Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021

Page created by Erica Robertson
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
          August 15, 2021
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021     Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

                                                                                         Ellen Gallant Card Ministry
       Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish
    22 Plymouth Street, Methuen, MA 01844                                           Do you know of someone who is
    Phone: 978-686-3984 Fax: 978-686-8300                                           sick, going through difficult times,
    Email: olgcmethuen@gmail.com                                                    in the military, or may just need a
           Web: OLGCParish.com                                    little note of encouragement? Fill out the forms
                                                                  found in the church and chapel and drop them in the
                                                                  box labeled “The Ellen Gallant Card Ministry” or
     Parish Staff:               Mass Schedule:                   the weekly collection basket.
                                                                    If you’d like to help make someone’s day by join-
Very Rev. Christopher        Church & Chapel are                     ing us in this ministry, contact Donna Fawcett @
Casey, V.F.                  handicapped accessible
Pastor — Ext 25              (elevator in Church,                              donnafawcett71@comcast.net
fatherchriscasey@gmail.com   ramp at Chapel)

Rev. Mr. Steven J.           Sat. 4 pm at St. Theresa
Murphy                                                                                     Prayer Shawl Ministry
                             Church (live stream available)
Deacon—Ext 10                22 Plymouth St., Methuen, MA
deaconsteviej@aol.com                                                                Our prayer shawl gatherings are the first
                             Sun. 8 am at St. Theresa                                Wednesday of the month at 1pm in the
                             Church (live stream available)                                       parish office.
Mrs. Karen Miller
Business Manager — Ext 17    Sun. 10:30 am at
978-686-0728                 St. Augustine Chapel
OLGCBusiness@gmail.com       128 Ames St., Lawrence, MA           We welcome new folks at any time to join us in this beautiful,
                             (live stream NOT available)          simple ministry. We thank all who have donated yarn or
Mrs. Denise Mundry                                                money with which to purchase new yarn.
Parish Office—Ext 10         Daily Mass: 8 am
978-686-3984                 Monday — Friday at                   Remember: Blessed Shawls, Lapghans & Baby Blankets are
OLGCMethuen@gmail.com        St. Theresa Church                   available in the parish office.
                             (live stream available)
Lori McLaughlin                                                   Thank you and God Bless! Questions? call the parish office.
Coordinator of Music         Reconciliation:
Ministries                   By appointment only.
603-275-6486                 Call Parish Office

Jimmy Massie
                                                                                       Mission Statement
Facilities                   By appointment only.                                   Our Lady of Good Counsel
978-697-4701                 Call Parish office                                              Parish
                             Marriage:                                                Lawrence ~ Methuen
Religious Education          Arrangements must be made
Ph: 978-686-3984             at least six months in advance
Fax: 978-686-8300
                             New Parishioners:                    Our Lady of Good Counsel is a diverse multi-cultural
Mr. Mark Friedrich           Welcome! Please come to the           parish serving the Catholic community of Methuen
Coordinator of Adult Faith   Parish Office to meet us and            and Lawrence. We are committed to building a
Formation                    to register
OLGCMethuen@gmail.com                                                 community of faith intent upon God, in unity of
                                     Lawrence                                         mind and heart.
                                 Catholic Academy                 We are a family of believers, joined by our Baptism,
Mr. Mark Houle                     101 Parker St.
Coordinator Grades K-8          Lawrence, MA 01843
                                                                   and nurtured by the Eucharist. As children of God,
OLGCMethuen@gmail.com                                                we endeavor to bring the love of Christ to all we
                               www.lawrencecatholic                 meet. We are committed to be the Body of Christ,
                                                                    rooted in the tradition of the Catholic Church. To-
                                    978-683-5822                   gether we worship and praise our God. Guided by
                                                                   prayer and the counsel of the Blessed Mother, we
                                                                    minister to the community through faith formation,
                    PARISH                                        fellowship, and service. With diligence, compassion,
                 OFFICE HOURS                                      and love we endeavor to help others come to know
                                                                   and love Jesus. Empowered by grace, constant in
                   Monday to Thursday                               our mission, we strive to be led by the Holy Spirit.
                      8 am to 3 pm
                   Friday 8am to noon
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021     Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Parishioners,

As valued and honored as the Blessed Mother is in the Church today, the Bible is silent on her later years. The dra-
matic events of Mary’s youth are recorded though; consider the Annunciation, her fiat allowing the Incarnation of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth and Zechariah, the Nativity of the Lord, the
Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, the Flight into Egypt, Jesus getting lost and being found in the Temple, the
Wedding at Cana, and of course the sorrowful Passion of the Lord all feature Mary. Jesus used Mary’s visit to him
once to teach about the primacy of the love of God when he said, “Who is my mother, and who are my broth-
ers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my
Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” (Matthew 12:48-50).

From the Cross Jesus entrusted Mary’s care to the only Apostle who dared to be present at the crucifixion, St. John
the Evangelist. John recorded it in John 19:25-29: “Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His
mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the
disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the dis-
ciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.” Jesus, having no broth-
ers, needed to have someone step up to provide a home for his mother. However, the Church has always seen in
this action Jesus giving Mary the Church, and giving the Church his mother.

But what happened then? We know John lived into his 90’s, but what became of Mary? Scott Hahn writes in his
entry on Mary in the Catholic Bible Dictionary “Early traditions, historical and liturgical, are divided on the ques-
tion of Mary’s final days. Regarding her whereabouts, one tradition contends that Mary traveled to Ephesus in Asia
Minor with the apostle John; another says that she remained in Jerusalem. Regarding the end of her earthly life, one
tradition says that Mary died a natural death, while another commemorates her dormition or “falling asleep.” Both
are agreed, however, that Mary was assumed bodily into heaven. Christian antiquity confirms this by its complete
silence regarding relics of Mary and the absence of a venerated burial site. The Assumption of Mary into heaven
was defined as a Catholic dogma by Pope Pius XII in the 1950 apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus.
Hahn, S. (Ed.). (2009). In Catholic Bible Dictionary (pp. 585–586). New York; London; Toronto; Sydney; Auck-
land: Doubleday.

The Church teaches in her Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, this concerning the Assumption
of the Blessed Mother: “Finally, the Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all guilt of original sin, on the comple-
tion of her earthly sojourn, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen of
the universe, that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and the conqueror of sin and
death. (Catholic Church. (2011). Dogmatic Constitution on the Church: Lumen Gentium. In Vatican II Documents.
Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana)

We can understand Mary’s “fading into the background” in the Bible in the same way we understand St. John the
Baptist who said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30). Our understanding of the Assumption
comes first from evidence, namely there is no tomb for Mary, and surely if there were, it would have been rever-
enced even in the days of the early Church. Similarly, there are no relics. Furthermore, the understanding of the
Assumption comes from doing Theology, the work of understanding God and what his love and his plan means and
how it is being accomplished. This has helped us to understand Mary’s Immaculate Conception, her unique place
among the Saints of Heaven, and the reasons for and the truth of her glorious Assumption into Heaven. Our Lady,
assumed body and soul into Heaven, pray for us!
God Bless, Fr. Chris

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021    Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

                                 Saturday, August 14 ~ Saint Maximillian Kolbe
      4:00 pm         Peter Moschetto, Jr. ~ Requested by his family

                         Sunday, August 15 ~ The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
      8:00 am         The Deceased Members of the Third Order of Mary ~ Requested by the Members
                      Robert Boisvert ~ 2nd Anniversary ~ Requested by his family
                      Henry Dumais ~ Requested by his family
                      James Picarillo ~ Requested by his family
                      Special Intention ~ anonymous
                      All Living Members of the Parish

      10:30 am        Carmela Autieri ~ 6th Anniversary ~ Requested by her family

                                 Monday, August 16 ~ Saint Stephen of Hungary
      8:00am          The Thibault Family ~ Requested by their family

                                                Tuesday, August 17
      8:00am          =========

                                              Wednesday, August 18
      8:00am          =========

                                      Thursday, August 19 ~ Saint John Eudes
      8:00am          Special Intention ~ Requested by Eileen Hayes

                                        Friday, August 20 ~ Saint Bernard
      8:00am          =========

                                        Saturday, August 21 ~ Saint Pius X
      4:00 pm         J. Robert Mundry ~ Birthday Remembrance ~ Requested by his family

                           Sunday, August 22 ~ Twenty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time
      8:00 am         The Deceased Members of the Cantwell Family ~ Requested by their family
                      The Deceased Members of the McCallion Family ~ Requested by their family

      10:30 am        Joseph Hart ~ Requested by his family
                      Martha Houle ~ Requested by OLGC Parish
                      Rita Plourde ~ Requested by Betty Small
                      Kathleen Blanchette ~ Requested by Eileen Desalvo
                      Napoleon Thibodeau ~ Anniversary ~ Requested by his wife, Doris
                      Donna Gallagher ~ 4th Anniversary ~ Requested by her sister, Linda
                      Mary Mambro ~ 100th Birthday Remembrance ~ Requested by her family
                      All Living Members of the Parish

                                                                          Altar Bread, Altar Wine,
                     IN LOVING MEMORY                                  Altar Candles, Sanctuary Light,
                  WEEK OF AUGUST 15, 2021                         In Memory of the Deceased Members of the
                                                                         Mundry/Lagasse Families
                                                                           Donated by their family

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021      Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

                                                                                          Marilyn Brophy, Tom Brophy,
                                                                                               Chuck Edgerly, Henry
                     Weekend of August 7/8, 2021                                           Menges, The Currier Family,
                                                                                           Rosalind Ramirez-Blomgren,
                                                                                              David Silvestro, William
Offertory:                        $ 3,837.00                                               “Bill” Derome, Bill Vasquez,
Maintenance:                      $ 40.00
                                                                    Joanne Mele, Brody Rae, Cheryl Ouellette, Darlene
                                                                      Sikeman, Emma Johansen, Roy Beaulieu, Robin
Grand Annual to Date:             $ 18,326.00                         Gonsalves, Phyllis M. White, Marsha Sirignano,
                                                                     Nathan Scanlon, Robbyn Culpon, Claire Hanlon,
On-line Giving for July:          $ 2,185.00                          Aiden Scanlon, Patrick and Sarah Scanlon, John
                                                                       Dezan, Jose Luis Martinez Sanchez, Robert P.
                                                                    Nolan, Juliana Rosato, Joseph Howanski, Jeannette
   Our highest gratitude and appreciation ~ we are so               Demers, Michael Culpon, Mary Jo Daigle, Andrew
    grateful for your support. Bless your generosity!                  Champy, David Champy, David Adams, Gary
                                                                       Stachulski, Douglas McKnight, William Luna,
                                                                         Aiden Sutliff, Ellen Villers, Judith Upham,
                                                                     Benjamin Melo, Ron Simonian, Art Munger, Brad
                 St. Vincent de Paul Society                        Waters, Mary Conway, Matt Kinsley, Bishop Todd
               Weekend of August 7/8, 2021 = $740.00
                                                                       Brown, Diane Castiglione, Fr. Paul Valley, SP,
                                                                     Noah Leary, Joseph Androwas, Cecile Townsend,
                 In today’s Gospel, even the child in                 Ray Boutselis, Ronald Mullen, Leeann Hanson,
 Elizabeth’s womb leaps with joy at the approach of                   Sheila Hunt, Reina Rodriguez, Nicholas Norcia,
Mary, the “lowly servant,” who by accepting God’s plan
      for her became blessed for all generations.                       Donna Myers, Dottie Watson, Gary Dubois,
                                                                     Michael Donovan, Jaykub Parsons, Ava Gagnon,
With love for your neighbors who have nothing,                      Tom McGuire, Judy Lacroix, all those on our Parish
 look around your house to see what furniture,                          prayer line, and all the residents at Woodmill
household items, and clothing you no longer use
and give it to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.                     Nursing Home, Nevins Nursing Home, Mary-
                                                                       Immaculate Nursing Home, Berkeley Nursing
                                                                                 Home and Methuen Village.
        Checks may be made payable to SVDP.                             Those who have died: Rejean Philibert, Elise
                                                                                SanAntonio, Yvette Gosselin

                                                                      If you have a friend or loved one that you would
                                                                    like us to pray for, please call the parish office and
                                                                    leave the name. If you would like a name put back
                   Catholic Appeal 2021                                    on the list, call the office. Thank You.
   We have launched our annual Catholic Appeal, along
          with all the other parishes throughout the
 Archdiocese. Each year, the Catholic Appeal provides the                     Prayer Requests for Priests
 faithful with a way to help support the ministries that sup-
    port our parishes, our schools, and our communities.             O Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (name a priest), act
                                                                    in him, speak I and through him. Think your thoughts in
    This is our Church, and every gift makes a difference.             his mind, love through his heart. Give him your own
 Please consider making your gift today. You can drop off              dispositions and feelings. Teach, lead and guide him
 your gift in a separate envelope marked “Catholic Appeal”           always. Correct, enlighten and expand his thoughts and
                                                                           behavior. Posses his soul; take over his entire
  and place it in the offertory basket and we will forward                           personality and life. Amen.
                     your donation or visit

        We are pleased to announce that OLGC is                     August 14 Fr. Vincent Mellone ~ August 15 Pope Francis
                     at 84% of goal.                                ~ August 16 Fr. Stephen Malloy ~ August 17 Fr. Richard
                                                                     Erikson ~ August 18 Msgr. Francis Kelley ~ August 19
               Thank you for your generosity!                           Msgr. John McDonough ~ August 20 Fr. Timothy
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021   Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021   Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Scripture for the week of
        August 15, 2021

15 SUN Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16;
        16:1-2/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk
        11:27-28 (621);
        Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a,
        10ab/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk
16 Mon Jgs 2:11-19/Mt 19:16-22
17 Tue Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30
18 Wed Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16
19 Thu Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14
20 Fri Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt
21 Sat Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17/Mt
22 SUN Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Eph
        5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32/Jn

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021     Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

                          Fr. Bill Waters, OSA

Dear Friends of the Greater Lawrence Area and Beyond,

Although I know you don’t think I am old enough, I will
be celebrating my 50th Anniversary of Ordination on
August 28th at which time I am going to have a little
celebration with my blood family and Augustinian family
at Villanova.

Because I have spent 30 of my 50 years as a priest in
the Merrimack Valley, I would like to join my Greater
Lawrence family for a Mass of Thanksgiving. This will
take place on Saturday, September 18th at 5:30pm at
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (St. Theresa Church,
22 Plymouth St., Methuen) followed by a reception in the
parish hall.

As I thank God, I would like to thank you personally for
your support over the 50 years and in particular for your
support during 2019-20.

As you can appreciate, for planning purposes, it is
important to have a sense of numbers. So, if you can                  Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass
join us, please let                                                        For couples celebrating their
                                                                        10th ~ 25th ~ or 50th Anniversaries
       Ellen Curran (momcurran707@yahoo.com) or
        Carol-Ann Ramirez (jdrcar02@comcast.net)

know by Wednesday, September 1st with your name and
number of attendees.

I hope this note finds you well and that you, your family
and friends are able to enjoy doing things this summer
which were not possible this time last year.
                                                                             November 7, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Fr. Bill
                                                                              Cathedral of the Holy Cross
                                                                               1400 Washington Street
                                                                                  Boston, MA 02118

                                                                Cardinal Seán O’Malley invites couples celebrating their
                                                                 10th, 25th, or 50th wedding anniversary to the Annual
                  Men of St. Joseph                                Anniversary Mass with a vow renewal and special
                                                                              Families are invited to attend.
 The Men of St. Joseph will resume their meetings
  on Saturday, September 11th at 8:00am in the                                       To Register:
                  Parish Office.                                             Bit.ly/AnniversaryMass2021

 All men ages 18 and over are welcome to join us
                                                                               For more Information:
         for reflection and faith sharing.                             Emily Elliott at Emily_Elliott@rcab.org
                                                                       Emily Elliott at Emily_Elliott @rcab.org
We meet once a month on the first Saturday of the
               month at 8:00am
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
August 15, 2021       Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish , Methuen ~ Lawrence Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

                      Lawrence Catholic Academy                                 Doing any Summer Cleaning??
                    101 Parker Street, Lawrence, MA
                            978-683-5822 or

 Learn what makes Lawrence Catholic Academy an
         excellent choice for your child:
                                                                       We are looking for any Christmas Items or jewelry
x   LCA has full-day classes for students age 3 through Grade                you no longer want or need for our
     8.                                                                            Annual Christmas Fair!!
x   LCA offers flexible hours for families with an Extended
     Day Program from 6:45am to 5:30pm.
                                                                       Items can be dropped off at the Parish Office or on
x   Our faculty and staff are highly trained, qualified educa-
     tors, offering a rigorous, Catholic education that prepares         the screened porch after regular business hours.
     students to excel in Catholic, private, technical, and area
     high schools.                                                         The Christmas Fair Committee thanks you
x   LCA is implementing an innovative K-8 STEM program                         sincerely for your donations!
     using LEGO Education Solutions, providing high-quality,
     hands-on program that promotes equity, diversity, and
     academic excellence for all students.
x   LCA technology includes Touch View Screens in every
                                                                                Please note...we will only be
     classroom and tablets or Chromebooks for every student.               accepting Christmas items and jewelry
x   LCA online programs provide reinforcement and enrich-                               this year
     ment in literacy, math, science, and social studies.
x   All students at LCA receive free, nutritious breakfast and
     lunch daily.                                                              Christmas Fair Committee Meeting
x   LCA has full-time Guidance Counselor, Registered Nurse,
     and Certified Reading Specialist.
x   Students in Kindergarten through Grade 8 receive daily
     specialist classes in visual and performing arts, health,
     physical education, and Spanish.

Now Enrolling! We make Catholic education affordable to all
                                                                          The Christmas Fair Committee will meet on
                        who seek it.                                         Monday, August 30th at 6pm in the
    Financial Aid is available. Vouchers also accepted.                                 Parish Office.

                                                                         If you have any ideas and would like to join us
                                                                                   please feel free to attend!

                                              STS. MARY & JOSEPH PARISH

                                                     ROSARY RALLY
                              Outdoor Rally on September 12, 2021 at Sts. Mary and
                                         Joseph Parish (South Campus)
                                              200 Lawrence Road, Salem, NH
                                                      3pm to 5pm
                                           A procession will begin at 3pm with
                                            recitation of the Rosary to follow.
                                 Presentation on the power and beauty of the Rosary.
                                              Music will grace the program.
                                Decolores Bookstore and other vendors will be present
                              Feel free to bring your lawn chairs. Water will be provided.
                         In case of inclement weather the Rally will take place in the Church

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish - August 15, 2021
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           “God is Love” 1 John 4:8

For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                       Pilot Bulletins                       Our Lady of Good Counsel, Methuen, MA             21516
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