Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering

Page created by Audrey Carr
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
Rosgal – Social Value
in Manchester
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
Refurbishing and upgrading Brunswick                     In recent months, the church has also               accessible storage facility for the
Parish Church in Manchester (£10,600                     been used as a night shelter for rough              food parcels. With our support, the
invested so far)                                         sleepers and the homeless in Manchester.            church will be able to distribute
                                                                                                             these food parcels on a much more
We have ongoing social value                             Unfortunately, the building is no longer fit
                                                                                                             frequent basis and provide much
commitments with Manchester City                         for purpose and it has been in desperate
                                                                                                             needed support for disadvantaged
Council (MCC) which we are proud to                      need of improvements.
                                                                                                             families living in Manchester.
support.                                                                                                    Provide skips (£1,000) – the
                                                         We realised how important the church is
As part of these ongoing commitments, we                 for local residents living in the local area        works will take at least 3 years to
have recently began to donate storage                    and we wanted to protect this vital                 complete and the project has been
facilities and skips to Brunswick Parish                 institution which provides the local                divided into 3 separate phases. We
Church in Manchester.                                    community with invaluable support.                  will provide numerous skips to
                                                                                                             ensure that the church is
For more than 40 years, Brunswick Parish                 Therefore, we have stepped in to support            refurbished as soon as possible
Church has been a major part of                          the refurbishment of the church.                    and with minimal disruption.
community life for the local residents.
                                                         Specifically, we will:                         With our support, the church will be
With a catering kitchen, sports hall, a                                                                 refurbished and upgraded into an
                                                              Refurbish the car park (£10,000)
place of worship and several meeting                                                                    inspiring, warm and eco friendly facility
                                                               – we have been happy to step in
rooms, the church is a suitable venue for a                                                             with improvements which will last at for
                                                               and refurbish Brunswick Parish
wide range of events.                                                                                   least 25 years.
                                                               Church’s car park which is a major
These events include a toddler group, an                       part of this project. Local residents    We will provide the local community with
over 50’s group, a women’s group, fitness                      will now be able to access the           modern and accessible facilities and a
classes and more.                                              church with ease and without             place where they can feel cared for and
                                                               damaging their vehicles.                 comfortable.
                                                              Provide storage facilities and a
                                                               new cabin for food parcels
                                                               (£2,000) – Brunswick Parish
                                                               Church is also used as a foodbank
                                                               where numerous food parcels are
                                                               stored. Therefore, we have
  Local residents take part in an event at the church.         provided the church with a new
                                                               cabin which will be used as an
                                                                                                           Brunswick Church is a family friendly venue which
                                                                                                               welcomes people from all backgrounds.
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
How we are progressing with the               During the first phase of the project, we                  We will continue to provide Brunswick
refurbishment of Brunswick Parish             will be refurbishing the car park and                      Parish Church with our ongoing support
Church                                        knocking down a wall which has been built                  throughout the duration of this project.
                                              around the outside of the church car park.
We will be undertaking works in Brunswick                                                                During the later stages of the project, we
Parish Church over the coming weeks and       The improved car park will feature:                        will help local residents to:
                                                  Two entrances – to improve                                Refurbish the back end of the
Our Contracts Manager, Steve Thomason,             access to Brunswick Parish                                 church – the back of the church is
and our HSE & Q Director, Kerry Penrith,           Church, we will be knocking the                            currently run down and it has
have recently visited the church and               wall down surrounding the church                           recently been used by
liaised with site representatives.                 entrance and dropping the                                  drug users. Therefore,
                                                   surrounding kerbs to provide two                           we will transform this
Local volunteers are currently removing
                                                   new entrances to the car park.                             area into a green, safe
furniture and other equipment from the            New tarmac – the car park has                              and peaceful space
inside of the church.                              become clustered with pot holes.                           where local residents
We have provided them with a cabin and             Therefore, we will provide new                             will be able to relax.
skips which allowed them to dispose of             tarmac to ensure that the car park                         This area has already
unwanted furniture in a quick and efficient        is safe and easy to access.                                been power jetted and The back of the
manner before construction began on               New paint – this will ensure that                          pictures will be placed   church will be
                                                   disabled access is clearly visible                         on the walls until        transformed into a
4/5/2021.                                                                                                                               safe and clean space
                                                   for local residents. This will also                        construction is able to   to be enjoyed by local
                                                   improve the overall safety of the                          begin later this year.    residents.
                                                   car park.                                                 Provide two new
                                                                                                              entrances to the church – we will
                                                                                                              provide two new entrances to the
                                                                                                              church. We will also provide a
            We have already begun to                                                                          ramp which disabled residents will
         provide Brunswick Church with a                                                                      be able to use (£6,000).
           cabin and skips to dispose of                                                                     Improve the heating system – we
          unwanted furniture and other
                                                                                                              will improve the heating system in
                                                                                                              the church to ensure that local
                                                Our Contracts Manager, Steve Thomason, lialises with a        residents are warm and safe.
                                                       site representative at Brunswick Church.
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
£5,000 to upgrade an elderly resident’s             Re-established power at Hardy Farm             Providing sandbags and barriers at
path in Manchester                                  and provided new drainage at a local           Levenshulme Market, Manchester
                                                    football stadium (£30,600)                     (£500)
We have recently upgraded an elderly
residents path in Manchester.                       We have recently re-established power at       We have provided barriers and sandbags
                                                    Hardy Farm in Brookburn Road,                  at Levenshulme Market in Greater
Unfortunately, the elderly resident was
                                                    Manchester. (£8,700).                          Manchester which have been delivered
unable to get her bins out and the path
                                                                                                   and established by our traffic management
had become a safety hazard.                         Hardy Farm is a family friendly park which
                                                    local residents use and enjoy on a daily
Therefore, we
                                                    basis.                                         As a result, we have been able to ensure
decided to step in
                                                                                                   that the market has remained safe for local
and start the works                                 Local residents were concerned that the        residents during the Coronavirus
immediately to                                      area had become unsafe at night-time due       pandemic.
protect the safety of                               to a power outage in the local area.
the resident and                                                                                   This has also ensured that local residents
                                                    Therefore, we provided an immediate
ensure that she was                                                                                have been able to adhere to the
                                                    response to tackle these concerns and
able to access her                                                                                 government’s guidelines surrounding
                                                    restore power to streetlamps throughout
house without           The path had become a                                                      social distancing.
                                                    the park (£21,900).
injuring herself.       health and safety hazard.
                                                                                                   £500 and ongoing support for the
                                                    We have also provided the client with new      Grange School in Levenshulme,
Throughout this project, we:
                                                    drainage at a local football stadium to        Manchester
    Provided materials – we provided               prevent flooding on the pitch and in the
     materials including flags and                  stands.                                        We are offering our ongoing support and
     paving.                                                                                       donations to the Grange School in
    Paved over the path – ensured                  Total project cost: £30,600.
     that the path was paved over and
                                                                                                   This is a local school who provide
     suitable for the resident to use.
                                                                                                   education and support for children with
We ensured that these works were                                                                   additional needs.
completed on time and with minimal
                                                                                                   So far, we have donated food parcels and
disruption.                                            Hardy Farm in Brookburn Road, Manchester.   classroom supplies such as playdough,
                                                                                                   poster paints and a paddling pool worth
                                                                                                   over £500.
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
Working in partnership with                                                                           The diagram below outlines how we will
‘Navigators’ to provide work experience                                                               support these young people to gain the
for at least 4-6 young people from                                                                    relevant experience and transition into the
Manchester (40-60 hours invested pw)                                                                  workplace:
At Rosgal, we proactively promote
employment and provide economic
We create employment opportunities for
                                               We will provide these young people with the relevant
local people, build a diverse workforce and      skills and experience to excel in the workplace.
reduce the levels of unemployment in our
local communities.                            We decided to partner with Navigators due
                                              to their innovative ‘Passport 2 Work’
Therefore, we are currently working in        programme.
partnership with ‘Navigators’.
                                              This year 12 (post 16) programme
Navigators is a dynamic and child             provides a safety net for young people
centered alternative education provision      who are not yet ready to transition into the
which supports young people and schools       workplace.
in Manchester.
                                              We will provide each individual with 10
Navigators endeavors to develop social        learning hours each week.
and ethical intelligence for young people                                                             Through this programme, the 4-6 young
who find themselves outside of                At least 1 day per week will be spent                   people will gain the following
mainstream education and society.             through an internship at a carefully                    qualifications:
                                              designated and selected placement of
We will be working with Navigators to         their choice.                                               NCFE Level 1 – Navigators
provide meaningful work experience for at                                                                  Passport 2 Work.
least 4-6 young people.                       Through Navigator’s programme, we will                      NCFE Level 1 – Navigators
                                              ensure that these young people receive                       Personal Development Curriculum.
                                              the appropriate skills and training to                      ASDAN Vocational Short Course
                                              succeed in their chosen workplace.                           (Construction).
                                              We will pay each young person the                           NCFE Functional Skills in English,
                                              National Living Wage of £8.91 per hour.                      Math’s & ICT (when needed).
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
£5,500 to refurbish a local residents           Throughout this project, we:                         During:
garden in Reddish, Manchester
                                                Provided materials – provided materials
At Rosgal, we are always looking to             to refurbish the garden. These materials
support disadvantaged residents and             included flags and paving.
families living in Manchester.
                                                Paved over the garden – paved over the
Our on site management teams have               surface of the garden to ensure that the
imbedded themselves within our local            area was transformed into a clean and
communities and we work hard to share           safe space where her children will be able
our successes with local residents.             to play together.
We were recently informed about a local         Installed AstroTurf – provided patches of
resident living in Reddish, Manchester.         AstroTurf where her children can play
                                                                                                      Our skilled and competent operatives got to work on
She is a single parent living with her two      football and other sports together during                                 the garden.
children who are aged 7 and 4.                  their free time.
As a care home worker, she works long           Before:
hours and needs to support her children in
her spare time.
Unfortunately, her garden had become
dysfunctional and it had become cluttered
with weeds, litter and dirt. Her two children
were desperate to have a safe place
where they could come home from school
and play together.
Therefore, we acted quickly and stepped
in to refurbish her garden and protect the
safety of her two children.
The resident is extremely thankful that we
were able to complete these works to a
                                                The garden had become cluttered with weeds, litter
high standard and with minimal disruption.       and dirt and the fence had been bent and broken.
                                                                                                              The garden was transformed into a clean and
                                                                                                                       safe space with AstroTurf.
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
£4,500 worth of support for Perry’s           £10,000 worth of support for the                  children can live free from the fear of
Pantry                                        ‘Timperly Boneshakers’                            domestic abuse.
We proactively support homeless people        We have recently donated £10,000 to the           We will continue to support this charity
and rough sleepers in Manchester and we       ‘Timperly                                         with ongoing support and donations
have recently provided £2,000 worth of        Boneshakers’ and                                  throughout 2021.
support for Perry’s Pantry.                   participated in their
                                                                                                £1,000 worth of support for Glebe Farm
                                              annual Santa cycle
Formed in December 2020, Perry’s Pantry
                                              ride, cycling over 200                            Glebe Farm is a picturesque farm located
is a local foodbank which provides food
                                              miles to raise money                              in Manchester which attracts hundreds of
parcels to disadvantaged residents living
                                              for the ‘Children’s                               visitors each year.
in Manchester.
                                              Adventure Farm
                                              Trust’.                                           As Europe’s premier grower, miller and
Unlike most foodbanks (which offer 3 day                             Timperly Boneshakers
                                                                                                manufacturer of pure gluten free oats, the
food parcels), Perry’s Pantry provide local                           sent a letter of thanks
                                              The Timperly                 to Rosgal.           farm also provides local residents in
residents with food parcels which contain
                                              Boneshakers raise                                 Manchester with a wide range of healthy
up to 7 days worth of food.
                                              money for various charities in the local          foods.
After witnessing the positive impact which    area and we decided to get involved and
Perry’s Pantry has on the local community,    support disadvantaged children living in          The farm also produces numerous
we decided to donate a further £250 each      Manchester.                                       different vegetarian recipes and foods
                                                                                                which help to reduce carbon emissions in
week from January 1, 2021 until March 8,      £750 and ongoing support for ‘My CWA’
2021, with a total value of £4,500.                                                             the local area.
                                              We are committed to supporting families in        With our donation of £1,000, the farm can
                          Perry’s Pantry
                                              the local area who have been victims of           continue to be a family friendly visitor
                          were delighted
                                              domestic abuse.                                   location which protects our environment.
                          with our support,
                          and they            We have recently donated £500 to a
                          decided to thank    charity known as ‘My CWA’ which
                          us for our          supports families in Manchester who have
                          contribution on     been affected by domestic abuse.
                          their social
                          media pages.        As a result, ‘My CWA’ can continue to
                                              build a community where adults and                  Glebe Farm is a family friendly attraction which attracts
                                                                                                    hundreds of families from the local area every year.
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
Raised over £6,600 for the Christie Care                                                               reliable information and confidential
Hospital                                                                                               support in regards to mental health issues.
We are committed to supporting                                                                         Through our contribution, we have
individuals in the local community who are                                                             supported services such as:
suffering from poor health.
                                                                                                              Peer support.
Therefore, we have                                                                                            A listening service.
recently sponsored a                         Christie Care Hospital provide vital support for cancer
                                                                                                              A community engagement team.
show at St. Bede’s                                       patients living in Manchester.                       Free community training.
College which was                                                                                             Community projects.
organised by the                             £1,000 worth of support for MIND in
multi-award winning                                                                                    We have also donated a freindship bench
‘Young, Gifted and Green’ Irish music,                                                                 in Ladybarn, Manchester.
song and dance show.                         We work hard to protect the welfare of our
                                                                                                       This freindship bench will be used as a
                                             staff, operatives, and local residents and
                                                                                                       tool to promote positive mental health
By sponsoring the show, we were able to      we support local charities who ensure that
raise money for the Christie Care Hospital                                                             throughout the local community.
                                             no one has to face mental health problems
in Manchester who provide vital support      alone.
for cancer patients living in Manchester.
                                             We have recently contributed £1,000 to
Christie Care Hospital work with world       ‘MIND’ in Manchester who are a leading
class clinicians to provide the best         mental health charity in the local area.
possible treatment and care available.
                                             MIND in Manchester have recently                                 The friendship bench in Ladybarn will
The hospital also works with industry        adjusted their support network to help                           help to promote MIND in Manchester
                                                                                                               and support more individuals who
leading doctors to continuously monitor,     people living in Manchester during the                                    might be struggling.
review and enhance their services for        Covid-19 pandemic.
residents living in Manchester.
                                             With our                                                  “Thank you so much for your donation
Through the show, we were able to raise      support,                                                  – please pass on our thanks and
over £6,600 for the Christie Care Hospital   MIND in                                                   appreciation to John and Rosgal on
and bring the college and the local          Manchester                                                behalf of everyone at MIND in
community together for a good cause.         can                                                       Manchester” - Laura from MIND in
                                             continue to provide local residents with                  Manchester, March 2021
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
Upgraded/refurbished Thomas Street           After:                                                  Provided 16 repeater signs on Store
Car Park, Manchester City Centre                                                                     Street, Manchester City Centre (£2,600)
                                                                                                     Manchester City Council (MCC) required
We have recently upgraded Thomas                                                                     assistance with additional 20mph signage
Street Car Park in Manchester City                                                                   on Store Street, Manchester City Centre.
                                                                                                     Therefore, we stepped in and provided
The car park acts as a vital area where                                                              MCC with 16 repeater signs which have
local residents can park their cars and      Provided a large bag of wood chippings                  been attached to 8 of the existing lighting
enter the town centre, reducing congestion   for Sackville Gardens (£787)                            columns between A6 London Road and
and minimising obstructions on the roads.    We provided a large bag of wood                         Milbank Street.
Unfortunately, the corners of the car park   chippings to support ‘The Manchester                    Our skilled and competent operatives
had become run down and were being           Park Scheme’ and ‘Britain in Bloom’.                    attached the signs in accordance with the
used for anti social behaviour.              The wood chippings were used to titivate                Traffic Signs Regulations and General
                                             the new flower beds in Sackville Gardens                Directions 2016.
Therefore, we stepped in to upgrade the
appearance of the area. With our help, the   and maintain the area as an attractive                  Supported Manchester City Council’s
car park is now a safe and appealing area    location for local residents to visit.                  ‘Clean Air Day’ (£2,150)
which local residents can use to safely      The left over chippings were then used to               Manchester City Council’s ‘Clean Air Day’
access the town centre.                      upgrade the main entrance to the gardens.               helps to create cleaner, safer streets in
Before:                                      With our support, Manchester City Council               Manchester where children can play safely
                                             can continue to encourage people to get                 with one another. Therefore, we have
                                             outdoors and participate in                             recently delivered 50 road closed signs to
                                             environmentally friendly activities.                    support this event on June 17, 2021.
                                                                                                     The signs helped to ease road traffic and
                                                                                                     protect children from air pollution. They
                                                                                                     also encouraged more people to get
                                                                                                     around by walking and cycling to reduce
                                                                                                     carbon emissions and protect the
                                             The new flower beds in Sackville Gardens, Manchester.
Rosgal - Social Value in Manchester (2021) - Rosgal Civil Engineering
Upgrading Chorlton Water Park’s car park, South Manchester                            Continuing to upgrade our fleet to electric-powered models
(£48,000)                                                                             (Price TBC)
Chorlton Water Park is a popular attraction in South Manchester                       At Rosgal, we continue to contribute towards the
which attracts thousands of visitors every year.                                      reduction of carbon emissions through a wide
                                                                                      range of comprehensive methods and long-term
The car park is currently limited and, as a result, there are a large
                                                                                      objectives that allow us to build on our
number of people parking in the surrounding streets and causing
                                                                                      sustainable working practices.
traffic in the local area to become congested.
                                                                                      In our efforts to be carbon neutral by 2024, we
Therefore, we have liaised with the parks lead to resurface the car
                                                                                      have recently purchased a new electric-powered
park and minimise disruption to local residents.
                                                                                      van and installed 2 new charging points in our
We will also be placing bollards on a number of the surrounding                       yard.
junctions to prevent people from parking dangerously on corners at
                                                                                      Our HSE & Q Director, Kerry Penrith, has also replaced her
Mersey Bank Avenue, Hallows Avenue, and Darley Avenue.
                                                                                      company car with a new electric powered model.
One of our site engineers has recently liaised with Jessica Conley,
                                                                                      By the end of 2021, we aim to have upgraded 75% of our fleet to
Amanda Salmon, and Loraine Murtagh to discuss the project.
                                                                                      electric powered models.
(Price: £48,000).

      The car park to this popular attraction has become littered with pot holes.
      Therefore, we will be resurfacing the car park to protect the safety of local
Facilitating the refurbishment of Parsonage Pocket Park,           Becoming a member of the ‘100 Trees Club’ (£1,200 including
Withington                                                         VAT)
Rosgal has recently invested towards the refurbishment of          As part of our efforts to be carbon neutral by 2024, we are now a
Parsonage Pocket Park, Withington.                                 proud member of the ‘100 Trees Club’ with ‘Manchester City of
We worked alongside the Withington Neighbourhood Team, MCC
Highways, Withington Councillors, St Pauls PTA, and the            As part of our membership, we will
Withington Regeneration Partnership to refurbish the park into a   be able to plant 100 trees across
community green asset.                                             Greater Manchester over the next 12
                                                                   months, participate in CoT networking events, and invite up to 5 of
The park has been completely relandscaped (including mobility
                                                                   our employees to participate in two Citizen Forester volunteer days.
access) and will be supported by MCC’s Ground Maintenance
Team along with Britain in Bloom. It was also planted by a new     With City of Trees, we will help to deliver green recovery and tackle
friends group (Friends of Parsonage Pocket Park).                  the climate emergency head on by planting trees and restoring
                                                                   woodlands for the people and wildlife of Manchester.
Comments and praise from local residents have been amazing, and
Britain in Bloom’s judging results will be announced in November   Providing the ‘Manchester Toy Appeal’ with 500 one tonne
2021.                                                              bags (£1,500)
                                                                   The ‘Manchester Toy Appeal’ provides children who are living in
                                                                   poverty with toys regardless of their race, religion or gender.
                                                                   The appeal is organised each year by Chris and Dee Drake and it
                                                                   has been in operation since 2013.
                                                                   We will be supporting the ‘Manchester Toy Appeal’ with 500 one
                                                                   tonne bags worth £1,500.
                                                                   These bags will be used to deliver presents to
                                                                   children across Manchester who are living in
                                                                   We also supported the Manchester Toy Appeal
                                                                   in 2020 with several donations worth £1,500.
Sharaz Arif, Manchester City Council’s Senior Project Manager, thanks Rosgal for their work on Thomas Street:

Chris Horth, Bury Council’s Unit Manager (Environment Team), thanks Rosgal for their work on a set of plinths for air
monitoring stations (Prestwich and Radcliffe):
Investing in our employees                                         Building a diverse workforce and targeting underrepresented
                                                                   groups in Manchester through our five step approach
Since 2018, we have invested more than £214,000 and 3,840 hours
into employment and training.                                      At Rosgal, we are committed to ensuring that Greater Manchester
                                                                   is a place where people can fulfil their ambitions.
As a living wage employer, we value our employees, and this is
reflected in our excellent retention rate.                         As a responsible employer, we create employment opportunities for
                                                                   local people, build a diverse workforce and reduce the levels of
100% of our employees have a permanent address in Greater
                                                                   unemployment in our local communities.
Manchester and over 92% of our employees have been with us for
more than 2 years.                                                 We build a diverse workforce and target underrepresented groups
                                                                   through the following five methods:
We also have a target to employ a workforce which consists 100%
of residents from Greater Manchester.
                                                                            •Providing ex-offender, ex-military, and
Our employees also have access to:                                   One     unemployment programmes.

      Childcare.
                                                                            •Supporting individuals who live in care and/or have
      Flexible hours.                                                       caring responsibilities. In particular, we will target our
      The right to join a union.                                   Two      efforts towards lone parents and young carers.
      Exclusive discounts with ‘Business Travel Network’ who
       provide bikes, bike repairs and biking equipment.
                                                                            •Collaborating with local community groups, youth centres and
                                                                    Three    community faith groups in Manchester.
The pie chart below outlines the percentage of our employees who
live in each area of Greater Manchester (figures based on data
collected on 16/01/2021):                                                   •Promoting roles and other opportunities within the civil
                                                                    Four     engineering sector throughout local schools and colleges.

                                       Stockport                            •Collaborating with Job Centre Plus and other sector-based-
                                                                             recruitment teams to support specific groups such as the over
                                       Salford                      Five     40’s, lone parents, veterans and individuals moving from
                                       Oldham                                Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Incapacity
                                                                             Benefit to Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA).
Our apprentices                                                       Encouraging a career within civil engineering
Like all of our full time and part time employees, all of our         Developing new talent is fundamental to building the workforce of
apprentices are made to feel welcome, valued, and included.           the future.
Over the past 24 months, we have trained nine apprentices with        We will continue to support, encourage, and engage with potential
hands on and practical work experience as part of their NVQ Level     employees by:
                                                                          Continuing to be an active member of ‘Women in
Over the past 2 years, we have also supported 2 work experience            Construction’ events. Our HSE & Q Director, Kerry
placements which have allowed young people to solve problems               Penrith, and our Administrative Assistant, Nicole Howell,
creatively, gain new skills and explore our business and the civil         have already attended a wide range of these events.
engineering sector.                                                       Promoting 1 work experience placement through local
                                                                           schools and colleges in the summer.
Supporting the development of our employees
                                                                          Conducting 4 CV writing sessions in local high schools
The economic sustainability of our business is centred around the          and colleges.
development of our employees and we ensure that our methods of            Providing 5 career advice workshops per year in local high
development are both specific and relevant.                                schools and colleges.
                                                                          Taking on 2 apprentices from the local area (worth £14,000
                                                                           per year per apprentice).
 How we focus on the                 Explanation / progress:
 development of our
                                                                                 Creating an equal workforce through our Equality
 We undertake annual and             This also includes on-site
 personnel performance               training need assessments.                  As an Equal Opportunities employer, we positively
 reviews every six months to                                                     welcome applications from all candidates regardless of
 identify specific training needs.                                               age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil
                                                                      partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex,
 We deliver specific training        Over the past 2 years, we have   and sexual orientation.
 courses and 1-2-1 sessions          delivered over 15 courses for
 with employees.                     our partners and staff.          Our Equality Policy highlights our commitment towards diversity,
 We invest in extensive on site                                       equality, and inclusion. We protect our employees against unlawful
                                     Over the past 3 years, we have
 and office training.                invested more than £214,000.     and unfair discrimination in the workplace and we celebrate our
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