Page created by Daniel Moore
YEAR 1 – 13
SCHOOL OFFICE                         MAGGIE’S SHOP
  12 Winchester Street, Merivale,      12 Winchester Street, Merivale,
  Christchurch 8014                    Christchurch 8014
  PO Box 25 094, Christchurch 8141      Phone 03 363 1901
  Telephone (03) 379 2000             DIRECT DIAL NUMBERS
  Fax 03 365 5748                       Absence Line 03 353 2560 ext 1           Principal’s EA 03 363 1902
  Office Hours: 8.00am until 4.30pm     Registrar 03 353 2563
1. INTRODUCTION                      ID Cards                               21
Notes                            2   IT Support Desk                        21
Your Daughter’s Teachers         3   Leaving Procedures and Testimonials    21
Key Staff 2020                   4   Library and Study Centre               22
                                     Lockers                                22
                                     Lost Property                          22
After School Care               6
                                     Maggie’s Shop and Café                 23
Assemblies                      6
                                     Money                                  23
Attendance and Absence          7
                                     Non-School Activities in School Time   23
Bicycles                        8
                                     Passes                                 23
Cafeteria/Dining Room           8
                                     Pastoral Care and Wellbeing            24
Career Pathways                 9
                                     School Office                          25
Cars                            9
                                     School Policy on Alcohol,
Cell phones                     9    Smoking/Vaping and Drugs               25
Changes of Address                   School Trips                           27
and Telephone Numbers           11   Special Occasions                      28
Chapel Services                 11   Speech and Drama                       28
Connecting with our Community   12   Sports                                 29
Complaints/Concerns             15   Stationery                             29
Curriculum Evenings             15   Student Achievement                    30
Damage to School Property       15   Student Courses of Study               31
Deadlines                       15   Student Employment                     31
Deans                           15   Student Entry                          31
Discipline                      16   Student Problems and Grievances        31
End of Year Activities          18   Taxi Cards                             32
Fees                            18   Telephone                              32
Health Centre                   18   Term Calendar                          32
Holiday Programme               19   Textbooks                              33
Homework                        19   Tutor System                           33
Honours                         20   Visitors to the School                 34
House System                    20   Wardrobe                               35


Please ask your daughter to keep this record up-to-date


 Subject                                  Teacher

 EXTRA CURRICULAR (i.e. Sport, Drama, etc.)
 Activity                                 Manager / Coach


Diana Patchett                            Sue Gleeson
     Executive Principal                      Director of Pre-School
Chris Wyeth                               Nicky Langley
     Associate Principal, Pastoral Care       Director of Boarding
Grant Belcher                             Brian Woods
     Deputy Principal, Assessment             Director of Information and
     and Reporting                            Communication Technology
Jennie Nairn                              Peg Riley
     Deputy Principal, Teaching               Chaplain
     and Learning                         Fionn Moore
Kathryn Gray                                  General Manager
     Head of Middle School (Years 7-10)   Victoria Murray-Orr
Julie Calder                                  Director of Community Relations
     Head of Junior School (Years 1-6)

Deborah Matheson                          Stacey Rod
      English                                  Science
Julia Smith                               Trudy Keys
      Health and Physical Education            Creative Technologies
Chris Walker                              Callum Arnold
      Humanities and Social Sciences           Visual Arts
Stefanie Hossbach                         Catherine Bell
      Languages                                Learning Enhancement
Jane Sharman                              Linda Chong
      Mathematics                              Centre for Innovation
Amanda Woods
      Performing Arts

Elspeth Godfrey-Chatterton                Deborah Scott
   Year 7/8 Dean                            Year 12 Dean
Sarah Hickford                            Paula Vesty
   Year 9 Dean                              Year 13 Dean
Sarena Harrison                           Chris Chambers
   Year 10 Dean                             International Dean
James Evans
   Year 11 Dean
Leanne Chambers                           Toni Taylor
   Konini                                    Matipo
Samantha Fazio-Smith                      Sophie Beaumont
   Kowhai                                    Rata
Sarah Hickford                            Lisa Williams
   Manuka                                    Rimu

Catherine Bell                            Helen Belcher
    Learning Enhancement                      Director of Sport
Beth Rouse                                Sharon Lloyd
    IB Co-ordinator                           Assistant Director of Sport
Jenni McLaughlin                          Alison Rossiter
    Careers Pathway Advisor/Life Skills       Theatre Dance Academy
Felicity McKay                            Sarah-Jane Evans
    Library Manager                           Venues Manager

Nicky Langley                             Jean Thomson
       Boarding House Manager                    Boarding House Manager
       (Senior School)                           (Middle School)


                                           each parent. They are then free to take
                                           part in organised activities or choose
After School Care is available for girls   their own activity. Girls have the use
in Years 1-8 from 3.30pm-5.30pm,           of a computer for their homework,
Monday to Friday. On Wednesdays,           if necessary.
After School Care will be available
from 3.00pm. It can be utilised on         We are offering After School Care
a permanent or casual basis.               as a service to parents and as a way
                                           of ensuring that girls who remain
All Year 1-6 girls who are not collected
                                           after school are cared for in a safe and
within 15 minutes of school finishing
                                           stimulating environment.
must go to the After School Care room.
Girls must wait in the Junior School       ASSEMBLIES AND CHAPELS
Courtyard after school. They will not
                                           School assemblies are held in the
be allowed to wait on the footpath.
                                           Chapel, generally twice a week and are
After School Care is charged at $11.00     usually taken by the Chaplain (Chapel)
per hour or part there of.                 and the Executive Principal (Assembly).
After School Care is based in the Junior   Every girl in the school attends and
School. Girls are given afternoon tea      the Anglican character of the College
and are then supervised while they         is maintained in the readings, prayers
do their homework, as discussed with       and hymns.

The Tutor Groups sit together with          to the Health Centre in Warren House,
their Tutor in Houses. This is important    staffed by a registered nurse, where
as it supports House identity and spirit,   parents may be contacted to come and
endorses appropriate behaviour and          collect their daughter. Girls may not go
supports Prefects when they are on          home without a clear understanding
duty. Middle School Assemblies are          between parent and school that the
also held several times a term.             parent accepts responsibility for the
ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE                      sick student.

The school day is as follows:               Parents of girls who are absent through
Year 1-3 8:25am – 3:00pm                    illness must advise their daughter’s
Year 4-13 8:25am – 3:30pm                   Tutor by email or send a note immediately
                                            upon their daughter’s return. A longer
On Wednesday, classes finish at 2:30pm
                                            illness (three days or more) requires
for sport apart from Years 1-8 who
                                            a medical certificate for students in
finish at 3:00pm.
                                            Years 11 – 13 and given to the Deputy
Girls are expected to attend school         Principal of Assessment and Reporting.
punctually and consistently. Registers
                                            If parents are aware that a prolonged
are marked daily and all absences must
                                            absence is likely, notification must be
be accounted for. Parents are asked to
                                            given as soon as possible in writing to
ring the Absence line before 8.30am
if their daughter will be absent. The       the Associate Principal.
Absence line is 353 2560 extension 1.       Leave
Alternatively, parents may complete
                                            Requests for leave for family, sporting
the Absences form on the website or
                                            or other reasons should be made to
the SMC App.
                                            the Associate Principal in writing, well
Lateness                                    in advance. Parents will be aware that
Girls who are late for any class must       extended family trips overseas, which
present a late slip to the teacher when     involve substantial loss of school time,
they arrive. The slip should state the      are detrimental to their daughter’s
reason for being late and be signed by      learning and assessment programmes,
a staff member. If a girl arrives at        particularly in the Senior School.
school after 8:25am she MUST report         Leave during the school day
to the School Office and sign in.
                                            It is essential that we know the
                                            whereabouts of all students during
Girls who become ill at school go to the    the school day. No student may leave
School Office first. They are then sent     the school grounds except for special
reasons. A note from a parent or an          BICYCLES
 appointment card must be given to
                                              Girls who cycle to school must wear
 your daughter’s Tutor who will issue
                                              helmets and have their bicycles clearly
 her with a sign-out pass. The student
                                              named. Their bicycles are to be kept in
 must sign out at the School Office
                                              the lock up area near the school pool
 where she presents her sign-out pass
                                              and must be locked. Please make sure
 to the office staff. She must sign in on
                                              your daughter has a suitable lock and
 her return. We expect, where possible,
                                              encourage her to lock her helmet to
 that all appointments be made out of
                                              her bicycle. For safety reasons girls
 school time.
                                              may not ride in or out of the gates
    Absence                                   or through the grounds on any bike,
                                              scooter or board.
    Students who arrange to be away for
    more than one day need to contact         CAFETERIA / DINING ROOM
    all their teachers beforehand to find
                                              The school cafeteria is located in the
    out what work they will need to catch
                                              Kilburn Dining Room and all students
    up on. For longer periods of time an
                                              from Year 7-11 must eat there at interval
    ‘Out of School Learning’ schedule
                                              and lunchtime or in another designated
    form must be completed prior to the
                                              area. Girls may either choose from
    absence and signed off by teachers that
                                              a wide range of reasonably priced and
    the work has been completed within
                                              well-balanced foods or bring their own
    a specified time.
                                              food to eat in the cafeteria. Payment
    Wilful absence or ‘bunking’ results in    is charged by means of a barcode on
    a school detention. This may take         the student’s personal ID card (see ID
    place on a supervised lunchtime or        Cards) and cafeteria accounts are sent
    a Thursday after school in a depending    out to parents each month. Please
    on the gravity of the offence. Failure    ensure that cards are well looked after.
    to attend will result in further          Students who do not present their ID
    disciplinary action.                      cards cannot make purchases.

CAREER PATHWAYS                             adhere to the parking restrictions
                                            around the school and respect the
A regular programme of careers
                                            neighbours’ driveways.
awareness runs in the Senior School
and the Career Pathways Facilitator         Parents who are delivering or collecting
and Advisor provides girls with             girls at the Winchester Street gates,
extensive advisory and information          must be aware of the congestion and
resources and arranges visiting speakers,   danger that often exists before and
careers symposia and trips to tertiary      after school and every care must be
institutions and employers. She assists     taken. Please do not double park or
girls to produce high-quality Curriculum    park across driveways when dropping
Vitae. Further careers education is given   off or picking up your daughter. The
through the Life Skills Programme in        drop-off zone on Winchester Street
Years 11-13.                                is permit only for Pre-School and
                                            Junior School families only. The Papanui
The Careers Advisor is happy to meet
                                            Road entrance may only be used by
with parents and their daughters to
                                            boarding families.
discuss career options. Appointments
may be made through your daughter           Parents may not drive into the
or by ringing or emailing the Careers       Andover or Tonbridge Street
Advisor directly. Current relevant          entrances to the school. These
information on courses and careers          entrances are reserved for staff cars and
is published in the weekly newsletter       students with bicycles or scooters only.
and on the website.                         CELL PHONES
CARS                                        St Margaret’s College is committed to
Girls who have a particular reason          valuing and protecting the school day
e.g. live a considerable distance from      as a time for students to engage with
school, may drive to school. Daygirls       teaching and learning, and to
may not park inside the school grounds      encourage our girls to be actively
or in key drop-off areas for parents.       involved with each other and in the
Other girls may be transported only if      wider life of the school.
the driver has a full licence and they      With this as our desired outcome, there
have written permission from their          are now controls in place around the use
parents and the parents of the driver.      of mobile phones during the school day
This includes transport to and from         so these devices do not interfere with
all sports events. Girls are asked to       school life.

• These controls are to be observed             will require that they collect the phone.
    between 8.25am and 3.30pm on                  At the end of the school day, the phone
    school days, as well as special school        may be collected by the student, though
    events (e.g. Founders Day, Sunday             it will be handed back to Reception the
    Chapel services, Prizegiving).                following day and held safely there for
  • Mobile phones are to be kept at home,         the day.
    in lockers or in school bags, not
                                                  Second time, the phone will be
    carried on the person (i.e. not in
                                                  confiscated, labeled and held in the
    pockets or blazers).
                                                  office. Parents will be called to advise of
  • Phones brought to school will be set
                                                  the student’s second breach and asked
    to flight mode or on silent (with no
                                                  to collect the phone at their soonest
    vibration) during the school day.
                                                  convenience. For our boarding families,
  • Mobile phones are not to be visible
                                                  a member of the Boarding House team
    during the school day, unless by
                                                  can collect it at the end of the day.
    a specific request or permission from
                                                  Phones will stay at home or be handed
    a teacher.
                                                  back to Reception for the following two
  • Year 12 and 13 students may use
                                                  days for students to collect at the end
    their mobile phones while in their
                                                  of each day.
    Common Rooms only.
                                                  Third time, further consequences will
     If there is an urgent need for
                                                  be applied should a student be found
     communication that cannot wait until
                                                  to be in breach of these mobile phone
     the end of the school day, students and
                                                  restrictions a third time, this will include
     parents can make contact through the
                                                  afternoon detention, and a meeting
     school office.
                                                  with the student, her parents (by phone
     Should a mobile phone be visible during      with boarding parents), and a pastoral
     the school day, in contravention of these    senior leader.
     guidelines, there will be the following
                                                  There are many social, emotional and
                                                  academic benefits to be realised for
     First time, the phone will be confiscated,   our girls from greater controls around
     labeled and held in the office until the     mobile phone access during the school
     end of the school day. Parents will be       day, so we look forward to the support
     emailed to advise of the student breach      of our community to establish these
     and notified that a further infraction       expectations at St Margaret’s College

The School Office must be notified
of changes in address and telephone
numbers as soon as they occur.
Emergencies do happen and we need to
be able to inform parents immediately
as well as ensure all correspondence
reaches the correct address.
Chapel services are an important part
of the St Margaret’s College community
life. We gather as a whole school to
begin each week. The Term Calendar
sets out the dates, times and expected
attendance for all Sunday Chapel
services. Being together fosters our
community feeling and parents are
encouraged to attend these services
supporting their daughters in the
Chapel life.
Our Junior School gathers each week
for a Chapel service. Once a term, on
a Sunday evening, the whole Junior
School community comes to Chapel to
worship together.
In the Middle and Senior Schools,
Sunday services are set for the first
three terms. There are five dated
Sunday Chapel services, all of which
are compulsory for students in Years
7-13. If one is missed students must
negotiate with the Chaplain to attend
another Sunday service.

There are also week day chapel services   Linked In:
 held in St Mark’s Chapel and students
 in Years 7-13 must attend five of these   collegenz
 services over Terms 1-3. These services   Instagram:
 are Tuesday and Thursday at 8.00 am,      @SMCPrincipal
 and Tuesday and Thursday at 3:35 pm.      SMC News is emailed to St Margaret’s
 Chapel attendance for both Sunday         families every second Thursday during
                                           term time. Please let the School Office
 and week day services are recorded on
                                           know if you change your email address.
 reports for Year 7-13 students.
                                           We like to acknowledge the girls’
 In Term 4 there are two Chapel
                                           successes and activities both inside
 services that are marked as whole
                                           and outside the school. Please advise
 school events and attendance is           the School Office in writing of these
 compulsory. These are the Founders’       successes so we may feature them.
 Day Service and Carol Service.
     CONNECTING WITH OUR                   The St Margaret’s College intranet,
     COMMUNITY                             INSITE, contains a wealth of
 Communicating       effectively with      information for students and parents
 our parents and caregivers is of the      and can be accessed by clicking on
 utmost importance and is carried out      the INSITE logo at the top right of
 in a number of ways.                      the St Margaret’s College website.
                                           Information available includes:
 SMC News                                  • Student Notices – email notices
 The latest St Margaret’s College news        to students
 and events can be found online:           • Events Calendar – upcoming school
 SMC website:                              • Term Dates – for the current and                    following year
 Facebook:                                 • Sports Draws – Wednesday and               weekend games

• Library and Study Centre – Library      out to the girls involved. Please ensure
  Catalogue, Maggie’s Blog and more       permission slips are filled out fully and
• Stationery Lists                        returned by the date stated.
• General information for parents –
  handbooks, daily routine, Houses etc.
• Careers news, events and information    Notices, letters and interim reports are
  can also be found on INSITE             increasingly being sent to parents and
                                          caregivers by email. It is important that
Calendar of Events
                                          the primary email contact address we
The Events Calendar is available in       have for you is one that you regularly
electronic format on INSITE and the       access. Please let the School Office
SMC website under What’s On. This         know if you change your email address.
is as accurate as possible at the time
                                          Text / Emergency communication
of publication but may change from
time to time. Please continue to check    Text messages to parents and caregivers
the calendar regularly as it is updated   are reserved for emergencies or
throughout the term.                      particular information. In the case of an
                                          emergency, a text message will be sent
                                          to each student’s primary caregiver.
Details of events requiring parental      It is vital that we have the correct
permission are still communicated via     information so please let the School
letter. Letters may be posted but are     Office know if you change your
generally emailed to parents or handed    cellphone number.

• Parent/Teacher interviews
                                            • letters, emails and telephone calls
 The St Margaret’s College website            from Tutors, Deans or subject is updated         teachers, as and where needed
 regularly and contains information         • career information evenings
 about many aspects of the school.          • curriculum booklets
 Important messages, news and               • curriculum information evenings
 upcoming events can be found on the        • focus evenings
 homepage. During an emergency, the
                                            Parent communication with the school
 website is a key source of information.
                                            may be:
 Emergency messages will be displayed
                                            • by a telephone call, email or letter
 prominently and updates will be posted
                                              to the Tutor
 as they come to hand.
                                            • by a telephone call to the School
 SMC App                                      Office, who will direct you to the
                                              appropriate person
 Parents and students are regularly sent
                                            • by making an appointment with the
 alerts regarding key events through
                                              Executive Principal, Associate
 the SMC App. It is also a handy source
                                              Principal, Deputy Principals, Dean
 of information on your mobile. The
                                              or Tutor
 App will also be used to alert parents
                                            • by requesting a special conference
 in the case of an emergency. The App
                                              of teachers (through the Dean)
 can be downloaded by searching
                                            • through letters to the Associate
 for SchoolAppsNZ in the App Store
                                              Principal about such matters as early
 or Google Play.
                                              leave, overseas leave or special
 Evergreen                                    circumstances
                                            • by a telephone call to the Deputy
 The Evergreen Magazine is published
                                              Principal Assessment and Reporting
 twice a year and contains news and
                                              or Deputy Principal Teaching and
 articles about all aspects of school and
                                              Learning about curriculum matters
 alumni life. A copy of the magazine is
 posted to all St Margaret’s families.      The School communicates with students:
                                            • at Tutor time daily
 Other Communication
                                            • via daily email notices on Student
 The school also communicates with            Notices
 parents through:                           • on the intranet, INSITE
 • written academic reports                 • in assemblies

COMPLAINTS/CONCERNS                          opportunity to gather information
                                             when considering career options.
If parents have a query or concern over
fees, cafeteria charges, or other charges    DAMAGE TO SCHOOL
they should speak to the Finance Office.     PROPERTY
If the issue concerns their daughter’s       Girls are expected to take responsibility
property, locker, attendance pattern or      for any damage they cause and to
a general school problem, including          report it promptly to the School Office.
relationship issues between students,        Repairs for substantial damage caused
parents should speak to or email the         by careless behaviour will be charged
Tutor initially.                             to the student. The student herself will
Academic concerns should be discussed        repair minor damage, wherever
with the teacher in the first instance.      possible. Lost or damaged books or
If further follow up is required then        equipment must be paid for.
the Head of Faculty, Tutor or Dean can
be approached.
                                             When students are given major
Parents are always welcome to discuss
                                             assignments, research projects or other
their concerns with the Dean, Deputy
                                             work to be assessed, a firm time and
Principals, Associate Principal or
                                             date is set for the work to be handed in.
Executive Principal.
                                             Unless an extension of time is requested,
CURRICULUM EVENINGS                          and agreed to by the teacher concerned,
Curriculum evenings are held during          the deadline must be met.
Term 3 to provide information on             Year 11, 12 and 13 students will be
subject and career choices for the           issued with an NCEA Handbook at
succeeding year. It is very important        the beginning of the year outlining the
that parents and girls take full advantage   school policy.
of these opportunities. Senior Learning
Pathways information is available on         DEANS
the school intranet, INSITE, this is         Deans assist the work of the Tutors and
updated in Term 3. The handbook              provide further support for students
outlines course options for the following    through their pastoral care role. They
year for students in Years 11-13.            also form a contact between the Tutors
A Careers Expo is held at times in           and the Associate Principal Pastoral
conjunction with the Senior Learning         Care or Deputy Principal Teaching
Pathways Evening and provides an             and Learning.
Year 7 & 8 Dean
  Mrs Elspeth Godfrey-Chatterton
Year 9 Dean
  Dr Sarah Hickford
Year 10 Dean
  Ms Sarena Harrison
Year 11 Dean
  Mr James Evans
Year 12 Dean
  Ms Deborah Scott
Year 13 Dean
  Mrs Paula Vesty
The first point of contact should always
be with your daughter’s Tutor.
Implementing a discipline procedure
requires all staff to be involved,
consistent and committed. To promote
a positive learning environment and
ensure optimal learning conditions, all
students must be aware of their rights
and responsibilities.
Students have the right to:
• be respected as individuals
• have organised and competent
• have homework and assignments
   given out with appropriate notice
Students must meet the expectations of:
• arriving at class punctually with
  ALL necessary learning materials
• being prepared to listen and learn
• being courteous and obeying
• respecting staff, students, their work
  and property
• cell phone and electronic device use
Should the learning of students be
disrupted then discipline procedures
will be as follows:
Withdrawal for Serious Breaches
of Behaviour
The teacher will inform the Tutor and
the Dean in the first instance, enlisting
their help. Parents may be contacted.
If the student persists in misbehaving
she will be warned that if the behaviour
continues she will be withdrawn
from class to work on her own under
supervision. She will also be required
to attend a lunch time detention the
same week.
If she is removed from class, she is to
report immediately to the School Office.
Re-admittance to the class must be
negotiated between the teacher and/or
Dean and the student prior to the next
lesson. Any subsequent withdrawal
will result in an after school detention
(Thursday). Parents will be notified
and a Behavioural Agreement may
be implemented.
Daily Report Forms are available for
girls who are persistently misbehaving
or not working well in class. The Dean
organises this, in collaboration with
the Tutor.
Detentions are used for lack of
punctuality, incorrect uniform and
behaviour issues. Students must report      return books and clear lockers on Sign
 to the specified place at lunch time or     Out Day and to attend the Carol Service
 immediately after school. Failure to        and Prize Giving (including practices).
 report at this time will result in          Year 7-10 continue classes until school
 a family meeting and a possible             finishes, except for Year 10 Camp or
 Behaviour Agreement.                        Special Week during the last week of term.
 Uniform: Staff may give a Detention         Attendance at Founders’ Day Service,
 for incorrect uniform. For persistent       Carol Service and Prize Giving is
 offences parents will be contacted and      compulsory and full formal uniform
 girls sent home to change. Class time       with blazer must be worn i.e. tunic,
 missed will be made up in an after          shirt and tie for Years 7-10 and tussore
 school detention.                           uniform for Years 11-13.
 Disrespect of Staff or Student:             FEES
 Immediate referral to the Dean or
                                             Tuition and boarding fees are
 Associate Principal. Parents will
                                             determined on an annual basis.
 be contacted.
                                             Payment options are available and
 Jewellery: Confiscated and kept in          details can be obtained from the
 the School Office. In the first instance,   College’s Finance Office.
 jewellery is held until the end of the
                                             Additional sundry expenses (cafeteria,
 week. In the second instance the school     stationery, school trips etc.) are invoiced
 will hold jewellery until the end of term   monthly on a separate account and paid
 (see Wardrobe).                             by direct debit.
 Cell phones: Refer to the cell phones       There are penalties for late payment
 section earlier in this handbook.           of fees.
 (See also Special Occasions)
                                             The school Health Centre is located
 Senior external examinations, both          in Warren House (at the Papanui
 NCEA and IB, are held from October          Road end of the campus) and is staffed
 to December. All examinations are held      by a qualified Nurse, 2 Counsellors,
 at school. Year 11, 12 and 13 usually       and a Physiotherapist twice a week.
 have study leave for three or four days     Appointments for boarders to see
 immediately before their public exams       a doctor at a local medical centre can
 and do not attend school again except to    also be made.

Girls who feel ill at school must          own learning. Time spent on homework
report to the School Office first. They    tasks will vary. Students must learn
are then sent to the Health Centre         to manage their commitments and
where their condition is assessed and      deadlines so that some balance is
parents may be contacted to come           maintained between school and family,
and collect their daughter. Girls may      other     interests,  extra-curricular
not go home without communication          activities and relaxation. Details
between the parent and school nurse        regarding assessment and policy for
to ensure that the parent accepts          lateness of work are outlined in the
responsibility for the sick student.       NCEA Student Handbook.
Students may make appointments with        Middle School (Years 7-10)
the School Nurse or the Counsellors to
                                           Tasks need to be clearly defined by
discuss any health issues, social issues
                                           teachers, especially due date, format
or other queries and issues of concern
                                           and expectations. Tutors will discuss
(see also Pastoral Care/Wellbeing).
                                           time management with all students
HOLIDAY PROGRAMME                          early in Term 1 and encourage and
                                           monitor desirable homework patterns
St Margaret’s College runs a Holiday
                                           and routines. Routine must be
Programme during each school
                                           established so that all students learn
holiday period for girls and boys from
                                           to organise themselves and take
5-12 years of age. Children from all
                                           responsibility for their own learning.
schools are welcome. Details and
enrolment forms are available from the     Core and optional subjects should have
School Office or on the website.           homework three nights per week.
HOMEWORK                                   Homework Lapses
Homework is set at the discretion of       Failure to meet requirements will be
the teacher and will vary according        dealt with in the following way:
to year level and subject choices. It is
                                           a) The    class   teacher     discusses
a part of learning and should reinforce
                                           non-completion of homework with the
classroom teaching. All students are
                                           student in the first instance. If there
required to have a diary either in hard
                                           is a genuine reason, supported by
copy or digital.
                                           a note from parents or the Boarding
Senior School (Years 11-13)                House Manager, a reasonable time to
                                           complete the task will be negotiated.
The aim is to encourage all students
to be individually responsible for their   b) For persistent non-compliance
• the student will be referred to the       HONOURS
   Head of Faculty or Curriculum
                                             Excellence in Arts, Sports and
   Leader and the Tutor will be notified.    Academic work is recognised by the
   A lunch time detention or an              award of a Pocket or Silver Tie, which
   after-school detention (Thursday)         is a prerequisite for Honours.
   may apply. Parents will be informed.
                                             Outstanding performance at regional
   This will take precedence over all        level or above, as well as service in that
   other commitments.                        activity, is generally required for an
 • if the Tutor has received information     Honours Blazer (red blazer).
   about homework lapses from more
                                             HOUSE SYSTEM
   than one subject teacher, the Tutor
                                             There are six houses at St Margaret’s
   will check with all teachers to see if
                                             – Konini (purple), Kowhai (yellow),
   a pattern is emerging. Parents will
                                             Manuka (white), Matipo (brown), Rata
   be invited to meet with their daughter,
                                             (red) and Rimu (green). They foster
   the Tutor and/or the Dean.                a sense of belonging, fun and friendly
 • if the behaviour continues it             rivalry and further encourage the
   becomes a discipline issue and is         integration of students vertically from
   referred to the Dean.                     Years 1–13.

There is a Head of House who is               In addition to the St Margaret’s College
a Prefect and she is supported by             ID card, Year 9-13 students can
a Teacher in Charge of House and              also purchase a CANDO card. This
a committee of Year 13 students.              provides the student with authorised
House meetings are held regularly to          ID for use within the Canterbury region.
encourage participation in cultural
and sporting events and to provide
                                              IT SUPPORT DESK
support academically for all students.        The IT Support desk is located in the
ID CARDS                                      Library / Study Centre. Help is available
                                              for all technology-related issues.
Every girl in the school must have
a personal St Margaret’s College ID           LEAVING PROCEDURES AND
card, complete with her photograph.           TESTIMONIALS
These cards are used in the cafeteria to      The parents of students who intend to
purchase food and drink, in the library,      leave school must give a term’s notice
and at Maggie’s Shop for purchasing           in writing to the Executive Principal.
stationery, uniform and other items. It
is essential that the girls take great care   Full school testimonials are provided
of them as purchases or book loans            for girls who complete their school
cannot be made without an ID card.            careers at St Margaret’s College. Girls
                                              are urged to fill out application forms
Parents are able to regulate the amount       and nominate two teachers well in
spent in the cafeteria by contacting the      advance of their leaving date. All
School Office. If a girl loses or damages     information is then forwarded to their
her card it can be reissued at a cost         Tutor. Graduation certificates are
of $5.00. If a further card needs to          issued when a girl completes her
be issued within the same year, an            school career at SMC. Girls who
authorisation note from parents is            transfer to another school are not
required and $20.00 will be charged to        eligible for a full school testimonial or
the student’s account.                        for a graduation certificate.

If a card is forgotten, a temporary           Staff have discretion to provide private
card can be obtained from the School          character references, but not under
Office. Temporary cards can only be           official school letterhead, except in
used 3 times per term and are held by         special circumstances approved by the
the school.                                   Executive Principal or Associate Principal.

 The Library and Study Centre is open     Every girl in Years 7-11 is assigned
 for all students from 8.00am until       a locker for her sports gear, books and
 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday and           lunch. It is essential that she provide
 8.00am until 4.30pm on Friday. It is     her own lock and key from the first
 staffed by a trained library team and    day of Term 1.
 includes facilities for photocopying,
                                          LOST PROPERTY
 computing, email and Internet. Girls
 may come and browse our books or         Lost property is placed into the school
 use the reference and study facilities   lost property at Maggie’s Shop. This
 to research homework assignments         is available Monday – Friday between
 at lunchtime or after school. The        10:00am – 4:00pm in term time. A list
 Centre also provides extensive online    of named gear held in Lost Property is
 resources located on SMC Live,           published regularly on Student Notices.
 including links to online databases,     A small charge is made upon return of
 blogs and more.                          items. Any items still unclaimed at the

end of the term are sold or disposed        any girl with money should lodge it at
of. Small items of value (e.g. watches,     the School Office for safekeeping. We
glasses, jewellery) are held in the         cannot be responsible for money left in
School Office.                              classrooms, bags, lockers or changing
Parents should encourage their              rooms. Please encourage your daughter
daughter to take every precaution to        to be prudent.
keep her belongings safe. All personal      NON-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES IN
belongings and equipment including          SCHOOL TIME
clothing, sports shoes, laptops, bike
                                            All appointments for doctors, dentists,
helmets and sports bags must
be named.                                   physiotherapists, driving instructors
                                            and driving tests etc. must be made
MAGGIE’S SHOP AND CAFÉ                      outside school hours where possible.
Maggie’s Shop is situated at the            If it is absolutely essential to leave
Winchester Street entrance to the           school during the day, a student must
College. The Shop is open 10.00am–          sign out and sign back in at the School
4.00pm and the café 7.30am–4.15pm           Office. An appointment card or written
during term time and at special times in    parental permission must be given to
the holidays. The shop accepts eftpos or    her Tutor at tutor time who will then
cash as the preferred payment options.      issue her with a sign-out pass to be
Students may charge items to parents’       given to the office staff at the time of
accounts, using their student ID card,      signing out.
to a maximum value of $80 per day.
The shop stocks all new school and
                                            Girls may apply for an early pass or
sports uniforms, pre-loved uniform
                                            late pass by filling in a form from the
items of good quality, stationery,
                                            School Office, having it signed by
computing and subject specific needs,
                                            parents and gaining approval from
tickets, toiletries, sundries, Old Girls’
                                            the Associate Principal. The late and
and St Margaret’s College merchandise
                                            early passes are for girls who live out
and more. Maggie’s Shop also handles
items of lost property.                     of town and who may have difficulty
                                            with bus connections. They are given
Maggie’s Cafe is reserved for Year          rarely. However, it is expected that no
13 students only between 8:15am –           Year 11-13 student will require these.
3:30pm (or 2:30pm on Wednesdays).
                                            No girl should be out of the school at
MONEY                                       lunchtime. In special circumstances
Some girls bring large amounts of           a lunch pass can be arranged through
money to school. This is not wise and       the Associate Principal.
     The pastoral care of every student is
     given high priority at St Margaret’s
     College. A network of staff work
     together to ensure the wellbeing and
     safety of every student.
     Year 1-6 students are under the care
     of their Homeroom teacher. Students
     in Years 7-10 and 11-13 belong to
     vertical groups of approximately 16
     students, under the care of a Tutor. (See
     Tutor System).
     The Homeroom Teacher or Tutor is
     the first point of contact for parents
     should they have any queries about
     their daughter’s progress or welfare.
     Early in the year, parents and their
     daughter meet with their Tutor or
     Homeroom Teacher to set goals for
     the year. Each term the Tutor and the
     student review and revise these goals.
     Other staff who also provide support
     to students include Class Teachers,
     Learning Enhancement Staff, Heads
     of Faculty, the Dean, Chaplain,
     Counsellors, School Nurse, Boarding
     House Manager, Careers Advisor,
     Head of Middle School, Associate
     Principal Pastoral Care & Wellbeing,
     Deputy Principal Assessment and
     Reporting or Deputy Principal
     Teaching and Learning.
     Two trained counsellors are available
     to girls and parents as required and
are based in the Health Centre.
Appointments can be made by a direct
approach to a Counsellor, through
a phone call or an email to a Counsellor.
Students may also make appointments
with the School Nurse in the same way
to discuss any health issues.
The School Office is located in the
Winchester North. The office is open
from 8.00am until 4.30pm. Contact
details are on the front page of this
handbook. The office is staffed by
a Receptionist, School Secretary and
Database Manager. The Registrar is
based in the Enrolments Office also in
the main school office area.
The Executive Principal’s Personal
Assistant may be reached on
(03) 363 1902 between the hours of
8.00am and 4.30pm.
Finance staff are located in the Finance
Office, 2nd floor of Winchester North.
The Archives, Community Relations
Office, the SMC Foundation and the
Old Girls’ Association Office are all
located at 28 Winchester Street.
The school has a Health Education
programme which considers all
aspects of alcohol and drug prevention
education. One of its aims is to
help students establish and practise        action. The entire St Margaret’s College
 responsible behaviour. The school also      property is smoke free.
 has a policy with regard to what is
 acceptable when girls are under the
 jurisdiction of the school – that is,       The possession of, or taking of,
 whenever they are in school uniform,        any drugs other than on medical
 on school outings, field trips, sports      prescription, is forbidden. Any
 trips and other similar occasions. These    involvement at any time will be treated
 rules apply to boarders at all times        very seriously. Appropriate parties
 when they are under the jurisdiction        will be informed. Drug testing may be
 of the Boarding School and includes         required when use is suspected. From
 all outings except when with parents.       time to time drug searches may be
 Professional help from a counsellor,        carried out through the school.
 nurse or other agencies will be available
 to any student requiring it for any         Guidelines for parents and their
 alcohol, drug or smoking/vaping             daughters for social functions: When
 problem. The school policy on alcohol,      your daughter asks to go to a social
 drugs and smoking is:                       function, parents should:

 Alcohol                                     • know where your daughter is
                                               going including address and
 In accordance with the present law, no
                                               telephone number.
 girl may buy or be in possession of, or
                                             • ring the host parents to ensure that
 under the influence of, alcohol. Any
                                               there will be adult supervision and
 breach will be regarded as a serious
                                               that alcohol is not being served.
 offence and will result in disciplinary
                                               Parents are usually grateful for the
 action. Parents will be informed.
                                               support of other parents on these
 Alcohol may be served at some
 school-based senior student functions
 when parents are present, at the            • know exactly what the transport
 discretion of the Executive Principal.        arrangements are. If your daughter
                                               is driving, know exactly who is being
 Smoking/Vaping                                transported. If someone is driving
 The possession of tobacco, cigarettes         your daughter, then positively
 or e-cigarettes (vaping equipment) is         demand that the driver does not
 forbidden, as is smoking. Any offence         drink and check that the driver has
 will result in appropriate disciplinary       a full licence. You should also be

willing to do the transporting both      SCHOOL TRIPS
  to and from the venue.
                                           School Camps
• be aware all functions should end at
  a fixed time. Parents should always      Outdoor Education camps or events
                                           are held in Term 1 for Years 7-9
  know this and have clear arrangements
                                           and Term 4 for Year 10. The Year 12
  made for what time their daughter
                                           Leadership Retreat is held in Term 3.
  is to be home or when to call for her.   A Year 12 IB Camp is held in Term 1.
  If arrangements change, girls should     The Year 13 Prefects’ Retreat is held
  communicate with their parents.          before Term 1 begins. Year 11 may
• be aware functions during the term       participate in an active-based learning
  should be kept to a minimum and          day and a retreat in Term 2. The Year 5
  only on weekends.                        and 6 Camp is held in Term 4. There may
                                           also be ski trips.
The school has a role to play to assist
parents and their daughters in             Cultural Trips
these matters.                             Cultural   trips    are   occasionally

organised to Japan, a French-speaking      Tournaments with sister schools. These
 country, China, Chile, Vietnam, Greece,    are held in February and July and may
 Italy, or the USA. Year 13 girls have      involve travel to Dunedin or Timaru.
 the opportunity of taking a GAP
                                            SPECIAL OCCASIONS
 year after they leave school. Students
 have the opportunity of participating      There are three special occasions that
 in exchange schemes organised by the       are compulsory for students in Term 4:
 school, AFS or Rotary. Different year      • Founders’ Day Service held in the
 groups may visit a local marae.              evening, close to All Saints’ Day, 1
                                            • Carol Services are in the last week
 Year 10 students have the opportunity        of the school year. Parents are
 to go on exchange to Australia. Year 11      warmly invited to attend.
 and 12 students are able to apply for an   • Prize Giving ceremonies are held for
 exchange to Chile.                           Senior, Middle and Junior Schools,
                                              at the end of Term 4. Parents are
 Field Trips
                                              warmly invited to attend.
 Field trips are a regular part of study
                                            For all these occasions formal uniform
 in the Senior School in subjects such      must be worn. Years 11-13 wear tussore
 as Geography, Biology and Physical         uniform and blazer and Years 7-10
 Education. This may involve overnight      wear shirt, tie, tunic and blazer. Formal
 travel and some expense. Parents will      uniform for Year 1-6 students is the
 always be notified in writing of all       same as for Year 7-10, except that shorts
 details well before the field trip         may be worn in place of the tunic.
 takes place.                               Sunday Chapel is held regularly
 Ski Trips                                  throughout the year, usually at either
                                            5.00pm or 7.00pm, in the Chapel
 Ski trips to Mt Hutt may take place on     and parents are warmly welcomed.
 Sundays during the winter terms or         Other services are notified in the
 during the week for Years 7 and 8.         Term Calendar.
 Sports Trips                               SPEECH AND DRAMA
 Sports trips are an integral part of       Students may take private speech and
 inter-school competition, particularly     drama lessons with visiting teachers
 in rowing, hockey and netball. Teams       and many girls are entered for
 also take part in the Quadrangular         the examinations held by Trinity
College, London or the New Zealand          gymnasium, including a fitness
Speech Board.                               centre and rowing centre. The school
                                            has a Fitness Co-ordinator and girls
Lessons are timetabled to minimise
disruption to academic classes. Refer to    are encouraged to have an individual
the Arts section for further information.   fitness programme prepared. The
                                            Fitness Co-ordinator also organises
SPORTS                                      fitness programmes for girls in the top
Girls may play a wide variety of sports     teams for some codes.
at school and compete in competitions.
                                            The Student Sports Council, an
Basic training in most sports is
                                            elected group of Year 12 and 13
available in the school sports
                                            students, is very active in helping
education programme and specialist
                                            organise all sport in the school
coaches provide more advanced
coaching. Full details are available in     STATIONERY
the Sports Handbook.                        Stationery lists are published on
The school has tennis and netball           the school website under Parent
courts, a hockey turf, a heated             Information and also on the Maggie’s
swimming pool and a well equipped           Shop page. Stationery can be ordered

online via the OfficeMax MySchool           NCEA Level 1 or Level 2. The Gold
 website, which has St Margaret’s            Academic Excellence Bar recognises
 College stationery lists pre-loaded.        students with the highest academic
 Stationery purchases may be made            achievement either in NCEA or the
 throughout the year from Maggie’s Shop.     International   Baccalaureate. The
                                             Academic Silver Bar is awarded
 Years 7 -13 are expected to have
                                             for academic excellence in the
 a diary, hard copy or digital, to aid
                                             Middle School.
 time management, homework and
 other commitments.                          Certificates may be awarded during
                                             the year for excellence in a particular
                                             area. Honours blazers are awarded
 Academic                                    once a year for outstanding
                                             achievement. Selection is subject to
 Academic progress is rewarded during
                                             specific criteria.
 the year by the presentation of Academic
 Bars to recognise achievement and           Cultural
 effort. As relatively few are given, they
                                             Excellence in the Arts for achievement
 are much prized.
                                             in Dance, Theatre, Music, Debating,
 Silver Ties are awarded to girls who        Public Speaking and Visual Arts is
 achieve an Excellence endorsement in        rewarded once a year by the

presentation of Pockets or Honours          STUDENT ENTRY
blazers. Specific criteria apply.
                                            The Executive Principal and Deputy
Sporting                                    Principal Teaching and Learning are
Excellence in sport is rewarded by the      responsible for student entry policies
presentation of Pockets (twice per year)    and procedures in the school, making
and Honours blazers (once per year).        sure that they are fair and applied
Specific criteria apply.                    consistently.

Note: Some Year 13 students, who            Students transferring from other
have met the criteria, may have their       schools or accredited providers will
Honours blazer awarded mid-year.            be given credit for courses of study
                                            successfully completed there, and may,
                                            at the discretion of the Deputy Principal
Full outlines for the NCEA and              Assessment and Reporting, be enrolled
International Baccalaureate courses         in off-site programmes such as the
are set out in the curriculum documents     Correspondence School.
for each level, available on the
school website.                             STUDENT PROBLEMS AND
Our students enter the full range of
external examinations. Girls are also       Students who have any queries or
invited to participate in the ICAS          difficulties with their academic work,
English, Languages, Mathematics,            other students, school commitments,
Science, Chemistry and Physics              staff expectations or any facet of their
competitions.     The     school    has     school life, should in the first instance
experienced significant success in          discuss the problem with their Tutor
these exams. We also offer higher-level     who will be able to advise and counsel.
courses and extension to those students
                                            If the grievance persists, the student
who will benefit.
                                            should approach the Dean or Head of
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT                          Faculty who may refer the matter to
We consider it inadvisable for girls to     the Associate Principal, the Deputy
undertake a regular after-school job        Principal Assessment and Reporting,
(e.g. every evening) as this will have an   the Deputy Principal Teaching and
adverse effect upon academic, cultural      Learning or the Guidance Network.
and sporting commitments. A Friday          If necessary, a family discussion may
evening or some weekend work is             be set up or independent advice or
more appropriate.                           counselling sought.
 Taxi cards are only available from
 the Boarding Houses for the use of
 Boarders or from the Sports Office for
 the use of sports teams travelling to
 sporting fixtures.

 We expect, where possible, that all
 appointments be made out of school
 time. If, however, it is necessary for
 a daygirl to attend an appointment
 during school hours it is the
 responsibility of parents to organise
 travel to and from the appointment.
 Taxi cards are not available from the
 School or Finance Office for Daygirls.

 The School Office telephone may
 only be used in an emergency. Urgent
 telephone messages for students can be
 left at the office and every endeavour
 will be made to pass them on.

 A Term Calendar listing important
 dates and events for the current term
 is available on the St Margaret’s College
 under What’s On. The calendar is
 also available in electronic format
 on the school intranet, INSITE.
 The calendar is updated regularly
 throughout the term to reflect any
 additions or changes to scheduled events.

Every care should be taken of textbooks,
as girls will be held responsible for the
books they are issued with. The books
should be returned in good condition,
on the official book return/Sign Out
Day and any that are lost or damaged
will have to be replaced by the student,
or there will be a charge made for them.

At St Margaret’s College we strive to
recognise potential, develop talent
and achieve excellence. This is best
accomplished within a ‘disciplined
environment and a stable, caring, family
atmosphere’. We wish to develop and
support the personal and special needs
of each girl.

An important aspect of St Margaret’s
College pastoral care is the Tutor
system. Students in Year 7-10 (Middle
School) and Year 11-13 (Senior School)
are placed in vertical groupings
of approximately 16 students, and
a teacher, called the Tutor, is responsible
for their wellbeing and progress. The
Year 13 girls act as the peer supporters
and buddies for the younger girls. Year
1-6 students are under the care of their
Homeroom Teacher.
Each Tutor Group belongs to a House,
with four Middle School Tutor groups
and four Senior Tutor Groups in each

House. Each Middle School Tutor           The primary role of the Tutor is to
 Group is buddied with a Senior Tutor      oversee the wellbeing and progress of
 Group. There are social interactions      each girl in the Tutor Group. Any query
 between these groups to enhance the       or concern a parent has, should be
 Buddy system. The Tutors have the         directed to the Tutor in the first instance.
 support of the Deans and the Associate
 Principal. Together they ensure           VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL
 a positive learning and social            Visitors must call and register in the
 environment for each student.             School Office and seek help in facilitating
 Girls meet daily in their Tutor Groups.   their business. They must sign out on
 Early in Term 1, the Tutor meets          departure. If parents wish to speak to
 with each student, together with her      their daughter, it is more courteous and
 parent(s) or guardian, to review the      efficient for our staff to organise this,
 previous year and set realistic goals     rather than to have people dropping
 in academic, personal, cultural and       in informally. Appointments with the
 sporting areas for the current year.      Executive Principal are easily made
 These goals are reviewed by the Tutor     through the Principal’s EA or by an
 and student through the year.             email or phone call to a staff member.

Parents are most welcome to contact        • White SMC t-shirt (short or long
the school at any time.                      sleeved)
                                           • Cardigan
                                           • Sports Jacket (may be worn to and
It is expected that all girls will wear      from school in inclement weather)
clean uniform, correctly and with
                                           For formal occasions, all Year 11-13
pride. For persistent non-compliance,
                                           students must wear:
parents will be contacted, girls will be
                                           • Blazer
sent home to change and required to
                                           • Tussore dress
make up class time missed after school
                                           • White school blouse
in detention on a Thursday.
                                           • Tie
Year 11-13 Uniform                         • Natural coloured pantyhose
All students must have the following       • Black lace-up, U-bar or T-bar shoes
items:                                     Year 7-10 Uniform
• Blazer – must be worn to and from
   school every day and to formal          All students must have the following
   occasions including Chapel and          items:
   Assembly                                • Blazer – must be worn to and from
• Navy tunic, navy tailored shorts            school every day and to formal
   or navy skirt (worn on the knee)           occasions including Chapel and
• Tussore dress                               Assembly
• White school blouse                      • Navy tunic
• Tie                                      • White school blouse
• Full Tracksuit                           • Tie
• PE top and shorts and swimsuit           • Full Tracksuit
   (no bikinis)                            • PE top and shorts and swimsuit
• Black lace-up, U-bar or T-bar sturdy        (no bikinis)
   leather school shoes (fashion or        • Black lace-up, U-bar or T-bar sturdy
   canvas shoes are not acceptable)           leather school shoes (fashion or
• Navy socks (over the knee, under the        canvas shoes are not acceptable)
   knee or ankle) or black opaque tights   • Navy socks (over the knee, under the
                                              knee or ankle) or black opaque tights
In addition to the compulsory items
listed above, students may select from     In addition to the compulsory items
the following optional uniform items       listed above, students may select from
for everyday (non-formal) wear:            the following optional uniform items

for everyday (non-formal) wear:
                                            Year 1-6 Uniform
  • Navy tailored shorts or navy skirt
     (from Year 9 only, worn on the knee)   All students must have the following
  • White SMC t-shirt (short or long
                                            • Blazer – must be worn to and from
                                               school every day and to formal
  • Cardigan
                                               occasions including Chapel and
  • Sports Jacket (may be worn to and          Assembly
     from school in inclement weather)      • Navy tunic or navy tailored shorts
 For formal occasions, all Year 7-10        • White school blouse
 students must wear:                        • Tie
                                            • Regulation SMC sunhat
 • Blazer
                                               (compulsory in Term1 1 and 4)
 • Navy tunic
                                            • Full Tracksuit
 • White school blouse
                                            • PE top and shorts and swimsuit
 • Tie                                         (no bikinis)
 • Navy socks (summer) and black            • Black lace-up, U-bar or T-bar sturdy
    opaque tights (winter)                     leather school shoes (fashion or
 • Black lace-up, U-bar or T-bar shoes         canvas shoes are not acceptable)

• Navy socks (over the knee, under       Sports Bag
  the knee) or white ankle socks         • Compulsory for Years 7-10
  (Terms 1 and 4 only)
In addition to the compulsory items      • If hair is longer than shoulders
listed above, students may select from     it must be tied back in plaits or
the following optional uniform items       a ponytail. Hair ties must be a colour
for everyday (non-formal) wear:            in the uniform i.e. green, navy or white.
• White SMC t-shirt (short or long       • Natural coloured hair only.
• Cardigan                               Jewellery / Makeup
• Sports Jacket (may be worn to and      • Earrings – one silver or gold stud in
   from school in inclement weather)       the earlobe of each ear
                                         • Rings and nose studs or other visible
For formal occasions, all Year 1-6
                                           piercings are not permitted
students must wear:
                                         • No other jewellery may be worn.
• Blazer
                                           Special consideration may be given
• Navy tunic or navy tailored shorts
                                           by the Associate Principal in some
• School blouse
                                           special instances for taonga. Please
• Tie
                                           apply in writing.
• Black lace-up, U-bar or T-bar shoes
                                         • Nail polish or gel nails are not permitted.
Other Uniform Items                      • Make up is not permitted.
Ties                                     • Any tattoos must be hidden when
• School ties for Years 1-12               wearing any SMC uniform.
• Year 13 ties are compulsory for all
                                         A mixture of mufti and school uniform
  Year 13 students
                                         items is never acceptable.
• Silver Scholar ties are presented by
  the school                             Every article must be named, including
• Colours/Honours ties are presented     cycle helmets, which are compulsory
  by the school                          for all cyclists.

You can also read