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Optimization of coriander nutrition on leached chernozem of Central
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International Conference on World Technological Trends in Agribusiness                     IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 624 (2021) 012008    doi:10.1088/1755-1315/624/1/012008

Optimization of coriander nutrition on leached chernozem of
Central Caucasus

                     A O Kasatkina, A N Yesaulko, S A Korostylev, N V Gromova and A V
                     Faculty of agrobiology and land resources, Federal state budgetary educational
                     institution of higher education "Stavropol State Agrarian University", Stavropol,

                     E-mail: sasha.kasatkina@yandex.ru, aesaulko@yandex.ru, korostylev16@mail.ru,
                     nikolenko0812@mail.ru, stgau@stgau.ru

                     Abstract. The article reflects the results of studies on the responsiveness of coriander "Amber"
                     variety to a combination of doses and types of mineral fertilizers. As a result of the conducted
                     researches for 2016–2018, it was established that the maximum crop yield was obtained on
                     options N60P60-1.60 t/ha and N60P60K60-1.53 t/ha. It should be noted that for the Stavropol
                     territory there are no scientifically sound recommendations for the practical application of
                     mineral fertilizer systems, introduced under the culture of coriander. During the three-year field
                     experiments, the influence of types and combinations of doses of mineral fertilizers was
                     studied and the seed productivity of coriander when growing on leached chernozem of the
                     Central Caucasus was established. The method of introduction of mineral fertilizers according
                     to the Georges-Ville scheme (control, N60, P60, K60, N60P60, N60K60, P60K60,
                     N60P60K60) used during the field experiment allowed us to obtain information about the
                     effectiveness of types and combinations of mineral fertilizers. It was noted that the application
                     of nitrogen fertilizers increased the NO3 content: when applying N60 – 11.6 mg/ kg; N60P60 –
                     7.3 mg/kg; N60K60 – 3.6 mg/kg; N60P60K60 – 6.1 mg/kg. The result of the field experiment
                     showed that the content of the mobile forms of phosphorus in the soil increased significantly to
                     the control, and the difference was 3.4–5.6 mg/kg of soil. The effectiveness of potassium in
                     many cases is moderate. The maximum value of exchangeable potassium was observed on the
                     option with the use of K60-260 mg/kg of soil, and the minimum concentration of exchangeable
                     potassium when applying N60P60-232 mg/kg of soil.

1. Introduction
Scientists were engaged in the assessment of the share of mineral nutrition elements in the formation
of coriander crop increase in different soil and climatic conditions of the world [1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 16, 18,
21–23, 27–29]. Studies have shown that the competent selection and combination of mineral fertilizers
provide high yields of coriander culture [3, 13, 17, 19, 26].
    When Gachkov I.M. was conducting field studies on southern and ordinary chernozems, he found
that the optimal dose of nitrogen was 40 kg/ha of the active substance in dry years and 60 kg/ha in
more favorable moisture years. When applying 60 kg/ha of nitrogen on the active substance and seed
yield averaged 1.5 t/ha [10].
    Epifantsev V.V., Kurkov Yu.B., Kuzin V.F., Gudkin A.F. established an optimum dose of mineral
fertilizers on meadow-chernozem soils under coriander crops based on the carried out researches. To

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International Conference on World Technological Trends in Agribusiness                     IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 624 (2021) 012008    doi:10.1088/1755-1315/624/1/012008

receive a high yield of seeds (0.73 t/ha) it is necessary to bring on 60 kg/ha of the active substance of
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium [5].
    As a result of field experiments a number of researchers (Ermokhin Yu.I., Krasitsky V.M.,
Petrov D.N.) found that the yield of coriander in meadow-chernozem soil in comparison with the
control increased with the introduction of N45P45K45 by 4.9 C/ha [8].
    Ermakova E. V. experimentally established that the application of mineral fertilizers has a positive
effect on the growth and development of plants. Thus, on podzolic sandy loam soils, fertilizers in the
dose N60R60K60 provided a coriander yield of 2.7 t/ha [7].
    Studies conducted on dark gray forest soils by Vinogradov D.V., Khromtsev D.F. showed that the use
of mineral fertilizers provided a significant increase in seed yield relative to control. The maximum yield
was obtained on the option with the introduction of N135P60K60-1.26 t/ha [14, 15, 30].

2. Methods and materials
The field part of the research was carried out in the period from 2016 to 2018 on the territory of the
experimental station of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. The aim of the study was to explore
the optimization of coriander nutrition on the leached chernozem of the Central Caucasus. During the
field experiments, we set the following tasks: to study the influence of types and doses of mineral
fertilizers on the formation of yields and quality indicators of coriander seed oil, to determine the
economic efficiency of coriander seed production depending on the types and combinations of mineral
    The type of soil at the field research site is leached chernozem, powerful, low humus, heavy loam
[25]. The soil of the site at the time of laying field experiments was characterized by the following
agrochemical indicators: the content of organic matter is average (5.2–5.3 %); the supply of soil with mobile
forms of macronutrients refers to the average security: N-NO3 – 16–30 mg/kg, P2O5 – 20–24 mg/kg,
K2O – 240–260 mg/kg; pH neutral, within 6.3–6.5 units [11, 20, 24].
    As the results of long-term climatic data show, 551 mm of precipitation falls annually in the field
experiments zone, and 303 mm in the period of active coriander vegetation. The object of study is the
variety of coriander "Amber". According to the developed research methodology, the responsiveness
of this essential oil culture to different types and combinations of mineral fertilizers on the leached
chernozem of the Central Caucasus was studied. To optimize the nutrition system, the following types
and combinations of mineral fertilizers were studied according to the Georges-Ville scheme: control
(without fertilizer), N60, P60, K60, N60P60, N60K60, R60K60, N60P60K60 [9].
    Plots are placed by the method of systematic repetitions, the repetition of the experience is 4-fold.
Width – 3 m, length – 5 m, the area of the plot – 15 m2, the registered area of experience – 10 m2. The
main observations and reports were carried out in the main phases of coriander growth: shoots,
stemming, flowering, full ripeness.

3. Results
Types and combinations of mineral fertilizers used in the field experiment had a different impact on
the formation of coriander yield. Three-year average data of the analysis allowed us to establish that
unilateral application of nitrogen fertilizers on leached chernozem reduced the yield of coriander in
comparison with the control variant by 0.03 t/ha (Table 1).
    Analysis of the yield of coriander seeds, when cultivated on leached chernozem, showed that the
average increase in the experience of the period 2016–2018 years was 0.06–0.40 t/ha on other
fertilized varieties. It should be noted that the unilateral application of N60 and K60 compared to the
control, did not have a significant impact on the yield of coriander seeds since the resulting difference
of 0.03 and 0.06 t/ha was within the error of the experiment. At the same time, the one-sided P60
provided a significant increase relative to the control – 0.37 t/ha. Similar dependencies were observed
in the study of paired combinations of mineral fertilizers: the application of N60P60 significantly
increased the yield of coriander relative to the control (+0.41 t/ha), and the application of P60K60 and
N60K60 did not have a significant increase in the yield of coriander seeds relative to the control since

International Conference on World Technological Trends in Agribusiness                     IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 624 (2021) 012008    doi:10.1088/1755-1315/624/1/012008

the difference was 0.13 t/ha and 0.06 t/ha. The use of complete mineral fertilizer N60P60K60 had a
positive effect on the formation of the increase relative to the control was-0.34 t/ha. As follows from
the data in Table 2, the percentage of essential oil in the seeds of coriander varieties "Amber"
corresponds to varietal quality indicators of this culture. In the variant with the one-sided application
(P60), an increase in the content of essential oil compared to the control by 0.4 % was recorded. The
variants with a pair combination of mineral fertilizers (N60P60, P60K60) also showed an increase in
the content of essential oil relative to the control by 0.09–0.19 %. The use of complete mineral
fertilizer N60P60K60 had a positive impact on the percentage of essential oil in coriander seeds and
the increase was relatively low –0.3 %. Other combinations of mineral fertilizers in the experiment
(N60, K60, N60K60) reduced the oil content of seeds by 0.06–0.38 %.

Table 1. Yield (t/ha) of coriander seeds depending on types and combinations of mineral fertilizers on
                                    leached chernozem, 2016–2018
           Option              Years of research                     On average in 2016-2018.
                        2016        2017         2018
        Control         1.38         1.25        0.95                          1.19
        N60             1.30         1.24        0.95                          1.16
        P60             1.82         1.58        1.30                          1.56
        K60             1.48         1.28        1.01                          1.25
        N60P60          1.99         1.59        1.22                          1.60
        N60K60          1.42         1.37        0.98                          1.25
        P60K60          1.51         1.30        1.15                          1.32
        N60P60K60       1.87         1.64        1.20                          1.53
        НСР             0.23         0.16        0.11                          0.14

    Collection of coriander essential oil directly depends on the yield of coriander. On variants with the
single application of mineral fertilizers (P60, K60), the collection of essential oil exceeded the control
by 0.9–5.2 kg/ha, the paired combination of nutrition elements also had a positive impact on the
collection of essential oil relative to the control –the increase was – 0.9–5.8 kg/ha. The use of
complete mineral fertilizer N60P60K60 had a positive effect on the formation of the increase relative
to the control was – 0.34 t/ha. It should be noted that the indicators of essential oil collection did not
confirm the positive effect of mineral fertilizers on the variant N60 relative to the control.

         Table 2. Indicators of coriander seed oil quality indicators (average over 2016-2018.)
        Option        Seed yield, t/ha    Essential oil content, %       Collection of essential oil, kg/ha
    Control                1.19                     1.63                               16.6
    N60                    1.16                     1.25                               16.2
    P60                    1.56                     2.07                               21.8
    K60                    1.25                     1.57                               17.5
    N60P60                 1.60                     1.72                               22.4
    N60K60                 1.25                     1.48                               17.5
    P60K60                 1.32                     1.82                               18.5
    N60P60K60              1.53                     1.94                               21.4

    The calculation of the main economic indicators on the variants that provided the maximum
agrotechnical efficiency allowed us to establish the economic feasibility of using the studied mineral
fertilizers in comparison with the control variant. As can be seen from the data given in Table 3, the
presented variants (P60, N60P60, N60P60K60) contributed to a significant increase in the yield of
coriander seeds compared to the control, which allowed us to focus on the calculation of economic
efficiency indicators.

International Conference on World Technological Trends in Agribusiness                     IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 624 (2021) 012008    doi:10.1088/1755-1315/624/1/012008

 Table 3. Economic efficiency of coriander seed production depending on types and combinations of
                            mineral fertilizers (average for 2016-2018)
                                               Control           P60             N60P60      N60P60K60
Productivity, t/ha                              1.19             1.56               1.60        1.53
Cash proceeds for 1 ha, rub.                   71400            93600             96000        91800
Production costs per 1 ha, rub.                30150            34850             37960        39160
Cost price 1 t, rub.                           26943            22340             23725        25595
Profit per 1 ha, rub.                          41250            58750             58040        52640
Level of profitability, %                       137              169                153         134

    So, in comparison with the control, the use of R60, N60R60, N60R60K60 increased: the average
annual yield of coriander by 28–34 %; cash proceeds for 1 ha by 20400–24600 rub.; production
costs – by 4700–9010 rub. Due to the resulting increase in yield, mineral fertilizers on variants P60,
N60P60, N60P60K60 were reduced in comparison with the control: cost of 1 t by 1348–4603 RUB.;
on variants with application of mineral fertilizers P60, N60P60: the level of profitability increased by
11–23 % relative to the control, except for the variant N60P60K60, where the profitability of
production was lower than the control by 2 %.
    Profit indicators reflect the economic benefit of the use of mineral fertilizers P60, N60R60,
N60R60K60 and amount to 11390–17500 rub. per 1 ha. It should be noted that the calculation of
several economic indicators confirmed the main advantage of the unilateral application of phosphorus
fertilizer concerning control and other fertilized options.

4. Conclusion
1. The analysis of the obtained data of three-year field experiments allowed us to establish that the
introduction of P60, N60P60, N60P60K60 significantly increased the yield of coriander on leached
сhernozem and the difference with the control was 0.37, 0.41 and 0.34 t/ha, respectively. The
maximum yield of the crop was obtained when applying N60P60-1.60 t/ha.
    2. A single application of phosphorus mineral fertilizers increased the collection of essential oil
relative to the control by 5.2 kg ha/1, double 5.8 kg/ha on the variant with application of full mineral
fertilizers; the difference with the control was 4.8 kg/ha, the positive effect in collecting essential oil
had only the use of N60.
    3. Production of coriander seeds when applying P60, N60P60, N60P60K60 on many indicators of
economic efficiency has an advantage relative to the values of control and other types and
combinations of mineral fertilizers. The most effective was the introduction of mineral fertilizer, P60,
which provided an increase in profit to 17,500 rub.and the level of profitability of production by 23 %
in comparison with other variants of experience.

The author is grateful to Stavropol state agrarian University for supporting the research conducted on
the territory of the experimental station, as well as to academic supervisor, doctor of agricultural
sciences, Professor of Department of Agrochemistry and plant physiology, Professor of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Alexander Yesaulko for taking part in the discussion of the results and assisting
in the presentation of the scientific paper.

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