Page created by Alberto Tate
                                           FEBRUARY - 2021


Omnidian, Inc.

               Mark Liffmann,
               CEO &


                                    |1|   March 2021

 Omnidian, Inc.
               t first sight, the numerous rows       component failures sometimes go unidentified;
               of blue-black painted solar tiles      underperformance can be overlooked. And the
               glistening on rooftops depict a        sheer volume of information coming from a large
               promising picture of the U.S.’s bid    portfolio of distributed solar systems creates
               to generate power from renewable       blindness. But at the end of the day, “solar
energy sources. However, a closer look reveals        owners”— whether a commercial asset manager
an opportunity to drive an even greater ROI for       overseeing hundreds of systems, a residential
many owners of solar power systems. The reason        asset manager with thousands of systems, or an
behind this problem is apparent. Overall, the solar   individual homeowner or business owner trying to
industry has been focused on sales and expansion      save on electricity bills — want the assurance that
driven by accelerating nationwide demand. Less        their investments will perform as promised.
attention has been given to maximizing returns            By protecting and accelerating the value of
and ensuring that the ownership experience, end-      capital invested in residential and commercial
to-end, is seamless and hassle-free.                  solar units across the nation, Omnidian provides
    Even the smallest solar power system is a         the solution that gives owners real peace of mind.
power plant. And while utility-scale solar projects   “We deliver not only performance assurance for
are managed cohesively, a large number of small       distributed energy assets; we’re the category
distributed solar applications in various locations   creator for an ownership experience which
is an entirely different game. Problems occur;        maximizes value and minimizes hassle,” says Mark

       |12|   March 2021
TOP 10

Mark Liffmann,

                               |13|   March 2021
We’re the
           category creator
           for performance
        assurance. We give
           our clients back
         their time, provide
          transparency and
        protect their capital
        investment and ROI

Liffmann, a solar industry veteran who leads Omnidian as its CEO     It can even diagnose these when multiple issues are present
and co-founder.                                                      and identify the impact of each. Finally, Omnidian expanded
                                                                     the ecosystem to accommodate end-to-end processes with
The Performance Assurance Category Creator                           capabilities like performance verification tests, intelligent
Omnidian’s mission reflects the very reason why it was               filtering that separates the noise from the actionable issues, and
created—”to protect and accelerate clean energy investments.”        prioritization of issues based on business value.” Ultimately, we
As we created Omnidian, we were focused not only on what we          leverage technology to deliver an amazing client experience. Set
do, but how we do it as a key to our success,” observed Liffmann.    it and forget it. We want clients to know that we have their back.
“We identified three pivotal factors: first, a passionate team to    This gives clients back their time while having full transparency
drive our vision; second, an innovative, technology-oriented focus   and control of the process,” observed Berg.
on solving the pain of ownership of distributed energy assets;            Omnidian’s proprietary and purpose-built software platform
and finally, an amazing customer experience built right into our     can remotely identify performance issues and characterize
platform.”                                                           the root cause. This platform supports automated workflows,
     As a provider of comprehensive protection plans for capital     enabling the company to proactively mitigate performance issues
investments in solar energy systems, Omnidian guarantees             for clients. Be it a technical failure or weather-related hindrance,
up to 95% of forecasted energy for customers’ solar assets           Omnidian assures the solar assets’ complete performance by
and optimizes their performance. Through its purpose-driven          assessing the system 24/7. “Thanks to our cognitive technology,
proprietary technology, the company strives to promote its           we’re able to not only protect but also accelerate investments
trademark idea: “Solar Without Fear™.” Jeff Berg, Senior Vice        in both the commercial and residential sectors in clean energy,”
President of Engineering, explains that Omnidian’s technology        observes Caroline Bec Cox, Chief Financial Officer at Omnidian.
started with the core data acquisition and issue detection
systems. Then it layered in the data science program for             Delivering An Amazing Customer Experience
intelligent issue diagnosis, which handles common factors            Omnidian caters to a diverse client base. Broadly, it includes
like hardware failure, degradation, shading, soiling, and snow.

       |14|   March 2021
commercial and residential clients and multiple Fortune 1000             A case in point is Third Sun Solar—a company that keenly
clients who have entrusted the company to manage the                 observed the solar industry’s evolution over the last 20 years and
complexities of large-scale portfolios. Omnidian also leverages      was driven by its mission “to accelerate the shift to clean energy.”
the network of its Installer and EPC channel partners to serve       Witnessing the shifting patterns in consumer behavior, Third Sun
homeowners and business owners. “At the industry-level, we           Solar recognized the need to move away from legacy customer
leverage our platform to support the ecosystem of solar lenders      desks that merely helped clients troubleshoot problems and,
and related service providers. Regardless of the segment,            instead, revamp their customer service experience to augment
ultimately our clients look to us to understand and protect          future sales. Third Sun Solar’s search for a trustworthy partner
their capital,” mentions Ray Szylko, the Chief Strategy Officer at   that is passionate and focused on strengthening customer
Omnidian.                                                            service at the behest of safety and technology led them to
     Everything at Omnidian is geared toward an amazing              Omnidian. Convinced by Omnidian’s excellence in service,
customer experience. “More specifically, from our solar experts      maintenance, diagnostics, and tech support, Third Sun Solar
with access to real-time system diagnostics, to the way we           joined hands with the firm. Today, Third Sun Solar leverages the
engineered automated workflows, business reporting, and              Omnidian plan as a standard offering for residential and ad hoc
performance guarantees, we are able to deliver an incredible         commercial systems.
end-to-end customer experience,” says Szylko. “In fact, we refer
to our internal team of folks who provide                                                           Delivering an Amazing Client
direct support to clients as Team Love. “It’s                                                       Experience
baked into our culture and identity,” adds                                                           Named one of the “Top 100
Dave Kenny, the Chief Operating Officer
at Omnidian. Ultimately, the company
                                                   Our clients know                                  Companies To Work For” for three
                                                                                                     consecutive years by Seattle
structures its products for peace of mind
and ensures that its clients get the ROI
                                                     we have their                                   Business Magazine, Omnidian’s
                                                                                                     values and practices are its
they expect from their investment in clean           back because                                    bedrock. “We have passionate,
energy.                                                                                              knowledgeable employees and that
     “At Omnidian, we really do start with         we’ve engineered                                  translates to an amazing customer
the client and work backward. First, we                                                              experience. We are proud of our
identify our clients’ pain points, then we        the industry’s only                                team and proud of those service
imagine the easiest, most amazing, pain-                                                             scores,” says Leah Kyle, the Head of
free experience, and we invent products that      end-to-end hassle-                                 Talent at Omnidian.
deliver this experience,” mentions Cedric                                                                 Omnidian’s proficient team
Brehaut, Senior Vice President, Products at         free ownership                                   leaves no stone unturned to
Omnidian. The same approach holds true for                                                           enhance customer traction by
all the clients, whether it is a homeowner,           experience                                     improvising its services periodically.
a small business owner, or Fortune 1000                                                              In the evolution of their unique
portfolio investors.                                                                                 business model, the company
                                                                                                     aims to expand its geographical
People. Process. Technology.                                                                         footprint internationally and launch
The core components of Omnidian products are the same                innovative products while growing its core solar and storage
across clients and market segments. First, technology and data       products. Digging deep into the renewable energy paradigm,
science filter through the noise, detect and diagnose real issues,   Omnidian, along with its utility advisory board, consisting of
and automate workflows for resolution. “We know when our             utility investors and partners, looks forward to bolstering the
clients’ systems have an issue, often before they do!” adds          future of energy collaboratively. “If a client experiences friction in
Brehaut. Second, Omnidian guarantees the performance of              their journey with us, we immediately seek out and correct the
its clients’ assets to ensure that they get the expected return      root cause. For us, the brand is the client experience. We have a
on investment. Third, the company’s team of passionate solar         rabid obsession with delivering an amazing client experience and
performance experts take great care of its clients, troubleshoot     enabling our clients to tell the brand story for us. Ultimately, the
system issues, and dispatch technicians for repairs when needed.     client perspective is all that matters,” mentions Brad Davis, a Co-
And Omnidian wraps it all with clear and intelligent reports that    Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Omnidian.
give clients full visibility and control. “With over 1.4 GW under         Omnidian sees significant growth opportunities in the longer-
management and 50,000+ customer calls, we are learning and           term to eventually emerge as the global leader in performance
improving at an exponential speed,” informs Brehaut.                 assurance for IoT-enabled distributed energy assets.

                                                                                                                           |15|   March 2021
800.597.9127 |
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