Page created by Billy Pham
John Wood Community College

  Outreach FALL 2021

Some classes available via Zoom | Register online at: jwcc.edu/programs/cbo/classes
Computers & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2021 Fall Course Schedule                                                    In person and/or          Virtually via Zoom               Culinary Arts & Cake Decorating. . . . 4
                                                                                                                                        Personal Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
SEPTEMBER                                                                                                                               Creative Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
TUES & THURS    SEPT 14, 16 & 21                     6:00-8:00 pm Basic Excel         CRN: 35127                                        Health & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
TUES            SEPT 14, 21 & 28                     5:30-8:00 pm Basic Cake Decorating                 CRN: 35132                      Personal Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
MON & WED       SEPT 20 & 22                         5:00-8:00 pm Knife Skills         CRN: 35167
TUES            SEPT 21                              6:00-8:00 pm Keeping it Green – Growing Greens in the Off Season                                     CRN: 35138
TUES            SEPT 21, 28, OCT 5, 12, 19 & 26      6:00-7:30 pm Introduction to Positive Psychology                         CRN: 35143
WED             SEPT 22 & 29                         6:00-8:00 pm Mastering Zoom Presentation Skills for Boomers                                 CRN: 35130
THURS           SEPT 23                              6:00-7:30 pm Financial Planning for Growing Families                              CRN: 35153
MON & WED       SEPT 27 & 29                         5:00-8:00 pm Asian Cuisine           CRN: 35166
TUES & THURS    SEPT 28, 30 & OCT 5                  6:00-8:00 pm Intermediate Excel                CRN: 35128
TUES            SEPT 28, OCT 5, 12, 19, 26 & NOV 2   5:30-6:45 pm Tai Chi for Health           CRN: 35144

TUES            OCT 5                                9:00-11:00 am Weaving Self-Care into Everyday Life                        CRN: 35145
TUES            OCT 5                                4:00-6:00 pm Weaving Self-Care into Everyday Life                         CRN: 35146
TUES & THURS    OCT 5 & 7                            5:00-8:00 pm Mediterranean Delicacies                   CRN: 35134
TUES            OCT 5, 12, 19 & 26                   6:00-7:00 pm Financial Workshop: All Four Below Classes                                CRN: 35152
TUES            OCT 5                                6:00-7:00 pm		 The Four Pillars of the New Retirement                             CRN: 35148
TUES            OCT 12                               6:00-7:00 pm 	 What Happens After the Paychecks Stop? A Retirement Income Primer                                                        CRN: 35149
TUES            OCT 19                               6:00-7:00 pm 	 Tax-Free Investing: It’s Not What You Make, It’s What You Keep                                               CRN: 35150
TUES            OCT 26                               6:00-7:00 pm      Preparing Your Estate Plan    CRN: 35151
THURS           OCT 21                               6:00-7:30 pm    Health Savings Accounts – 101     CRN: 35154
TUES            OCT 26                               7:00-8:30 pm    Fun Florals for Fall CRN: 35142
WED             OCT 27                               6:00-8:00 pm    Advanced Presentation Skills Using Zoom CRN: 35131
TUES & THURS    OCT 26, 28, NOV 2 & 4                6:00-8:00 pm    Advanced Excel CRN: 35129

THURS           NOV 4                                6:00-7:00 pm Solar Energy           CRN: 35141
TUES            NOV 2, 9, 16 & 23                    5:30-8:00 pm Intro to Baking           CRN: 35133
WED & THURS     NOV 17 & 18                          5:00-8:00 pm International Dessert Favorites                     CRN: 35135

SAT             DEC 4                             8:00 am-12:00 pm Garage Welding            CRN: 35136
SAT             DEC 4                                1:00-5:00 pm Advanced Garage Welding                        CRN: 35137

      Policies & Information                                        Refund Policy Unless otherwise noted in
                                                                    advance, a student who notifies Community-
                                                                                                                                   or ethnic origin, age, gender, religion, disability,
                                                                                                                                   or other factors prohibited by law.
                                                                    Based Outreach (CBO) three business days                       Canceled Courses & Changes Classes that
      Supplies Some classes may require supplies;                   prior to the day of the seminar or class will
      please read class descriptions carefully.                                                                                    have not filled minimum enrollment three
                                                                    receive a 100 percent refund. No other refunds
                                                                                                                                   business days prior to the first class may be
      Accommodations If you have a condition                        will be given.
                                                                                                                                   canceled. In the event of a course cancellation,
      requiring special accommodations, please                      Inclement Weather When JWCC cancels                            you will be notified and your fee refunded.
      indicate your needs at the time of registration.              classes due to inclement weather, CBO classes                  JWCC reserves the right to change instructors.
      Payment Options Cash, check, or credit/debit                  are also canceled. If canceled, local radio and
                                                                    TV stations will be notified. The staff will work              Regarding COVID-19 JWCC continues to
      card. Payments must be made through the
                                                                    to reschedule the class or postpone it until                   proactively develop and implement plans
      JWCC Business Office, located in the Student/
      Administrative Center, or by calling 217.641.4211.            further notice. Refunds will be given to those                 following the recommendations and mandates
      JWCC’s Business Office hours are 8:00 am-5:00 pm              registered for a class that is canceled due to                 issued by local, state and national government
      Monday-Thursday and 8:00 am-12:00 pm Friday.                  inclement weather.                                             agencies. JWCC’s main objective is always to
                                                                                                                                   provide a safe environment for our students,
      Fees Payment must be received at the time                     Notice of Non-discrimination JWCC ensures                      faculty, staff, and our community.
      of registration and must be paid during JWCC                  equal educational opportunities are offered to                 Learn more at: jwcc.edu/coronavirus
      business hours.                                               all students, regardless of race, color, national
One-On-One Training Opportunities
   Increase your Smartphone IQ with One-On-One Smartphone Training
   Why do people love their smartphones so much? Fall in love with your phone and become
   skilled with using all the features of your phone and new apps (Apple’s iPhone or Android).
   Stay connected using email, texting, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and more. Learn how to use
   FaceTime or use WhatsApp to talk internationally. Make your smartphone work like a PC with the
   use of notes, make PDFs, take photos, and more. Sessions can be scheduled for one hour at a time.
   Based on instructor availability. Call 217.641.4941 to schedule time with the instructor.
   Cost: $35 per hour | Instructor: Margie Williams PhD, RN

   One-On-One Excel Training
   Microsoft Excel training is available for all skill levels, from beginning to advanced. Sessions can be scheduled for one hour at a time.
   Based on instructor availability. Call 217.641.4941 to schedule time with the instructor.
   Cost: $35 per hour | Instructor: Rita Schmitt

   Refresh your Mac or PC Skills with One-On-One Computer Training
   Are you still working in the dark ages on your desktop and yearning to be skilled with using your iPad, MacBook, or PC? Based on
   your needs, you can schedule a tailored training session that is just right for you. Make a PowerPoint slide, share Google documents,
   Zoom for fun, share group calendars, and more. Sessions can be scheduled for one hour at a time. Based on instructor availability.
   Call 217.641.4941 to schedule time with the instructor.
   Cost: $35 per hour | Instructor: Margie Williams PhD, RN

                Register now for fall courses! jwcc.edu/programs/cbo/classes | 217.641.4941

                                                                               Advanced Excel
                                                                               This class covers pivot tables, slicers, formula-driven
                                                                               conditional formatting, and the LOOKUP and SUBTOTAL
                                                                               functions. Get hands-on experience in an interactive class
                                                                               environment to advance your expertise. Recommended
                                                                               background: A solid working knowledge of Excel and functions,
                                                                               or completion of the Intermediate class.
                                                                               Cost: $80 | Instructor: Rita Schmitt
                                                                               TUES & THURS • OCT 26, 28, NOV 2 & 4 (6:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35129

                                                                                                                         Mastering Zoom
                                                                                                                         Presentation Skills
                                                                                                                         for Boomers
                                                                                                                            Zoom has emerged as the
                                                                                                                            new way to present and
                                                                                                                            connect with all types of
                                                                                                                            groups. Master this skill set
               Computers & Technology                                                                                       to present a more effective
                                                                                                                            presence and presentation.
Basic Excel                                                                    Cost: $40 | Instructor: Margie Williams PhD, RN
This three-evening seminar is for individuals who have little or no            WED • SEPT 22 & 29 (6:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35130
background with Excel and want to learn more. The interactive
course offers plenty of practice and application to sharpen your skills.       Advanced Presentation
Cost: $60 | Instructor: Rita Schmitt                                           Skills Using Zoom
TUES & THURS • SEPT 14, 16 & 21 (6:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35127                      Expand your use of Zoom to
                                                                               include formal presentations.
Intermediate Excel                                                             Update your use of PowerPoint
Designed for those familiar with Excel, this class covers charts,              to deliver a presentation via
conditional formatting, headers and footers, as well as the SUMIF,             Zoom. Increase your comfort
COUNTIF, and IF functions. Professional reports and spreadsheets               with formal presentations using
can be produced with this skillset. Take your abilities to the next            Zoom. Please bring your laptop
level with these resources.                                                    to class.
Cost: $60 | Instructor: Rita Schmitt                                           Cost: $20 | Instructor: Margie Williams PhD, RN
TUES & THURS • SEPT 28, 30 & OCT 5 (6:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35128                   WED • OCT 27 (6:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35131

Free Educational Resources for Adults
    GED Test Preparation
    Free classes are offered for JWCC district residents preparing to take the GED high school equivalency test. Choose the time and location
    that works best for you. Classes are held mornings and evenings Monday-Thursday in Quincy, Tuesday and Thursday mornings in Pittsfield,
    Tuesday and Thursday evenings in Mt. Sterling. Online learning opportunities are available as well. New students are admitted into classes
    after attending an orientation session. Check out our website or give us a call to register.
    English as a Second Language
    Classes are designed to help non-native English speakers improve their reading, writing, and speaking skills. Classes are free to JWCC district
    residents and are held in Quincy Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm.
    Adult Literacy
    JWCC provides effective, easily accessible free literacy tutoring. The program matches trained volunteer tutors one-to-one with adults
    seeking to improve reading or math skills, or whose first language is not English. Services are free to JWCC district residents. Times
    and locations for tutoring are flexible. Online tutoring is available as well. Volunteer to be a Literacy Tutor and change a life!
    For more information on any of these programs, contact 217.641.4951 or visit jwcc.edu/ged.

                                                                                       Courses in this category are not recommended for people with food allergies.
           Culinary Arts & Cake Decorating
                                 Basic Cake Decorating                                 Delicacies
                                    Learn how to stack, ice and decorate               From dips and appetizers to
                                    a cake. We will examine various icings             main courses, create dishes with
                                    with a focus on buttercream, learn border          influences from Greek, Spanish and
                                    piping techniques, how to color icings,            Italian cuisine. Please bring your own
                                    and how to write on cakes. We will also            chef’s knife and a couple of containers
                                    practice making figures and decorations            to bring home food made in class.
                                    out of fondant. The final project will be to       Cost: $70 | Instructor: Vanessa Hall
                                    decorate an eight-inch cake. Decorating            TUES & THURS • OCT 5 & 7 (5:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35134
                                    kit is included! Students will need to bring
                                    an eight-inch cake to class on the second          International
                                    and third nights of class.                         Dessert Favorites
Cost: $70 | Instructor: Kristina Dula                                                  Create some of the most iconic
TUES • SEPT 14, 21 & 28 (5:30-8:00 pm) CRN: 35132                                      desserts that will impress any family
                                                                                       member this holiday season. We will
Intro to Baking                                                                        explore the basics of macarons, tres
We will cover various baking topics such as cakes, cookies, and quick                  leche, and so much more. Please
breads. Learn the differences in mixing techniques and how ingredients                 bring your own chef’s knife and a
and baking temperatures affect our finished baked products.                            couple of containers to take home
Cost: $80 | Instructor: Kristina Dula                                                  food made in class.
TUES • NOV 2, 9, 16 & 23 (5:30-8:00 pm) CRN: 35133                                     Cost: $80 | Instructor: Vanessa Hall
                                                                                       WED & THURS • NOV 17 & 18 (5:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35135
Knife Skills
Learn basic knife skills and
techniques: how to properly dice,
chop, crush, and julienne, etc.                                                                                Personal Enrichment
The cost of the class includes an
eight-inch Mercer chef’s knife.                                                        Garage Welding
Please bring a couple of containers                                                    Have a welding machine collecting dust in your garage or thinking
to take home food made in class.                                                       about purchasing one? Learn about the types of welders and
Cost: $80 | Instructor: Vanessa Hall                                                   how to use them safely! Topics include inner shield and short arc
MON & WED • SEPT 20 & 22 (5:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35167                                     welding, how to set voltage and wire speeds, and how to hold
                                                                                       angles on a welder. You will also learn how to choose the proper
Asian Cuisine                                                                          gas to weld various steels. This class will be held at the Workforce
Explore the depths of Asian cuisine from curries to pho, blending                      Development Center, 4220 Koch’s Lane, Quincy.
exotic spices to create new and exciting dishes. Please bring your                     Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Please bring your own
own chef’s knife and a couple of containers to take home food made                     welding gloves and be sure to dress appropriately (long pants, long-sleeved
in class.                                                                              shirts, and leather shoes or boots).
Cost: $70 | Instructor: Vanessa Hall                                                   Cost: $60 | Instructor: Ronald Kraft
MON & WED • SEPT 27 & 29 (5-8:00 pm) CRN: 35166                                        SAT • DEC 4 (8:00 am-12:00 pm) CRN: 35136

Creative Arts
                                                                                  Fun Florals for Fall
                                                                                  Make a fresh fall arrangement in a real
                                                                                  pumpkin and learn fun ways to include the
                                                                                  fall harvest in floral arrangements. Please
                                                                                  bring your own cutting tools or clippers.
                                                                                  Cost: $40 | Instructor: Nancy Mead
                                                                                  TUES • OCT 26 (7:00-8:30 pm) CRN: 35142

                                                                                                            Health & Wellness
Advanced Garage Welding                (Prerequisite Garage Welding)                                          Introduction to Positive Psychology
This is a continuation of Garage Welding. In Garage Welding, you                                                 Learn how to incorporate the science of
learned the basics of inner shield and short arc welding and how to                                              human flourishing in this introductory class
set voltage and wire speeds. In Advanced Garage Welding, you will                                                on positive psychology. We’ll dive into the
learn to use a Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welder and perform horizontal,                                              PERMA-V model of positive psychology
vertical, and downhill welding including the proper technique to fill                                            which includes Positivity, Engagement,
in gaps between two pieces of metal. This class will be held at the                                              Relationships, Meaning, Achievement, and
Workforce Development Center, 4220 Koch’s Lane, Quincy.                                                          Vitality. This is a virtual class taught via Zoom.
Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Please bring your own              Cost: $60 | Instructor: Abby Lister
welding gloves and be sure to dress appropriately (long pants, long-sleeved       TUES • SEPT 21, 28, OCT 5, 12, 19 & 26 (6:00-7:30 pm) CRN: 35143
shirts, and leather shoes or boots).
Cost: $60 | Instructor: Ronald Kraft                                              Tai Chi for Health
SAT • DEC 4 (1:00-5:00 pm) CRN: 35137                                             Tai Chi for health and fall
                                                                                  prevention is a gentle, slow-
Keeping it Green – Growing                                                        motion health practice that
Greens in the Off Season                                                          improves balance better
Learn how to transition your                                                      than other modalities. Tai
summer garden into an aeroponic                                                   Chi reduces pain, stress and
garden (inside and outside) during                                                depression, improves memory,
the fall and winter. Examine the                                                  aids concentration, and acts
differences between conventional                                                  as a substitute for addictive
gardening and aeroponic garden                                                    behaviors. Grounded in
using the Tower Garden Unit.                                                      traditional Sun style, this form
                                                                                  is accessible to most. This is a
Cost: $20 | Instructor: Margie Williams PhD, RN                                   virtual class taught via Zoom.
TUES • SEPT 21 (6:00-8:00 pm) CRN: 35138                                          *
                                                                                   A small grant from Illinois Pathways to Health reduces the cost of this course.
Solar Energy                                                                      Cost: $30 | Instructor: Jessica Myers
Why Solar? What incentives are available for going solar? Is solar                TUES • SEPT 28, OCT 5, 12, 19, 26 & NOV 2 (5:30-6:45 pm) CRN: 35144
right for you? This class will provide resources and information
for those considering going solar. This class will be held at the                 Weaving Self-Care
Workforce Development Center, 4220 Koch’s Lane, Quincy.                           into Everyday Life
Cost: FREE | Instructor: Russ Gengenbacher                                        It’s important for you to
THURS • NOV 4 (6:00-7:00 pm) CRN: 35141                                           practice self-care even more
                                                                                  today. Finding small ways to
                                                                                  weave self-care into everyday
                                                                                  life is a key step. This class
                                                                                  will blend mindfulness into
                                                                                  learning how to manage your
                                                                                  “Project You: A Body, Mind
                                                                                  and Soul” approach.
                                                                                  Cost: $20 | Instructor: Margie
                                                                                  Williams PhD, RN
                                                                                  TUES • OCT 5 (9:00-11:00 am) CRN: 35145
                                                                                  TUES • OCT 5 (4:00-6:00 pm) CRN: 35146

                 Register now for fall courses! jwcc.edu/programs/cbo/classes | 217.641.4941

This course is designed to help growing families learn about key
                     Personal Finance                                         fundamental planning opportunities. Some of the opportunities
                                                                              include saving for future education costs, projecting college costs,
Financial Planning for Growing Families                                       the importance of risk mitigation strategies, creating a tax-efficient
What is on your financial “to-do” list? Between chasing kids and              retirement accumulation plan, basic estate planning, cash flow
demanding careers, it is hard to imagine having time for anything else.       management, and more. This class is taught in person but is also
                                                                              available via Zoom.
                                                                              Cost: $15 | Instructor: Mike DiSalvo
                                                                              THURS • SEPT 23 (6:00-7:30 pm) CRN: 35153

                                                                              Health Savings Accounts – 101
                                                                              What are Health Savings Accounts, and how do I qualify? You may
                                                                              have noticed that more and more employers are offering high
                                                                              deductible health plans. Maybe you have heard about a company
                                                                              match or certain tax benefits. Learn about this option and if it is
                                                                              right for you. This course will explore the ins and outs of HSAs and
                                                                              uses of your HSA account as both a “Healthcare Checking Account”
                                                                              and a “Healthcare IRA.” This class is taught in person but is also
                                                                              available via Zoom.
                                                                              Cost: $15 | Instructor: Mike DiSalvo
                                                                              THURS • OCT 21 (6:00-7:30 pm) CRN: 35154

   Financial Workshop: All Four Below Classes                 Save $10 and take all four classes!
   Commit to attending all four financial workshops for a discounted rate. See dates and times on individual workshop listings.
   Cost: $30 | Instructor: Trenton Murfin
   TUES • OCT 5, 12, 19 & 26 (6:00-7:00 pm) CRN: 35152

   The Four Pillars of the New Retirement
   This workshop explores how retirement is changing and the four pillars that can
   impact your quality of life during retirement. Explore each of these pillars, why they
   matter and ways you can tend to each of them. This class is taught in person but is
   also available via Zoom.
   Cost: $10 | Instructor: Trenton Murfin
   TUES • OCT 5 (6:00-7:00 pm) CRN: 35148

   What Happens After the Paychecks Stop?
   A Retirement Income Primer
   This workshop discusses income during retirement. We’ll explore how to budget
   for retirement expenses, examine potential sources of retirement income, discuss
   strategies to provide for your goals, and address potential risks you may face.
   This class is taught in person but is also available via Zoom.
   Cost: $10 | Instructor: Trenton Murfin
   TUES • OCT 12 (6:00-7:00 pm) CRN: 35149

   Tax-Free Investing: It’s Not What You Make, It’s What You Keep
   This workshop is designed to inform individuals about the benefits and considerations of choosing investments that offer tax
   advantages. This class is taught in person but is also available via Zoom.
   Cost: $10 | Instructor: Trenton Murfin
   TUES • OCT 19 (6:00-7:00 pm) CRN: 35150

                                      Preparing Your Estate Plan
                                      Do you know where your assets will go when you die? If not, this workshop will help familiarize you
                                      with the basic steps of planning for your estate. People tend to put off or ignore this topic, but one
                                      of the most important things you can do is develop a sound plan to provide a more secure future for
                                      yourself and generations to come. This class is taught in person but is also available via Zoom.
                                      Cost: $10 | Instructor: Trenton Murfin
                                      TUES • OCT 26 (6:00-7:00 pm) CRN: 35151

Registration Register now: jwcc.edu/programs/cbo/classes
Your registration will be confirmed via email upon receipt of payment.
Canceled courses and changes: Classes that have not filled minimum enrollment three business days before to the first class may be canceled.
In the event of a course cancellation due to enrollment or weather, you will be notified and your registration fee refunded. JWCC reserves the
right to change instructors.

Student Information
    Name: Last ______________________________________________ **First ___________________________________ Middle initial _____�������
    Date of birth _____________________________________________ **Social security number _____________________________________�������
    Address _________________________________________________ **City ____________________________ **State ___________ **Zip ____�������
    Phone  home  cell  work _____���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

     Gender  Male  Female
                                                             CRN                  Course Name                                                 Cost
What is the highest degree you’ve earned?
 Doctoral Degree
 1st Professional Degree
 Master’s Degree
 Bachelor’s Degree
 Associate Degree
 Certificate
 Some College
 High School Diploma
 None (includes high school students)
 Other

 lease identify your primary racial/ethnic
*                                                                                                                                TOTAL DUE �������������
group. Select only one.
 Asian
                                                            Payer Information               Same as student information

 American Indian or Alaskan Native
                                                            Name ___________________________________�����������������������������������
 Black or African American
 Hispanic or Latino                                        Phone  home  cell  work �������������������������������������������������
 White
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
 Other
 Choose not to respond/unknown                             Payment Method
 re you from one or more of the following
*                                                            Cash  Check #____________  Credit Card JWCC will contact you for payment information.
racial groups? Select ALL that apply.
                                                            I authorize JWCC to charge the total amount due to my credit card.
 Asian
 American Indian or Alaskan Native
                                                            Cardholder signature ����������������������������������������������������������
 Black or African American
 White
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
                                                            Third-party Billing
 Other
 Choose not to respond/unknown                             Company name ��������������������������������������������������������������
 re you Hispanic or Latino?
OR are you of Spanish origin?
 Yes, I am Hispanic or Latino
 No, I am not Hispanic or Latino                           Address ���������������������������������������������������������������������
                                                            Policies & Information – See page 2.
Are you a citizen of the United States?

 No  Yes
                                                                Need help? jwcc.edu/programs/cbo/classes | 217.641.4941
 We are required by the State to collect this information
for statistical purposes. **These items are required for                        Mail this form to: JWCC • Community-Based Outreach
registration to be complete.                                                              1301 South 48th St • Quincy, IL 62305
                                                                                                                            Nonprofit Org.
                                                                                                                             U.S. Postage
1301 South 48th Street | Quincy, IL 62305                                                                                  Quincy, IL 62301
                                                                                                                            Permit No. 971

                                                        Residential Customer

  Fall 2021 Business & Industry Classes

  Facebook for Local Business
  LinkedIn for Business
  Google for Local Business
  Become the Leader Others Want to Follow
  Leading From the Front
                                                              COLLEGE FOR LIFE
  Leading to Create Other Leaders
  Mastering Microsoft Teams
  Lifting and Rigging
  Electrical Troubleshooting and Maintenance
  NFPA 70E
  OSHA 10 General Industry
                                                              The College For Life Certificate Program prepares students for maximum
  For details, visit jwcc.edu/programs/workforce              independence, competitive employment, and meaningful contribution
  or call 217.641.4971. Courses may also be                   to their communities. Students age 18 and older, including students receiving
  customized for individual companies.                        special education services through age 21, are welcome to apply. Contact the
                                                              CFL Coordinator for more information about enrolling in the fall. jwcc.edu/cfl

   CAREER SERVICES JWCC provides community members complimentary job search assistance and tools to explore career options.
    Career Services offers online ACT WorkKeys testing for paraeducators – Applied Math and Workplace Documents. Testing is offered
                  by appointment at the Quincy Campus, Mt. Sterling Education Center, and Southeast Education Center.
  Please contact Career Services at 217.641.4941 or careerservices@jwcc.edu to register for the test or to receive additional information.

        John Wood Community College offers Online Open Enrollment Programs designed
     to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional-level positions for many in-demand
         occupations. Our non-credit/CEU/Certificate online courses are affordable, fun, fast,
                                  convenient, and geared just for you.
                         Visit our website or contact us for more information!

               jwcc.edu/professional • 217.641.4941 • cbo@jwcc.edu
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