NSW: A state transformed 2011-2018 - Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith

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NSW: A state transformed 2011-2018 - Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith
NSW: A state
NSW: A state transformed 2011-2018 - Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith
NSW: A state

b   NSW: A state transformed | 2011–2018
NSW: A state transformed 2011-2018 - Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith

The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP
New South Wales

I am proud to lead a government that is working       We are determined to make sure that every
hard for the people of NSW, that treats our           community shares in the success of NSW –
communities with respect and that is creating         whether by investing in the critical services
opportunity for all.                                  that our communities rely on, cutting taxes
                                                      to help businesses grow, easing cost-of-living
Since 2011, working with communities and
                                                      pressures, or providing care and support for
businesses, our government has transformed
                                                      those who need it most. We recognise the role
NSW, unleashed economic growth, created more
                                                      that government plays in so many people’s lives,
than 445,000 jobs, and laid strong foundations
                                                      which is why we have championed customer
for future generations with the biggest
                                                      service with initiatives like Service NSW and
infrastructure program in our nation’s history.
                                                      the Opal Card, and put more than 15,000 extra
Today, the NSW economy is the powerhouse of           teachers, nurses, midwives, doctors, paramedics,
Australia and a standout by global standards.         police and firefighters on the front line.
We have imposed financial discipline and made
                                                      Our state is thriving like never before. But we
the necessary decisions to build the strongest
                                                      know the job is not done. We want NSW to be
state budget on record, because we know that
                                                      not just the best place in Australia, but the best
strong economic management is what helps
                                                      place in the world in which to live, work and
families and businesses get ahead.
                                                      raise a family – where each generation hands
Every decision we make is about creating more         down greater opportunity to the next.
jobs in all parts of our state, delivering a better
                                                      My government and I will be working harder
quality of life, driving down the cost of living,
                                                      than ever to take NSW to the next level in
and giving the people of NSW the choices
                                                      the years to come, building on the incredible
and opportunities they deserve to reach
                                                      progress we have made together.
their potential.
Our $80 billion infrastructure pipeline is putting
in place the world-class hospitals, schools, roads
and rail lines that our communities need, and
setting NSW up for decades to come. Not only is
this improving services and easing congestion –
it is also giving businesses from across Australia
and all over the world the confidence to invest.
At the same time, our record investment in
education and skills means that everyone in
NSW has the opportunity to get a great job in a
growing industry.
NSW: A state transformed 2011-2018 - Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith
NSW: A state

• More than 445,000 new jobs
    across the state, including              Our strong economic
                                             management is helping
    65,600 in regional NSW, are
    helping people get ahead and

                                             people get ahead
    build a life for themselves and
    their families.

• An unemployment rate of
    5.1 per cent – the lowest of             Since 2011, the NSW Government’s economic management has
    all the states and 0.4 per cent          created more than 445,000 jobs, seen NSW record the lowest
    lower than the national                  unemployment rate of any state in the country for 32 consecutive
    average – means there are                months and helped maintain our important triple-A credit rating.
    more opportunities for
    people to earn a living.                 Our economic performance is the foundation on which we are
                                             delivering our vision for NSW – from the massive infrastructure
• Women are driving the jobs                 investment connecting and improving our communities, to
    boom in NSW, taking up
                                             initiatives that relieve cost-of-living pressures, and innovations
    152,000 new jobs since April
                                             improving services for the people of NSW.
    2015 – 62 per cent of all new
    jobs created in that period.

• NSW’s youth unemployment
    rate is by far the lowest of
    any state, providing great
    opportunities for young men
                                             400,000              additional jobs
    and women to get – and keep
                                                                  created in NSW
    – a job closer to home.                                       since April 2011
• A record $5.7 billion                      300,000

    budget surplus in 2016–17,
    and average surpluses of
    $2.1 billion forecast for the
    four years to 2020–21, are
    helping us deliver critical
    infrastructure and services.

• The Easy to do Business
    program is helping small                      0
                                                   2011    2012    2013     2014     2015   2016    2017    2018
    business owners set
    themselves up and focus on
    their businesses rather than

• The Growing Local
    Economies Fund is investing
    in projects that create jobs
    and economic growth in
    regional NSW.

• Tax reforms are leaving                                                 $2.1b
    more money in taxpayers’                 2.7% average                 average
    pockets, with the abolition              annual economic              budget
    of eight taxes since 2011                growth (GSP) for             surplus           Triple-A
    saving taxpayers more than               the last 5 years                               credit rating
    $2.7 billion to 2020–21.                                              FOR THE
                                             FASTER THAN ANY              4 YEARS           FROM BOTH S&P
                                             OTHER STATE                  TO 2020–21        AND MOODY’S

2    NSW: A state transformed | 2011–2018
• The completion of more
                                                                       than 70 major upgrades
                                                                       to hospitals and health
                                                                       infrastructure – including
                                                                       hospital upgrades at

We are delivering                                                      Tamworth, Lismore and
                                                                       Blacktown Mount Druitt –

major metropolitan and                                                 are helping meet the needs
                                                                       of our growing and ageing

local infrastructure                                                   population.

                                                                      • 59 new or upgraded schools
                                                                       – including Spring Farm,
Since 2011, the NSW Government has invested more than
                                                                       Wentworth Point and Marie
$110 billion in building infrastructure to improve the lives of the
                                                                       Bashir (Strathfield) in Sydney,
people of NSW – with a further $80 billion planned over the next       and Coolah Central and Lake
four years. This is delivering easier commutes, more connected         Cathie in regional NSW – are
communities, and better health and education facilities.               helping our kids reach their
While a number of landmark projects are helping Sydney meet
the demands of a modern and dynamic global city, we are               • The Sydney Metro is
ensuring our unprecedented infrastructure investment benefits          expanding the city’s rail
communities across the state, with one-third of our project            network with 31 new or
pipeline dedicated to regional and rural communities.                  upgraded metro stations.

                                                                      • The construction of the
                                                                       Sydney Light Rail network
                                                                       and Parramatta Light Rail will
                                                                       revolutionise travel through
                                                                       the Sydney CBD, inner city
                                                                       and Parramatta areas.

                                                                      • A new state-of-the art
                                                                       intercity and regional diesel
                                                                       train fleet will make regional
                                                                       travel more comfortable for
                                                                       commuters and visitors.

                                                                      • WestConnex is finally
                                                                       completing a major missing
                                                                       link in Sydney’s motorway
                                                                       network, and will bypass up
                                                                       to 52 sets of traffic lights.

                                                                      • NorthConnex will allow
                                                                       motorists to travel from
                                                                       Newcastle to Melbourne
                                                                       without stopping at a single
                                                                       red light.

                                                                      • Upgrades to the Pacific and
                                                                       Princes highways have made
                                                                       travelling these regional

                                                2,000km                routes safer and faster.

                                                NEW OR                • The Fixing Country Roads
59 new or               70+ major               UPGRADED               program has funded 205

upgraded                upgrades                ROAD SINCE 2011        projects to upgrade regional
                                                – the distance         connections, state highways
schools                 TO HEALTH
                        INFRASTRUCTURE          from Sydney            and key freight hubs.

SINCE 2011              SINCE 2011              to Cairns
NSW: A state

                                                                                        2011         2018
                                                           OF JOBS                    3,485,246     3,930,964

                                                           UNEMPLOYMENT                 5.2%          5.1%
                                                           RATE                       (Aust 5.0%)   (Aust 5.5%)

                                                           (average annual GSP over
                                                                                        2.0%          2.7%
                                                           previous 5 years)

                                                           BUDGET POSITION              $3.7b        $8.4b
                                                           (following four years)       deficits     surpluses

                                                           NET DEBT                    $19.5b        –$9.3b

                                                           CREDIT RATING               negative
                                                           (S&P standalone basis)                     AAA
                                                                                       (Oct 2012)

                                                           NET WORTH                  $145.5b*      $226.5b

                                                           SPENDING                    $14.9b        $22.3b

                                                           RESTART NSW                  Zero         $29.9b

                                                           COMPLETIONS                 31,700        63,600

                                                           NUMBER OF NURSES,
                                                           DOCTORS AND                 49,590        58,987

                                                           OF TEACHERS                 61,144        65,713

                                                           OF POLICE OFFICERS          15,806        16,800

                                               * 2011–12

4   NSW:
                            | 2011–2018
                                | 2011–2018
445,718 jobs created; 35% of all jobs created in the nation
in this period

Unemployment in NSW is the lowest of all the states, and
0.4% better than the national average

This is faster than any other state; NSW was the weakest
economy in the five years to 2011

Strong financial management has allowed us to invest in
world-class health, education and transport infrastructure

In 2011, net debt was forecast to rise to almost $20b by
June 2015. Net debt has now fallen into negative territory,
even as our record infrastructure program is delivered

S&P downgraded NSW to negative outlook in October
2012; it returned to stable outlook in October 2014

Net worth forecast to grow to $271.1b by June 2020, three
times faster than any other state. That’s $125b more in less
than a decade

Record state capital spending of $80.1b over the next four
years; more than 40% of all spending in Australia this
financial year

Funds raised for new infrastructure will near $30b once
the proceeds of the Endeavour and LPI transactions plus
further asset recycling funds and interest are received

That’s an all-time record; 63,600 completions in the past
year is the best result in NSW history

That’s 9,397 more nurses, doctors and midwives

That’s 4,569 more teachers

That’s 994 more officers – meeting our 2019 target of
16,795 officers ahead of schedule

NSW: A state

• The nation’s most
    comprehensive energy relief              We are reducing
                                             cost-of-living pressures
    package and water rebates
    are reducing expenses for
    those who need it most.

• Decreasing water and                       Since 2011, the NSW Government has made it a priority to reduce
    wastewater prices (saving                cost-of-living pressures, help people get ahead and provide
    $155 in real terms for a typical         assistance to those who need it most.
    Sydney household in the five
    years to 2018) are helping
                                             We understand that many NSW residents are concerned about
    NSW households reduce                    the cost of essential products and services, so we have
    their expenses.                          delivered a range of initiatives to help people reduce their
                                             everyday expenses, and help first homebuyers secure the keys
• The First Home Buyers                      to their first home.
    Assistance scheme is helping
    those looking for their first
    home get their foot in the
    door, saving more than
    $24,000 in stamp duty for a
    $650,000 property.

• The Active Kids program
    is encouraging kids to get
    moving by offering a $100
    voucher towards the cost of
    sport and fitness activities.

• Free car registration is
    easing the financial burden
    for regular toll road users.

• Reforms to the CTP Green
    Slip scheme are reducing
    costs for vehicle owners
    and better supporting those
    injured on our roads.

• Expanded parking
    concessions are saving up to
    $200 a week for patients and
    carers who frequent NSW
    public hospitals.

• Opal public transport
    fare changes remained
    below CPI, and rural and
    regional bus fares were
    reduced, easing the burden
    on commuters and regular
    travellers across the state.                                                              CTP GREEN
                                             1 million+             First                     SLIP REFORMS
                                             energy rebates         homebuyers                are saving
                                             for families and       save up to                motorists
                                             seniors                $24,000                   $120
                                             PER YEAR               IN STAMP DUTY             per year
6    NSW: A state transformed | 2011–2018
• Since 2011, more than
                                                                              15,000 extra teachers,
                                                                              nurses, midwives, doctors,
                                                                              paramedics, police officers

We are delivering                                                             and firefighters are serving
                                                                              the people of NSW.

world-class services                                                         • The Opal smartcard system,

that put customers first
                                                                              first trialled in 2012, has
                                                                              simplified public transport
                                                                              travel and commuters can
                                                                              now also use their credit card
The NSW Government puts customer service at the centre of                     to ‘tap on’ on some services.
everything we do. Since 2011, we have improved the way our
government delivers services by adopting new approaches                      • The Start Strong funding
and harnessing cutting-edge technology to make life easier for                reforms have reduced the
                                                                              cost of preschools in NSW by
people in NSW.
                                                                              25 per cent on average.
We believe that government services should be quick, easy to
access and responsive, and be delivered to a standard that rivals            • There are now 87 one-stop-
                                                                              shop Service NSW centres
the best of the private sector.
                                                                              across the state, with an
                                                                              average waiting time of less
                                                                              than 7 minutes.
                                                                             • The online MyServiceNSW
                                                                              account, and a range of
                                                                              smartphone apps such as
                                                                              Opal Travel and Live Traffic
                                                                              NSW, are making life easier
                                                                              for the people of NSW.

                                                        SYDNEY               • A $26 million program to
                                                     SYDNEY                   eliminate some of the worst
                                                                              mobile phone black spots in
                                                                              rural NSW is helping people
                                                                              stay connected.

                                         PHYSICAL NETWORK                    • The National Disability
                                       PHYSICAL  NETWORK
                                           SERVICE CENTRES CURRENT            Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
                                         SERVICE   CENTRES
                                                 CENTRES   FUTURE
                                                         CURRENT              will benefit around 140,000
                                         SERVICE          COUNCIL AGENCIES
                                                 CENTRES FUTURE
                                         STORE-IN-STORE COUNCIL AGENCIES
                                                                              people with a disability in
                                                                              NSW, and drive disability
                                                                              sector jobs growth.

                                                                             • The Future Directions for
                                                                              Social Housing in NSW
            4,569                                                             strategy outlines plans for
            Teachers                                                          27,000 new or replacement
                                                                              social and affordable housing

            9,397                                     27,000
                                                                              dwellings to transform the
                                                                              social housing system.
            Nurses,          28,000                   new or                 • Reforms to TAFE NSW are
            doctors,         extra weekly             replacement             creating a stronger and
            midwives         public                   social and              more competitive vocational
                             transport                affordable
            994              services                 housing
                                                                              education provider that
                                                                              better meets the needs of
            Police                                                            students, employers and the
                             COMPARED                 dwellings
                                                                              NSW economy.
COMPARED WITH 2011           WITH 2011                PLANNED
NSW: A state

• Since 2011, 994 more
    police are keeping NSW                   We are keeping the
                                             community safe
    communities safe.

• Australia’s toughest
    anti-terror laws are
    protecting NSW                           Since 2011, the NSW Government has introduced a range
    communities.                             of measures – including extra police, key law reforms and
                                             infrastructure upgrades – to get tougher on violent crime and
• New gun laws are tackling
    the illegal firearms trade and
                                             keep our community safe.
    delivering tougher penalties.            We are also making sure that our emergency services workers
                                             and volunteers are fully trained and equipped to step in, and
• New intimate image abuse
    laws are cracking down on                step up, when natural disasters strike.
    ‘revenge porn’.

• Tougher bail laws are
    keeping criminals who pose
    an unacceptable risk to the
    community behind bars.

• A $3.8 billion investment
    in prison infrastructure is
    ensuring the worst offenders
    remain locked up.

• Specialist police teams are
    targeting high-risk, repeat
    domestic violence offenders
    to support victim-survivors
    and hold perpetrators to

• A $330 million investment
    to reduce reoffending
    is targeting persistent
    domestic violence
    perpetrators and other
    high-risk offenders.

• Reforms to reduce the
    rate of Aboriginal people
    in prison have offered
    new sentencing options,
    including rehabilitation and
    community-based sentences.

• Investment of more than
    $600 million in emergency                 16 of the 17            25%
    services since 2011 is                    categories of           reduction
    helping our paramedics and
                                              major crime fell        in domestic             80,000+
    firefighters be responsive to
                                              or remained             violence                emergency
    community needs.
                                              stable over             reoffending             services
                                              THE 2 YEARS TO
                                                                      rate                    volunteers
                                              DECEMBER 2017           TARGET FOR 2021         (RFS AND SES)

8    NSW: A state transformed | 2011–2018
We are protecting our                                             • The Return and Earn
                                                                   container deposit scheme,

unique environment and
                                                                   with more than 520 collection
                                                                   points, is rewarding people

the character of local
                                                                   for recycling while helping
                                                                   to reduce litter in our
communities                                                       • The state’s biodiversity
                                                                   is benefiting from an
The NSW Government is committed to protecting and                  investment in strategic
conserving the state’s environment and stunning natural assets.    biodiversity conservation
                                                                   on public and private land,
We are also focused on improving the communities of NSW            including farmland.
while ensuring that they maintain the character, features and
spaces that residents and visitors value.                         • The statewide Saving
                                                                   our Species program is
.                                                                  protecting threatened plants
                                                                   and animals.

                                                                  • Dharawal National Park,
                                                                   established in 2012, is
                                                                   protecting environmentally
                                                                   significant land between
                                                                   Sydney and the Illawarra.

                                                                  • Improvements to the
                                                                   planning system are giving
                                                                   residents a stronger voice
                                                                   in decision-making for their
                                                                   local communities.

                                                                  • The Greater Sydney
                                                                   Commission is planning for a
                                                                   more sustainable, productive
                                                                   and liveable Sydney.

                                                                  • The $100 million Regional
                                                                   Sports Infrastructure Fund
                                                                   supports local sports hubs
                                                                   and facilities for regional

                                                                  • The Stronger Country
                                                                   Communities Fund is
                                                                   revitalising local parks,
                                                                   playgrounds and halls across
                                                                   regional NSW.

170m                                                              • The NSW Gas Plan is
                                              SWIMMING SITES       resetting the regulation of
                                              IN NSW
                       $100m                  84% rated
                                                                   the resources sector and
                                                                   ensuring safe, sustainable
through                over                                        and secure access to the
Return                 5 years for             Good or
                                                                   state’s natural resources.
and Earn               SAVING OUR              Very Good
scheme                 SPECIES                BY BEACHWATCH

Find out more

© State of NSW 2018

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In keeping with the NSW Government’s commitment to encourage the availability of information, you are welcome to reproduce the material
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