Page created by Tracy Williamson
Student Exchange

You have probably felt the urge to do          You’ll discover that every moment, every con-        self-confidence and a greater understanding
something different? To chart your own         versation and experience, challenges                 of the complexities of the world around them.
path? Life isn’t only about what you see and   the way you look at the world. You’ll see            This is why the best universities, as well as cor-
do in your own country, hometown or school,    differences as well as similarities in people and    porations and professionals, look favourably
or even with your friends. What is beyond?     their actions, in their beliefs and values. You’ll   on students who have spent a school year
You need to challenge yourself, to take a      experience the intricately structured social         abroad. They know that former international
chance. For a school year (or even for a few   code of the Japanese, or the egalitarian beliefs     exchange students bring a higher level of ma-
weeks) you can dare to be different!           of the Scandinavians, considered the most            turity and a global frame of reference to their
                                               socially progressive Europeans. Suddenly you’ll      university studies and activities.
What makes an exchange student different?      realize what it means to belong to a certain
When someone leaves the familiar behind        country and culture. You’ll learn about yourself     If you become an ASSE exchange student
and plunges into the unknown, he or she is     as you learn about others.                           abroad, you will experience life in another
showing a commitment to understanding                                                               culture and make close friends in your host
other people, to learning about the world in   Becoming an exchange student gives you               country. Sit in the small cafés, play sports,
a way that textbooks and school assignments    more than knowledge about another country            shop in the same outdoor markets; these are
never reveal. A year spent abroad is a year    and its language and culture. A year abroad          things tourists miss, and this is where you re-
that will redefine your world.                 teaches you about building friendships,              ally discover the way of life in another country,
                                               taking responsibility for yourself, respecting       with all its subtleties.
                                               differences and tolerating the beliefs of others.
                                               Exchange students develop leadership skills,

While you live the typical daily life of an-
other culture, you are learning every minute
                                                                                              Speaking a
of every day. You might live in a French city
meant for walking, with cobblestone streets
                                                                                              Foreign Language
so narrow you can touch the walls of build-
ings with outstretched arms on both sides.                                                    While someone in your host family
Or you may live in a Spanish village where                                                    may speak some English (except in the
the remains of an entire castle lie. Perhaps                                                  European Summer Language programs),
you’ll find yourself in Sweden living in a                                                    you’ll quickly realize that it’s not of much
walled city dating back to medieval days,                                                     concern. In fact, you’ll probably find that
or that your homestay town in Germany                                                         after a few weeks you’ll be asking them
includes a “living castle,” an actual private                                                 to speak in their native tongue.
residence still being used today. These are
the sorts of discoveries you will make as you                                                 This may be hard for you to believe. You
learn firsthand about what you have only                                                      might be wondering how you’ll express
studied in the classroom until now.                                                                       yourself; how you’ll communi-
                                                                                                          cate with store clerks, teach-
You’ll also find that the school systems are         With ASSE you’re                                    ers, classmates and your host
among the best in the world, and that the                                                               family. Even if you’ve studied a
teenagers are much the same as they are at      not just part of a program,                             foreign language in school, you
                                                                                                      won’t feel ready to live in that
home. They work hard at their studies, play
sports, love parties and cinema, and pursue
                                                 you’re part of a Family.                        language. But when you’re surrounded
hobbies just like you. A few will become                                                      by that language from morning till night,
                                                The best way to truly become involved         you learn the fastest way possible. It’s
your friends for life.
                                                in the culture of a foreign country is to     like a month of classes in a single day!
                                                live among its people as a member of
                                                a family. Every ASSE exchange student         And in non–English speaking countries,
                                                does just that. Host families are care-       you’ll either spend the first days receiv-
                                                fully screened by ASSE and consider it a      ing instruction within your host country
                                                privilege to welcome students like you        at an ASSE Language and Cultural En-
                                                into their home. Host families feel they      richment Program or be provided with
                                                benefit from the experience as much           remedial language instruction / training
                                                as you do! They want to learn about           (included in the program fee), during
                                                your culture and introduce you to theirs.     your initial few weeks.
                                                Many families have children your age,
                                                and you may find that a family member         With that initial preparation, plus the
                                                speaks English, even if it’s only a little.   constant exposure you’ll have to the
                                                                                              language, you’ll be talking comfortably
                                                And every ASSE exchange student               with your host family in just a few weeks.
                                                has a local ASSE representative who           Within four months, exchange students
                                                is conversant in English and who will         should speak the host country language
                                                plan some social activities and be            fluently. You’ll tell jokes and gossip with
                                                available to help you during your stay.       friends, even dream and speak to pets
                                                                                              in the foreign language. And the fluency
                                                                                              you develop will give you a great advan-
                                                                                              tage in your future schooling and career.

The Program

A year or a semester away can’t be                Your ASSE host family will provide your
measured in days alone. You’ll only be            meals and lodging; all they ask in return is
gone for a school year, but the experience        that you participate as a responsible
will enrich the rest of your life. Living in      member of the family, assuming your fair
another country for a year is something most      share of chores around the house and
people never have the opportunity to do.          sharing in family activities.
You’ll return with new knowledge, cultural
understanding, maturity and lifelong friends      Of course, you’ll need pocket money just as
from your host country. The hardest part will     you do here. Your only other expense
be leaving your ASSE host family. They will       besides the fee (see application page) will
have shared in your adventure and learned         be your domestic connecting flight to and
from you, as you will have from them.             from your home to the international
                                                  gateway airport, the point of your ASSE
Your exchange year may cost no more than          flight overseas. Or, for academic year
a year at home. Believe it or not, that’s true.   exchanges within North America, you must
ASSE programs are offered to you at cost.         furnish your own flight to the airport nearest
Your host family is not paid for hosting you      your homestay city. You are fully covered in
(except in the European Summer                    the event of an illness, property loss or other
Language Programs).                               emergency because all ASSE programs
                                                  include comprehensive health, travel and
                                                  liability insurance.

A few words about ASSE                                                                               How you qualify
                                                                                                     for an ASSE
ASSE was established in 1976 as the
American Scandinavian Student Exchange                                                               Exchange Year
by the Swedish Government to organize
                                               Great Britain  Canada ( French & English speaking )
student exchange programs between Swe-                                                               To qualify, you must be no younger
den and the United States. Soon Denmark,       France         Mexico
                                                                                                     than 15 nor older than 18 1/2 years
Norway and Finland elected to participate.     Germany        Brazil                                 of age upon departure, and be
Since then, the program has grown to           Switzerland    Argentina                              mature enough to adjust to the dif-
include:                                                                                             ferent values, lifestyle and attitudes
                                               Italy          Japan
                                                                                                     of a foreign country. You must also
At present, ASSE also works closely with the   Spain          Korea
                                                                                                     be a student in good standing in the
Canadian provincial education ministries.      Netherlands    Thailand		                             upper third of your class or have a B
ASSE maintains 38 offices in 31 countries      Belgium        China		                                grade average (C for summer pro-
and accommodates more than 30,000 high                                                               grams), be in good health and have
school age students and host families an-      Portugal       Mongolia
                                                                                                     excellent character references.
nually in its programs in the participating    Czech Republic Taiwan
countries.                                     Poland         Hong Kong                              Having studied a foreign language
                                               Romania        Vietnam                                is certainly helpful, but not essential.
                                               Moldova        Australia                              Most important is a sense of adven-
                                                                                                     ture and a serious commitment to
                                               Slovakia       New Zealand                            learning the language and becom-
                                               Turkey         South Africa                           ing an active participant in the
                                               Serbia                                                family, school and community life of
                                                                                                     your chosen country. It’s an experi-
                                                                                                     ence you will remember and cherish
                                               Estonia                                               for the rest of your life.

The origin and foundation of ASSE have           brilliant blue lakes and fjords, and white        Switzerland, you may at one moment feel trans-
been its exchange programs with its              snow–capped mountains give these countries        ported back in time as you walk along knobby
European countries where there has been          a feel of pure open space and freedom.            cobblestone streets past centuries–old pubs,
a major influence on our country’s history,      Combined with this natural beauty are             or taken to the cutting edge at the next, as you
language and culture. Considering that           modern cities with socially–and                   pass trendy boutiques. There is no better way
European schools are among the best in the       environmentally–conscious citizens proud          to learn the language, culture and history of
world, attending one of these schools and        of their progressive ideas.                       one of these countries than by experiencing life
living with a host family will let you quickly                                                     as a European student.
master the language and absorb the culture.      By spending a year or a semester in a Scan-
These countries are a blend of old traditions,   dinavian country, you can experience things       In France, you’ll discover that discussion is a
dynamic societies and modern technology,         distinctly characteristic of this area of the     national pastime, where gathering with friends
making your semester or year in Europe the       world. The northern sun never setting dur-        to talk over coffee in a café is an art form.
adventure and opportunity of a lifetime.         ing the summer allows you to ski the slopes       France is especially proud of its traditions,
                                                 at night. And you can enjoy the lifestyle of a    language and culture. You’ll soon appreciate
The natural beauty of the continental Scan-      region that has more boats than cars, yet still   the importance placed on fine meals enjoyed
dinavian countries draws many exchange           has everything modern within its borders.         at a leisurely pace, good conversation, fine art,
students to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and                                                           music, cinema and fashion. At the same time,
Finland. Striking green forests and valleys,     Nothing compares with Western Europe’s            you’ll be able to ride the TGV, the fastest train
                                                 ancient history and contemporary influence        in the world, and see how new technology is
                                                 gracefully coexisting in villages, towns and      shaping France today.
                                                 cities. In Germany, Italy, France, Spain,
                                                 Portugal, Great Britain, Holland, or
In Spain, experience the emphasis on family and       The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine,
friendship. You’ll enjoy meals with every family      Romania, Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia and             Orienda,
member present, and a lifestyle that allows for       Poland, formerly East Bloc countries, are           1 year in France
a two hour lunch in the middle of the day. You’ll     truly the heart of Europe. These countries
learn to distinguish between the distinct regions     are in the process of reinventing themselves
of Spain, such as Catalonia or Galicia, with their    after their economic transformations. Study         “Every day holds
own local dialects and special traditions.            abroad in one of these newly founded                something new
                                                      democratic nations and prepare yourself for
Or venture further down South to charming Por-        the future while still savouring Europe’s “old      and I never stop
tugal where you will find captivating landscapes      world flavour.”                                     learning new
and historic villages. The warmth and easy smiles                                                         things, whether it
of the Portuguese people will make you feel at        Between Asia and Europe, Turkey is at the
home immediately.                                     crossroad of Western and Eastern cultures.          be language wise,
                                                      Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, is the only city   academically, or a
Experience life in Germany, with charming, his-       in the world that lies on two continents.
toric towns and fascinating cities, such as Berlin.   Stunning mosques, incredible ruins and a
                                                                                                          lifelong lesson.”
Germany offers opera houses, theatres, lush           fascinating cultural style are just a few of the
wooded areas and lovely blue lakes.                   numerous exciting encounters awaiting you
                                                      in Turkey.
Birthplace to the Roman Empire, home of the
Vatican and many other famous and historic
landmarks – you’ll experience history and the
latest in fashion design and modern technology
rolled into one when you spend an exchange
year in Italy.

Discover the incredibly colourful kalei-              nia where the stars glitter from the beaches of    try’s people. While in school, you will deepen
doscope of America! This young country                Malibu, the cable cars of San Francisco or the     your appreciation of the history and society of
of the West encompasses such a variety of             hills of Hollywood.                                this diverse and ever-changing country. Learn
climates, customs, and ethnic groups in its                                                              firsthand why Americans are known for their
immense dimensions that it’s like a living            The USA brings us Levi’s and T-shirts, high-       “can-do” attitude as you become part of your
encyclopedia.                                         tech Silicon Valley and giant skyscrapers, rap     host school and host family. As a member of
                                                      music and cinema, world-class symphonies           your ASSE host family, you will experience what
Imagine the excitement and sophistication of          and basketball, Dis­neyland® and McDon-            it means to live as an American. Whether you
the “Big Apple,” New York City. The spec-             ald’s.®                                            are chatting with your “brothers” or “sisters” or
tacular autumns of a quaint New England                                                                  perhaps helping your host parents set the table
vil­lage; the bustle of university life in historic   The USA is also middle-America filled with         for Sunday dinner, you will enjoy a daily life
Boston. The gracious and warm hospital-               families living in towns, cities and sub­urbs      filled with laughter, love and learning.
ity of the Old South; Florida’s sub-tropical          through­out the country. You will live with a
gentle breezes. The Midwest heartland with            family who is look­ing forward to sharing their    And get excited about attending a typical
its beautiful lakes, forests and gently rolling       home and lifestyle with ASSE exchange stu-         American high school where there are a million
hills. America’s “Wild West” stretching from          dents of all nationalities.                        and one activities in which to get involved—in
the rugged Rocky Mountains to the wide                                                                   addition to studying, of course. You can play in
open spaces of Texas ranch country. Califor-          As an ASSE exchange student to the USA,            a band, become a cheerleader, act in a school
                                                      you will not only improve your English (if it’s    play, run for student government, study art, join
                                                      not your first language), but also gain a great-   a debate club, write for the school newspaper,
                                                      er understanding of the diversity of this coun-    or play a wide variety of school sports, includ-

ing basketball and football “American” style.                  Alix,
And these are just a few of the choices. Partici­              1 year in the U.S.A.
pating in these ac­ti­vi­ties is a great way to have
fun, be active in your school and community, and
meet countless new friends.                                    “I made friends from
                                                               around the world! This
ASSE Private                                                   exchange year was just
High School Program                                            the start of something big
                                                               in my life.”
Satisfy your special interests with quality education
in selected Private High Schools cooperating with
ASSE throughout the United States. If you are a skier
seeking the thrill and challenge of snow covered moun-
tains, a hockey player wanting to play and learn more, if
music or art is your passion, even horseback riding, rowing,
racquetball, as just a few examples, then ASSE has a Private
High School that can satisfy your interests while continuing
your progress in the academics.

Smaller classes provide more personal attention from
your teachers, friendships that occur easily, an experi-
ence in an English speaking location all combined to
make this a special year to remember.

Quality academics, beautiful campuses, American
life, and attention to your special interests ... no
matter which ASSE Private High School you
choose, the excitement is waiting for you!

Bilingual and multicultural, Canada
embraces a wide variety of peoples,               English Speaking Canada
landscapes and lifestyles. From the rural
villages of the North to the dynamic modern       A fascinating mosaic of different cultures and    Here you may experience the adventure of
cities found throughout its ten provinces and     natural diversity of landscapes. You can enjoy    being a part of a new culture while still feeling
three territories, Canada has come to be          the cosmopolitan atmosphere of cities like        secure within the bond of a common lan-
known as home for many. You will live with a      Toronto, Calgary or Vancouver, or explore the     guage. School and family life will be comfort­
host family and experience life as the Ca-        wild, untamed nature of the wilderness areas.     able and more familiar in your new Canadian
nadians do—always with a flair of the Euro-       Imagine the breathtaking Canadian Rocky           community.
pean. Get involved in all types of activities,    Mountains with world-class ski resorts, crystal
from clubs and sports, to music and drama         clear lakes and rivers, or Toronto’s CN Tow-
groups at the local high school or within the     er—one of the world’s tallest
community. Community life plays an impor-         free-standing structures.
tant part in the everyday life of the Canadian.
As do sports and recreation. From ice hockey
to downhill skiing to windsurfing, there is
something to satisfy every interest. Spend
time with your new friends while exploring
the many wonders Canada has to offer.

French Speaking Canada
Learn French right here at home, in North         cottage of a quaint country village. Walk the
America, while you discover Canada’s largest      cobbled streets of the only walled city on the
province and savor the rich distinctive French    continent, the old town of Quebec City, also
Canadian culture. With a perfect blend of         considered the birthplace of North American
French and North American, Quebec earns it        history.
recognition as the “Europe of North America”.
Thanks to its rich Francophone heritage, you      The province of Quebec is home to one of
will experience arts, cuisine and culture that    the most comprehensive educational sys-
cannot be found anywhere else in the world.       tems in North America. While most schools
You will soon come to love the warmth and so-     teach in French, and English may be offered
phistication of the “Québécois” and your host     as a second language, ASSE students can
family, no matter where in “la belle province”    also chose to attend an English speaking
(the beautiful province) they live.               school while living with a bilingual family. No
                                                  matter your choice, the culture is undeniably
Spend your exchange year outside the lively       French.
city of Montreal, the second-largest French
speaking city in the world after Paris, or in a   With its beautiful landscapes and vibrant
                                                  cities, Quebec is the perfect destination
                                                  for students wishing to experience a truly
                                                  unique culture. You will return home bilin-
                                                  gual, speaking French like native “franco-
                                                  phone” Canadians. So Europe, so close!

Spend a school year or semester in Mexico, a land of cordial              of each state, such as Oaxaca with its beautiful folk art. As you
hospitality with a strong sense of family, community and heritage.        master Spanish, you will learn about Mexico City, the capital and
As an ASSE exchange student to Mexico, you may experience life            historic home of North America’s only king and queen! As an
in one of its traditional, colonial towns or quaint villages. While at-   exchange student in Mexico, the learning opportunities are as
tending high school, you will soon make friends and get to know           numerous as the country is varied.
the warmth and generosity of the Mexican people. As you be-
come proficient in Spanish, you will enjoy chatting with your ASSE        A year spent in this enchanting land and culture is sure to change
host family over meals.                                                   your perspective on life, family and the world.

In addition to flavourful cuisine, Mexico is proud of its cultural
dances which are an important link to the country’s heritage.
Youngsters learn such dances and perform on special occasions
with pride. As a member of your host family, you too may cel-
ebrate local festivals with your host family in traditional costume.

The rich, Mexican culture encompasses both Spanish heritage
and folklore as well as a history that stretches back many centuries
to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations. Learn about the uniqueness

The land of endless pampas, gauchos, rainforests with beautiful
natural waterfalls, the Andean mountains, beautiful sandy beaches,
but also the lively and sophisticated city of Buenos Aires, a metropolis
style Europe: all this is Argentina.

If you like music, dancing, good food and the Latin culture, Argentina
will give you an unforgettable experience of study and life. As family
plays a central role in the social structure of Argentina, you may find
the grandparents living with your host family and many other fam-
ily members nearby; you will soon realize that the hospitality and the
warmth of the people will remain with you forever. Chatting with them
all over an extended lunch or dinner, on nice days perhaps over asado,
the famous Argentinian barbeque, will become your favorite pastime.

The excellent school system will allow you to take interesting classes
while you perfect your Spanish and perhaps join one or more sports
team. All with ample space for getting together with your Argentine
friends, in the central town square, at home or in the local café.

Study as an ASSE Exchange Student in one of the world’s largest
Spanish speaking countries and discover yourself why the Argentinians
value tradition and hospitality so much.

Imagine a school year in captivating Brazil, the largest country in South America. This beautiful country, whose
official language is Portuguese, offers a rich blend of cultures and traditions. In northern Brazil, you’ll find
smaller towns and a more rustic way of life, while Sao Paulo has cosmopolitan flair, and Rio de Janeiro
offers relaxing beaches and wide promenades for bicycling.

Year round you will discover neighborhood festivals, street parades and music like nowhere else
in the world. Most famous is the Carnival of Brazil, where rhythm, participation and costumes
vary from one region to another. Brazilian society includes people of indigenous, Portuguese,
European and African descents. All have one thing in common: they are open and affectionate
and highly value meal times.

Wherever you live, from a modern city to a charming smaller town,
the warmth and spirit of Brazil will make your
exchange year an unforgettable experience.

This string of islands epitomizes a na-          shun, or “food in season.” Celebrate holidays
tion of dramatic contrasts. Underneath           in the typical Japanese style with your family
the fast–paced bustle of Tokyo—one of the        and friends. Your exchange year will be
world’s largest cities—are layers of history     filled with the never-ending experience of
and unchanging tradition. While the Japa-        discovering the rich culture of Japan, and your
nese find inspiration in the quiet beauty of a   knowledge of the language and culture of this
small, formal rock garden, Japan has secured     great country will give you a competitive
its place as an economic and technologi-         advantage in whatever your future endeavours.
cal leader in global markets. Learning the
language and culture will open up a world of
future opportunities.

You may find that your host family lines the
home with tatami, the traditional, fragrant
and soft straw mats, or that your home is
filled with many shoji, paper screens that
soften the light in each room. You will enjoy
special meals of fresh seafood such as sushi,
and taste the many delicious meals based on

One in five people in the world today lives in China. It is a country whose
history and civilization stretch back thousands of years, a country boasting
regions as diverse as the country is grand. A large proportion of the popula-
tion still lives in the countryside, mainly relying on traditional methods to
cultivate tea, rice and cotton, but the number of city dwellers is steadily rising.
Spending a year living with a Chinese family, mastering the intricacies of the
language, and gaining enhanced sensitivity to the national culture, will help
pave the way for a successful understanding of one of the world’s oldest and
most impressive civilizations.

By choosing to spend an ASSE exchange year in China, you are stepping into
a new world. The language is totally different and the writing an art in itself.
Say goodbye to knives and forks, as chopsticks become your means to sam-
pling new and tasty Chinese dishes served in small bowls. Discover that even
the daily chore of grocery shopping becomes an amazing adventure when
small market stalls jam-packed with interesting wares replace large supermar-
kets, and where handlers haggle for the best prices. Attend a Chinese high
school, and learn the importance of education in a country where only those
who graduate have what it takes to compete in the expanding economy.
Most importantly, experience life amongst a people who nurture close family
relations, loyalty and a dependency on one another mostly unknown in the
western world.

South Korea
Why not venture to the tantalizing South         drama, radio broadcasting, filming, conver-
Korea for your exchange year? Immersed           sation in foreign languages, newspapers,
in a rich culture and way of life so different   astronomy, and cartoon animation, or you
from what you have ever experienced, you         may find yourself singing karaoke in the
will live with a traditional Korean host fam-    singing room.
ily and learn about their values and their
strong sense of duty and responsibility,         Characterized by some 3,000 islands, quiet
while you become familiar with new unique        unspoiled countryside, beautiful mountains
foods. Depending on where your host family       and ultramodern cities, Korea is one of very
lives, you may spend your year in a high-rise    few places in the world where hundreds of
apartment building or in the countryside in      years old royal places sit harmoniously next
a traditional house, hanok, with paper doors     to huge modern urban skyscrapers.
and windows.
                                                 Imagine visiting traditional fishing villages
Koreans highly value education, and school-      or farmers, admiring the spectacular
ing is taken very seriously. Despite the         eruption of active volcanoes, exploring
intense studying, you and your newfound          Buddhist temples and UNESCO designa-
Korean friends will find time to have fun.       ted sites or learning Taekwondo in a royal
Your school might offer clubs, ranging from      palace.

                                                 The unique things to see and do in Korea
                                                 are endless, and a year spent here is sure
                                                 to change your life.
Taiwan                                            Thailand                                             Mongolia
When Portuguese sailors first set foot on the     A gentle country with a spiritual calm, where        Home to the famous ruler, Genghis Khan,
island of Taiwan in 1590 they christened it       every man must spend a year of his life as a         Mongolia is seen as the last true frontier
Ilha Formosa, the “Beautiful Island,” because     Buddhist monk contemplating the meaning              for those who seek a path less traveled.
of the lush, mountainous terrain they saw         of life. In contrast, the glittering gold temples,   An enchanting country filled with won-
stretched out before them. Today, all across      colourful floating river markets and a fragrant      ders reminiscent of Marco Polo’s trips to
the island ancient temples punctuate the          tropical atmosphere fill Bangkok, Thailand’s         the Orient, Mongolia’s vast steppes are
landscape, and serve as popular social centers    capital city, with energy and activity.              dotted with horses and yaks, long-haired
as well as places of worship for the Taiwanese                                                         cow-like animals found in the mountains
people. Although there are three main reli-       As an ASSE exchange student, you can                 of Asia. With yaks outnumbering cars,
gions–Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism           live life as the Thais do, learning the language     and almost half of its 2.5 million people
–they are all closely linked and share the same   and all about the fascinating Buddhist culture,      still leading a somewhat nomadic life,
philosophy: aiming to live in harmony with na-    and experiencing the warm hospitality for            Mongolia is the place to spend an ASSE
ture by searching to strike a balance between     which Thais are known. The royal family still        exchange year if you are looking for
the calm, feminine side of the body and mind      earns enormous respect, though people today          something different.
(yin) and the active male side (yang).            balance religion, royalty, a modern political
                                                  system, and a rapidly growing economy.               As an ASSE exchange student to Mongo-
As an ASSE exchange student in Taiwan                                                                  lia, you may live in a “ger”, the tradition-
you will have the unique opportunity of experi-   Live an exchange year in this country of peace-      al, round tent made of canvas and white
encing firsthand the amazing contrast created     ful dignity and modern progress, and you will        felt which can be easily disassembled and
by the beauty and serenity of the Taiwanese       have a special understanding of the complex          transported. You’ll learn from your ASSE
countryside, and the hustle and bustle of the     country of Thailand.                                 host family the importance that Buddhism
rapidly growing city of Taipei, which over the                                                         still holds in this country filled with tradi-
last 20 years has been transformed into the                                                            tions of the past, but eagerly looking to-
modern high-tech capital of the island. Spend                                                          ward the future’s possibilities. During your
an ASSE exchange year in a land of such                                                                ASSE exchange year, you may sip from a
fascinating polarity, learning the language and                                                        beautiful tea bowl or learn the favourite
being immersed in the culture. Gain a price-                                                           Mongolian sport of horseback riding. By
less insight into a culture so vastly different                                                        spending your ASSE exchange year in
from your own.                                                                                         this intriguing country, you will learn the
                                                                                                       fascinating culture and language of the
                                                                                                       Mongolian people.

Australia - You’ll Be Welcomed                   families and adventurous spirit. Its world-          tinental flavour. New Zealand is ideal for
With A Cheery “G’Day”                            famous Sydney Opera House, year-round                those who love nature and beauty,
Your host family will speak a language that      warm sunshine on sparkling beaches,                  and who want to live among some of the
bears a striking resemblance to your own.        rugged “bush” adventures, and bustling               warmest, friendliest, and most generous
It sounds a lot like the “Queen’s English”       cosmopolitan cities.                                 people on earth.
would if Her Majesty spent more time teas-
ing koalas or chasing around in the rugged

                                                 New Zealand
Outback. You’ll return speaking British Eng-
lish like an “Aussie.”

Discover the wonders “down under”
in Australia, an ancient island continent
                                                 New Zealand - A Spectacular Island Nation
of contrasts. Its huge supermodern cities
have the feel of London with San Francisco       And then there’s New Zealand…a paradise
thrown in, yet with a lot of local colour. The   where natural beauty strikes your senses at
tropical splendour of the Great Barrier Reef,    every turn. It’s like all of Europe rolled up into
the charm of koalas and kangaroos. Its           one country. Lush rolling hills where sheep
good-natured, friendly people with close         graze peacefully. Beautiful beaches. Towering,
                                                 snow-capped mountains, reminiscent of the
                                                 Swiss Alps. Great fjords and glacial lakes. And,
                                                 of course, major modern cities like Auckland,
                                                 Christchurch and Wellington with their con-
South Africa                                  Jackson,
South Africa - A Country Of Gold              1 year in Australia
Let South Africa welcome you to a world in
one country. South Africa has breathtaking    “International exchange
scenery, incredible wildlife and a complete
diversity of people. The peaceful transi-     is so much more than
tion to democracy was good news for
all South Africans. The undergoing            learning another lan-
changes are setting new standards             guage, it’s a life-chang-
for sophisticated cities like Johan-
nesburg, the capital of South                 ing experience that has
Africa, also known as
egoli-place of gold, along with               ever-lasting rewards.”
simple villages. Together they make
up the Rainbow Nation, where you should
always expect the unexpected!

Summer Programs

If you’re still undecided about making the
commitment to spending a school year               Summer Immersion
abroad, ASSE’s Summer Homestay or
European Summer Language programs offer
                                                   – 6 Weeks
the perfect solution.                              What better way to immerse yourself in a
                                                   country’s language and culture than by
You’ll get a firsthand experience with another     experiencing life as a member of a family?
country’s culture and way of life, and you’ll be   You don’t just observe life in another country
able to improve your foreign language skills       but actually live it just as a native does.
dramatically! (In some countries we can place
you in a family where English is spoken as a       If you’re just beginning to study a foreign
second language.)                                  language, or even if you haven’t yet but want to,
                                                   ASSE’s Summer Homestay programs are ideal for        Fiona,
You may choose from ASSE’s long list of            you. You’ll live with a volunteer host family and
partner countries (see page 4) for a short-        share in their daily summer activities. And in do-   Summer Immersion in Italy
term exchange experience during the                ing so, you’ll discover the heart and soul of your
months of                                          chosen homestay country. Spending your days
July and August.                                   as a typical teenager might, you’ll play sports,     “I truly feel now that Italy is
                                                   see films, get involved in your host family’s        my second home, and my
                                                   activities, or perhaps join them during their        host family a second family.”
                                                   summer holiday travels.

European Summer                                    Summer In Antibes
Language Camps                                     – French Language Camp
– 4 Weeks
Are you ready to live another culture and          Located on the Cote d’Azur close to Nice, Cannes, and Italy, Antibes was a
language instead of just learning through          Greek fortified town named Antipolis that later became a Roman town.
textbooks? If you think it’s time for a new        Today, it’s an attractive and active town, popular with French and inter-
challenge and an unforgettable adventure,          national visitors. The natural beauty remains in the “old town” with the
ASSE’s 4–week European Summer Language             ramparts along the sea and the long arched wall along the port. There
programs in France, Spain or Germany may           are plenty of little streets for exploring, colourful bistros and cafés of
be the answer.                                     all types, and lots of shops, not to mention the Provencal market
                                                   and the medieval castle.
These specially–designed courses include
structured language study with professional        The summer language program allows students to live with
teachers and cultural excursions to sur-           local families and learn about French culture firsthand. You’ll
rounding areas of interest. You’ll have group      attend morning language classes five days a week, with native
recreational activities with some extra time to    French instructors teaching all levels of classes. Your host
explore your favourite parts of the local com-     family will live in Antibes/Juan les Pins which
munity and culture – the sports, shops, art,       together form a single community.
food or sunny weather. And all the while you’ll
live with a local family, giving you the perfect   You’ll see more of France with weekly
chance to practice the language and pick up        organized tours to surrounding areas,
on the customs.                                    the Lerins Islands or Aquasplash, a
                                                   very popular sports amusement
The European Summer Language Program is            park. The school also offers plenty
ideal to provide you with an inside look into      of outdoor afternoon activities
the world of France, Spain or Germany. You’ll      like windsurfing, barbecues, and
return with a world of new knowledge and           kayaking, if you don’t choose to
experience.                                        simply spend the afternoon on
                                                   the lovely beaches. One of the
                                                   highlights in Antibes/Juan les Pins
                                                   is the annual International Jazz
                                                   Festival held in July, just when
                                                   you will be there!

Summer In Berlin -
German Language Camp

As the capital of Germany, Berlin is on the          was East Germany—Leipzig—where the famous             students. To ensure the coursework fits
cutting edge of change and development.              composer Johann Sebastian Bach once lived.            each student’s language level, students are
You’ll cultivate your German language skills         Explore the beautiful countryside and farming         tested upon arrival and placed in one of
and, at the same time, live just outside of one      communities of Brandenburg in its antiquated          four groups—from beginning to advanced.
of Europe’s most exciting cities.                    style. Berlin and its surrounding regions have        To enhance the language learning of the
                                                     much to teach about Germany’s turbulent his-          classroom setting, many group activities and
To complement the intensive language study           tory. Each day will be filled with discoveries that   cultural excursions to nearby cities are planned.
weekday mornings, day excursions are orga-           go beyond what you’ve ever learned in school.
nized in and around the city of Berlin. Stand at                                                           Feel the presence of the Moorish culture at
the Brandenburg Gate, where the Berlin Wall                                                                Granada’s world–famous Alhambra Palace,
once divided the city in two, and explore the
                                                     Summer On The Costa Del Sol                           shop in Marbella’s exclusive boutiques, sightsee
Checkpoint Charlie Museum. Visit Potsdam, a          - Spanish Language Camp                               in the beautiful resort city of Malaga, and visit
town boasting Frederick the Great’s Palace of                                                              Spain’s oldest Plaza de Toros (bullfighting ring)
Sans Souci, as well as other rich historic castles   Translated into English, “Coast of the Sun” is        in Ronda. There’s so much to discover in Spain,
and gardens. Tour the cultural heart of what         the ideal description for this warm, sunny re-        you’ll be learning at every moment, inside the
                                                     gion of Spain. Not only is the program located        classroom or out on the town.
                                                     right on the Mediterranean Sea, but it is also
                                                     within two hours of Spain’s most exceptional
                                                     Andalusian cities.                                        Jacob, summer in Germany
                                                     Spanish language lessons are taught every                 “Learning a second language is
                                                     weekday morning by certified teachers with                like discovering another part of
                                                     experience teaching Spanish to international              yourself.”
Short Summer Programs
– 8 to 12 Weeks
You don’t feel you are ready for a semester       If you prefer an experience in a much smaller
or a school year abroad, but you would still      country, where you can enjoy spectacular
like to attend school in another country for      natural scenery, choose New Zealand. The
a few months and improve your knowledge           culture and traditions of the original Poly-
of a foreign language?                            nesian population merge with those of the
                                                  British who arrived centuries later. People are
Use the summer break for an unforgettable         friendly and hospitable, proud of their land,
experience in a country located in the South-     and so will you be.
ern Hemisphere, where the seasons are
opposite to those in the Northern Hemi-           Are you looking for a multiethnic, multicul-
sphere, and the schools therefore are in          tural and multilingual environment? The
session. You will live as a member of a local     magical world of South Africa, with 11
family, from 8 to 12 weeks, departing any time    official languages, will fascinate you, and you
from the beginning of June to the end of July     can spend a few months studying at a high
and return to Denmark with an incomparable        school in the modern city of Cape Town with
educational and cultural experience.              natural sceneries of rare beauty next to it:
                                                  water falls, forests, nature reserves and parks
Don’t miss this unique opportunity in the         characterized by one of the richest and
country of your choice among: Argentina,          greatest bio diversities in the world.
Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa!
                                                  The Choice is Yours!
If you like the passionate culture of a Latin
population, the music, the incredible food
and the warmth of the people, choose
Argentina. You will learn, or improve,
Spanish, which is the second most spoken
language of the world, right behind Chinese.
It is a sure investment in your future!

Or maybe you want to improve your English
language skills and would prefer a more
European-style English-speaking country?
Then choose Australia with its friendly
people and anything but stressful lifestyle,
koalas and kangaroos. The vast and extremely
varied territory alternates the beautiful coast
lines, and the famous coral reefs, with the
desert areas of the continental hinterland.


As one of the oldest and largest international
student exchange organizations, ASSE is
                                                 You Choose Your Country
                                                                                                    APPLICATION TIPS
able to offer the most comprehensive             ASSE is able to offer over 95% of its students
                                                                                                    The sooner you apply, the better your chances
programs with the lowest possible fees.          their first choice in host country. And you
                                                                                                    for acceptance in the program of your choice.
                                                 aren’t required to accept assignment to a
                                                                                                    Please contact us to learn about our Early Bird
No Foreign Language Requirement                  country you haven’t requested.
Unless you are applying to an English            ASSE’s Fees are Low and All Inclusive              An academic year, semester or a short–term
speaking country, you’re not required to         ASSE subsidizes all of its programs abroad,        program abroad will be the most challenging
know the language of your host country,          essentially offering partial scholarships to all   experience of your life. But if you’re ready to face
although it is certainly helpful. ASSE           students. Hence, ASSE can include program          the unknown, the excitement, adventure and
programs provide language assistance such        components for which other programs                rewards of an exchange experience abroad can
as preliminary language/culture programs or                                                         be yours, too!
                                                 charge extra fees or “add-ons.” ASSE fees
tutoring during the initial weeks of the         include: international and host country
                                                 domestic transportation, Language and
                                                 Cultural Enrichment Program (non-English
                                                 speaking countries), comprehensive insur-
                                                 ance (including full medical, travel, accidental
                                                 death and personal liability coverage),
                                                 program orientation and much more.

contact one of the following
ASSE offices:

Peder Skrams gade 7, kld.      228 North Coast Highway
9000 Aalborg                   Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA
Telephone: +45 31 719749       Telephone: +1 (949) 494-4100
Email:info@assedanmark.dk      Toll free +1 (800) 333-3802
www.assedanmark.dk             Fax: +1 (949) 494-3579

Via Castiglione 35
40124 Bologna, ITALY
Telephone: +39 051 6569 257
Fax: +39 051 2914 042 Email:
www.mondoinsieme.it                                           Representative:
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