Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia

Page created by Kelly Stanley
Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia

          The Official Publication of:
          THE MG CAR CLUB OF

           January 2022
Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
MG Car Club of Western Australia
                       2022 Committee Members
    PRESIDENT                           David Hardie            0421 811 450   dhardie51@gmail.com
    VICE PRESIDENT                      Doug Bush               0452 561 398   dougmgwa@msn.com
    SECRETARY                           Vacant
    TREASURER                           Chris Hart              0418 499 328   chrishart@westnet.com.au
    CLUB CAPTAIN                        Annette Gusterson       0417 952 197   richgus@bigpond.com
    COMPETITION SECRETARY               Pete McGrath            0427 750 105   petemcgrath76@hotmail.co.uk
    SOCIAL CO-ORDINATOR                 Tony Ford               0400 202 474   tonyford@westnet.com.au
    EDITOR                              Rob Hagarty             0417 944 039   octagon@westnet.com.au
    MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY                Richard Gusterson       0409 105 957   richgus@bigpond.com
    SAFETY FAST CO-ORDORDINATOR         Terry & Wanda Banton    0407 452 910   terwan@iinet.net.au
    WEBMASTER                           Brian Turner            0419 937 930   bfturner@iinet.net.au

    Patrons                             John and Val Goff, Tim Harland

    Librarians                          Sarah Fry               0430 564 057   sarah_fry03@hotmail.com
    Catering Coordinator                Christine Bush          0449 255 412   dougmgwa@msn.com
    Regalia                             Chris Hart              0418 499 328   chrishart@westnet.com.au
    Auditor                             Rami Brass              0412 081 446   rami.brass@rsmi.com.au
    Cams Delegate                       Tony Ford               0400 202 474   tonyford@westnet.com.au
    Building Maintenance                Chris Hart              0418 499 328   chrishart@westnet.com.au
    Concession Registrar                Doug Bush               0452 561 398   dougmgwa@msn.com
    Southern Chapter Coordinators       Ted and Robyn Mullins   0419 925 632   robynted01@hotmail.com

      Clubrooms:              110 Hardy Rd, BAYSWATER.
      Postal Address:         G.P.O. Box 804 Mount Lawley 6929
      Website:                www.mgccwa.com
      ABN:                    46 629 758 330

                Affiliated with the MG Car Club Ltd (UK) & Motorsport Australia

Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
January Contents
                            President’s Report   4
                                     Birthdays   6
                               From the Editor   7
                            Vintage Stampede     8
                              Magic Memories     12
          Will Your Spare Tyre Get You Home?     14
                 Monthly Club Event Calendar     15
           Abingdon the Final Days - Part One    16
                                 Social Report   20
                     2021 Club Award Winners     22
                                AGM Wrap Up      24
                                  Wacky Races    26
                             MG Marketplace      29

 We had two lucky raffle winners at our Annual General Meeting!
         Congratulations to both of the lucky members!

Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
                                             system. Ian has evolved the Website
                                             from a difficult monster to it’s
                   elcome to the new         present much better behaved model
                   year of MG motoring       we see today.
    and socializing. I hope you all
    enjoyed your festive season and          Alley Mulcahy has been our
    catching up with family and friends      Secretary for the last three years and
    where possible. It is going to be        is unable to continue next year.
    interesting to see how 2022 evolves      Thanks for your efforts Alley.
    as we, in WA, move from relative         Unfortunately, there were no
    freedom with closed borders into the     nominations for Secretary at the
    brave new world of open borders.         AGM so we are urgently seeking
    Inevitably there will be restrictions    someone to take up the role of
    that we have not had last year which     essentially a minutes secretary. We
    will bring challenges to our events      also look forward to having a new
    organisers especially, and your          member, David Fleming, join the
    committee generally. Developments        committee without portfolio to see
    will no doubt be communicated via        how things work.
    email, the web site and in the
    Octagon.                                 Thankyou to Doug who has moved
                                             to Vice President. As President
    Your committee had some changes          Doug has guided us for the last five
    at the AGM . Thankyou to Graham          years in a very professional and
    and Moyra for your outstanding           experienced manner. Doug has
    contribution to the club over the last   kindly agreed to mentor me over the
    ten years as Magazine Editors.           next year. I will much appreciate
    Welcome to Rob Hagarty our new           Doug’s sage advice. We will be
    Editor. Thankyou to Ian Campbell         looking for a Vice President next
    for your outstanding contribution to     AGM with a view of the moving
    the club over the last nine years as     into the Presidency in the future,
    Webmaster. Welcome to Brian              perhaps a lady?
    Turner our new Webmaster. Graham
    and Moyra have not only done a           Finally, a few words of introduction
    great job as Editors but have            about myself. Originally from
    managed the process of changing the      Newcastle, Colleen and I moved to
    Magazine from a paper-based              Perth nine years ago after 35 years
    system to an electronic based            in Albury-Wodonga. We were

Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
members of the Riverina Sports Car              later it is still a work in progress. She was
Association for 15 years, holding various       driven across the Nullabor without mishap
committee positions including President. I      when we moved to WA.
have previously been Club Captain and
Vice President of our club.                     I look forward to meeting you all on runs
                                                throughout the year. I am sure it will be
My first ride in an MGB was when my             interesting and not without its challenges.
apprentice I was assisting on an overtime
shift at BHP in Newcastle gave me a lift                                       Dave Hardie
home. I was instantly in love with the
MGB. I finally became an owner in 1997,
when my daughter’s bridesmaid decided
she needed to divest of hers. It needed to be
to be restored by a little old man with
money and time, me!!! Twenty four years

     In this edition of the Octagon we have had several contributors who have taken
       photographs or supplied articles that were used throughout the magazine.
            Thanks to Graham and Moyra Mitchinson and Brendon Hagarty.

   If you have a story about your MG or had an adventure with it and wish to share it,
                please send your article in to us. We’d all love to read it!
                                     With thanks, Rob

Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
January Birthdays
                         Warm regards to all those with birthdays this
                            month, from all at the MG Car Club!

    If you would like us to wish you a happy birthday, please email the editor with the
    day and month of your special day and it will be included. You don’t need to let us
                   know the year though ! :) octagon@westnet.com.au

Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
From the editor...

W          elcome to 2022 and a whole new year of MG social runs,
           competitive events and club participation. This is the first
           edition of the ‘Octagon’ under my editorship and I hope it
contains some interesting and engaging reading for club members.
There will be quite a few changes to the magazine coming during the
next few months and I welcome feedback from members regarding
these changes. I also encourage members to contribute to the ‘Octagon’
as much as possible. Remember, this is your club magazine and it will
only be enhanced by your contributions! Remember, the new ‘Octagon’
email address is octagon@westnet.com.au

Finally, a big thank you and well done to Graham and Moyra Mitchinson
for their decade long contribution as editors of the ‘Octagon’. A job very,
very well done. I have big shoes to fill!

                                                              Rob Hagarty

Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
Vintage Stampede Regularity
                                    Sunday 5th December

           his was my first attempt at a           and gave me serious doubt as to whether
           regularity, mainly to see how I         this was such a smart idea or was I
           would handle it before committing       completely out of my depth. By the time I
           myself to either Northam or             came back to the pits I was going to call it
    Albany “round the houses”.                     a day and give up, but after taking some
                                                   time and talking to Rami I decided to
    It was going to be a fairly hot day so I       persevere and was very glad that I did. The
    fitted the hard top before leaving home        runs got easier and faster each time I went
    which turned out to be a very good idea,       round the track with working the correct
    especially sitting on the grid.                line to take and a better feel of the car,
                                                   which performed excellently. There were
                                                   still vehicles that overtook me but I was
                                                   now at ease and more aware.

    Arrived at Wanneroo Raceway to find lots
    of vehicles already there so had a job to
    find some shade to park under. Rami Brass
    and Peter Fry were there as were several
    Mini Car Club and Triumph Sports Car
    members all eager to show their prowess
    on the track.

    After registering and working out how to
    fit the Dorian (timing) to the front of the
    car, there was the Driver’s briefing. Then
    our group was called to the dummy starting
    grid for the practice session with me lining
    up at the back. We were waved out onto
    the track and everyone picked up speed
    once we did the first circuit. I got to see
    how fast some of those cars could go as        I got closer to my nominated times and
    they disappeared into the distance. I          found even though I couldn’t match the
    thought I was doing ok on the second           faster cars on the straight I could stay tight
    circuit until I looked in the mirror and saw   on their rear through the curves. And as
    several vehicles rapidly approaching my        there isn’t any sheep stations as a prize I
    rear end then passing in a flash. This         found I could ease off and enjoy the
    happened several times during the practice     pleasure of driving my wonderful car as
Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
fast and as safe as I wanted.                looking forward to catching up with him at
                                             the Albany Event.
Another MGB driver, Lenard Kidd was                                Graham Mitchinson
running on a similar time as me, so we had
a friendly rivalry over the day. I am now


Octagon January 2022 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia




Will Your Spare Tyre Get You Home?
     Reprinted from MG Car Club Sydney magazine ‘Opposite Lock’, December 2021

                Elan 26R


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         CONTACT: MIKE CHESTER ON 0412 295 857
SOCIAL EVENTS IN JANUARY Wokalup, at 9:30am for coffee and
                                          a 10:30am start. Contacts are
     All Club members are welcome to      Steve and Jessie McDonald on
     participate in these social events.  mobile 0409 958 589 or Ted Mullins
     As they are listed on the Club’s     on mobile 0419 925 632 or email
     events calendar, your                robynted01@hotmail.com.
     concessionally registered car can be
     driven to, from and during each      Nog’n’Natter – Tuesday 18th
     event.                               January
                                          The monthly Nog’n’Natter will be
     Classic Midweek Brunch Run –         held on Tuesday 18th January,
     Thursday 13th January                meeting 7:30pm for an 8:00pm
     The January Midweek Run will be      start, at the Clubrooms. A convivial
     held as a Brunch Run due to the      Nog’n’Natter over supper will
     likely hot weather at this time of   follow a short briefing on Club
     year. The Run will commence from matters and events by Committee
     the Olde Narrogin Inne in            members.
     Armadale, meeting at 9:00am for a
     9:15am start (earlier than the usual ADVANCE NOTICE
     time). Organiser is Eddie Preston,
     email prest100@iinet.net.au for      Southern Chapter: Augusta
     any queries.                         Overnighter - Saturday 30th April
                                          and Sunday 1st May 2022
     Southern Chapter: Golden Valley
     Tree Park Picnic -                   The Southern Chapter will be
     Sunday 16th January                  hosting a run from Bunbury to
     The Southern Chapter will be         Augusta Hotel on Saturday 30th
     hosting a picnic run to Golden       April, returning on Sunday 1st May
     Valley Tree Park near Balingup on    and has extended an invitation to
     Sunday 16th January 2022. Meet at    all Club members to participate.
     Harvey Cheese, Southwest Hwy         The run will travel through wine
                                          country, ending up in the beautiful
beautiful south coast town of        email terryold01@bigpond.com or
Augusta.                             Ted Mullins on mobile 0419 925
                                     632 or email
Detailed advice will follow in the   robynted01@hotmail.com.
February Octagon. Contact is Terry
Old on mobile 0427 561 562 or                               Tony Ford

     The Deadline for items for the February 2022 edition of the
                          Octagon will be

               Tuesday 25th January 2022
MG Car Club of WA
                          Annual Award Winners
     Congratulations to our club award winners for 2021,
     presented at the Annual General Meeting on December

     Attendance Award          Octagon Award         Best New Member Award
     Richard Whitehead         The Entire MGCC         Norman & Noelle Else
                            Committee and partners

      President’s Award        VSCC Champion            Ladies Champion
        Patricia Shaw             Sarah Fry             Moyra Mitchinson

Intermediate Club Champion            Club Champion       Outstanding Club Member
     Graham Mitchinson                Peter McGrath             Peter Hagarty

           Graham and Moyra                    Ian Campbell received an
          Mitchinson received an                award of recognition for
         award of recognition for              his service as webmaster.
         their services as editors.

A      most enjoyable evening
            was had by all who
            attended the MG Car Club
     Annual General Meeting on
     Thursday night, 16th December
                                          outgoing President presenting his
                                          annual report prior to the
                                          announcement of nominations for
                                          2022 Club President. As there was
                                          only one nomination, David Hardie
     2021.                                was confirmed as our new
                                          President and subsequently took
                                                            Just before we were
     The evening began with drinks and over the running of the meeting.
                                                            mobbed by several
     a beautiful meal which consisted of                    young ladies
     various scrumptious salads with      Each committee position had only
     ham, chicken and bread rolls.        one nomination which in most
     Thank you to the hard working        cases were the sitting members.
     crew who put this together for us Doug Bush nominated as Vice
     again this year, it was very well    President and was appointed to
     received.                            the role unchallenged. Rob Hagarty
                                          was the only nomination for
     After dinner, we all enjoyed a fruit Octagon editor as was Brian Turner
     mince pie and an ice-cream and       who takes on the role as club
     then got down to business!           webmaster. Sadly, no one
     President Doug Bush opened the       nominated for the role of Club
     December General Meeting first       Secretary and with Alley Mulcahy
     which was a brief affair with        retiring after several years in the
     various committee members giving role, it is now a vacant position.
     short and concise reports
     regarding the previous month’s       Once the committee positions had
     activities. The Annual General       been determined for 2022, new
     Meeting then followed with the       club president David Hardie
                                          commenced the awards
presentation for the 2021 year and      club. We are currently without a
was ably assisted by our wonderful      secretary and would be most
club patron Val Goff who handed         welcoming to anyone who would
the lovely trophies to each             volunteer to perform this role on
recipient.                              the 2022 committee.

Following the award presentations       This is a wonderful club with a
the December General Meeting and        current membership of over 340
Christmas raffles were drawn. David     members. It would be wonderful if
Hardie then made a most pertinent       one of you would consider joining
and heart felt plea for members to      us on committee and rounding out
consider assisting their club by        our committee numbers in the new
nominating for club committee           year.
positions in future years. He rightly                           Rob Hagarty
stated that constant change on
committee is a sign of a healthy

                                               with Peter McGrath

A quiet end to the calendar year 2021 saw just    garage ready for David to send me on my way.
one event scheduled in November, with just        I went reasonably hard on the practice run and
two events planned for December. Over the         found that the circuit was trickier than
weekend of the 4th and 5th, The Vintage           previous layouts I’d experienced at Jack’s Hill.
Stampede Hillclimb and Regularity took place      A left turn halfway up the hill was followed by
at Wanneroo Park, well Jack’s Hill and the        a very sharp right, a fast tight loop, then back
Raceway as would be more familiar names.          down the hill for a bigger loop up to the finish
We had good representation at both events,        line across the familiar twisty finish into the
with Peter Fry, Graham Mitchinson, Mark           stop garage.
Rookledge and I taking part in the Hill Climb on  My ABS brake light kept coming on
the Saturday at Jack’s Hill. With Peter, Graham   intermittently, causing me to have and then
and Rami Brass taking part on the Sunday for      lose ABS assistance, which typically wasn’t
the Stampede Regularity at Wanneroo               working each time I entered the finish garage,
Raceway.                                          causing front driver’s wheel lockup on each
                                                  entry. Luckily the car still stopped well. The
Vintage Stampede Hillclimb – Jack’s Hill –        first proper timed run felt good but was still
December 4                                        tricky. And I was glad to get back out of the car
                                                  and roll down my race suit which was getting
A reasonably early start saw 32 competitors       rather warm.
arrive for the driver’s briefing just before 8am, Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves,
with us split into two groups. A good mix or      with not too many wrong ways, but quite a
regular faces and new competitors, along with few garage penalties. The banter was great as
a wide variety of cars. As mentioned above, we always whilst we waited for our 2nd and 3rd
had four MGCCWA member taking part, with          timed runs, as group 1 went back out again.
Peter in group 1 and Graham, Mark and I in        Peter Fry setting times for us all to aim at, as
group 2 (purely alphabetical). Sarah Fry was      he looked composed on the tricky circuit. I was
one of the officials for the day as timekeeper. lucky enough to get back to the pit area in
Group 1 lined up first to do a sighting run with time to watch Graham and Mark go around
the full group, followed by a practice run and    each time. I was amazed to find that my 2nd
then their first timed run. It was interesting    and 3rd runs had exactly the same time, even
watching them from the top of the hill, where though I’d tried different braking points and
we were lucky enough to have some shade           shifting gears in different places too. Well, I
options. Once they’d completed their runs, we guess I found my limit!
followed the same format with group 2.            All in all, a great event, in hot and sunny
I was lucky enough to be third car out in our     conditions, on a tricky but enjoyable circuit.
group, so didn’t have to wait in the full sun for
too long, before moving into the shaded start

Coming up in January 2022:                     No news yet on dates for events beyond
                                               January. I will make sure to pass these on
Sunday 22nd January – Autokahana at            as they become available.
Coogee, organised by the TSOA. Event de-       If you have any queries with any upcoming
tails to be sent out via email. I’m reliably   events, please let me know. And as always,
informed by Bruce Pollock, the Competi-        if you hear of any competition events that
tion Secretary at the TSOA, that this event    we haven’t promoted, let us know, so we
will be an afternoon event, with a free        can keep your fellow MG drivers informed.
barbeque following the completion of all       Wishing you all a happy new year.
runs.                                          Here’s to a rapid and fun January.
                                                                            Pete McGrath


Advertisers please note :-
Advertisements in MG Marketplace will be limited to three lines and one image as from
the March edition of the Octagon. Please ensure the picture is not larger than 1Mb in
size. Information when selling a vehicle should include year of manufacture, approx.
miles or km travelled and any modifications or extras included in the sale. Thank you!

                 MGB suitable for competition.

                 Mark 0417 092 139 mtrook@iprimus.com.au                $750

MGF parts

     Workshop manual - new 8th Edition, volumes 1 & 2 Un used T-300AD100 fault
     reader with extras, works on all MGF models, New ignition set cap, rotor leads,
     plugs, New water tank pressure cap plus used water tank Replacement set used        $750
     door handles, 2 clocks. New underbody long engine to radiator pipe assembly

                        Mike Smith 0413 837 282 m7rs@icloud.com

                                                            MGTF 1500
                            1954              Manual
                            Willow Grey, matching engine and
                            chassis numbers and custom plates included.
                           Darren Mascurine                        0405 644 203
                                                                                        $55 000
                                                         MGA Roadster

                          Any condition considered, prefer registered, price

                          Kevin                                   0478 436 235         Negotiable
                                                         MGB Roadster
                            1966                 Manual
                             Fully restored, perfect condition, currently on
                            404, Number plate included, in Carramar
                           Peter                                  0457 023 522
                                                      MGF Trophy 160
                            Very good condition, regularly serviced,
                            Electric windows, power steering
                       Milena 0413 153 466 milena2@y7mail.com                           $9 000
                                I have some MGB spares if any of your members would be interested
                                * One steel bonnet slight damage on front right corner.
                                * 4 wire wheels with tyres (NOT CHROME)
                                * Exhaust parts and various other bits and pieces.
                                 I want to get rid of all of it as moving house
                                All free to good home just pick-up
                                Clive Winter 0438 287 658 or clivewinter@bigpond.com

MGB Roadster
                1969                Manual
                 Excellent condition, Tartan Red, seats, trim,
                carpet and hood in good order
           David 0427 768 538 janddavrho@outlook.com
                                                                      $24 900
                                      MGB Competition Roadster
                1968                   Manual
               Not registered, Cams logbook, single weber.
               including trailer, will separate. Lots of new parts.
               Dennis Fair                       0419 944 427
                                                                      $25 000
                                      Weber Carburettor

                 With Manifold, linkages and fuel regulator

                Daniel Leary                      0439 694 820
                                         MGB Differential

                 Serviceable 3.9 Diff or complete Diff
                 Suitable for 62 - 67 MGB
                John Tillman                  0427 323 610
                                          78 - 79 MGB Roadster
                  Manual, very good condition, mechanically
                  sound, without rust, Preferable with back-
                  ground history.
           Neil Magee 0408 603 012 neil.t.magee@gmail.com
                                              Dash Crash-pad
                 The black vinyl pad that runs along the dash
                 of MGB, (crash pad / dash pad)

               Mark 0417 092 139 mtrook@iprimus.com.au

Remember, advertising submissions for the Octagon end on the 23rd of each month.

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