Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette

Page created by Jennifer Henry
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette

                                                               class of

                                                            Colors: Black and Gold
                                                               Flower: Sunflower
                                                         Song: “We are Young” by Fun
                                              Motto: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying
                                                        goodbye so hard” -Winnie the Pooh
                                                Class Sponsors: Ms. Shannon Barsy, Ms. Rachel
                                                        Waltman and Mr. Benjamin Reime
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 2                                             2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                        May 27, 2021

           2020 Scholarship Recipients given at Academic Awards Night
   Mountain Parks
   Electric                               Kremmling Rotary                   Grand Foundation        Homegrown Talent
   Jesus Dominguez                        Club Citizenship                   Scholarship             Intiative
   Joy Hast                               Award                              Cirenda Cordova         Alex Bergman*
   Iliana Castillo                        Omar Dominguez                                             Charles Multerer
   Charles Multerer                       Charles Multerer                   The Grand               Emma Daly
   Emma Daly                                                                 Foundation &            Iliana Castillo
                                          West Grand                         Oppportunity for        Jakob Buller
   CU Boulder’s                           Community                          Youth                   Jesus Dominguez
   Outstandign Colorado                   Educational                        Charlie Multerer        Khailaya Hughes
   High School Student                    Foundation                                                 Madelyn Probst*
   Emily Osborne (West                    Charles Multerer                   Lion’s Club             Mason Lemon
   Grand junior)                          Emma Daly                          Emma Daly               Alan Gomez*
                                                                                                      * West Grand Juniors
   See the Future                         Blue Valley                        A special
   Scholarship                            Scholarship                        congratulations to      West Grand Booster
   Joy Hast                               Jesus Dominguez                    Charlie Multerer for    Club
                                          Charles Multerer                   receiving the Daniels   Emma Daly
                                          Emma Daly                          Fund Scholarship.       Omar Dominguez
                                          Iliana Castillo
                                          Joy Hast

               Did you miss submitting your shout-out to the graduating Class of 2021? Did we miss a
               senior profile? Submit for next week! The Grand Gazette will be doing more West Grand
                     graduation coverage! Call 970-509-0547 or email

                                                         DANI                                                  Congratulations Omar!
                                                                                                              Congratulations     to the
                                                                                                             May GodClass
                                                                                                                               in all your
                                                    YOU ARE THE MOST                                              future endeavors!
                                                      AMAZING KID!                                              (especially   you, Ty)
                                                                                                                       You rock!
                                                    WE CAN'T WAIT TO
                                                     SEE WHAT YOUR
                                                   FUTURE HOLDS AND
                                                    ALL THAT YOU DO!
                    Your Local
                   Powersports                                                   LOVE
                                                                 MOM, DAD AND GABRIEL
              IN BUSINESS OVER 30 YEARS


     Congrats Class of 2021!
     your Adventure Awaits!

                                                      TA NNER
         Congratulations Class of 2021!
          We wish you great success and
             happiness in the future!                 Tanner we are all so
                                                      proud of you!                                     THE PLACES YOU'LL GO.
                                                      And wish you the                                  THE THINGS YOU'LL DO.
                                                      best of luck on your                           THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING.
                                                      journey.                                        WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU.

          BLM Kremmling Field Office                  Love all your family                                    Love,
                                                                                                        Mom, Dad & Steven
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 3                                              2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                   May 27, 2021

     Charles Multerer                          Jesus Dominguez                              Iliana Castillo                           America Amaya
           Valedictorian                       Salutatorian, Co-Leader                            President                               Vice President
                                             Jesus is the son of Shavahn and          Iliana is the daughter of Polly and         America is the daughter of Blanca
 Charlie is the son of Cindy Multerer                                                                                             and Martin Amaya. Blanca works
                                             Luis Dominguez. Shavanh owns             Jose Castillo. Polly owns My First
   and Bert Multerer. Cindy is the                                                                                                 at the Super 8, and Martin works
                                            the Kremmling Subway, and Luis             Steps Daycare, and Jose Castillo
    Human Resources Director at                                                                                                      at the The Roofing Company.
                                            owns Dominguez Expert Painters.                works at Hester’s Lumber.
   Middle Park Health, and Bert is
  the owner of B& G Construction.
                                         What are your immediate plans              What are your immediate plans               What are your immediate plans after
                                                                                    after graduation from high school?
What are your immediate plans after after graduation from high school?                                                          graduation from high school? I plan to
                                                                                    After graduation, I plan on studying
graduation from high school? I will be After high school, I will be attending                                                   attend Metropolitan State University of
                                                                                    at Colorado Mountain College in
attending Princeton University to study the University of Arizona as a pre-                                                     Denver
                                         business student in the Eller College of   Dillon, Colorado for 2 years and then
politics and pre-law.
                                         Management and Honors College.             transferring to Fort Lewis College in       Where do you see yourself 10 years
Where do you see yourself 10 years                                                  Durango, Colorado. I plan to major in       from now? I see myself happy with
from now? 10 years from now, I will be Where do you see yourself 10 years           Social Work and minor in Psychology         what I’m doing. Happy with my job.
3 years out of law school and working from now? In 10 years from now I see          to become a school social worker.
                                                                                                              worker.           Maybe married and with kids.
as a 3rd year associate at a large law myself working somewhere on Wall
                                         Street and in a nice one-bedroom high      Where do you see yourself 10 years          What will you miss most about West
firm in the city.
                                         rise apartment. I will have an exotic      from now? In 10 years, I see myself         Grand? I think what I will miss most
What will you miss most about West bulldog named Chug.   Chug.                      having a stable job in a school and         about West Grand is my friends and
Grand? The aquamarine carpet.                                                       starting my beautiful family.
                                                                                                          family.               all the people I got to meet and make
                                         What saying or quote best describes                                                    memories with.
What advice do you have for you? No matter where life takes you,                    What advice do you have for
underclassmen? As cliche as it sounds, you’ll find me with a smile. Pursuit to      underclassmen? The biggest advice I         What advice do you have for
get involved. Some of the best high be happy, always laughing like a child.         have for underclassmen would be to be       underclassmen? My advice for
school memories I have had have come                                                themselves. It sounds cliche, but I wish    underclassmen is to try to make as
from trips taken for clubs and sports. What advice do you have for                  someone would have told me to not let       many memories as you can because
Also, just turn in your work and you’ll underclassmen? Like Clash of Clans,         anyone change who I was when starting       these 4 years go by so fast. Live in the
get an A.                                high school is a game. Play it every       high school.
                                                                                         school.                                moment. Try to make as many friends
                                         single day.
                                                day.                                                                            as you can.
What special honors, scholarships,                                                  What saying or quote best describes
and/or awards did you receive during Do you feel you missed out on any              you? “If you’re happy doing what What class or teacher was the best
high school? Too many to list. Also, special memories because of the                you’re doing, then nobody can tell you experience for you? For me, the best
the Daniels Fund Scholarship             pandemic? Honestly, I do not feel like     you’re not successful” -Harry Styles   experience was my history classes
                                         the pandemic robbed me of much. I                                                 with Mr. Trip. I really enjoyed learning
What saying or quote best describes am just grateful that my family stayed          What traditions do you hope West about history thanks to the way Mr. Trip
you? D   on’t follow your dreams, follow healthy throughout the whole pandemic.
      Don’t                                                                         Grand keeps after you graduate? The taught his classes. I learned a lot.
my Instagram @charliemulterer                                                       biggest tradition I hope West Grand
                                         What activities were you involved in       keeps after we graduate is painting
What traditions do you hope West during high school? Throughout high                senior parking spots! To me, it seemed
Grand keeps after you graduate? school I was a part of FBLA, UpRise,                like a way to express creativity and
I hope that FBLA continues the Mustang Student Council, Book Club, basketball,      show a piece of yourself most people
Market. Jesus and I worked too hard for football, track for a year, Renaissance,    would not know about you!
that to flop.                            Club Arriba, and the play
                                                               play for a year.
                                                                                    What class or teacher was the best
                                         What class or teacher was the best         experience for you? The class/teacher
                                         experience for you? I learned the most     that was the best experience for me was
                                         from all of the classes that I took with   History class with Mr. Trip. I have never
                                         Mrs. Johnston. She challenged my           been very good at history but Mr. Trip
                                         work more than anyone ever has but         made this class fun and entertaining for
                                         also gave me the tools to be successful.   me! Even though I didn’t have a class
                                         Miss you Mrs. J!                           with him this year, I would often find
                                                                                    myself in his room because it was a safe
                                                                                    and happy place for me.
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 4                                             2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                           May 27, 2021

                                                                                                CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2021!

                                                                                                              We wish you continued
                                                                                                              success as you begin your
                                                                                                              next adventure!

                                                                                                              The Kremmling Police

           TO THE CLASS OF                                                                       Congratulations

                                                         Great Job Seniors!
              ON YOUR                                 We hope all your goals and
          ACCOMPLISHMENTS                                dreams come true.
                                                                                                 Kremmling Rotary
         Now on to the new opportunities!           WEST GRAND
          The CSU Extension Office in Grand County    BOOSTER CLUB                                Serving our Community
             Olivia, Justin and Julie

                                                      We want to congratulate Eli Ryszkowski,
                                                             son of Bridget and James,               COLORADORANCH
          Congratulations                             and Cirenda Cordova, daughter of Henry                             C O M P A N Y

                                                       and Amy Cordova, on their graduation!             
             Graduates                                Best wishes and prayers for your next
              of 2021!                                             adventure.

                                                                 Cliffview Assisted Living               
         From FedEx Ground                                          staff and residents.

                                                              Congratulations class of 2021
                                                                See y'all in a few years!

Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 5                                             2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                               May 27, 2021

      Khailaya Hughes                           Isabella Galindo                   Angel “Omar” Dominguez                           Tanner Brumley
             Secretary                                Treasurer                                 Co-Leader
  Khai is the daughter of Katie and       Isabella is the daughter of Christina        Omar is the son of Mayra and             Tanner is the son of Lisa Strahl.
Eric. Katie works at Sombra Logistics,    Galindo a driver for FedEx Ground.          Omar Dominguez. Mayra works              She works at Holiday Inn Express
    and Eric is Retired Air Force.                                                    at Los Amigos and Angel Touch                             .
                                          What are your immediate plans after         Cleaning. Omar works at Ascent         What are your immediate plans after
What are your immediate plans after graduation from high school? I plan                  Electric and Los Amigos.            graduation from high school? Working
graduation from high school? I on attending CMC in Breckenridge/                                                             with Doug Prewitt, Electrician
plan to move to LA and own my own Dillion for an associate in arts and then What are your immediate plans after
                                          maybe transferring to a different college graduation from high school? I will      What will you miss most about West
hair salon/boutique!
                                          after 2 years.                            be attending Colorado Mesa University    Grand? Football and friends
Where do you see yourself 10 years                                                  in the Fall of 2021, where I will be
                                          Where do you see yourself 10 years                                                 What activities were you involved
from now? Fresh cuts all around.                                                    working towards a major in Criminal      in during high school? Football and
                                          from now? I hope in 10 years I can see
What will you miss most about West myself happy and healthy!                                                                 greenhouse
Grand? Our staff                          What activities were you involved Where do you see yourself 10 years               What was your most meaningful
                                                                                    from now? 10 years from now I see
What activities were you involved in in during high school? During high myself in my dream career as a police                volunteer project? Doing the Class of
during high school? art, robotics.        school, I was involved in Cheer, Pom,                                              2021 Rock
                                          FBLA, NHS, UPrise, and Student officer, hopefully living somewhere
                                                                                    warm!                                    What interests do you have outside of
What was your most meaningful Council.
volunteer project? Helping and getting                                                                                       school? Electrician
                                          What interests do you have outside What activities were you involved in
to know Cliffview patients.               of school? Outside of school I really during high school? Student Council,         What advice do you have for
                                                                                    NHS, Renaissance, Football, Wrestling,
What interests do you have outside of enjoy painting and spending time with                                                  underclassmen? You can do this.
                                          my family.                                and Track.
school? art, painting, hair, music.                                                                                          What was your most memorable time
                                                                                    What advice do you have for
What advice do you have for What advice do you have for                                                                      at West Grand? Rafting trip
                                          underclassmen? Advice that I have for underclassmen? Stand up and be a
underclassmen? It is not that deep! If it                                                                                    What special honors, scholarships,
                                          underclassmen would be to participate leader when everyone else just wants
causes you confusion or anxiety, leave.                                                                                      and/or awards did you receive during
                                          as much as possible. Try out different to be mediocre.
Period.                                   sports and clubs. Go to as many dances                                             high school? Lettered 2 times in
Where did you work during high as you can. And participate in all the What saying or quote best describes                    football
school? Starbucks                         dress-up days. Before you know it you? “In this world you either crank
                                          you’re running out of time and will no that soulja boy, or it cranks you”          What teacher was the best
                                          longer experience these high school -Soulja Boy                                    experience for you? Ms. Harmon and
                                          memories.                                                                          the Greenhouse

                                         What class or teacher was the best        What traditions do you hope West
                                         experience for you? A teacher that        Grand keeps after you graduate?  What saying or quote best describes
                                         made my high school experience            Renaissance!                     you? I’ll get it done.
                                         memorable would be Mrs. Keck. She
                                         is the sweetest woman I have ever met,    What class or teacher was the
                                         and she always makes me feel loved.       best experience for you? Mr. Trip’s
                                         She always told me stories about her      Current Issues class.
                                         high school experience and I relate the
                                         most to her. She is basically my second
                                         grandma, and she always knows how to
                                         put a smile on my face.
                                         What saying or quote best describes
                                         you? A quote that best describes me
                                         would be “I can’t be anything to anyone         Thank you for all that you
                                                                                          have done for the office.
                                         if I am nothing to myself.”                     It has been wonderful to
                                                                                         work with you and get to
                                                                                                 know you.

    ~ The Jones and Myer                                                                    Go do great things!

           Families                                                                              T-Eddy
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 6                                        2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                         May 27, 2021

                       GRADUATES!                                                       Live life to the fullest!
                          Good job,
                           Gabriel!                                                  Give it nothing but your best!

                                                                                        class of 2021!

    CONGRATULATIONS TO THE                               970-406-0314                                     970-724-9578
        CLASS OF 2021!


                                                       Thank you for your
                                                         future service!
                                                 You make our community proud!
               West End Liquor                          Gary and Jennifer
    970-724-3564 | 200 Park Ave, Kremmling

                        Congratulations       We couldn't
                        UpRISE seniors:
                        Charlie, Iliana,
                                                be any
                        Isabella and Jesus.   prouder of                                    We are so proud of you. Good luck in

         May all your futures be GRAND!
                                                 you!                     LOVE,
                                                                        DAD AND AJ
                                                                                             your pursuit of a state FFA office!!
                ~ Teresa Cantwell
                                                                                               Grammie and Papa

                                                                                                   CLASS OF
                                                                                            It's been our pleasure to be a
                                                                                               part of your lives for the
                                                                                                     last 13 years!
                                                                                                We are proud of you all!

                                                                                                       The Edsons
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 7                                              2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                May 27, 2021

         Jakob Buller                           Jose “Alejandro”                          Cirenda Cordova                           Carson Culbreath
  Jakob is the son of Andrea and Jess  Alejandro is the son of Jackie Maestas           Cirenda is the daughter of Amy             Carson is the son of Carol and
 Buller. Andrea is the owner of Buller  and Jose Castanon Jackie works as                and Henry Cordova. Amy is a              Frank Culbreath. Carol works at
Bookkeeping and Jess is a founder and    a Registered Nurse traveling back               clinic front office assistant at        the Grand River Ranch, and Frank
   CEO/CFO of Colorado Aerolabs.          and forth from towns in northern              Middle Park Health, and Henry               works for George T. Sanders.
What are your immediate plans after        New Mexico. Jose works with                  drives a truck at Grand Gravel.
graduation from high school? I plan to      Dominguez Expert Painters.
                                                                                     What are your immediate plans after       What are your immediate plans
go to Lamar Community College and What are your immediate plans after                graduation from high school? After
study for a degree in Criminal Justice. graduation from high school? I will be                                                 after graduation from high school?
                                                                                     graduating I will continue working at     Joining the Marine Corp June 28.
Where do you see yourself 10 years working with the Town Of Kremmling                the hospital as a CNA until I leave for
from now? In 10 years I would like to throughout the summer until I leave for        college in August. I will be attending    Where do you see yourself 10 years
be a SWAT officer.                       Marine Corps boot camp in San Diego         LCCC in Cheyenne, Wyoming to get          from now? Not too sure, hopefully rich
                                         on September 20.                            my degree in Nursing.                     in Hawaii.
What will you miss most about West
Grand? I will miss Mr. Trip, Mrs. Where do you see yourself 10 years                 Where do you see yourself 10 years What interests do you have outside of
Hastert, and Mr. Walter. Not only them from now? In 10 years I either see            from now? In 10 years I see myself school? I compete in archery and love
but their classes as well.               myself still being in the Marine Corps      working at a hospital as an RN, and to be with friends.
                                         hopefully serving a term as being a         living the best life with my dog Otis.
What interests do you have outside of recruiter. If I don’t see myself still in                                              What saying or quote best describes
school? I love to hunt, camp, dirt bike, the military after 10 years, I see myself   What interests do you have outside of you? “You’re not allowed to quit.”
shoot guns, and fish.
                 fish.                   working as a police officer… Where?         school? My interests outside of school Anytime I feel defeated this repeats in
                                         Who knows.                                  are mostly hunting or fishing. Also
                                                                                                                             my head, simple but meaningful.
What was your most memorable time                                                    spending time with friends, family, and
at West Grand? My most memorable Where did you work during high                      my dog.
                                                                                         dog.                                What traditions do you hope West
moments were Trip’s history classes.     school? I spent my four years of high
                                         school working at our family restaurant,    What advice do you have for Grand keeps after you graduate?
What saying or quote best describes Los Amigos, also I’ve been selling car           underclassmen? My advice for Bring back Freshmen haircuts.
you? A quote that best describes me is, parts for two years at Parts City and        underclassmen is don’t stress. You have Do you feel you missed out on any
“I have tried to live my life so that my O’Reilly Auto Parts.                        to try to fail, and even trying you still special memories because of the
family would love me and my friends                                                  won’t fail.                               pandemic? So many. Most of my senior
respect me. The rest can do whatever What interests do you have outside of
the hell they please.” -John Wayne       school? My interests outside of school      What was your most memorable time year was a letdown. Even if something
                                         include Photography. I specialize           at West Grand? My most memorable happened, it wasn’t the same.
Do you feel you missed out on any in portrait photography and also                   time at West Grand was playing at State Do you have special memories of
special memories because of the automotive. I also drive an unreliable               Volleyball my Junior year.                your senior year BECAUSE of the
pandemic? Yes, it feels like most of Subaru so I tend to work on that a lot. lot.
the moments kids look forward to for                                                 What traditions do you hope West pandemic? Despite missing out on a
senior year were taken away. Outdoor What class or teacher was the best              Grand keeps after you graduate? I lot, we were able to find creative things
activities were shut down; senior night experience for you? I honestly think         hope West Grand continues to let the like planning a prom or building a boat.
was taken away; Homecoming games that Mr. Trip was the realest teacher I             seniors paint parking spots.
were taken away; all these activities knew throughout high school. Not that          Do you have special memories of
you look forward to for 6 years or so he wasn’t just a great teacher, but a          your senior year BECAUSE of the
never happened. If there is anything to great person. He always knew how to          pandemic? My special memory of my
learn from it, I would say it’s that the help students with whatever was going       senior year because of covid is that
government doesn’t even know or care on even if it included dumb jokes. Good         I only went to school like 7 times the
who you are or what you lose for their Looks Ryan.                                   whole year.
gain, so don’t sit around and wait for
their permission to live your life and What special honors, scholarships,
give the younger generation things they and/or awards did you receive during
                                                school? I was self-awarded a two-
need to thrive. Make an effort to live high school?
life and do things when you know they    time    “FFA Barn Ball’ MVP trophy.
are right, even when the government      Working     as a Teachers Aide to the
says they aren’t.                        offices’  power  trio, I was awarded the
                                         title “Profesional Hall Monitor.”
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 8                                             2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                                    May 27, 2021

                                                                                                                                                 M  PL E T                           Greg Bayda
                                                                                                                      Fax: 725-3537
                                                                                                                                             C O “Everything E                     PO Box 2208
                                                                                                                                                                               Granby, CO 80446
                                                                                                                                                  in Building”
                                                                                                                                                    Est. 1972

                                                                                                                                      Specializing in: (w/own crews!)
                                                                                                                  •     Custom Homes, Additions,         •      Log Restoration - Exterior &
                                                                                                                        Remodeling & Commercial Work            Interior Finishes
                                                                                                                  •     Conventional Framing & Log       •      ICF Homes & Foundations
                                      Congratulations                                                                   Homes                            •      ICF Safe & Fire rooms / Bunkers
                                                                                                                  •     Decks, Kitchens & Baths          •      Everything - Concrete to Finish
                    Carson Culbreath                Charles Multerer
                                                                                                                  •     Chicken Coops
                                                                                                                                                                Work (subcontracting available)

                     Jacob Murphy                Daisy Hawkinson Byrne
                      Jacob Buller                     Mycah Miller
                     Austin Schake                   Illiana Castillo                                                                             Congratulations
                                                                                                                                                         Bear Mountain graduates
          May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so                                                            All that stands between a graduate and
                                                                                                                                                     the top of the ladder is the ladder.
             that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
                                             Romans 15:13                                                                                970-724-9651 | 970-485-9246

  Congratulations on
  Graduating A YEAR
  We knew that you                                                                                                      We couldn’t
  could do it and we                                                                                                   be prouder of
  are so proud of the
  man you are
                                                                                                                       the amazing
                                                                 Renegade Off Road | 1429 Eagle Avenue
  becoming.                                                                 970-724-0595
                                                                                                                        woman you
  "The only                                                                                                            have become.
  impossible journey
  is the one you never
  begin." Never                                     Best of luck West Grand                                             Can’t wait to
                                                                                                                        see what the
  believe those who
  tell you that you                                      class of 2021!                                                 future has in
                                                                                                                        store for you.
  can't, because we know that you can do
  anything you put your mind to.                                                                                            Go Pokes!
                We love you!
     Mom , Dad , Wyatt , Kaylie , Stefan &                                                                            Love:
              baby Skovrinski                                                                                     Mom, Dad, Allie
              ~ Romans 12:2 ~
                                                   970-724-3240 | 970-887-3122 |             and Shawna

 Class of 2021!                                                                                                            CONGRATULATIONS 2021 GRADUATES!
                                                                                                                        FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS WHEREVER THEY LEAD!
     Don’t give up on your future-                                                                                                    215 West Central Avenue, Kremmling
             You got this!                                                                                                                      970-724-9800

                                                                 What an adventure it has been and it is just
                                                                starting. We are excited to see where the next
                                                               adventure will take you and are so proud of you.            BEST WISHES
                                                                                                                       TO THE CLASS OF 2021!
                                                                           Oh the places you will go.

  Come get a tasty pizza!
                                                                      We love you to the moon and back.

                                                               Mom, Liv, Mimi, AJ, Beefy, Brooke,

     (970) 724-9243                                                                                                                                         (970) 724 9325
                                                                         Indie and Coop

                                                                                                                                         115 W CENTRAL AVE. KREMMLING, CO
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 9                                               2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                   May 27, 2021

           Emma Daly                            Danielle DeMattos                  Rene Dominguez-Lopez                            Daisy Hawkinson Byrne
   Emma is the daughter of Angela          Danielle DeMattos is the daughter of        Rene is the son of Maria and                  Daisy is the daughter of Rachelle
  and Jack Daly. Angie is a territory      Tiffany DeMattos and Jeff DeMattos.       Cuco. Maria works at Subway in                   Hawkinson and Aaron Byrne.
 manager for ICEV Multimedia. Jack                                                    Kremmling and Cuco works at                      Rachelle works at Hawkeye
                                             Tiffany works at Henderson Mill.
 is the K-8 principal at West Grand.                                                   Dominguez Expert Painters.                     Taxidermy, and Aaron works
What are your immediate plans after       What are your immediate plans                                                                at Summit Co. Solid Waste.
                         school? I plan
graduation from high school?              after graduation from high school? What are your immediate plans
to attend the University of Wyoming to    I’m planning on going to the Pacific after graduation from high school? What are your immediate plans after
                                          coast to live in a van with my cat.  Attend Metropolitan State University graduation from high school? I plan
major in Ag Education.                                                         of Denver pursuing a degree in Sports to attend CCCC in Cheyenne for a
Where do you see yourself 10 years                                             Management.
                                                                               Managemen     t.                          degree in Agriculture Business and
                                          Where do you see yourself 10 years
from now? I hope to be a teacher at a     from now? In 10 years, I see myself Where do you see yourself 10 years Management.
rural school in Colorado.                 owning my own business and traveling from now? Living my best life as an Where do you see yourself 10 years
What will you miss most about West        the world.                           athletic director and state championship- from now? Rich and happy
Grand? My friends I made in such a What was your most meaningful               winning football coach.
short time here.                                                                                                                 What will you miss most about
                                       volunteer project? My most What will you miss most about West                             West Grand? The laughter
What activities were you involved in meaningful volunteer project was Grand? The sports and the bonds with
during high school? FFA, NHS, Stuco, robotics. It taught more about life than the teammates and coaches.                         What interests do you have outside
Renaissance, Basketball, and helped school did.                                   What advice do you have for                    of school? Work, play, and sleep
coach some MS teams.
                 teams.                                                           underclassmen? Don’t get caught
                                       What activities were you involved in up trying to be like everyone else. Be
What advice do you have for during high school? I was involved                                                                   What saying or quote               best
underclassmen?? Try things that might in track, cross country, robotics, theater, yourself, and enjoy it. It goes by fast.
underclassmen                                                                                                                    describes you? “Full send.”
seem scary because they will be some basketball, and student council.             What was your most memorable time
of the best things you do.                                                        at West Grand? Friday night light              Where did you work during high
                                       What   traditions  do  you  hope    West   football games at home.                        school? Blue Valley Ranch
What traditions do you help West Grand
keeps after you graduate? Barn Ball       Grand keeps after you graduate? What saying or quote best describes
                                          Robotics is a tradition that I hope the you? “No matter where life takes me, Do you have special memories of
What class or teacher was the best                                                                                     your senior year BECAUSE of the
                                          school keeps after I graduate.          find me with a smile” -Mac Miller
experience for you? Both Ms. Barsy                                                                                     pandemic? I embraced the moments
and Mr. Walter were awesome.              Do you feel you missed out on any What class or teacher was the best and memories even more because you
Their rooms were a safe place and a       special memories because of the experience for you? Weights, especially never know when it will be your last.
welcoming one.
                                          pandemic? I skipped sports my senior this year with my lifting buddies.
Class of 2021Colors: Black and Gold - Grand Gazette
Page 10                                         2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                                      May 27, 2021

                                       The most memorable
                                       days usually end with
                                       the dirtiest clothes.                                                                         GABRIEL,
                                                                                                                                 CONGRATULATIONS ON
                                                                                                                                   YOUR GRADUATION
                                                                                                                                 AND BEST WISHES FOR
                                                                                                                                      YOUR NEXT
                                                                                                                                   ADVENTURE. WITH
                                                                                                                                    LOVE AND PRIDE
                                                                                                                                  TODAY AND ALWAYS.
                                                                                                                                     PRAYERS AND

                        Hol i day Laundrom at                                                                                     BLESSINGS ON YOUR
                                                                                                                                 GRADUATION AND FOR

                           8 a.m . - 9 p.m .
                                                                                                                                     YOUR FUTURE.

                                                                                                                                       LOVE YOU,

                     113 10th Street, Krem m l i ng                                                                             Mom, AnaMaria, Jesus and


              Congratulations                                                                                                          Congratulations to Mason Lemon

          You are on your way to
                                                                                                                                             and the Class of 2021!
                                                                                                                                      We wish you all the best of luck and a
                                                                                                                                              prosperous future!

          securing a bright future!
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     DAPCPA Pope, Young & Bohall, LLC                 Best wishes Class of 2021 - Reach for the stars!                                       2 County Road 2, 970-531-2327
     Grace Bohall, CPA 970-724-9074                                The universe is yours!

                                                                                                                                          qu ot e s@ gra n da u t ogla ss.c om
                                                      congratulations graduates!                                                           www.gra n da u t ogla ss.c om

Congratulations                                           KREMMLING CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
   to the Class of 2021!
  Good Luck in all your endeavors!
                                                      SHOW THE WORLD THE
                                                       AMAZINGNESS THAT
                                                     KREMMLING IS MADE OF!
     Don't forget that special grad!
         owers, gifts, balloons,                                  203 PARK AVENUE, KREMMLING
             specialty candy                                              970-724-3472

Page 11                                                2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                             May 27, 2021

          Wade Jansen                            Benjamin Kellen                      Mason Lemon                              David Mendez
  Wade is the son of Candy and Wade         Ben is the son of Brenda and Tom     Mason is the son of Amber and
                                           Kellen. Brenda is a Broker Associate  Shorty Lemon. Amber is a Real           David is the son of Carrie
 Jansen. Candy works at Middle Park
                                             at Keller Williams Realty Top of   Estate Associate at ReMax Red in         Horn who works at home.
  Health, and Wade works at Lowes.
                                              the Rockies, and Tom works at    Kremmling, and Shorty is a Grand
What are your immediate plans after            Colorado Parks and Wildlife.    County Road and Bridge Foreman.     What are your immediate plans after
graduation from high school? I plan to                                                                             graduation from high school? Work
work in town.                            What are your immediate plans What are your immediate plans
                                         after graduation from high school? after graduation from high school? at FedEx and vibe at home.
Where do you see yourself 10 years       Joining the United States Air Force Keep working in Colorado Springs.
                                                                                                                   Where do you see yourself 10 years
from now? Having an average job,
living an average life.                                                      Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Rich
                                         What will you miss most about West from now? Working and rodeoing
                                         Grand? Connections with friends                                           What will you miss most about West
What will you miss most about West
Grand? Teachers and friends.
                    friends.                                                 What will you miss most about Grand? My friends
                                         What interests do you have outside West Grand? Being around friends
What advice do you have for              of school? Snowboarding at Copper                                         What activities were you involved in
underclassmen? When you get behind       Mountain                            What interests do you have outside of during high school? The downs list
do the higher point stuff first.                                             school? Team roping and dirt biking.
                                         Where did you work during
                                         high school? F & I Flatwork                                               What interests do you have outside of
What was your most memorable time                                            What advice do you have for school? Skateboarding
at West Grand? Every single football                                         underclassmen? Don’t take high
season.                                  What class or teacher was the best school for granted, it goes by fast. What advice do you have for
                                         experience for you? Mr. Trip                                              underclassmen? Don’t do what I
What class or teacher was the best
experience for you? Greenhouse                                               What saying or quote best did.
because it’s easy community service.     Do you have special memories of describes you? A life behind a
                                         your senior year BECAUSE of the set of reins is a life without limits What was your most memorable
Do you feel you missed out on any        pandemic? 2nd Prom                                                        time at West Grand? Wade Jansen
special memories because of the                                              Where did you work during high
pandemic? I missed out on most of my                                         school? The Town of Kremmling
football season.


                           Our rebel, dreamer, and
                           innovator! We have loved
                           watching you grow and
                                                                Iliana                                    Wishing you the Wisdom to
                                                                                                         overcome the Challenges that
                           become someone who walks                                                           come your way, the
                           their own winding path.             We are                                       Confidence to Believe in
                           Congratulations, Mason!            so proud                                   Yourself, and the Opportunity
                                                                                                         to become everything you've
                                                                of the                                          ever Dreamed.
                           From near and far, sea or
                           land - you will soar.              beautiful                                  Go Conquer Nursing School!!
                                                               young                                              Love
                           Love, Uncle Stu, Aunt
                           Dawna, Sawyer and Maizie
                                                               woman                                       Dad, Mom and Bruce
                                                              God keep                                                                     Jesus,
                                                              you bless                                                          Watching you work hard to
                                                              you and                                                           tackle every challenge you've
                                                             keep lling                                                        faced has been a blessing. May
                                                                                                                               you always stay true and fight
                                                              your life                                                          every obstacle to fulfill your
                                                              with joy!
            TO THE CLASS OF 2021
                         of 2020                                                                                                          dreams.

                                                                                                                                     GOD BLESS YOU -
                                                                         We love you!
                                                                   Dad, Mom, Anael & Angel                                        Dad, Mom, Divina, Luisdavi and Kiko
Page 12                                                2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                      May 27, 2021

                       WEST GRAND CLASS                                                                                                   Josy,
                       OF 2021
                       Congratulations on your                                                                                    We are proud of you and
                       graduation!                                                                                                 can't wait to see what
                       You are our western treasure!
                                                                                                                                   you accomplish next!
                       We can't wait to see what you
                       accomplish next!
                                                                                                                              We know success awaits you!
            Town of Kremmling 970-724-3249                                                                                          Love ya, Mom, Dad,
             200 Eagle Avenue, Kremmling
                                                                                                                                  Hugh, Travis and Destiny
                                                       Congratulations Class of 2021!
                                                          Best of luck to you all!

                                                                                                                               Congratulations Class of 2021!
 Congratulations to the
 Congratulations                                                      970-557-4305                                             When life gives you mountains,
 class of 2021!
 class    2020!                                                                                                                 put on your boots and hike!
                                                                                                                                  Wishing you the best!
                                                       Ranch Creek Transfer Station - 441
                                                       State Highway 125, Granby (1/2 mile
                                                           north of hwy 40 on hwy 125)                                   Andrew W. Burns DDS
                                                                                                                        107 S.6th St., Kremmling

                                                                                                                               Congratulations to all graduating
                                                                                                                              seniors! May this be the beginning
                                                                                                                                 of a successful journey for all
                                                                                                                              graduating students as they enter a
                                                                                                                               new world of education that open
                                                                                                                                 doors for their future success.

                                                                                                              Special Congratulations to the following
                                                                                                                  West Grand scholarship winners:
                                                                                                        -   Emma Daly, $1,000 Academic Scholarship
                                                                                                        -   Iliana Castillo, $3,500 Academic Scholarship
                                                                                                        -   Charlie Multerer, $1,000 Academic Scholarship
                                                                                                        -   Jesus Dominguez, $4,000 Rosemary Knerr
                                                                                                            Memorial Scholarship
                                                                                                        -   Joy Hast, $4,000 Tom Sifers Scholarship

   Congratulations Austin!

                                                          Congratulations Seniors!                           Congratulations to
                                                                                           Park Ave
                                                        970-724-3535                      Kremmling         the 2021 graduates!
                                                               Rene,                                                     elong Adventure
                                                                                                                 is a Lif
                                                                                                                WEST GRAND COMMUNITY
                                                                                                             EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION
          You have filled our                                                                                      970-724-3217
           hearts with pride.                                                                         “Dedicated to enhancing education through strengthening
               Love,                                                 Love,
                                                                                                      the relationship between the community and our schools”
     Grandpa Steve and Grandma                            Dad, Mom, Fernando, Esmeralda
Page 13                                               2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                  May 27, 2021

         Mycah Miller                               Jacob Murphy                              Tiffany-Maria                             Ely Ryszkowski
  Mycah is the daughter of Jennifer          Jacob is the son of Ruth and Jeremy                                                  Ely is the son of Bridget and James
                                                                                            Tiffany is the daughter of             Ryszkowski. Bridget works at the
  and Jim Miller. The Miller family           Nixon and Brendon Murphy. Ruth             Janice and Bob Luttrell. Janice
  owns and operates Blue Life LTD.           works at Rabbit Ears Cabins, Jeremy                                                  Cliffview Assisted Living Center and
                                                                                         works at Bank of the West, and           James works at Conrey Excavating.
                                                works at Henderson Mill, and               Bob works at Henderson.
What are your immediate plans after           Brendon serves in the U.S. Army.
graduation from high school? A      fter
                                  After                                                                                  What are your immediate plans after
                                                                                      What will you miss most about West graduation from high school? Plan on
graduation, I am planning to stay here       What are your immediate plans after      Grand? Making memories with the trade work and traveling.
in Kremmling for maybe a year or two,        graduation from high school? Join the    kids I grew up with.
to make a bit of money, and help my          United States Marine Corps.
family out a little before I go my own                                                                                          Where do you see yourself 10 years
way and make sure I’m set for life.                                                   What activities were you involved in from now? Owning my own business-
                                             Where do you see yourself 10 years       during high school? Spirit, basketball, motorcycle shop
Where do you see yourself 10 years           from now? I have no idea, but            volleyball, track, band, drama, FFA,
from now? In 10 years, I see myself          hopefully alive.                         NHS, StuCo, and UpRise.                   What activities were you involved in
hopefully being successful and having                                                                                           during high school? Track, wrestling,
my life started and having a good-           Where did you work during high           What advice do you have for football, and hockey
paying job and somewhere warm.               school? Northwest Ranch Supply           underclassmen? Don’t care about
                                                                                      others’ opinions. It’s easier said than What advice do you have for
What will you miss most about West                                                    done but you’ll have more fun being underclassmen? Good luck
Grand? The main thing I will miss most
                                             What traditions do you hope West
                                             Grand keeps after you graduate?          yourself.
about West Grand is the Homecoming                                                                                              What class or teacher was the best
bonfires and Homecoming week, which          Freshmen haircuts (we need to bring it                                             experience for you? Mrs. Keck always
I didn’t really get to enjoy my senior       back)                                    What class or teacher was the best
                                                                                                                                saved the day in many ways.
year because I wasn’t in the building.
                             building.                                                experience for you? Miss. Barsy, Mr.
                                             What class or teacher was the best       Trip, and Mr. Bowerly: I couldn’t
                                                                                                                                Do you feel you missed out on any
What advice do you have for                  experience for you? Mrs. Taussig         choose just 1. They all did a lot for me.
                                                                                                                                special memories because of the
                  ust enjoy high school
underclassmen? JJust
and the ride and don’t live too fast                                                                                            pandemic? No, because I was always
                                             Do you feel you missed out on any        Do you feel you missed out on any
because the time you have left is going                                                                                         in detention, or the office, or had O.S.S.
                                             special memories because of the          special memories because of the
to be gone in a blink of an eye so just                                               pandemic? I feel we missed out on a
                                             pandemic? Yes, very much so.
make sure you enjoy it and love what                                                  lot but did the best we could with what Do you have special memories of
you’re doing.                                                                                                                   your senior year BECAUSE of the
                                                                                      we could.
                                                                                                                                pandemic? Wasn’t in the school itself
What saying or quote best describes                                                                                             anymore.
you? The one quote that I think
best describes me is. “Saying yes to
happiness means learning to say no to
things and people that stress you out.”
- Thema Paris
Do you feel you missed out on
any special memories because of                                                                                   Congratulations to Tiffany Padia-Luttrell!
the pandemic? I actually do feel                                                                                       You have a beautiful future!
like I missed memories because
of the pandemic. I missed my last                                                                                               970-531-8374
homecoming, my last prom, and senior                                                  Mom & Dad                           104 3rd Street, Kremmling
ditch day, which I always wanted to go
to but I didn’t this year because of covid
even though we still had Prom. I didn’t
go because of covid. So I really think I                                                     "To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
missed out on these and might regret it                                                        but also dream, not only plan, but also believe."
in the future.                                                                                                Anatole France
What class or teacher was the best
experience for you? Mrs. Keck and                                                          Congratulations to the West Grand High School
Mr. Trip were always easy to talk and                                                      Graduates of 2021!
helped if I was having a bad day or had
a problem. They also made classwork                                                        West Grand Board of Education and Staff.
seem easy and fun!
Page 14                                    2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                          May 27, 2021

                                           The Kremmling VFW Post 9374 and the VFW
                                           Auxiliary 9374 would like to extend our
                                           gratitude to all the West Grand graduates
                                           choosing the path of military service. You are
                                           hometown heroes and we support you!

                 Alejandro Castanon   Austin Schake     Ben Kellen    Carson Culbreath                Jacob Murphy

  Congratulations Graduates!
                                                                                                     “ with endurance the race set
                & TIRES                                                                                   before you, looking to Jesus,
          Josh & Emily Pedersen                                                                             the author and nisher
                                                                                                                of your faith..."
  Uhaul Truck Rental
   Equipment Rental                                                                                               Excellent job.
  Tire Sales & Service                                                                                 Love, Dad, Mom, Carl & Gracie

                                                                                   Rocky Mountain Floor Design
                                                                                Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!

                                                                                                  Sales & Installation
                                             You actually did it, Mycah!        Carpet | Solid Wood | Laminate | Tile | Stone | Vinyl |
                                                                                  Rubber | Cork | Engineered Wood | VCT | LVT |
                                               We are Proud of you!                          Waterproofing | Carpet Tile

               2021                            Love, Dad and Mom                                Cell (970) 531-2693


                                                                                  ALL OF US ARE SO
                                                                                     PROUD OF
                                                                                  EVERYTHING YOU
                                                                                HAVE ACCOMPLISHED!

                                                                                    Mom, Darrell and Heaven

             Mason!                                                                        WGHS seniors, the powers is in your
           We love you!!                                                                                hands!

                                                                                               Grand Power
     Dad, Mom, Jadyn, Grandma
      Diane & Grandma Letha.
                                                                                           Family owned and serving Grand County in all its
                                                                                         electrical needs since 2002. Call for all your electrical
                                                                                                        needs! Our advice is free!

                                                                                                         Doug & Kristin Prewitt
                                                                                                         Bryan & Brittany Klotz
Page 15                                                            2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                          May 27, 2021

            David Santos                                           Austin Schake                       Dominik Stefanik                           Gabriel Torres
   David is the son of Denise Vail who                        Austin is the son of Kelley Rice         Dominik is the son of Kelly          Gabriel is the son of Cynthia and
     works at Steamboat Grand. His                            and Clay Schake. Kelley works         Christensen and Robert Stefanik.       Jesus. Cynthia works for Omni Real
  stepfather is is Darrell Cordova who,                       at the Bison Ridge Ranch. Clay       Kelly works at the Grand Old West.       Estate and Jesus does remodeling.
    works at Northwest Ranch Supply.                                          Construction.
                                                                works at LPR Construction.            Robert works at Henderson.
What are your immediate plans after                        What are your immediate plans after What are your immediate plans after        What are your immediate plans
graduation from high school? I plan                        graduation from high school? I plan to graduation from high school? Start      after graduation from high school?
to stay in town for a year. I’m going to                   be at Coast Guard boot camp in Cape School at Lincoln Tech for welding.        Continue my handyman business.
try and find another job, but if not, I’m                  May, NJ.                                                                       Where do you see yourself 10 years
staying at Northwest Ranch Supply.                                                                Where do you see yourself 10 years      from now? Continue my business and
Then, I want to go to the Army for 3                       What will you miss most about West from now? Hopefully not dead.
                                                           Grand? Home games and family                                                   roping.
years, then go to CMU for schooling.
                                                           watching me play sports.               What will you miss most about West      What will you miss most about West
Where do you see yourself 10 years                                                                Grand? Mrs. Haster                      Grand? Sports and Misty Pickett
from now? I see myself getting my                          What interests do you have outside
business started 10 years from now.                        of school? Going on adventures with What activities were you involved in       What activities were you involved
                                                           friends, shooting trap and skeet, and during high school? Robotics             in during high school? Basketball,
What will you miss most about West                         fishing.                                                                       Football, and Track.
Grand? I will miss how supportive all                                                             What interests do you have outside of
my peers and teachers are.
                      are.                                 What advice do you have for school? snowboarding, fishing, cars,               What was your most meaningful
                                                           underclassmen? Someday you will video games.                                   volunteer project? Flower Bed.
What interests do you have outside                         look back on these 4 years as the good
of school? I like to ride my dirt bike,                    old days, so I advise you to slow down What was your most memorable time       What interests do you have outside
BMX bike, and spend time with friends                      and live in the moment.                at West Grand? Setting the shop on      of school? Team roping and the Fire
and family.                                                                                       fire.                                   Department.
                                                           Where did you work during high
What advice do you have for                                school? Shadow Creek Ranch             Where did you work during high          What advice do you have for
underclassmen? Do your work, and get                                                              school? Everywhere - Adventures in      underclassmen? Enjoy school now
it turned in on TIME.                                      What class or teacher was the best Whitewater, Deans West                      that you have it.
                                                           experience for you? History with Mr.
What saying or quote best describes                        Trip.                                  What class or teacher was the best
you? Life’s a marathon, I’ve gotta win                                                            experience for you? Mrs. Haster
that race.
Do you have special memories
of your senior year? I would
say actually having a senior
year in wrestling. I’m glad I
got to spend a lot of time with
my teammates.

                                                    -957  CONGRATULATIONS!
                                       ing |           We are so proud of you and
                              e, Kr
                      Pa rk Av                          can't wait to see you after
              |   310                                              Marine Boot Camp!
                                                           Love you always -
                                                           Mom, Dad & Bode
Page 16                                          2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                  May 27, 2021

           Class Valedictorian Charlie Multerer and Salutatorian              Mycah Miller walks with her kindergarten partner
           Jesus Dominguez prepare to walk down the hallways of the           and a first grade partner who didn’t get to walk the
           K-8 building. They were one of the first classes to enjoy the      hallways last year in the special right of passage
           new building when it was opemed om 2006.                           ceremony.

                                                                    photos by Kim Cameron

                              Grand County Strong!
                 Congratulations Grand County
               Class of 2021! We are proud of you!
                                2016             2017             2018              2019            2020

                             FRISCO                                                             KREMMLING
          725 TEN MILE DRIVE FRISCO, CO | 970-668-1000                       300 PARK AVENUE KREMMLING, CO | 970-724-4000
Page 17                                            2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                                     May 27, 2021

                                           Kremmling local,
                                          Fort Morgan High                                   Homeschool graduate
                                                                                         Joy is the daughter of Deborah
                                          School Graduate                               and John Hast. Deborah is a full-
                                                                                       time mom and homeschool teacher
                                                                                       while John is the owner of JC Hast
                                                                                         LLC, a construction company.
                                                                                     What are your immediate plans
                                                                                     after graduation from high school?
                                                                                     After graduating, I plan to work at the
                                                                                     Moose Café through the summer and
                                                                                     then attend Bob Jones University in
                                                                                     Greenville, South Carolina in the fall.
                                                                                     I plan to major in Fashion Design with
                                                                                     a Creative Writing minor. I am also
                                                                                     excited to announce I will be running
                                                                                     for their cross country team.

  Tylor-Jonathen Ususan                                                              Where do you see yourself 10 years
                                                                                     from now? I see myself working as a
                                                                                     freelance fashion illustrator and owning
     Tylor is the son of Sarah and                                                   my own fashion brand which will                         Joy Hast
     Lance. Sarah works at Your                                                      raise awareness for human trafficking
   Family Medical and Lance works                                                    and degenerative eye diseases. I also
       at Hammer Companies.                  Josephine Wheatley                      see myself as a successful, published      Award for cross country. Junior year I
What are your immediate plans after                                                  author of young adult fiction.             was recognized at the state level when
graduation from high school?                                                                                                    the Colorado High School Activities
                                              Josy is the daughter of Shawn
                                                                                     What activities were you involved in       Association (CHSAA) named me to
                                            and Mike Wheatley, owners of the
Keep working to save money for                                                       during high school? As a homeschool        Academic All-State First Team. This
                                              Grand Old West in Kremmling.
Culinary School                                                                      student, I was able to enjoy the           award honors students who have a
                                         What are your immediate plans               freedom and pace of classes at home        3.60 cumulative grade point average
Where do you see yourself 10 years       after graduation from high school?          while attending some classes at            or higher and have lettered in the
from now? As a pastry chef.              After graduation, I will be moving          the high school. I joined track my         sport they participated in. During my
                                         back home to Kremmling to live with         freshman year and was surprised at         3 years of competing in cross country,
What advice do you have for              my parents and work throughout the          my ability in distance. I ran on the       I placed in the top 15 individuals at
underclassmen? When it seems to get      summer. I am planning to work for           cross-country team as well, finding        regionals every year, qualified for state
hard, just keep going. You got this!     my parents at The Grand Old West            great success and a new passion. The       individually for 2 years, and lettered
                                         and also at Grand Gravel Pit. After         girls’ team went to state for the first    every year. I loved seeing how we grew
What saying or quote best describes      summer, I am hoping to get accepted         time in the West Grand cross country       as a girls’ team competitively. The girls’
you? Be like a tree, Bend in the wind,   into Morgan Community College and if        program’s history. I am excited the        team placed 4th at regionals 2 years in
But never break.                         not then continue my education at Aims      track season is here and hope to make      a row and 3rd my senior year, allowing
Where did you work during high           Community College. After completing         it to state to close out my senior year.   us to go to state every year I competed.
                                         all my prerequisites this year at Morgan    Besides running, I loved doing dance       Senior year I am privileged to be a
school? The Dean West
                                         Community, I am planning to major in        with Bertie Canepa. While I learned        member of the National Honor Society
What class or teacher was the best       radiologic technology.                      to love tap, my favorite will always       and receive the Most Valuable Player
               you? Erica Hastert
experience for you?                                                                  be lyrical dance. I definitely missed      award in cross country. I also have
                                         Where do you see yourself 10 years          dance classes and the dance recital this   been applying to scholarships all year
Do you have special memories of          from now? In ten years I see myself         spring. In the summers, I have enjoyed     and have seen the fruit of that work.
your senior year BECAUSE of the          working as a traveling X-ray Tech           volunteering at the library, helping       Mountain Parks Electric awarded me
pandemic? Met someone who really         or settling down in Kremmling and           with vacation bible school, and aiding     a $4,000 scholarship, and Bob Jones
cares about me and I care about.         continuing to work at Grand County’s        with my church’s July 4th block party      University awarded me $26,000 in
                                         medical centers.                            in the town square.                        academic scholarships. I also won a
                                                                                                                                $10,000 scholarship from the See the
                                         Where did you work during high              What advice do you have for                Future Fund based in Colorado.
                                         school? Throughout high school, I           underclassmen? My advice to
                                         worked at The Grand Old West and            underclassmen is to work hard and stay     What saying or quote best describes
                                         Grand Gravel Pit.                           focused on your goals. Get involved in     you? A quote that best describes me is
                                                                                     other activities besides schoolwork and    from Taylor Swift’s song, “Daylight”:
                                         What saying or quote best describes         try new things. You never know what        “I want to be defined by the things
                                         you? Send it                                you may succeed at or like unless you      that I love. Not the things I hate. Not
                                                                                     try. Enjoy high school because those       the things that I’m afraid of. Not the
                                         What advice do you have for                 4 years go by fast! Most importantly,      things that haunt me in the middle of
                                         underclassmen? Do whatever you              be authentic to yourself and be kind to    the night. I just think that you are what
                                         want because people will always find        others.                                    you love.”
                                         something to judge you for and life
                                         goes by too fast to let people’s opinions   What special honors, scholarships,
                                         hold you back.                              and/or awards did you receive during       Where did you work during high
                                                                                     high school? I am very driven and          school? Last May I was hired at the
                                         What class or teacher was the best          determined when it comes to my             Moose Café. Working as a waitress
                                         experience for you? Mrs. Johnston was       goals and pursuing excellence. My          and having the responsibility of a real
                                         by far the best teacher at West Grand       awards throughout high school reflect      job has grown me as an individual.
                                         not only because of her incredible          my perseverance. At Western Slope          Serving others at my job has made
                                         teaching skills but her personality and     League Championships for track my          me think more about what I can do to
                                         compassion                                  freshman year, I snagged 8th place in      serve others in my everyday life. Every
                                                                                     the 1600 meter and 3200 meter races.       penny matters as I am saving much of
                                         What will you miss most about West          Sophomore year I received the Scholar      my income to attend college!
                                         Grand? I miss the volleyball team and       Athlete Award, Recognition for Art
                                         all the memories we made.                   I Award, and Most Valuable Player
Page 18                                         2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                            May 27, 2021


   At baccalaureate on May 20, seniors were treated to a special message from guest speakers: Mr. Jess Buller, Mrs. Liz Bauer and Mr. Dave
   Hargadine. They were also treated to gifts from the community and a dinner.

                                                                 Jess Buller shares words of wisdom.

   Dave Hargadine addressed the soon-to-be graduates.                                       Photos by Kim Cameron
Page 19                                     2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                    May 27, 2021

                      A trip down memory lane

   Graduating seniors officially took their last walk at the “new” K-8 building on Thursday, May 27. In this newly established tradition, the
   graduating seniors walk the kindergarten class down the hallways as other classes cheer and clap. This year seniors also walked with a first
   grader since they were not able to do it last year. The Class of 2021 was one of the first classes to attend K-8 at its location now.

      May 29, 2021
      10 a.m.
      West Grand Football Field
      Parade through town
      approximately 12 noon

       Jacob Murphy                                        Senior Emma Daly walks with her escorts.
Page 20                                     2021 West Grand Graduation Edition                                                            May 27, 2021

          Class of 2021!
          We are "West Grand"
          Proud of all your
                                                         Memorial Day:
                                                     As you enjoy your
                                                Memorial Day weekend,
                                                please remember those
                                                 who made the ultimate
                                                        sacri ce for our

                   Rebecca                                                                          Amber
                   Guthrie                                                                          Lemon
                   Broker / Owner                                                 Broker Associate
                   (970) 485-4141                                                  (970) 531-2149
                                    404 Park Ave., Kremmling - Colorado
                 If you have a brokerage agreement with another agency please disregard this, it is not intended as a solicitation. All
                                        information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
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