ONLINE CAR AUCTIONS By David Miller - Cox Automotive Canada

Page created by Arnold Ryan
ONLINE CAR AUCTIONS By David Miller - Cox Automotive Canada
By David Miller

                                                auctions. When there's a shortage in            online," explains Dale Pollak, founder
   ONLINE AUCTIONS                              harvesting trade-ins or off-lease, a sale is
                                                only a few clicks away.
                                                                                                of vAuto. "The trend corresponds
                                                                                                to Manheim and ADESA auctions
   SAVE MUCH                                    "At certain times of the year, it's hard
                                                                                                reporting year-over-year gains in online
                                                                                                transaction volume."
   MORE THAN TIME                                to source from your own customer
                                                 portfolio, so you have to backfill with        To understand the scope of online
                                                 auction purchases," explains Matthew           auctions, one only needs to look at
TWENTY YEARS AGO, A DEALER walked into           Bird, general sales manager of                 Manheim, North America’s leading
one of the local wholesale auctions and          Volkswagen Waterloo.                           provider of vehicle re-marketing services
battled it out with others to replenish their                                                   that employs 18,000 people enabling them
stock. It took time, effort and skill to not    The used car lot hasn't gone global like        to register 8-million North American used
only strike the right deal in order to help     Amazon, but dealers on average like Bird        vehicles per year.
the bottom line, but to build up a good-        have upped their usage over the past five
looking aisle of cars to show off to your       to ten years. Bird's inventory consists of 60   According to Ken Morin, general manager
customer base.                                  per cent auction buys with the majority of      of Manheim Toronto, it all started through
                                                those being made online.                        Manheim's first simulcast sale in 2002,
All that has permanently changed thanks                                                         where 65,000 dealers enrolled across
to the internet. Much like Amazon has           A lot of the online trend can be attributed     North America.
turned the brick and mortar retail game         to companies like TradeRev (a wholesale
on its head, the world wide web has             inventory system that connects dealers          "The uptick was felt from inception and
forced businesses to evolve, changing the       from all over North America), and leading        has continued to grow ever since. Today at
landscape of the used car dealer lot and        online auctions such as ADESA and                our Canadian auctions, online attendance
the entire buying/selling process.              Manheim that had to endure growing               has grown to represent 53 per cent of total
                                                pains until gaining legitimacy and               attendees on average, and we anticipate
With the wealth of knowledge online,            eventual traction from dealers.                  that upward trend to continue as we
customers now arrive prepared with                                                               continue to develop our suite of digital
information and pricing for a specific          "In the past two or three years, we’ve seen      tools to help dealers turn their inventory
vehicle in mind. And in many instances,          more dealers rely on online auctions            faster and more efficiently."
that very vehicle has arrived via the            for at least 50 per cent of their auction
internet through one of the various online       purchases, with some going 100 per cent

ONLINE CAR AUCTIONS By David Miller - Cox Automotive Canada

Time and convenience favours online                                                         online or in-lane," explains Stephanie
                                                                                            Turner, senior manager, business
The most obvious reason for the push                                                        development & strategy for Cox
towards online from in-person auctions                                                      Automotive Canada.
comes down to saving time and money in
acquiring pre-owned inventory, as well as                                                   Will in-person auctions cease to exist?
the potential for greater reach. No longer
do dealers have to send their pre-owned                                                     Between the time, money and scope
sales manager or auction specialist to a                                                    of online auctions, it begs the question
physical auction, potentially taking up to                                                  whether in-person auctions have a
three or four hours between transport, the                                                  ticking shelf life? Yet, every company
auction itself, paperwork or figuring out                                                   and dealership interviewed for this
delivery. It can be even worse, bringing a                                                  piece believes there's still a place for in-
bunch of drivers along to collect the cars                                                  person bidding.
                                                                                            "We are a long ways away from
                                                                                             traditional auctions closing up shop,"
   "In the past two or                          KEN MORIN | MANHEIM TORONTO
                                                                                             explains King. "Me being a car guy, I try
                                                                                             to be analytical, but I like to touch what
    three years, we’ve                                                                       I'm buying before I bid on it. It's one
                                               With nine years in the wholesale auto         thing to look at conditional reports and
    seen more dealers                          business, King however cautions other         you can trust them to a certain degree,
                                               dealers when selling their lots online.       but just because they call it a 4.5 out of
    rely on online                            "Many want to liquidate their wholesale        5, doesn't mean I will give it that same
                                               units this way to maximize profits            rating."
    auctions ..."                              and mitigate losses, but that can end
                                               up backfiring when you are not being         King understands that online tools are
With online auctions, daily buys through       strategic. To use online auctions            great to have, but not a perfect system.
standard bidding sales or even buy-it-         successfully, you have to be open            He feels you can't blindly accept every
nows can be made at the office or on a         minded and well versed in how to             statistic and rating online, and the
mobile app by registered dealers with an       liquidate inventory."                        edge that he additionally relies on
OMVIC license. With new listings posted                                                     comes down to the human element
daily, ADESA and Manheim auctions can         Manheim aims to help that process out by      of common sense and experience. In
be planned a day or more in advance with      supplying plenty of information through       addition, working with the management
Manheim's running Tuesday morning and         condition reports, vehicle history reports,   at physical auctions can help one out in
Thursday night; ADESA's occur Tuesday         and other disclosures.                        the long run.
afternoon and Wednesday morning.
Other online auctions sprouting up can        "With so much information at the dealer's     "There's more of a personal feel to it,
also be found on a daily basis.                fingertips, taking advantage of the           especially when you need some help or
                                               information at hand, will allow them          a service to be provided."
"There's still a time and place for            to buy and sell with confidence and
 traditional in-person auctions,               maximize profitability – whether that is
 considering their large volume of sales,
 but the frequency and legitimacy of
 online auctions has made it difficult for
 dealers to take the time out of their busy
 days to go to them," adds Bird.

Anthony King, pre-owned sales manager
of Michael Boyer Chevrolet Cadillac
Buick GMC echoes Bird's statement
with his auction buys (30 per cent of his
inventory) over the past year being close
to 70 per cent online.

"I prefer to go to a bricks and mortar
 auction, but that is a time consuming
                                                 STEPHANIE TURNER | COX AUTOMOTIVE CANADA
 proposition lately."
                                                                                                                 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 3 | 13
ONLINE CAR AUCTIONS By David Miller - Cox Automotive Canada

Even though Bird is more analytical, he also believes there's still
value in looking at a vehicle rather than a computer screen.

"I can walk around it, find a scratch and determine things that
 way. Is it paintwork or polish? How good are its tires or its
 brakes? You're not always going to get those really good photos,          PRIMER ON
                                                                           ONLINE AUCTIONS
 so you're still making an assessment of what you're being told."

Luckily, large online auctions at ADESA and Manheim have
an arbitration policy in place for those situations. They can
mediate a situation when an item wasn't accurately described
leading to an adjustment in price or a return of the winning
vehicle in question.
                                                                       1   Before doing anything, each dealer has to have an
                                                                           OMVIC license to participate in an online auction.
                                                                           Once that's in place, you have to be affiliated with
   "Never allow a gut feeling to                                           a registered dealership and a legible copy of the
                                                                           representative's current driver's license has to
    overrule hard data..."                                                 be provided and an auction pass will be granted.
                                                                           They are for wholesale automotive dealers only and
"We offer assurance and visibility through a number of products            closed to the public.
 such as Manheim’s Pre-Sale and Post-Sale Inspection and our
 Enhanced Vehicle Imaging System (EVIS) to build further trust in
 the online marketplace," Manheim's Morin explains.
                                                                       2   Taking ADESA registration as an example, they
                                                                           require the following paperwork: Application,
Morin goes on to say that physical locations are important, but            Dealer and Individual Acknowledgement Form,
will be more geared to older model years with high mileage.                Personal Guarantee, Power of Attorney, GST/HST
                                                                           number, Bank Authorization Letter and Dealership
Pollak doesn't anticipate physical auctions going away as well,            Credit Information Form.
but he does see in the future an advancement of "upstream"
inventory availability, allowing dealers to purchase wholesale
vehicles before arriving at traditional auction platforms.
                                                                       3   Once you're set up, go through the auction run list
                                                                           a day in advance. Target certain vehicles you want
"Ultimately, the wholesale market will be less defined by the              and use the filter to weed out certain model years
 physical presence of available inventory as new technologies              and high mileage vehicles.
 and tools help dealers make a larger share of digitally-based
 transactions, irrespective of the vehicle’s location."

What the future holds?                                                 4   Check out all the condition reports from the online
                                                                           auction and its CarProof report (history, accidents,
                                                                           prior damage).
It's never easy to predict what the future holds, but with any
industry, it's tough to bet against the internet and advanced
                                                                       5   Set your proxy bids and use your time wisely for
                                                                           other dealership matters.
Online auctions are simply another example of how the internet
connects businesses and people around the world for quick
and documented transactions that can save time, effort, storage
and most importantly, money. Whether it's an online auction at         6   The market can always shift, so make adjustments,
                                                                           re-check your list and act accordingly.
ADESA or Manheim, uploading data and pics with TradeRev, or
any other auction, they're all here to stay in order to liquidate or
fulfill the dealer lot in a smooth and quick manner.
                                                                       7   Good luck and safe bidding!

In the end, all of this transparency helps both the dealer and the
consumer. Dealers may not have the same margins, as they used
to, but at least they're able to constantly turn over stock. On the
other side, consumers are receiving more positive dealership
experiences with a level playing field of reasonable prices
offered without having to drive around and haggle.

And that seems like a win-win for all involved! ■
                                                                                                         VOLUME 6, ISSUE 3 | 15
ONLINE CAR AUCTIONS By David Miller - Cox Automotive Canada ONLINE CAR AUCTIONS By David Miller - Cox Automotive Canada
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