Pathology of Small Airways Disease

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Pathology of Small Airways Disease
Pathology of Small Airways Disease
                                                       Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD

   Context.—The term small airways disease encompasses a
           poorly understood group of lung diseases that
                                                                           Data Sources.—Current literature is reviewed.
                                                                           Conclusions.—Small airways diseases include a wide
may arise primarily within the small airways or secondarily             variety of diseases of which the pathologist must consider.
from diseases primarily affecting the bronchi or lung                   Uncommon conditions such as diffuse idiopathic neuroen-
parenchyma. Their histology may be confusing; however,                  docrine cell hyperplasia and diffuse panbronchiolitis may
because treatments and prognoses vary, correct pathologic               show relatively specific diagnostic features histologically;
diagnosis is important.                                                 however, most small airways diseases exhibit nonspecific
   Objective.—To present a nonexhaustive review of the                  histologic features. Conditions not considered primary
pathology of primary and secondary small airways                        pulmonary diseases, such as collagen vascular diseases, bone
diseases, including small airways disease related to                    marrow transplantation, and inflammatory bowel disease,
tobacco; to various other exposures, including mineral                  must also be considered in patients with small airways
dusts; to diseases involving other areas of the lung with               changes histologically. Clinical and radiologic correlation is
secondary bronchiolar involvement; and to recently                      important for obtaining the best possible diagnosis.
described bronchiolitic disorders.                                         (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010;134:702–718)

                                                                        Katzenstein,27 ‘‘[t]he literature in this area is confusing
A lthough diseases frequently involve the small airways,
   the concept of small airways disease is one of which
many pathologists lack a strong understanding. There are
                                                                        because many studies combine under one category several
                                                                        pathologically distinct lesions, and terminology tends to
valid reasons for this lack of understanding. The definition            be inconsistent.’’
of the term small airways disease varies based on the
physician’s perspective. Pulmonologists and other clini-                    CLASSIFICATIONS OF SMALL AIRWAYS DISEASE
cians often consider small airways disease as a group of                   Hogg and colleagues21 in 1968 first used the term small
lung disorders involving the terminal airways often                     airways disease to describe airway disease in patients
assessed for airflow obstruction1–8 or underlying etiolo-               with variably severe chronic airflow obstruction charac-
gy.9–13 Radiologists generally evaluate small airways                   terized by loss of bronchioles, mucus plugs, and variable
disease by evaluating high-resolution computed tomog-                   amounts of inflammation and fibrosis that involve ‘‘the
raphy (CT) scan changes including ‘‘direct signs’’ of small             smallest bronchi as well as the bronchioles, so that neither
airways disease, such as centrilobular nodules and                      bronchitis nor bronchiolitis is an appropriate term.’’
opacities, centrilobular bronchiolar dilation, and promi-               Disease severity was noted to correlate with occlusion of
nent centrilobular branching structures, often yielding a               airway lumen by mucus and inflammatory cells.21 This
characteristic ‘‘tree in bud’’ pattern; and ‘‘indirect signs’’          original, limited definition of small airways disease by
of fibrotic narrowing of small airways, including areas of              Hogg and colleagues has given way during the years to an
reduced lung density, within which there is pulmonary                   expanded scope of diseases affecting the airways that are
vessel constriction, bronchial wall thickening, and bron-               considered in various classification schemes as small
chiectasis.14–20 In contrast, the pathologists’ study of small          airways disease. Because classifications of lung diseases
airways disease is histology-based.7,21–29 Depending on                 are in some respects dynamic and overlapping, classifica-
how broadly or narrowly one defines the term, there are a               tions of small airways disease vary. There have been
variable number of diseases that may fall under the                     several proposed classifications of small airways disease,
heading of small airways disease, including those primary               including, for example, one of the initial classifications by
to the bronchioles and those involving the bronchioles                  Myers and Colby in 1993 (Table 1) and a relatively recent
secondarily, with bronchiolar involvement only one of                   2006 classification by Katzenstein (Table 2).17,23,27,30,31 An-
several features of the disease. Further, as stated by                  other recent classification that is descriptive of the various
                                                                        pathologic patterns is listed in Table 3. One might classify
  Accepted for publication September 8, 2009.                           these diseases according to whether the histologic
  From the Department of Pathology, The University of Texas Health      patterns, along with clinical and radiologic correlation,
Science Center at Tyler.                                                show changes diagnostic of a particular disease; however,
  The author has no relevant financial interest in the products or      except for diffuse idiopathic neuroendocrine cell hyper-
companies described in this article.
  Reprints: Timothy Craig Allen, MD, JD, Department of Pathology, The   plasia and diffuse panbronchiolitis, and arguably follicu-
University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, 11937 Highway       lar bronchiolitis and respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial
271, Tyler, TX 75708-3154 (e-mail:            lung disease, the histologic changes, such as cellular
702   Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                    Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen
Pathology of Small Airways Disease
Table 1. Classification of Small Airways Disease, 1993a                    Table 3. Classification of Small Airways Disease, 2008a
     Acute (infectious) bronchiolitis                                           Cellular bronchiolitis
     Bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia; cryptogenic                   Acute bronchiolitis
       organizing pneumonia                                                       Acute and chronic bronchiolitis
     Constrictive (obliterative) bronchiolitis; bronchiolitis obliterans          Chronic bronchiolitis, with or without fibrosis
     Adult bronchiolitis                                                        Subtypes of cellular bronchiolitis
     Respiratory (smoker’s) bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung            Follicular bronchiolitis
       disease                                                                    Diffuse panbronchiolitis
     Mineral dust airways disease                                               Bronchiolitis obliterans with intraluminal polyps
     Follicular bronchiolitis                                                   Constrictive bronchiolitis
     Diffuse panbronchiolitis                                                   Respiratory bronchiolitis
a                                                                               Mineral dust-associated airway disease
    Data were derived from Myers and Colby.23
                                                                                Peribronchiolar metaplasia
                                                                                Bronchiolocentric nodules
bronchiolitis and fibrotic changes, are typically not                           Asthmatic-type changes
specific for a distinctive etiology. One could also classify                    Chronic bronchitis/emphysema-associated small airways
small airways diseases for whether the disease is primary
to the small airways or secondary to other lung disease,                       Data were derived from Cagle et al.39
such as smoking or asthma. Ultimately, what classification
scheme one prefers is less important than an understand-
                                                                           mucosa to mucosa) diameter. In terms perhaps more
ing of the histologic features, the disease processes
                                                                           useful for the pathologist on a daily basis, the term small
involved, the limitations of histologic diagnosis, and the
                                                                           airways includes membranous bronchioles, respiratory
confidence one can make a specific diagnosis on a biopsy
                                                                           bronchioles, and alveolar ducts29,36 (Figures 1 and 2).
of small airways disease.
                                                                           Membranous bronchioles, bronchioles ranging from ap-
         EVALUATION OF BIOPSIES WITH SMALL                                 proximately 1 mm down to approximately 0.5 mm in
                       AIRWAYS DISEASE                                     diameter, normally contain a layer of smooth muscle and a
                                                                           layer of adventitia and are lined by ciliated columnar cells
   Although small airways diseases as a group are
                                                                           and Clara cells. Smooth muscle is diminished distally.
relatively common, many patients have straightforward
                                                                           They lack cartilage and may contain rare goblet cells or
clinical and radiologic diagnoses and are treated without
                                                                           seromucinous glands. The final generation of membranous
biopsy confirmation of the disease. Pulmonologists
                                                                           bronchiole is termed terminal bronchiole and opens into a
performing bronchoscopy typically focus on biopsying
                                                                           functional unit of the lung termed an acinus, which is
discrete masses rather than diseases that involve a diffuse
                                                                           composed of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and
but relatively peripheral portion of the pulmonary
                                                                           alveoli. Another functional unit, the lobule, is composed of
airways. Features of the various small airways diseases
                                                                           approximately 3 to 10 acini, enclosed by an interlobular
overlap, and a firm diagnosis may not be possible on
                                                                           septum. Respiratory bronchioles have alveoli budding
limited endobronchial or transbronchial biopsy tissue,
                                                                           from their walls, the number of which increases distally.
and diagnoses are often descriptive rather than specifi-
                                                                           They are lined by columnar or simple cuboidal epitheli-
cally diagnostic of a specific entity. Clinical and radiologic
                                                                           um.26 Small airways have been termed the lung’s ‘‘Achilles
correlation is necessary to provide the most accurate
                                                                           heel’’ because of their importance in airflow and air
                                                                           distribution and their lack of bronchilike rigidity to protect
   Small airways may be involved with disease primarily
                                                                           them from collapsing during exhalation, especially when
or may be involved secondarily by diseases primarily
                                                                           involved with disease.37
affecting bronchi or lung parenchyma. Although etiologies
                                                                              The following is a nonexhaustive review of the
are numerous, small airways disease may be generally
                                                                           pathology of some of the small airways diseases,
divided into small airways disease related to tobacco; to
                                                                           specifically cellular bronchiolitis, including follicular
various other exposures, including mineral dusts; to
                                                                           bronchiolitis and diffuse panbronchiolitis; granulomatous
diseases involving other areas of the lung, with secondary
                                                                           bronchiolitis; tobacco smoke-associated small airways
bronchiolar involvement; and to idiopathic causes. In some
                                                                           bronchiolitic diseases, hypersensitivity pneumonitis; or-
cases, small airways disease may be extremely subtle
                                                                           ganizing pneumonia; constrictive bronchiolitis; mineral
histologically and can be missed on examination.22,24
                                                                           dust exposure and various other exposure-associated
Although occasionally small airways have been described
                                                                           bronchiolitic diseases; and 4 recently described bronchio-
with sizes other than less than 2 mm,32 small airways are
                                                                           litic disorders, bronchiolitic disease due to ingestion of
currently defined as airways having a diameter of less than
                                                                           Sauropus androgynus, airway-centered interstitial fibrosis,
2 mm.7,27,33–35 It is important to keep in mind that the less
                                                                           idiopathic bronchiolocentric interstitial pneumonia, and
than 2-mm measurement is of luminal (ie, measuring from
                                                                           bronchiolitis interstitial pneumonitis.
     Table 2. Classification of Small Airways Disease, 2006a
                                                                              The term bronchiolitis is a generic term used clinically
     Cellular bronchiolitis
     Constrictive bronchiolitis obliterans                                 to define a variety of inflammatory conditions involving
     Nonspecific chronic bronchiolitis                                     the small airways. Bronchiolar and peribronchiolar
     Respiratory (smoker’s) bronchiolitis                                  inflammation may be focal or diffuse and may or may
     Follicular bronchiolitis                                              not be associated with scarring and bronchiolar metapla-
     Diffuse panbronchiolitis                                              sia. Bronchiolar mucosa may undergo bronchiolar, squa-
    Data were derived from Katzenstein.27                                  mous, or goblet cell metaplasia.
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                           Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen   703
Pathology of Small Airways Disease
Figure 1. Medium-power image of membranous bronchiole with associated blood vessel and lymphatic vessel. Ciliated columnar cells line the
airspace, beneath which is a thin layer of smooth muscle (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 2. Medium-power image of respiratory bronchiole with associated blood vessel. Simple cuboidal epithelial cells line the airway, and
alveoli bud off of the airway wall. The respiratory bronchiole ends in an alveolar duct (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 3. Medium-power image of lambertosis, showing bronchiolar-type epithelium lining alveolar surfaces adjacent to the bronchiole
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).

704   Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                     Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen
Peribronchiolar Metaplasia                        infiltrate23,24,39,66–72 (Figure 5). Most cases are treated symp-
   Bronchiolar-type epithelium that grows along the                   tomatically, with generally excellent prognosis. Rare cases
alveolar surfaces adjacent to bronchioles has been termed             exhibit long-term morbidity or mortality. In a small
peribronchiolar metaplasia or lambertosis, in reference to            number of patients, long-term disease results in constric-
the canals of Lambert through which bronchiolar epithe-               tive bronchiolitis. Drug treatments have not shown
lium was once considered to traverse to grow on alveolar              convincing benefit; however, oxygen is generally admin-
septa21,29,38–41 (Figures 3 and 4). Peribronchiolar metaplasia        istered in cases with significant hypoxia. Home oxygen
may be present in a variety of processes involving the                therapy is being more frequently used to reduce hospital
small airways. Bronchiolarization may occur in the setting            stay. Also, corticosteroids have reportedly shown benefit
of healed bronchiolitis or interstitial fibrosis and may also         in some patients with croup, and nebulized saline has
be found in association with chronic hypersensitivity                 been reported to reduce morbidity and length of hospital
pneumonitis, constrictive bronchiolitis, or bronchiectasis.           stay in patients with acute bronchiolitis.4 It is uncertain
Idiopathic foci of peribronchiolar metaplasia may also be             what factors contribute to disease severity in infants;
found; these may represent healed sites of prior infection            however, cell-mediated immune response to disease
or other localized injury.                                            pathogenesis has been implicated. Recent studies have
                                                                      estimated that 22% of cases in infants have a hereditary
                 CELLULAR BRONCHIOLITIS                               contribution to disease severity. Increased risk of severe
  The term cellular bronchiolitis describes disease in                acute respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis has been
which the primary pattern is an inflammatory infiltrate               reported to correspond to a haplotype at the IL13-IL4
within the bronchioles. The inflammatory infiltrate may               locus that is associated with increased interleukin (IL)-13
be acute, chronic, or both acute and chronic and may or               production. Interleukin-8 levels have been reported to
may not be associated with peribronchiolar fibrosis or                correlate with length of hospitalization, and IL-8 associ-
metaplasia.39,42                                                      ated airway inflammation has been reported to relate
                                                                      significantly to the severity of acute epidemic bronchi-
                     Acute Bronchiolitis                              olitis.45,51,65,66 Acute bronchiolitis in adults has a variety of
   Acute bronchiolitis is most commonly found in infants              potential causes, as listed in Table 4.
and young children.43–65 It is the most common respiratory
                                                                                      Acute and Chronic Bronchiolitis
ailment during the first year of life. Its etiology is generally
infectious, and although approximately three-fourths of                 Acute and chronic bronchiolitis is generally found in
cases are due to respiratory syncytial virus, numerous                adults, and potential etiologies are numerous (Table 5).
other infections may be causative, including other viruses            Although many cases are caused by infections, including
such as measles, adenovirus, influenza, and parainfluen-              respiratory syncytial virus, other noninfectious etiologies
za; nonviral organisms such as fungi and mycoplasma;                  exist. Some cases are idiopathic.23,24,39,45,66–72 Patients often
and Bordetella pertussis.* It occurs most frequently during           have mild symptoms but may present with shortness of
the winter months. Infants often present with tachypnea,              breath of variable duration, with or without cough.
wheezing, and tachycardia, with more severely ill patients            Pulmonary function tests may show an obstructive
exhibiting chest retraction and nasal flaring. Lung                   pattern.68,71,72 Histologically, bronchiolar lumen contain
hyperinflation is often found on x-ray. Some cases may                purulent exudative material and sloughed bronchiolar
show patchy ground glass opacities or small centrilobular             mucosal cellular debris and variable amounts of mucus,
nodules as well. High-resolution chest CT scan may show               and bronchiole mucosa and walls contain a mixed
branching linear opacities or small centrilobular nodules.            neutrophilic infiltrate and chronic inflammatory cell
Focal areas of nodularity may be present, representing foci           infiltrate made up predominantly of lymphocytes and
of bronchopneumonia. In obvious cases of acute bronchi-               plasma cells. The mixed acute and chronic inflammatory
olitis, chest radiology is more frequently being omitted.3            cell infiltrate extends into peribronchiolar tissue, and
Patients typically do not undergo open biopsy; however,               edema may be present.23,24,39,67,68,71,72 In patients with
biopsy may be obtained in some cases having unusual                   disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus, various
presentations. Histologically, acute bronchiolitis consists           chemokines, including regulated upon activation, normal
of bronchioles filled with necrotic debris and purulent               T cell expressed and secreted; IL-8; IL-1; and IL-6 have
exudative material, as well as sloughed bronchiolar                   been implicated in recruitment and activation of inflam-
mucosal cells. The residual bronchiolar mucosa and                    matory cells, including neutrophils, macrophages, lym-
surrounding bronchiolar wall contain a neutrophilic                   phocytes, and eosinophils, to the infected area.65,69,70,72
                                                                      Most patients have a good prognosis with generally full
  *References 39, 42–49, 52, 55, 61, 63, 64, 66.
  3References 39, 42, 43, 47, 52, 54–56, 62, 64, 66.                     4References 42–44, 47, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 60, 73–79.


Figure 4. High-power image of lambertosis, showing ciliated cuboidal to low columnar epithelium lining alveolar septa (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 340).
Figure 5. Medium-power image of acute bronchiolitis, with necrotic epithelial cells and neutrophils within the bronchiolar lumen and a
neutrophilic infiltrate involving the bronchiolar wall (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 6. Low-power image of follicular bronchiolitis showing peribronchiolar lymphoid hyperplasia that extends into surrounding lung
parenchyma (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 34).

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                     Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen   705
Table 4. Potential Etiologies of Acute Bronchiolitisa                    Table 5.    Potential Etiologies of Acute and
                                                                                            Chronic Bronchiolitisa
     Viral infection
     Bacterial infection                                                 Viral infection
     Acute exposure to fumes and toxins                                  Bacterial infection
     Local changes of acute bronchopneumonia                             Mycoplasma infection
     Wegener granulomatosis (rarely)                                     Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
a                                                                        Respiratory bronchiolitis
    Data were derived from Cagle et al.39
                                                                         Aspiration pneumonia
                                                                         Pulmonary involvement with collagen vascular disease
                                                                         Posttransplantation, graft-versus-host disease
recovery. Patients with idiopathic disease may show                      Wegener granulomatosis
therapeutic response to antibiotics and immunosuppres-                   Bronchocentric granulomatosis
                                                                         Diffuse panbronchiolitis
sive drugs; however, in these patients residual pulmonary                Inhalation of fumes and toxins
impairment is frequent.39,66,70–72                                       Asthma
                                                                         Inflammatory bowel disease-related small airways disease
                    Chronic Bronchiolitis                                Idiopathic
   Chronic bronchiolitis describes a histologic pattern in          a
                                                                        Data were derived from Cagle et al.39
which bronchioles contain, and peribronchiolar tissues are
infiltrated with, chronic inflammatory cells. Germinal                               Eosinophilic Bronchiolitis
centers and constrictive bronchiolitis may or may not be
present, and if germinal centers predominate and con-                  Eosinophilic bronchiolitis is characterized histologically
striction of the airway lumen is significant, the diagnosis         by bronchiolar walls containing increased numbers of
of follicular bronchiolitis should be considered. The               eosinophils. Its presence may be secondary to asthma or
histologic features of acute and chronic bronchiolitis              allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, although pa-
may overlap with chronic bronchiolitis.24,39,71,72 Chronic          tients with these diseases usually have increased eosino-
bronchiolitis may be a feature of various diseases (Table 6)        phils within bronchi rather than bronchioles. Eosinophilic
and may be idiopathic.39,71,72 Fibrosis may or may not be           pneumonia, drug reactions, and parasitic or fungal
present in association with chronic bronchiolitis. The              infections may also occasionally exhibit eosinophilic
presence of fibrosis suggests some amount of irreversibil-          bronchiolitis, but there is usually a predominant intersti-
ity of the process. Although chronic bronchiolitis with             tial disease component present.95–99 One patient with a
fibrosis is a common feature of chronic obstructive                 prior diagnosis of diffuse panbronchiolitis and worsening
pulmonary disease, the lesion is rarely biopsied in that            symptoms despite therapy subsequently was diagnosed
setting.                                                            as having eosinophilic bronchiolitis.96

                   Bronchiolar Necrosis                                               Diffuse Panbronchiolitis
  Histologically, bronchiolar necrosis describes mucosal               Diffuse panbronchiolitis, an idiopathic, bilateral, pro-
necrosis and sloughing of mucosa into the airway lumen,             gressive, obstructive, suppurative small airways disease
with or without necrosis of the bronchiolar wall.39                 associated with sinusitis, primarily occurs in Japan, has
Bronchiolar necrosis may be identified in a variety of              been increasingly identified within other Asian popula-
diseases, including infections (Table 7).                           tions, and is uncommon in the United States.29,100–126 The
                                                                    term diffuse panbronchiolitis refers to its distribution in
                       Follicular Bronchiolitis                     both lungs (diffuse) and the inflammatory involvement of
   Follicular bronchiolitis consists of lymphoid hyperpla-          all layers of the wall or respiratory bronchioles (pan).122
sia of the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue.29,80–90 It is       Because diffuse panbronchiolitis is predominantly found
caused by altered immune response or immune stimulus                in Japan, a genetic predisposition is assumed to play a role
of the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue and is a                 in disease progression. Human leukocyte antigen alleles
feature of various immune-related disorders involving               are thought to cause a genetic predisposition to diffuse
the lungs, including collagen vascular diseases, especially         panbronchiolitis. Researchers have shown an association
rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren syndrome; bronchiecta-            with HLA-Bw54, found predominantly among East
sis and middle lobe syndrome; hypersensitivity reactions;           Asians, and diffuse panbronchiolitis, with 63% of Japa-
and various types of immune deficiency states such as               nese patients possessing the antigen compared with 11%
AIDS and congenital immunodeficiency disorders. Some                of control subjects. Korean patients have been shown to
cases are idiopathic.29,80–83,85–89,91–93 It has been reported to   have an association with HLA-A11. These findings
cause posttransplantation bronchiolitis obliterans syn-             suggest a major HLA susceptibility gene for diffuse
drome.84 Radiologic features include reticulonodular                panbronchiolitis.122,126–130 Patients average approximately
infiltrates or small nodules on chest x-ray. High-resolution        40 years of age at presentation; however, there is a wide
CT scan may show peribronchial nodules, with or without             age range from the first to the seventh decades of life.
patchy ground glass opacities. Histologically follicular            Males predominate, with a male to female ratio in Japan
bronchiolitis is characterized by peribronchiolar lym-              reportedly between 1.4:1 and 2:1. No association with
phoid hyperplasia that extends into surrounding lung                smoking or exposure to fumes or toxins has been proven.
parenchyma. Reactive germinal centers are present29,72              Patients typically present with a variable history of
(Figure 6). Therapy depends on the underlying causative             chronic sinusitis, cough, and dyspnea. Some patients
process. Overall prognosis has been reported to be                  may produce purulent sputum. Pulmonary function
good.29,39,83,84,90 Patients with idiopathic disease may benefit    studies show obstructive changes. Radiographically,
from steroids and bronchodilators.72,80–83,93,94                    diffuse panbronchiolitis produces bilateral small nodules
706     Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                   Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen
Table 6. Potential Etiologies of Chronic Bronchiolitisa              Table 7.     Potential Etiologies of Bronchiolar Necrosisa
     Infection                                                            Viral infections
     Collagen vascular disease                                              Adenovirus
     Posttransplantation graft-versus-host disease                          Herpes virus
     Inflammatory bowel disease-related small airways disease               Influenza
     Hypersensitivity pneumonitis                                         Bronchocentric fungal infections
     Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis                              Bacterial infections
     Aspiration pneumonia                                                 Bronchocentric granulomatosis
     Diffuse panbronchiolitis                                             Exposure to fumes and toxins
     Distal to bronchiectasis                                             Wegener granulomatosis
     Lymphoproliferative disorders                                   a
                                                                         Data were derived from Cagle et al.39
     Local inflammatory reaction such as with middle lobe syndrome
     Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease                           disorders (Table 8).39,143–155 Clinical, radiologic, therapeu-
     Idiopathic                                                      tic, and prognostic features are those of the underlying
    Data were derived from Cagle et al.39                            disease. Although not diagnostic, well-formed noncaseat-
                                                                     ing granulomas suggest sarcoidosis; caseating granulo-
on x-ray and centrilobular lesions on high-resolution CT             mas suggest infection; poorly formed nonnecrotizing
scan.1 On biopsy, yellow bronchiolocentric nodules                   granulomas, especially in association with interstitial
measuring approximately 1 mm to 3 mm are identified.                 lymphocytic infiltrates or organizing pneumonia, suggest
Histologically, diffuse panbronchiolitis is characterized by         hypersensitivity pneumonitis; and noncaseating granulo-
transmural infiltration of the bronchiole and surrounding            mas with associated foreign body giant cells or foreign
lung interstitium with foamy macrophages, plasma cells,              material suggest aspiration pneumonia.
and lymphocytes. The changes involve terminal bronchi-
oles, respiratory bronchioles, and alveolar ducts. Predom-              ORGANIZING PNEUMONIA WITH INTRALUMINAL
inantly respiratory bronchiole involvement is a distinctive                POLYPS (BRONCHIOLITIS OBLITERANS WITH
feature of diffuse panbronchiolitis, as other forms of                    INTRALUMINAL POLYPS) (FORMERLY TERMED
constrictive bronchiolitis predominantly affect membra-                    BRONCHIOLITIS OBLITERANS ORGANIZING
nous bronchioles.122,133 Foamy macrophages and other                   PNEUMONIA/ORGANIZING PNEUMONIA PATTERN)
inflammatory cells may fill the bronchiolar lumen and                   Organizing pneumonia with intraluminal polyps, for-
may involve alveolar spaces; however, alveoli are rela-              merly termed bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneu-
tively spared in diffuse panbronchiolitis (Figure 7).                monia/organizing pneumonia pattern, may occur sec-
Neutrophils may be identified in the bronchiolar lumen               ondary to a wide variety of lung injuries (Table 9).29,39,156–186
as well. Follicular bronchiolitis can occur as part of the           It may also be idiopathic, termed cryptogenic organizing
histologic changes, and superimposed acute or organizing             pneumonia, formerly termed idiopathic bronchiolitis
pneumonia and bronchiectasis may be present. Terminal                obliterans organizing pneumonia.44 Histologically, orga-
bronchioles may become ectatic as the disease advances.              nizing pneumonia is characterized by plugs of granulation
Untreated disease generally progresses to bronchiectasis,            tissue, composed of fibroblasts within a myxoid or
with resultant respiratory failure and death.122,125,126,134,135     edematous stroma, which are located within bronchiolar
Patients typically have associated infections, and Pseudo-           lumens, alveolar ducts, and associated alveolar airspaces
monas infection is associated with a poor prognosis.                 (Figure 9). Within airspaces, these plugs of granulation
Significantly improved survival has been reported in                 tissue may form rounded nodules, termed Masson bodies.
patients treated with chronic low-dose macrolide antibi-
                                                                     A variable interstitial lymphocytic infiltrate may be
otic therapy, with improved survival considered to be
                                                                     present. If bronchiolar obstruction is a feature of the
caused by the drug’s antiinflammatory affects rather than
                                                                     disease, foamy macrophages may be present within
its antibiotic properties.** Diagnosis is generally made
                                                                     alveolar airspaces. Clinical history is often necessary to
based on the disease’s clinical, radiographic, and histo-
                                                                     determine the etiology; however, histologic features that
logic features. Isolation from the sputum of Haemophilus
influenza and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and in advanced              assist in specific diagnosis include viral inclusions
stages of disease, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, assists in                suggestive of viral pneumonia, foreign body giant cells
making the diagnosis.122,126,134 Differential diagnosis in-          suggestive of aspiration, and poorly formed granulomas
cludes xanthomatous bronchiolitis, rheumatoid arthritis-             with multinucleated giant cells suggestive of hypersensi-
associated bronchiolitis and other collagen vascular                 tivity pneumonia. Typically, organizing pneumonia re-
disease and autoimmune diseases, human T-cell lympho-                solves with no or minimal scarring; however, clinical
tropic virus type 1-associated bronchiolitis, and idiopathic         course and prognosis depend on the type of and severity
bronchiolitis.33                                                     of the underlying disease.29,39,156–186 If, after clinical corre-
                                                                     lation and careful histologic examination for viral inclu-
          GRANULOMATOUS BRONCHIOLITIS                                sions, foreign body giant cells, and poorly formed
   Granulomatous bronchiolitis is characterized histolog-            granulomas with associated giant cells, no etiology is
ically by granulomas within bronchiolar walls, with or               determinable, the diagnosis of cryptogenic organizing
without giant cells or necrosis39 (Figure 8). Granuloma-             pneumonia is appropriate. Cryptogenic organizing pneu-
tous bronchiolitis is a feature of a variety of pulmonary            monia is a clinical syndrome generally occurring in
                                                                     middle-aged to older women who often present with a
                                                                     history of flulike illness and have shortness of breath and
    1References 116–118, 120–126, 131–133.
    **References 29, 122, 123, 125, 126, 136–138.
    33References 122, 125, 126, 131, 139–142.                            44References 29, 39, 156–178, 180, 181, 184–186.

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                     Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen   707
Figure 7. High-power image of diffuse panbronchiolitis showing infiltration of foamy macrophages within the bronchiolar wall (hematoxylin-
eosin, original magnification 340).
Figure 8. Medium-power image of granulomatous bronchiolitis showing a nonnecrotizing granuloma adjacent to a membranous bronchiole in a
patient with sarcoidosis (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 9. Medium-power image of organizing pneumonia showing a plug of granulation tissue lying within an alveolar duct (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 320).

708   Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                      Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen
persistent nonproductive cough. Radiologically, patchy                cellular infiltrates made up predominantly of lympho-
bilateral alveolar infiltrates may occur transiently and              cytes and histiocytes within the bronchioles and infiltrat-
recur in different locations. Therapeutic response to                 ing into surrounding peribronchiolar tissue. Lying within
steroid therapy, and prognosis, are usually very good in              the bronchiolar lumen and also within adjacent alveolar
patients with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.11                     ducts and alveoli, there are collections of macrophages
                                                                      containing finely granular brown cytoplasmic pigment
             CONSTRICTIVE BRONCHIOLITIS                               (Figure 10). Pigment-laden macrophages are also often
   Constrictive bronchiolitis, also termed bronchiolitis              found within the bronchiolar wall. Minimal to mild
obliterans and obliterative bronchiolitis, is an obstructive          fibrosis may occur in the bronchial wall and adjacent
small airways disease identified in a variety of disorders            alveolar septa. Metaplastic bronchiolar epithelium (lam-
(Table 10). Constrictive bronchiolitis is strongly associated         bertosis) and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia may be
with chronic lung transplant rejection, for which it is a             present. Membranous bronchiolitis may contain smooth
significant cause of morbidity and mortality. It may also             muscle hyperplasia and adventitial fibrosis39 (Figure 11).
occur as idiopathic disease, predominantly presenting as              Patients are typically asymptomatic; however, they often
persistent cough and dyspnea, in middle-aged to older                 show obstructive changes on pulmonary function tests.
women who are never-smokers. Patients with idiopathic                 The diagnosis is often made incidentally, and prognosis in
constrictive bronchiolitis have variable prognoses, ranging           these patients is excellent with smoking cessation, with or
from slowly progressive disease to rapidly deteriorating              without corticosteroid therapy.29,39,206–208 These histologic
disease.*** Histologically, constrictive bronchiolitis is             changes are on a continuum, and when severe enough,
characterized by concentric bronchiolar lumen narrowing               changes of respiratory bronchiolitis are termed respiratory
by submucosal fibrous tissue. The lumen narrowing may                 bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease (RBILD).
range from slight and histologically subtle to marked, with
complete obliteration of the bronchiolar lumen leaving                       Respiratory Bronchiolitis-Associated Interstitial
only a residual fibrous scar (Figures 13 and 14). Chronic                                     Lung Disease
inflammation may or may not be present in constrictive
                                                                         Patients with respiratory bronchiolitis histologically,
bronchiolitis, and patients with idiopathic disease often
have little or no chronic inflammation within bronchiolar             who are typically heavy smokers, with generally mild
walls or peribronchiolar tissues. Smooth muscle hyperpla-             nonprogressive symptoms of dyspnea and cough, and
sia and adventitial fibrosis may occur in membranous                  with radiologic changes of interstitial lung disease, are
bronchioles. The plugs of granulation tissue found with               diagnosed as having RBILD.444 The differential diagnosis
organizing pneumonia with intraluminal polyps are not a               of respiratory bronchiolitis and RBILD is generally based
characteristic of constrictive bronchiolitis.333                      on clinical and radiologic features. Some cases have been
                                                                      reported in nonsmokers, and similar histologic features
            TOBACCO SMOKE-ASSOCIATED                                  have been seen in patients with asbestos and nonasbestos
               BRONCHIOLITIC DISEASES                                 mineral dust exposure.207,221 Chest x-ray results may be
 Membranous Bronchiolitis and Respiratory Bronchiolitis               normal or may show fine reticulonodular interstitial
                                                                      opacities, corresponding to fibrosis involving the subpleu-
   Variably extensive and variably severe inflammatory                ral alveolar septa, that may be diffuse or predominate
and fibrotic changes caused by tobacco smoke that are                 within the lung bases. High-resolution CT scan shows
found in the terminal bronchioles and respiratory bron-               ground glass opacities, centrilobular nodules, and intersti-
chioles are termed, respectively, membranous bronchi-                 tial thickening with an upper lung zone predominance.111
olitis and respiratory bronchiolitis.29,39,206–208 Patients are       The histologic features of RBILD and respiratory bronchi-
typically asymptomatic, but pulmonary function studies
                                                                      olitis are generally indistinguishable, although some cases
may show obstructive change.29,39,206–208 Other smoking-
                                                                      of RBILD may show more pronounced changes. Histologic
related lung changes including chronic bronchitis, em-
                                                                      diagnosis of RBILD requires more than mere collections of
physema, and desquamative interstitial pneumonia may
                                                                      pigmented macrophages within bronchiolar airspaces, as
be present along with membranous bronchiolitis and
                                                                      may be seen in healthy cigarette smokers.29,39,207,208 More
respiratory bronchiolitis. Histologically, both membra-
nous bronchiolitis and respiratory bronchiolitis contain              pronounced cases of RBILD merge in the continuum with
                                                                      cases of desquamative interstitial pneumonia29 (Figure 12).

  11References 29, 39, 156–177, 179–181, 185, 187, 188.
  ***References 11, 15, 29, 39, 67, 71, 84, 189–203.                     444References 14, 29, 38, 39, 206–220.
  333References 29, 39, 67, 71, 189, 190, 192–194, 204, 205.             111References 14, 206–208, 210, 212, 222–224.


Figure 10. Medium-power image of respiratory bronchiolitis showing macrophages containing finely granular brown cytoplasmic pigment lying
within bronchiolar lumen and wall, as well as within surrounding peribronchiolar alveolar airspaces (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 320).
Figure 11. Medium-power image of respiratory bronchiolitis showing membranous bronchiole with prominent smooth muscle hyperplasia
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 320).
Figure 12. Low-power image of respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease showing extension of pigmented macrophages
diffusely within surrounding alveolar airspaces, in a continuum with desquamative interstitial pneumonia (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 34).

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                    Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen    709
Table 8. Potential Etiologies of                                Table 9. Potential Etiologies of Organizing
                   Granulomatous Bronchiolitisa                                      Pneumonia With Intraluminal Polypsa
     Fungal infections                                                      Diffuse alveolar damage, organizing
     Mycobacterial infections, including atypical mycobacterial             Aspiration pneumonia, organizing
       infections                                                           Resolving infections
     Hypersensitivity pneumonitis                                           Postobstruction organization
     Sarcoidosis                                                            Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
     Aspiration pneumonia                                                   Organization after exposure to fumes and toxins
     Bronchocentric granulomatosis                                          Collagen vascular disease
     Crohn disease                                                          Acute lung transplant rejection
     Wegener granulomatosis                                                 Drug reactions
     Hard metal disease                                                     Secondary to bone marrow transplantation or other organ
a                                                                             transplantation
    Data were derived from Cagle et al.39
                                                                            Reaction to radiation therapy or chemotherapy
                                                                            Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
         Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis                            Secondary reaction with chronic bronchiolitis
                                                                            Reparative process adjacent to abscess, necrotic tumor, infarct, etc
  Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis commonly arises                   Secondary to a hematologic disorder
within a background of respiratory bronchiolitis and should                 Inflammatory bowel disease-related small airways disease
be considered as a possible concurrent disease process in                   Wegener granulomatosis
patients with respiratory bronchiolitis.39,225 Pulmonary Lan-               Idiopathic
gerhans cell histiocytosis has recently been reviewed.226              a
                                                                           Data were derived from Cagle et al.39

                   ALLERGIC ALVEOLITIS)                                thickened bronchioles. Acutely, histologic changes in-
   Although late-stage hypersensitivity pneumonitis can                clude necrotic bronchiolar mucosa with a neutrophilic
mimic usual interstitial pneumonia and nonspecific                     infiltrate and sloughing. Pulmonary edema and changes
interstitial pneumonia, in earlier stage hypersensitivity              of diffuse alveolar damage may also be present to variable
pneumonitis cellular bronchiolitis is one of its character-            degrees. The acute stage is followed by an organizing
istic histologic features, along with organizing pneumonia             stage characterized histologically by organizing pneumo-
and poorly formed nonnecrotizing granulomas.29,39,227                  nia (organizing pneumonia with intraluminal polyps).
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is often in the differential              Patients who progress beyond the acute and organizing
diagnosis of cellular bronchiolitis, with and without                  stages of disease often recover without long-term lung
fibrotic changes. Detailed reviews of hypersensitivity                 changes. Some patients may, however, progress chroni-
pneumonitis have been recently published.228–231                       cally and show constrictive bronchiolitis. Numerous
                                                                       chemicals may cause bronchiolitic disease, including
    MINERAL DUST-ASSOCIATED AND VARIOUS OTHER                          smoke, chlorine gas, phosgene, and hydrogen fluoride,
      EXPOSURE-RELATED BRONCHIOLITIC DISEASES                          among others. Reports have recently shown that the
      Mineral Dust-Associated Bronchiolitic Diseases                   inhalation of volatile diacetyl as part of the popcorn
                                                                       manufacturing process has caused bronchiolitis, frequent-
   Numerous mineral dust-associated airway diseases,                   ly constrictive bronchiolitis, in some workers. Other
including asbestosis, silicosis, and coal miner’s pneumo-              exposures may also cause bronchiolitis, including fiber
coniosis, among others, may cause bronchiolitic dis-
                                                                       inhalation in the nylon flocking industry. Recent reports
ease.29,39,67,232–257 The histologic changes typically consist of
                                                                       have shown that some workers involved with flocking, in
varying degrees of fibrosis that ultimately may obstruct
                                                                       which short synthetic fibers are applied to a backing
and completely occlude the airway. The exact histologic
                                                                       fabric, have been diagnosed with chronic bronchiolitis,
pattern depends on the specific dust being inhaled and the
                                                                       often follicular bronchiolitis (Figure 15). Toxin and fume
amount of dust inhaled. Care must be taken to make a
                                                                       exposure may also show histologic features of organizing
correct diagnosis, and clinical and radiologic correlation is
necessary. For example, in some patients, especially heavy             pneumonia with intraluminal polyps. That histologic
smokers, anthracotic pigment may be identified along                   pattern may predominate in cases of acute exposures.4444
alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles; however, there                                  Drug Reactions
is typically less pigment deposition and less airway
fibrosis than in patients with mineral dust-associated                    A great number of drugs cause drug-induced pulmo-
bronchiolitic diseases.****                                            nary toxicity. There are several histologic patterns that
                                                                       may occur, including diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, diffuse
              Exposure to Fumes and Toxins                             alveolar damage, and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia.
  The most serious pulmonary exposures characteristi-                  Bronchiolitic disease, including organizing pneumonia
cally cause overwhelming pulmonary edema, with or                      and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, may also occur as a
without diffuse alveolar damage, and frequently cause                  consequence of pulmonary drug reactions. Methotrexate
death. Lesser exposures to fumes and toxins may cause                  is one drug commonly associated with hypersensitivity
bronchiolitic disease.3333 Patients may have cough and                 pneumonitis-associated drug-induced lung injury, al-
dyspnea, as well as other symptoms such as vomiting,                   though many other drugs can give a similar histologic
dizziness, and headache. Radiographic studies may show                 pattern (Figure 16). Numerous drugs may cause an
                                                                       organizing pneumonia pattern of injury.297–305
  ****References 29, 39, 67, 234, 236, 237, 239, 241, 244, 248, 250–
252, 254–257.                                                            4444References 29, 39, 196, 197, 201, 244, 261, 263, 265, 267, 268,
  3333References 29, 39, 196, 197, 201, 244, 258–296.                  271, 273, 274, 279–281, 283, 284, 286–296.

710     Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                       Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen
Table 10. Potential Etiologies of                described histologically centrilobular and bronchiolo-
                     Constrictive Bronchiolitisa                   centric fibrosis with patchy interstitial inflammation.
                                                                   Granulomas are not characteristic of the process. Patients
     Post lung transplantation
                                                                   reportedly were predominantly middle-aged women.
     Post bone marrow transplantation
     Healed infection, especially adenovirus infection             Prognosis was generally guarded, with 33% of patients
     Drug reactions                                                dead of disease and 56% alive with persistent progressive
     Healed injury from exposure to fumes and toxins               disease, with a mean follow-up period of 4 years with 9
     Collagen vascular disease, especially rheumatoid arthritis    patients. Compared with airway-centered interstitial
     As a component or complication of:                            fibrosis, idiopathic bronchiolocentric interstitial pneumo-
                                                                   nia has a more substantial interstitial inflammatory
        Cellular bronchiolitis
        Asthma                                                     infiltrate. The diagnosis of idiopathic bronchiolocentric
        Chronic bronchitis                                         interstitial pneumonia is controversial, and whether these
        Cystic fibrosis                                            patients represent cases of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
        DIPNECH or carcinoid tumorlets                             or nonspecific interstitial pneumonia remains to be
     Inflammatory bowel disease-associated small airways disease   determined. Differential diagnosis also includes usual
                                                                   interstitial pneumonia and RBILD.29,312–314
Abbreviation: DIPNECH, diffuse idiopathic neuroendocrine cell         Fukuoka et al315 reported 15 cases of peribronchiolar
hyperplasia.                                                       metaplasia-related interstitial lung disease. These cases
    Data derived from Cagle et al.39                               differed from those reported by Churg et al and Yousem et
                                                                   al in that although the patients had interstitial lung disease
           OTHER BRONCHIOLITIC DISEASES                            clinically, the primary histologic finding on biopsy was
                                                                   peribronchiolar metaplasia. The authors designated this
  Finally, there are a few related relatively recently
                                                                   finding peribronchiolar metaplasia-related interstitial lung
described bronchiolitic diseases that bear some discussion.
                                                                   disease because of the analogy with respiratory bronchi-
       Airway-Centered Interstitial Fibrosis, Idiopathic           olitis and RBILD, in which respiratory bronchiolitis is a
        Bronchiolocentric Idiopathic Pneumonia, and                common incidental finding in smokers and RBILD is the
Peribronchiolar Metaplasia–Related Interstitial Lung Disease       smoking-associated clinically significant interstitial lung
                                                                   disease.315 The authors noted that although the cases
   Three recently described airway-centered entities, possi-       reported by Churg et al and Yousem et al contained cases
bly representing similar manifestations or differing points        with peribronchiolar metaplasia, their cases did not have
of progression of the same disease or group of diseases,           other features found in the cases reported by Churg et al
include airway-centered interstitial fibrosis, idiopathic          and Yousem et al, including significant interstitial fibrosis
bronchiolocentric idiopathic pneumonia, and peribronchio-          beyond the peribronchiolar region. The authors suggested
lar metaplasia-related interstitial lung disease.                  that the better prognosis identified in their cases relative to
   Airway-centered interstitial fibrosis is the term used by       those of Churg et al and Yousem et al may be related to the
Churg et al306 in 2004 to describe the histologic features of      absence of significant interstitial fibrosis beyond the
interstitial fibrosis that is centered around bronchioles,         peribronchiolar region.315 The authors note that peribron-
with associated peribronchiolar fibrosis extending into            chiolar metaplasia frequently occurs as a histologic feature
surrounding lung parenchyma, increased bronchiolar                 in other interstitial lung diseases and that chronic
smooth muscle, and metaplastic bronchiolar epithelium              hypersensitivity pneumonitis is the most important dif-
(lambertosis), with little interstitial inflammation.29,306–312    ferential diagnosis in cases with these histologic features.315
Increased alveolar macrophages and honeycombing are
not characteristics of airway-centered interstitial fibrosis.                         S androgynus Ingestion
This uncommon diagnosis remains controversial, as these               Ingestion of S androgynus, a common Malaysian
histologic features may be due to other, established,              vegetable also termed Sabah vegetable, was first associat-
diseases such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis and RBILD.           ed with bronchiolitic disease in Taiwan and reported by
Whether airway-centered interstitial fibrosis ultimately is        Lai et al316 and Lin et al317 in 1996.316–336 The plant was
classified as an individual, specific form of interstitial lung    ingested as raw leaves or extract juice by predominantly
disease remains to be determined. Usual interstitial               young to middle-aged women for the perceived weight
pneumonia and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia are               loss benefit. Patients were reported to exhibit dyspnea and
also differential diagnoses in these patients. Lung injury         cough with progressive respiratory failure developing.
due to environmental exposures has been proposed as a              Some patients have died of disease. Cases have been
cause of disease. Patients reportedly are middle-aged, and         reported in other countries, including Japan. Cause is
the majority are women. Chest x-rays generally show                uncertain; however, T-cell mediated immunity is thought
peribronchial and perivascular fibrosis with interstitial          to play a role in disease. Familial associations (mother and
thickening. Patients reportedly present with chronic               daughter) have been identified. Intake cessation, cortico-
cough and progressive dyspnea. Treatment with bron-                steroids, bronchodilators, cytotoxic agents, and plasma-
chodilators and corticosteroids has been generally unsat-          pheresis have been attempted; however, lung transplan-
isfactory. Patients have a generally poor prognosis, with a        tation has been considered to be the only effective
reported 40% dead of disease with follow-up periods of 1           treatment. Reports show histologic changes of segmental
to 10 years. Airway-centered interstitial fibrosis has             necrosis of small bronchi with relative sparing of large
features in common with idiopathic bronchiolocentric               bronchi, most bronchioles, and alveoli. As well, bronchial
interstitial pneumonia.29,306–312                                  arteries within walls of large bronchi show fibromuscular
   Idiopathic bronchiolocentric interstitial pneumonia was         sclerosis and obliteration. In some cases, constrictive
reported by Yousem and Dacic313 in 2002. The authors               bronchiolitis and organizing pneumonia (organizing
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                               Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen   711
Figure 13. Medium-power image of constrictive bronchiolitis, showing obliteration of bronchiolar lumen and scar formation (hematoxylin-eosin,
original magnification 320).
Figure 14. Medium-power image of constrictive bronchiolitis showing smooth muscle hyperplasia apparent on trichrome stain (original
magnification 320).
Figure 15. Medium-power image of a bronchiole with follicular bronchiolitis from a patient with flock lung (hematoxylin-eosin, original
magnification 320).
Figure 16. Medium-power image of a hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like pattern in a lung biopsy with a patient treated with methotrexate
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 310).

pneumonia with intraluminal polyps) has been reported,                   bronchiolocentric interstitial pneumonia. Whether bron-
possibly representing indirect histologic changes.316–332,336            chiolitis interstitial pneumonitis is ultimately classified as
                                                                         an individual, specific form of interstitial lung disease
            Bronchiolitis Interstitial Pneumonitis                       remains to be determined, and further studies of cases
   Bronchiolitis interstitial pneumonitis was described                  with these histologic features will help better characterize
recently by Mark and Ruangchira-urai.337 Histologically,                 these patients.
bronchiolitis interstitial pneumonitis reportedly shows
regional and occasionally widespread organizing pneu-                                          CONCLUSION
monia with associated alveolar inflammation and alveolar                   Small airways diseases include a wide variety of
fibrosis in most cases. Many cases contained bronchiolar                 diseases of which the pathologist must consider. Although
scarring and mucus plugging, and some cases showed                       uncommon conditions such as diffuse idiopathic neuro-
purulent bronchiolitis. Differential diagnosis includes                  endocrine cell hyperplasia and diffuse panbronchiolitis
usual interstitial pneumonia, nonspecific interstitial pneu-             have histologic features that allow for relatively specific
monia, organizing pneumonia, and constrictive bronchi-                   diagnoses, and although some conditions such as mineral
olitis, as well as the also recently described diagnoses of              dust-associated small airways disease, RBILD, granulo-
airway-centered interstitial pneumonia and idiopathic                    matous bronchiolitis, eosinophilic bronchiolitis, and fol-
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Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 134, May 2010                                                                         Pathology of Small Airways Disease—Allen                 713
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