River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org

Page created by Tony Hardy
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
Discover the
River Valley
Wine Trail
 Home of Nicholas Longworth

Ohio Wine Producers Association
800.227.6972 OhioWines.org
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
The Wineries

              1.                                 2.                                 3.                            4.
        Hanover                     Harmony Hill                               Henke                   La Vigna Estate
        Winery                       Vineyards &                               Winery                      Winery
 2121 Morman Rd.                    Estate Winery                      3077 Harrison Ave.            6035 St. Rt. 505
 Hamilton, OH 45013                                                    Cincinnati, OH 45211          Georgetown, OH 45121
                                 2534 Swings Corner Point Isabel Rd.
                                 Bethel, OH 45106
 Phone: 513.863.3119             Phone: 513.734.3548                   Phone: 513.662.9463           Phone: 937.375.1104

 www.HanoverWinery.com           www.HHWines.com                       www.HenkeWine.com             www.LaVignaEstateWinery.com

 Hours: Thurs 4-9pm;             Hours:Fri 5-9pm;                      Hours: Mon-Thu 5-9pm; Fri     Tasting room open starting
 Fri-Sat 2-10pm; Please see      Sat. & Summer Holidays                3-11pm; Sat 11am-11pm         Memorial Day Weekend
 website for additional          2-9pm; May through Oct                                              Summer Sat 12-6pm;
 Holiday hours                                                                                       Summer Holiday Monday’s
                                                                                                     12-6pm (July 4th, Labor Day
 Situated in Southwest Ohio,     Nestled in the quiet village of       Henke Winery is a unique      Sept 5th)
 you will find Hanover           Bethel and just a few miles           urban winery and full service Will close for harvest after
 Winery tucked away where        from the historic Ohio River          restaurant located in a       Labor Day.
 all the wonders of nature can   Valley lies Harmony Hill. It is a     1880s-era two story frame
 be enjoyed. Guests of the       small boutique winery featuring       building on the west side     La Vigna Estate Winery makes
 winery enjoy the picturesque    international award-winning           of Cincinnati. Joe Henke,     only estate grown, produced
                                 wines in a picturesque country                                      and bottled wines. The goal
 setting of rural Hanover                                              the owner and wine maker
                                 setting and one of only six
 Township, where live music                                            started his business in 1996. of making wines that convey
                                 cut & cover wine caves in the                                       the “somewhereness” of our
 is showcased during the                                               15 award-winning, hand-
                                 United States. The Hill Center                                      vineyard is our passion. We
 summer months. Hanover          Stage features some of the
                                                                       crafted wines are made in
 offers ample outdoor seating                                          the cellar, right below the   work hard in the vineyard and
                                 best of Southwest Ohio’s local                                      then we allow our wines to
 where guests can bring food     musicians, and a myriad of            restaurant. Wine tasting
                                                                                                     make themselves. Join us for
 to enjoy with their wine        special events are featured each      $10, includes souvenir
                                                                                                     a glass of wine, a beautiful
 selection. Please visit our     summer.                               glass. More details at www.
                                                                                                     view and celebrate summer!
 website for more information                                          henkewine.com. Check          Located 1 mile north of
 and become friends on                                                 Facebook for photos/videos. Higginsport.

             Ohio Wine Producers Association                                      800.227.6972 OhioWines.org
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
5.                               6.                                7.                                8.
   Meier’s Wine                 Moyer Vineyards                          Valley                        The Winery at
   Cellars, Inc.                 & Restaurant                           Vineyards                       Versailles
6955 Plainfield Rd.             3859 US Highway 52               2276 E. US 22 & 3                  6572 St Rt 47 East
Silverton, OH 45236             Manchester, OH 45144             Morrow, OH 45152                   Versailles, OH 45380

Phone: 513.891.2914             Phone: 937.549.2957              Phone: 513.899.2485                Phone: 937.526.3232

www.MeiersWineCellars.com       www.MoyerWinery.com              www.ValleyVineyards.com            www.WineryatVersailles.com

Hours: Tues-Sat 9-5pm;          Hours: Mon-Thurs 11:30am-        Hours: Mon-Thurs 11am-             Hours: Mon thru Thur
closed Sundays and Mondays      9pm; Fri & Sat 11:30am-          6pm; Fri-Sat 11am-11pm;            10am-6pm; Fri and Sat,
                                10pm; Sun May thru Oct           Sun 1pm-6pm                        10am-9pm. Closed Sunday.
                                12pm-5pm Reservations are                                           We are open year round.
Meier’s Wine Cellars, Inc.      welcomed though not required.
began in the late 1800’s when                                                                       Welcome to The Winery at
John C. Meier, discovered       Moyer Vineyard Winery &          Established in 1970 by the         Versailles, just outside of the
a method of bottling fresh      Restaurant located on the        Schuchter Family, Valley           beautiful village of Versailles.
grape juice and formed the      banks of the beautiful Ohio      Vineyards is located along the     Enjoy sampling wines in front
J. C. Meier Juice Company,      River along scenic highway       hills and valleys of the Little    of our fireplace in winter or on
Inc. In 1938, the company       U.S. 52. The winery is           Miami River between Dayton         our covered patio in summer.
was renamed Meier’s Wine        situated between Aberdeen        and Cincinnati, Ohio. From         The winery offers over 25
Cellars, Inc. The company       and Manchester in Adams          estate vineyards, nationally       different wines, from Cabernet
                                                                 and internationally award-         Sauvignon to Concord, dessert
continues today as Ohio’s       County across the river from
                                                                 winning wines are produced         fruit wines, and several
largest winery producing over   Maysville, Kentucky. Come
                                                                 with distinctive characteristics   sparkling wines. There are
45 kinds of award-winning       relax and enjoy great food and
                                                                 of the the Ohio River Valley       two areas for private groups
sparkling wines, table wines,   award-winning wine on our        Appellation. Stop in for wine      or parties and our new room is
dessert wines and a premium     covered patio with sweeping      sampling, cheeses, wine cellar     now open. Join us for “Thrill
line of sparkling non-          views of the river or in our     tours, as well as our famous       of the Grill” nights, Wine and
alcoholic juices.               elegant comfortable dining       “Weekend Cookouts.”                Chocolate, or our newest group
                                room. We have special menus                                         - just for women - Wine-ee
                                available for large groups and                                      Women! Follow our events
                                tour buses are welcomed.                                            and happenings on Facebook.

          Ohio Wine Producers Association                                       800.227.6972 OhioWines.org
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
                                                                    The Rock Vacation Rental -1069 State Route 247, Manchester,
                                                                                    OH 45144. Relax and enjoy the view of the
                                                                                    Ohio River Valley from your own private
                                                                                    house. Fully furnished and amenities provided.
                                                                                    Minutes from the Amish community.
                                                                                     Phone: 937.549.4855
              9.                                10.
        Vinoklet                  Woodstone Creek
        Winery                    Winery & Distillery
                                                                    Vintage Ohio
11069 Colerain Ave.               3641 Newton Ave.                   An Experience For All Your Senses
Cincinnati, OH 45252              Cincinnati, OH 45207              One of the nation’s most acclaimed wine and food events,
                                                                    Vintage Ohio features activities to attract all ages and
                                                                    many interest groups. Ohio wines are always the premiere
Phone: 513.385.9309               Phone: 513.569.0300               component, but fine food, gardening, cooking programs,
                                                                    lifestyle activities, wine appreciation and great entertainment
                                                                    have always been a part of the festivities.
www.VinokletWines.com             www.WoodstoneCreek.com
                                                                    Always the first full Friday and Saturday of August.
                                                                    Visit www.OhioWines.org or call (800) 227-6972.
Hours: Tue 12-6pm Wed-            Hours: Sat 1-5pm Check
Thurs 12-8pm; Fri 12-11pm;        website for event hours.
Sun 1-5pm (reservations
recommended)                    Woodstone Creek combines a
                                winery with a craft distillery
                                - the first of it’s kind in Ohio.
Perched on top of picturesque Unique urban location, a
rolling hills, Vinoklet’s       converted factory/warehouse
glass- enclosed solarium and    close to downtown. The
fresh air gazebo provide a      factory president’s wood
panoramic view of the acres     paneled office became the
of surrounding vineyards and    tasting room with a 1930’s
lakes. Vinoklet is conveniently mahogany and hand bent
located in Colerain Township. maple “J” bar. Art gallery and
Beautiful and relaxing place    retail shop. Award winning
for any occasion, birthdays,    varietal wine, dry to sweet.
retirement, family dinners,     Single batch, potstilled craft
corporate events, team building spirits: bourbon, single malt
events, rehearsal dinners or    whisky, rum, vodka, gin. Ten
just friends getting together.  types of mead, seasonal fruit
Vinoklet is also the perfect    wines from local honey and
place for wedding receptions    fruit. Ports and dessert wines
and outdoor wedding             made with our own potstilled
ceremonies.                     brandy.

          Ohio Wine Producers Association                                        800.227.6972 OhioWines.org
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org

                                                                                Sidney                                    68                                                     Delaware                                           Centerburg
                                                                                                           West Liberty                               33
                                                                                                                               North Lewisburg                 Marysville                                                                            Utica
            Ansonia                      Versailles
City                             8                                                                                                                             5 - Meier’s Wine Cellars, Inc.                  62

                                                                                                                                                               6955 Plainfield Rd., Silverton,    OH    Johnstown
                                                                                                                                                                                                     45236                                                                               5
                                                                                                       Saint Paris
                                                                                                                                             36                                          Westerville
                                       Pleasant Hill                                                                                                                  42                                    270
                                                                         Troy                                                                                                                                                                                 Newark
                                                                                                                                                                            Upper Arlington
                                             West Milton                   Tipp City
                                                                                                                                                            6 - Moyer Vineyards                        Bexley Whitehall         Pataskala
                                                                                                                                                                              Columbus                              Reynoldsburg
                                                                                              New Carlisle                                            West Jefferson
                                                                                                                                                            3859 US  40
                                                                                                                                                                        Highway      52, Manchester, OH 45144
                                                                                                                        Springfield        70                                270
       New Paris                                                                                                                                                                            Groveport
                                                              Vandalia                                                                                London937.549.2957/www.MoyerWinery.com
                                                                                                                                                                      Grove City
                                                              Huber Heights                                                    South Charleston                                                      Canal Winchester                       Baltimore                               22
                                                                                                               Yellow Springs
                                                                                                                                                               7 - Valley Vineyards               33                                                                   Somerset                Cro
                                               New Lebanon       Dayton
                Eaton                   35            Oakwood             Beavercreek
                                                                                                                         Cedarville                            2276 E.Mount
                                                                                                                                                                            22 & 3, Morrow,
                                                                                                                                                                                    23      OH 45152
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lancaster                                                   Bremen                 New Lexingto
                                                                                      Xenia                                     Jamestown                      513.899.2485/www.ValleyVineyards.com
                                                                                                                     35                                          62

                                                                                         42                  68                                                8 - The Winery
                                                                                                                                                                                  at Versailles
       27                                                                           Waynesville
                                                                                                                               71                              6572Court
                                                                                                                                                           Washington St House
                                                                                                                                                                         Rt 47 East, Versailles, OH 45380                                                     Logan
                                   Middletown                                                                                             Sabina
       Oxford                      Trenton              75                                                                                                     937.526.3232/www.WineryatVersailles.com
                1                  New Miami
                                         Monroe                          Lebanon                                     Wilmington

                    Hamilton                                                                      22                                                           9 - Vinoklet  Winery

                                                                                                                                      Leesburg                Greenfield
                                                                                                                                                               11069 ColerainChillicothe
                                                                                                                                                                                  Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45252                                                                         Athens
                              Forest Park
                       9                 Sharonville Loveland
                                                                                 Blanchester                                                                   513.385.9309/www.VinokletWines.com
son                     Northbrook                                                                Lynchburg                                                                                                                    50           McArthur
                                              Blue Ash
     275        North College Hill
                                              Kenwood       Mount Repose
                                                                                                            Hillsboro                                          10 - Woodstone Creek Winery & Distillery                                                                                        4
                           3   Saint Bernard
                                                                                                                                                               3641 Newton Ave.,
                                                                                                                                                                             WaverlyCincinnati, OH 45207
    Addyston      Cincinnati
                    50               10                 275
                                                               Batavia                                                              62                         513.569.0300/www.WoodstoneCreek.com
                                   Fruit Hill                                                                                                                               Piketon
                                                       Withamsville        Williamsburg                                                                                                                                        Jackson
                                                             Amelia                    Mount Orab                                                                                                                                                                                       Pomero
                                                                                                                                                                                               23                                                                                   Middleport
                                                           New Richmond                                                                  Seaman
                                                                                2        Bethel
                                                                                                          68                                                   Visit these other wineries in the area:

                                                                                                                                                                                        Lucasville                                               Oak Hill              3
                                                                                                  4        Georgetown
                                                                                                                                                               Bent Tree Winery                                                                                        Gallipolis

                                                                                    52                                                                         7405 Industrial Row Rd. New Boston
                                                                                                                     Ripley              Manchester            Mason, OH 45040
                                                                                                                                                                           Portsmouth       Wheelersburg
                                                                                                                                      6                        513.204.6060/www.BentTreeWinery.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Franklin Furnace

                                                                                                                                                               Burnet Ridge, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                               6721 Richard Ave.

          The Wineries

                                                                                                                                                               North College Hill, OH 45224       Coal Grove

                                                                                                                                                               513.522.4203/www.BurnetRidge.com                                             52

          1 - Hanover Winery                                                                                                                                   Kinkead Ridge Estate Winery
          2121 Morman Rd., Hamilton, OH 45013                                                                                                                  904 Hamburg St.
          513.863.3119/www.HanoverWinery.com                                                                                                                   Ripley, OH 45167
          2 - Harmony Hill Vineyards & Estate Winery
          2534 Swings Corner Point Isabel Rd., Bethel, OH 45106                                                                                                Lakeside Vineyard & Winery
          513.734.3548/www.HHWines.com                                                                                                                         3324 St. Rt. 756
                                                                                                                                                               Felicity, OH 45120
          3 - Henke Winery                                                                                                                                     513.876.1810/www.LakesideVineyard.com
          3077 Harrison Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45211
          513.662.9463/www.HenkeWine.com                                                                                                                       Meranda-Nixon Winery
                                                                                                                                                               6517 Laycock Rd.
          4 - La Vigna Estate Winery                                                                                                                           Ripley, OH 45167
          6035 St. Rt. 505, Georgetown, OH 45121                                                                                                               937.392.4654
          937.375.1104/www.LaVignaEstateWinery.com                                                                                                             www.Meranda-NixonWinery.com

                                   Ohio Wine Producers Association                                                                                                                            800.227.6972 OhioWines.org
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
Miami County, Ohio                                                When little
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                          The Miami County Barn Quilt Tour ~                             Are they really little things?
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                                                                                         Nestled between Columbus,
                           Decorating the scenic landscape are folk                      Dayton and Cincinnati, Clinton
                           art renditions of traditional quilt squares,
                                                                                         County is a rural oasis where
                           hand painted on numerous barns.
                                                                                         you can still find roadside
                           This colorful array of Barn Quilts connects
                                                                                         produce stands, countless
                           the picturesque countryside with our
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                                                                          © 2011 WCCVB

                                              Home of Valley Vineyards
          Just minutes north of Cincinnati.
River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
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             Brochures & Itineraries Available

River Valley Wine Trail - Discover the - Ohio Wine Producers Association OhioWines.org
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