Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens' perceptions about the work of the Assembly of Republic of North Macedonia February ...

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Public Opinion Analysis No.7/2021

Parliament Watch: Results from the
field survey on citizens’ perceptions
about the work of the Assembly of
Republic of North Macedonia
(February 17th – March 10th, 2021)
Authors: Vlora Rechica and Aleksandra Jovevska Gjorgjevikj
April 2021
This publication is produced within the Parliamentary Support Programme (PSP), with the support of the Swiss Agency for
  Development and Cooperation (SDC) through the Swiss Embassy in the Republic of North Macedonia. PSP is implemented
by the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” - Skopje (IDSCS), and the Center for
 Change Management (CCM). The contents of this publication cannot, in any way, be considered to reflect the views of SDC.
Table of Contents

I.       Methodology                                                       5

II.      Political context                                                 5

III.     Summary                                                           7

IV.      Level of information about the work of the Assembly               9

V.       Control and oversight of the Assembly over the executive branch   19

VI.      Functions of the Assembly                                         21

VII.     The public in the work of the Assembly                            25

VIII.    Who is represented by the MPs in the Assembly                     32

IX.      Parliamentary debate                                              38

X.       Reforms                                                           48

XI.      Политички контекст на истражувањето                               59

XII.     Covid 19 and the citizens                                         63

XIII.    Demographic distribution                                          66

XIV.     Charts                                                            68

Annex 1- Survey questionnaire about the work of the Assembly               71

Title:			        Parliament Watch: Results from the field
       		        survey on citizens’ perceptions about
       		        the work of the Assembly of the
       		        Republic of North Macedonia
			              (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)

Publisher:		     Institute for Democracy
			              “Societas Civilis” – Skopje

Authors:		       Vlora Rechica and
			              Aleksandra Jovevska Gjorgjevikj

Translation:		   Vesna Andonovska

Design:			       Dejan Kuzmanovski

This publication is available at:

  CIP - Каталогизација во публикација
  Национална и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”, Скопје


  RECICA, Vlora
     Parliament watch : Results from the field survey on citizens’
  perception about the work of the assembly of Republic of North Macedonia
  : (17 February - 10 March 2021) : public opinion analysis no. / [authors
  Vlora Recica and Aleksandra Jovevska Gjorgjevikj]. - Skopje : Institute
  for Democracy “Societas Civilis”, 2021. - 44 стр. : табели ; 30 см

  Фусноти кон текстот. - Содржи и: Annex 1

  ISBN 978-608-266-008-0

  1. Jovevska Gjorgjevikj, Aleksandra [автор]
  а) Собрание -- Работа -- Јавно мислење -- Македонија -- 2021 --

  COBISS.MK-ID 53540357
I. Methodology
Number of questions: 51
Sample: N=1010 (18 years of age + respondents
from the whole territory of the country)
Method: field survey face to face
Period: February 17th – March 10th, 2021
Standard error: ±3%.

II. Political

According to the Constitution, the Assembly holds                 to the aggravated situation with the Corona virus,
the legislative power and is currently composed                   the elections were postponed.
of 120 MPs. MPs are elected at direct elections by
means of proportional electoral lists for a four-                 In March 2020, the President of the country
year term. Pursuing the informal “tradition“ in the               declared a state of emergency that lasted until 15th
country, the Prime minister of the then Government                June. Meanwhile, political parties met on several
of SDSM, in October 2019 announced a leadership                   occasions at leadership meetings to set the date
meeting to propose the fifth early parliamentary                  of elections, as well as to determine the required
elections in the country. Elections came as result of
                                                                  measures of protection for the citizens during the
the country’s inability to start the negotiation talks            election campaign and the voting. After several
with the European Union (EU) because of the French                attempts and negotiations, 15th July 2020 was
veto and the lowered trust in the SDSM government                 set as the date of elections, along with several
which based its platform mainly on the uninterrupted              protection measures from Covid-19 for the citizens.
way towards EU accession of the country. In                       Voting and election day itself generally proceeded
February 2020, at the 137th session, the Assembly                 in an orderly manner and without major incidents or
unanimously reached a decision to be dissolved                    tension.4
with 113 votes “for “and no votes cast against or
abstention. The following day, on the 17 February,                According to the Constitution of RNM, declared
the President of the Assembly, Talat Xhaferi,                     state of emergency from March 2020 had to
pursuant to the constitutional and legal powers,                  be verified by the Assembly; however, the then
announced the elections on 12 April.“ Despite the
                            2             3
                                                                  President of the Assembly, Talat Xhaferi refused
plan to hold the parliamentary elections in April, due            to convene the parliamentary session, stating that

    “Zaev: We opt for early parliamentary elections“, Deutche Welle, 19 October 2019. Access on: p/3RYux
    (last visit: 10 March 2020)
    Decision for call for early parliamentary elections in Republic of North Macedonia. Decision downloaded from the website
    of the State Election Commission (SEC). Access on:
    (last visit: 9 March 2020)
    Pankovski, M. and other (2020). Handbook for the parliamentary elections in Republic of North Macedonia 2020: Second
    amended edition. Foundation Conrad Adenauer, Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis“– Skopje
    ODIHR Special election assessment mission
it would be impossible as the Assembly is already                     elections and the reconstitution of the Assembly.
    dissolved.5 On the other hand, 35 MPs signed and                      After the constitutional session, the work of the
    submitted an initiative for convening an urgent                       Assembly is generally stagnant given the reduced
    parliamentary session, however, with no success.                      capacity as result of the gravity of the situation with
    The initiative was signed by MPs from SDSM,                           Covid-19 pandemic. The ruling majority requested
    BESA, DPA and the independent parliamentary                           to shift the work of the Assembly online and the
    group, and it was not supported by VMRO-DPMNE                         opposition was against the proposal and it was
    and DUI. Dissolved parliament and declared state                      not adopted. Total of 101 laws were adopted in the
    of emergency posed an increased concern about                         Assembly in the period from 1 August to 16 March
    possible deterioration of democratic processes                        2021, that is, 51 laws in shortened procedure and 10
    and human rights. The situation in this period was                    laws with European flag. Adopting laws in shortened
    further aggravated due to the lack of oversight by                    procedure creates legal uncertainty, impetuous
    the Assembly over the Government which was given                      laws and non-functional and expensive processes
    legislative powers by being able to propose decrees                   that are meant to be regulated, while citizens are
    with force of law.  6
                                                                          not informed about the effects of certain laws that
                                                                          the Assembly failed to consider thoroughly. Further,
    At these elections, SDSM and the coalition                            the work of the Assembly has been stagnant as of
    “Mozeme“- won 46 seats, VMRO-DPMNE and the                            January 2021 as result of reduced capacity but also
    coalition “Obnova za Makedonija“, won 44 seats,                       due to several blockages by some of the political
    whereas the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI)                    parties. Blockages impact the citizens’ wellbeing
    won 15 seats. The coalition Alliance for Albanians                    because relevant laws for citizens’ wellbeing during
    and Alternativa won 12 seats, Levica won 2 seats,                     a pandemic need to be addressed, such as laws
    and the Democratic party of Albanians won 1 seat.                     to alleviate the effects on citizens’ financial status.
    The government coalition was formed among                             Nevertheless, this parliamentary composition
    SDSM and the coalition “Mozeme“ and DUI, after                        adopted several laws of importance for the citizens,
    several weeks of negotiations among the political                     such as the Law on Prevention and Protection
    parties. The coalition ensured majority of 61 MPs                     from Discrimination and the Law on Prevention
    in the Assembly for the Government, whereas the                       and Protection from Violence against Women and
    opposition was joined by VMRO-DPMNE and the                           Domestic Violence.
    coalition “Obnova za Makedonija“, coalition Alliance
    of Albanians and Alternativa, Levica and DPA.
    80 of total of 120 MPs in the new parliamentary
    composition were newly elected, that is, took the role
    of parliamentarians for the first time in their career.7

    The constitutional session of the new Assembly was
    held on the 4th August and the Assembly pursued
    the regular plenary sittings as of the 25th August. A
    five-month period passed between the first call for

        “Xhaferi: I do not have a mandate to annul the decision to dissolve the parliament with an individual act. Available at:, (last visit: 11 June 2020).
        Recica V. (2020) What is the general perception of citizens about the Assembly of Republic of North Macedonia?
        Institute for Democracy “Societes Civilis“– Skopje
        Heislet, Р.Е. (2020) Lottary in the supermarket: how the political parties use the closed lists to keep the control. Lice v
        lice. Available at:

6   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
III. Summary
The field survey from 2021 confirms that the                       Control and oversight of Assembly over the
citizens’ general perception about the work of                     executive branch
Assembly has remained relatively unchanged
over the last 3 years with regard to most of the                   The majority of citizens have perception that the
questions about the functions of the Assembly,                     Assembly does not fully exercise its constitutional
that is, openness to the public, work of MPs, and                  power to control the work of the Government, that is
parliamentary reforms; however, some positive                      25% of the respondents think that the Government
developments have been noted in comparison                         has full control over the Assembly. Considering
with last year. On a scale from 1 - worst to 5 -                   the MPs questions as one tool of the Assembly to
best, citizens assessed the work of the Assembly                   oversee the Government, citizens’ opinion is divided
in 2021 with an average score of 2,6, at the same                  in view of their appropriate use and whether they
level as in 2020; however, with small decline on                   serve the purpose of giving criticism and advertising.
the scale when compared to the last three years.
                                                                   Functions of the Assembly
Level of information about the work of the
Assembly                                                           Despite the perception of many citizens that the
                                                                   Assembly has impact over the quality of laws,
Predominant part of the citizens think that                        they express dissatisfaction with the quality and
the Assembly plays a significant role in the                       believe that laws undergo changes quite often.
country’s political life, however; almost one-half                 Adoption of better quality laws and overseeing the
of the respondents are not familiar with the                       budget spending are highlighted as most important
achievements of the Assembly in the past period.                   functions of the Assembly by biggest percentage of
Most of the respondents singled out the proposal                   the citizens, however; majority of the citizens assess
for a Law on the census, the Proposal for a Law                    the execution of the respective functions by the
on financial support to reduce consequences                        Assembly as unsatisfactory.
from Covid-19 over the production and purchase
of grapes and the wine industry and the proposal                   The public in the work of the Assembly
made by Levica to establish the national position
on EU integration of the country as most                           In respect of the openness to the public, most of the
characteristic about the work of the current                       respondents think that the Assembly is completely
parliamentary composition. Television is still the                 or partially closed to the public, and MPs fail to take
most popular way among citizens to be informed                     comments of the public when drafting laws. Also,
about the work of Assembly, whereas the                            majority of the citizens think that the MPs from their
Parliamentary TV Channel and website, as official                  constituencies are not available for meetings and
tools to provide information about the Assembly,                   fail to inform the citizens about their work. Citizens
are further underutilized.                                         also note that the problems of the municipalities and
                                                                   local communities are insufficiently addressed by

                                        Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           7
the MPs. Unlike the past periods, citizens are better       Reforms
    informed who are their MPs.
                                                                With regard to the processes of reforms that were
    Who is represented by the MPs                               announced after the new parliamentary majority and
                                                                the Government were formed in 2017, in general,
    The respondents’ impression about the extent to             citizens are divided about their impression that
    which the MPs represent the interests of citizens           the Assembly is prepared to undertake reforms
    in the Assembly is relatively divided. On the other         to normalize the political situation. Majority of the
    hand, most of them think that MPs always represent          citizens do not support boycotting the work of the
    the interests of their political parties as well as their   Assembly or prolonging and delaying the debate in
    own personal and business interests. Significant            order to prevent adoption of laws or decisions as
    part of the citizens stated that they are not familiar      the right way to express political views in the work
    in which way they can participate in the work of the        of the Assembly. Largest part of the respondents
    Assembly, resulting in the fact that only small part of     think that the change of the electoral model will be
    the respondents ever attempted to participate in the        conducive to increased quality of the parliamentary
    work of the Assembly.                                       composition and reduced dependence of MPs on
                                                                party leaders. The respondents did not identify a
    Parliamentary debate                                        predominant marginalized group whose interest are
                                                                largely represented by MPs, however; they single
    The perception of the majority of citizens is that          out three groups, i.e. people with disabilities, social
    most of the MPs are not ready to take decisions             welfare beneficiaries and unemployed people.
    on behalf of citizens. Further, one-half of them
    think that the speeches of MPs in the Assembly              Political context of the survey
    are either rarely supported or not supported by
    arguments at all. When it comes to the relations            The number of citizens who think that life in the
    among MPs, most of the citizens have described              country is headed in the wrong direction prevails
    these relations as competitive and hostile and they         over the ones who think the opposite. The greatest
    have the impression that MPs often or always use            optimists as per this question are the citizens of the
    speech during sessions to belittle and downgrade            Southwest Region, whereas the greatest pessimists
    their colleagues from other political parties.              are the citizens of the Vardar Region. On a scale
    Significant part of the surveyed citizens also think        from 1-lowest to 10-highest, citizens assessed the
    that MPs depend on the will of the leader of their          trust in the president of the country with highest
    political party. Regarding the extent to which              score – 4.5, followed by the Government- 4.3 and the
    every parliamentary political party contributes to          Assembly- 4.2. The judiciary was assessed with the
    improved quality work of the Assembly, citizens             lowest score - 3.1.
    have negative perception (completely or partially
    does not contribute) about all coalitions and parties.
    Citizens agree that political crisis should be resolved
    in the Assembly, and not at closed meetings among
    leaders of political parties. The respondents also
    think that citizen associations need to be enabled to
    be more involved in the work of the Assembly.

8   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
IV. Level of information
about the work of the
Over two thirds of the respondents (73%) think                       the role of the Assembly is insignificant, that is, 3
that the Assembly plays significant role in the                      percentage points less than 2020. Only 5% of the
political life in the country, which is an increase                  respondents do not know whether the Assembly
of 6 percentage points compared to last year.                        is important, which is an indication of lack of
On the other hand, 23% of the citizens think that                    knowledge or interest in the work of the (Chart 1).

Chart 1.		         What is the role of the Assembly in the political life in North Macedonia

80            73



30                                           23

                                                                                  5           6


             The Assembly has                The Assembly has                      Don’t know                     Refuses to answer
              significant role in            insignificant role in
               the political life              the political life

                                                         2021               2020

                                                The majority of the surveyed citizens think that Parliament

                                                plays a significant role in politics, which is an increase of
                                                6 percentage points more compared to 2020. On the other
                                                hand, a smaller number of them consider that the role of the
                                                Assembly is insignificant, where the percentage of respondents
                                                decreased by 3 percent points compared to the year of 2020.

                                             Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                     Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           9
Citizens are divided with regard to information                   familiar with the accomplishments of MPs in
     they have about the work/accomplishments of                       this period, and 48% answered that they have
     the Assembly in the period from August 2020                       little information or no information at all about
     – January 2021. With regard to the work of the                    the performances of MPs. Citizens provided
     current composition of the Assembly, elected at                   similar answers on the previous survey
     the elections in August 2020, 51% of the citizens                 conducted in 2020 (Chart 2).
     answered that they are partially or completely

     Chart 2.		      To which extent are you familiar with the accomplishments of the Assembly in the past period from
                     May 2019 to January 2021? (%)


                                                                             33          33


         20                                                                                             16       15
                    13        13


                     Completely                      Partially                      Little              Not familiar
                      familiar                       familiar                     familiar                at all

                                                             2021         2020

                                                        Regarding the work of the current newly elected composition
                                                        of the Assembly, surveyed citizens responded similarly as in

                                                        the survey conducted in 2020. Thus, more than half of the
                                                        respondents are partially or completely familiar with the
                                                        work of MPs, while half of the respondents are not familiar
                                                        with performance of MPs.

10   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
On the question what can be highlighted as most                               mentioned the proposal for a Law on North
characteristic about the work of this parliamentary                           Macedonia borrowing from the International
composition, or what will the current parliamentary                           bank for reconstruction and development, and
composition elected in August 2020 be remembered                              7% of the respondents singled out the proposal
for, the citizens highlighted the proposal for the                            for a Decision to organize the oversight hearing:
Law on the census (22%), second ranked in their                               “Establishing the cause and enforcement of laws
answers is the proposal for a Law on financial                                that led to the bankruptcy of Eurostandard Bank
support to reduce consequences of Covid-19                                    AD Skopje’’. 7% of the citizens were informed
on production and purchase of grapes and wine                                 about the Proposed budget for 2021, and only 5%
industry (12%), and on the third place is the proposal                        of the respondents about the proposal to shift the
of Levica for taking a national position about the EU                         work of the Assembly online. (Chart 3).
integration of the country (12%). 9% of the citizens

Chart 3.		      What will you remember this parliamentary composition about? (%)

                    Proposal for a Law on the census                                                                            22
        Proposal for a Law on financial support to...                                           12
               Establishing a national position about
                         Macedonian EU integration                                              12

     Proposal for a Law on borrowing of Republic...                                       9
       Proposal for a decision to hold an oversight...                                8

               Proposal for the Budget of Republic...                             7

                          Do not know/No answer...                                7
 Proposal for a Law on changes and amendments...                              5
                   Proposal for shifting the work of...                       5
 Proposal for a Law on prevention and protection...                       4
Proposal for election of judge of the Constitutional...               3

 Proposal for a Law on changes and amendments...                      3

 Proposal for a Law on prevention and protection...               2

               Proposal for a Law on amendments...            1

             Citizens, as the most characteristic of the work of the elected parliamentarian
             composition in 2020 outweigh the Law on Census in the first place. In the second place
             as the most characteristically, citizens pointed out the Draft Law on Financial Support for
             reduction of the consequences caused by Covid 19, and in the third place the proposal of
             the party “Levica” to determine the national position on Macedonia’s EU integration.

                                               Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                       Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           11
Given the health crisis due to the Covid-19                      Yet, over 2/3 of the citizens support the online
     pandemic, this year we asked the citizens whether                work of the Assembly, but 37% of them think
     they would support the online work of the                        that only MPs who are infected with Covid-19
     Assembly, if needed. This was a proposal made                    or in isolation should work online. 25% think
     by the ruling majority in December 2020. However,                that online work would not be necessary
     the proposal was not supported by the opposition.                (Chart 4).

     Chart 4.		      Do citizens support the Assembly working online?


                                                                               Only for individuals who are infected
                                                                               with Covid-19 and in isolation
                                                                               Don’t know/no answer


                                                   On the question if citizens support online work of the
                                                   Assembly, two thirds of them responded that they support
                                                   that type of work, while for a small part of the surveyed
                                                   citizens, this type of work is not required.

12   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
Half of the respondents get information about the                        information about the work of the Assembly from
work of the Assembly through television (41%),                           the official website. 10% of the respondents said
whereas 22% from Internet portals and social                             that information about the work of the Assembly
media. Only 5% of the respondents stated that                            is received via Internet news portals, and 10% said
they get informed from the Parliamentary TV                              that they don’t want to receive information about the
channel, and only 3% of the respondents obtain                           Assembly or they are not interested (Chart 5).

Chart 5.		     If you want to be informed about the work of the Assembly, which source of information do you
               commonly use?  (%)

                              Television                                                                                      41
                  Elsewhere on Internet
                (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)                                                22
     I don’t want to receive information
    about the Assembly/Not interested                               10

                   Online news portals                              10

                Parliamentary channel                           5

        Friends, cousins, neighbors etc.                    4

                     Assembly website                   3

          Directly from political parties           2

              Newspaper or magazine             1

                                  Radio         1

                                  Other     0

                Don’t know/no answer        0

                                                    As the most common source of information of the work

                                                    of the Assembly, the citizens in the largest percentage set
                                                    aside television. On the other hand, the results showed that
                                                    the Parliamentary channel and the website of the Assembly
                                                    are not among the most unpopular sources of informing
                                                    among the citizens.

                                            Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                    Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           13
However, on the question about secondary sources                   news portals is the second source of information
     of information, 28% of the citizens answered that                  for 12% of the citizens. 11% of the citizens
     their second source of information are their friends,              answered that they use the Parliamentary TV
     relatives, neighbors etc., 17% responded that                      channel as second source of information, while
     television is the second source of information, then               4% use the official website of the Assembly
     Internet portals and social media -16%, and Internet               (Chart 5.1).

     Chart 5.1       What other sources do you use to obtain information about the work of the Assembly?

             Friends, cousins, neighbors etc.                                                        28
                                    Television                                    17

                       Elsewhere on Internet
                     (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)                                16

                         Online news portals                            12

                      Parliamentary channel                        11

                                        Radio              4

                           Assembly website                4

                Directly from political parties            4

                   Newspaper or magazine               3

                     Don’t know/no answer         1

                                                      Citizens in the largest percentage, as a secondary
                                                      source of information listed their friends and

14   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
Analyzed by the age of the respondents, television is               by citizens. Parliamentary TV channel is most
the main source of information about the Assembly                   popular among the oldest citizens from the
for all age groups, except for the youngest. Television             age group (50-59 and 65+), and only 15% of
is the main source of information for citizens                      them stated that they use it as main source of
above 40 years of age, whereas Internet and social                  information. On the other hand, even though it is
media are the dominant source of information for                    insufficiently used, the website of the Assembly
respondents in the age group 18-39. Official sources                is used only by 6% of the citizens aged 30- 39
of information of the Assembly, i.e. parliamentary                  (Chart 5.2.).
TV channel and website, are further underutilized

Chart 5.2     Sources of information about the work of the Assembly by age groups (%)

                       10                8                      9                   2
       20               3                4                          2             4
                        6                3
                                                                5                 5                    Something else
                                                                                1 1                    Don’t know/no answer
        1               4                                                         2
        4                                                    13                    6                   I don’t want to receive information
                                                                                                       about the Assembly/Not interested
        7                               29                                                             Directly from political parties
                                                            1 1
                                                                                                       Assembly website
                       30                                    6
                                                                                                       Friends, cousins, neighbors etc.
                                                                9                                      Elsewhere on Internet
                                                                                                       (e.g. Facebook, Twitter)
       33                               13                                                             Radio
                                                                                                       Newspaper or magazine
                                         4                                                             Online news portals
                                                                                    72                 Parliamentary TV channel
       15                                                    52


     18 -29           30 -39          40 -49               50 - 59                  65+

                                              Analyzed by age, the youngest category of citizens (18-
                                              39) use social media as a source of information, while
                                              for citizens over 40 years, television has been the most
                                              widely used source.

                                       Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                               Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)             15
Asked about what kind of content they think should                 Parliament’s work. According to the respondents,
     be more frequently aired on the parliamentary TV                   educational contents about the legislative process
     channel, 17% of the citizens opt for promotional                   and the work of the Assembly (13%), presentation
     contents about the possibilities citizens have at their            of the activities of the parliamentary groups (11%),
     disposal to get involved in the work of Parliament                 field visits by the parliamentary committees (9%)
     and meetings with MPs, 16% of citizens believe that                and diplomatic activities and events of the MPs (8%)
     expert interpretations of adopted laws and legal                   are needed next. 5% of the citizens stated that they
     changes are needed, while 15% answered that there                  would like more contact shows on the parliamentary
     should be political debates on topics referring to                 TV channel (Chart 5.3).

     Chart 5.3		       What kind of contents do you think the Parliamentary TV Channel should air more frequently? (%)

                Promotional contents about the
                         possibilities citizens...                                                                    17
         Expert interpretations of adopted laws
                         and legal amendments                                                                        16

                       Political debates on topics                                                              15
                              to Parliament’s work

         Educational contents on the legislative
         process and the work of the Assembly                                                          13

                   Presentation of the activities of
                           parliamentary groups                                               11

                         Field visits performed by
                         parliamentary commities                                         9

         Diplomatic activities and events of MPs                                     8

               I don’t know / Refuses to answer                              6

                                Contact TV shows                         5

                                                       The majority of surveyed citizens, think that on the
                                                       parliamentary channel should be more represented
                                                       promotional content for the opportunities available to the
                                                       citizens for involvement in the work of the Assembly and
                                                       meetings with MPs.

16   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
In respect of the type of contents that need to be                        (9%) as well as more information about the
made available on the website of the Assembly,                            activities and how active their MP is (9%). 8% of
13% of the respondents stated that they would like                        the citizens would like to see more educational
to have a possibility to communicate with MPs                             content about the role and competencies of
and the same number of respondents said that                              the Assembly, 7% of the surveyed citizens
they would like to be able to refer questions to                          would like to have access to the recordings
MPs (13%). Based on the respondents’ answers,                             of the committees through the website of the
available should also be recordings from the                              Assembly, as well as information on the voting of
public debates (11%), the speeches of the MPs                             MPs on certain points (Chart 5.4)

Chart 5.4.      What type of contents do you think should be available on the Parliament’s website? (%)

         Possibities to communicate with MPs                                                                                           13
                Possibility to ask MPs questions                                                                                       13
                                 Public debates                                                                       11

                              Speeches of MPs                                                                  9
        More information about the activities
                  and how active is your MP                                                                   9
               Educational contents on the role                                                        8
             and competencies of the Assembly
                     Recordings of commitiees                                                   7

                 Voting of MPs on certain items                                                 7
                Tracing the law in all readings/
                 steps of the legislative process                                          6

  Live broadcast of sessions of the Parliament                                             6

  Minutes of commitiees and plenary sessions                                         5

                     I don’t know / No answer                                        5

                                               When asked what content citizens would like to see on the
                                               website of the Assembly, the largest percent responded that
                                               there should be an opportunity for communication with MPs,
                                               possibility of appointment issues as well as the opportunity to
                                               follow public hearings.

                                               Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                       Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           17
According to 71% of the respondents, information                        media are only partially or not at all sufficient to be
     received from the media is completely or                                informed about the laws adopted by MPs. Citizens’
     partially sufficient to be informed about most                          perception does not differ from their perception
     important legislation which is discussed or voted                       about the level of information they had at disposal in
     in the Assembly. On the other hand, 23% of the                          2020 (Chart 6).
     respondents think that information published by the

     Chart 6.		        To what extent the information received from the media about the work of the Assembly are sufficient to keep
                       you up to date with the most important legislative changes (%)


     40           35                     36

     20                                                                       17
     10                                                                                              6           6        6


                  Completely               Partially                  Partially           Not sufficient         Don’t know/
                   sufficient              sufficient               insufficient             at all              no answer

                                                             2021                  2020

                                                        The majority of citizens think that the information
                                                        they receive through the media are enough to keep
                                                        up with the most important legal regulations.

18   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
V. Control and oversight
of the Assembly over
the executive branch
Citizens’ perception is that the executive branch has             over the Government. Further, 35% of the citizens
bigger control over the Assembly rather than the                  stated that the Government controls the Assembly,
Assembly controlling the Government based on its                  however, in their view it is not a complete control
constitutional powers. Respondents ranked the level               because the Assembly has certain degree of
of control of the Assembly over the Government, that              autonomy. On the other hand, 12% of the citizens
is, the control of the Government over the Assembly.              think that the Assembly controls the Government,
On a scale from -3, meaning that the Government has               however, it is not a complete control because the
full control over the Assembly up to 3, meaning that              Government has certain degree of autonomy. 24%
the Assembly has full control over the Government,                of the respondents did not specifically state their
25% of the respondents stated that the Government                 opinion about the control of the Assembly over the
has full control over the Assembly, and only 4% of                Government, that is, control of the Government
the citizens think that the Assembly has full control             over the Assembly (Chart 7).

Chart 7. To what extent the Assembly has control over the Government, that is, control of the Government over the
         Assembly? (%)

          25                                               24

                                                                                                   4                  4

          -3             -2             -1                  0                  1                  2                   3
  The Government has                                  No opinion                                            The Parliamnet has
    complete control                                                                                         compete control
   over the Parliament                                                                                     over the Government

                                               Half of the citizens think that the Government to
                                               some extent controls the work of the Assembly.
                                               On the other hand, the number of citizens who
                                               believe that the Assembly controls the government is
                                               significantly smaller.

                                       Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                               Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           19
Considering that MPs questions are one                                    citizens partially or fully agree that MPs questions
     instrument of the Assembly to control the work                            are useful for “MPs to hold the Government
     of the ministries and the Government, in general,                         accountable“. 62% of the respondents fully or
     more than one-half of the respondents (68%)                               partially agree that MPs questions “are helpful
     partially or fully agree that MPs questions are                           to inform the citizens about the work of the
     used to “criticize the Government”. “More than                            Government and other institutions“, whereas 57%
     one-half of the citizens (60%) partially or fully                         think that they have impact to hold the institutions
     agree that MPs questions are also used to                                 accountable “. In general, citizens have divided
     “advertise the Government“. According to 64%                              opinion in terms of whether MPs questions
     of the respondents, MPs questions “enable to                              are used properly, or used for the purpose of
     oversee the work of the ministers“. 66% of the                            criticizing or advertising (Chart 8).

     Chart 8.        MPs questions: (%)

     are used to criticize the government and
     other institutions                                           31                             37                      17        8    7

     are useful for the institutions to show their
     accountability to the MPs                                 27                           39                           17    11       6

     inform citizens about the work of                       21                        41                           20         13       6
     Government and other institutions

     are used to advertise the Government                     24                       36                           22         11       7
     and other institutions

     impact the accountability of the institutions           22                      35                        21             15        6

     enable oversight over the work                          21                        43                                21        10   5
     of the ministers

                         Completely agree                    Partially agree                      Partially disagree
                                             Completely disagree                Don’t know/No answer

                                                             The majority of the surveyed citizens think that
                                                             parliamentary questions serve as criticism of the
                                                             government, while in the smallest percentage of the
                                                             surveyed citizens, consider that they “have an impact on
                                                             security responsibility by the institutions“.

20   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
VI. Functions of the

Two thirds (68%) of the citizens think that the                       perception about the impact of the Assembly
Assembly has moderate or big impact on the                            on the quality of laws. That is, compared to
quality of laws. On the other hand, 29% of the                        2020, when 65% of the citizens stated that the
respondents think that the Assembly to certain                        Assembly has major or moderate impact on the
degree does not impact the quality of laws in                         quality of laws, the share of citizens who share
North Macedonia. Compared to the previous                             this opinion has increased for 3 percentage
year, one can note positive change in citizens’                       points in 2021 (Chart 9).

Chart 9.		        To what extent does the Assembly influence the quality of laws in our country? (%)

                                        41         41
                                  38         39


 30          24          23
                   21                                                   20
                                                              15             15                     15 16
 20                                                                                       14 14

                                                                                                                                5    6
                                                                                                                       4    3

              A lot of                 Moderate                  Somewhat                   No influence                Don’t know/
             influence                 influence                no influence                   at all                   no answer

                                              2021           2020            2019           2018

                                                        Two thirds of the citizens think that The
                                                        Assembly has moderate or big impact on
                                                        the quality of laws.

                                              Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                      Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           21
Despite the positive changes in citizens’ perception                 of the respondents in 2020 were somewhat or
     about the impact of the Assembly on the quality                      completely dissatisfied with the quality of laws (3
     of laws, 54% of the respondents are completely or                    percentage points more than 2021). On the other
     partially dissatisfied with the quality of laws. The                 hand, compared to 2019, the perception of citizens
     percentage of citizens who stated that the quality                   is more negative when 51% of the respondents
     of laws is good or somewhat good is 13 percentage                    were completely or partially dissatisfied with quality
     points lower (41%). Compared to the previous year,                   and in 2018 when this was stated by 52% of the
     one can note slight improvement given that 57%                       respondents (Chart 10).

     Chart 10.		        To what extent are satisfied with the quality of laws adopted by the Assembly? (%)


                                                38 39
                                        36 35
                                                               29 29                        28
                                                                         26            25        25


              5           6    6                                                                             6
                    4                                                                                            5   5
      10                                                                                                                 3

                     Very                 Somewhat                Somewhat               Dissatisfied         Don’t know/
                   satisfied               satisfied              dissatisfied                                no answer

                                                  2021         2020           2019      2018

                                                       The majority of citizens are dissatisfied with the quality
                                                       of the adopted laws

22   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
Majority of citizens (55%) stated that laws in North                     respondents think that laws are changed rarely,
Macedonia undergo changes often or too often,                            that is, 8% - rarely and 3%- very rarely. In respect of
that is, 25% stated that laws are changed too often                      the results from previous years, one can conclude
and 30% of them stated that laws are changed                             that the share of citizens who think that laws are
often. According to 26% of the respondents, laws                         changed too often has fallen for 7 percentage
undergo changes often enough. Only 11% of the                            points compared to 2020 - 32% (Chart 11).

Chart 11.		        How often are laws changed? (%)


                              30 29 29                       31
                   26 25                             26 27        28


                                                                            8       8                                      8
                                                                                6        6                                     5 4 4
 10                                                                                                 3
                                                                                                        2 2 2

               Too               Often                  Often                   Rarely                   Very             Don’t know/
              often                                    enough                                           rarely            no answer

                                              2021            2020          2019             2018

                                                 The majority of citizens believe the laws in North
                                                 Macedonia are changed frequently or too often.

                                              Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                      Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           23
On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 - not important at all and                         is the function of the Assembly to follow up on the
     10 - very important), respondents assessed the                                implementation of laws and policies with a score of
     importance of certain functions of the Assembly. Also,                        8,7, and the function of the Assembly to control the
     on a scale from 1 to 10, respondents were asked to                            Government and the ministries with an average score
     state to which extent they think that MPs fulfill the                         of 9,1. They also think that the MPs only partially fulfill
     respective functions. According to the respondents,                           those functions and assessed the fulfillment of both
     first ranked function of the Assembly as most                                 functions with a score of 5,0.
     important is the adoption of laws with better quality,
     with an average score of 9,2 as well as the function                          According to the citizens, the least important function
     of the Assembly to oversee the budget spending, also                          of the Assembly is the adoption of as many laws and
     with an average score of 9,2. However, citizens think                         legislative changes as possible in the shortest possible
     that MPs only partially fulfill these functions, and                          period of time, with an average score of 8,0. Even though
     assessed the adoption of laws with better quality with                        respondents consider it as least important function, if
     a score of 5,1, and the fulfillment of the function to                        compared to the other functions of the Assembly, still it
     oversee the budget spending with an average score of                          is the function that MPs largely performed – assessed
     5,0.                                                                          with a score of 6,1, that is, with highest average score
                                                                                   about the extent to which the Assembly fulfills its
     Third ranked function according to its importance                             functions (Chart 12).

     Chart 12.		       Average score on a scale form 1 to 10 about the importance of Assembly functions and to what extent
                       those are fulfilled by MPs (%)

               9.2               9.2                 9.1               9.1                    8.9                    8.7            8
      8              5.1               5                   5                 4.9                    4.8                    4.4
             To adopt         To oversee the      To follow up on  To control the          To organize           To enable         To adopt
            better quality      spending of       implementation    Government            public debates     the public to take     as many
                laws             the Budget         of laws and   and the ministries        on topical           part in the       laws and
                               (public funds)         policies                             matters with          making of        legislative
                                                                                          experts, citizen   laws and policies      changes
                                                                                           associations                           as possible

                                                Importance by functions             Extent of fulfilling functions

                The citizens, as the most important functions of the Assembly, single out the functions
                to carry better laws in the first place, and to monitor how the budget is spent. The least
                important function was the adoption of as many laws as possible and legal changes in the
                shortest possible time, for which on the other hand, the citizens as well think that the MPs
                did the most.

24   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
VII. The public in
the work of the
With regard to the openness of the Assembly                           limit the participation of citizens in the work of
to the public, more than one-half of the                              the Assembly online. According to 33% of the
respondents (55%) think that the Assembly is                          respondents, the Assembly is completely or
completely or partially closed to the public, with                    partially open for public participation, and 12%
an increase of 6 percentage points compared                           of the respondents did not express any opinion
to last year. This perception, among others,                          on this matter. Given the results from the past
relies on the fact that the Assembly is closed                        period, one can note that citizens’ perception
for the public due to the Covid-19 pandemic                           has declined about the openness of the
and the necessity for protective measures that                        Assembly (Chart 13).

Chart 13.		       To what extent do you think that the Assembly is open to include the public in its work? (%)


                                       32 32 31
                                                              28        28                27
                                  26                               26                               25
 30                                                                            24              23

                                                                                                                      12 12 11
         7    6         6

              Fully                    Partially                   Partially                 Completely                 Don’t know/
              open                      open                        closed                     closed                   no answer

                                               2021           2020             2019         2018

                                                   The majority of respondents believe that the Assembly is,
                                                   to some extent, closed to the public in its work, which has
                                                   increased by 6 percentage points unlike last year.

                                              Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                      Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           25
Almost half of the respondents (49%) think that                       taken into consideration. According to 15% of
     MPs do not take into account the comments made                        the respondents, MPs often or always include
     by citizens and CSOs when drafting laws. That is,                     proposals made by citizens and CSOs, which is
     32% think that such comments are rarely included,                     an increase of 4 percentage points compared
     whereas 17% think that they are fully integrated                      to 2020. In respect of this question, perception
     by MPs, which is a decline of 7 percentage points                     of citizens has remained constant in the past 3
     compared to last year. From the total number of                       years (Chart 14).
     respondents, 28% think that proposals are never

     Chart 14.		     How often do MPs include the comments made by citizens and civil society organizations in the law
                     making? (%)


                                                                            32        32
                                                                30 31 29         30        29
      30                                                                                                    24        23
                                       11 10 11
                                                                                                                               5 6 6
              1 1 1 3

                Always                Often                Sometimes             Rarely                     Never          Don’t know/
                               (in most of the cases)                                                                      no answer

                                                    2021            2020     2019               2018

                                                        For almost half of the respondents, MPs are to some
                                                        extent closed to public remarks andcivil society
                                                        organizations in drafting laws.

26   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
The respondents were given the names of                                On the question whether they know the
MPs who were elected in their constituency/                            elected representatives in Assembly from
municipality/region. The names of MPs from                             their constituency/municipality/ region, over
their constituency/municipality/region were                            two thirds of the respondents (68%) gave
unknown to one third of the citizens (29%).                            affirmative answers (Chart 15).

Chart 15.		        Do you know who is the MP from your constituency? (%)



                                  54   56
  60                   51
  50                                                                             42




                                                                                                      3        2           2   3

                            Yes                                       No                                           Other

                                             2021         2020         2019        2018

              1/3                            For one third of the citizens, the names of the MPs from
                                             their constituency are unknown.

                                            Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                    Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           27
Almost half of the respondents stated that MPs from                  increase of 9% compared to the previous year.
     their constituencies are not available for meetings                  Compared to the past period, one can note that
     with citizens (45%). 30% of the respondents think                    the perception about the availability of MPs has
     that MPs are available for meetings, which is an                     improved (Chart 16).

     Chart 16.		        The MP from your region (municipality, electoral district) is available to have meetings with citizens (%)





       60                                                                     53
                                                                    49             50

       40          30                                                                                      30
                                                                                                   26             26
       30                   21         21


                                 Yes                                     No                          Don’t know/No answer

                                                        2021       2020        2019     2018

                                                     Almost half of the citizens answered that MPs from their
                                                     constituency are not available for meetings with citizens.
                                                     However, positive moves have been noted on this issue,
                                                     compared to past years.

28   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
According to 24% of the surveyed citizens, the                          MPs’ offices, the same number think that they do
MPs from their region do not inform them about                          it through public appearances, while 7% through
their work at all, which is a significant 16% less                      meetings with citizens in public locations. 11% of
compared to 2020. 19% think that MPs do it                              the citizens do not know through which channel
through the media, the same number think that                           the MPs from their region inform the citizens about
MPs inform them through social networks.                                their work. In general, the perception of citizens
According to 8% of the respondents, the MPs from                        has improved compared to last year (Chart 17).
their region inform them through meetings in the

Chart 17.		    The MPs of your region inform the citizens about their work via (%)

                                                                                                         40        38


 30                                                                                                 24
                                                            19                   19
                                                                      17 17                                                          17
                                                                                                                             15 16
 20                                                              13                   12                                11
               10 9     11       9                                                         10
         8 8                         7    8 7 8 6
                             6                                                                  6

         Meetings      Meetings with         Public            Media               Social           Do not inform       I don’t know/
        held in MPs’   citizens held on   appearances                             networks              them              No answer
           offices     public locations

                                            2021          2020            2019              2018

                                              The largest percentage of respondents believe that

      16%                                    MPs from their region do not inform them of their work.
                                              However, positive developments have been on this issue,
                                              compared to previous years.

                                           Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                   Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           29
The largest percentage of respondents (25%)                                   that they consider to be an appropriate means of
     believe that MPs should inform the citizens of their                          informing the citizens about the work of the MPs,
     region through meetings with citizens in public                               is relatively identical in the last 3 years. However,
     locations. 19% think that they should be informed                             there has been a decline of 8 percentage points
     through meetings in parliamentary offices and                                 compared to 2020 in the popularity of meetings
     through public events, while 18% think that MPs                               in public locations. This decline may be due
     should do it through the media. 14% think that                                to restrictions on public gatherings to protect
     social networks are an appropriate channel for                                the health of citizens due to the Covid-19 crisis
     informing the citizens. The perception of the                                 (Chart 18).
     respondents in relation to most of the channels

     Chart 18.		      In which way do you think the MPs from your region should inform citizens about their work? (%)



             19                                                               20
                   17 16 17                        18 19 17         18
                                                              16         15        15
      20                                                                                    14

                                                                                                 8 7                                8 7
                                                                                                     5          5       5       4
      10                                                                                                    3               2

               Meetings       Meetings with           Public          Media                   Social       Do not inform    I don’t know/
              held in MPs’    citizens held on     appearances                               networks          them           No answer
                 offices      public locations

                                                     2021          2020              2019           2018

                                                        The largest percentage of citizens think that MPs should
                                                        inform the citizens through meetings in public locations.
                                                        As popular mechanisms, they have listed meetings in
                                                        parliamentary offices, public appearances and media.

30   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
Citizens generally share the perception that                           declined for 10% compared to 2020 (53%), and this
MPs do not sufficiently address the problems                           difference derives from the proportionate increase
of municipalities and local communities. 43% of                        in the number of citizens who think that MPs from
them responded that it has not happened that                           their region have taken initiative about a problem
MP from their region ever took an initiative about                     in their municipality, that is, share of citizens who
a local problem in the Assembly, whereas 21% of                        think that MPs do take initiatives about local
the respondents stated that this has been done by                      problems has increased for 6 percentage points
their MP. The share of respondents who think that                      compared to 2020 (Chart 19).
MPs do not address local problems in 2021 has

Chart 19.		        Has it ever happened that an MP from your constituency took initiative in the Assembly about a
                   problem in your municipality? (%)

                                                                           59    58

  50                                                   43
  40                                                                                                          32
  30          21
                       15             17


                            Да                                        Не                                        Друго

                                             2021         2020         2019        2018

                                              Citizens’ perception is that MPs are insufficient when it
                                              comes to addressing the problems of municipalities and local
                                              communities, with the largest percentage of them saying that
                                              it did not happen that an MP from their region raised initiative
                                              in the Parliament for a local problem. However, developments
                                              have been observed in this regard, compared to the previous

                                            Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                    Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           31
VIII. Who is
     represented by the
     MPs in the Assembly
     Citizens have relatively divided impressions about                   Taking into account the perception of citizens in the
     the extent to which MPs represent their interests in                 last four years, perception was most positive in 2018,
     the Assembly. Almost half of the respondents (48%)                   with slight decline in 2019 and 2020, and slightly
     think that elected MPs only partially represent the                  improved perception is noted in 2021. That is, in 2018,
     interests of citizens, whereas 41% think that MPs do                 40% of the citizens stated that MPs do not represent
     not represent the interests of citizens at all. Only 8% of           the interests of citizens at all, which is 5, i.e. 7
     the respondents think that citizens’ interests are fully             percentage points less in comparison with 2020 (45%)
     represented by MPs.                                                  and 2019 (47%) respectively, while the percentage is
                                                                          almost identical in 2021 (41%). Further, compared to
     The comparison of the analysis for 2020 and 2019                     2018 (50%), in 2020 and 2019 there is decline for 5,
     leads to the conclusion that there is slightly improved              and in 2021 for 2 percentage points in the number
     perception among the citizens in terms of whether MPs                of citizens who think that their interests are partially
     represent their interests, even though it is insignificant.          represented by the MPs (Chart 20).

     Chart 20.		      To what extent do you think that elected MPs represent the interests of citizens? (%)

                                              48               50                    47
      60                                           45    45                    45
                                                                          41                40
               8     6          7                                                                              5
      20                 5                                                                                3         3    3
                   Completely                      Partially                   Not at all              Don’t know/no answer

                                                    2021        2020   2019       2018

                                                   Citizens are generally divided over the impression to what
                                                   extent MPs represent their interests in the Parliament.

32   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
Over two thirds (76%) of the surveyed citizens                           ranked on the third place, is that MPs always
stated that MPs in the Assembly always represent                         represent someone’s business interests. 36% of
the interests of their political parties, while 70%                      the citizens think that MPs never represent the
think that MPs always represent their personal                           interests of citizens (Chart 21).
interests. According to 57% of the citizens, or

Chart 21.		      How often do MPs represent the following interests? (%)

Personal interests                                                  70                                              21             6       3

Interests of the citizens
in their constituencies                 17                                    54                                         25                4

Interests of their own
political party                                                          76                                              18            4 2

Interests of their ethnic
community                                      30                                      48                                15            7

Business interests                                            57                                           30                 6        7

Interests of other countries                 25                               35                         20                   20

Interests of the citizens          10                              52                                              36                      2

                                        Always          Sometimes             Never         Don’t know

                                                    The majority of respondents believe that MPs are
                                                    representing their personal interests or the interests
                                                    of their political parties.

                                             Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                     Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)            33
Predominant part of the respondents - 80% stated                      part in the work of the Assembly, and insignificant
     that they are not informed about possibilities to                     decline in the percentage of citizens who stated
     take part in the work of the Assembly, whereas 20%                    that they are not informed about the mechanisms
     stated that they are informed thereof. Given the                      for citizen participation. Hence, the percentage
     results from the past four years, one can draw a                      of uninformed citizens in 2021 (80%) is lower
     conclusion that significant part of the citizens are                  for 3, that is, 8 percentage points compared to
     constantly uninformed about their rights to take part                 2020 (83%) and 2019 (88%) respectively, whereas
     in the work of the Assembly.                                          the percentage of citizens who stated that they
                                                                           are familiar with the mechanisms for citizen
     However, in comparison with the previous years, in                    participation in the work of the Assembly is higher
     2021, one can note an increase in the percentage of                   for 8 percentage points compared to 2020, 2019
     citizens who stated that they are familiar how to take                and 2018 (12%, Chart 22).

     Chart 22.		     Do you have information how you can take part in the work of the Assembly: (%)

                                                                     83                83






        30         20
                           12         12   12
                                                                                                   0      4      0     4

                                Yes                                       No                             Don’t know

                                                        2021        2020        2019        2018

                                                      The dominant part of the respondents constantly state that
                                                      they are not informed about how they can participate in the
                                                      work of the Assembly.

34   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
As many as 93% of the respondents have not                           about mechanisms of participation. Only 7% of
ever made an attempt to take part in the work of                     the respondents have tried to participate in the
the Assembly, and among others, it is due to the                     work of the Assembly. The situation is almost
relatively low level of provided information (20%)                   identical in the past four years (Chart 23).

Chart 23.		       Have you ever made an attempt to take part in the work of the Assembly?

                                                              94                94
 100                                                   93








                       5             5
                                 3                                                                  0        2       1        1

                           Yes                                     No                                       Don’t know

                                                2021         2020        2019         2018

                                                The dominant part of the respondents constantly
                                                state that they are not informed about how they can
                                                participate in the work of the Assembly.

                                          Parliament Watch: Results from the field survey on citizens’ perceptions about the work of the
                                                  Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia (February 17th – March 10th, 2021)           35
54% of the citizens completely or partially agree                      way/tool for citizen participation in the work of
     with the statement that (online) Internet petitions                    the Assembly. That is, 64% of the respondents
     are good way/tool to include citizens in the work of                   in 2019 completely or partially supported online
     the Assembly. 19% of the citizens partially disagree                   petitions, with a decline of 8 percentage points
     with this statement and 11% of the citizens                            when compared to 2020, and decline of 10
     completely disagree. 16% stated that either they do                    percentage points in 2021. This accounted for
     not know or refused to answer the question.                            59% in 2018, with a decline of 5 percentage
                                                                            points in 2021. On this account, the number of
     In comparison with 2020 and 2019, one can note                         citizens who are skeptical about online petitions
     a significant decline in the positive perception of                    is respectively increased in 2021, compared to
     citizens that (online) Internet petitions are good                     2020, 2019 and 2018 (Chart 24).

     Chart 24.		      (Online) Internet petitions are a good way/tool to include the citizens in the work of the Assembly (%)

                                       37 36

                          25 24
                     20                                            19 18                                                19 20
                                                                                                                16 16
                                                                           11 11         11           10

                   Completely               Partially                 Partially            Completely            Don’t know/
                     agree                   agree                    disagree              disagree              no answer

                                                    2021          2020            2019     2018

                                                        More than half of the respondents completely or partially
                                                        agree with the statement that the Internet petitions are a good
                                                        way / tool to get citizens involved in the work of the Assembly.

36   IDSCS Public Opinion Analysis No.07/2021 - April 2021
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