DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa

Page created by Darrell Gomez
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
June 1 and 2

               Two days. Over 130 buildings. Free admission.

               FREE shuttle bus to nearly 50 sites.
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
This year, on June 1, the City also celebrates
                                                  Intergenerational Day, which is a celebration
                                                  of older and younger generations coming
                                                  together for a greater understanding of what
                                                  we have in common and what makes us
                                                  unique. Doors Open Ottawa offers the ideal
                                                  way for people of different generations to
                                                  spend time together, learning about each
                                                  other and our great inclusive city.

                                                  If you are coming downtown, consider using
The first weekend of June is one of the           the Free OC Transpo Shuttle to help you get
busiest in Ottawa, with thousands of              around to nearly 50 Ottawa locations.
residents and visitors enjoying the beginning
of the summer months and seasonal                 And don’t forget your camera so that you
activities and festivals.                         can enter the Doors Open Ottawa Instagram
                                                  Photography Contest! For more details about
This year, June 1 to 2 marks the 17th edition     the contest, visit
of Doors Open Ottawa; a weekend on which
we have the opportunity to explore more           Wherever you choose to visit, I hope to
than 130 of Ottawa’s most interesting places,     see you and 80,000 of your friends and
including 10 new sites, free of charge. Come      neighbours making the most of Doors Open
learn about Ottawa’s rich architectural and       Ottawa.
cultural heritage while getting behind-the-
scenes access to some of the city’s most
treasured landmarks!

I am particularly excited about some new
additions to this year’s list of participants:,
the National Arts Centre, Health Canada’s
Product Safety Laboratory, the Official           Jim Watson
Residence of the Embassy of Denmark and           Mayor
the Algonquin College DARE District.

                                                        Share the experience!

Thank you to our sponsors
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
Doors Open Ottawa unlocks more than 130 of the area’s most architecturally interesting and
                         historically significant buildings, many of which are not normally open to the public.

                                Embassies, places of worship, museums, artist studios, architectural firms,
                                         and science labs are yours to explore free of charge.

     Shuttle Stops

1. Sussex between Bruyère                       4. 7 Bayview Road (Bayview                    l First Baptist Church Ottawa
		 & St. Andrew                                 		Yards) – Saturday Route 		                  l First Church of Christ, Scientist
                                                		Only                                        l Beckta Dining & Wine Bar
 l Global Centre for Pluralism
                                                                                              l Shopify
 l Billings Estate Artefact Collection           l Protection of the Holy Virgin Russian
                                                                                              l National Arts Centre N
		 Storage                                      		 Orthodox Church
                                                                                              l St. John the Evangelist Anglican
 l National Gallery of Canada                    l Bayview Yards

 l Ottawa Rowing Club                            l Lemieux Island Water Purification
 l Royal Canadian Mint                          		 Plant
 l The Rectory Art House
                                                                                             8. Laurier Ave. E. / Chapel
 l Earnscliffe: Official Residence of           5. Somerset & Bayswater                      		 at bus stop #7608
		 the British High Commissioner                		 Please note: this route 		                 l allsaints event space
 l Smart Apartment at Bruyère N                    offers a longer walking tour               l Laurier House National Historic Site
                                                		 to destinations                            l Embassy of the Republic of Croatia

2. Mackenzie at Rideau                                                                        l Embassy of Algeria, Fleck-Paterson
                                                 l Parkdale Food Centre
 l Connaught Building                            l Standard Bread Company/		                 		 House
                                                                                              l St. Albans Church
 l BYTOWN MUSEUM: Commissariat                  		 Gladstone Clayworks
                                                                                              l Stadacona Hall-Brunei High
		 Building                                      l Enriched Bread Artists

 l Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. 		             l The Loft Art Studios N                    		 Commission
                                                                                              l Wallis House
 l St. Paul’s Eastern United Church             6. Percy at Somerset
 l The Ottawa Mission                            l Christ Church Cathedral

 l HI-Ottawa Jail Hostel                         l Dominican University College

 l Ottawa Art Gallery                            l Joyful Land Kadampa Buddhist

3. Wellington between                            l Flora Hall Brewing

                                                 l Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church
		 Bank & Kent
 l Bank of Canada
 l Supreme Court of Canada                      7. Laurier Ave. W. before
 l St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
                                                		 pedestrian crosswalk
 l St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
                                                		 in front of City Hall
 l Library and Archives Canada                   l Heritage Building and Ottawa
                                                                                             FREE: Ride the Doors Open
 l Mill St. Brewpub-Thompson Perkins            		 City Hall, and Ottawa Sports Hall of      Ottawa Shuttle Bus
		 Building                                     		 Fame
                                                                                             June 1 and 2,
 l Library of Parliament – Former Bank           l Lisgar Collegiate Institute

                                                 l Embassy of the Czech Republic
                                                                                             from 10 am to 4 pm
		 of Nova Scotia
                                                 l Knox Presbyterian Church

                                                                                             See next page
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
Green Island

                                                                                                                                                    Ile Verte

                                                                                                                                                                                     Porter Island                                VAN
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       7 Bayview



      (Sat. only /

   Samedi seulement)

       4                                                                                                                                                   OTTAWA




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              Shuttle routing                                             Shuttle stop
              Trajet de la navette                                        Arrêt de la navette

Doors Open Ottawa unlocks more than 130 of the area’s most architecturally
interesting and historically significant buildings, many of which are not normally
open to the public.
Embassies, places of worship, museums, artist studios, architectural firms,
and science labs are yours to explore free of charge.
For more information and building participation times
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
1. AIDS Committee of Ottawa
19 Main St.
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
The AIDS Committee of Ottawa (ACO)
has served the HIV/AIDS community for
over 30 years, providing education and
support services. The home of the ACO
features a drop-in centre known as the
Living Room. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.

2. Algonquin College
   DARE District
1385 Woodroffe Ave., Building C
Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
A place for Discovery, Applied Research,
and Entrepreneurship. Experience virtual
reality demos, 3D printed artifacts, and
more in this new, uniquely designed cen-
tre home to a new Indigenous Learning
Commons, an Outdoor Gathering Circle,
and an Institute for Indigenization. W, A,
                                             Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. Architects, by Alvin Abulencia, # 7
P, F, B, OCT.

3. All Saints Anglican 			 4. allsaints event space                                           5. Bank of Canada
   Church, Greely          315 Chapel Street                                                  234 Wellington St.
7103 Parkway Rd.                             Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                        Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED               Once the site of Canada’s only royal             The Bank of Canada’s head office
Built in 1889, on land donated by Richard    wedding and parish of many prominent             combines classic and modern architec-
Stanley, All Saints Greely was dedicated     Canadians, allsaints was purchased by            ture. Tour the striking garden atrium, a
in honour of those saintly persons who       a partnership of businesses and resi-            typical meeting room and the art deco
have no special day in the year. This        dents. The multi-purpose space features          marble lobby of the original Centre block
small church has 10 stained glass win-       stunning WWI memorial stained glass              building. The Bank of Canada Museum
dows and 16 benches for a congregation       windows, beautifully repointed stone, and        will also offer interactive exhibitions. Visit
of 75 parishioners. W, A, P, F, B, T.        a rare nine-bell chime in the tower. W, A, for informa-
                                             F, B, T, S, OCT.                                 tion. W, A, F, S, OCT.

                                                Key to facilities
        Reminder: Before                        W      =   Public washrooms
   embarking on your Doors                      A      =   Accessible Access
    Open Ottawa adventure,                      P      =   Free parking nearby
   visit                    B      =   Bike parking
          to confirm any                        $P     =   Metered/paid parking nearby
      last-minute changes                       F      =   Family friendly
        to the availability                     S      =   Shuttle route
        of buildings listed
                                                T      =   Guided tours
           in this guide.
                                                R      =   Pre-registration required
                                                OCT    =   OC Transpo route nearby
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
6. Barber - Carving & 			 8. Bayview Yards                                                 10. Beechwood Cemetery
   Sculpture Inc.         7 Bayview Rd.                                                    280 Beechwood Ave.
1520 Triole St.                               Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED               Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 3 pm
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     The former City of Ottawa Workshops    Founded in 1873, Beechwood was
Visit the 800-square-foot sculpting studio    Building #4 at Bayview Yards is a heri-designated a National Historic Site in
used for drawing, clay modelling and          tage designated, circa 1941, industrial2001 because of its key role in Canadian
plaster casting. The studio is equipped       building. The retrofit and upgrade of the
                                                                                     heritage. Over 400 famous burials reside
with carving stations for employees and       building is an adaptive reuse with ele-on the grounds. Please meet in front of
students enrolled in carving classes.         ments of preservation and restoration, the Beechwood Mausoleum. Tours are
Most commissions are for larger projects,     described as an unadorned example of a available as follows:
such as the restoration of West Block on      Modern Style industrial building. W, A, P,
                                                                                      • Mausoleum – Sat. & Sun.,
Parliament Hill. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.       F, B, T, S, OCT.                           10 am to 3 pm
                                                                                      • National Memorial Centre and Hall of
7. Barry Padolsky Associates 		 9. Beckta Dining & Wine Bar – 		                         Colours – Sun. only, 10 am to 12 pm
    Inc. Architects, Mercury 		                The Grant House                        • Historical walking tours -
    Court Building                         150   Elgin  St., Unit  100                   Sat. 10:30 am (History of Ottawa
377 Dalhousie St., Suite 202               Sat. 10 am to 2 pm/Sun. CLOSED                including mayors) and 1:30 pm
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED             Beckta is a landmark fine dining restau-      (General History of Beechwood)
Originally built in 1923 as Larocque’s De- rant that relocated to the historic Grant     (90 min. per tour).
partment Store, Mercury Court was ren-     House in 2014. The building has a             Sun. at 10:30 am (History of
ovated and expanded by Barry Padolsky heritage designation for both the interior         Canadian Security Forces, Canadian
Associates Inc. Architects from 1989 to    and exterior, and was the home and            Forces, RCMP, CSIS and Ottawa
1993; it is now home to this architectural workplace of Dr. James Grant, Canada’s        Police Service) and 1:30 pm (General
firm. Features include the “Flying Mercu- first Surgeon General. W, A, P, F, B, $P,      History of Beechwood) (90 min. per
ry” weathervane, which adorned the Sun T, S, OCT.                                        tour). W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.
Life Building until 1949. W, A, F, $P, S,
OCT.                                                                                 11. Ben Franklin
                                                                                     		 Place - Meridian Theatres
                                                                                     		 @ Centrepointe
                                                                                           101 Centrepointe Dr.
                                                                                           Sat. 10 am to 4 pm / Sun. CLOSED
                                                                                           Opened in May 1988, the theatre is
                                                                                           owned and operated by the City of Ot-
                                                                                           tawa. It offers community programming,
                                                                                           and provides a venue for commercial
                                                                                           promoters and local groups like Orpheus,
                                                                                           Les Petits Ballets, and Suzart Produc-
                                                                                           tions. Members of Orpheus will be on
                                                                                           hand to give an insider’s view of their pro-
                                                                                           duction, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
                                                                                           W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.

                                                                                           12. Billings Estate Artefact
                                                                                           		 Collection Storage
                                                                                           172 Guigues St.
                                                                                           Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
                                                                                           Explore behind the scenes of the Billings
                                                                                           Estate National Historic Site artefact
                                                                                           collection, listen to the stories these trea-
Ben Franklin Place - Meridian Theatres @ Centrepointe, #11
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
17. Canadian Conservation
                                                                                             1030 Innes Rd.
                                                                                             Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
                                                                                             Discover the fascinating world of heritage
                                                                                             conservation and conservation science!
                                                                                             Learn how the Institute supports muse-
                                                                                             ums, archives, and historic sites of Can-
                                                                                             ada in conserving heritage collections
                                                                                             so they can be accessed by current and
                                                                                             future generations. W, A, P, F, B, OCT.

                                                                                             18. Canadian Guide Dogs for
                                                                                             		 the Blind National Training
                                                                                             4120 Rideau Valley Drive N.,
                                                                                             Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Beechwood Cemetery, #10                                                                      Opened in Manotick in 1988, the property
                                                                                             includes a residence building, where
                                                                                             blind or visually impaired individuals live
sures tell, and learn how the City cares      River enjoyed by members year round,           for a 25-day training course to bond and
for historic artefacts. Investigate an object and is available to host private weddings      train with their guide dog. There is also a
and see what secrets it can unlock! W, A, and events. W, A, P, F, OCT.                       kennel, where 20 to 30 dogs reside while
P, F, B, T, S, OCT.                                                                          in formal training. W, A, P, F, B, T.
                                              15. BYTOWN MUSEUM:
13. Billings Estate National 		 		 Commissariat Building                                19. Canadian Space Services
		 Historic Site                              1 Canal Lane                              2336 Craig’s Side Rd., Carp
2100 Cabot St.                               Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                       Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
Sat. 10 am to 1 pm/                          Discover the secrets hidden within Otta-        In 1960, this satellite communications
Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                           wa’s oldest stone building, the Commis-         (SATCOM) station was built and used be-
Braddish Billings, the first permanent       sariat, home of the BYTOWN MUSEUM!              tween NATO countries until 1999. A 68-ft.
settler of Gloucester Township, built        Learn about this spectacular heritage           diameter metal space frame radar dome
Ottawa’s oldest wood-frame house from        building from the foundation to the             sits on the roof providing protection for
1827-1829. Learn about the evolution of      rafters, the vault, and stories of its former   the SATCOM antenna it houses. It is now
the property, and explore the history of     uses and inhabitants 192 years later. W,        headquarters for the Canadian Space
water in Ottawa from the Champlain Sea       A, F, B, T, S, OCT.                             Services Ltd., CSS Wind Inc., and Rocky
to 19th century mineral spring spas with a                                                   Mountain Equipment Ltd. W, A, P, F, B, T.
new exhibition. W, P, F, B, T, OCT.          16. Canada Council Art Bank
                                             921 St. Laurent Blvd.                           20. Canmet Bells Corners
14. Britannia Yacht Club                     Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
                                                                                             		 Research Complex
2777 Cassels St. (North side                 The Canada Council Art Bank is home             1 Haanel Dr.
of Tennis Courts at the end of               to over 17,000 contemporary Canadian            Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Cassels St.)                                 artworks. Enjoy a behind-the-scenes tour        Peek into pilot-scale facilities that are
Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm               of the Art Bank with art experts and view       priming the Canadian market for a green
Established in 1887, the renovated           a thematic display of artworks related to       future based on clean fossil fuels, bio-
clubhouse boasts the beautiful Dragon        the creative work we do at home, and the        energy, green mining, and renewables,
Lounge where visitors can see a unique       creative ways artists reimagine the home.       which are improving oil sands extraction,
bar fashioned out of a dragon sailboat. It   W, A, P, F, B, OCT.
offers one of the best views of the Ottawa
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
steelmaking, transportation fuels, and       24. Christ Church Bells 			 26. Christ the Saviour
more! Closed shoes required. Restricted      		 Corners Chapel & 			 		 Orthodox Church
access. Minors must be accompanied by        		Cemetery                  721 Somerset St. W
an adult. No photos, video, or smoking.      3861 Old Richmond Rd.                       Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
W, A, P, F, B.                               Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              A 3-domed Byzantine church, built in
                                            The Bells Corners Union Cemetery dates       1968. Most striking are the frescoes, the
21. Carleton Immersive Media 		 from 1853 and is located on land given                   icons, and the nine ornate chandeliers.
		 Studio (CIMS)                            by the community founder, Hugh Bell.         Special event @ 2:15 pm - A guided tour
1125 Colonel By Dr., Visualization          In 1876, the Anglican congregation built     of the church and a sacred concert of a
and Simulation Building                     the church, which is still in use today.     cappella Orthodox liturgical music by the
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              Hear stories behind the stained glass,       church choir at 3 pm. Afterwards, enjoy a
Carleton Immersive Media Studio (CIMS) wood paneling and personages in the               self-guided tour of the historic Holy Trinity
is a Carleton University research centre    cemetery. After the guided tour, enjoy a     church hall (a former firehall) built in
that develops innovative, hybrid applica-   Historical Strawberry Tea. W, A, P, F, B,    1913. W, A, P, F, $P, T, S, OCT.
tions of digital technologies for architec- T, OCT.
tural rehabilitation and conservation. The                                               27. Church of St. Bartholomew
work engages technologies that connect      25. Christ Church Cathedral 		               125 MacKay St.
digital acquisition, building information   		Ottawa                                     Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
modelling, simulation and fabrication. W, 414 Sparks St.                                 Founded in 1867, the heritage desig-
A, F, B, $P, T, OCT.                        Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    nated church was designed by architect
                                            The original parish, Christ Church           Thomas Seaton Scott on land donated by
22. Carleton Masonic Lodge 		 Bytown, was established in 1832 on                         the estate of Thomas MacKay, founder of
		 465 A.F.A.M                              unceded Algonquin territory. In 1870,        New Edinburgh. Discover artefacts about
3704 Carp Rd.                               architect King Arnoldi was commissioned      Canada’s Governor Generals and the
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              to build a bigger church in English Gothic   Governor General’s Foot Guards. A, P, F,
Originally built in 1904, the first lodge   style to harmonize with the new Parlia-      B, OCT.
was destroyed in 1920 by the great fire in ment buildings. Named the Cathedral of
Carp. The lodge today, which had once       the Diocese in 1897, it is often used for
been Carp’s Presbyterian Church, was        ecumenical, interfaith, and state events.
purchased in 1925 to replace it. Accen-     W, A, P, F, B, T, S, OCT.
tuated by original stained glass windows,
the interior features beautiful oak furni-
ture used by a military Masonic Lodge in
France during the WWI. W, A, P, F, B, T.

23. Carp Exhibit Hall
3790 Carp Rd., Carp
Sat. 8 am to 1 pm/Sun. CLOSED
The red painted frame building with white
trim remains a focal point in the Carp
area. One of the few remaining octagonal
fairground buildings once so popular in
Ontario, it continues to function as the
main hall for the Carp Fair, and the popu-
lar Carp Farmers’ Market. W, A, P, F, B.

                                             Bank of Canada, #5
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
28. City of Ottawa Archives, 		 opened in 1915. It was named after the                     35. Discovery Centre, Carleton
		 Rideau Branch                           Duke of Connaught, 3rd son of Queen             		University
6581 Fourth Line Rd., North Gower Victoria and Governor General of Canada                  1125 Colonel By Dr., MacOdrum
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                  1911 to 1916. Designated a Classified           Library, 4th Floor
Rideau Archives, built in 1876, is a       federal heritage building, the structure        Sat. 12 pm to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
one-storey, brick-faced example of a       is considered the “Crown Jewel” of the          The Discovery Centre is a 9,500 sq ft col-
modest hall with fine proportions, care-   Canada Revenue Agency. Access limited           laborative workspace for undergraduate
ful detailing and a cupola. The archival   to the Mackenzie lobby and 8th flr board-       research. The dynamic learning environ-
collection highlights material from south- room. A, F, B, T, S, OCT.                       ment is outfitted with ergonomic, acces-
ern rural Ottawa. The exhibit features                                                     sible and stylish furniture, state-of-the-art
the history of North Gower’s main street   32. Cumberland Heritage 		                      technology, and three Library Labora-
as a part of a forthcoming history of the  		 Village Museum                               tories (Gaming, Learning, Multi-Media)
village. W, A, P, F, B.                    2940 Old Montreal Rd.                           available for students and faculty. W, A,
                                             Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     $P, OCT.
29. CKCU FM - University 		 Visit historic and reproduction buildings
		Centre                                      on picturesque grounds that depict rural     36. Dominican University
1125 Colonel By Dr., Room 517,                life in the 1920s and 1930s. Tour an         		College
5th Floor, University Centre                  operational sawmill, blacksmith shop, a      96 Empress Ave.
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm /Sun. CLOSED               one-room school house, a 1927 Imperial       Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/
CKCU is Canada’s oldest campus com-           Gas garage, a 1904 church and family         Sun. 1 pm to 4 pm
munity radio station. It broadcasts live      homes. Experience the new permanent          The beautiful stone structure displays
24 hours a day to a 100 km radius on FM exhibition, Dairy in the Interwar Period, at       the vaulted ceilings typical of neo-Gothic
93.1 and around the world on ckcufm.          Taylor Barn! W, A, P, F, B, T.               design, and an interior courtyard opens
com. Enjoy station tours with the hosts to                                                 onto elegant gardens. The highly reputed
learn about the world of radio. Buses and 33. Dickinson House                              library is distinguished by stained glass,
the O-Train stop on campus. It is also        1127 Mill St., Manotick                      and the Wilson Room is dedicated to
accessible via city bike paths. W, A, F, B, Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                      antiquated books dating back to the 15th
$P, OCT.                                      Built in 1867 by M.K. Dickinson, founder     century. W, A, P, F, B, T, S, OCT.
                                              of the village of Manotick, this 150-year-
30. Congregation Machzikei 		 old house was the residence of the Dick-                     37. Dormition of the Virgin
		Hadas			                                    inson, Spratt and Watson families, owner/    		 Mary Greek Orthodox
2310 Virginia Dr.                             operators of the grist mill, from 1870 to    		Church
Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                1972. The house was visited by Sir John      1315 Prince of Wales Dr.
In 1907, the congregation first began         A. Macdonald during the 1887 General         Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/
offering services in a Murray Street                                                       Sun. 10 am to 2 pm
                                              Election. W, A, P, F, B, T.
apartment. By 1973, it had permanently                                                     Built in 1975, and designed by architect
relocated to the Alta Vista area. In July                                                  Konstantinos Zourdoumis in neo-Byz-
                                              34. Diefenbunker: Canada’s
2019, it will celebrate 100 years since its 		 Cold War Museum                             antine style with its domed structure.
incorporation. It’s the first synagogue in    3929 Carp Rd.                                Highlights include hand-painted Byzan-
the history of the Commonwealth to be         Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    tine icons on the domed ceiling and walls,
granted a Coat of Arms. Please pre-regis- The Diefenbunker: Canada’s Cold War              hand-carved wood Iconostasion wall of
ter at Photo Museum is a four-storey Cold War bun-               icons in front of the Altar, and mosaic
ID is required at the door. W, A, P, F, B, T, ker built to protect the government from     tiles. Services at 10 am on Sunday. W, A,
R, OCT.                                       a nuclear attack. Once top-secret, this      P, F, B, T, OCT.
                                              underground facility is now open year-
31. Connaught Building                        round. Free 30-minute highlight tours in
555 MacKenzie Ave.                            French and English by reservation only.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     Visit in early May to
Built in Modified Norman style and            reserve your space. W, A, P, F, T, R.
designed by David Ewart, Connaught
DOORS OPEN OTTAWA 2019 - June 1 and 2 - City of Ottawa
38. Earnscliffe, British High
    Commissioner’s Official
140 Sussex Dr.
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
This National Historic Site of Canada is
best known as the home of Canada’s first
Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald.
Built of local limestone between 1855 and
1857 by John MacKinnon, this Victorian
manor has been home to successive
British High Commissioners to Canada
since 1930. W, F, S, OCT.

39. Embassy of Algeria,
		 Fleck-Paterson House
500 Wilbrod St.
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Built in 1901 by J.R. Booth for his daugh-
ter, Gertrude Fleck, the house remained
her private residence until her death in
1940. It was then purchased by Senator
Norman Paterson, who resided there
until his death in 1983. The house was
bought by the Algerian Embassy in 2002
and is now used as a chancery. W, P, B,

40. Embassy of the Czech
		Republic                  41. Embassy of the Republic                                   building’s plaque with the Latin proverb:
251 Cooper St.              		 of Croatia                                                 Audaces Fortuna Juvat meaning Fortune
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                229 Chapel St.                              Favours the Bold, can still be seen. It’s
Construction dates back to 1879, and is       Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              now home to artists’ studios continuing to
typical of late Victorian vernacular archi-   Known as Toller House, it was built in      sustain Ottawa. W, P, F, B, S, OCT.
tecture. In 1913 it was enlarged to twice     the Domestic Gothic Revival style by
its size, and by 1957, the Liberal Feder-     architects Henry Horsey and J. Sheard in    43. Faculty of Medicine,
ation was using it as their headquarters.     1875. The building was home to Frederic     		 University of Ottawa
The University Club bought the property       Toller, Auditor General of the Dominion’s   		 (Roger Guindon Hall - RGN)
in 1970, and in 2000, it became the           Currency in the 1880s, and in 1999 it       451 Smyth Rd.
Czech Embassy. Portions of the building       became the Embassy of Croatia. Guided       Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
were carefully renovated in 2006. Guided      tours on ground level only. P, F, $P, S,    uOttawa’s Faculty of Medicine is a leader
tours on ground floor only. W, F, B, $P, S,   OCT.                                        in medical education and research since
OCT.                                                                                      1945. Roger Guindon Hall is home to
                                              42. Enriched Bread Artists                  physicians-in-training, scientists, and
                                              951 Gladstone Ave.                          some of Canada’s top biomedical re-
                                              Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                   searchers. Discover state-of-the-art
                                              Enriched Bread Artists is celebrating its   research facilities, interactive workshops
                                              27th year in the former Standard Bread      and hands-on science activities. Guided
                                              Company building. Opened in 1924, the       tours (EN and FR). W, A, B, T, OCT.
44. Fairfields Heritage House                 46. First Church of Christ, 		 48. French Embassy in Canada
3080 Richmond Rd.                             		Scientist                    42 Sussex Dr.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     288 Metcalfe St.                              Sat. 9 am to 5 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Fairfields Heritage House, a 19th cen-        Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     An example of 1930s Art Deco, built
tury Gothic revival farmhouse, was the
                             Built in 1913, architect J.P. MacLaren                         primarily of materials from Quebec and
first heritage property designated by
                             designed it in Classic Italian style. Using                    France. For the first time, the Salon de
the former municipality of Nepean. Five
                             Ohio sandstone, Corinthian columns,                            l’hon. George W. Vari (formerly the Birch
generations of the Bell family lived in the
                             pediments, a recessed doorway and a                            Bark room) will be open to the public. No
home, becoming successful in farming,
                             temple plan, it features an auditorium and                     strollers, backpacks, metal objects, food
law and political endeavours. Guided
                             a Casavant pipe organ. No photos during                        or drinks. Photography limited. Pre-regis-
tours available. W, P, F, T, OCT.
                             Sunday service. Organ demonstrations at                        tration required at https://ca.ambafrance.
                             12:45 and 2:00 pm both days. W, A, P, F,                       org between May 23 and June 1. Limited
45. First Baptist Church 			 $P, T, S, OCT.                                                 passes are available. A, F, P, R, OCT.
140 Laurier Ave. W.          47. Flora Hall Brewing                                         49. Fung Loy Kok Institute of
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                37 Flora St.                                  		 Taoism Ottawa Branch
(Sunday church service from                   Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 12 pm                    		Centre
10:30 to 11:45 am)                            Built in the 1920s as an electrical garage,   2930 Carling Ave.
Designed by James Mather in the Gothic        then an auto garage, and now after being      Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Revival style, the cornerstone of the         empty for over 10 years, rescued and          The Ottawa Branch of the Fung Loy Kok
church was laid on July 26, 1877 by then      renovated as a craft brewery. The original    Institute of Taoism is home to a shrine
PM Alexander Mackenzie. The church            stucco facade, garage door and iconic         dedicated to Guanyin, the bodhisattva
was designated a civic historic building in   arch have all been maintained. Come see       of compassion, as well as three Star
1985. The sanctuary features interesting      how great beer is made! W, A, F, B, $P,       Deities. The main practice hall is where
stained glass windows - one with an Otta-     T, S, OCT.                                    Taoist arts, such as Taoist Tai Chi®, Lok
wa Valley theme. W, A, B, $P, T, S, OCT.                                                    Hup Ba Fa, chanting and meditation, are
                                                                                            practiced. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.

                                                                                            50. Global Centre for Pluralism
                                                                                            330 Sussex Dr.
                                                                                            Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
                                                                                            Located in the former Public Archives
                                                                                            building from 1905 to 1967, and the Ca-
                                                                                            nadian War Museum from 1967 to 2005,
                                                                                            the building was transformed by a $35
                                                                                            million investment from His Highness the
                                                                                            Aga Khan. It’s now home to an organi-
                                                                                            zation seeking to deepen understanding
                                                                                            about the sources of inclusion and exclu-
                                                                                            sion around the world. W, A, B, S, OCT.

                                                                                            Global Centre for Pluralism, #50
51.Gloucester Historical Society
4550B Bank St.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
Built in 1962, the Gloucester Historical
Society resides in the former Gloucester
Township Hall. Volunteers will address
questions and offer tours of the Glouces-
ter museum artefacts. Historic St. James
Anglican Church will also be open next
door. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.

52. Goulbourn Museum
2064 Huntley Rd., Stittsville
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
Built in 1872, the Goulbourn Museum
used to be the old Town Hall, home to
council meetings, parties, and dances.
The adjacent History Centre building was
built in 1961, and was the former Clerks
building. It’s now used as office space,
and stores the Museum’s collection of
over 9,000 artefacts. W, A, P, F, B, T.
                                             HI-Ottawa Jail Hostel, by Samantha Harb, # 56
53. Heritage Building and
		 Ottawa City Hall
110 Laurier Ave. W., Elgin St.               55. Hindu Temple of Ottawa-		 57. HMCS Carleton
Entrance                                     		 Carleton Inc.              79 Prince of Wales Dr.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    4835 Bank St.                                   Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Designed by R.W. Strickland and Kivas        Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                  Completed in 2015, this state of the art
                                  Designed according to specific religious
Tully, the Heritage Building features high                                                   military facility provides training for sailors
                                  architectural traditions, the temple stands
Victorian design. Formerly the teachers’                                                     in the nation’s capital. This is where Can-
                                  as a monument to Hindu heritage in
college, it became Ottawa City Hall after                                                    ada’s sailors learn and practice their skills
                                  Ottawa. It is home to many deities and
municipal amalgamation. Saturday only:                                                       before they head to sea in the service of
                                  shrines sculpted in India made of gran-
Coffee in the Mayor’s Office from 10 am                                                      their country. W, A, P, F, $P, T, OCT.
                                  ite, marble and bronze. Please remove
to noon. W, A, F, B, $P, T, S, OCT.
                                  shoes upon entering. No photos of                          58. Irving Greenberg Theatre
54. Heritage Building - Ottawa 		 shrines or deities. W, A, P, F, T, OCT.                    		 Centre - Home of the GCTC
		 Sport Hall of Fame                                                                        1233 Wellington St. W.
110 Laurier Ave. W                56. HI-Ottawa Jail Hostel                                  Sat. 12 pm to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    75 Nicholas St.                                 The Irving Greenberg Theatre Centre,
Housed under the Mayor’s office in the       Sat. 10 am to 4 pm /Sun. CLOSED                 home of the Great Canadian Theatre
Heritage Building at Ottawa City Hall, the   Located in the former Carleton Coun-            Company, is part of a 73,000 sq. ft.
Ottawa Sport Hall of Fame showcases          ty Gaol, the HI-Ottawa Jail Hostel is           mixed-use residential/theatrical centre.
a variety of changing exhibitions that       steeped in history. Opened as a hostel          Tour performance spaces, prop work-
celebrate Ottawa’s sporting heritage.        since 1973, this building has become an         shops, wardrobe and set construction,
Explore the 45-year history of Canada’s      international hub for backpackers and           the Lorraine ’Fritzi’ Yale gallery, and
largest running weekend, the Tamarack        travelers in the Nation’s Capital for 45        more! Visit during Doors Open, and enter
Ottawa Race Weekend, including histori-      years. W, F, $P, T, S, OCT.                     to win a 4-PLAY subscription to the 2019-
cal shirts, shoes and more. W, A, P, F, B,                                                   20 season! RSVP to
$P, T, S, OCT.                                                                               W, A, P, F, B, $P, T, R, OCT.
Downtown – Saturday

Downtown – Sunday

Central Area – Saturday

Central Area – Sunday

59. Jami Omar Mosque                           61. Joyful Land Kadampa 		 63. Laurier House National
3990 Old Richmond Rd.                          		 Buddhist Centre         		 Historic Site
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                      879 Somerset St. W.                         335 Laurier Ave. E.
Originally established in 1992, this           Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                   Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 5 pm
mosque is one of the largest in Canada.
                                Established in 1996, Joyful Land prac-                     Laurier House commemorates two of
Enjoy interactive guided tours and a day
                                tices the modern tradition of Mahayana                     Canada’s most notable prime minis-
                                Buddhism called New Kadampa Tra-
full of interesting activities for the whole                                               ters, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Rt. Hon.
family. Free gifts for everyone, free tasty
                                dition. Visit the beautiful shrine where                   William Lyon Mackenzie King. For over
refreshments, poster exhibition, cultural
                                marvelous Buddha statues can be                            50 years, from 1897 to 1948, the house
display, and more! W, A, P, F, T, OCT.
                                admired, and learn about meditation                        occupied a central position in the political
                                programs helping people to develop inner                   life of Canada, as the place of residence
60. Jean-Léon Allie Library, 		 peace. The bookshop offers a selection                     of Laurier and, after his death, of Mack-
		 Saint Paul University        of books, ritual implements and artwork.                   enzie King. W, A, P, F, B, T, S, OCT.
223 Main St.                    W, P, F, B, $P, T, S, OCT.
Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                                                 64. Lemieux Island Water
Saint Paul University’s Jean-Léon Allie        62. Knox Presbyterian Church 		     Purification Plant
Library was created in 1937, boasting the      		Ottawa                        1 Onigam St.
largest theological collection in Canada,      120 Lisgar St.                              Saturday 10 am to 4 pm/
with over half a million items. The col-       Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/                         Sun. CLOSED
lection boasts many treasures, including       Sun. 1 pm to 4 pm                           The Lemieux Island Water Purification
more than 30,000 rare books, most of           Knox was completed in 1933, and             Plant opened in 1932 and has maintained
them printed before 1800, and 12 incu-         combines elements of English Gothic         its architectural magnificence through 85
nabula; the oldest dates from 1475. W, A,      and Norman Church architecture. The         years of modernization. From the Queen-
P, F, B, $P, T, OCT.                           Sanctuary is simple and unadorned yet       ston limestone exteriors to a gallery
                                               beautiful, accented by soaring columns      made of Hauteville marble, come see
                                               and different marble and stone materials,   where Ottawa purifies its world class tap
                                               and two stained glass windows. W, A, P,     water. Last tour 3:15 pm. French Tours
                                               F, B, T, S, OCT.                            available at 11 am and 2 pm. Parking is
                                                                                           limited. W, P, F, B, T, S.

                                                                                           65. Library and Archives
                                                                                           395 Wellington St.
                                                                                           Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
                                                                                           Library and Archives Canada consists
                                                                                           of two four-storey wings and a central
                                                                                           nine-storey tower. The lower floors, com-
                                                                                           prised of glass, form part of the boundary
                                                                                           of a raised courtyard leading to Welling-
                                                                                           ton Street. Collections are housed in the
                                                                                           central tower, which is studded with small
                                                                                           square windows. Guided tours will be
                                                                                           offered. W, A, P, F, B, T, S, OCT.

                                                                                           Lemieux Island Water Purification Plant, #64
66. Library of Parliament - 		 ly beautiful prayer hall. We offer friendly                 72. Mulligan Building, Health
		 Former Bank of              interactive guided tours, free snacks and                   		 Canada, Product Safety
		 Nova Scotia                 poster exhibition. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.                   		 Laboratory
125 Sparks St.                                                                             1800 Walkley Rd.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                       70. Mill Street Brew Pub 			 Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Discover the interim Main Library inside a      		 Ottawa, Thompson Perkins Mulligan Building has been home to
former bank designed in 1924 by Canadi-         		Building                                 Health Canada’s Product Safety Labora-
an Beaux-Arts architect John Lyle. In this      555 Wellington Ave.                        tory since 1995. Remember lawn darts?
unique setting where modernism rubs             Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                  Health Canada scientists, technicians
against a classical aesthetic, learn about      Mill St. Brew Pub Ottawa opened in 2012 and engineers conduct tests and develop
the Library of Parliament’s collections         within the historic Thompson-Perkins       methods to identify chemical, electrical,
and services as well as have a look at its      & Bronson Pulp Mill. Built in 1842, the    mechanical and flammability hazards re-
new reading room, upgraded in 2018. A,          limestone building is Ottawa’s oldest      garding consumer products. Celebrating
P, B, S, OCT.                                   surviving mill that was once an integral   100 years of health, join us to learn more
                                                part of one of the world’s largest lumber  about consumer product safety! W, A, P,
67. Lisgar Collegiate Institute                 operations. The beautifully restored site  F, B, OCT.
29 Lisgar St.                                   offers unique views of the Capital and ac-
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                  cess to the Ottawa River. Enjoy guided     73. National Arts Centre
The oldest school in the Ottawa Carleton        tours of the brewery and grounds. W, A,    1 Elgin St.
District School Board, it was named             P, F, B, T, S, OCT.                        Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
after Canada’s second Governor Gen-                                                        June 2, 2019 is the National Arts Centre’s
eral. Designed by W.T. Thomas and W.            71. Mosque of Mercy                        50th birthday! In celebration, the NAC
Chesterton as a Gothic Revival limestone        1216 Hunt Club Rd.                         invites you to explore backstage, perform
structure in 1874, it features pointed          Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED             on stage, and enjoy free events and sur-
arches, buttresses, decorative quoins,          Visit the Mosque of Mercy, one of the      prise performances throughout the day.
crenellated towers and oriel windows. W,        largest and most beautiful mosques         Enjoy the public spaces, part of the 2017
P, F, B, $P, T, S, OCT.                         in Ottawa. Fully opened in May 2016,       architectural rejuvenation. Did you know
                                                the mosque offers guided tours of the      - In 1969, the NAC’s opening weekend
68. Maplelawn Historical			                     community hall, prayer area, library and   was attended by 40,000 people! W, A, P,
		Garden                                        more. Light refreshments will be served.   F, B, $P, S, OCT.
529 Richmond Rd.                                W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.
Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
In the 19th century there were many fine
houses in Ontario, but few were graced
with walled gardens. The walled garden
at Maplelawn is a rare example and has
been exceptionally well preserved. About
125 species of plants, most of them pe-
rennials, still thrive here. A, P, F, B, OCT.

69. Masjid Bilal
4509 Innes Rd.
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Welcome to a warm welcoming religious
establishment with unique architectural
design. Bilal Masjid is a good example
of modern Islamic architecture, with a
prominent minaret, dome and a stunning-

                                                National Arts Centre tower, # 73

74. National Gallery of Canada        Canadian and Indigenous Galleries and      75. Nepean Museum
380 Sussex Dr.                        the country’s finest collection of Euro-   16 Rowley Ave.
Sat. N/A / Sun. 10 am to 6 pm         pean art. Admission rates apply to the     Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
(Open Sat. June 1 - regular           special exhibition Gauguin: Portraits.     The Nepean Museum is a space where
admission rates apply)                W, A, F, B, $P, S, OCT.                    kids and families can learn and explore
On Sunday, June 2nd, see Canada’s                                                together. In 2019, the exhibition gallery
visual arts treasures. Discover our                                              was completely renovated to showcase
Nepean’s history, and includes new pan-
els, artefacts and hands-on interactives.
There is also a window into collections
storage so visitors can have a look be-
hind the scenes. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.

76. Nepean Sailing Club
3259 Carling Ave.

                 elle       d
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED

           a n c
Established in 1979, the Nepean Sailing
Club is a family-oriented, volunteer based
organization dedicated to promoting and
encouraging active participation in the
sport of sailing and recreational boating.
Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects won an
architectural award in 1990 for the design
of the main clubhouse. W, A, P, F, B, T.

77. New Hydro Ottawa
		 Generating Station at 		 Ottawa Fire Station 24, #83
		 Chaudière Falls
4 Booth St.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
The expanded Chaudière Falls generat-        79. Osgoode Township 			 81. Ottawa Birth and Wellness
ing station exemplifies responsible hydro-   		Museum                 		Centre
electric generation with minimal to zero     7814 Lawrence St., Vernon                     2260 Walkley Rd., unit 101
impact on the visual, natural and aquatic    Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
environments. Discover the state-of-the-     Discover what life was like in 19th century   The Ottawa Birth and Wellness Centre is
art facility as well as heritage elements    rural Ottawa! Visit the Agriculture Barn,     a midwife-led, community-based birthing
celebrating Canada’s First Nations and       home to an impressive collection of early     centre. From the outside, it looks like
Ottawa’s industrialist past. Closed-toe      farming tools and equipment, and explore      a regular office building, but inside, it
shoes are required (no high heels or         the 1890’s Heritage School Garden and         is designed to be a warm, comfortable
sandals). Long wait times expected. W, P,    Orchard. Learn about school gardens           space for families to welcome new babies
F, B, T, OCT.                                and sample many types of heirloom             into the world. Three birth rooms, educa-
                                             produce. W, A, P, F, B.                       tion spaces, and storage spaces fill the
78. Official Residence of the                                                              13,000+ sq foot space. W, A, P, F, B, T,
		 Embassy of Denmark                        80. Ottawa Art Gallery                        OCT.
1420 Lisgar Rd.                              50 Mackenzie King Bridge
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     82. Ottawa Chinese Bible
Built in a classic 1970’s Danish style,      Spanning five floors and more than            		Church
the Official Residence of the Embassy        55,000 sq ft, the Ottawa Art Gallery          31 Graham Ave.
of Denmark was designed by Danish ar-        features the Firestone Collection of          Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
chitects Jarl Heger, and Karen and Ebbe      Canadian Art, a gallery for OAG’s Per-        The Ottawa Chinese Bible Church
Clemmensen. The 4,790 sq ft structure        manent Collection, two outdoor rooftop        recently renovated the former Wesley
represents the modern timelessness of        terraces, a large multi-purpose room with     United Church building which served
Danish design, and the architectural style   retractable seating for 250, and the OAG      the Old Ottawa East community for over
is a combination of rustic and modern        hands-on Studio for school and commu-         60 years. The renovation combines
simplicity, with an emphasis on natural      nity programs. Come take a sneak peek         the charm of the original building with
light, openness and easy circulation         of the Pink Art Storage Vaults. W, A, F, B,   modern accessible design. W, A, P, F, B,
within the space. W, P, F, B, T.             $P, T, S, OCT.                                T, OCT.
83. Ottawa Fire Station 24                    86. Ottawa Main Mosque                       88. Ottawa Paramedic Service
230 Viewmount Dr.                             251 Northwestern Ave.                        		Headquarters
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun.                       Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    2495 Don Reid Dr.
CLOSED                                        With a very distinct architectural design,   Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
Ottawa Fire Services welcomes the             the Ottawa Main Mosque is hard to      Opened in 2005, the 100,000 sq ft
public to tour a fire station within their    miss with its raised minaret and central
                                                                                     Ottawa Paramedic Service Headquarters
community. Visitors will also be offered      dome. It can hold up to 700 people,    is a state-of-the-art facility. It houses all
fire truck tours and a meet and greet with    and includes a two-storey prayer hall, paramedic operations (except for medical
firefighters. Minimal parking available on    library and basement used for meetings,dispatching), a vehicle depot, and admin-
site. Please note: Hazmat demonstra-          childcare and social events. W, A, P, F,
                                                                                     istrative service area. It’s the first building
tions will be held at 11 am and 1 pm.         B, T, OCT.                             in Ottawa to be certified as Leadership
A, F, B, T, OCT.                                                                     in Energy and Environmental Design
                                            87. Ottawa Masonic Centre/		 (LEED). W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.
84. Ottawa Fire Services 		 		 Tunis Shriners Temple
		 Station 47                               2140 Walkley Rd.                         89. Ottawa Police Service
3559 Greenbank Rd.                          Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                		 Professional Development
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              Built in 1975, the Ottawa Masonic Centre 		Centre
Ottawa Fire Services welcomes the           is filled with mystique and symbolism.   1385 Woodroffe Ave., Building P
public to tour a fire station within their  It’s home to a number of fraternal orga- Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
community. Visitors will also be offered    nizations including 12 Masonic Lodges,   The Ottawa Police Professional Develop-
fire truck tours and a meet and greet with Royal Arch Chapter, Scottish Rite Valley, ment Centre exists within the Algonquin
firefighters. Minimal parking available on  Eastern Star Chapters (ladies groups),   College Police and Public Safety Insti-
site. A, F, B, OCT.                         Rainbow Chapter (girls group), DeMolay   tute. Police training goes on all year long,
                                            Chapter (boys group) and a Shriners      including academic courses, defensive
85. Ottawa Fire Stations                    Temple. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.           tactics/scenarios and firearms training.
4 Rural Locations                                                                    New recruits, experienced officers and
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                                                       civilian members all train in this facility.
Here is an opportunity for the public to                                             W, A, F, B, $P, OCT.
tour the rural fire halls in their communi-
ties. Emphasis will be on public education
and fire safety. Enjoy demonstrations,
fire truck tours, and a meet and greet
with firefighters. Please note: Extrication
demonstrations will be held at 11 am and
1 pm at Fire Station 64 only. A, P, F.
 Station 64 - 475 Donald B. Munro Drive,
 Station 81 - 1641 Stittsville Main Street,
 Station 84 - 3449 Old Almonte Road,
 Station 93 - 6891 Parkway Road,

                                              Ottawa Art Gallery, # 80
94. Parks Canada Collections
                                                                                             		 Storage Facility
                                                                                             2630 Sheffield Rd.
                                                                                             Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
                                                                                             Visit the artifacts of Canada’s rich cul-
                                                                                             tural heritage at the National Collection
                                                                                             Storage Facility at Sheffield Road, which
                                                                                             houses historical and indigenous objects,
                                                                                             reproductions, and archaeology. This fa-
                                                                                             cility is the workplace of Collections Man-
                                                                                             agement and Curatorial staff who work to
                                                                                             preserve, study and interpret Canada’s
                                                                                             material culture. W, A, P, F, B, OCT.

                                                                                             95. Pinhey’s Point Historic Site
                                                                                             270 Pinhey’s Point Rd., Dunrobin
                                                                                             Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
                                                                                             Pinhey’s Point Historic Site stands as a
                                                                                             testament to 19th century upper to middle
                                                                                             class rural life. Built in four stages from
Royal Canadian Mint, # 100
                                                                                             1820 to 1849, the Georgian-style house
                                                                                             maintains many original features, includ-
                                                                                             ing the imposing entrance, staircase, and
90. Ottawa Rowing Club                       92. Ottawa Wedding Chapel                       servants’ quarters. Explore the history of
10 Lady Grey Dr.                             3249 York’s Corners Rd., Kenmore                rural water, from dowsing to boring wells,
Sat. 10 am to 2 pm/Sun. CLOSED               Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                  in our new temporary exhibit Water. W, A,
Established in 1867, the Ottawa Rowing       Built in 1907, the chapel has been com-         P, F, B, T.
Club is home to almost 1,000 members         pletely refurbished, offering spectacular
and is Canada’s oldest and second larg-      stained glass windows, beautiful wood,          96. Protection of the Holy
est rowing club. Located on the Ottawa       and unique curved pews. The non-de-             		 Virgin Russian Orthodox
River, it features the original boathouse    nominational chapel is categorized as a         		Church
with displays of ORC rowing history, and     heritage building, with amazing acous-          99 Stonehurst Ave.
a larger boathouse containing a fleet of     tics, an elegant aesthetic and a beautiful      Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
rowing shells. Learn about rowing and its    backyard, and is open to all faiths and         The Protection of the Holy Virgin Church
history in Ottawa! W, P, F, B, T, S, OCT.    cultures. W, P, F, T.                           was built to commemorate the 1,000-year
                                                                                             anniversary of the baptism of Russia.
91. Ottawa Tennis and Lawn 		 93. Parkdale Food Centre                                       Built according to the traditions of Rus-
		 Bowling Club               2-30 Rosemount Ave.                                            sian Church architecture, it features
176 Cameron Ave.                             Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED                  golden onion domes, a five-tiered icon
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    The Parkdale Food Centre operates as            screen, and many hand-painted icons. W,
The Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling           the Hintonburg-Mechanicsville commu-            P, F, T, S, OCT.
Club is one of Canada’s largest and          nity food bank, and has been serving
oldest tennis clubs. Celebrating its 138th   those in need for the past 25+ years. The       97. Rideau Hall
year, the OTLBC has been in its current      food bank will offer tours of the facility to   1 Sussex Dr.
location for almost 100 years. Located       show how a food bank works and how              Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
on 5 acres on the Rideau River, it has 18    it supports those less fortunate in the         Rideau Hall, with its buildings and beau-
clay tennis courts, 12 beach volleyball      community. W, A, P, F, B, T, S, OCT.            tiful grounds, is a national historic site
courts, an outdoor pool and a restaurant.                                                    and has been the official residence of the
Explore the serene setting and historic                                                      Governor General since 1867. Visit the
clubhouse. W, P, F, B, OCT.
and silver bullion, medals and medal-
                                                                                       lions. A tour explains the many different
                                                                                       coin manufacturing technologies. For
                                                                                       an unforgettable souvenir, hold a 24 kt
                                                                                       pure gold bar worth over $700,000. Tours
                                                                                       offered every 15 minutes on a first-come,
                                                                                       first-serve basis. W, A, P, F, B, $P, T, S,

                                                                                       101. Scouts Canada National
                                                                                       1345 Baseline Rd.
                                                                                       Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
                                                                                       Visit the Scouts Canada National Muse-
                                                                                       um to view impressive collections focus-
                                                                                       ing on contributions Scouting has made
                                                                                       to Canada’s Heritage. See new and
                                                                                       updated displays, including our reactivat-
                                                                                       ed Amateur Radio Station (VE3SHQ) that
                                                                                       will be “on-air” June 1 and 2 contacting
                                                                                       Amateur Radio Stations across North
                                                                                       America. Come join in the fun. W, A, P, F,
                                                                                       B, T, OCT.

                                                                                       102. Shopify
                                                                                       150 Elgin St., 6th Floor
                                                                                       Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
                                                                                       Shopify is the leading cloud-based,
                                                                                       multi-channel commerce platform on a
Supreme Court of Canada statue, by Mahyar Mazloumi, # 118                              mission to make commerce better. Otta-
                                                                                       wa’s office headquarters was designed
                                                                                       with all personalities and working styles
staterooms and learn about the history      99. Rogers tv                              in mind, from large, open, collaborative
and role of the Governor General. W, A,     475 Richmond Rd.                           spaces to small, intimate nooks. It also
P, F, B, T, OCT.                            Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED             features a variety of floor themes - can
                                          Rogers tv and tv Rogers invite you to        you guess them all?! Pre-registration
98. Rideau Valley Wildlife 		 stop by on Saturday, June 1, from 10                     required at
		Sanctuary                               am to 4 pm Come visit our studios and        e/doors-open-ottawa-shopify-
3370 Mulholland Rd., North Gower discover the fascinating world of televi-             tickets-60542583497.
Sat. & Sun. 11 am to 4 pm                 sion, volunteer programming, program         W, A, F, B, $P, T, R, S, OCT.
The Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary      proposals, etc. This is an event not to be
is a rehabilitation centre and registered missed! W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT.               103. Smart Apartment at
charity that treats injured and orphaned                                               		 Bruyère
wild mammals and reptiles. Approximate- 100. Royal Canadian Mint                       75 Bruyère St.
                                                                                       Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
ly 1,500 animals are admitted each year. 320 Sussex Dr.
Take a tour to see wildlife being fed and Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                    Bruyère is an academic health centre
treated behind one-way viewing windows, Headquartered in the historic build-           providing life changing care and re-
and enjoy several display booths and out- ing since 1908, this facility produces       search. Tour the on-site smart apartment
door activities. W, A, P, F, B, T.        hand-crafted commemorative coins, gold       and meet the researchers who are using
new technologies to explore how to opti-
mize health and quality of life for seniors.
Pre-registration required at https://www.
bruyere-tickets-56499865619. W, A, P, F,
B, $P, T, R, S, OCT.

104. Southminster United
15 Aylmer Ave.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 2 pm
Designed by Ottawa architect J. Albert
Ewart in the English Gothic Revival style,
this landmark heritage building (1931)
overlooks the Rideau Canal. The walls
are Nepean sandstone and the roof is
slate. The interior sanctuary has a high
vaulted, wood panelled ceiling and a
Casavant organ. W, A, P, F, B, OCT.

105. South Nepean Muslim
		 Community (SNMC)
3020 Woodroffe Ave.
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
Built in Barrhaven between 2011 and
2014, the building has a unique architec-      Shopify, #102
tural style that incorporates Eastern and
Western culture. The centre caters to one
of the most diverse Canadian Muslim        107. Stadacona Hall - Brunei 		 now accommodates 25 ceramic artists
communities – a multicultural community    		 High Commission                                who work together, sharing their experi-
within the larger multicultural Canadian   395 Laurier Ave. E.                               ence and skill. The public will view artists
society. Visitors will need to remove theirSat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                         at work, and a variety of finished artwork
shoes in some areas. W, A, P, F, B, T,     The two-and-a-half-storey Gothic Revival in the adjoining gallery. W, P, F, B, T, S,
OCT.                                       style limestone home was built in 1871            OCT.
                                           for lumber magnate John A. Cameron. In
106. Sri Sathya Sai Baba 			 1882, Sir John A. and Lady MacDonald                            109. St. Albans Church
		 Spiritual Centre of                     lived  there before moving     to Earnscliffe. It 454 King Edward Ave.
		Ottawa-Carleton                          has  also  been home    to the   ambassadors      (Entrance from Daly Ave.)
1694 Hunt Club Rd.                         of France and Belgium, and since 1996, it Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
(Entrance from Sable Ridge Dr.)            has been the High Commission of Brunei Designed by Thomas Fuller, architect of
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED             Darussalam. W, A, P, F, B, S, OCT.                the Houses of Parliament, St. Albans is
The spiritual centre is a unique, non-de-                                                    one of the oldest churches in Ottawa. A
nominational place of worship. Sathya      108. Standard Bread Company, 		 recent renovation received an Award of
Sai Baba’s life message is to “love all,   		 Gladstone Clayworks                            Merit for heritage restoration, and pro-
serve all” and “help ever, hurt never”,    		Co-operative                                    vides space for parish activities, theatrical
strongly promoting the Unity of Faiths as  949B     Gladstone    Ave.                        and concert events, and Centre 454, a
depicted through symbols and messages Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                              community ministry. W, A, P, F, B, $P, S,
on the centre’s pillar. Designed by M. Da- Built in 1924, the  ground   floor (east  side)   OCT.
vid Blakely, the 19,000 sq ft building was was   converted  into a  pottery  studio in
completed in 1997. W, A, P, F, B, T, OCT. 2003. The 1,800 sq ft co-operative studio
Suntech Greenhouses Ltd., #117

110. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian 		 112. St. John the Baptist 			 114. St. Mary’s Anglican Church
		Church                          		 Ukrainian Catholic Shrine  2574 Sixth Line Rd., Dunrobin
82 Kent St.                                    952 Green Valley Cres.                      Sat. & Sun. 12 pm to 4 pm
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/                            Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              New St. Mary’s was built in 1909 after the
Sun. 1 pm to 4 pm                              St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic     Old St Mary’s at Pinhey’s Point, built in
(Sunday church service at                      Shrine is in the 18th century Ukrainian     1827, was deemed structurally unsafe.
9:15 & 11 am)                                  baroque style - a synthesis of Euro-        Many of the pews and other interior fix-
In 1828, Thomas McKay built Bytown’s           pean baroque and cruciform Byzan-           tures are from the Old St. Mary’s Church,
first stone church on this site, purchased     tine-Ukrainian styles. It is designated a   which was the first Anglican church in the
from Nicholas Sparks. In 1873, archi-          Shrine because it represents the Cana-      Ottawa Diocese and is the oldest church
tect W.T. Thomas built the larger, more        dian Ukrainian Catholic community in the    in the Ottawa area. Ten stained glass
impressive Gothic Revival structure with       nation’s capital, and is decorated with     windows. W, A, P, F, B, T.
a distinctive Reformation arrangement          icons in the Byzantine style. W, A, P, F.
of pews around a high central pulpit,                                          115. St. Paul’s-Eastern United
a beautiful vaulted ceiling, and lovely        113. St. John the Evangelist 		 		Church
stained glass. W, A, P, F, T, S, OCT.          		 Anglican Church              473 Cumberland St.
                                               154 Somerset St. W. (at Elgin)              Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
111. St. James Anglican Church                 Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED              St. Paul’s-Eastern United Church is one
		Leitrim                                      (Sunday church service at 8 am              of the oldest congregations in Ottawa.
4540 Bank St.                                  and 10:15 am)                               The Romanesque Revival church was
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                      Known as “The Church with the Open          built from 1888 to 1889 for St. Paul’s
Built in 1860, St. James is an historic        Door,” St. John the Evangelist is a down-   Presbyterian Church by S.R. Badgley,
rural wood frame Anglican church. Well         town Anglican parish that broadened its     architect. It originally had a large steeple.
known for its Christmas lighting display, it   Elgin Street entrance to grow a caring      Unfortunately, the church was built on
features a Horwood stained glass window        community of those seeking God. Experi-     sand and the steeple had to be removed,
circa 1880. On June 2 at 10:30 am, bring       ence the beauty of this sacred space with   leaving a more squat building. W, A, F,
your pets and lawn chairs for a Blessing       its wooden arches and Warrior Chapel.       $P, S, OCT.
of the Animals Service. Next door, visit       W, A, P, F, B, $P, S, OCT.
the Gloucester Historical Society and
Museum. W, P, F, B, T, OCT.
116. St. Peter’s Lutheran 			 Factory, erected in 1924. Artists have                      it now provides nine artists with private
		Church                                    been creating within this space for the       studio space and is the head office to
400 Sparks St.                              past 13 years. Explore the studios and        Saint Brigid’s Centre for the Arts. Please
Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/                         discover a wide variety of artwork that       note it is not wheelchair accessible. W, F,
Sun. 12 pm to 4 pm                          includes painting, glasswork, weaving         B, $P, S, OCT.
Erected in 1952, and built of sandstone     and textiles. W, P, F, B, S, OCT.
from Nepean, the space was designed by                                                    122.		 The Royal College of
Cecil Burgess in the English Gothic Style. 120. The Ottawa Mission                        			 Physicians and Surgeons
A Bell Carillon was installed in 2017,      35 Waller St.                                 			 of Canada
three swinging bells were installed in the Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 3 pm                      774 Echo Dr.
tower in 2018, and the Casavant Organ       The Ottawa Mission (formerly the Union        Sat. 10 am to 4 pm/Sun. CLOSED
was dedicated in 1977. Stained glass        Mission for Men) was established in 1906      Located at 774 Echo Drive in Ottawa,
windows are the work of Russell Good-       to help men experiencing homelessness.        Ont., this brick building was formerly
man & Sons, installed between 1985 and It has been at its current heritage loca-          the monastery of the Sisters Adorers
1993. A, B, $P, S, OCT.                     tion since 1912, providing shelter to 236     of the Precious Blood. It was originally
                                            people each night, serving an average of      constructed in 1921, and the tall arches,
117. Suntech Greenhouses Ltd. 1,312 meals every day, and provides pro-                    striking stained glass and other key de-
5541 Doyle Rd., Manotick                    grams such as mental health, addiction        sign features reflect this long history. W,
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                   treatment, primary care, job training and     A, P, F, T, OCT.
In its four-acre greenhouse, Suntech        a hospice. W, A, F, $P, T, S, OCT.
hydroponically grows four varieties of                                                    123. Thomson Hall o/a The Keg
tomatoes, as well as mini cucumbers.        121. The Rectory Art House                    		Manor
Come see the beauty of plants in full       179 Murray St.                                529 Richmond Rd.
production; our tour will show you how      Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm                     Sat. CLOSED/Sun. 10 am to 3 pm
we grow high-quality vegetables. Don’t      Built in the early 1890s, The Rectory Art     A Georgian style estate, it was built be-
miss the tasting tables we offer! Bring the House was formerly the Rectory of Saint       tween 1831 and 1833 by William Thom-
family and friends! W, A, P, F, B, T.       Brigid’s Church. Converted into artist        son. A private residence until 1989, it has
                                            studios and office space in June 2011,        been occupied by The Keg Manor since
118. Supreme Court of Canada
301 Wellington St.
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
(1939) The Court’s distinguished pres-
ence is emphasized by its massive scale
and commanding Grand Entrance Hall.
Architect Ernest Cormier’s Art Deco
design enhances the natural beauty of
the exquisite woods and marble interior.
After delays during WWII, the Court took
possession of the building in 1946. Only
the Grand Entrance Hall and courtroom
will be open. Photography restrictions. W,
A, P, F, B, $P, T, S, OCT.

119. The Loft Art Studios
951 Gladstone Ave., 3rd Floor
Sat. & Sun. 10 am to 4 pm
The Loft Art Studios is a collective of 18
artists who share studio space on the
third floor of the former Standard Bread
                                             The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, #122
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