spend on the following? | This data is
                                              13  Which of these products have you or      19  In the last month, which of these have   28  Which of these products have you or
    auto-generated based on responses
                                                                                                                                                                                         33  Which mobile network do you use? If
    to the Time Spent questions.                  your household purchased in the last          you or your household purchased?                 your household purchased in the last
                                                                                                                                                                                             you have more than one phone, please
                                                  3-6 months? Which of these items did                                                           3-6 months? Which of these items did
                                                                                            20  Which of these brands do you use at                                                         answer in relation to your
7  Thinking about larger purchases               you purchase online? Which of these                                                            you purchase online?
                                                                                                                                                                                             main handset.
    (e.g. electronics, clothing) / smaller        items did you research online before          least once a week?
    purchases (e.g. groceries, personal           purchasing? Which of these items are                                                    29  Which of these products have you or
    care items) since the pandemic began,         you/your household thinking about         21  On average, how often would you say             your household purchased in the last    34  How often do you typically do
    which statements do you agree with?           purchasing in the next 3-6 months?            you do the following things?                     3-6 months? Which of these items did        the following?

Notes from GWI
on their methodology
Introduction                                        users in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, where     This research is also used to calculate
                                                    respondents are allowed to complete the survey      the “weight” of each respondent; that is,
All figures in this report are drawn from GWI’s     at 6-month intervals).                              approximately how many people (of the same
online research among internet users aged 16-64.                                                        gender, age and educational attainment) are
Please note that we only interview respondents                                                          represented by their responses.
aged 16-64 and our figures are representative       Our quotas
of the online populations of each market, not its   To ensure that our research is reflective of
total population.                                                                                       Mobile survey respondents
                                                    the online population in each market, we
                                                    set appropriate quotas on age, gender and           From Q1 2017 on, GWI has offered our Core survey
GWI’s research                                      education – meaning that we interview               on mobile. This allows us to survey internet users
                                                    representative numbers of men vs women, of          who prefer using a mobile or are mobile-only
Each year, GWI interviews over 688,000              16-24s, 25-34s, 35-44s, 45-54s and 55-64s, and of   (who use a mobile to get online but do not use
internet users aged 16-64 across 46 markets.        people with secondary vs tertiary education.        or own any other device). Mobile respondents
Respondents complete an online questionnaire                                                            complete a shorter version of our Core survey,
that asks them a wide range of questions about      To do this, we conduct research across a range      answering 50 questions, all carefully adapted
their lives, lifestyles and digital behaviors. We   of international and national sources, including    to be compatible with mobile screens. Please
source these respondents in partnership with a      the World Bank, the ITU, the International Labour   note that the sample sizes presented in the
number of industry-leading panel providers. Each    Organization, the CIA Factbook, Eurostat, the       charts throughout this report may differ as
respondent who takes a GWI survey is assigned       US Bureau of Labor Statistics as well as a range    some will include both mobile and PC/laptop/
a unique and persistent identifier regardless       of national statistics sources, government          tablet respondents and others will include only
of the site/panel to which they belong and no       departments and other credible and robust           respondents who completed GWI’s Core survey
respondent can participate in our survey more       third-party sources.                                via PC/laptop/tablet.
than once a year (with the exception of internet

© GWI 2021
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