ODISHA UNRAVELLED              1

April 2021                A Newsletter by Department of Tourism, Government of Odisha

        Heritage         Best Future                            ARRIBADA in
   Takes Centre Stage   Forward State                           Eastern Coast
         Page : 10         Page : 12                                Page : 16

                                                    PURPLE HERON, MANGALAJODI, CHILIKA
                                                                             Picture Credit : Manoj Das

    EDITORIAL                                               ODISHA
    TEAM                                                    UNRAVELLED
                                                            A Newsletter by Department of Tourism,
    Vishal Kumar Dev, IAS                                   Government of Odisha
    Principal Secretary to Government

    Sachin Ramchandra Jadhav, IAS
    Director & Additional Secretary to Government

    Content and Design
    Project Mangement Unit


              Minister of State (IC) for Tourism and
               Odia Language, Literature & Culture

              disha has set        ing and skill development
              an example for       along with regulation of
              other states by      trade related to tourism is
              showing its re-      imperative for the sector’s
silience in face of adversity.     growth and hence, we are
Setting precedents in good         taking strategic steps to-
governance, Odisha govern-         wards achieving the pro-
ment has managed to bring          posed goal.
about a positive change in           From developing Odis-
people’s lives. This is evident    ha tourism for greater re-
through the proactive steps        silience against disruptive
taken to ensure revival of         events such as cyclones
the Tourism sector during          and pandemics to ensur-
the pandemic.                      ing responsible design of
  With an aim to bring the         new tourism products, we
benef its of tourism to the        are committed to preserve,
hinterlands of Odisha, we          empower and promote all
are developing the hospi-          aspects of the sector while
tality inf rastructure in iden-    making it socially and eco-
tif ied destinations. Train-       nomically sustainable.


                             ASIT KUMAR TRIPATHY, IAS
                     Chairman, Western Odisha Development Council (WODC)
                          and Principal Advisor to Hon’ble Chief Minister

                    t’s true the pandemic        tion. Despite the pandemic,
                    delivered a huge blow to     we have already started ex-
                    the tourism sector but       ecuting the master plan of
                    it also strengthened our     developing the Puri-Konark
               vision of developing Odisha’s     and Talsari-Udaypur Beach-
               tourism and hospitality inf ra-   f ronts on a priority mode.
               structure that’ll not only have      Besides, Odisha is taking
               greater resilience against        focused strides to develop
               such disruptive events but        the hospitality sector and en-
               also empower the populace         rich the experience of tour-
               with sustainable livelihood.      ists through scheme-based
                 In this regard, we are plan-    interventions like introduc-
               ning to boost private sector      tion of cruises and house-
               investments for developing        boats, heritage properties,
               tourism in the state. Our fo-     homestays and upgradation
               cus is on integrated master       of existing traditional boats
               planning and development          for tourists.
               of priority destinations to en-      From conservation of her-
               able creation of niche tour-      itage, natural environment
               ism and hospitality products      and rich wilderness to cre-
               through private sector in-        ation of innovative and sus-
               vestments.                        tainable tourism products,
                 This is part of our vision      we are on a mission to es-
               towards making Odisha a           tablish Odisha as a hub of di-
               sought-after beach destina-       verse tourism offerings.


                    VISHAL DEV, IAS
                   Prinicipal Secretary, Tourism,
                      Sports & Youth Services

           ecognised as one          The state’s emerging brand
           of the best States      value as a champion of re-
           in handling the         sponsible tourism was also
           pandemic,     Odis-     strengthened by winning
ha started the year 2021 on        the Silver Award for ‘Best Fu-
the right note. Every event        ture Forward State’ at the 6th
scheduled as per the State’s       Outlook India Responsible
Tourism calendar was suc-          Tourism Awards, which was
cessfully    organised    with     organised for the f irst time
strict adherence to Covid-19       outside the National Capital
guidelines.                        of Delhi, at Eco Retreat Odis-
  Paving the way for reviv-        ha in Konark.
al of tourism sector in the          Thanks to the commitment
State, Odisha Tourism’s flag-      and passion of the people in-
ship glamping event ‘Eco Re-       volved in revival of the sector,
treat’ 2020-21 which was held      our state’s contribution to
across f ive diverse locations,    promoting responsible tour-
viz. Bhitarkanika, Daringba-       ism is now well-established.
di, Hirakud, Konark and Sat-       On behalf of Odisha Tour-
kosia, concluded successfully      ism, I invite all our readers to
with an overall occupancy of       come and explore Odisha, In-
50.31%.                            dia’s best kept secret.


         fter garnering a surge of popularity with       rakud, Konark and Satkosia. Starting f rom 9th
         its debut as Marine Drive Eco Retreat           December, 2020, the glamp camps attracted
         in 2019-2020, Odisha Tourism’s flagship         travel-bugs f rom across India, who packed their
 three-month glamping festival – Eco Retreat             bags for a much-needed break. The event con-
 Odisha – was back in 2020-2021, this time mul-          cluded on 8th March in Konark while the other
 tiplied by five! Backed by the state’s stellar re-      four locations closed the curtains on 28th Feb-
 cord in COVID management, Odisha Tourism                ruary, 2021. Despite the pandemic, the event
 set up the Eco Retreats at five unique locations        witnessed an overall occupancy of over 50.31%,
 with a view to offer tourists the best of Odisha’s      thanks to the synergised application of SOPs
 diverse environs – Bhitarkanika, Daringbadi, Hi-        and technology for added safety of tourists.

                               FROM THE MEMORY MAKERS

H   ad a great stay at Eco Retreat. Lovely place,
    good vibe, perfect weekend getaway. Lovely
service, very friendly, the food is good. We had a
                                                         Iwent on a trek with my friends and then saw Jupi-
                                                          ter and Saturn through stargazing. This place is just
                                                         beautiful. The air is so nice and pollution-free. You
great time. We’re definitely coming back again.          should plan your next trip to this place very soon.

         PALLAVI & LAVANYA (KONARK)                                     PRAMITA (SATKOSIA)

T  he stay in the tents is very nice and all the amen-
   ities provided are very good. The food here was
quite delicious. We went to see the Hirakud Dam
                                                         W     e like how Eco-retreat is promoting places in
                                                               Odisha which are underrated and not very
                                                         popular. We pay a lot to go outside the state to visit
and when we came back in the evening a nice cul-         similar places which we already have here in Odi-
tural programme was organised. This place is ac-         sha. This is a must-have experience, and everyone
tually a hidden treasure.                                should come here.


        lessed with 482 km coastline, Odisha     able landscaped promenade along the 2.4
        has been taking rapid strides in es-     km long stretch which includes intermittent
        tablishing the State as a prime hub      kiosks, rain shelters, seating islands, restau-
of beach tourism. Envisaging development         rants, jogging tracks, viewing decks, along
of beach destinations, integrated tourism        with beach infrastructure such as public
master plans including the Chandrabhaga          amenities like a parking zone, toilets, shower
Beachfront Plan at Konark and Talsari-Uday-      panels, drinking water, etc.
pur Beachfront Promenade Plan at Balaso-           With a view to internationalising its of-
re were recently approved by Hon’ble Chief       ferings, Odisha Tourism has also prioritised
Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik.                    the operationalisation of beach shacks at
  The Puri-Konark Beachfront masterplan          various beachf ronts offering tourists gas-
envisages holistic and inclusive develop-        tronomic experiences commensurate with
ment of a kilometre long stretch at Chan-        beach leisure. Safety and security have been
drabhaga beach into a day tourism destina-       incorporated, with lifeguard teams and safe-
tion through Water sports, recreation zones,     ty monitoring systems.
promenades and bicycle tracks, retail zones,       Apart from the integrated master plan-
public engagement facilities such as open        ning of beach destinations, Odisha has been
air theatres, kids’ play area, sunrise viewing   scaling leaps and bounds in upgrading oth-
decks, adventure sports, etc. The stretch        er beaches of the State following the Blue
will be beautified through native landscap-      Flag certification by FEE Denmark of Puri’s
ing and in adherence to good practices in        Golden Beach as one among eight certified
sustainability, such as dune protection and      beaches in India. Department of Tourism
stabilisation, solar lighting, modern waste      has identified five beaches to be upgraded
management systems and community par-            for the coveted certification, viz. Pir Jahania,
ticipation.                                      Niladri and Muhan Beaches in Puri District
  Balasore’s Talsari-Udaypur Beachf ront,        and Haripur and Pati Sonapur Beaches in
envisions an aesthetically designed sustain-     Ganjam District.

                     TAMPARA LAKE
                   UNDERGOES FACELIFT
      The development of Tampara Lakefront Project was jointly executed by the Ministry
      of Tourism, Government of India and Department of Tourism, Government of Odisha

         n a bid to showcase Odisha as a vibrant tour-   been sanctioned out of which INR 21.78 crore
         ism hub of global standards, Tampara Lake-      has been utilised as part of the Phase I develop-
         front Project, developed under the Swadesh      ment with INR 4.8 crore earmarked for Phase II
         Dashan Scheme of Union Ministry of Tour-        development.
    ism, was recently inaugurated by Union Minis-           Facilities like, public convenience & tourist re-
    ter of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Steel Shri        ception, pavement area, parking, food court,
    Dharmendra Pradhan. Union Minister of State          watch tower, street furniture, gazebo, and open-
    for Tourism and Culture (I/C) Shri Prahlad Singh     air theatre among others have been created
    Patel addressed the gathering through a virtual      along with procurement of water sports equip-
    message.                                             ment like kayaks, banana boats, Jet skis etc., as
      This development is part of the Integrated De-     part of the Phase I development of the project.
    velopment of Coastal Circuit under the Swadesh          To further enrich the tourist experience, Phase
    Darshan Scheme for which INR 73.48 crore had         II of the development will include an eco-resort,
    been sanctioned for destination development of       a scenic pathway/boardwalk to the beach, lake
    Gopalpur, Tampara, Satapada and Barkul which         side promenade and other tourist amenities.
    includes INR 2.67 crore as State share. Of the          Shri Subhash Chandra Behera – Hon’ble MLA,
    sanctioned amount, INR 52.96 crore has been          Chatrapur, Shri Vishal Kumar Dev, IAS – Principal
    released by GOI. 81% of the released funds have      Secretary, Tourism, Shri Vijay Amrut Kulange, IAS
    already been utilised for development of these       – District Collector, Ganjam, Shri Keerthi Vasan V,
    four destinations till date.                         IAS – Sub-Collector, Berhampur and Smt. Anjana
      For the development of Tampara, under the          Panda – Commissioner, Berhampur Municipal
    Integrated Development of Beach Circuit of           Corporation were other dignitaries gracing the oc-
    Swadesh Darshan Scheme, INR 26.58 crore had          casion.

            A RECREATIONAL
         Cruise Tourism to drop anchor at Odisha’s resplendent water bodies
                      through operationalisation of catamarans

          disha is blessed with an abundance        in phases to add an additional floating jetty in
          of rivers and lakes and there’s more to   due course. OTDC is now welcoming applica-
          these waters than drinking it. With a     tions from various operators to operate Jet Ski,
view to boost tourism offerings in these water-     Speed Boat and Day Cruises.
bodies, Department of Tourism has identified          Efforts are also being made to promote
key destinations to turn it into a hub of recrea-   cruise tourism over multiple waterbodies. In
tional activities.                                  this regard, the State Govt. had procured Cata-
  To promote water-based recreation in river        marans in 2014 under Integrated Coastal Zone
Mahanadi, Odisha Tourism through Odisha             Management (ICZM) for using them in select-
Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC) has          ed water bodies of state for tourism and recre-
upgraded the existing infrastructure at the         ation purpose. Department of Tourism intends
Silver City Boat Club, Cuttack which had been       to give four of these catamarans to private op-
adversely impacted during Cyclone Fani. The         erators for day and overnight cruise operation-
new boat club includes a floating Jetty, Book-      alisation on lease basis.
ing Counter and complex for lifeguards, toilet        Besides, a scheme has also been drafted to
complex, a restaurant & bar, adequate park-         upgrade traditional wooden tourist boats to IR
ing space and a park with children’s play area.     Class compliant FRP boats. In the first phase,
The infrastructure will be further augmented        the scheme will be targeted at Chilika Lake.
10 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

    BOOSTING                                    To meet the expectations of premium

    TOURISM WITH                                tourists visiting the State, high-end
                                                hospitality properties are being developed.

    PREMIUM                                     Driving this segment of luxury tourism will
                                                be the three new star category hotels in

                                                capital city Bhubaneswar.

         RECENTLY INAUGURATED                         TO BE INAUGURATED

   Complementing the DN Regalia Mall in         Two 5-star hotels - Welcom Hotel by ITC
   Patrapada, 5-Star Hotel - VIVANTA by Taj     and Lemon Tree Premier are set to be
   Hotels was recently inaugurated by Hon’ble   launched in Dumduma and Maitre Vihar
   Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik on 17     respectively.
   February 2021.
ODISHA UNRAVELLED              11

                                                   PADMA SHRI SUDARSHAN SAHOO
                                                   RECEIVES PADMA VIBHUSHAN
                                                    The prestigious Padma awards were conferred
                                                    on six Odias this year. While five among them
                                                    were honoured with the Padma Shri, the 1988
                                                    Padma Shri awardee Sudarshan Sahoo received
                                                    the Padma Vibhushan, the second-highest
                                                    civilian award for his contribution to the field of
                                                    Art, especially the Shilpa Shastra – an ancient
                                                    science of sculpture. The 86-year old has been
                                                    actively involved in promotion of Odia culture
                                                    and has founded the Sudarshan Crafts Museum
                                                    in Puri and the Sudarshan Arts and Crafts Village
                                                    in Bhubaneswar


 Ace filmmakers Sabyasachi Mohapatra’s ‘Sala Budhar Badla’ and Nilamadhab Panda’s ‘Kalira Atita’
                         won a National Award each for Best Odia Film.

                                                              Puri-based filmmaker Ashutosh
                                                              Pattnaik’s won National Award in
                                                              Best Arts and Culture Film under
                                                              the non-feature film category for
                                                              ‘Srikshetra Ru Sahijata’.
12 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D


                             SACHIN RAMCHANDRA JADHAV
                             Director Tourism

         he last couple of years witnessed a quantum shift in Odisha’s tourism and hospitality sector. De-
         partment of Tourism has made rapid strides for its development. What has helped the State in
         various ways is the passionate and persistent execution of plans by the stakeholders working for
         the industry. The focus now is to introduce travellers to India’s Best Kept Secret; the less known
   and the unsung legends, stories of the ethnic communities, destination beneath the maps, the culinary
   uniqueness and the warmth of the people here.

   One-third of the topography of this coastal state is under forest cover. With a national park, two tiger
   reserves, several wildlife sanctuaries, diverse landscapes, magnificent monuments and vivid culture, Od-
   isha presents an untapped reservoir of niche tourism experiences. To further the State’s experiential tour-
   ism offerings to discerning travellers, the department has brought in key interventions:

   Blue Flag Certification for 5 beach stretches          Boosting Ecotourism through sustainable de-
   Post the Blue Flag certification of Golden Beach       velopment
   in Puri by FEE Denmark as one among cleanest           Looking at the surge in demand for offbeat ex-
   eight beaches in India, the beach stretches of Pir     periences by tourists for birding, wildlife safari
   Jahania, Niladri and Muhan in Puri and Haripur         and trekking at ecotourism destinations, work is
   and Pati Sonapur in Ganjam districts are being         underway to double the room capacity of the ex-
   developed. These clean-drive transformations           isting nature camps and creation of eco-friend-
   will establish Odisha as a sought-after beach          ly structures like eco-cottages to facilitate night
   destination of India.                                  stays.

   Luxury Glamping                                        Hosting events and festivals
   Despite successive challenges posed due to Cy-         Strict adherence to COVID-19 safety protocols
   clone Fani and COVID-19 pandemic, strict adher-        not only ensured events and festivals scheduled
   ence to COVID-19 guidelines and SOPs released          as per the events calendar to be successfully con-
   by the State Government helped garner tremen-          ducted but also set precedent for other states
   dous footfall to Eco-Retreat 2020-21. Gauging the      for revival of tourism sector. By organising The
   overwhelming response received, the depart-            Konark Festival 2020 and International Sand Art
   ment decided to host the upcoming edition in           Festival, Odisha was the first state in the coun-
   six unique locations of the State.                     try to start hosting events and reopen its border

for tourism. Resilience in face of adversity has       Scheme-based Interventions
shaped the collective conscience of the people to      In order to boost the hospitality sector while
come together and work as a united front. This         equally ensuring livelihood development of the
also bolstered the travel community’s faith in us      local community, the Govt. is all set to introduce
while opening avenues to add more events. We           the Odisha Homestay Establishment Scheme.
are actively working towards introducing events        Through this scheme, the department envisages
driven by different seasons to establish Odisha as     creation of immersive tourism for travellers who
year-round travel destination with niche experi-       look for unique cultural experiences in hospitality,
ences.                                                 cuisine and other local ways of life while dwelling
                                                       in local family homes. Besides, keeping in view
Promoting Odia Cuisine                                 the safety of tourists as well as operators and to
As part of the State’s culinary tourism offerings,     ensure constant source of livelihood, the proposal
the department will be introducing Nimantran           for introduction of a special Scheme for upgrada-
- a chain of fine-dine restaurants in various dis-     tion of Traditional/Wooden Tourist carrying boats
tricts with tourism potential. Managed and run         to that of FRP boats at Chilika has been approved
by OTDC, these restaurants will serve an eclectic      by Hon’ble Chief Minister. Apart from this, the de-
range of authentic Odia cuisine. In the first phase,   partment is also exploring ways to develop and
Nimantran will be launched in Bhubaneswar,             popularise Heritage Hotels of the State.
Puri and Sambalpur this year.
                                                       Besides the above, numerous initiatives are being
Introduction of Cruise Tourism                         aggressively taken up to revive tourism and hos-
A new wave of recreational facilities will be intro-   pitality sector and make it resilient to disruptive
duced in various waterbodies and wetlands of           trends. While the vision is to establish Odisha as
the State. Four catamarans will be upgraded to         a tourism hub rivalling global standards, the mis-
offer Day and over-night luxury cruise experienc-      sion to make the sector future-proof is being ac-
es this year.                                          tively pursued.
14 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

    Handmade in Odisha-a Saturday Night Haat for Artists at Niladri Beach, Puri

           espite being hit hard by the COVID-19           made products. The event will be restarted
           pandemic, the tourism sector is showing         again with strict adherence to Covid-19
           signs of revival, thanks to the committed       protocols,” said event organizer Mr. Yugabrata
    efforts of the people and organisations involved       Kar. The bazaar also engages artists who
    in the sector. Aimed at assisting the artists’         perform traditional dance and music, thus
    community, Odisha Eco Tourism Foundation, a            glorifying the ambience of the beach stretch.
    unit of Heritage Tours, Puri, in association with      Beach vendors such as photographers, tea
    Puri District Administration and NGO Prabhav           sellers, local snack sellers and foot masseurs
    organized a “Saturday Night Artist’s Bazaar”           also extend their services at the bazaar.
    on 20 March 2021 from 5pm to 11 pm at Niladri          With a view to promote the rich art and culture
    Beach in Puri with plans to make it a weekly affair.   of Odisha, the foundation aims to make this
    “The event engages local artists through a             weekly market a regular event. Further, plans
    dedicated weekly platform where they can               are in place to take this initiative online where
    showcase and sell their handicrafts to the             local artists can list themselves and share their
    visitors and encourage them to buy locally             art with the global audience.
ODISHA UNRAVELLED               15

                                                    Hon’ble President of India Shri. Ram Nath Kovind
                                                    accompanied by First Lady Smt. Savita Kovind visited
                                                    Odisha on a three-day tour. Hon’ble Governor Shri.
                                                    Ganeshi Lal, Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri. Naveen
                                                    Patnaik, Hon’ble Union Ministers Shri. Dharmendra
                                                    Pradhan and Shri. Pratap Chandra Sarangi along
                                                    with other senior officials received Hon’ble President
                                                    and First Lady on their arrival.
                                                    He attended the 18th annual convocation of
                                                    National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela and
                                                    inaugurated a Super Specialty Hospital at Rourkela
                                                    Steel Plant. On his second day, he visited Jagannath
                                                    Temple in Puri to offer his prayers to the holy trinity
                                                    and also visited the iconic Sun Temple at Konark.

H.E. French Ambassador to India, Mr. Emmanuel
Lenain, led the French delegation to Odisha and held
discussions with Odisha Govt. officials on bilateral
trade, economic cooperation and investment
opportunity in the State. His four-day visit entailed
visits to CITIIS project locations which included
heritage sites like Debi Padahara and Ganga Jamuna
tanks, the Kalinga Hockey Stadium and Odisha’s
key destinations like the Blue Flag certified Golden
Beach in Puri, Chandrabhaga Beach, Konark Sun
Temple, Raghurajpur Crafts village, Lingaraj Temple,
Rajarani Temple and the Udayagiri Caves.
He also explored possibilities to enhance ties
between universities of France and Odisha in the
field of Sports, and boost investments in the State for
Smart City and renewable energy projects.

 Passionate about
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   we’ll feature the BEST ONE in our Newsletter !!!

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 Here’s your chance to get featured with us .
16 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

                                HERITAGE TAKES
                                 CENTRE STAGE
                        A glimpse of Odisha Tourism’s recent flagship events

                                     RAJARANI MUSIC FESTIVAL

H     eld against the backdrop of the 11th century Rajarani Temple in Bhubaneswar, the festival was a cel-
      ebration of India’s diverse traditions of classical music. The 3-day musical soiree, graced by maestros,
 filled the air with celestial music reinforcing the significance of this art as the cornerstone of spirituality.

                                       MUKTESWAR FESTIVAL

 T  he three-day annual flagship festival on Odissi dance was held on the manicured lawns
    of Mukteswar Temple in Bhubaneswar. Classical moves from noted danseuses cou-
 pled with a symphony of music turned the evening air at the 10th century temple ethereal.
ODISHA UNRAVELLED              17

                               DHAULI-KALINGA MAHOTSAV

R  epresenting the various cultural hues of India is this three-day cultural extravaganza of performing
   arts. Held under the star lit skies, the amalgamation of various classical music, dance forms- both Indi-
an and international and martial arts transform the Dhauli Shanti Stupa into a place of artistic brilliance.

                                   VRINDABAN MAHOTSAV

U   nder the patronage of internationally acclaimed flautist Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia, Bhubane-
    swar’s Vrindaban Gurukul organised the 2nd edition of Vrindaban Mahotsav in associa-
tion with Odisha Tourism. Apart from showcasing celebrated performances of maestros of Indi-
an classical music, the event doubled up as a platform for the Gurukula’s pupils to exhibit their art.
18 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

 Department of Tourism successfully strengthened Odisha’s emerging brand perception as a
 champion of responsible tourism

              disha Tourism was       well established. Our ecotour-
              conferred the Silver    ism model of community-man-
              Award for “Best Fu-     aged nature camps has since
              ture Forward State”     2016 empowered rural popu-
 at the sixth edition of the Indian   lations with alternate and sus-
 Responsible Tourism Awards,          tainable livelihood. From de-
 organised for the first time out-    veloping Odisha’s tourism and
 side the National Capital Ter-       hospitality infrastructure for       mon
 ritory of Delhi, at Eco Retreat      greater resilience against dis-      Maga-                      say-
 Odisha in Konark. Kerala won         ruptive events such as cyclones      say Awardee Dr. Harish Hande,
 the Gold category award in the       and pandemics, to ensuring re-       Co-founder of SELCO, Mr.
 same segment.                        sponsible design of new tour-        Jaideep Bansal, COO of Global
   The awards recognise cham-         ism products – we have made          Himalayan Expedition, Mr. Chi-
 pions of ethical travel as a re-     sustainability our mantra”, said     rag Mahajan Senior Manager at
 gional partner of the reputed        Mr. Jyoti Prakash Panigrahi,         Waste Warriors and Ms. Mani-
 World Travel Market’s (WTM)          Minister of State (IC) for Tourism   sha Shah, Advocacy Manager at
 Responsible Tourism Awards           & OLLC, Government of Odisha.        Arghyam presented successful
 held in London.                        Active sessions were held dur-     case studies involving sustain-
   Putting the state’s communi-       ing the summit involving pres-       able tourism models while Ms.
 ty-managed ecotourism model          entations and discussions on         Bharati Chaturvedi, Found-
 at the forefront, Department of      sustainable solutions to man-        er & Director of Chintan Envi-
 Tourism successfully strength-       age water, waste and carbon          ronmental Research & Action
 ened Odisha’s emerging brand         footprints through communi-          Group, Ms. Fiona Jeffery, OBE,
 perception as a champion of          ty-oriented actions with com-        Founder & Chairperson of Just
 responsible tourism by hosting       munity-led sustainable niche         a Drop and Ms. Anita Mendirat-
 these awards at the state’s flag-    tourism project ‘Ecotour Odis-       ta, Special Advisor to Secretary
 ship Eco Retreat- a venue which      ha’ being highly appreciated by      General of the UNWTO and a
 seamlessly combines luxury           the delegates present.               strategic resource to the World
 with sustainability.                   Persons of eminence like Mr.       Bank, WTTC, IATA and ATAG
   “Odisha’s contribution to pro-     Aman Nath, Founder & Chair-          took the headline sessions
 moting responsible tourism is        man of Neemrana Hotels, Ra-          through virtual address.
ODISHA UNRAVELLED              19


            disha Tourism or-        represent, Shri Vishal Dev said,    Tourism & Hospitality Manage-
            ganised a workshop       “Tourist Officers have a crucial    ment, S ‘O’ A Deemed to be
            on “Contemporary         role to play in the implemen-       University, Bhubaneswar, pre-
            Tourism Scenario -       tation of the revival strategies.   sented various strategies the
Strategies for Revival into the      They need to act as facilitators    state needs to adopt for quick
World of (New) Next Normal for       in attracting private sector in-    revival and development of
the State of Odisha” at Eco-Re-      vestments and work towards          tourism sector. Celebrated Ar-
treat, Konark for the Tourist        improving ease of doing busi-       chitect and Photographer Shri
Officers of the State. The work-     ness in the state. This will not    Shakti Nanda explored the Po-
shop was organised in associ-        only expedite the creation of       tential of Nature based Tourism
ation with Indian Institute of       new tourism products but also       in Odisha. Shri Jaideep Bansal,
Tourism & Travel Management,         add to the economic develop-        Global Himalayan Expeditions
Bhubaneswar to share the             ment”. He deliberated on creat-     stressed on empowering the lo-
plans and strategies to revive       ing experiential tourism prod-      cal communities through sus-
and strengthen the sector over       ucts like homestays, heritage       tainable tourism development,
the next 3 years and expound         properties, caravan tourism,        skill development and capacity
on the vital role Tourist Officers   houseboats and cruises among        training. He spoke of the role
need to play in promotion, de-       others.                             the stakeholders need to play
velopment and sustainability of        The workshop comprised 5          not just for revival but strength-
tourism in their respective dis-     sessions headed by eminent          ening of the tourism sector.
tricts. The event was attended       academicians and experienced        Shri Jitu Mishra, Co-founder,
by Hon’ble Minister of Tourism       professionals from the tourism      Sarna Educational and Cultural
& OLLC Shri Jyoti Prakash Pan-       sector. Dr. Md. Sabir Hussain,      Services talked about the need
igrahi, Principal Secretary Tour-    Nodal Officer (Head), IITTM         of Immersive Organic Tourism
ism Shri Vishal Dev, Director        Bhubaneswar gave a pres-            Experiences through grassroot
Tourism Shri Sachin R. Jadhav        entation on the Contemporary        entrepreneurship. The work-
and Chairperson OTDC Smt.            Tourism Scenario as per the         shop ended with interesting
Shreemayee Mishra.                   data and analytics of a global      Management Games by Dr.
  Urging the tourist officers to     survey conducted by the UN-         Adyasha Das, Associate profes-
become the brand ambassador          WTO. Prof. Sitikantha Mishra,       sor and Coordinator-Workshop,
of their respective districts they   Dean – cum Advisor, School of       IITTM Bhubaneswar.
20 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

   A HercUlean
                                                                he 2nd edition of HercUlean ITF Tri-
                                                                athlon- Konark 2021 saw 160 triath-
                                                                letes from across 20 different states

   SHOW OF                                                      and armed forces participate in a
                                                       gruelling race at Konark. Organised with strict

                                                       adherence to Covid-19 guidelines, the race was
                                                       held on 27th February by HercUlean Triathlon
                                                       in association with Department of Sports &

   AND MIGHT                                           Youth Services, Department of Tourism and
                                                       the Indian Triathlon Federation.

   There were participations in four different categories

   •   22 in Full Distance Tri (3.5km Swim, 180km Cycle, 42km Run)
   •   74 in Tri.5 distance (1.75km Swim, 90km cycle, 21km run)
   •   50 in Olympic Distance (1.5km Swim, 40km Cycling, 10km run)
   •   14 in Sprint Category Tri (750meter Swim, 3950 in 5km Joy of running

       The triathletes proved that India has       Winners:
       a great scope for this sport and with       Herculean full distance race:
       states like Odisha supporting it, we can    •   Vardhan Shirish from Pune, Maharashtra finished
  soon invite international triathletes too to         3.5km swim, 180 km cycling, and 42k run in 13 hr
  the state”, said Abhishek Mishra, Founder            38 min.
  & CEO, Tabono Sports who started this Tri-       Tri.5 race category (1.75km swim, 90km cycling, 21km run):
  athlon event at Konark in 2020.                  •   Cdr Yashpal Yadav from Indian Navy finished the
  Held at one of the most iconic destinations          race in 6 hr 30 min 23 sec in men’s category
  in the state- Konark, the racetrack took the     •   Tapasya Singh from Bangalore, Karnataka finished
  triathletes on a scenic route starting from          the race in 7hrs 16min in women’s category
  Ramachandi to Chandrabhaga Beach.                Olympic Distance (1.5km swim, 40km cycling, 10km run):
  Since, there were different cut-off trim-        •   Rahul Shinde from Pune, Maharashtra clocked 2
  ming in each race category, the event last-          hr and 11min in men’s category
  ed for over 30 hours from 6 am on Saturday       •   Aarthi S from Chennai, Tamil Nadu clocked 2 hrs
  till 12:30 pm the next day.                          51min in women’s category

                  BEACH SOCCER -
The first of its kind beach soccer tournament is a maiden initiative to integrate
                    football and the stunning coastline in Konark

     n a bid to establish wellbeing and recreation as the cornerstone of tourism in the
     state, CII Odisha in association with Department of Tourism organized Beach Soccer
     Corporate Tournament at the Chandrabhaga Beach in Konark. 10 teams compris-
     ing corporate sector companies and PSUs battled it out through 27 matches in this
 2-day tournament where Tata Steel emerged as the Champion of Beach Soccer 2021 by
 beating Paradeep Port Trust in 2-1 penalty shoot-out.

   Two exhibition matches were organized for Women Entrepreneurs and CII and Yi
 members where Capt. Dibya Shankar Mishra, Hon’ble Minister of Industry, MSME, Ener-
 gy and Home, was the goalkeeper in one of the friendly matches played by the corpo-
 rates. This maiden initiative was very much appreciated by senior government officials,
 business leaders. Media and FC Odisha members.

   It is well-known that vacation improves physical and mental health, happiness and
 productivity. Hence, the objective to destress members through friendly football match-
 es was effectively met at one of the most iconic beach destinations in the state.
22 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

                                                                        AR SHAKTI NANDA

         oastlines of Odisha         to lay eggs which are then       Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanc-
         in the f irst quarter of    covered with sand. Hatch-        tuary comes under protect-
         every year witness ‘Ar-     lings crawl out of these eggs    ed area and tourism during
  ribada’ when over half a mil-      after an incubation period of    Arribada is restricted. The
  lion Olive Ridley turtles (Lep-    52-58 days and head straight     best place to experience Ar-
  idochelys olivacea) gather         for the sea with the rising      ribada for tourists in Odisha
  for mass nesting.                  sun as their lead.               is Rushikulya rookery. The
  Arribada is a unique phe-                                           local villagers have taken a
  nomenon where the pelagic                                           keen interest in conservation
  species of Olive Ridley turtles                                     and protection of this en-
  try to increase the chances                                         dangered species and read-
  of survival of their offspring.                                     ily support government’s ini-
  Predominantly concentrated                                          tiatives towards the same.
  at Rushikulya by the mouth                                          Since 2003, the Department
  of the river Devi and Gahir-                                        of Forest & Environment has
  matha beaches of Odisha,                                            been tremendously pro-ac-
  this is a unique gift of na-                                        tive in improvising protec-
  ture. The smallest sea turtles     Though Olive Ridley turtles      tion, conservation and doc-
  lay more eggs at one place         are common around the            umentation of these exotic
  a single time to supersede         world, mass nesting occurs       guests. More than 150 people
  the consumption of preda-          only at few places. In the Pa-   are directly engaged by the
  tors, thereby increasing the       cif ic, large nesting occurs     Department, along with the
  survival rate of offspring. A      in Mexico and Costa Rica. In     support of 200 volunteers
  single turtle can lay over 110     India, besides the rookeries     f rom local villages, who con-
  - 140 eggs and reports sug-        of Rushikulya, mouth of the      stantly monitor the 5.5-kilo-
  gest that out of every thou-       river Devi & Gahirmatha in       metre-long coastal belt at
  sand hatchlings that enter         Odisha, nesting of Olive Ri-     Rushikulya. This phenome-
  the sea only one manages           dley turtles occurs in lesser    non is a sight to behold for
  to reach full adulthood. This      numbers in Versova, Peram-       wildlife lovers and conserva-
  extreme low rate of survival       budur, Anjarle, Gaonkhadi in     tionists.
  has thus put them under the        Maharastra. A mass nesting
  International Union for Con-       site has been recently dis-      Shakti Nanda is an Architect
  servation of Nature’s red list.    covered on the Andaman Is-       and is passionate about Nature
  Olive Ridley dig pits on the       lands.                           Photography
  beach using their hind flaps       The Gahirmatha rookery of
ODISHA UNRAVELLED             23


   t was a cold misty morning. Armed with my gear         low through the grassy veil and with it came the
   for a special Birding expedition, I set off along      trills, buzzes, bell-like sounds and a sharp dry chak.
   the winding trails of Mangalajodi Wetlands in          My heart swelled with joy and adrenaline pumped
   pursuit of a small beautiful bird called the Blue-     through my veins while I adjusted the focus of my
throat well before dawn. The Bluethroat (Luscinia         DSLR. As I started clicking, the camera shutter
svecica) is a member of the thrush family which I         shrouded the sound of the loquacious male flit-
had spotted when I used to do Birdwatching with           ting from nearby willow to willow, stopping for a
my binoculars only. But the impetus to document           moment on each one to sing his operetta of song.
the experience added extra kilos to my birding            By swelling his brilliant blue and orange throat and
gear which included a camera, lenses, tripod and a        chest just like a miniature Robin, he chirped, whis-
gimbal. While documenting a small, fluttering and         tled and warbled his heart out. Over the next three
elusive bird like the Bluethroat with a heavy hand-       hours under the sun, I followed the male, tip-toeing
held camera coupled with a telephoto lens poses           soundlessly to avoid its attention while maintaining
a veritable challenge before the Birder, it is his soul   a critical distance that birders follow as their second
that sustains him through this frustrating yet satis-     nature, pausing, watching and waiting for that per-
fying ordeal.                                             fect moment to capture the beauty through my
The Bluethroat, a small passerine, is a polytypic         lens. After a while, the male was joined by a female
species similar in size to the Indian Robin at 13–14      and adding to my sheer luck was a juvenile that
cm that breeds across northern Europe, Asia and           approached them. The male foraged a caterpillar
Alaska and winters from northern Africa to Indian         as he scuttled closer and closer to the scene of the
Subcontinent. It is generally considered to be an         action under the veil of weeds until it was caught
Old-World flycatcher. Ever-increasing understand-         by the viewfinder- completely filling my frame.
ing of the processes that govern the loop migration       Of all places of birding in India, including the Ke-
of the Bluethroat are observations on migratory           oladeo Ghana National Park, Ranganathittu, Thol
flyways, studies of stopover ecology and behaviour,       Bird Sanctuary, Kodiyakkerai National Park, Dan-
and research of orientation and navigational abili-       deli Birding Sites including Himalayan sites of Sat-
ties. This small beauty of nature has many folkloric      tal and Pangot, the rich wetlands of Mangalajodi,
names referring to its virtuosity as a singer. It has     Chilka, gives the most promising vantage for a
the most varied song repertoire amongst all avian         birder. The biodiversity and rich migration have the
species and hence called the “the nightingale of          power to captivate you in its serenity and if you are
Lapland”.                                                 patient enough you might find peace within the
As the sun shone, dehazing the mist, I sat on the         Birder’s Soul.
dew-draped grass on the earthen bund, patient-
                                                           Ashis Ku Jena is an Odisha Administrative
ly waiting for the spring song of the male and a
                                                           Service (OAS) Officer and is passionate
glance of its tell-tale necklace. After what seemed
like an eternity, it started to scuttle under the wil-     about Birding & Bird Photography
24 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

                                     SADHABA BOHU RITUAL IN
                                     VILLAGE IN PURI

            hey look like tiny blood   customs and rituals have             of the soil, both crucial for a
            red cushions with spi-     been intrinsically entwined          good harvest. The plate car-
            dery legs, crawling        with science and wisdom.             rying the velvet mites is then
            slowly out of the earth.   One such custom celebrat-            placed on a tradition rope
   They have been a part of the        ing the contribution of Red          ‘douli’ or swing tied from a
   lives of everyone growing up        Velvet Mites to maintaining          tree and swung to the accom-
   in the 80’s and 90’s. They are      the fertility of soil is found in    paniment of folk songs. This
   the beautiful little Red Velvet     Dandamukundapur            village   swing is then reserved for the
   Mites or “Sadhaba Bohu”.            near Puri. When the sadhaba          girls and women to swing on
   The presence of red velvet          bohus appear with the first          during the three days of the
   mites is extremely important        rains just around the time of        harvest festival of ‘Raja’. After
   to the environment. These           the famous ‘Raja’ festival , the     the ritual is over, the sadhaba
   mites are part of a commu-          children of the village are sent     bohus are returned to the soil
   nity of soil arthropods that        to the revered ‘Bada Pokhari’        besides the large tank from
   is critical in terms of rates of    or central village pond to pick      where they had been picked
   decomposition in woodlands,         up the mites, place them on          up.
   and in maintaining the struc-       large brass plates and bring         Red velvet mites are still found
   ture of the entire ecosystem.       them to a venue earmarked            abundantly areas where de-
   By feeding on insects that eat      for the ritual. The women folk       forestation is minimum and
   fungi and bacteria, they stim-      then place flowers, ‘durva’ and      soil moisture is at optimum
                                                                            levels. However, they rarely
                                                                            appear in urban areas due to
                                                                            the effects of large scale con-
                                                                            struction and dry soil because
                                                                            of dropping groundwater lev-
                                                                            els. Rooted in our culture is
                                                                            a reverence for the intercon-
                                                                            nectedness in nature, sym-
                                                                            bolised by such rituals as this
                                                                            one at Dandamukundapur
                                                                            that advocate respect for all
                                                                            life forms. Everytime a species
                                                                            goes extinct, there is a trickle
                                                                            down effect on life-process-
                                                                            es and chains of existence
                                                                            on earth. When these effects
                                                                            multiply beyond control, we
                                                                            find ourselves in the grip of
                                                                            pandemics, uncertain and
   ulate the decomposition pro-        ‘barkolipatra’ (Bermuda grass        helpless. The COVID-19 pan-
   cess and help maintain bal-         and leaves of Indian Jujube)         demic is a repeat alarm for us
   ance in soil ecosystems. And        on the plate and wave a lamp         to slow down our ambitions
   when they are absent from           before it, signifying devotion       and understand that we are
   the soil in a particular area       and reverence to the sadha-          only a part of creation and not
   where they survived before,         ba bohus. This tradition sym-        the creators.
   many critical processes in the      bolises the reverence for the
   soil are slowed down and fer-       ‘sadhaba bohu’ as a harbinger        Panchami Manoo Ukil is a
   tility of soil reduces greatly.     of a good monsoon as well            Birdwatcher and Educator
   Down the ages, our traditions,      as a sustainer of the fertility
ODISHA UNRAVELLED                25

OF CHILIKA                                                                       AVINASH KHEMKA

      ndemic to the Chilika ecosystem is a unique
      species of buffalo that is endowed with the
      capability of entering deep into the brack-
ish waters of the wetlands. These bovines graze
on the grass and other vegetation that grows
under water, drink the brackish water to quench
their thirst, and remain immersed inside the wa-
ter for days together. They are genetically wired
with resilience to withstand the marshy environ-
ment and extreme weather conditions. They are
tethered or let loose in the open under hot sun
or heavy rains. Though low yielding, that fact that
they are hardy and zero maintenance makes
them a viable business option for villagers who
rear them.
Chilika buffaloes clean the inside of the lake and
wetlands by grazing on unruly vegetation, there-
by clearing trails and channels for boats within the
wetlands. They oxygenate the waters with their
brisk movements and convert the grass fodder
into highly nutritious milk. The buffalo droppings
are nutritious feed for fish and other organisms.
When they move in the waters, their movement
forces the small fish, frogs and insects to come
to the surface of the water. This is the reason why
we often see birds sitting on the backs of the buf-    ation of families that rear these animals, policies
faloes and hovering low in the air just behind the     and programmes need to be adopted by gov-
buffaloes, to feed on such fish, frogs and insects.    ernment and other concerned agencies to align
Chilika buffaloes being an endemic species are         conservation of this species with research on ge-
an integral part of the functioning of the Chilika     netic variations to find out if the dairy yield can be
ecosystem, especially the biodiversity food chain.     enhanced.
Therefore, it is imperative to safeguard this buf-
falo germplasm in order to maintain ecological         Avinash Khemka is an Industrialist and avid
balance in the habitat. As they are reducing in        Wildlife Photographer
numbers due to disinterest in the younger gener-
26 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

                                     EXPERIENCES GALORE IN
                                     INDIA’S BEST KEPT SECRET
                                     A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never
                                     go back to its old dimensions!
         ROSALIN DASH                                                              Oliver Wendell Holmes

             vast coastline, pristine blue waters of   and worshipped by indigenous communities of
             the Bay of Bengal, highlands of the       Odisha. These trips echo Sarna’s vision to pro-
             Eastern Ghats, lush green canopy, and     tect mother nature as she protects and provides
             high plateaus of the Chhotnagpur with     for the mankind.
   the mighty river Mahanadi meandering through        The idea of immersive travel is to let a traveler
   the landscape to merge with the sea. We’re talk-    experience the stories and legends of the place
   ing about Odisha- India’s best kept secret!
   The trend of waiting for the annual vacation is
   a passé. Weekend travel and short trips are the
   new fad. With families becoming nuclear and
   youth financially independent, quick breaks
   have emerged as the best way to unwind. As the
   focus turns towards the journey and experience
   rather than following an itinerary to a destina-
   tion, Odisha is evolving into a space of immer-
   sive travel.
   Immersive Travel with Sarna

                                                       rather than just checking things off the fixed
                                                       itinerary. Vast coastline of Odisha, gorge of Sat-
                                                       kosia, peaks of Koraput, culturally rich villages of
                                                       Kandhamal, majestic palace of Belgadia, forests
                                                       of Barbara and Dhani, picturesque Mangalajodi,
                                                       pristine beauty of Keonjhar – the list of curated
                                                       experiences in Odisha is endless.
                                                       Currently, Sarna offers curated immersive travel
                                                       experiences for travelers to unexplored regions
                                                       of Odisha. The bundled experiences and organ-
                                                       ised trips for travel enthusiasts are conducted
                                                       nor very far from the twin city of Cuttack and
                                                       Bhubaneswar. They can be opted for a weekend
                                                       Introducing Craft Tourism
                                                       The state has many craft destinations; each re-
                                                       gion having a craft, art or weave unique to itself.
                                                       Through the concept of craft tourism, Sarna
                                                       offers travelers a walkthrough to interact, learn
                                                       and see the life of an artisan and buy crafts to
                                                       support them. It is an experience that brings joy
                                                       of a lifetime.
                                                       Like they say, ‘Jobs fill your pocket, adventures
   Odisha offers ample of immersive travel desB-       fill your soul’ and the adventures that awaits one
   lessed with nature’s bounty and a rich cultural     in Odisha has it all!
   heritage, Odisha offers ample immersive travel      Sarna Travel is brainchild of Sarna
   destinations to explore and experience. Such        Educational and Cultural Services LLP
   trips are conducted by ‘Sarna Travel’. The name
                                                       Rosalin Dash is a Corporate HR turned Social
   ‘Sarna’ which means ‘Sacred Grove’ resonates
   well with our idea of trips to places protected

                                 BEAT THE HEAT WITH THIS
                                 HEALTHY ODIA CUISINE
                                 Pakhala Bhata is a perfect Odia cuisine dish to beat the
                                 heat and lead a healthy life!

            lthough          eaten        preparation of River Fresh       After consuming in break-
            throughout year by            small Fish (Chuna Ma-            fast or Lunch, it keeps the
            people across Odis-           cha) cooked little dry with      body light and also ener-
            ha but in summer its          mustard paste.                   getic.
importance grows manifold.           •    Rohi Macha Bhaja is a dry     2. Beneficial bacteria get
  The dish is very popular in             preparation of Rohu fish,        produced in abundance.
other parts of India like West            Slow cooked on Tawa           3. Controls Stomach ail-
Bengal, Jharkhand, Assam,            •    Badi Chura - Crushed             ments.
Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu               Urad Dal badi with green      4. Being very fibrous, it re-
but named differently.                    chillies, garlic & onion         moves constipation.
  It is best suited in hot climate   •    Mix Bhaja - Sautéed sea-      5. Normalizes blood pres-
especially for breakfast or lunch         sonal f resh vegetables          sure and helps reduce hy-
and comes with lot of health         •    Aloo Baigan Bharta -             pertension.
benefits.                                 Roasted potatoes & egg-       6. Removes allergy induced
  Traditionally, rice is cooked           plant mash with local fla-       problems and skin-relat-
in the afternoon and its excess           vours                            ed ailments.
water is drained. After the rice     It is also eaten with raw onion,   7. Regular     eating    keeps
cools down to room tempera-          cucumber and green chilli.            f resh infections at bay.
ture, it is soaked fully in water    There is an option to drain ex-    8. Provides youthful and ra-
and stored in an earthen clay        cess water from Pakhala and           diant look.
pot.                                 eat it with yogurt and a slight    9. Richest source of vitamin
  This covered pot with soaked       sprinkle of salt.                     B12 for vegans.
rice is left overnight at regular    Health benefits as highlight-      #DoYouKnow Odias wel-
room temperature. The rice           ed by Nutritionists are as un-     come summer by celebrat-
gets fermented by the next           der:                               ing Pakhala Dibasa on 20th
morning and is eaten for break-      1. After consuming in break•       March every year.
fast as well as Lunch.
  Also added with little salt,
roasted jeera, coriander leaves
and ginger, this combo blends
into an irresistible taste. The
water is called ‘Torani’.
  At Kanika restaurant we serve
some authentic special ac-
companiments with Pakhala
like Saga Badi Nadia, Chingu-
di Bhaja, Chuna Macha Besara,
Rohi Macha Bhaja, Badi Chu-
ra, Mix Bhaja and Aloo Baigan
  •    Saga Badi Nadia is a
       preparation of local green
       leafy vegetables sautéed
       with badi and grated co-
  •    Chingudi bhaja is a prepa-
       ration of pan-fried prawns
       with a blend of dry spice
  •    Chuna Macha Besara is a
                                           Nisar Ahmed is the Corporate Chef of Mayfair Group of Hotels
28 O D I S H A U N R A V E L L E D

  Established as Department of Tourism & Culture in 1973, the Department of Tourism (DoT) strives to:

  1.   Promote diverse and sustainable tourism with a view to enhancing the national and global visi-
       bility and favourability of Odisha as a prime tourist destination
  2.   Create employment opportunities to bring socio-economic benefits to the community and
       boosting community participation in tourism
  3.   Preserve, enrich and promote Odisha’s unique cultural heritage and ecological diversity through
       sustainable development

  Apart from undertaking various initiatives for the development of tourism infrastructure and ser-
vices in the state under the Odisha Tourism Policy 2016, DoT aims to establish its brand globally and
enhance the favourability of Odisha as a prime tourist destination through the twin strategies of
event based promotion and destination experience promotion, through innovative advertising and
multimedia based outreach to national and global markets.

                                                                           HABALIKATHI, BHITARKANIKA

                                     Department of Tourism, Govt. of Odisha,
                             Paryatan Bhawan, Lewis Road, Bhubaneswar - 751014,
                                Ph: 0674 - 2432177/ 2431896, Fax: 0674 - 2430887
                               info@odishatourism.gov.in | odishatourism.gov.in

                        odishatourismofficial   odishatourismofficial   odisha_tourism
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